Hidden Figures by Theodore Melfi: Movie Analysis

Introduction The movie “Hidden Figures,” explains the story of three bright African-American ladies working at the segregated West Area computer division of NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. The three experienced a lot of discrimination at work and in their daily lives. The story revolves around empowerment and breaking...

The Feminist Movement Role in the Society

Introduction The Feminist Movement is one of the powerful social movements that have continued to shape diverse discourses in the modern society, which have improved social, economic, and political stances of women. In the ancient centuries, men have been dominant figures in the society, while women have been invisible in...

Nursing Conflict Resolution Strategies

Introduction The growing diversification of nurse responsibilities can lead to the emergence of conflicts, some of which cannot be resolved with immediate intervention. Nevertheless, by analyzing the conflict it is possible to identify the strengths of the involved parties and devise strategies for further prevention of similar occurrences. Description of...

Medication Mistakes and Mediation Reconciliation Issues

Introduction The problems of medication error and issues about drug reconciliation play a highly adverse role in the contemporary medical care setting. It is stated that adverse drug events take place in the percentage of cases that fall within the range from 5% to 40% for hospitalized patients, and within...

Transitional Care Model for Older Adults

Review of Literature Callahan et al. (2012) argue that transitional care model is best for preventing the prehospitalization of critically ill patients. There are a lot of things that have to be considered when looking at transitional care for any patient. An all-inclusive discharge plan should be drafted and communicated...

Success or Failure: Which Is More Destructive?

There are several major concerns that condition the functioning of our society and impact its further development. These are the thirst for development, self-realization, power, etc. These phenomena are integral aspects of human nature that could determine the functioning of various people and contribute to the formation of a certain...

Nursing Concepts and Philosophies

The Four Metaparadigms There are four key components of health care that are also called metaparadigms. The first one revolves around the receiver care and is also known as the person component. This particular paradigm also involves family members and other individuals that are closely related to the receiver of...

Biodiversity, Global Warming, Environmental Conservation

The term nature is defined as the collectiveness of the physical world phenomena that includes animals, plants and world landscapes. The concept of nature, as discussed in realms of environment, refers to living as well as non-living things found naturally on the surface of the earth. The environment can be...

The Moral Structure of Humanitarian Intervention

The chapter The Moral Structure of Humanitarian Intervention by Fernando Teson is a good example of how the representatives of the Neoliberal lobby in this country (such as the author himself) go about trying to convince readers that there is nothing wrong about America’s agenda to continue violating international law...

Daimler Company’s Smart Cars Marketing Strategy

Explain Daimler’s business strategy since 1998 for introducing the Smart Car into global international markets, including the United States The Daimler company strategy aims at the production of vehicles that set standards with regards to safety and the environment. The company also seeks to provide special service solutions for the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Sikorsky Aircraft Company’s Employee Relations

The company covered in this blog is Sikorsky Aircraft. The company manufactures commercial and military helicopters. The company has its headquarters in Strafford Connecticut and has branches in other states like Texas, Florida, and Alabama. The company has a large number of employees. This makes effective communication within the organization...

Using Transitional Care Model in Nursing

Introduction As we have already stated in previous parts of our research, the Transitional Care Model provides nurses with an opportunity to monitor patients’ states and ensure that they will have a chance to communicate to a healthcare specialist at any moment. It will obviously contribute to the increased efficiency...

Substance Use Disorders Among Registered Nurses

Introduction Impaired nursing practice occurs when a nurse cannot provide adequate patient care due to being under the influence of chemical substances, such as drugs or alcohol (Thew, 2017). Impaired practice is often viewed in relation to drug diversion, as nurses might use addictive drugs that are prescribed to patients...

YouTube as a Microcinema: Maya Deren’s Art

People have always been interested in technologies that would make it possible to communicate with a great number of people. Nowadays new technologies distributing the arts allow individuals to personalize their input in the sphere of culture and arts. Technologies also provide artists with the new means of creating works...

Alton International Pte Ltd.: Supply Chain Management

An Outline The following was the team’s plan for the study of Supply Chain Management in the business situation at Alton International (S) Pte Ltd, Singapore Operations. Actual site visit Purchasing Department Sales and Marketing Department Human Resource Department Warehouse & distribution Department Customer Service Department Presentation of conclusion and...

Sale of Human Organs in the U.S: Ethical and Legal Dilemmas

This essay examines the pros and cons of the issue of sale of human organs in the US through the legal, ethical, moral prisms and its interaction with individual freedoms to finally affirm the case for the motion. The essay first examines the concepts of natural law and legal positivism...

Self-Awareness: Theories and Examples

Introduction Human development is a process that takes various courses. This is because of the various life challenges and setups that come up during the development and growth of a child. Children are brought up in different environments with possibilities of acquiring various dimensions of life as well as behaviors....

Ethical Dilemmas in Social Work Practice

The society being the centerpiece of a civilization must have its own regulations and standards that create order and stability, governed by morals and obligations. Social work is an important aspect in the development of the society. A lot depends on the social worker and the care they put into...

Alcohol Consumption: Negative Impacts

Introduction An alcoholic brew is consumed by several individuals to calm down or rest and exists as a collective icebreaker. It is a technique used by individuals to adjust their disposition by lessening embarrassment. Alcohol consumption is generally acknowledged and is routinely assumed to be offering the foundation of social...

Identifying a Health Care Issue

Introduction The US health care system undergoes significant threats because of the increased number of medical errors. Negligence and poor services standards heavily influence patient safety and quality of treatment that has worsened significantly lately. Patience safety recession is largely caused by the growth of health care associated infections that...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Situation of Obesity in Children in the U.S.

In the recent past, childhood obesity has become a serious health issue in the U. S. More than 23 million children (<20 years) are obese. A child is termed obese if his or her body mass index falls at or above the 95th percentile as guided by the child’s age...

Care Plan for Kendall Lakes Windshield Community: The Issue of Chlamydia

Introduction The purpose of this essay was to develop a care plan for Kendall Lakes Windshield Community based on the public health issue of Chlamydia. A public health nurse approach has been selected for the care plan. Community health nursing focuses on care provided to patients outside healthcare facilities, but...

“Discipline and Punish” Book by Foucault

Introduction Discipline and Punish is a narration of the current disciplinary system. Foucault’s analysis and examination of power on punishment use a social context. Initially, Foucault stated how corporal punishment and public execution were the main forms of penalty (1975/1977). Torture was used to extract information from culprits as a...

Proposed Small-Scale Business Venture

Client Introduction Michael (not his real name) is a young man aged 27. His dream is to launch a digital business in the near future that will offer online services to the targeted customers. Michael is charismatic, has leadership competencies, and remains enthusiastic. He is self-driven, engages others, and has...

Paternity Leaves After Children’s Birth

Introduction After childbirth, some fathers, especially those not in committed relationships, barely take time off work to care for their children. On the other hand, mothers are forced to take time off work before and after the mother delivers. Fathers barely get time off, and if allowed to get time...

Psychedelics in Depression and Anxiety Treatment

Summary Mental illnesses have become an essential part of health in the last few decades, with sufficient attention being devoted to interventions that resolve them. Treatment of mental diseases has involved both conventional and unconventional methods to reduce the occurrence of these conditions. Unconventional methods of treating mental illnesses are...

Intercultural Communication Competence

Summarizing Intercultural communication is one of the most important and relevant areas for research to this day. Researchers need to understand what leads to positive interpersonal communication and have a good effect on relations between people of different cultures and what has a negative impact and leads to conflicts (Grothe,...

Counseling Depression: Ethical Aspects

Introduction Giving counseling services plays a critical role in the restoration of an individual’s psychological equilibrium after s/he experiences disturbing events or a crisis in life. The aging population requires unique approach to facilitating the execution of successful treatment since it is a vulnerable group. George, aged 71 years, is...

Greek Pottery and Ancient Art Periods

Introduction Greek art has evolved for more than 2,000 years with most of its traces found in pottery. However, a large part of the history related to Greek pottery began emerging after the dark period. Some of the major periods, which are visible from the Greek art during the time,...

Sex in Advertising and Its Harmful Effects

Men and women in the society are unequal. There is a belief that it is a man’s world hence women play by men’s rules. One of the areas in which the inequality between men and women stands out is in the area of advertising. Men and women are unequal and...

Public Administration: United Operations Association

Facts The United Operations Association (UOA) is a non-profit organization funded via contracts and membership dues received from the parent organization, The American United Operations Association (AUOA). The parent organization receives allocated funds from the United States government. It appropriates them through national agencies of the federal government, namely the...

Counseling for Healthy Relationships With Parents

Problem List Blame Brittany is dissatisfied with her parents’ moving to another place, and implicitly puts the blame for certain events on them. For instance, she blames her parents for making her attend classes where she feels isolated due to her beliefs and biracial background. She also puts the blame...

The Cournot Model Definition

Cournot Model of Competition Cournot competition, also called Cournot duopoly, is an economic model of imperfect competition in which firms making homogeneous and undifferentiated products compete on the amount of the output they will produce (McAfee et al. 234). Importantly, both firms independently and simultaneously decide on the output. The...

Reproductive Success and Distributive Justice

The notion of social construction helps to define and explain social relations, realities, and the importance of knowledge sharing. Following Beaumie Kim (2001): “Social constructivism emphasizes the importance of culture and context in understanding what occurs in society and constructing knowledge based on this understanding.” The four tenets of social...

Jim Crow Laws for African American

Introduction In the 20th century, it was a common belief among the White Americans that having black Americans in their neighborhood would lead to decline of property values. The United States came up with a policy to separate the country by having different facilities for the white Americans and the...

The Languages of Spain: Catalán, Gallego and Euskadi

Linguistic situation in Spain is rather difficult. For many years the only official language of Spain was Castellano. Still, nowadays, there are three other languages which function on the territory of the country. The first one, Catala, is an independent language which belongs to the group of Romanic languages. It...

Sharecropping. History of Racial Agriculture

Introduction The sharecropping system arose in the Post-Reconstruction era as a means of revitalizing the Southern agrarian economy. However, it quickly became a form of racialized agriculture which aimed to maintain the social order that existed during slavery and subjugate freed black slaves to economic exploitation. Sharecropping quickly became another...

Fragile Anti-Heroes in Pain & Gain

Introduction Action films occupy an essential role in the world because they reflect cultural and historical issues that are present in society. Often, they are a response to some previous events and situations, and it is suitable for Pain & Gain. This movie depicts three bodybuilders, Lugo, Doorbal, and Doyle,...

The Effect of Adolescence on Development

Introduction Adolescence, as a stage of both physical and psychological development of a human being, is a crucial phase in the lifespan. It is at this time when teenagers become mature individuals, explore their identities, and develop behaviorally, socially, cognitively, and emotionally. For a relatively long period of time (approximately...

The Egtved Girl: Social Standing and Wealth in the Bronze Age

Introduction Throughout history, there have been many significant discoveries of human remains. These findings have an incalculable cultural and historical importance for the countries where they were discovered and the world in general. The remains of the people who died thousands of years ago allow contemporary scientists to uncover the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Whistle-Blowing and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act

Introduction A whistle-blower is an individual who takes the required initiative in providing information to the government or law enforcement bodies about businesses or organizations involved in alleged illegal actions. These actions are considered to be a form of prosocial behavior by some scientists (Lavena, 2014). To safeguard the interests...

Medical Tourism and Its Benefits and Risks

Medical tourism is a growing industry, with its demand changing with the advancement of insurance services and emerging global healthcare challenges. Besides cost and quality considerations, most patients have identified privacy and adventure as one of their key determinants in selecting a destination. Patients seeking private attention are always trying...

Shift from Naturalism to Modernism in Literature

Literature of the early 20th century was characterized by the shift from Realism to Modernism. A number of factors shaped people’s perception of the changing world marked by the development of industrial societies and rapid urbanization. Furthermore, people were affected by the horrors of the Civil War and World War...

Refraining from Using Coffee for Two Weeks Essay

Coffee is one of the most extensively consumed drinks worldwide due to its stimulating effects on the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, popular taste, and aroma. As a result, a significant amount of people consumes caffeine-containing beverages, and some of them have an addiction to them. According to Nieber (2017),...

Blended Learning Method Overview

Education is a necessary process that every modern person goes through in the course of their life, acquiring the essential knowledge and skills. However, in addition to what a person studies, the form of education itself is fundamental. The final result may depend on how this process is built and...

The Ethical Treatment of Special Needs Offenders

Introduction Over the last several years, the imprisonment rate in the United States has been increased rapidly. Moreover, the number of people with mental illnesses grew respectively (Beach, 2016). A tremendous number of people who found themselves locked up turned out to be young black men without education (Ulmer &...

Personal Ethical Framework – Decision-Making

The life of each person can be described as a string of decisions that determine its course. In this regard, the role of subjective judgement is rather considerable, as certain choices are rarely universal. In other words, each individual pursues his or her own agenda, making decisions that correspond with...

Pop Art Movement: Origins, History, Cultural, and Thematic Overview

Introduction Pop art is an artistic movement that began in the 1950s and reached its peak in the sixties. It started in London and New York as a wave of rebellion against the dominant forms of art and was characterized by its widespread usage of images of popular culture and...

The Deity of Jesus Christ in New Testament

Introduction God calls himself the “I Am” in various parts of the bible. God reveals himself to people as a person who comes to redeem them from exile and revert them into a new form of life with eternity. The outlook of God’s name reveals him and what he looks...

Fictional Elements in “The Awakening” by Kate Chopin

Introduction The Awakening is one of the most popular novels by the American writer Kate Chopin, who is famous for her brave illustration of sexuality in her works. The story tells about a woman named Edna, who struggles to fight the societal perceptions of motherhood, which define her as the...

Housing Discrimination Across Race, Gender, and Felony History

Introduction House discrimination largely involves leasing/renting, putting on sale, or rather acquiring property while handling the individuals performing the buying, renting the property or selling the unit differently because of the characteristics they possess. In the United States of America there exist different discrimination modes which may include charging different...

Historical Violence Against People of African Descent in the US

Introduction The history of black people in the United States is rooted in unmatched violence right from their shipping, slavery, and racial policy. Even after the Civil Rights Movement (CRM), people of African descent continue to witness several forms of injustice. The most recent issue is the problem of police...

Herpes Simplex Virus 2 and Its Causes

Introduction Herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2) is a virus that causes genital herpes. It belongs in the same genus and family with herpes simplex virus 1. The virus has several mechanisms that enhance its virulence. Its interaction with the immune system is complex, thus rendering the development of a vaccine...

Human Trafficking in Florida Law

Human trafficking is an illegal activity that poses numerous risks to the well-being of vulnerable populations. Despite the significant allocation of resources, the issue cannot be resolved without the contribution of all involved parties. Healthcare providers are among the stakeholders that often encounter potential victims in a professional setting. The...

Edgar Allan Poe and Jean-Michel Basquiat Comparison

Introduction Art has accompanied people throughout the entire human history. It has changed many shapes, grew and developed in many ways, and gave birth to multiple forms, streams, and genres. However, there is something that unites all forms of art from all historical periods – the creative thought hidden behind...

Chickenpox, Its Epidemiology and Nursing Role

Introduction Some communicable diseases can quickly spread through a community without proper prevention and health care. Community health nurses can help stop this from happening by researching and analyzing data and keeping the community educated. One of these communicable diseases is chickenpox, the highly contagious nature of which can affect...

Errors of Treating Patients in Medical Institutions

Literature Review Paper Medication error remains one of the leading concerns affecting patients in different healthcare facilities (Anderson & Townsend, 2015). This problem can threaten the life of a client in a medical environment. A study by Hayes, Jackson, Davidson, and Power (2015) indicated that medication errors can make it...

The St. Antony Medical Center: Conceptual Marketing Plan

Executive Summary The St. Antony Medical Center aims to use its labor and delivery unit as a part of the marketing pull strategy. Therefore, while it may not contribute significantly to the overall profit of the organization in a direct manner, it has an impact on the number of patients...

Emergency Planner’s Role in Disaster Preparedness

Introduction Some emergencies are hard to prevent. Therefore, the only way of dealing with them entails putting in place strategies for responding to their effects to minimize the suffering of the affected people. Although disaster managers have the responsibility of ensuring that emergencies do not translate into immense suffering, other...

How New Media Shapes American History

Introduction In the modern digitalized world, media is one of the central sources of information. However, the given tool has always been important and played a significant role in the development of society and the formation of perspectives on particular issues. The power of media is evidenced by its ability...

Sophocles’ Oedipus, the Ideal “Tragic Hero”

Introduction Oedipus has been one of the most well-known characters who has been mentioned by many art critics, artists, writers, and even psychologists. Oedipus Rex is a remarkable masterpiece created by Sophocles as it contains all the elements of a classical tragedy. Aristotle described the components of this type of...

“High Noon” Article in The Amicus Journal

Introduction The article under analysis is an editorial in The Amicus Journal published in 2001. The writing dwells upon the importance of the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol and the effects of global warming, as well as possible solutions to the problem. The author targets a wide audience with a...

Kant’s and Aristotle’s Ethical Philosophy

Introduction There are many aspects to consider when one is engaging in a definition of something as amorphous and subjective as ethics. What might be an ethical move in one case may prove to be disastrously unethical in another. Not only does the outcome depend on the specific situation involved...

Prison System for a Democratic Society

Introduction This report is designed to transform the corrections department to form a system favorable for democracy, seek to address the needs of different groups of offenders and their constraining areas especially women who are often not favored by the Current Prison system. The report should further put into place...

Franz Boas: Fieldwork for Business Anthropology

Introduction The understanding of life in different societies is the primary task set by anthropologists, and its importance is defined by the necessity to address issues related to human existence as a whole. Such a complicated matter requires the use of specific approaches, and fieldwork is the most beneficial method...

The Fundamentals and Practice of Marketing

There is a huge demand for elderly health care services because the number of senior citizens in need of assisted living care is high. In this paper, a marketing strategy of an elderly home, Golden Ages, is analysed. The organisation will use a multi-segmented marketing strategy to penetrate its two...

Human Rights and the Burqa Ban in France

Introduction Ever since the policy of multiculturalism had attained official status in Western countries, the conceptual incompatibility between universalist legislations, concerned with the protection of people’s human rights, and the ethnically visible citizens’ tendency to go about taking a practical advantage of their endowment with human rights in a cultural...

A Personal Code of Ethics

Preamble While pastoral work is both challenging and joyous, it calls upon me to strike a balance between my needs and obstacles as a human being while focusing on the best ways to succeed in my ministerial work. My ultimate duty is to devote myself to the teachings of Christ,...

Historical Analysis of “12 Years a Slave” Film

Introduction Pictured in 2013, a period-drama film “12 Years a Slave” shows how quickly a free man’s life can be destroyed, depicting enslaved people’s lives in 1841 and the following 12 years. This biographical film was directed by Steve McQueen, a British filmmaker, who was working on such films as...

The Amos 8:1-8 Passage from the Old Testament

Introduction The Amos 8:1-8 passage is found in the book of Amos. This passage, in particular, discusses the theme of greed as the Israeli merchants have begun to treat their customers unlawfully, and the businessmen took advantage of the poor. For these actions, God has punished the Israel people. This...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Issue of Gender Inequality in Kenya

Background There are numerous countries outside the United States, Kenya being among them. Kenya is one of the countries in sub-Saharan Africa with oppressive conditions, most preferably the gender inequality and marginalization of a specific proportion of the populace. Oppressive condition is a situation that renders some individuals feeling not...

Wealth Inequality and Redistribution: Robert Nozick’s Perspective

Poverty and wealth inequality have been concerning society for a very long time. The latter has sparked a debate regarding justice and wealth inequality. In the section How Liberty Upsets Patterns, Robert Nozick depicts how a person can benefit from the distribution of the second party. However, I will explain...

The Discrimination, Prejudice, and Racism Concepts

The terms prejudice and racism are normally used simultaneously with discrimination and other terms like stereotyping or racial bias. Discrimination describes a situation when equal treatment lacks other people are treated differently due to issues like gender, sexual orientation, skin color, and race, among others. In most cases, racism is...

Automation in the Aviation Industry

Executive Summary The following report aims to observe and analyze the current functions of automation within the aviation industry. As such, the primary goal of the paper is to address the exact processes by which automation enhances or modifies the experience of pilots, flight attendants, and passengers through qualitative literature...

Overweight and Obesity Prevalence in the US

Introduction Obesity is a significant public health problem recognized as one of the leading causes of mortality in the United States. Obesity and overweight are two common disorders that result in additional medical conditions associated with chronic diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, metabolic disorder, and coronary heart disease (Chooi et...

Effective Communication at FedEx

Introduction Employees are a critical component of the FedEx company. They send merchandise to customers depending on their addresses and email addresses. To guarantee that the firm achieves customer satisfaction, it is critical that these personnel carry out their delivery tasks with attention, care for the items, and in a...

Online and Classroom Observation Forms

Introduction The rationale for the development of the online classroom observational form is to support SPS faculty in their teaching. This form has the review activities section which includes the physical aspects of the classroom, personal, and teaching methods. For example, the online classroom observation form describes teaching methods as...

Analysis of the Feature: Traditions and Culture in Dubai

All features have specific target audience. Due to the specificity of the material in the text, the piece would be relevant to only a section of readers; people traveling to Dubai as tourists or traders. With this target in mind then, the article is able to address specific questions and...

The Social Construction of Gender

Gender refers to the social construction of the differences between men and women. A good example of the social construction of gender is the belief that all men are brave and strong, while all women are coward and weak. Sex is described as the biological differences between men and women....

Cyber Security in Business Organizations

Introduction Technological growth has led to some crimes, which pose challenges to managing organizations in the modern world. The most dangerous crime associated with technology is the emergence of hackers, who steal organizations’ information for financial benefits. Hacking has been a threat to organizational growth, thus resulting in huge financial...

Technology in Learning and Its Social Relevance

Nowadays, when globalization is uniting the entire world, we need to embed modern technology into education process as well. The research question of the paper is how technology could influence learning. The social relevance of technology in learning is undoubtedly significant. Modern technologies and telecommunications make it possible to change...

Undertaking of Florence Nightingale Pledge – Nursing

Introduction The practice of taking an oath before undertaking an activity or holding a given position is a common tradition among various professions and society in the world. An oath binds an individual to a given activity in accordance with a given set of conditions, rules, and regulations. For instance,...

Childhood Obesity and Health Promotion

Today, childhood obesity is one of the critical health concerns. Being an important factor impacting the future of the nation, childrens health should be cultivated. However, obesity in this group has reached epidemic levels and continues to grow especially in developed countries (Sahoo et al., 2015). That is why the...

Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory in Nursing Practice

Orem’s Theory: Essay Introduction Nursing theory is an important component of nursing education and practice. At the moment, there are many useful nursing theories that are used in a variety of settings and practice areas. Nursing theories are important as they provide a useful framework for understanding the nurse’s role...

Wine Lovers Enterprise’s Leadership Experience

Introduction The role of a leader in an organization is to determine the direction that the organization should take. Wine Lovers Enterprise is an organization that needs leadership in the current time of change. Leadership experience in this organization dictates the management to keep in touch with its employees to...

Personhood as a Part of Natural Order

Aristotle referred to human beings as zoon politikon; Hobbes stated that “man is a wolf to man” (De Waal 3). Throughout the course of human history, the greatest thinkers of their times argued about what human nature stands for. As seen from the statements of Hobbes and Aristotle, they were...

Brain Tumors and Psychological Disorders

Neurological Disorders The selected neurological disorder for this discussion is a brain tumor. Freberg (2015) indicates that a tumor can be secondary or primary. As the name suggests, secondary tumors usually originate from other body parts such as the kidney, the skin, or the lungs (Gage & Temple, 2013). Colon...

Writing Strategies in Salinger’s “The Catcher in the Rye”

Introduction An appropriate choice of a writing strategy during the classroom activities seems to be a significant step to be taken. The way of how a teacher is able to check students’ knowledge and involve them into the education process (Ryder & Graves, 2003) influences considerably students’ activities and understanding...

Western Movies and Arab Youth

Policymakers and scholars acknowledge that the media plays a fundamental role in the life of young people. The media shapes the dynamics of the cultures embraced by the youth. Youth everywhere, the Arab world not an exception, are frequent users of technology and watching movies being one of the main...

The HR Business Partner Role in the Retail Industry

The role of the international HR business Partner in your specific The sphere of human resource management could be characterized by the increased level of attention given to it nowadays. For this reason, some new elements peculiar to it appear. Thus, HR business partners (HRBP) could be defined as specialists...

Jean-Léon Gérôme’s Painting “The Duel After the Masquerade”

The Duel After the Masquerade (oil on canvas, twenty by twenty-eight inches) is a Jean-Léon Gérôme’s painting. It was produced in 1857 and today is located in the Musée Condé in Chantilly, France. Gérôme was a famous painter and sculptor, known for his works in the traditional style of academicism,...

Cultural Differences and Stereotypes in “Coffee and Cigarettes” by Jim Jarmusch

Intercultural communication is a process during which people gain new perception experiences. Still, numerous cultural patterns and stereotypes can impede the clarity and effectiveness of intercultural communication. Besides, when participants are not paying attention to the non-verbal messages they are sending or lack the verbal culture, communication may not take...

Artificial Intelligence in Enterprise Processes

Introduction Running an enterprise involves a great number of tasks that require proper analysis and data and effort coordination, and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are widely used to facilitate process management. New technology, including artificial intelligence (AI), is increasingly implemented to make the existing ERP solutions even more effective....

American Association of Critical-Care Nurses Master’s Essentials

Abstract The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing, as explained by AACN (2011), serve as the foundation for Master’s programs in nursing. Using the original document, as well as other relevant sources, the paper attempts to review and explain Master’s essentials while also examining their effect on nursing practice. The...

Karl Marx’s Life, Times, and Ideas in Economics

Introduction Karl Marx, born on 5th May 1818 was a philosopher, economist, revolutionary, and one of the most influential socialist thinkers of the 19th century. He is often given the title of the father of communism and in his life, was both a scholar as well as a political activist....

The Office of Prime Minister since 1979: Basic Changes

There is no such a person who has invented the office of prime minister in Great Britain. No one can find the exact day of the deliberate creation or commencement of the office. There are no essential qualifications for the office specified, no there are any disqualifications anywhere formally laid...

Labor Exploitation and Slavery

Introduction Labor exploitation involves unrelenting social relations where a certain group is treated unjustly to benefit the other party. That is looking at human beings as resources and with no considerations of their social, economic, political and cultural well being. This can be in the form of forcing people to...

Eating Habits in UK: From Past Till Now

Eating habits/trends in the UK and London and explain the history and development over the past twenty years The change in the lifestyle of people in the UK and London has caused a change in their eating habits and trends. “The recession has proved to be a considerable force for...

Acer Group’s R&D Strategy: The China Decision

Introduction Acer group R&D is a Chinese technological company that mainly deals in the manufacture and supply of electronic devices used in communication. The information and technology industry has been the world’s most growing industry considering the various developments that are being done in the field. Acer group was established...

Care Plan For the Patient With the Type 2 Diabetes

The patients with the diagnosis of Diabetes type 2 require complex care of the professionals in different spheres, of the so-called diabetes care team, as the psychological, sociological and physiological causes of the disease are interconnected and interdependent, and it is impossible to separate them. The care plan is to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Concept of Ways of Knowing

‘Ways of knowing’ generally refer to the deductive way of questioning what it implies or means to recognize; or know something. From the pursuit to address this area of dispute; science has deduced through discovery ways of multigenerational and empirically obtaining confirmable knowledge and information under a limited ‘domain of...

Marketing Plan For Lee’s Cupcake Store

Introduction One of the main parts of doing business is planning, including creating a marketing plan. It involves market analysis, review of competitors and organization’s features, and a set of measures to promote and sell goods. It cannot be underestimated, since the study results are taken as a basis for...

Political Science Today. Constitutions, Law and Justice

Introduction Ethnic conflicts can be defined as the disagreement between two or more assertive ethnological groups. Ethnic conflicts can be spread in various ways, such as diffusion and contagion. Diffusion occurs when an ethnic dispute in one region influences instability in another country under similar conditions. Conversely, escalation effects occur...

Aspects of National Communication in Cuba

Introduction In interpersonal and intergroup relationships it is paramount to be aware of the cultural notions of other people. In order not to be rude or offensive, it is vital to know the patterns of communication, which are utilized in the native country of the other party. There are multiple...

Christianity: Culture-Maker Beyond Specific Timeframes

Introduction The notion of a successful state or historical period is always revolving around a variety of related factors that somehow contribute to their development and establishment whatsoever. One of the central concepts considered as inseparable with the emergence of a nation or era is the phenomenon of culture and...

Demographic Change Among People With HIV & AIDS

Introduction AIDS happens to be one of the major health concerns not only in the United States but also in the world. It is justifiable to state that the United States is doing well as far as dealing with the disease is concerned compared to most countries in the world,...

Army Surgeon General William Crawford Gorgas: Memories of War

Introduction The Great Influenza Pandemic of 1918 to 1919 is a major catastrophe in the United States and the rest of the world. Coming at a time when the Great War has just ended, the nation is least prepared to deal with such a major disaster. According to Olberding (2019),...

Medical Error in Telemetry Unit

Introduction Today’s situation in health care is characterized by a radical shift in nursing practices in terms of leadership skills and management abilities. Nurses should make a strong focus on developing themselves as leaders who take responsibility for several internal operations. Specifically, “nursing leadership and management are complementary skills that...

Organizational Politics in Project Management

Introduction While business processes keep changing, there is a need for a well-defined process to initiate, plan, execute, and monitor these processes (Schwalbe, 2005). This discipline is normally effected through project management. Stakes Incorporation is a fast growing IT project management consultancy firm established in the year 1998. The firm...

Why Capital Punishment Should Be Abolished

Introduction Capital punishment refers to the legal execution of serious offenders which also refers to the death penalty. This practice is prevalent in the United States despite the arguments concerning its merits and effectiveness as a serious crime deterrent. Capital punishment involves five lawful methods, including electrocution, gas chamber, shooting,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Abraham Lincoln: A Historical Leader

Birth The man who was to become one of the greatest Presidents in the entire history of the United States was born on February 12, 1809, in the state of Kentucky. Lincoln’s family was far from affluent, and young Abraham was definitely not born with a silver spoon in his...

Asbestos Case Study: Background and Analysis

One of the topical issues causing lively controversy, and at the same time affecting the health of every person, is the so-called asbestos problem. Since January 2005, the use of asbestos has been banned in the European Union. This material is interesting both on the direct topic of the use...

Home, Journey, and Identity in Children’s Books

The genre of children’s books might appear to be rather unsophisticated and plain to the uninitiated. However, on closer inspection, the world of children’s literature will reveal that it has no boundaries for imagination and, therefore, can stretch across the themes and subgenres hat no other type of literature can....

Political Agreement and Social Contract

Introduction Most enlighteners believed that people lived outside society at the initial stage in the so-called natural state and consequently had unlimited rights and absolute freedom. However, they realized that they did not need such freedom and that it was much more profitable to limit their exorbitant claims voluntarily. Thus,...

“The Wall of Fire Rising” Story by Edwidge Danticat

Literature connects people and reveals the deep issues influencing people’s decisions in life. Many people find it hard to balance reality and their dreams and fantasies. Character choices, setting, symbolism, and themes in a story highlight the most important lessons intended by the author. The story The Wall of Fire...

Cinderella and Girl: Feminist and Gender Critique

Introduction Gender roles have long been a predominant issue in society. The male sex is expected to be virile, aggressive, risk-taking, and the breadwinner of the family. The female sex is presented as caring, responsible, gentle, polite, and amiable. Anne Sexton, in her poem Cinderella focuses on the position of...

The Use of Gestalt Therapy With Adolescents

Introduction Gestalt therapy is a form of psychotherapy that maximizes a person’s freedom, awareness, and self-direction. It is a form of therapy that focuses on the present moments rather than the events of the experience (Bowman, 2019). It is based on the idea that individuals are influenced by their current...

Global Nitrogen Cycle: New Developments and Global Change

Introduction Nitrogen (N2) is the most abundant though crucial to living things element that can be found in the water, air, and soil. To a great extent, the nitrogen cycle is a systematic biochemical process under which nitrogen is converted into several usable forms, including nitrates and nitrites. Such nitrogen...

Common Sense by Thomas Paine Summary & Analysis

Certain literary works stand as transformative forces that stimulate the flames of change and alter the course of nations. Among these seminal texts is “Common Sense” by Thomas Paine, a groundbreaking pamphlet that reverberated throughout the American colonies, sparking revolutionary fervor. In this summary of Common Sense by Thomas Paine,...

Accounting in the Ethnomethodological Context

People are diverse in every sense of the word. Their cultures, languages, cognitive abilities, and the manner in which they make sense of the events that occur around them support this assertion. In fact, if individuals from the same ethnic group or clan are observed, it will be seen that...

Nursing: Dorothy Johnson’s Behavioral System Model

Need to write a paper on Dorothy Johnson’s Behavioral System Model? Check out our essay for inspiration! Here, you’ll find Dorothy Johnson theory summary, subsystem, metaparadigm, and application of the Johnson behavioral system model in nursing practice. Sounds interesting? Keep reading to learn more! Dorothy Johnson’s Behavioral System Model: Introduction...

Starbucks Corporations’ Transportation and Supply Chain

Introduction Transportation economics plays a crucial role in decision-making processes in the majority of organizations. Companies require considering the ease of movement of products and labor in decision-making. Apart from transportation economics, investment in an efficient supply chain management system helps to boost organizational performance. Businesses should monitor all the...

Construction Company’s Operational Risk Management

Scenario Description For this scenario, I will assume the role of a manager for a stone masonry contractor. With the assistance of worker representatives, my task is to carry out a general risk assessment connected to standard masonry techniques and procedures. The purpose of this assessment is to demonstrate the...

Crime Types and Their Harm to Society

In consideration of Herbert L. Packer’s crime control and due process models, why would anyone object to randomly having their car searched by a police officer if they have nothing to hide? In many developed countries, members of the public are protected by the constitution against illicit search and arrests...

Entrepreneur Notebook: The Entrepreneurial Process, Strategy, and Problem Solving

February 6th Discovering your creative problem solving is one of the most essential skills that an entrepreneur should possess, in order to develop creative and imaginative solutions to the challenges they face in their businesses. Developing business creativity skills is necessitated by the process of generating and finding new problems...

Involvement and Sports Brand Advertising

Introduction An advertisement has various elements. These elements, in the case of a print advertisement, are headline, text, body copy, subheadings, slogan, logo, image, seal and signature, etc. (Decrop 2007; Leonidou et al. 2006). This paper is to understand the differences in the advertisement elements depending on the degree of...

The EU Global Strategy for a Shared EU Security Policy

Introduction In 2016, the European Union (EU) introduced a new EU Global Strategy (EUGS) for its region that outlined plans and principles for security and foreign policy. This document showed the shift in the EU’s stance towards local and international interests, placing the EU in the context of several crises...

Reasons Behind Creation of Equity

Introduction Equity was developed more than hundred years ago to settle the claim of the dissatisfied litigants which arised from the harsh inflexible rules of law, which made the justice not prevailing. Equity is a set of legal principle of English law, which evolved from the English common law. The...

Ineffectiveness of Universal Health Care

Introduction In this paper, I seek to prove that the Universal healthy care plan is ineffective and ill-advised at its best. The plan has elicited a spate of heated debate since it was proposed by President Obama. Right from its introduction, it was received with mixed reactions from various sides...

Process of Globalization and Nationalist Movements

Introduction Globalization is a vital process in the development of humankind, but its rapid spread is not necessarily a positive phenomenon. Everything in the world needs balance, and in this case, the change comes in the form of the rise of nationalism. Nationalist movements usually present a response to emerging...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Identifying Approaches to Crisis Hostage Negotiation

Introduction The research study outlines the basic hostage negotiation strategies, which are employed the critical situations with an aim of inflicting certain psychological effects. Specifically, the work employs the method of literature analysis and discusses the practical implications of the strategic negotiation. As a result, the patient- and system-related concerns,...

Accessibility For Students With Autism in Education in K-12

For most children and teenagers, K-12 education is the most valuable and influential part of their lives, providing them with many experiences, new knowledge, close friends, and basic social skills. Unfortunately, this sometimes may not be the case for schoolers with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Even though the overall situation...

Gender Pay Gap in the Modern Society

Introduction The participation of women in the job market increased substantially during the final half of the twentieth century. Overall, women have recorded increased participation in the labor market right from the 1960s to the 1980s, before slackening in the 1990s (The United States, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2019). In...

Police Misconduct in Criminal Justice

Introduction The United States government has primarily invested in the criminal justice system to improve security in the country. However, various issues have been experienced in law enforcement, leading to multiple controversial discussions. One of the significant issues that have led to heated debates in America is the increased number...

History of Globalization and World Integration

The process of globalization is often viewed as an exclusively modern phenomenon that has arisen due to the development of multinational corporations and technological innovation. However, historians have been considering the periodization of world integration for a long time and also trying to determine the time of its beginning. Nevertheless,...

The Trans-Tasman Single Aviation Market (SAM)

Introduction Trans-Tasman Single Aviation Market (SAM) is a product of deregulation of two countries: Australia and New Zealand, which implies an agreement on freedom of flight and landing in these countries and standardizes air transportation in these territories. Similar agreements are also linked to the European Union and ASEAN, linking...

My Haitian Heritage’s Influences on My Worldview

Culture is a factor that significantly influences people’s behavior, perspective, views, and even outcomes in life and cannot be avoided. It is usually passed from generation to generation, from parents to children, and is interrelated with the concepts of ethnicity and society. Yet, culture does not stay unchanged; instead, it...

Should the Federal Minimum Wage Be Increased?

Introduction Former Californian governor, Jerry Brown, is famous for this quote: “The minimum wage has not kept pace with rising costs”. Within the past two decades, the United States has witnessed an increasing population. Most of the country’s citizens continue to encounter numerous challenges, including rising costs for primary goods,...

The Trolley Problem and Ethical Theories

Moral dilemmas and questions are something that individuals face daily. In cases with a clear answer, most people will follow their code of ethics without giving it much thought. When people consider how they have navigated the moral sea, their ethics become clear. The trolley dilemma is an example of...

Al Gore’s Speech on Global Warming

Rhetoric analysis encompasses a methodology for providing responses to texts or speeches with the chief intention of unveiling how textual work creates meanings followed by a subsequent evaluation of the factual and implied meaning thereof. The ‘how’ aspect attempts to ponder the strategies deployed by the author or the speaker,...

Public Schooling in America

Introduction The American education system is arguably one of the most advanced in the world. There is no doubt that America places a great emphasis on its education system providing adequate funding (Hochschild and Scovronick 27). In fact, research studies prove that American public schools remain some of the best-funded...

Compass Vacation Company: Social Media Strategies

In order to successfully promote the product and ensure that the connection between the brand and the customers was established, the use of social media is inevitable. If the company aims to function in social media efficiently, it has to define its SMART goals and communications mission statement. Background and...

The Costco Company Business Data Analytics

Introduction Businesses in the modern economy are increasingly using data analytics to improve their competitiveness. Business executives believe that they can obtain valuable information concerning market needs and the general competitive environment by analyzing both internal and external data. This paper will focus on the use of data analytics in...

Global Supply Chain Advantages and Disadvantages

What is the role of technology in defining the pros and cons of global supply chain? Find the answer here! This essay analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of global supply chain management and explains why GCCs and GPNs are considered the main factors affecting a sustainable global supply chain. Keep...

“When Your Child Is a Psychopath” by Barbara Hagerty

Introduction In the article “When Your Child Is a Psychopath,” Hagerty presents multiple stories of people whose lives were and are affected by these persons’ childhood behaviors and their personalities. The author also discusses some interesting findings in the sphere of childhood psychiatry, particularly concerning psychopathy and similar traits. The...

Anthem Organization: PEST Analysis

Introduction Anthem is a company that provides insurance to people across the US. Similarly to other healthcare establishments, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has affected its performance and revenue due to significant policy changes. The challenges that impact the healthcare industry present a need for a thorough examination of them...

Beijing’s Air Pollution Crisis Resolution

Introduction There are at least two major incentives for resolving Beijing’s air pollution problems. First, humanitarian reasons dictate the urgency of reducing the mortality rates as a result of poor air quality. Second, the implementation of a cost-efficient and effective air pollution strategy inevitably leads to a treasure trove of...

The New Jewel Movement (Grenada)

Introduction The new joint endeavor for Welfare & Education, and liberation or New JEWEL Movement was formed in the Caribbean island nation of Grenada as a Marxist populist political movement. This movement ruled Grenada from 1979 to 1983; however, its true inception was March 11, 1973, after merging with Joint...

Marketing Managers and Marketing Organizations

Introduction Mainstream marketing allows managers and marketing organizations to create effective and appealing strategies aimed at consumers. During several decades, the product life cycle model has been very popular in management. Companies adopt this concept as a core of business operations and product management. The product-and-service mix is a significant...

Narrative for Advancing a Social Justice Agenda

Gender parity in education is changing, but gender inequality continues to exist in favor for boys in Los Angles. Girls who make it to secondary level in many schools in Los Angles, only a small proportion of girls will obtain training in mathematics. Lack of training in girls, will limit...