“The Life and Times of Fredrick Douglass” Autobiography Analysis

Introduction The Life and Times of Fredrick Douglass is an autobiography that draws attention to the struggle during the emancipation, civil rights, and citizenship of African Americans following the Civil War. Douglass’s autobiography leaves his childhood narrative unchanged, as described in earlier texts. The memoir describes enslavement and Douglass’s life...

Comparing Lies in War Literature

Countless authors use their literary skills to attract and retain audiences from different parts of the world. In essence, although these writers aim at persuading others to accept their thoughts as good position in various issues, they often use lies and opinion to make the readers believe their notions of...

Schizophrenia: Fundamentals and Possible Causes

Nowadays, humanity has made significant progress in the medical area. However, some aspects remain challenging to study. One of these aspects is mental disorders, which include many different diseases and syndromes. The complexity of the research of mental illnesses is formulated by the specific symptoms and the intricacy of the...

Impact of the Advanced Technology

Technological advancements have made life easy on earth through automation and digitization of human activities. The planet benefits from technological developments through reduced deforestation and pollution. The adoption of technologically enabled systems has helped human beings recycle products that are harmful to the planet. Meanwhile, technology helps people effectively manage...

Differences between the House and Senate

Introduction The Congress of the United States represents the legislative branch of the country’s government. It is bicameral and consists of the House of Representatives, the lower body, and Senate, the upper one. Both bodies are involved in the process of law-making – in order to become law, a bill...

Increasing Diversity in Columbia Consulting

Introduction As a company, we would like to better represent the community in which we do business. In this presentation, I will define what it means to have a diverse workforce and describe the business benefits of diversity. I will also outline the steps we plan to undertake to increase...

Psychology: Amyloid Deposition and Alzheimer’s Disease

Introduction This critique examines the research study reported by Hardy and Selkoe (2002). The study explored the relationship between Amyloid concentrations and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) among clinical patients. The purpose of this critique is to re-examine the viability of the hypothesis that links Amyloid with Alzheimer’s disease. The paper examines...

Cell Phones During Driving: Threats and Solutions

Driving involves a complex interaction of mental, physical, cognitive, and sensory skills, all of which draw the driver’s attention. However, even with these complexities of driving, drivers still engage in other tasks which divert their attention away from driving increases the risk of a crash, thus endangering his and others...

Philosophers Views on Metaphysics

In his philosophical arguments, Rene Descartes aims to differentiate facts and beliefs as sources of knowledge among humans. Since facts and beliefs are hardly different, Descartes employs the concepts of skepticism, the evil demon, and God in resolving his doubts about reality and illusion. In the concept of skepticism, Descartes...

Cause of Corruption in Nigeria and Solution of the Problem

Cause of Corruption in Nigeria: Problem Statement Corruption is one of the major causes of underdevelopment in various countries across the world. The lack of integrity and honesty in the use of public offices and resources for individual gain has led to numerous development challenges in various countries (Smith, 2010)....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Causes of War: Comparative Politics and Peace Studies

Introduction A study on the causes of war and enhancing peaceful coexistence in the world has been a critical issue in international relations. Scholars and students alike have to look at the root of what makes countries go to war, as well as the modalities that can help restore and...

Biggest Economic Threat: Student Loan Debt

Introduction Student loan debt is not just a problem for individuals in the United States. It is equally a concern for the society as a whole. According to Bennett and Wilezol (2013), the fact that graduates have to spend most of what they earn to pay up their loans denies...

Business and Human Resource Strategies Relationship

Introduction Strategies refer to plans that detail the necessary actions for achieving an overall aim. In business, strategies entail measures, which firms put in place to gain a competitive advantage in their lines of operation (Hitt, Ireland & Hoskisson 2013). On the other hand, organizations’ human resource strategies focus on...

Vue Cinemas Company Monopolistic Strategy

The strategy adopted by Vue Cinemas to acquire Ster Century posed a potential threat to ticket prices because the company would gain monopoly power to control the pricing of products in the industry. Monopolies are companies with exclusive control in the market and in a monopolistic competition market prices are...

World Vision International Organization’s Activities

Abstract The paper describes the activities of World Vision International is an international development and non-governmental organization in the context of the cooperation between globalization, individual cultures, and such organizations. The paper aims to discuss the effects of the organization’s activities on individual cultures and evaluate the effectiveness of the...

The Common Sense Realism Concept: Thomas Reid Views

Reid, a Scottish philosopher, held that common sense (sensus communis) should be the foundation of all modes of philosophical inquiry. He opposed the view of Hume on the subject (Forguson 23). The latter claimed that it was impossible for people to understand or know the external world since knowledge is...

Feminism, Oppression, Masculinity, and Homophobia

Introduction Feminism, a relatively new movement in the history of social, political, and philosophical thought (since it emerged in the late 19th century and evolved throughout the 20th century), has found an important place in modern social studies. During the 20th century, feminists succeeded in obtaining various rights that previously...

Pain Management Following Surgery

It is observed that over 230 million patients undergo surgical procedures every year globally, and this number is expected to increase (Pogatzki-Zahn, Segelcke, & Schug, 2017). Surgery is generally responsible for postoperative pain, which should be mitigated immediately and effectively to minimize suffering, improve healing processes, patient satisfaction and to...

Modern Morocco: Islam, Society, and Politics

Introduction Morocco is a country with a history that has absorbed millennia of traditions into its culture. The imprint of several ancient civilizations can be strongly felt in it, resulting in an example of stunning diversity and complexity, which is seen in the streets of its cities and its people...

“Double Lives on the Down Low” the Article by Denizet-Lewis

Introduction In his article “Double Lives on the Down Low,” Denizet-Lewis gives a clear and vivid description of the prospects for the development of H.I.V. among black gay males. He formulates the importance of the problem logically and cites statistical data – one-third of the country’s HIV-positive black gay male...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Mysticism Influence on Religion

Introduction Religious beliefs have played a significant part in human lives ever since their inception in ancient societies. The idea of the presence of some being that is beyond the material world has helped people find answers to crucial questions. They could obtain an understanding of how the world is...

Comfort vs. Wounded Healer Nursing Care Models

There are multiple approaches to providing nursing care, and different practitioners and theorists can offer a vast array of models that organize knowledge and practices into systematic understandings of what nurses do and how they should do it. To better understand the role of nursing models and theories in nursing...

Analysis of the Industry State of the Automotive Industry in Italy

Introduction The world automobile industry always showed a growing tendency. The invention of the car by Henry Ford in the year 1896 was a turning point in world transportation history. (Automotive Industry Analysis- GM, DaimlerChrysler, Toyota, Ford, Honda). Though the automobile industry is growing at a higher speed, there are...

Astronomy: Origin and Evolution

Introduction Man’s study of Astronomy dates back to the pre-history period. Man was driven by many things to study Astronomy. One of these reasons was for religious purposes. Some heavenly bodies were considered as gods especially the sun. Besides, man studied Astronomy to help him come up with a calendar...

Business Communication Types and Levels

Introduction Communication is a one of the most important characteristic of business existence. Each day, business people have to converse or communicate by way of citizens at dissimilar levels of the business or by way of people external to the firm. Business communication is every communication utilized by the organisation...

European Contact With the Aztec Empire and China

The history of European travels to the East as well as to new lands with a view to their further colonization contains a number of achievements initiated by individual explorers. These people significantly contributed to the development of the economy of the time. However, their activity did not necessarily lead...

Pink Dye Concentration Evaluation in the Spectrophotometric Absorbance Based Beverage

Introduction Background information An accurate assessment of the concentration of dyes in food and beverages forms an integral aspect of consumer safety. Mutagenic effects stemming from high levels of concentration lead to cancer development. The determination of the concentration of dyes through spectrophotometric analysis provides an accurate method. Objective The...

Environmental & Economic Benefit Analysis of Methane Capture for Energy Generation

Due to globalization, there is greater demand for electricity, as most of the productive activities require energy power. Globalization has brought people, institutions, and governments of various nations together. Through globalization, international trade and capital investments have been conducted internationally through the help of information technology (Ehrfeld 210). The interaction...

The Unjustness of United States Invasion of Vietnam

Patterson (2018) analyzes the ethics and morality of the Vietnam War by focusing on the factors that qualify the intervention as a just war. The author examines the conflict using the lens of just war ideas by notable scholars such as Michael Walzer and Paul Ramsey. The assessment of the...

Implementing Ethico-Legal Issues in Nursing Practice

Caldwell, E.S., Lu, H., & Harding, T. (2010). Encompassing multiple moral paradigms: a challenge for nursing educators. Nursing Ethics 17 (2), 189-199. Aim This is a case study conducted on a Chinese student studying in a European nursing school to explore the challenges that this student and his instructors face...

Healthcare Management: Last Chance Hospital’s Strategic Plan

Introduction Healthcare management is one of the most essential facets that society strives to deal with in the best way possible. New technology and ideas continue to drive health care to high levels, thus making it a very dynamic field. Health care management has become competitive. The changes are attributable...

Online productivity applications

Microsoft Office Productivity Applications Microsoft Office is a widespread software package that every modern computer must have installed. This set of programs includes such productivity applications as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, and Publisher. Moreover, the Microsoft company released a plethora of other useful programs that might not be necessary...

Tech Data Group’s Audit Influences

Synopsis Tech Data Group is one of the companies involved in this audit. This company is a subdivision of Tech Data Corporation, and it prides itself in providing technology products and services at wholesale prices. As such, the company works with over 9,000 employees. Tech Data Corp is located in...

Abercrombie and Fitch: Challenges and Potential Remedies

Introduction The case raises ethical concerns, particularly considering that the world is in the twenty-first century, where individuals have the right to express their ideas and thoughts. Abercrombie and Fitch organization (A&F) has evolved over the years to remain lucrative and competitive. The corporation’s market segmentation techniques are one-of-a-kind, and...

Nathaniel Hawthorne Short Stories Analysis

In Hawthorne’s stories, men of supposed decency sometimes do very unpleasant things, and these often affect the women in their lives. The gentlemen in these tales demonstrate is a willingness to take risks with or abuse the good will of women that today would be considered thoughtless at best, or...

New Insights About Bachata Music

A review of a previously completed essay on Bachata music highlights an idea that requires a deeper analysis. Scholarly sources providing insights on the origins of Bachata music seemed to suggest that the popularity of Bachata music was hindered due to the vulgar words in the lyrics and the sensual...

Chimamanda Adichie on the Danger of a Single Story

Introduction “… and that is what people become…when they realize there is never a single story about any place, we regain a kind of paradise” (Sarah Para 9). It is surprising to learn the high capacity of human being exposing themselves to the dangers of trusting and believing in one-sided...

SPA Salon’s Marketing and Design

The holistic SPA is created to provide deep relaxation procedures for highly stressed clients who require access to both signature and individual treatments. The business concept of the given SPA is to deliver entirely natural and organic products, which are oriented at relaxing and vitalizing a person’s mind, body, and...

Smith Photo Incorporation’s Business Plan

Statement of Purpose and Mission Purpose Smith Photo Incorporation is a business that specializes in photography. The business idea is informed by the need to provide flexible and affordable digital photography services to clients. The proposed Smith Photo Incorporation is projected to be successful since there is no business at...

Nursing Professional Development Plan in Florida

APN professional development plan is a document that nurses seeking to further their career create to guide and record activities that should be undertaken to meet requirements for advanced practice in nursing. Having a professional development plan is also an indication that nurses are improving and maintaining their competence to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Importance of Effective Communication in Nursing

Introduction Workplace communication is a critical component of professional interaction among colleagues as its effectiveness directly impacts a variety of performance indicators. In nursing practice, effective communication affects a wide range of competency and healthcare outcomes. Oral communication among staff helps to eliminate misunderstandings and mitigate conflict. Productive communication enables...

The Death Penalty in the USA

Introduction Crimes have always been present in the life of mankind. Robberies, murders, and other types of violence were at different times and different punishments were provided. The type of punishment depended on the level of crime. The modern system of punishment is governed by laws and also is based...

The Last Soviet Generation: Term Definition

Introduction It now became a commonplace practice among political scientists to refer to seventy years of Soviet Union’s geopolitical existence within methodological framework ‘totalitarianism vs. democracy’. Nevertheless, people who were born and raised in USSR (especially the representatives of Soviet last generation) would strongly disagree with suggestions that, while living...

Nokia Company’s General Marketing Strategy

Nokia, a leading mobile manufacturing company is offering more that 25 different models of mobile handsets to its varied categories of customers (Mooij, 2010). This is strategically meant to meet specific needs of each group of customers. Since not everyone can be fully satisfied with homogenous or same products, groups...

Statistical Methods Used in the Analysis of Paleomagnetic Data

Introduction Palaeomagnetism is basically concerned with the analysis of natural remanent magnetization (NRM) of rocks in bid to come up with a clear understanding of the crust’s magnetic field. Professor Blackett and Nagata have been credited for taking this study a notch higher since its establishment. Most of the discoveries...

Implementation of Solutions for Successful Business

Factors affecting implementation of solutions Having identified the proposed solutions to the problems that the McDonald faces in setting up a successful business in Kava, the implementation of these solutions becomes the next step. Decision application in any organization is marred by different forms of biasness. The biasness could result...

International Expansion in China

Introduction Religious ethics, as applied to economics and business, dates back to the thirteenth century. Subsequent developments in this area have resulted in the intertwining of Christian faith and reason. This situation has given rise to a plethora of principles, guidelines, and criteria for action and a set of virtues...

The Fermenting Properties of Yeast Cells

Abstract This paper sought to identify the fermenting properties of yeast cells. Yeast can be identified as a tiny plant-like microorganism (Cox 122). The main purpose of yeast is to “serve as a catalyst in the process of fermentation, which is essential in the making of bread” (Nieman 570, par....

Causal Effects of Physical Health on Mental Health

The article under review was published in the 39th issue of the International Journal of Epidemiology in 2010, and it was written by two researchers from the North Carolina’s Duke University. The authors’ research problem is the link between physical and mental health, or, more specifically, the adverse impact that...

Random Drug Testing: Pros and Cons

Random drug testing (RDT) is becoming a common practice in many industries. This type of testing involves the analysis of urine or blood samples of existing employees randomly (with no prior notification of the date of such procedures). All the employees are informed that they can be assigned to such...

“Misreading Scripture With Western Eyes” by Richards and O’Brien

Introduction Misreading Scripture With Western Eyes by Randolph E. Richards and Brandon J. O’Brien highlights cultural blinders that distort biblical interpretations. The authors note that the East and West differ in beliefs and practices related to dating, dying, and marital relationships. Owing to these fundamental differences, the Western and Eastern...

Cultivating Healthy Work Environments

Introduction Incivility is the disruptive factor that does not allow nurses to perform their duties at work at their full potential. A toxic atmosphere prevents them from developing their skills, providing patients with high-quality services, and divides the team into opposite groups that cannot work with each other. This paper...

Costume Design in the Soylent Green Film

Introduction One of the most outstanding examples of an American ecological dystopia is the 1973 film Soylent Green, produced, directed, and edited by Richard Fleischer, Walter Seltzer, and Russell Thacher. It is based on the plot of a 1996 book by Harry Harrison. To craft this exciting tale, the director,...

The San Francisco Department of Public Health

Background The San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH), formerly known as the San Francisco Health Department, comprises several sections that serve the city of San Francisco. The mission of the San Francisco Department of Public Health is to safeguard and improve the health of all San Franciscans. The San...

Alzheimer’s: Evidence-Based Clinical Intervention

Introduction Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a form of dementia − an acquired progressive degradation of mental functioning that leads to a complete disintegration of the personality. Degenerative brain changes associated with AD predominantly impact the behavior and cognitive abilities of a person. However, in the later stages, the disorder also...

Top-Down Approach in Public Policy Implementation Process

Are you about to write an essay on top-down and bottom-up approach in policy implementation? Then, you are at the right place! Get some inspiration for your top-down approach in policy implementation essay here. What are the principal lessons of the EDA’s Oakland Experiment for policy implementation? The economic development...

Expertize and Competence Distribution

The People Worth Being Called Experts… Are They? Because knowledge is the best treasure that mankind will ever possess, the theory of knowledge is nowadays as popular as ever. Both in the times immemorial, in the Medieval epoch, and the modern world with its technical and computer progress spreading worldwide,...

Moral Leadership and Work Climate

What is moral leadership and ethics? Moral leadership moves beyond a leader’s basic call of ensuring the performance of tasks. It seeks to define the ‘how’ of the process. Moral and ethical leadership is the expectation of a leader to offer direction to all followers regarding the acceptable conduct within...

Environmental Policy and Governance in Australia

Should Australia develop a domestic nuclear power industry – what problems would such a venture confront? The environmental environment, which causes global warming, is one of the most significant problems facing the world. Humans are progressively destroying the world due to excessive industrial emissions, which complicates the future of life...

Psychology: Attachment Styles and Employee Performance

Introduction In recent years, researchers and employers have both shown increased interest in exploring contributing factors that shape employees’ attitudes and behaviors in the workplace. It is now argued that the reasons for how employees choose to engage or disengage in workplace activities may be traced all the way back...

“Absalom, Absalom!” Novel by William Faulkner

Sutpen and his intention of building the Sutpen’s Hundred Thomas Sutpen is a mysterious man, in the sense that people never really understood him and his idea of building the Sutpen’s hundred was borne out of the fact that he realized while he was growing up that men are not...

Korean Culture From the Psychological Perspective

Culture defines the way of life of people from their simplest interactions to the most complex of their social values. It covers everything that a person does, thinks and how they perceive the world as a result of growing and living within a certain social system. The total way of...

Health Care Worker Protection Act of 2009

Introduction Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee Thank you for granting me this great opportunity to testify before you at this important hearing concerning the legislation H.R. 2381. In this era of advanced technology and patient awareness, patient safety continues to play an important role in the overall performance...

Communication Management: Analysis and Integration

Introduction Communication management is an essential element of any business project since it relates to the efficiency of spreading ideas, sharing a particular organizational message, and keeping the necessary stakeholders informed. Inefficient communication, in turn, can have an adverse effect on the productivity of the company and the success of...

Kant’s Descriptions of the Concept of Goodwill

Introduction The topics of ethics and morality are prominent in philosophical works, and many philosophers have proposed their own theories of ethics. Kantian ethics focuses on the concept of duty, and acting out of duty is perceived by Kant as a sign of morality. In his writings, Kant discusses this...

Marine Pollution and Its Anthropogenic Factors

Marine pollution is among the most prominent concerns of scientists and environmental activists. Due to the development of technologies, the expansion of maritime transportation hubs and routes, and the increase in waste volume, human impact on the environment has become drastic. According to Arias and Marcovecchio (2017), changes in marine...

The Incorporation of Evidence-Based Practice into the Nursing

Abstract The issues of quality and patient safety have increasingly become the focus of nursing practice in contemporary society. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the significance of incorporating evidence-based practice (EBP) in nursing care. EBP involves the incorporation of scientific knowledge into care processes to enhance healthcare...

Management: The Complex-Adaptive Leadership Model

Introduction The management team in any organization has to factor organizational leadership in their business strategy to promote business growth, workers’ motivation, and operational efficiency. Corporate leaders typically focus on achieving strategic goals by enhancing teamwork spirit among workers, which fosters productivity and growth. The complex-adaptive leadership model refers to...

News Probe: History, Mission and Impact on Chinese Media

Introduction CCTV’s News Probe (Xinwen Diaocha) is a Chinese TV series representing the independent research of the relevant social problems and scandals. The direction of the program significantly deviates from the traditional course of Chinese media, such as political and ideological propaganda, and outlines the societal worries and questions of...

Literacy Practices in the Globalized World

Introduction Every person goes through literacy learning in early childhood and continues developing it in various ways throughout their lifetime. The most appropriate and frequently applied practices for it are reading, writing, communicating with others, and expanding vocabulary (Bennett et al. 246). Today, globalization provided humanity with a valuable opportunity...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Traditional and Non-Literal Interpretations of Genesis

Introduction Within the framework of this essay, it is required to critically interpret the unconventional criticism of the passages about the creation of the world from the Book of Genesis. The literal interpretation of this text implies that man inhabits the Earth for only a few thousand years – as...

The American Revolutionary War (1775-1783): Its Causes and Significance

Introduction The United States of America could not have become the superpower that it is without engaging in fierce battles, resisting British colonial rule, and rebelling against oppression. The Revolutionary War (1775-1783) is one of the defining moments in American history as it led to American independence through the expulsion...

Beating Hypertension in the Race to Healthy People 2030: A Caste Study

For older adults, hypertension remains one of the main causes of many adverse cardiovascular outcomes such as stroke and death. The burden of this chronic disease is feared to escalate given the world’s aging population. Accordingly, the present study focuses on T, an elderly patient with arterial hypertension. T is...

The RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company: Advertising Campaign

Introduction The focus of tobacco businesses has frequently been on aggressive marketing campaigns meant to advance goods against which there is solid scientific resistance. The RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company’s advertising highlighted the admirable and revered status that doctors had attained in American culture. Smoking-related medical experts refuted the notion that...

The BrewDog Company’s Competitive Positioning

Introduction The given paper will primarily focus on the company called BrewDog by using it as an example to demonstrate the evolution of the competitive positioning view. Competitive advantage is of key interest to companies and firms, and many schools of thought were developed to identify the best strategies to...

Gender Pay Gap From Feminist Perspective

Introduction Since equal pay is such a pervasive social problem in today’s society, some people may be unaware of or have a limited understanding of how it may affect them. Understanding why women still struggle to achieve equal opportunity in the workplace, particularly concerning equal pay, is crucial and a...

The Four Courts of the Bahamas

The Privy Court The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council (JCPC) in London, England, sits at the top of the legal court hierarchy for The Bahamas (Judiciary, 2019). In all cases where an appeal is allowed, the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council functions as the final court of appeal....

The C-Steel Project Implementation

The C-Steel project presented by Laura is innovative and requires a unique approach to production, which can become a complication in its implementation. However, it takes three years for the project to pay off, which indicates this activity area well. Moreover, according to the company’s forecasts, steel production using this...

Obesity in African Americans: Prevention and Therapy

Due to the rapid development of technology and innovations, specialists working in the field of healthcare are provided with an opportunity to improve the quality of life of their patients and reduce the manifestation of symptoms preventing the latter from fulfilling their everyday tasks successfully. Despite the seeming progress, the...

Christian Teachings vs. Biomedical Ethics: Illogical Decisions and Treatment Issues

Introduction Christian teachings play a huge role in informing decision-making processes when one is exposed to some critical situations whose manner of addressing seems to compromise the person’s faith. However, it sounds imperative to crosscheck or weigh the options available, including the repercussions that a Christian may end up facing...

The Royal Masai Mara Safari Lodge: Trip Experience

While on my recent trip to Africa, particularly Kenya, I happened to go to the Masai Mara Game Reserve for a two-day workshop on 15 Oct 2010. It occurred to me that Masai Mara had many lodges along the Mara River. The Game reserve is approximately 260km west of Nairobi...

Management vs. Leadership: Functional Application

Introduction The concepts of management and leadership have been misused and misinterpreted to mean the same thing. Actually, leadership and management are two distinct concepts that are complex in application and coverage. This report differentiates leadership and management from functional application perspectives. The paper also explores the theoretical application of...

“A Doll’s House” the Movie by Patrick Garland

Introduction The main themes of the movie A Doll’s House are institutionalized sexism, misogyny, and women’s role in patriarchal systems. The story’s main character Nora was living a seemingly perfect life, but throughout the storyline, she came to the realization that she was a mere “doll” in her husband’s eyes....

Higher Education: Demand and Supply

Introduction The provision of higher education in a country is affected by a number of factors including population, rural and urban population distribution, enrollment trends, gender, and ethnic background, etc. It is the responsibility of the Federal and State governments to ensure that there is sufficient number of colleges and...

Simmons Case Study: Leading Change and Order

Abstract Organizational change remains a powerful process for transforming performance and addressing existing change. The appointment of Charlie Eitel as Simmons’ new CEO resulted in various changes that were aimed at making this company more profitable. The implemented strategy presented several strengths, such as completing a detailed survey and using...

Intersect Investments Company’s Gap Analysis

Introduction The financial world has been in constant shock since the events of September 11, 2001. Companies have been struggling to keep their market position, or at least, not lose much of it. The company we are going to talk about, Intersect Investments, is a finance company that deals with...

Presidential and Congressional Reconstruction in Texas: Comparison and Evaluation

The process of Reconstruction that Texas undergone after the Civil War was excruciatingly hard for the state and its citizens, mostly due to the contradictory forces that were pulling the state apart on social, political, and economic levels. The changes in the relationships between African Americans and white Americans, particularly,...

Best Indoor Hobby: Crocheting, Blogging, and Videogames

Introduction Over the last decades, the paradigm of activities and hobbies people are engaged in on a regular basis has been modified drastically due to the overall shift of the notion “leisure’. Nowadays, unlike years ago, the vast majority of people find their hobbies without going outside their homes. Thus,...

Pandemics and Epidemics that Changed the World

Abstract We are witnessing the times of “Great Awakening” through the pandemic of COVID-19. We are learning what essential jobs really are. People and companies are working at home. Most importantly, we are learning more about human connections. We are missing being around each other – and it is creating...

Mary Wollstonecraft’s and Virginia Woolf’s Works Review

The process of gaining basic rights, including the right to be seen as equal to men and the right to be entitled to the same range of freedoms and opportunities that men have has been excruciatingly difficult for women. Although the presence of gender stereotypes and the resulting discrimination against...

Impacts of Slavery on the Antebellum USA

Few institutions could claim such importance in early American history as slavery. Although present in the British colonies in North America since the 17th century, slavery only rose to the forefront of national attention after the revolution. While there were political issues with it early on, as when drafting the...

Overview and Analysis: Texas Budget

The necessity to plan the budget is evident and undeniable, especially in conditions of democratic states. It not only helps to arrange the possible and predicted expenditures effectively and organize saving accounts, but also contributes to the trust in the government from the population (Senate Research Centre, 2017). It is...

Educational Practicum Experience in Nursing

Introduction Patients’ health and safety is an issue of great concern in the healthcare system because varied statistical studies reveal that negligence and ignorance of healthcare professionals cause unnecessary loss of many lives in healthcare institutions. According to Leape and Berwick (2005), it became evident in the year 2000 when...

The Effect of Finance as It Relates to Banking in Our Society

Abstract This paper analyzes the effects of finance as it relates to banking in the Cayman Islands. Finance as a field of economics has grown to be an integral part of any country’s economy. As such most of businesses revolve around finance. All industries in a given economy have an...

Nature Versus Nurture in Dog Aggression

Introduction The cause of aggression in dogs has been an ongoing debate, with some factions arguing that it stems from the breed of the dog and is hence inherent. Other groups contend that the hostility is due to environmental conditions. Aggression in dogs is characterized by loud backing, excessive hostility...

Analysis of the Civil Rights Movement

Civil Rights Movement and The Nation By the early 1970s, the fascination with extreme forms of black nationalism was gradually waning. The influence of adventurist slogans and tactics was falling, the audience of left-wing extremist leaders was shrinking, mass support for left-wing radical, nationalist organizations was decreasing. A more moderate...

Intercultural Communication in Business, Education, and Healthcare

Intercultural communication Culture and patterned rituals determine the individuals speak and behave in specific situations. Culture establishes specific and shared rules that determine social and physical contexts’ appropriate communicative behaviors(Samovar et al. 341). Difficulties can arise during intercultural communication due to established patterns and standards across cultures. Individuals always expect...

The Living Place and Social Class Connection

Social psychologists and geologists have started to examine the shifting form of attachment to a location in modern cities in advanced industrial nations in a recent resurrection of an earlier tradition of community surveys. When individuals interact with others from areas with which they have a connection, it can help...

Texas Senate Measure 8 or the “Heartbeat” Bill

Introduction: Policy The research aims at investigating the Texas law Senate Bill 8, which is in effect currently. The bill prohibits abortions as soon as five or six weeks after the previous menstrual cycle begins, even in circumstances of rape or when a woman’s health is jeopardized (Charo 1114). Besides,...

Isolation, Patriarchy, Materialism, and Mental Illness in “The Yellow Wallpaper”

Introduction “The Yellow Wallpaper” is arguably the most famous short story by the American author and feminist Charlotte Perkins Gilman. In a concise narrative evolving in a deliberately confined setting, the author paints a frightening picture of a slow descent into madness facilitated by the internalized misconceptions of mental health...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“A Letter to Her Husband…” by Anne Bradstreet

Anne Bradstreet’s “A Letter to Her Husband, Absent upon Public Employment” presents the reader with a vivid picture of a woman yearning for her beloved spouse to return to her and her children. Given the fact that the author lived in 17th century Puritan Massachusetts, one could expect that the...

Ethical and Legal Challenges at Activision Blizzard

Introduction Companies that employ numerous people often become subject to different legal and ethical challenges that frequently arise due to the failure to ensure proper management. Every year, notable companies encounter issues concerning their ethical conduct, which eventually may translate into lawsuits and conflicts with their employees and partners. The...

Manufacturing vs. Service Supply Chains: What’s the Difference?

Processes This study will use an example of Boeing, a manufacturing company, against Netflix, a service industry company. With Boeing being an aeroplane-making company, its raw materials are very expensive. In addition, these parts have to be transported using complex and costly systems. Being a company that procures its equipment...

Confederation and Constitution’ Comparison

Introduction At the moment we could observe a certain crisis of executive power in the USA. The last elections split the US society into two camps and differences in mentalities and points of view became evident. Being elected by the majority of people, the President still does not possess the...

Afro-Latino Family Health Assessment in Nursing

Introduction Many people in Miami benefit from various amenities and resources provided by the Florida’s state government. Family heads in this community are usually expected to provide for their children (Waters et al., 2014). The targeted family for this health assessment consists of four people. The nuclear family has two...

David Emsley’s Innovation Theory

Why Emsley states that “innovation is generally regarded as an important research topic”? According to Emsley (2005), “innovation is generally regarded as an important research topic.” The author refers to the idea that innovations should help organisations in the process of adaptation to the changing business environments and survive successfully...

Natural Disasters: Rebuilding and Recovery

Natural disasters affect the lives of many people without singling out a specific cultural group or family. Human service professionals must, therefore, use adequate initiatives in order to meet the needs of diverse communities. The initiatives should support more people from diverse backgrounds and re-pattern their experiences (Hayden, Williams, Canto,...

Single-Parent Family Health Assessment

Introduction The family examined is a single-parent family with two children. After getting a divorce from the children’s father, Cayden, the mother, has been taking care of her two children, an 8-year-old boy Andres and a 10-year-old girl Aneesha. Cayden is a 35-year-old African-American female who is working as a...

Political Struggles in Afghanistan

Introduction Afghanistan is one of the countries in the world that have experienced a lot of instability due to numerous political struggles. The political struggles in the mountainous landlocked country in central Asia have been characterized by coups, unstable power transfers, and numerous struggles geared towards gaining the controlling power...

Identity and Philosophy in “Sophie’s World” by Gaarder

The problem of identity has perplexed great philosophers for many centuries and has resulted in differing philosophical views. Many philosophers hold that identity is an inherent characteristic that lies deep in the nature of human existence and attempts to unravel it calls for the understanding of other entities that intricately...

Management Functions for Better Company Performance

Abstract Amanda is the owner of a company that was founded as a small business, yet has recently started to expand. Because of the challenges that this growth presupposes, and the inconsistencies between the old strategy and the new environment with its new demands, Amanda will have to reconsider her...

“Knowing Your Own Mate Value” by Back et al.

Summary The article primarily emphasizes the importance of knowing your own mate value. Mate-value accuracy, defined as “knowing how much other people are interested in you as a mate,” plays a significant role in a person’s social life (Back, Penke, Schmukle, & Asendorpf, 2011, p. 984). People, who accurately estimate...

The United Arabic Emirates Telecom Sector

Introduction The Arab region is one of the fastest in the world regarding telecom services penetration growth. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) telecom sector is the second-largest contributor to the UAE Federal Government budget after oil revenues (Ellam, 2008). Two major companies with comparatively equal share distribution represent the telecommunication...

Development, Implementation and Evaluation of Technology in Healthcare

Introduction Continuous technological progress can be observed in various spheres of society – education, culture and, certainly, medicine. The emergence of innovative methods of diagnosis and treatment is a natural and logical result of the development of contemporary science. The introduction of technological novelties into the healthcare system allows significantly...

Andrew Jackson, the President of the US

The great president of America, Andrew Jackson was born in a backwoods settlement in the Carolinas in 1767. He was the 7th president of America. Though he had an irregular education, he won great acclaim and popularity as a lawyer with his habit of reading books in his late teens....

Patient Educational Tool: Diet and Hypertension

Introduction In this paper, the author discusses a patient educational tool for hypertension in an adult with an aim of analyzing it for use in providing patient education to the specific audience in this case- grown-up. The paper explains what a patient educational tool is, the specific audience for which...

Why High Schools Are the Way They Are?

Introduction The system of public education in America started before 150 years and is changing according to the change in American society. Due to changed circumstances in educational field, the goals and methods of high school education is undergoing constant change. So it is difficult to point out the most...

Methods of Planet Pollution Prevention

Introduction The world is currently experiencing several environmental problems. The majority of these problems are due to drastic globalization and the vast natural processes. Many of these problems originate from localized sources and then they keep on accumulating and undergoing transformation to become so challenging and of high injurious impacts....

NYSpeak: Company Product Analysis

Introduction Dealing with any kind of business, every company faces the necessity to develop the new products and launch them into the markets so that to catch up with the constantly developing competition and preserve of facilitate its market position and market share. Sooner or later, any company comes to...

Customer Relationship Management: Business Relations

The world of high technologies and wider approaches and opportunities in comparison with previous times as many points to be admitted in the contemporary management buzz. This concerns the points of information provision for partners, suppliers, and customers, of course. This prospect underlines the fact of modern reality that information...

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The Work for the Dole Policy Program: Review

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Intervention for Lower Sepsis Mortality Rates

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The Truth in Tim O’Brien’s “The Things They Carried”

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Sikhism: History, Beliefs, Teachings and Festivals

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Ryanair Firm’s Post-Covid-19 Recovery Strategies

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Revising Principles of Providing a High Standard and Safe Working Environment

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Mission Command Principles Employed in Operation Anaconda

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Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House” vs. Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”

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Renewable Energy in Japan: Clean Energy Transition

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Bacterial Pathogenesis – Microbiology

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“A Raisin in the Sun” by Lorraine Hansberry

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Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s Skills

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US Homeland Security Issues

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Cancer Effects Management Methods

Introduction Cancer is one of the most severe diseases that may affect an individual. It is also a rather widespread illness that is usually very difficult or even impossible to cure. On the whole, there exist a wide array of types of cancer, for cancerous growth may develop from various...

Levendary Café: the China Challenge Case

Executive Summary Levendary café is in crisis because of its Chinese operations. The growth in its first year of operations in China is very promising. However, Louis Chen, the head of the Chinese operations is becoming too liberal in his approach to opening new outlets. This situation, coupled with the...

Implementing the Practice of Eco-Friendly Packaging

Nowadays, there is a new trend in doing business – sustainability. Its popularity is stimulated by the negative human- and industry-induced changes in the natural environment, which result in the changing demand for products and manufacturing. In this way, the overall green consciousness grows and companies are forced to alter...

Remote Sensing Applications to Climate Change

Remote sensing is defined as the measurement of information and area property on the Earth’ surface by means of satellites and aircrafts. This process helps to evaluate and obtain data at a distance in case the object under consideration is not located in direct contact (Schowengerdt 2). In this regard,...

Home Visit to a Patient with Congestive Heart Failure

This case study is a home visit with Ms. Sallie Mae who is an 82-year old widowed female patient, who lives alone and was recently discharged from the hospital for exacerbation of her congestive heart failure (CHF) with breathing difficulties, weight gain of 8-pounds, and pain in the chest. Ms....

Perceptions of Leadership Effectiveness

Introduction The changing face of organizational management has seen increasing attempts to analyze individuals within an organization and how they go about their duties. The ultimate goal of is to create an understanding of how an individual relates with his/her workmates. Its increasing incorporation into organizational management is attributed to...

PDA Sim Company’s Strategic Review for 2004-2009

Introduction The PDA Forio Simulation is intentioned to evaluate and assess the capability of a strategic decision make to formulate diverse strategies and dynamically adjust strategies as a consequent of market responds to price and quality constraints. With the ever increasing dynamics of competition in the international and local markets,...

Globalization and Education – Economic, Political and Cultural Dimensions

Introduction Globalization is a network of various factors including political, economic, cultural and many others. Concentrating and explaining globalization based on one or two factors won’t give a complete picture of its aspects and present trends. Understanding globalization can be done from various angles and the conclusion made from each...

Scott Fitzgerald “The Great Gatsby”: Literary Devices

Introduction The Great Gatsby is a literary novel written by Scott Fitzgerald in 1925. The story revolves around the American culture in the past and how it is expressed in the story of Jay Gatsby, a man who would place his full life around one heart desire of being reunited...

Why Should Smoking Be Banned in Public?

Smoking is one of the major causes of death in the world. Cardiovascular diseases, lung cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are associated with prolonged exposure to tobacco smoke. Many countries have stringent laws that prohibit smoking in public because of its negative health effects. The major argument for the...