Thinking Like an Economist

It is a fact that no individual can be self-sufficient. Everybody needs the input of external parties to live comfortably. Similarly, countries also need the help of other countries since no country can be self-sufficient. Countries need to import goods that they do not have the capacity of producing. Therefore,...

Environmental Health Theory and Climate Change

In the environmental health theory, there is a view on how environmental health, human ecology and health affect the public. The three concepts help in addressing problems in relation to the environment, health and development. Environmental health, therefore, contributes to explaining and controlling the environmental factors, which can affect the...

The Crack Cocaine Epidemic: Sharanda Jones’s Case

Introduction In the 1980s-1990s, the United States witnessed the crack cocaine epidemic. At that time, people excessively used cocaine, which led to increased crime rates. Since the late 20th-century society was not free from cultural and racial prejudice, representatives of particular minority groups or ethnicities felt higher pressure on the...

Applied Strategies and Difficulties in English-French Translation

Introduction The translation may be defined as the complex process of text transformation from one language into another one. There are a substantial number of peculiarities connected with the difference of languages that should be familiar for a competent translator. Two texts in the English and French languages were translated,...

The Survivor, the Psychologist, and the Story by Adrianne Aron

Introduction The story selected is “The Survivor, The Psychologist, and The Story” (Aron 31-51). Aron was born and raised in Missouri, USA. She studied Political Science and graduated from the University of California at Berkeley. She then did her Masters and Ph.D. degrees in U.C. Santa Cruz, strategically focusing on...

Application of Concept Analysis to Nursing Clinical Practice

Introduction Nowadays, nurses have to work hard and learn from different sources in order to meet all professional expectations and personal demands. Wills and McEwen (2014) underline that experienced nurses should know how to focus on the practical application of their evidence-based knowledge and demonstrate high skills in generalizing and...

Barack Obama’s Speech on Race in Philadelphia

Obama’s speech delivered in Philadelphia at the early stages of his presidential campaigns delves into the problem of racism and its effects in America. The venue’s choice was significant as Philadelphia was the place where the country made the Declaration of Independence in 1787. Senator Obama uses anecdotes from his...

Hospital-Acquired Infections Prevention in Intensive Care Unit Patients

The Strategy for Disseminating the Results The first strategy of disseminating the results will entail the use of brochures and newsletters. These periodic publications (quarterly) will serve the purpose of informing the nurses and other stakeholders about the progress of the project. The data will also highlight the areas of...

Carbon Emission Effects and Global Warming Laws

Introduction Carbon emission is the main cause of deteriorating environmental conditions that have led to global warming. The effects of global warming are so immense that world leaders have organized global meetings to curb environmental concerns. There was the Kyoto Protocol and the recent Copenhagen World Summit that aimed at...

Why Does Juvenile Delinquency Occur

Introduction Democracy is a process that ensures all citizens of a country get fair treatment from the judicial system. This means that there are no double standards when it comes to punishing individuals who have broken laws and thus committed crimes. The law is a double-edged sword that ensures justice...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Material Preparation for Literary Synthesis

To form a more detailed and comprehensive synthesis of the literature, work should first be done to find the source and discuss its importance and relevance to the current study. An in-depth study of this issue among peer-reviewed scientific papers reveals the very high popularity of unidirectional works on the...

Slavery and the Compromise of 1850

After gaining independence from Great Britain and the United States’ formation, a split was outlined in the American state between two economically, politically, demographic, and culturally different areas – the North and the South. The Southern states are traditionally agricultural, initially surpassing the Northern ones in terms of economic indicators....

Cognitive Psychology: Processes of the Brain

Introduction The three main components of memory are sensory, short-term, and long-term memory. In this essay, I shall concentrate on how the information travels in the three components and on how the brain process this information. I will as well discuss the prototype theory of categorization analyze some of the...

Song of the Hummingbird by Graciela Limon

Introduction: Summary and Major Themes The book, Song of a Hummingbird by Graciela Limon, describes the story of an indigenous woman named Huitzitzilin who narrates her experience to a Spanish monk. The setting is in 1582, when Huitzitzilin, the 82-year-old protagonist, talks about her encounter during the Spanish conquest and...

Strategic Staffing Plan in Non-Profit Organization

Introduction The development of this strategic staffing plan results from an exceptional and rare opportunity to create a non-profit community-based organization (CBO) that serves (100) underserved and underrepresented individuals and families in a Brooklyn, New York Community. An anonymous funder has announced an award of $1,000,000 to use over 12...

Costs and Benefits of Being Honest Among Non-Human Primates

Species typically live in groups where they should involve in cooperation with other living creatures for feeding, breeding, and others. Non-human primates can use various signals and cues to achieve the tasks above. Számadó (2011, p. 4) indicates that the two can influence the receiver’s behavior, while signals are peculiar...

Discussion of Food Safety Issues

Introduction No one can deny the statement that food is of vital importance for all people because a person will die in a few days without it. That is why it is reasonable to draw sufficient attention to ensuring that individuals consume healthy and nutritious products. Even though the modern...

“Would You Kill the Fat Man?” Book by Edmonds

Introduction The purpose of the review of ‘Would you kill the fat man?’ written by David Edmonds is to discover what choices people have made, what influenced them, and how it can be evaluated philosophically. The book suggests that the unbraked train will soon destroy five people tied to the...

The COVID-19 Vaccine Awareness Campaign

Introduction COVID-19 is a new infectious disease and became a pandemic that caused havoc to the lives and livelihoods of many people. The WHO declared the disease a global pandemic on 11th March 2020 (Sallam, 2021). The March 2020 declaration pointed to over 120,000 confirmed cases of the disease that...

Comparing Simmel’s ‘Stranger’ and Du Bois’ ‘Double Consciousness’

Introduction Various concepts and theories were introduced in pre-modern and are still relvant in modern times. Concepts help to bring understanding on how society and its people function. Georg Simmel and W.E.B. Du Bois have significantly impacted social theories that have ignited scholarly debates for many years. As discussed in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Pandemic-Related Changes in Consumer Behavior

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has influenced various spheres of human life worldwide, in the list of which, consumer businesses apparently occupy the leading positions. The quarantine encouraged big amounts of people to reconsider their values and priorities, notably, give a preference to a healthier lifestyle as well as spending more...

The First Amendment Should Be Expanded to Include Social Media Networks

Social media have disrupted the way individuals communicate, and nowadays, it is difficult to imagine how people exchanged messages fifteen years ago. As of April 2021, in the US alone, more than seventy percent of the public uses at least one type of social media (“Social Media”). Nevertheless, there is...

Social Class in the Greed Poem by Philip Schultz

Philip Schultz is one of the renowned poets who used his work to portray various issues that affect the stability of a given nation. In the poem Greed, he portrays how different individuals make decisions that contribute to the instability of the nation (Poetry Foundation, “Philip Schultz”). The poet refers...

Climate Change and Crop Production

Climate change has been going on for several decades and is caused by a gradual increase in the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere. Scientists predict terrible catastrophes if this temperature rises by 2°C in the next 50 years, after the current increase of 1°C over the past 100 years (Sultan...

The US and South Africa in Terms of Business Culture

Introduction The way how companies conduct their business is subject to various internal and external factors. The country of a company’s origin envelopes both types, as it hosts specific cultural features and environment that affects every company’s decision. For example, if an American company decides to operate in an African...

Exploring Peter Singer’s Ethical Concepts in “Famine, Affluence, and Morality”

Explanation of the Principles and Concepts For millennia, philosophers have been searching for the truth of ethics by making new observations. Modern research is focused on the search for ethical inquiries in the practical activity of a people, reducing the metaphysical part. Among contemporary philosophers of this trend, one should...

The Registered Nurse (RN) Job Description

Introduction A Registered Nurse (RN) is a highly significant job that generally suits persons who appreciate assisting others. They are practically responsible for people’s lives, which makes nursing a highly specialized field that is intertwined with the complex medical industry. As a result, an RN must be prepared for multiple...

Anemia and Cardiopyopathy Cases

Identifying the Type of Anemia Anemia comes in several key types depending on the speed of red blood cells production, the rates of hemoglobin, and the related factors. According to the existing nomenclature, there are thalassaemia, sickle cell anemia, pernicious anaemia, Fanconi anaemia, iron deficiency anaemia, aplastic anaemia, and haemolytic...

Ophelia in “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare

Without any substantial maternal guidance, Ophelia is a lost soul in William Shakespeare’s play, “Hamlet.” Right from the beginning, it is clear that Ophelia is subordinate to the men she interacts with. On the other hand, the men she interacts with are aware of this fact as exemplified by how...

“The Two Fridas” and “Destruction of the Father”

Introduction and Thesis Statement For a long time, art and aesthetics have been used to denote political and social happenings in the society. However, the presentation of the issues has varied from one art movement to the other. The twentieth century art resulted in a change from what many described...

Hennes and Mauritz Company’s Marketing Strategies

Introduction Hennes and Mauritz (H&M) remained above its competitors in the clothing industry in terms of profitability and satisfaction of customers. H&M chain store successfully used components of marketing mix to increase overall sales of its products. In order to attract low-income earners to this scheme, the company kept the...

Yemen’s National Dialogue Conference

Introduction Consequences of the Arab Spring and international humanitarian and military interventions in the Middle East remain a large point of contention and controversy both in terms of ethical and political validations and in terms of effectiveness. In Libya, Syria, and Iraq, the attempts to create a peaceful and prosperous...

Critical Thinking and Overpopulation Problem

Introduction Human beings should embrace the power of critical thinking in order to address the issues affecting them. McDougall (2013) defines “critical thinking as a method whereby an individual takes charge of the inherent structures and embrace intellectual standards in order to improve the quality of his or her thinking”...

Decontamination Plan in the Local High School

In case of a chemical attack, a decontamination plan is what can save people’s lives. Decontamination is defined as a set of procedures aimed at eliminating the danger caused by the natural environment, industry, or people (Maniscalco & Christen, 2011). Peculiarities of chemical terrorism include a large specter of action...

Transcultural Models Comparison in Nursing Practice

It is worth noting that values are the basis of any human culture. A person relies on traditions, norms, and customs established in their culture and gradually forms a set of fundamental and generally accepted values (Abitz, 2016). Each culture develops its unique system of values that reflects its position...

Prince Edward Island: Free Tuition for Students

Methods In order to address the issue, a review of recent information concerning the debate on free tuition was implemented. News and such governmental sources as budget estimations were analyzed. The most recent information was used. In order to come up with practical recommendations, it is essential to take into...

Historical Foundations of the Modern World

Introduction People say that no one can have a future without the past. Contemporary society will leave lots of facts to analyze for future generations. The abundance of information which is a characteristic feature of the beginning of the twenty-first century will help historians of the future. However, modern historians...

Professionalism and Ethics in Technologies

Technological Optimism and Pessimism Technology has revolutionized the production of goods and services to ensure people live happily. The need to use modern technology has enabled people to save time, energy, and get quality products and services. This discussion explores the future and impacts of cloning on modern societies. This...

“Sweat” by Zora Neale Hurston: Plot, Characters, and Main Themes

Introduction The work that will be discussed throughout the paper is Sweat by Zora Neale Hurston. This short story was published in 1926 and, despite nearly nine decades from its first appearance, covers relevant and acute topics. The tale reveals the hardships of post-war marriage through the prism of sexist...

Sexually Segregated vs. Integrated Classrooms

Single-sex primary and secondary education is a controversial topic that is widely discussed in research. Whereas some scholars believe that sexually segregated classrooms are beneficial for students of both sexes, others argue that they promote gender discrimination and stereotyping. Still, schools offering sexually segregated education are popular around the world....

Popular Research Paper Topics

“There Will Be Blood” by Paul Thomas Anderson

Introduction The film, There Will Be Blood, is strange in a magnificent way in marking a noticeable departure by writer and director Paul Thomas Anderson. The film examines the character of a central California oilman in a somewhat insidious and intense manner. The film is framed in the backdrop of...

“Othello” by William Shakespeare

Introduction William Shakespeare is a well known writer who has written various interesting play books. In Particular, he wrote a remarkable play called Othello. In the play, Shakespeare portrays a very jealous character. Lago is the jealous character who got disappointed with his friend Othello for denying him the chance...

“Freedom Song”: Movie Review

Freedom Song is one of the most interesting movies that enlist in the dramatic genre of movies. Watching Freedom Song had been a great experience as it managed to provide a great deal of knowledge regarding the consequences of the civil rights war during the 1960s. The main theme of...

The Difference Between State Security and Human Security

The issue of security has received deficient attention with much focus being directed towards the clause of State security. The vulnerability of the state to certain threats and its military capabilities has been on the forefront in regard to security matters in most cases. However, the emergence of concepts related...

Promote Outdoor Fun Than Mobile Games to Children

With the development of technical progress, which led to the emergence of all sorts of computer technologies, mankind has acquired not only advantages but also significant disadvantages that mainly affect the development of children. Among the benefits of mobile gaming, the most important one is that according to the recent...

The EMR: Efficient Medical Care or Disaster in the Making?

Background Statement The case presents the apparent issues within the healthcare system that are related to the inefficient mandatory implementation of the Unified Medical Record System (UMRS). It is vital to understand the current position and value of electronic medical records within the healthcare setting. Glied and Sacarny (2018) state...

Public Administration: Trait Approach to Leadership

Introduction A trait approach to leadership provides more weight to the qualities that people are born with, instead of what they develop or the associations they develop with their employees or followers. Leadership trait theory considers that some people are born with particular character traits that support them in their...

Civil War in the US: Causes and Effects

The events of the American Civil War are considered to be the most important events in the history of the United States. Thus, it is crucial to know them in details along with a number of related things including the events leading to the war and the impact of this...

Exelon Corporation: Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning Process Strategic planning process focuses on purpose of existence of the firm and its objective according to company’s vision and evaluates both the internal and external environment of the organization and make strategies and amendments as necessary. It provides competitive edge and predicts profitable openings about future. Strategic...

Spend Analysis, Six Sigma, and Business

Introduction The professionalism of a specialist, especially in the field of business, is determined not only by experience but also by available skills. Their quantity, as well as their specificity and uniqueness, are equally important. In particular, they are necessary for different assessments and calculations of varying degrees of complexity,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Concept of World Literature

Introduction Literature is an important tool in people’s lives because it plays a central role in connecting individuals with larger truths and societal ideologies. It allows people to document their experiences and thoughts, which are then shared with other individuals, and passed from one generation to another; hence, it is...

Immortality Through Fame in the Epic of Gilgamesh

The Epic of Gilgamesh is a depositary of themes that continue to fascinate readers and make literary critics argue about their expediency. The main hero’s desire for immortality is grounded both in the fear of decay and the man’s arrogance. Anticipating the failure of his struggles to find the secret...

Eggs and Salmonella as Ethical Dilemma in Community

Ethical dilemmas are integral questions in almost each sphere of life; and nursing, law, or even science are the most frequent examples where ethical dilemmas may appear. Littleton and Engebretson (2005) admit that nurses usually encounter a number of ethical dilemmas in their practice, and much attention has to be...

The Racist Views on Community Integrity in Bruce Norris’s Clybourne Park

Bruce Norris’s play Clybourne Park touches upon the issues of racial discrimination, political correctness, prejudice, segregation, and gentrification illustrated by a story of two generations living in the same neighborhood. As the characters get into heated arguments to protect the integrity of their communities, Norris explores the development of racist...

Environmental Ethics. Technology and Values

The term “Anthropocene” was coined to refer to the era in which human beings became the main driver of environmental change. While scientists argue about whether a new geological era should be officially distinguished in the history of the Earth, the atmosphere is rapidly changing. An increase in the level...

Documenting Medical Errors in Pediatric Patients

Introduction Medical error reporting is an important component of enhancing patient safety in hospitals. Efficient and reliable systems track, identify and report medical errors that compromise the safety of patients. Many medical practitioners fail to report medical errors or conceal certain errors because of the legal implications of reporting. Studies...

The Violation of the U.S. Wiretapping Laws

The case is based on the violation of the U.S. wiretapping laws. This is in reference to the 18 U.S.C Section 2511(1) act. In this case Mr. Ciril Gallardo, who is the defendant, is being accused by his divorced wife Mr. Julia Gallardo who is the plaintiff. The defendant is...

World View Is as Important as Language

It is mostly assumed that the most basic tool for communication is language. As such it is widely believed that meaning can only be communicated through language. However, experiences in multicultural communities prove that the meaning of concepts cannot be fully relayed through language alone. People make concrete meaning about...

Location of Blood Pressure Measurement

Introduction Blood pressure is essentially a product of heart output and peripheral resistance. Heart output is reflective of atrial/ventricle capacity and myocardial condition. Peripheral resistance relates to the arterial lumen and muscle. Blood pressure (BP) measurement is the most basic medical examination performed on any patient reporting to a health...

Educational and Career Goals Analysis

Introduction The author’s current career goal is to become a nurse via the nursing program. From there, they will decide how they want to continue the career, though the current idea is to proceed to obtain a master’s degree in nursing and seek out an advanced practice nursing certification. They...

Exploration of Social Justice Aspects

The organization of social welfare for the family is an integral part of the social policy of the U.S. Child welfare services include a system of social guarantees, including allowances and other types of support in different life situations such as the upbringing, the disability of children, and the absence...

History: Primary Sources and Changing Interpretations

“The Jesuit Relations“ were plugged as field letters from the minister clerics, reports of witnesses, and declarations. Positively the Jesuits may have attempted to pass on confidence about the advancement of Spanish in changing over the Native Americans, as it was exceptionally sluggish. “The Jesuit Relations” is regularly addressed concerning...

Two Worlds’ Theory in the Phaedo by Gail Fine

The ‘Two Worlds’ Theory in the Phaedo by Gail Fine analyzed the work of Plato named Phaedo. In this paper, the author arranges that Plato’s work can be investigated in the context of the theory of two worlds. Thus, it is implied that some dialogues reflect the opinion that there...

Emergency Operations Plan of Bobsville

Bobsville is a fictional city in Oklahoma, located in America’s core. When the University of Bobsville is in service, the demographic of Bobsville is 9500, and when the institution is not in the meeting, the number is 7500. The settlement of Bobsville is 30 square kilometres in size and is...

The Intersectionality and Identity

Every person possesses an identity that consists of different elements and characteristics and shapes the personality of the individual. Moreover, since an identity constitutes a complex mix of different elements, it must always be assessed as a whole, taking into consideration all its categories. Yet, when living in a society,...

The Legality of Neptune Operation

Introduction It has been quite a long time since the American authorities announced the elimination of terrorist number one. However, the controversy over this event does not subside and still exists. Many still question the legality of the operation called the Neptune Spear. The primary justification for the legality of...

Abortion: Effects and Legalization

Introduction Abortion has remained a legally regulated health procedure in most countries over the years given the growing concern of deaths resulting from it. Despite efforts by countries to increase the liberal abortion policies, the growing dangers of unsafe abortion have prompted greater regulation some of which are based on...

Why Markus Brutus Is a Tragic Hero

Introduction William Shakespeare doubtlessly is on the list of the world’s greatest tragedy authors; for many his name is the first to associate with this genre. However, due to the depth and multidimensionality of Shakespeare’s creations, it is not necessarily possible to identify a certain character in his play as...

Table Fellowship: Dismantling Social Barriers

Reflection This reflection is dedicated to Chapter 3 in Mission in Acts written by Santos Yao, titled “Dismantling Social Barriers through Table Fellowship.” I found this chapter exceptionally relevant to my faith journey and life experience because of the presence of rigid social and cultural divisions within the present-day community....

SaaS-Based Hiring System: The Ez-Ats Cloud-Based Hiring Solution

Introduction The suggested solution’s SaaS-based hiring system with expert security means that the EZ-ATS cloud-based hiring solution satisfies the MTC standards (EZ-ATS, 2018). The data will be kept secure thanks to the EZ-ATS solution. The hiring process currently used by MTC is manual. With this solution, all employees will have...

New Technologies in the American Civil War

Introduction The American Civil War was one of the first military conflicts where armies started using industrial technology and weaponry to gain an advantage. Some innovations included railroads, telegraphs, Gatling guns, modernized naval ships, and other machines. Both sides utilized the new technologies, but arguably, the North gained a more...

Implementing Licenced Childcare as Opposed to Babysitting

Introduction Developing a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to early childhood education is a significant problem in pedagogy. Licensed childcare proves its higher efficiency than babysitting because it provides children with professional supervision. Licensed childcare guarantees appropriate competency in specialists providing the services, while babysitters usually need to be more professional....

Use of Policing in “Modern Times” (1936)

Chaplin’s “Modern Times” (1936) is rightfully considered a masterpiece of satire as the means of criticizing sociocultural and technological trends within society. Though one could argue with the message lying at the core of the movie, Chaplin’s incredible performance and outstanding use of filming techniques made it possible for the...

Climate Change and Environmental Degradation

Introduction The key factors selected for analysis from the file are school improvement change initiative for climate change and school leadership for environmental degradation. The current status of the climate change and environmental degradation in a school district in New Jersey can be described as one which has resulted into...

Ethical and Legal Considerations in Psychological Assessment

Introduction Psychological assessment of people in the workplace allows employers to increase productivity and income. Personality testing helps employees choose a career path and show high performance. Psychological assessments are able to index the level of competence, personal skills, role in the team and the rates of employee satisfaction. Psychological...

Basketball: Invention, History, Rules and Techniques

Basketball is a sport that involves a total of ten players who makes two teams, five on each side playing against each other by passing a ball and shooting it into the basket, which is always10 foot high ring controlled by rules that make the game organized. The players can...

Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease

Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease are bacterial conditions that normally occur in the gastrointestinal tract in the human body, causing irritation and abdominal pain. Normally, the inflammation of the bowel occurs as a result of the destruction of harmless digestive bacteria during the clean up of the immune system. This...

Barack Obama and Sheikh Zayed

Heroes The term ‘hero’ draws various definitions from across the world. As it would be observed, various communities across the world view heroism differently. This would have the meaning that, there are various reasons as to why one can be regarded as a hero or heroine in a particular community....

“The Crucible” (1996) Film Analysis

If you are about to write The Crucible movie analysis, check out our essay sample below! Get some inspirations to write about The Crucible 1996’s script, cast, and summary. The Crucible is a film that dramatizes real-life events that took place in Salem where people accused as witches became subjects...

Patient Education Tools and Technologies

Introduction Technology today modifies many aspects of healthcare, and one of them is patient education. Various technological achievements have been applied to improving learning outcomes in patients regarding their health and treatment. Examples include the use of information systems that provide educational materials to patients through their own devices or...

Letter from Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King, Jr.

In 1842 Henry David Thoreau did not to pay his taxes. He did the same thing the following year. In 1846 he was arrested for failure to pay taxes. Thoreau decided not to pay his taxes in order to protest slavery (Dillman 1). It was an illegal arrest. The law...

Plan-Do-Study-Act in Hospital Quality Improvement

Critical care or intensive care units in hospitals are required to be staffed with nurses who are trained to work in these units and who are able to perform their duties in a stressful environment. However, staff shortages in these units are typical because of specifics of responsibilities and the...

Gender Expectations in the Disney Film “The Little Mermaid”

Introduction This essay conveys messages about gender expectations in the Disney film, “The Little Mermaid”, and the article “Damsels and Heroines: The Conundrum of the Post-Feminism Disney Princes.” “The Little Mermaid” is one of the Disney’s animation movies, which create fully developed women characters whose thoughts are unique and they...

Community Cancer Screening and Detection Project

Introduction Presently, societies are grappling with the effects occasioned by lifestyles changes. Poor diets and unhealthy lifestyles have led to an increase in the rate of people suffering from diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and a range of weight problems. To combat these challenges, medical facilities need to institute policies...

Just in Time Practices in the Toyota Company

Summary Chapter 15 begins with a detailed description of the examples of several different companies and their approaches to the selection of leaders. Namely, Toyota’s strategy is juxtaposed to those of Ford, Nissan, Chrysler, and GM in terms of the process of acquisition of a new leader. The point of...

Clinical Decision Support System and Computerized Order Entry

The use of technology enables healthcare professionals to provide high-quality care. Various information systems also help healthcare facilities to reduce costs. For instance, computerized order entry (CPOE) and clinical decision support systems (CDSS) have been widely used in clinical settings and highly valued by healthcare professionals and patients (Charles, Cannon,...

The Roman Constitution: Augustus and Polybius Comparison

Introduction The significance of the Roman Constitution and the people’s role in it, together with the power executed by the Consul and the Senate, are discussed by Augustus in The Deeds of the Divine Augustus and Polybius in The Histories. The historical significance of both texts is in their somewhat...

The Struggle for Students’ Rights: Tinker vs Des Moines

Introduction The Tinker vs. Des Moines Independent Community School District was declared in 1969. This was a decision that was made by the Supreme Court. It defined the constitutional rights of students in public schools in the United States. This Tinker test is still in use currently. It is used...

Challenges With Homeless and Runaway Youth in Waianae

The Nature of the Problem The problem in question is concerned with one of the acutest burdens of young people living in the Waianae area of Hawaii: homelessness. Due to a number of factors, the rate of youths leaving homes is drastically high in this region. Domestic violence, adverse behaviors...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Turkdean Roman Villa’s Excavation Process

The modern archaeology relies on a whole range of tools, methods, and techniques that help the scientists to evaluate the sites before the beginning of excavations. The sites of different kind can be analyzed in a variety of aspects such as their chemical composition, the kinds of objects situated under...

Telenursing: Communication and Competence

As of 2015, 36 countries around the world utilize telenursing for a wide variety of outpatient procedures (Johnson, Wilhelmsson, Börjeson & Lindberg, 2015). Whether it’s a telephone call, a video conference or through data sent via medical equipment from a patient, a doctor or nurse is no longer limited by...

Effective Management of Organisational Change

Strategy and Change Effective management of organisational change requires embracement of requisite change strategies. Effective change strategy requires managers to establish various mechanisms for managing organisational scope in the context of organisational culture. For example, in this process, Graetz et al. (2001) recommend the necessity for an organisation to deploy...

Media Usage as a Mode of Learning

In the recent past, the use of electronic media has increased in our schools. This can be attributed to globalization and emergence of information technology in the 21st century. Because of many challenges related to the use of media and information technology, I will discuss use of media as a...

Marketing Strategies: Customer Experience

Introduction First of all, it is necessary to point out that meeting the extremely high demands of the increasingly competitive market depends upon a variety of marketing strategies companies rely on. Customer satisfaction is recognized to be of particular concern, as it affects the profitability of a wide range of...

Managing Confrontations in the Workplace

Recurring Conflict: Description Arguments often occur in the workplace due to the pressure of deadlines and the presence of factors contributing to misunderstandings, diversity levels being the key one. With several cultures being represented in the environment of an organization, misconceptions will occur due to incongruences between the viewpoints of...

Charleston Sofa Super Store Fire Incident

Introduction On June 17, 2007, a fire disaster occurred in Charleston, South Carolina in what has been termed as the deadliest firefighting disaster in America since September 11, 2001, when terrorists brought down the World Trade Center. During the Charleston incident, by the time the fire was contained, nine firefighters...

The Arab Spring in the Tunisian Context

Introduction The Arab spring refers to demonstrations and rebellions that were witnessed in the Arab world in the spring of 2011, hence the name. It involved a series of anarchistic protests, organized oppositions to authority, and armed revolts across the Middle East as a response to oppressive regimes and low...

Cultural Pluralism and Sexism in Healthcare

The healthcare system’s ultimate aim is to meet the medical needs of all citizens without any form of prejudice. Unfortunately, this is not the reality in most regions or countries across the world. Since males dominate this field, the challenge of sexism affects the experiences of both caregivers and patients....

Nursing Care Models Integrated in Practice

Introduction Organization of care delivery is a complex process that is dependent on a variety of factors such as policy and economics. However, it is also influenced by the evidence presented by nursing care models which improve the quality of care and patient safety, critical factors in medical decision-making. Care...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Themes in Death of a Salesman: Research Paper

Introduction “Poor Willy!” Charley laments in the end at Willy’s funeral. Poor Willy indeed! None of his delusions of grandeur or the glories of being a Salesman came true. Not only is he not rich he committed suicide precisely because he was so poor that he wanted to die just...

Pastan’s “Ethics” and Roethke’s “My Papa’s Waltz” Poems

Introduction In both poems, Ethics written by Linda Pastan and My Papa’s Waltz by Theodore Roethke, the author describe personal experience and perception of life events and ethics of life. In the poems, the narrator calls attention to problems of ethics and morality, and underlines child’s perception of the world...

Business Plan of Thai Lay Garments

Executive Summary Thai Lay is a fast-moving Garment Export Manufacturing unit for men, women, and children. Over the years, this company has produced innovative, attractive, and colorful clothes to suit different tastes, designs, choices, and preferences, including half and full sleeve T-Shirts for men, women, and children, woolen products, and...

Thoreau and Emerson Views on Society

There exists a commonly accepted theory that says that the development of civilization and movement of society may be presented in the shape of a spiral; this means that in the course of time humanity changes, but sooner or later it repeats the past at least partially, it appears on...

Effective Implementation of Title IX

Introduction Title IX as a policy was primarily developed with the bigger picture of issues that are related to gender in mind. It was fundamentally meant to bring a sense of balance when dealing with the gender agenda in learning institutions. Some of the ideas through which we will navigate...

“Our Boys Speak“ by J.nikkah Book Review

Introduction Many graduates like Nikkah, the author of this book know from their experiences that students who fail to tell problems at this level hardly succeed in their lives. This is to say that teens who do not freely talk about themselves usually slow down their rate of growth and...

The Dust Bowl, Territories Affected by the Storm.

Introduction The decade from 1930 to 1940 was the hardest time for Americans. The economic prosperity that started after World War I led to overproduction though the purchasing power did not increase. The excess of the supply over the demand caused the bankruptcy of factories, private companies, and the collapse...

Sociology: Subject, Basic Notions, and Theories

Communal life with various social institutions and interactions is an indispensable part of human experience. The diversity of expressions of humanity’s social nature constitutes subject and primary interest for sociology. This field of knowledge, which can be defined as a methodical study of societies formed by humans and their behavior,...

Cholera: Description and Preventive Measures

Description Cholera is an acute infection of the small intestine caused by the gram-negative microorganism Vibrio cholerae, which secretes a toxin that causes profuse watery diarrhea, leading to dehydration, oliguria, and vascular insufficiency. Infection usually occurs through contaminated water or seafood. It is diagnosed by fecal culture or serologic testing...

Communication Modalities in Health Care Systems

Introduction Everyone would probably agree that health is a priceless gift to humans. However, in the modern world, even the notion of health has a commercial background. Indeed, the health care system cannot function without selling and buying medicaments, which is an essential part of marketing. In addition, health care...

“The Space Merchants” by Hladká

Introduction The Space Merchants extrapolates the highly capitalist world of the 22 century driven by consumerism and greed. The privileged class consists of top traders, business people, and “star class” copywriters who continuously deploy tricky advertisement campaigns to manipulate others, so-called ordinary consumers. The authors mainly show and criticize the...

Organizational Design of Johns Hopkins Hospital

Introduction and background Community development and welfare is a chief component of the society and healthcare and hospitals are fundamentally responsible for the development. (Lieber, 2008) The Johns Hopkins Hospital was opened in late 19th centaury, in 1889, at Baltimore, Maryland, when the medical education community of American was in...

Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) Genes

It has been held for long that genetic factors are responsible for the onset and development of some cancers in human beings. Recent studies have geared to explain the concept from a data-backed point of view giving insight on previously unconsidered options regarding genetics and cancer. The concept of the...

Network Requirements for a Dental Practice

Introduction Computer network allows communication of computers and sharing of resources such as printers. Local Area Network (LAN) is a type of network that connects computers in a small geographical area like a building. The connection of computers facilitates inter-departmental communications that boost services offered to customers. In larger institutions,...

Addiction Theories and Counseling Techniques

Addiction to substances can develop as a result of several factors, and researchers have tried to explain this occurrence via different approaches. There are several theories that explain the nature of addiction and its development. The biological perspective implies that genetics and brain chemistry alterations are predisposing people to addiction....

Organizational Development and Change: Appreciative Inquiry

Scenario 1: Turnover Issue in the Human Resource Department The company aims to analyze the high turnover issue that the human resource department faces and arrive at a solution that will solve the problem. As a problem-based approach confined to a specific area of the company, the safest option is...

Attack on Microsoft Clients: Case Study

Introduction There was a new mass hacker attack, the features and scale of which may indicate the onset of a new era in the field of cyber security. The victims were mainly small and medium-sized businesses, as well as local governments using the popular business email software from Microsoft Corp....

Edgar Allan Poe’s Literature Analysis

Edgar Allan Poe (January 19, 1809 – October 7, 1849) was an American novelist, poet, literary critic, and editor who represented American romanticism, the forerunner of symbolism and decadence. When “with the help of some money raised by his West Point friends, he published Poems by Edgar A. Poe,” he...

Theories of Language and Thinking

Introduction Language and thinking have long been a hot topic for discussion among linguists and philosophers. Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf’s research on language and thought proposed that language affects the way we think (Mihalic, 2017). However, psychologists have since disproved this theory as one rooted in empiricism. The...

Introduction of Legislative Policies

The African American faces a variety of challenges in terms of access to healthcare services. Compared to Caucasian Americans, they face a higher risk of being diagnosed with illnesses such as stroke, asthma, heart disease, diabetes, pneumonia, and HIV/AIDS. The health disparities are evidenced by higher disease incidences among blacks...

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Discusison of Medical Errors Impacts

Introduction A medical failure is the improper activity or omission of a doctor. The reason for performing mistakes is the imperfection of modern medical science, ignorance, or inability to apply existing knowledge in practice. A medical mistake is considered to be the most contradictory phenomenon of legal understanding of the...

Procedures for the Compliance Plans

The Need to Wash Hands Between Clients Clean hands can serve as a guarantee of a patient’s safety, which is why it is crucial to ensure the utilization of the procedure by all the staff members. Considering the procedure, it should start not from the medical personnel but the management...

Justice as Prevailing Theme in Dante’s “Inferno”

The history of the world’s culture has seen a colossal number of seminal works of art and literature. However, even the list of the most renowned cultural achievements demonstrates certain works that hold special significance, and Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy is one such piece. This 14th-century poem has become fundamental...

Michel Goldry’s Talent and Approach to Cinematography

Introduction Michel Gondry is a contemporary filmmaker from France, famous for his works Science of Sleep, Mood Indigo, and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. The spectacular cinema approach was inspired by the pioneers of this genre, Georges Méliès, and Busby Berkeley. Gold has received several awards as an appraisal...

Religion: Linking Humankind and Supernatural

There is no clear consensus of what constitutes a religion. It can be defined as a social-cultural system of specific morals, beliefs, behaviors, and ethics. Religion generally links humankind and supernatural, other-worldly, or spiritual elements. There are thousands of distinct religions worldwide, most of which explain the origin and meaning...

Personal Change: Cutting Time Spend Online on Social Media

Change of behavior is a tricky thing to manage especially when one is under addiction. I chose to make a change in the time that I spend online because it wastes more time. I sometimes miss sleeping for at least eight hours because I spend most of my time on...

“The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky” by Stephen Crane: Learning to Accept Change

The need to embrace change and recognize it as a central part of life is quite a challenging task for most people, primarily due to the fear of discomfort that may emerge alongside with new concepts and ideas. In his short story, “The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky,” Stephen Crane...

Self‐Concept and Allyship in Social Work

Introduction The development of social work-associated professional identity is concerned with internalizing the relevant skills and knowledge, values, social work mission and begins by shaping the interactions and content pertinent to the social work education curricula. However, it is imperative to note that a social worker’s self-identity is also crucial...

The Duality of the Nostalgia Phenomenon

Introduction Nostalgia has become an emotional reaction that influences individuals to prefer longing for the past more than living in the present. It is indeed much more than a concept of the past but rather an altered view of the current circumstances. With most cognition in global capitalism, nostalgia has...

The Impacts of Social Backgrounds on Socio-Economic Status

The psychology of social class argues that people’s personal and social identities result from the conditions in which they grew and lived. The data on the socio-economic status of people living in a given region affirm this proposition. For instance, the impoverished neighborhoods are prone to crimes and are subject...

Principles of Marketing in Lewis Road Creamery Company

Lewis Road Creamery Company shows excellent results in the New Zealand market and has good prospects to gain a great foothold in the international arena. One of the main strengths is the product’s high quality, achieved by Lewis Road and Whittaker’s joint efforts, and an ever-expanding assortment (Fernandez, 2020). The...

The “Their Eyes Were Watching God” Novel by Hurston

Introduction Their Eyes Were Watching God novel explores various personal relationships between the characters as a mirror of the society they live in, how the masses relate, the stereotyped relationships between men and women, and what is socially expected of every gender as per the societal norms. Through Janie’s relationships...

The Advanced Encryption Standard

Summary Internet-aided communication ensures that a large amount of data gets transferred across many fields. As the data moves from the sender to the receiver, it is likely to pass over an insecure channel. Since the security of any data is crucial, different techniques and methods have been deployed to...

Philosophy of Leadership Statement

Introduction The philosophy of leadership is a theory that describes the art of leading and serving a group. This philosophy is not just any group; it includes authors, researchers, and businesses seeking to improve their operations through organizational changes (Bolman and Deal, 2017). The philosophy is especially appealing because it...

How Different Women Are Trying to Obtain a Divorce

The experience of these three women in the courtroom would likely differ very much because of the variation in the legal systems, social and political contexts, and the conditions in which they lived. The first woman from a low-income family in an Anatolian province of the Ottoman Empire in the...

The Power of the EEOC: Ensuring a Discrimination-Free Workplace

Roles of the EEOC The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is an independent federal agency responsible for enforcing civil rights laws against workplace discrimination. Established in 1965 by the Civil Rights Act, the EEOC is charged with preventing discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability...

Mexican Peso Crisis: Restructuring and Forgiveness

Introduction By the middle of the 1990s, Mexico seemed to be a prime example of economic liberalization. The country managed to attract a significant inflow of foreign investments. However, the success was short-lived since the political instability led to a drastic deterioration of the investment climate. The situation worsened because...

Social Issues: Discrimination of Black Population in USA

Summarizing the Argument There is no need to stress the fact that, despite numerous democratic endeavors, the gap between the representatives of the Black culture and the White residents of the USA is still huge. The reason for this gap to grow, however, is extremely hard to locate, since it...

Challenges in Planning and Managerial Decision-Making of Google

Introduction Every company or any institution has certain objectives for a fixed period to retain its competitive edge in the market. In order to attain those objectives, there must be some planning on how it is going to operate. This planning does not come handy unless and until it is...

Healthy Living Social Responsibility in Coca-Cola

Introduction Ethics in decision making has been actively tied to the success and failure of businesses. In a world where social causes are becoming more relevant, the private sector has been forced to adopt corporate social responsibilities as a way of giving back to their communities, and their customers. Kumar...

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Nursing Shortage and Nurse Turnover

Introduction Nursing shortage and nurse turnover are one of the major issues in this carrier field. Due to the fact that the generation of Baby Boomers is gradually aging, human society is expected to have an abnormally large number of elderly people in need of medical services in several years....

Importance of Computers in Education

Importance of Computers in Education Since the advent of computer technology, the world has undergone a revolutionary change, because computers perform most of the tasks that were hard to perform; for example, storage of volumes of information or took a lot of time to finish. Also, computer technology has contributed...

The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano Literature Analysis

It is apparent that Olaudah Equano is a Nigerian native who was born in 1745 in Eboe. At the age of 11 years, the young lad was captured and sold to West Indies as a slave (Eqioano Interesting Narrative 32). From a careful review of literature, the young boy spent...

Using New Technology in Nursing Practice

In the 21st century, the nursing practice is characterized by the more complex character in comparison with the situation observed several decades ago. From this point, today the role of nursing practice in the society is changed with references to the new nurses’ functions and expanded nurses’ duties. In spite...

Lincoln’s, Churchill’s, King Jr.’s Leadership

Abstract Some of the greatest leaders that have been in the world in the past include Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This paper will examine their leadership characteristics and how the characteristics were different from those of other leaders. The writer will give a recommendation...

Wells Fargo Business Strategy

Wells Fargo Strategy: Essay Introduction Wells Fargo & Company (also called Wells Fargo) is one of “the leading financial services holding companies in the globe” (Our strategy, 2016, para. 3). The firm has numerous stores across the United States. The company has been leveraging its distribution strategy in order to...

Autistic Student’s Behaviour Intervention Plan

ABC Chart Date, Location Antecedent Behaviour Consequence Possible Function 28/7, Math Class 1. The teacher was delivering a lecture. 2. Terry said she had not been getting much sleep lately. 3. 10 minutes after the class started, Terry put her head on the desk. 4. The teacher asked Terry to...

Nursing Education and Practice

What Does It Mean to Be a Nurse? Nursing is a profession that involves taking care of people who suffer from various problems. Nurses have a wide field for practice, working with patients of different ages, and providing assistance to attending medical doctors and surgeons. Contrary to the common opinion...

Smoking Hazards and Cessation Benefits in the US

Introduction In their article on smoking-related hazards, the authors refer to the measurements made by national healthcare representatives to define the benefits of smoking-cessation at various ages. The studies that have been conducted since 1980 suggest that smoking causes 25 percent of deaths among people aged from 35 to 69...

Visually Impaired Youth College-to-Work Transition

Introduction The article by Capella-McDonnall and Crudden (2009) sought to examine various issues, which affect the youths with visual impairments, especially when they are transitioning from college or high school to employment. What elements influence the triumphant absorption of transition-age visually disabled adolescents in the job market? The article sought...