“Anarchy: Understanding transformations in Human and Natural Systems” is a book which has been edited by Lance H.Gunderson and C.H.Holling. The book went into press in 2002 and has a collection of articles on various topics related to sustainability by leading and exalted thinkers on the subject. The Island Press,...
Topic: Building
Words: 3990
Pages: 15
”I’m not doing anything wrong. If I am, I won’t get caught. If I get caught, I can talk my way out of it. If they “nail” me, I’ll get off light.” (Leigh). The following lines echo researcher/ psychologist Lenore Walker who shares the four most common believes of batterers...
Topic: Domestic Violence
Words: 940
Pages: 3
Introduction Racial discrimination refers to the unfair systems of social relationships, justified by principles whereby one racial class benefits from controlling the other and uses this control to define its self as well as other people, (Piven F., Richard A. 2007). The system of racism entails degrading and harmful actions...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 889
Pages: 3
Introduction If a family has a house, car, television, DVD player, fridge, cooker and other gadgets… then to call them “poor” makes a mockery of the English language (Mckinstry 2007). Nowadays, the definition for poverty had been differently interpreted by people depending on the culture. Poverty is a kind of...
Topic: Poverty
Words: 1426
Pages: 5
Introduction Marriage is the basis on which a family is grounded. It is a natural social system that occurs in heterogeneous forms today and represents a diversity of cultural heritage. The addictions that have effects on marriage can be classified into two groups: substance addiction and process addiction. Prominently ranked...
Topic: Addiction
Words: 816
Pages: 2
The history and historical development of civilizations pose great challenges to mankind and relations between people and society. It all began with the idea that human beings, by their very nature, have rights. The man said the classical liberals, are born into a state of natural freedom, and his rights...
Topic: Civilization
Words: 639
Pages: 2
The modern system of education in the USA aims at meeting the needs of every student and offers a high quality of knowledge. However, these options are available not to every learner included in the public school system. Many students belonging to minority groups do not relish the opportunity to...
Topic: School
Words: 4943
Pages: 18
Introduction The future of America lies within the hands of today’s youngsters, but there are some serious concerns regarding where these youngsters might take us. Youth gangs, along with the problems associated with them, are growing in many American cities. Children growing up in substandard neighborhoods often perceive that the...
Topic: Disease
Words: 565
Pages: 2
Introduction The desire to belong somewhere is natural for all human beings due to the fear of loneliness. Social exclusion is a common problem pictured both in modern literature and historically. Even though the essence of the issue remains unchanged, the shifting realities contribute to differences between the contemporary and...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 1126
Pages: 4
Introduction Nowadays, the use of various psychoactive drugs and stimulants is illicit in the majority of countries. It is well known today that such synthetic and semisynthetic psychoactive substances as cocaine and heroin have multiple side effects and lead to addiction. Nevertheless, less than a century ago, they were commercialized...
Topic: Poisoning
Words: 938
Pages: 3
Introduction Women believe men lead easier lives than them. In their views, men are given more opportunities and are valued more, thus having more chances to excel in life. While it’s true that women have had to fight over the years to become more equal to men, being a man...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 1166
Pages: 4
The 18th century was the final historical stage of a lengthy transition from feudalism to a capitalist epoch. The contents of the historical process had included rule affirmation of developed middle-class society and culture’s classical forms. This process elapsed differently in different countries of the European continent. Britain had an...
Topic: Equality
Words: 3592
Pages: 12
Introduction Crime, power and discrimination have been interlinked and will continue to remain so, though the intensity of such interdependence is bound to change with the times. The Scarman Report, the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, followed by the Macpherson Report offered solutions to mitigate police excesses based on...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 508
Pages: 2
According to the author, substance abuse is one of the major problems which have seized most individuals in the United States. It is a problem for all sets of the population. I think that author was correct according to his statement. This is because many people of all sorts of...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 612
Pages: 2
The position accorded to women in all spheres of activity has been a subject of considerable interest in recent decades. Significant changes in the role played by women in social, economic, and even political life transcend the position accorded to women in many religious traditions of the world. The social...
Topic: Buddhism
Words: 1255
Pages: 5
The term ‘addiction’ is defined as the compulsive, physiological craving for and use of a habit-forming substance such as alcohol and drugs. It is also characterized by tolerance and well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal (Prentiss, 2005, p.23). Introduction A family is a natural social system which occurs in a diversity...
Topic: Addiction
Words: 2877
Pages: 10
Introduction Every country in the world, no matter how abundant or easy to live in, will have some proportion of homeless people. These citizens do not have a permanent residence for one reason or another and have to spend their nights in the streets or specialized shelters when any are...
Topic: Homelessness
Words: 568
Pages: 2
Introduction Assessing the problem of domestic violence described in the book No Visible Bruises: What We Don’t Know About Domestic Violence Can Kill Us by Snyder may allow defining the challenges faced by victims. Also, the review of this source provides an opportunity to consider the background of the issue...
Topic: Domestic Violence
Words: 1211
Pages: 4
Introduction The global issues that are discussed today at the international level and that are significant problems for mankind tend to intersect due to similar reasons and premises. The evaluation of the topics that cause a great public resonance can be multilateral because of not only different approaches to interpretation...
Topic: Inequality
Words: 569
Pages: 2
Indroduction The autobiography of our time at the colleges we attend, identifying what about your social class makes it easy or challenging for you to be in college. In other words, identify the parts of your college experiences that are shaped by social class. Most teenagers and college students are...
Topic: Social Class
Words: 1179
Pages: 4
This thesis aims to define and tabulate child exploitation and trafficking. Children are categorized as anyone under 18 years of age. Trafficking has been defined as the recruitment, transportation, purchase, sale, transfer, harboring, or receipt of a person by threat or use of violence, abduction, fraud, deception, or coercion (including...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 847
Pages: 3
Introduction The digitalization process across the globe not only opened a way for new advancement but enhanced pre-existing problems as well. One of these problems includes the issue of bullying, which is especially painful for the children of the school age. The enhancement has led to the emergence of a...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 1980
Pages: 7
Creating a political environment that is fully devoid of violence is barely possible since there will always be war profiteers who will spur the development of confrontations. However, when considering the history of political brutality in the 20th century, one should mention that Latin America has been at the forefront...
Topic: Dictatorship
Words: 1649
Pages: 6
Substance abuse is a common problem and affects adults across the lifespan. It refers to excessive and uncontrolled consumption of various psychoactive substances, including alcohol and illicit drugs, and can develop into a substance use disorder (SUD) and addiction that may severely impact one’s mental and physical health and the...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 949
Pages: 3
Contemporary trends demonstrate a slight shift in the gender imbalance in various career spheres, including, but not limited to, science, business, and healthcare. However, the technological industry remains heavily dominated by males, disregarding modern principles of diversity in the workplace. This assignment will examine the ways diversified labor, rich in...
Topic: Technology
Words: 577
Pages: 2
Introduction Despite multiple attempts at reducing the levels of the school shooting and prevent the exposure of vulnerable groups to the phenomenon in question, it remains a large concern in the modern sociocultural context. Addressing the needs of victims of a school shooting is especially difficult due to their increased...
Topic: School
Words: 1414
Pages: 5
Introduction India is on the top list of the most populous countries in the world that has recently been gaining recognition as a major regional power. At the moment, there are many grave problems that plague India, and if unaddressed, they may set the Southeast Asian country for a looming...
Topic: Inequality
Words: 2281
Pages: 8
The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting is one of the deadliest school shootings in American history, along with Virginia Tech shooting and Stoneman Douglas High School shootings. This paper aims at providing an overview of the tragic case, addressing the events leading to the incident, and discussing legal considerations associated...
Topic: School
Words: 1100
Pages: 4
In the modern world, where globalization has impacted diverse spheres of human life and migration is a natural process, people of different nationalities, races, and classes live in the same social spaces. When one perceives race of others, he or she realizes his or her own racial identity, thus becoming...
Topic: Race
Words: 852
Pages: 3
Introduction The present manual offers key information about the formation of a psychotherapeutic group that is focused on addressing the problem of alcohol addiction. The manual features the type, topic, and target population of the group and justifies them as relevant and appropriate. Furthermore, a description of the group’s advertising,...
Topic: Addiction
Words: 5664
Pages: 20
Wealth and Racial Stratification in the United States The main implication of racial stratification is that it is an inseparable part of the culture in the United States. As DiAngelo explains in his article “White Fragility,” as a white person who spends years examining the race theory, the author concludes...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 589
Pages: 2
Run Lola Run is a 1998 German movie telling a story of a young woman who needs to get a significant sum of money before her boyfriend robs a supermarket. To change the course of events and save Manny’s life, Lola has to run to the beat. The movie is...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 338
Pages: 1
Introduction Domestic abuse is one of the most significant issues nowadays. Destructive family members often create a harsh environment for their relatives who have to overcome serious difficulties. In many cases, the victims of domestic violence are kids that cannot protect themselves. In 1995, Dave Pelzer wrote a book A...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 1202
Pages: 4
Introduction Encountering violence is a traumatic experience that may reside in adverse effects on one’s mental health. Naturally, this effect is especially pronounced if one does not merely encounter violence, but is an intentionally selected victim. However, an experience of being deliberately targeted is not the only way for violence...
Topic: Health
Words: 1415
Pages: 5
Introduction Young people are expected to be the “future” of the modern world’s science, economics, politics, and often the society requires drastic changes in different fields of life. However, sometimes adolescents may not be as reliable as they should be in the eyes of society due to youth violence, which...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1450
Pages: 5
Historical Overview of Theory The study of the relationship between stress and nicotine required broad investigation to reveal the effects of smoking on mental health. Scholars have been observing and discovering facts that aimed to prove that nicotine intake can increase stress levels and lead to various neurological issues. History...
Topic: Relationship
Words: 2128
Pages: 7
Introduction In the article “Wellness, Emotion Regulation, and Relapse during Substance Use Disorder Treatment”, Clarke, Lewis, Myers, Henson, and Hill (2020) focus on the role of managing emotions in substance use relapse prevention. The researchers were interested in exploring various relationships between emotion regulation, reappraisal, suppression, and others. In order...
Topic: Disorders
Words: 1126
Pages: 4
Introduction For a medical professional, philosophical approaches, especially to various health conditions, should be based on evidence. The latter can come from peer-reviewed research, as well as the recommendations of relevant organizations, including the American Psychiatric Association [APA] (2013) and the National Institute on Drug Abuse [NIDA] (2018b). However, philosophical...
Topic: Addiction
Words: 604
Pages: 2
Introduction Although people cannot choose their ancestors, ethnicity as a social concept is believed to be optional. According to Waters (1996), belonging to a particular ethnos is a choice “based on a belief in a common ancestry” (p. 1). The majority of White Americans have forebears of different European origins,...
Topic: Freedom
Words: 907
Pages: 3
Introduction The color-blind perspective of race is widely believed to be the new face of racism in contemporary society. People who adhere to the tenets of this ideology usually claim that they do not see race and that racism is not a significant problem in society anymore. While these claims...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 940
Pages: 3
People’s behavior in social media is the subject of many scholarly studies aimed at analyzing and evaluating psychological motives and patterns. The effect of anonymity is a significant factor that enables users to express personal opinions freely and be guided by individual standpoints. However, despite an open communication environment in...
Topic: Social Media
Words: 1413
Pages: 5
What is Critical Race Theory? Critical race theory is an interdisciplinary approach to viewing race and race relations, and the conceptualization of race on which the theory operates is that race is a social construct created by a dominant cultural group. The main objective of this theory is to explore...
Topic: Race
Words: 645
Pages: 2
Introduction Law-enforcement agencies are those bodies that are fully responsible for protecting the safety of society. However, the cases of police excesses have become frequent recently, and ordinary people question whether it is possible to trust the police. Matray (2015) stipulates that the use of body cameras can be a...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 829
Pages: 3
In the article “Black Lives Matter as resistance to systemic anti-black violence,” Dominique Thomas (2019) makes extensive use of previous research. Among other sources, the author quotes the article by Thomas and Blackmon (2015). While Thomas (2019) recognizes the central message of the article correctly, it is still misinterpreted in...
Topic: Black Lives Matter
Words: 349
Pages: 1
Human health depends on several factors, such as environmental, industrial, and many others. These factors are already well-researched by scholars, whereas the impact of the social environment on health either remains unknown or insufficiently studied. Since there is a particular interrelationship between human health and social factors, which have an...
Topic: Health
Words: 398
Pages: 1
Contemporary society faces a number of problems that deteriorate the quality of people’s lives and result in the emergence of even more complex concerns. Gun violence belongs to this cohort as there is a tendency towards the increase in the number of crimes involving the use of arms. In accordance...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 872
Pages: 3
Introduction Substance abuse is a critical public health issue that has reached increasingly high levels in the United States. Approximately 22.5 percent of Americans have experienced some form of substance abuse (SAMHSA, 2018). The rates keep rising as substance abuse is on track to become a major cause of disability...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 2815
Pages: 10
Introduction The history of economic growth in India is now often perceived through the lens of social disruption. While the overall view of the developing country may suggest that the economy of India is booming, a closer look at the state’s communities reveals a growing divide between the richest and...
Topic: Income Inequality
Words: 4728
Pages: 17
Defining the Community The given paper is devoted to the detailed community assessment with the primary goal to determine its current state and problems that might affect its further development. The selected community is El Portal, Florida. It is a comparatively small diverse enclave placed between Miami Shores and Miami....
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 1179
Pages: 4
The notorious Hollywood machine has been adopting blind approaches toward the portrayal of racial stereotypes and the enhancement of sexualization and objectification in movies. The problem of representing women of color and female characters in movies, in general, has not been resolved fully since the conception of the problem, although...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 569
Pages: 2
Community capacity building (CCB) is the conceptual framework for vulnerable social issues. It allows for resolving delicate problems by analyzing and applying the community’s capacity to solve and eliminate public challenges. The given case study presents the high suicide rates as a troublesome social issue of a particular city. It...
Topic: Suicide
Words: 1827
Pages: 7
Introduction The degree to which people might be helpless against starvation is a result of a system, which includes a relationship among material, hierarchical and socio-mental subjection. Climate change influences food generation, and this factor controls food shortage and famine. For example, rising temperatures decrease yields by affecting photosynthesis and...
Topic: Famine
Words: 842
Pages: 3
Introduction Within quite a short period, a number of cruel massacres have come to define the school shootings in the United States. 13 dead at Columbine, 26 dead at Sandy Hook, and 17 dead at Marjory Stoneman Douglas, they took the lives of many victims of various age, including students,...
Topic: Safety
Words: 620
Pages: 2
Introduction If there are people who consider bullying to be harmless child’s play, they are sorely mistaken. Victims of bullying may suffer from the consequences of this maltreatment throughout their lives. Bullying is “aggressive behavior or intentional harmdoing by peers that is carried out repeatedly and involves an imbalance of...
Topic: Bullying
Words: 1651
Pages: 6
Introduction Children are the future of the nation as they are expected to enjoy the best things humanity has, acquire all knowledge it possesses, and contribute to the formation of a new, better world. For this reason, their upbringing, education, and health are the primary concerns of adults and parents....
Topic: Abuse
Words: 308
Pages: 1
The history of different addictive substances such as alcohol has been riddled with numerous events, ideas, beliefs, and notions. For many centuries, human beings have used alcoholic beverages and substances for various reasons or functions. For instance, some have consumed alcohol as a source of vital nutrients for the body....
Topic: Alcohol
Words: 2201
Pages: 8
With the growing number of organ failures that lead to fatal consequences for patients, organ trafficking has become a falsely advertised solution despite leading to a number of serious consequences. Since the demand for replacement organs exceeds the supply, with patients dying every day unable to receive the treatment they...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 858
Pages: 3
We live in an extremely diverse world. There are millions of people who have their own unique cultures, mentalities, and beliefs. This diversity is an integral part of peoples lives as they interact with each other and benefit from this cooperation. Moreover, the modern globalized society provides numerous opportunities for...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 577
Pages: 2
Introduction The prevalence of one ethnic and racial group over others has always been embedded in the global psyche of populations throughout the long history of its development. Thus, white supremacy represents a controversial topic referring to the sentiment that the white race is superior over others and, therefore, should...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 886
Pages: 3
Introduction Gun violence has become a national epidemic, especially affecting underserved urban communities. The rate of gun homicide and injury in urban areas has reached a crisis point with certain socioeconomic and racial groups impacted to a greater extent. There are numerous causes to the issue, and various policy and...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 1416
Pages: 5
Introduction Transitioning periods are particularly challenging for diverse populations, which makes them important for social work. Among the groups that experience transition, veterans and migrants are noteworthy. Their concerns are similar in many regards, including, for instance, employment and healthcare. However, there are also significant differences that may be connected...
Topic: Veterans
Words: 3993
Pages: 14
Introduction China is one of the most populous countries in the world, with a population of approximately one billion (“National Bureau of Statistics of China” 2019). The large population has been blamed for the relatively high gap between the rich and the poor. Interestingly, even within these economic groups, inequality...
Topic: Inequality
Words: 2242
Pages: 8
Dara Richardson-Heron is one of the remarkable females of modern US society who can bring long-awaited changes. This woman of color has an impressive biography. This leader holds a degree in biology and also has a doctorate in medicine (National Institutes of Health, 2017). Dr. Richardson-Heron has been involved in...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 579
Pages: 2
Introduction There are various myths people have about homelessness and depression. For example, many people believe that only illiterate people can be homeless. Coohey and Easton (2016) confirm that there is a significant percentage of the population that is literate but still homeless. The US has one of the lowest...
Topic: Depression
Words: 1118
Pages: 4
When it comes to caring for vulnerable populations, considering such characteristics as ethnicity, age, gender, and other socioeconomic factors is imperative. In the case of 66-year-old African American woman, JK, with hypertension, asthma, and type 2 diabetes, the largest barrier is her being located in a food desert and being...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 261
Pages: 2
The world of innovations that the humankind discovered after the disruptive information and communication technologies had been developed led to questioning some of the basic aspects of people’s lives. The concept of personal interactions, information management, and other critical aspects of being human have undergone drastic changes, solving some of...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 592
Pages: 2
Introduction Discussions on the religious and moral aspects of slavery have been and remain relevant social topics. In order to evaluate individual opinions regarding this area and compare the ideas of past centuries with those promoted today, two primary sources will be reviewed. The letter by Foster included in the...
Topic: Slavery
Words: 868
Pages: 3
Substance Abuse and Its Effects on a Person Substance abuse is a well-documented problem that can lead to numerous complications on a personal, family, community, and national level. It creates the potential for numerous health issues associated with the effects of the substance, such as liver cirrhosis for alcohol. Moreover,...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 293
Pages: 1
Intimate Partner Violence Care Models Intimate partner violence is a serious issue that often goes unnoticed because the victims do not want to admit that it takes place. It is a highly private matter, and people are usually uncomfortable discussing it with others, especially strangers. Tasman, Kay, Lieberman, First, and...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 274
Pages: 1
Social Issue of Interest Homelessness is one of the major concerns in the United States over the past several decades. As urbanization continues to gain popularity in the country, housing facilities in major towns have become less adequate. According to Henwood et al. (2015), homelessness refers to a situation where...
Topic: Homelessness
Words: 3062
Pages: 11
Introduction By the year 1600, alcohol consumption had become a common practice in different parts of Europe. With the spread of Christianity into different parts of the world, brewing and the use of wine attracted the attention of many people. However, the 17th century presented a new era that reshaped...
Topic: Alcohol
Words: 1681
Pages: 6
Introduction The debates over whether recreational marijuana should be legalized provide various arguments that were propounded by both supporters and opponents. The legalization of the mentioned drug means not only to fully resolve its trade and use but also its support from the state, which will have the right to...
Topic: Marijuana
Words: 1682
Pages: 6
Introduction For many years, women in the Middle East and the Arab world have been forced to live in societies that are dominated by males. Men have been observed to have absolute control over the experiences and life outcomes of women. Most of the cultural values and traditions established in...
Topic: Gender
Words: 3357
Pages: 12
History of Veteran Legal Institute The Veteran Legal Institute is a non-profit organization founded by two California lawyers with past military experience. The firm was founded three years ago. The organization provides think tanks and legal clinic services to current and retired veterans. Among the notable legal services it offers...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 1980
Pages: 7
Introduction Alcohol dependence is one of the major challenges to the worldwide healthcare system. Approximately 6% of all deaths are attributed to alcohol misuse and associated diseases (“Statistics & information,” 2015). At the same time, more than 5% of all cases of all burdens of disease and injury are caused...
Topic: Alcohol
Words: 1191
Pages: 4
Solution We Can Stop Domestic Violence To address the problem of domestic violence, it is necessary to propose a complex program as a response to this social issue. “We Can Stop Domestic Violence” can be viewed as more successful than other initiatives because, firstly, it is oriented to providing different...
Topic: Domestic Violence
Words: 678
Pages: 2
The topic of domestic violence was a natural choice for me, as I have witnessed the results of domestic violence in my work and have done a lot of research on the topic already. In particular, I liked discovering the connection between domestic violence and cultural or societal norms, as...
Topic: Culture
Words: 595
Pages: 2
Despite the attempts to reduce social discrepancies, economic inequality is still a burden on American society. This problem is related to disparities in wealth and income distribution and results in an unbridgeable gap between rich and poor. Although income inequality is an inevitable part of society, studies reveal that there...
Topic: Wealth
Words: 563
Pages: 2
Introduction Domestic violence is an acute and prevalent problem in society which requires research and effective solutions. The incidence of domestic violence is increasing exponentially on a global scale. Some of the causes have been identified as cultural and legal standards that encourage or perpetuate abuse. The primary focus of...
Topic: Domestic Violence
Words: 743
Pages: 3
Introduction The trafficking of human organs is the illegal practice of selling and buying tissues, organs, and other parts of the body with the aim to transplant them. The problem of organ trafficking is underreported and has not received sufficient attention from researchers (Ambagtsheer, Zaitsch, & Weimar, 2013). However, those...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 297
Pages: 2
Rigoberta’s Political Commitment When discussing her political commitment and position, Rigoberta Menchú refers to such important issues as equality of men and women, women’s responsibility for their life, and the role of a family. According to Rigoberta, a woman, even if she has a certain political and social position and...
Topic: Equality
Words: 579
Pages: 2
The U.S. war on drugs has become a significant event in the political, social, and economic dimensions of the nation. Starting from the 1980s till today, government agencies put efforts into stopping the drug flood into the country. Nonetheless, the effects of such a war are merely visible, which led...
Topic: Drugs
Words: 356
Pages: 1
Introduction The progression of urban development is almost impossible to stop, as each city changes because of its past, current, and future residents. The social problem of gentrification is also a factor that changes cities’ environments and affects all residents. While one may view gentrification as a process that only...
Topic: Gentrification
Words: 646
Pages: 2
Solution Gender inequality is a highly complex and extensive social issue that is prevalent in every layer of society and industry. It is difficult to pinpoint a solution that would lead to a resolution. However, one of the most efficient methods to combat sexism has been education. The proposed solution...
Topic: Equality
Words: 1385
Pages: 5
Introduction The theme of racism, which is increasingly emerging in the healthcare sector, is disastrous in terms of medical and nursing ethics and is fraught with severe patient outcomes. Therefore, this issue is relevant and discussed both at the local level, that is, in separate clinics and globally as the...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 676
Pages: 2
Introduction Opioids are effective pain relievers which, however, should be prescribed with utmost caution and taken with care. Opioids are extraordinarily addictive and capable of building tolerance which may lead to overdose and death. In Florida, during 2013, 2,363 individuals died with one or more prescription drugs detected in their...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 677
Pages: 2
Introduction The legal scandal with the involvement of Larry Nassar has had a drastic influence not only on gymnastics but on the world of sports in general. During the investigation, it was revealed that multiple people were involved in the sexual abuse of girls and women under the guise of...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 827
Pages: 3
Periodization of Slavery In order to provide an adequate periodization of slavery, it is critical to distinguish between incidental and systematic slavery. As noted by Lovejoy (2011), there were cultures where a minor part of the population owned a few slaves as a demonstration of their wealth. However, the type...
Topic: Slavery
Words: 1138
Pages: 4
Introduction The issues of violence as a threat to many individuals’ mental, physical, and emotional well-being, is broadly discussed by researchers. However, there exist multiple definitions of the term, as well as diverse interpretations of the phenomenon. Due to the complexity of the nature of violence and its various manifestations...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 888
Pages: 3
Welfare is a socioeconomic program that aims to help people in need with finding a job and becoming self-sufficient. Recently, several states issued new legislation to make drug testing mandatory for all welfare recipients, which caused debates on its benefits. While the supporters of this intervention claim that it can...
Topic: Drugs
Words: 556
Pages: 2
The Zapatista Uprising On January 1, 1994, the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) began its war against the Mexican government, demanding social justice and human rights for the indigenous population of the Chiapas Federal District. According to Godelmann, Chiapas is the wealthiest Mexican state in terms of natural resources...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 380
Pages: 1
Introduction In the introductory part, it is planned to give general explanations of the social economy and its role in the business world. It is necessary to underline that people cannot stop improving their skills, introducing new activities, and evaluating the already achieved results. The work of Polanyi serves as...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 1399
Pages: 5
Introduction The history of the USA is riddled with examples of institutionalized racism, the roots of which can be found in the very founding of the country. For centuries, it was the world’s largest cotton empire, as the labor of slaves brought in from Africa enabled the country to grow...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 1391
Pages: 5
God created all men and women to be equal. Some of us are more equal than others, however. For a nation that has the line “In God We Trust” on its bills, the US has certainly become one of the last refuges of widespread racism. It is hard to believe...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 606
Pages: 2
The Role of Time and Location in the Sociological Study of Cities The sociological study of the urban environment is a broad discipline that evolves and acquires new approaches. However, the role of history and geography in the investigation of urban sociology is one of the dominant issues. Indeed, the...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 874
Pages: 3
I still remember the first time I went to an American diner. My older cousin Briana, my younger cousin Gabriel, and I did not see each other often back then. Briana and I lived in Costa Rica, while Gabriel was a local. We were famished and were not too meticulous...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 1972
Pages: 6
Introduction An analysis of the history of black athletes in the US shows that their place on a team and in individual sports has changed over time. Blackman investigates discussions about the black community and developments that happened during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The author shows how...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 913
Pages: 3
Introduction The concept of brotherhood can have a significant impact on the formation of intercultural relations among countries. Nevertheless, various contradictions based on ethical, cultural, religious, and other backgrounds may outweigh the principles of solidarity supported by states. At the same time, other external factors, such as the influence of...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 668
Pages: 2
Human trafficking and sexual exploitation are significant problems in contemporary society that constitute a violation of human rights. They present a number of issues for law enforcement due to the difficulties in identifying and investigating instances of trafficking. The article discusses the role of technology in human trafficking, showing how...
Topic: Human Trafficking
Words: 561
Pages: 2
The struggles that populations of diverse populations face in the course of their development are essential to discuss in current research. The topic of race is especially relevant due to the long and dark history of oppression, abuse, and segregation of certain groups. Race denotes a group of humans that...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 828
Pages: 3
As a teenager, I had a lot of trouble trying to find my place in the world. When your value structure is still forming, and you are not sure what goals are worth to peruse, it is very easy to fall victim to the temptations that surround you. When many...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 615
Pages: 2
What IPV Against Females Is According to the World Health Organization [WHO] (2017), IPV is “behavior by an intimate partner or ex-partner that causes physical, sexual or psychological harm.” The most common types of IPV include physical and sexual violence, emotional abuse, and controlling behaviors. It is necessary to stress...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 576
Pages: 2
Introduction Sexual abuse in the American army is associated with such a phenomenon known as hazing. Hazing is prohibited by the Ministry of Defense and the law. Hazing in the US Army in some cases is associated with various ritual ceremonies after completing a preparatory course of a fighter or...
Topic: Military
Words: 1131
Pages: 4
Introduction The sociological research field embodies numerous topics and relevant issues that need academic investigation. One of the main problems in contemporary American society is race and disparities related to it. Various spheres of life are proved to be impacted by ethnicity, including education, crime, healthcare, and employment. The research...
Topic: Race
Words: 883
Pages: 3
Overview of the Zapatista Uprising: Causes and Results The Zapatista uprising commenced on January 1, 1994, in the Chiapas Federal District, Mexico. It was launched by a guerilla group called the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN), comprised of the members of the indigenous population dwelling in Chiapas. The EZLN...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 1098
Pages: 4
Executive Summary In the US, cannabis was declared legal in 33 states within the last several years. This allows people to carry and use the substance without fear of criminal responsibility for such actions. However, research suggests that a more in-depth examination of this policy is required, that will help...
Topic: Marijuana
Words: 887
Pages: 3
An older generation disapproving of the younger generation is a common phenomenon, and the tension between Baby Boomers and Millennials is not an exception. For all the criticism that Millennials have been bombarded with through media, my take is that this generation can actually do more good than bad. First,...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 293
Pages: 1
Chemical dependency or substance abuse refers to a consistent pattern of using drugs that have a physical, psychological, and psychoactive influence on the human body. In most instances, substance abuse implies the use of narcotics, nicotine, or alcohol. The addiction to substances and the subsequent physical dependency implies repetitive use,...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction Marital rape entails sexual action with one’s partner devoid of his or her consent. Failure to get consent is the fundamental component that results in the involvement in violence. This type of rape was considered a contradictory term in the United States until recently. In the years leading up...
Topic: Domestic Violence
Words: 1662
Pages: 6
Introduction Despite the recent scientific and technological successes, the problem of global poverty still affects millions of people in different parts of the world. Poverty and the key methods helping to reduce it attract the attention of numerous researchers in different areas of expertise. Even though the actual size of...
Topic: Poverty
Words: 1204
Pages: 4
Background Domestic violence can happen with anyone because it is based on the quality of relationships among people. It can occur within same-sex relationships and heterosexual couples, between stepfathers and stepdaughters, between mothers and sons; it does not discriminate. Domestic violence any attempt of one person within a marriage, family,...
Topic: Domestic Violence
Words: 1661
Pages: 6
The movie Get Out can be considered an attempt to demonstrate how interracial interactions can be challenging for African-American community members due to the historical roots. The rhetorical performance revolves around the two main topics of race-based slavery and interracial romance. The film’s primary medium is the modern illustration of...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1963
Pages: 7
The characteristics developed by the Census Bureau, whites include persons who belong to any people of Europe, the Near and Middle East, and North Africa by their origin. This category consists of those who, during the survey, identified their race as “white” or identified themselves as Irish, German, Italian, Poles,...
Topic: Construction
Words: 941
Pages: 3
The issue of race has always been one of the most problematic aspects of intercultural communication due to the incessant prejudices that continue to affect the development of the dialogue and the promotion of cultural competence across the globe. With the baggage of slavery as one of the most horrendous...
Topic: Jim Crow
Words: 1452
Pages: 5
Urbanization is a significant factor that affects the environment in a negative way. Expansions of cities, towns, and villages often come at the cost of rivers being polluted, woods and trees chopped down, and animals being driven out of their natural habitats. The boom of urbanization came during the second...
Topic: Environment
Words: 378
Pages: 1
As humans cannot exist in a vacuum, people’s surroundings and the environment in which they live may affect both their personality and approaches to life, based on their education, family life, and job prospects. These circumstances help create the propagation of wealthy and poor people coming from their respective communities....
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 315
Pages: 2
Poverty is a complex phenomenon, in which many explicit and implicit factors are involved. It is important to focus on poverty as a phenomenon that individuals themselves tend not to perceive as critical. They treat their state from the position of smoothing negativism, a departure from reality. This approach can...
Topic: Poverty
Words: 880
Pages: 3
Social institutions are essential to any society because they govern, guide, and serve the people. Therefore, the life of an individual is strongly influenced by diverse institutions while it is not always noticed or evident. Institutions can be defined as social organizations that are characterized by established behavior patterns arranged...
Topic: Inequality
Words: 1114
Pages: 4
Dynamics of Partner Violence Contributing Factors: Cultural and Psychosocial Effective partner violence prevention requires a clear understanding of underlying and contributing factors. Domestic and partner abuse is a complex issue, and usually, it is not exactly easy to pinpoint one particular event or action that triggered the cycle of violence....
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 1118
Pages: 4
The problem of poverty and low quality of life is a significant one in the modern-day. Even in developed countries like the United States, more than 3 million people live in impoverished conditions. Those numbers are much higher in the less developed countries. Edin and Schaefer, in their book “$2.00...
Topic: Poverty
Words: 1370
Pages: 5
Stigma affects several many people around the world and results in great suffering among them. Several causes of stigma include abuse, sexual assault, violence, and discrimination. The effect of stigma is detrimental and varies from a loss of self-worth, trauma, stress, and mental illness that affect personal life as well...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 2523
Pages: 9
The problem of race, ethnicity, and superiority has always been topical for human society. Even today, in communities that are considered tolerant ones, there are signs of discrimination and inappropriate attitude to some categories of people. As for the past epochs, the problem was even more complex because of the...
Topic: Imperialism
Words: 564
Pages: 2
Domestic violence is a serious issue that can have severe consequences for the development of children that grow up in such environments. The issue of domestic violence and its effect on children is one of the more prevalent topics in social sciences, but the need for additional research is clear....
Topic: Domestic Violence
Words: 1401
Pages: 5
Drug addiction is a problem that concerns not only the health of particular members of society suffering from this disease but also the country as a whole. The US drug market is one of the most profitable in the world. Nowadays, one of the most critical tasks is to reduce...
Topic: Drugs
Words: 852
Pages: 3
Introduction In the United States, the issue of domestic violence is closely related to other misfortunate circumstances in people’s lives. Violence at home is often accompanied by substance abuse, child neglect, and economic instability in the family. Due to the willingness to escape from an attacker, a victim is subjected...
Topic: Domestic Violence
Words: 567
Pages: 2
Overview Description of the Community History South Miami was founded in 1897 by W.A. Larkins and his family. The Larkinses established a dairy farm in the wildlands. After the Florida East Coast Railroad has been created, the settlement turned into a community. By 1917, 350 people dwelled in South Miami,...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 1823
Pages: 7
The problem of hunger has gained an international resonance over the last decades due to the rapid development of the informational society. Paradoxically, the 21st century is the age when the world community has launched a new scientific and technical milestone with historical discoveries and inventions requiring billions of dollars...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 1477
Pages: 5
Introduction Children and adolescents facing neglect, abuse, school or domestic violence, and even homelessness suffer from the consequences of complex trauma. People exposed to such trauma usually have difficulties with self-regulation, depression, trust issues, insecurity, and aggression. Education programs can help children become less accepting of harmful behavior and make...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 503
Pages: 2
We planned to provide lunches for children of five families and education for their parents on the prevention of heart diseases. We expected to contact the Florida Association of Food Banks (FAFB) and Feeding South Florida (FSF) to provide lunches for the children for six months and conduct face-to-face consultations...
Topic: Food
Words: 415
Pages: 2
Sutherland’s article research Thesis Statement The article by Sutherland (1992) focuses on the so-called voyeuristic empathy related to childhood reminiscence. The thesis posed by the author can be identified as follows: childhood is composed of structural states that may differ, depending on the certain period and cultural peculiarities that are...
Topic: Childhood
Words: 1111
Pages: 4
Since the drugs first appeared in the USA, the attitude towards them has undergone multiple transformations. At first, drug use was not regarded as a problem but merely as an aristocratic whim. Later, as more people become engaged, more policies prohibiting drugs started to appear. To combat the proliferation of...
Topic: Culture
Words: 652
Pages: 2
The problem of drug abuse has become one of the most topical issues of modern society. Unfortunately, it is impossible to forbid them’re producing completely as they are used in medicine to treat numerous mental disorders or relieve pain. However, it is still crucial to be able to admit the...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 298
Pages: 3
APA is one of the citation styles that help the reports, and written assignments look interesting and appealing to readers. Nonetheless, it not only structures the paper and presents the ideas coherently but also assists in avoiding plagiarism. In this instance, the APA citation style uses different principles to cite...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 296
Pages: 2
Introduction Topic Research Question: What are the potentials drivers for the increasing rates of domestic violence, and how can different social and healthcare institutions intervene to minimize the consequences and impact of this issue? Working Thesis: Apart from the fact that domestic violence is one of the most common social...
Topic: Domestic Violence
Words: 656
Pages: 4
The genetic influences on drug use were proved after certain investigations on humans and animals (Hart & Ksir, 2013). A person has a unique physiology that may cause addiction. Enkephalins and endorphins are the morphinelike neurotransmitters that can be found in the brain (Hart & Ksir, 2013). They have endogenous...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 291
Pages: 2
School athletes become role models for many young people. They represent the idea of youth, strength, and health (Hart & Ksir, 2015). When it turns out to be that an athlete uses steroids or some other drugs, this beautiful picture is broken into pieces and can hardly be repaired. Therefore,...
Topic: Drugs
Words: 297
Pages: 2
Today, people demonstrate different attitudes to psychedelics and hallucinogens. Some people think that such drugs as a possible way of treatment and believe that the chemical structure and the pharmacological properties are appropriate enough to be helpful to American society. There are also the people who treat drugs carefully because...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 299
Pages: 2
Volunteering is an opportunity that makes it easier for learners and leaders to develop adequate competencies, support others, and achieve their potential. The experience guides them to associate with others, improve their philosophies, and address the challenges different communities or social groups face. This paper gives a personal reflection and...
Topic: Family
Words: 1131
Pages: 4
What do you think of the concept of Banned Books Week? The concept of Banned Books Week is very appealing to me because it helps the public understand what books are banned and why. Furthermore, this event also spreads awareness of the books that are banned, and readers are often...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 578
Pages: 2
Elimination Patterns of the Community Traffic: traffic jams, noise, exhaust gas Tourism: a lot of visitors High costs of living: food, accommodation, public transport Urban ecology: dirty streets and water and air pollution Homeless: crime and health problems Los Angeles Traffic is considered as the worst in the world. Even...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 630
Pages: 2
In Your World: Psychoactive Drugs Experiences Psychoactive drugs are chemical substances that affect mood, perception, the way of thinking, and behaviour. There are four major types of psychoactive drugs: psychedelics, stimulators, opiates, and sedative-hypnotic substances (Bartol & Bartol, 2014). Hallucinogens or psychedelic drugs are called so because they may provoke...
Topic: Drugs
Words: 606
Pages: 2
The reading of Chapters 2 and 9 in the book Sociology of Globalization (edited by Keri Smith) has removed the last remaining doubts in my mind, as to the fact that there is nothing accidental about the ongoing “decline of the West” – the process that during the recent decade...
Topic: Globalization
Words: 1048
Pages: 4
Introduction An ongoing harmful issue distressing those choosing to administer drugs is the perspective of proliferating blood pathogens including HIV, AIDS, and liver-related Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C, all of which are exceptionally life-threatening. These illnesses, classified as viruses, are transferred via the reusing of needles and other unsanitary practices...
Topic: AIDS
Words: 576
Pages: 2
Introduction Homelessness is an issue that affects not only those individuals who do not have their own residence but also the rest of society. Taking into consideration the fact that this problem is global and extremely influential, I decided to write a paper that deals with it. Trying to narrow...
Topic: Homelessness
Words: 1444
Pages: 5
Pollution remains one of the most tremendous problems in the world at the present moment. Scholars claim that various gases and toxic substances that are constantly released by a number of factories all over the planet might lead to the problem of global warming (Victor, 2018). It appears that all...
Topic: Environment
Words: 294
Pages: 1
All the popular Arab countries in the modern world were known as the Islamic Empire back in the Middle Ages. It is necessary to state that the culture and inhabitants of the Empire’s territories made a tremendous impact on the development of the entire world that started off in medieval...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 276
Pages: 1
It is a well-known fact that one of the main reasons for the demographical crisis in any country is its aging population. To begin with, it would be proper to state that young people might not have any chances to receive worthy jobs after graduation as all the best positions...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 301
Pages: 1
Introduction Although issues such as overspeeding or driving while texting form part of the major causes of road accidents, this paper reveals drunk driving as another key factor responsible for deaths reported on many roads not only in the U.S. but also in other countries around the globe. Various mechanisms...
Topic: Driving
Words: 906
Pages: 3
The topic selected for the research deals with family issues and is critical for the contemporary society. Domestic violence is reported all over the world that is why it should not be ignored. Only in the USA, ten million victims suffer from it annually (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 2015)....
Topic: Domestic Violence
Words: 920
Pages: 3
Definition Ethnicity is a term that is used to categorize people into similar and different groups based on their cultural or physical attributes. The categorizers believe that the biological composition affects the cultures of the people. Race, on the other hand, is a biologic subspecies with distinct traits different from...
Topic: Ethnicity
Words: 616
Pages: 2