Vision and Mission Discussion: Academic Networks and Career Trajectory

The environment in which a person studies and works can influence them and it is advantageous if the university’s mission and vision are correlated with their academic and professional goals. My professional and academic goals as a scholarly practitioner are to demonstrate a lifetime commitment to excellence in practice and constructive social development by engaging in evidence-informed decision-making and contributing to study and knowledge. The fact that University has a vision and mission, which include helping students to make their own vision a reality, is important and significant to my goals and me. In order to achieve my mission, I need knowledge and skills, and the Walden University vision is related to my goals since it has a learning community that values knowledge so much that its graduates may apply it to urgent solutions to major societal challenges (Walden University, n.d.). The mission of the University is to provide an opportunity to become practical scientists in order to achieve positive social change (Walden University, n.d.). This is also related to my mission in the context of constructive social development.

Goals and social change initiatives of the University are also related to my professional and academic goals as a future scholar-practitioner. Providing innovative and student-centered educational programs will allow for acquiring all the necessary knowledge and skills (Strietzel & Sriram, 2022). An educational model that promotes exploration, discovery, and critical thinking will allow me to develop and improve professionally in order to achieve a lifetime commitment to excellence in practice.

Building relationships with individuals and teams in my area will give me a great opportunity to obtain new knowledge, enhance my abilities, and open doors to new possibilities, therefore, networking is critical to my academic and professional success. Academic networks may help with career advancement by providing employment openings, job advertisements, or cautions about chances that are not publicly disclosed (Heffernan, 2021). I may learn about their experiences, get insight into the sector, and find a network of support through engaging with teachers, support teams, and fellow students, existing practitioners, and other members of the professional community.


Heffernan, T. (2021). Academic networks and career trajectory: There’s no career in academia without networks’. Higher Education Research & Development, 40(5), 981-994. Web.

Strietzel, J., & Sriram, R. (2022). Developing a new generation of scholar-practitioner activists. College Student Affairs Journal, 40(2), 74-86. Web.

Walden University. (n.d.). Vision, mission, and goals. Walden University. Web.

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