Comparing the Cultures of Japan and China: Three-Dimensional Approach

Introduction Understanding the distinct features of a given culture is essential for conducting a proper scientific study in a majority of disciplines. Applying historical, artistic, and religious knowledge when revealing traits inherent in a particular population is a vital part of a viable scholarly investigation. Cultural characteristics, present in one...

Effects of Poor Communication in Healthcare

Introduction Effective communication is essential in all forms of human interactions, but it is particularly important in healthcare given that suboptimal doctor-nurse or practitioner-patient interaction leads to low patient outcomes. As a result, ineffective communication can cause poor quality of care. Failure in communication mostly occurs during shift change, when...

Patient-Centered Care Approach

Summary Over the decades, the evolution of human society rendered prominent ideologies regarding care among elders. One of the significant challenges posed involves the quality of attention by nurses in care homes in Canada. On the one hand, the institution provides a solution for the handling of senior citizens. On...

Insurance Data Processing and Storage: Edge Computing

Insurance companies process much consumer data to innovate while aligning strategic organizational objectives to the evolving customer needs framework. Big data is a common denominator, from health, property, disability, automobile, to life insurance packages. With the current advancements in technology, consumers’ personalization and data privatization have become the firsthand priority....

Data Visualization Manager’s Roles and Responsibilities

Abstract Data Visualization Managers collect information, analyze it, look for the meaning inherent in the data and try to visualize the result to be understandable to the mass reader. The work of a data analysis specialist combines computer science, statistics, and mathematics. They analyze, process, and model data and then...

Wisdom in Plato’s “Apology”

Introduction The Plato’s Apology gives an overview of Socrates’ speech which he delivered while in the court of Athens – the court was deliberating whether or not to put him to death due to his practices. As explicated by Tanner, Socrates was charged with corrupting the youth, combined with his...

Analyzing the Performance of Los Angeles Lakers and Chicago Bulls Using Statistical Methods

Introduction: Problem Statement The problem addressed in this project involves analyzing a large set of historical data for two basketball teams, the Los Angeles Lakers and the Chicago Bulls. The goal is to conduct statistical analyses and derive insights to improve their respective performances using the Python programming language to...

Climate and Geology of the Solar System: Key Discoveries and Theories

Introduction Luckily, the naturally occurring processes of geology concentrate on the minerals and metals that become valuable in daily human activities and convert them into forms that are useful to us. These processes enable people to take these minerals and metals out of the ground using fewer efforts, and this...

Market Segmentation, Orientation, and Positioning

Market segmentation Market segmentation is critical for the success of the organization. As such, firms have to be tactical while deciding on the market segment to be targeted by a particular product or service. The reason is that consumer demands are varied depending on several factors including age and income....

Strategic Planning: Key to Business Success and Market Adaptation

Introduction Strategic planning is a crucial process that allows companies to plan their business according to their capabilities and resources. The process involves careful consideration of market factors and conditions that could affect the company’s decision in the future. The changing spectrum of competition requires companies to monitor the outcome...

Made Ground’s Characteristics

Abstract The main aim of the paper is to categorize and classify the different forms of the made grounds. As made grounds are a category of the artificial man-made ground, the paper first delineates the different areas of the artificial ground and how the made ground can further be classified....

Civil Rights Act of 1964: Impact on U.S. Politics & Society

Introduction The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is recognized to be amongst the most controversial, yet significant laws in America. After the debate, which is considered to be the most prolonged in the history of Senate, on July 2nd, 1964, it was signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson (Aiken, Salmon,...

Juvenile Justice Program in the United States

Introduction The existing juvenile justice system in the United States is similar to the one for adults. The main goal is to intervene and correct delinquent behavior before it can become a major societal problem. The major stakeholders involved throughout the process include the police, correctional institutions, and courts. The...

Ethical Case Study on Childhood Vaccination: Key Issues and Debates

The nursing practice in the USA is a demanding profession that consists of daily care about the patients. Given the responsibility for human health and lives, nurses have to perform within the strictly defined rules in different dimensions, including organizational, professional, and ethical. The problem of moral behavior of nurses...

“The Fall of the House of Usher” by Edgar Alan Poe

Introduction Edgar Alan Poe is famous worldwide as a skillful writer of psychological prose dealing with the depths of the human soul. However, his works can be considered from the sociological, and especially Marxist, point of view. Depicting the lives of human beings, Edgar Alan Poe manages to describe the...

“The Life You Save May Be Your Own” by O’Connor

Author’s name: Flannery O’Connor This author has published a number of short stories apart from two novels. Her writing slants towards a compulsive Southern Gothic tradition with a strong narrative pace and most of her writings are based on old Southern styling. The readability of her works derives from the...

Millennium Project in the UK

The paper is an analysis of one of the most controversial millennium projects of 2000; the Millennium Dome. It was built to celebrate the new millennium by capturing essential elements, however, most of the anticipated benefits did not bear fruit as it did not generate enough income. The Millennium Dome...

Vaginal Bloody Discharge in an Adult Female

Chief Complaint “I have bloody discharge and pain.” HPICC A 43-year-old female with a past medical history of Chlamydia infection comes to visit for bloody vaginal discharge from the last six months. The vaginal discharge is dark red and has a smell. She decided to visit the Doctor because she...

Database Design – Alternative Approaches and Advanced Techniques

Investigation of Application Development Tools Just as earlier humanity witnessed the transition to self-developed data collection platforms, it is now possible to observe the development of a whole new class of tools for self-learning and data visualization. This is not necessarily a replacement for traditional analytical software suites – the...

Anti-bullying Practices in Criminal Prosecution

Introduction All actions and choices that people make have naturally matching consequences. It is nowadays easy to deny the impact of one’s actions, particularly when it is possible to take cover behind a keyboard. While in the past people had the moral obligation to admit their mistakes in a face-to-face...

Impacts of the Renaissance Period on Modern Society

Introduction The Renaissance era that emerged in Italy at the end of the 14th century became a widespread phenomenon in European culture and influenced the subsequent development of science, culture, economy, and other social spheres significantly. The turning point in spiritual life had deep roots in socio-economic changes caused by...

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: Issues

Introduction The three categories of the government; local, state and national, in the United States carry out particular health programs directly. For instance, there are the state mental hospital, local government hospitals and federal department hospitals. In addition, being the channel where approximately half of the medical payment is paid,...

Formal Analysis of Admiration by William Adolph

Introduction Scale and Proportion William Adolphe’s Admiration artwork is a 147 ×200 centimeters painting of oil on canvas. The painting is located at the San Antonio museum in the United States. It depicts six figures who are most likely siblings placed in a foreground of a tree shrub. The figures...

Aristotle’s View on the Relationship Between Soul and Body

Many philosophical and religious movements raise the question of the soul, thinking about it as a kind of intangible essence opposed to the body. The soul is often considered the basis for feelings, consciousness, thinking, manifestations of will, and similar things. It reflects the inner world of humans and is...

Religion: “Making Peace” Book by Jim Van Yperen

After reading Jim Van Yperen’s book “Making Peace: A Guide to Overcoming Church Conflict,” I am convinced that the church is not always a place of reassurance and comfort. Sometimes, this community of believers is a battleground of evil – both literally and figuratively. While most people know that conflicts...

Australian Public Hospital Strategy

Australian public hospitals have faced many challenges during the last five years. Therefore, it is essential to mention the experience of the recent decision and its effect and designs a new strategy for the upcoming five years, namely from 2022-2027. In addition, some of the experience from hospitals worldwide can...

Healthcare Language Barrier for Afghani Refugees

Introduction The healthcare system is one of the essential aspects for the functioning of the country, which, among other things, demonstrates the level of economic development. It is due to the fact that the healthcare sector directly or indirectly affects all other spheres of the life of the state. Primarily,...

The Break Book by Katherena Vermette

Katherena Vermette’s narrative details the circumstances under which a family in North Winnipeg is forced to deal with a violent sexual assault that occurs in the full view of a young Metis woman. Stella must contend with the fact that the young girl she witnessed being molested was her niece,...

The Impact of Flashcards to Elementary Students With Learning Disabilities

Introduction Reading and basic math calculation skills are essential for success in life. Research has shown that students who struggle with reading in primary education often face difficulties in secondary education and adulthood. Understanding phonetic awareness is important for boosting reading skills. Moreover, basic math calculation skills, such as memorization...

Reducing Risk of Chronic Kidney Disease in Hypertension

Introduction: The Healthy People 2030 Objective Several methods exist for reducing the prevalence of hypertension among those with CKD-stage 6. The first step in controlling blood pressure is supporting healthy lifestyle choices, such as regular exercise and a nutritious diet low in salt. Controlling the blood pressure levels of individuals...

Harriet Jacobs’ ‘Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl’ Literary Analysis

In Harriet Jacobs’ autobiography titled Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, she talks about her life as a slave woman and elaborates on the inhumane treatments she faced in the 19th century. Using the pseudonym Linda Brent throughout her narrative, she discusses how slaves were nothing more than...

Architectonics of Memory: The Interplay of Built Form and Thought

Architecture has generally been considered as the art of design and construction using unique techniques that are appealing to the eyes. However, some architects have been arguing that architecture is more than this. They consider it as an art and science of trying to make the world a better place...

Apologetics as a Theological Discipline

Introduction Apologetics is a discipline of theology that involves the defense of ones’ religious position by systematically reasoning out disputed issues. This has been there since the time of early Christian writers such as Paul, the apostle. Apologists try to explain that their preferred religion is rational, and it promotes...

Privatisation: Economic Growth and Market Structures

Introduction Privatisation of the state-owned enterprises, whether understood from broad or narrow sense, has been highly advocated for particularly by the western governments and the Bretton Woods institutions. The main reason for privatisations is that the state-owned enterprises are poorly performing and inefficient particularly in services delivery. As such, privatisation...

Masculinity in James Joyce and Ernest Hemingway’ Stories

James Joyce and Ernest Hemingway are two well known authors of the early twentieth century modernist short stories that offer various points of view including philosophical, sociological and linguistic approaches. Such literary works had a big impact on the perception of culture, and an alteration of the correlation between writing...

Preventing Medical Errors in Nursing

Introduction The work of caring for the sick is very delicate and professionals are easily prone to making errors. Medical errors refer to an action by a nurse attributable to factors such as bad judgment, ignorance, or inattention resulting in the failure of an intended action (Armitage, 2009). They mainly...

Google Inc.’s Human Resource Management and Success

Introduction Google is an international company that deals with computing, adverts technologies, and internet exploration. Its main aim is to organize all the world facts and make this information useful and available to everyone. The company has advanced so much that it has changed the way we undertake our research...

Water Quality Improvement for Global Health

Executive Summary This proposal aims to determine the necessity of water quality from the perspective of global health. For this refugee camp with 5,000 inhabitants, it is necessary to set up a safe water source that will enable access to 19,000 gallons per day through 50 community taps. The funding...

Type 2 Diabetes Patients Care Plan

Introduction The current paper dwells on the elaboration of a care plan for type 2 diabetes patients. This chronic illness has been chosen for the reason that mortality rates connected to type 2 diabetes grow bigger with every other year (Zinman et al., 2015). The researcher picked a sample of...

Cohabitation and Its Advantages Over Marriage

Abstract Cohabitation is a romantic relationship between two people staying together. Compared to married people, cohabiters are not obligated to care for their partners economically and emotionally. Cohabitation is often a lifestyle that precedes marriage or remarriage. It does not operate within traditional legal or social norms that define marriage....

Financial Analysis of City Square: Daniel Major’s Case Study

Introduction Daniel Majors is facing major challenges at City Square Financial: the death of a CEO, an untimely promotion, low employee morale, bad press, poor financial performance, and strained relationships between him and senior executives. The situation is dire because, without prompt mitigation, it could cause financial doom. The most...

Cultural Diversity Audit for Grant Thornton Website

Introduction Currently, many organizations strive to embrace cultural diversity so that all their stakeholders can feel welcomed. However, achieving cultural diversity can sometimes be challenging. This essay, therefore, carries out an audit on the Grant Thornton International Web site evaluating its efforts to embrace cultural diversity. From the onset, the...

Social Work Theory for a Molested Child

Introduction Psychological analyses indicate that children who have undergone molestation are likely to experience anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress disorder, physical injury and may be susceptible to more abuse in the future. When a child has been molested by a family member then this is likely to lead to even...

The Spannerman Press and Leaflet Campaign: An Evaluation

Executive Summary Key Findings On the whole, the plumbing-services chain has shown a preference for allocating more of the local-media advertising budget to leaflets rather than to press advertising. This may seem correct since leaflets are more likely to be kept and contact information therefore easier to retrieve when the...

The Ketogenic Diet as an Effective Treatment Method

Introduction Nutrition is an essential part of every process and operation that the human body is a part of. While dieting is an increasingly popular practice among those who would like to get fit, changes in nutrition can be a crucial factor in a system of treatment for patients suffering...

Woodworking Skills in and Personal and Academic Traits

All areas of a person’s activity are interconnected, influencing one another in a particular way. Each individual possesses a range of specific interests and hobbies that might not have an obvious relation to their primary sphere of studies. Nevertheless, extracurricular activities are capable of having a direct positive impact in...

Antimicrobial Resistance in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis: A Review

The dangers of tuberculosis (TB) still form a reality for a large segment of the global population, as it cannot be called a “disease of the past,” unlike bubonic plague, for instance. TB continues to represent a growing threat, as around 2 million people become its victims annually (Gengenbacher and...

Fast Food Restaurants in the US

Success Factors in the Fast-Food Industry Convenient locations play a critical role in the success of fast-food kiosks. These points include the busy commercial strips, shopping malls, and high-traffic areas. These places have a constant movement of crowds, which will always crave some snacks. Such locations are still costly to...

“Portrait of a Married Couple” by J. Van Der Zee

Being an artist and a photographer are two different careers. For James Van Der Zee, he created art out of photography of Harlem during its renaissance in the 1920s and 1930s. The National Gallery of Art, Washington displays various portrays that Van Der Zee took and documented, including the negatives....

The Morality and Politics Correlation Analysis

Introduction The polarization of American politics in recent times certainly seems to have increased. There is a growing chorus of voices warning that this optimism is just pure fantasy. Politics can no longer be held back by morals when brutality is becoming the focal point. People’s sense of good and...

The Deming Prize: Assessment and Benefits

Introduction The Deming Prize, named after Dr. W. Edwards Deming, was established in 1951. To reconstruct Japan’s economy after WWII, the Japanese government encouraged the formation of industrial organizations. This initiative resulted in the formation of the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE). JUSE gathered experts and executives from...

Low Media Coverage Related to Homophobia

Introduction Women athletes are generally given less media coverage compared to their male counterparts. For instance, one study indicated that the local network affiliate sportscasts only covered 3.2% of female sports, while Entertainment and Sports Programming Network (ESPN) coverage was even lower at 2% (Cassidy 1). The apparent reluctance of...

The Social Justice Concept Definition

Introduction Social justice entails the capability of individuals to achieve their dreams and aspirations in society without hindrance from the government. Justice has been used traditionally to refer to the responsibility of individuals to fulfill their duties and roles, as well as receive protection of the state. When used in...

The Impact of Social Media on Super Bowl Ads

Introduction This paper will delve into the changes that the social media landscape has brought upon Super Bowl ads and how this has translated into the present day brand awareness strategy that various companies have been utilizing. The Super Bowl is one of the most watched events in the U.S....

PharmaCARE: Leading Pharmaceutical Company with Ethical Concerns

Introduction PharmaCARE is one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in the world, which has made a significant contribution to the development of drugs and treatment of diseases. The health care system, insurance companies, private healthcare centers, and regulatory bodies such as the Food and Drug Administration view PharmaCARE as a...

The School of Benedictine Spirituality: Enhancing Well-Being

Introduction People got used to the fact the scientists do not believe in the things that seem to be supernatural and lack substantial evidence. Mainly, they consider religion to be a concept created by the human beings in order to explain the things they do not understand. Still, the absence...

Analyzing Leadership Styles of President Obama: Key Traits and Impact

Introduction Obama’s decision to help the community college fostered the belief that African American administrators can succeed, despite discrimination and hardships, and that they could attain higher promotions. Community colleges have helped many African Americans, Hispanics, and other minority groups in the United States that have commonly been rejected from...

Prevention of Cervical Cancer Among British Women: Strategies and Health Campaigns

Introduction This project will establish the policies that have been developed in the UK to prevent cervical cancer among adult women and the measure taken to improve the health and well-being of women diagnosed with the disease. The research is informed by the need for extensive research to establish the...

Formulating a New Medicaid Policy for Michigan’s Veterans

Background Information The American federal government supports such health care programs as Medicare, Medicaid, and the Veterans Health Administration. Medicare is a federal program for medical insurance of senior Americans (65 and older) and some special categories of younger people. In comparison with younger adults seniors had to pay much...

Epoch of Typographic Genius vs. Art Nouveau

Comparison of approaches of An Epoch of Typographic Genius and Art Noveau Graphic design has been developing throughout centuries. There were several significant and even revolutionary changes in alphabetic letters (Meggs and Purvis 108). For instance, researchers point out that the 17th and 18th centuries were the epoch of Typographic...

Health, Fitness Organizations: Profit Center Programs

The paper explains briefly the evolution of health and fitness centers as profit centers. Based on some common definitions of profit centers, it also attempts to explain why such strategic business units need to be introduced in the health and fitness industry. It states the common perception that the industry...

Role of Transnational Civil Societies

Introduction With globalization taking the better of the world’s economic and political landscape, new legislative measures that are flexible and accommodative of the new changes become more and more indispensable. These new changes call for the restructuring of the national rules and the development of global ones. However, with such...

Interest Rate and Investment Statistics in 2000-2020

The dynamics of investment in the country’s economy is determined by the influence of a number of factors, among which one of the main is the change in the market interest rate. The Central Bank, acting on interest rates using monetary instruments, has the ability to stimulate or restrain investment...

Morphological and Physiological Characteristics of Unknown Bacteria

The identification if various forms of bacteria is an important part of clinical practice. To identify bacteria, the present phenotypic characteristics are usually compared with those of known bacteria. In the process of identifying bacteria a researcher needs to appreciate the fact that the characteristics may vary significantly. Furthermore some...

Microprocessor: Terminology and Analysis

Introduction A microprocessor, commonly referred to as the Central Processing Unit (CPU), a central place where all data processing is done, is a gadget that distinguishes only binary code as numbers and ascertains basing on the orders by employing assemblage languages. This piece of writing is a detailed explanation of...

Case Study on Regulated Power Supply

Abstract The reason that this case study is to educate on the scheme, modeling, process and usages of the regulated power supply which simply is an essential structured block of many electronic arrangements that we come across in everyday life such as in mobiles and laptop chargers, entertainment as well...

A Psychological Perspective on the Choice of Partners

One of the most basic human qualities is the desire to unite in groups. History demonstrates that throughout the ages, people have tried to join various communities and interest groups. This has included joining groups of hunters to maximize prey, joining mythical communities to search for the meaning of life,...

Workforce Diversity in the Modern Globalized World

Introduction In recent years, diversity in the workplace has become a considerable aspect in multiple business spheres and in the departments of human resources in particular. In defiance of all expectations, the attitude of various companies to the significance of a diverse workforce is substantively controversial. Some managers may regard...

Contracts in Corporate Law: Role of the Uniform Commercial Code

Introduction The corporate world requires adherence to the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) in making business contracts. The contracts involve covenants or agreements between the parties signing them; there is a format for drafting any corporate contract. A contract is considered enforceable if it meets the thresholds of consideration, legality, capacity,...

Organizational Change Against Discrimination: The Case of Amazon

Introduction Organizational change can become a necessary process for any organization. As the company develops and enters the global market, it is bound to encounter specific events and requirements demanding that the current procedures are altered. In this regard, ascertaining the external factors influencing the corporation, possible barriers, the readiness...

Exposing Babies to More Than One Language

Introduction The idea that exposing young children to two or more languages at once is beneficial for their language development is quite debatable. The topic is opposed by both questions and evidence that prove how exposing children to more than one language delays language development. However, it is important to...

Negative Effects of Using Cell Phones and the Internet during Social Interactions

Introduction The use of the internet and cell phones has significantly changed people’s level of interaction. Smartphone users connect to their family and friends through social media websites. Although phones make it easy to communicate with people from a distance, they reduce face-to-face interactions. The extensive use of cell phones...

Parents With Pediatric Terminal Patients: Stress Management

Introduction The phenomenon of interest (POI) for this analysis is managing stress among the population of parents with children hospitalized with a terminal illness. The selected concept analysis article (CA) by Smith (2018) analyzes and devises the principles of family-centered care (FCC) in the medical setting. Smith (2018) concludes that...

CA Technologies’ Shift to Cloud Computing: Strategies, Impacts, and Market Influence

At a time when globalization has dominated the center stage in dictating consumer interests and lifestyle patterns, cloud computing is acting as the best platform for linking producers, traders, and consumers with greater efficiency. Following the massive force of information technology in the last decades of the 20th century, Iansiti...

Expresso Espresso Coffee Shop’s Issues and Actions

The case “Expresso Espresso” gives a detailed analysis of a new coffee shop that is positioning itself as an emerging player in Mobile, Alabama. Its owner, Sylvester Todd, selected the best location since it is near a university with over 20,000 students and teaching professionals. The document reveals that the...

Doctrine of Confidential Information: Professor Peres’ Case

Background Professor Peres is an employee of a university. He gives a one-hour guest lecture to a local business enterprise group on the enterprise’s premises. Peres’ lecture is based on his research and notes and he gives out a written summary of his notes to the attendees after the lecture....

Anaemia in Primary Health Care

Introduction Primary health care is a concept that is set to ensure quality healthcare for everyone and the WHO provide five elements to enable achievement of this goal. Reduction of social disparities, increasing stakeholder involvement, integration of medical services in all sectors, pursuing collaborative program and tailoring health services based...

Theoretical Framework in Identity Development

Introduction Identity development occurs throughout a person’s lifetime by defining who one is. Based on the sheer scope of studies that have delved into this area of psychology research, multiple theories have emerged. Key sections of this paper discuss Erikson’s theory of identity as the traditional model of identity development...

Criminal Behavior: Biological and Evolutionary Approaches

Introduction Despite the intention to create a perfect society and remove unwanted problems and challenges, criminal behaviours continue developing, so crimes should be examined and predicted. Criminal psychology contains a number of studies to gain a better understanding of crime causes through applying science (Durrant, 2018). People may participate in...

Square Enix Group’s Corporate Philosophy

Introduction Correctly defined business activities and objectives often promote the enterprise’s growth and ensure that its overall economic standing is stable for years to come. However, the corporation’s leaders should be especially knowledgeable of the specific organizational endeavors and their benefits for the desired developments, presenting the most crucial ideas...

Teenagers’ Negative Representation by Australian Media

Media is the god of the modern age. It is omnipresent and almighty. There is no individual who has never read an article or watched a TV show. That is why it is one of the most potent tools to form a public opinion and reflect the moods dominant in...

Alcohol: The Legal Drinking Age

Changing the drinking age to 18 has created a global interest and fight among young adults. Young adults are adamant about lowering the legal drinking age because 18 is when teens are no longer minors. It would allow for more safety among college students. At the same time, believers of...

“I Love Yous Are for the White People” by Lac Su

Introduction Literature is a unique instrument that provides the readers with the power to see others’ thoughts and feelings. “I Love Yous Are for the White People” is an excellent example of such a literary function. This novel deals with a highly important issue of racial disparities and the hardships...

“Skin: Ineradicable Stain Project” by Shelley Jackson

Introduction According to Harris, the gothic genre involves mysteries, horrific scenes, death, and other features that generate fear among the readers (par 1). The style establishes uncertainties in the settings and plots of stories. In most of the gothic genres, death is inevitable. In fact, most of the characters face...

The Main Concepts of Uncomplicated Grief

The Uncomplicated Grief Counseling Theory The theory of family intervention that has been selected for this case is the uncomplicated grief counseling presumption. In this theory, the argument is that the grieving person experiences a normal sorrow in the event of a loss of a close person. The individual is...

Observational Insights from Cornell Junior School: Enhancing Classroom Learning Environments

Introduction In a teaching career, academicians suggest that experience is the best teacher. Therefore, all candidates aim at gaining primary and secondary experience. Primary experience is gained when the teachers participate in teaching. On the other hand, teachers gain secondary experience through observing other experienced teacher in during lessons. This...

Jewish Community in North Miami Beach: Population & Health Analysis

Introduction The chosen aggregate for the project is the Jewish community in North Miami Beach, FL. The paper examines the community’s population, its strengths and weaknesses, and diseases that are prevalent there. One of the widespread illnesses, cancer, is analyzed in connection with the intimate partner violence, while the plan...

The Leadership of Richard Branson

Introduction Richard Branson is an English investor, entrepreneur, businessman, author and philanthropist who founded the Virgin Group, which includes more than 400 companies that operate in various economic sectors (Branson, 2014). He started his entrepreneurial journey in high school after founding a student magazine. This venture was followed by a...

Shortened Antibiotic Courses: Benefits and Risks

Introduction The discovery and widespread introduction of antibiotics into medical practice was seen as a revolution in medicine. Since then, these drugs have become faithful assistants to doctors in the struggle for patients’ lives. The substances of this medical group serve as a powerful weapon in the fight against dangerous...

Northwest Newsprint Inc.’s Production Issues

How should Northwest Newsprint (NN) ship products meet its market demands? Northwest Newsprint, which is a producer of Newsprint and pulp paper, has been having issues meeting the increasing demand for its products. Towards meeting its market demand, the company can take the following options, especially in the area of...

Riverbend City’s Flood Disaster Communication

Analysis of the Issue Faced by the Leader in the Scenario In the Riverbend City scenario, I was chosen to work in charge of the Leadership Team that was created for the provision of the emergency response of a flood disaster in Riverbend City. The team is comprised of several...

DHL and FedEx Companies’ Advertisements

DHL Medium to be used Looking at the DHL adverts, they portray different scenarios under which DHL can deliver quality services to their clients. Some of the scenarios that are depicted in their adverts include the forest, and the desert. In the DHL adverts, one of the message approaches that...

Gaza Conflict 2008-2009: Human Rights Violations and Impact

Gaza Region In 2008-2009, the Israeli military intervened in Gaza in order to stop Hamas from establishing its rule in Gaza. The war took 22 days. It was termed as Operation Cast Lead. In 2005, Israel had erected barriers around the Gaza region, which did not allow people to move...

Western Hegemony: Term Review

Striving to be the first is the essence of everybody’s life. If everything in the world was equal and a certain hierarchical structure was absent the world would be in chaos as throughout the centuries people were in need of those who would rule them. The thing is that everybody...

Criminal Justice in America and Its Components

Mention of the phrase criminal justice evokes the image of a violator, police, the court and prison or a crime. Criminal Justice entails a system of practices and institutions of government that prevent and act on crime by way of imposing discipline on offenders with penalties and rehabilitation efforts. The...

Robert Frost’s Poem “Mending Wall”

“Mending Wall” is a popular poem written by Robert Frost which attracts the reader’s attention due to the importance of the theme covered in this poem. The author touches upon one of the most important philosophical themes connecting with the nature of human existence and the relationships between people. Robert...

An Analysis of the Family Depicted in the “Room” by Lenny Abrahamson

Film Description The limited universe of the Room is shown through the eyes of Jack. He is not too traumatized by everything he has experienced since he does not know another life. It is a film about the salvific power of solipsism, which, excluding a broad and understandable context for...

Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus in Low-Income Communities

Introduction Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common diseases in the USA, which has a high prevalence and leads to serious health complications. In the USA alone, more than 30 million people have diabetes (“National diabetes statistics report, 2017,” n.d.). What makes the situation more aggravating is the fact...

Comparison and Contrast of Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Introduction to Professional Research Research is very important in the modern world as having created a lot of theories people want to have the confirmation of what they have predicted. The scientific approach to the research is very important as only in this way one may consider the theory in...

Article Critique: Indigenous Peoples in Canada

Introduction The title of the article is “The mental health of indigenous peoples in Canada: A critical review of research” by Sarah E Nelson and Kathi Wilson. The study explains that indigenous people usually suffer from mental health issues more than other people around the globe. The disproportionate burden is...

“Celia, a Slave” Biography by Melton McLaurin

Introduction Slavery is undoubtedly one of the darkest stains on U.S. history, the effects of which can be felt in society to modern day. The slavery institution was cruel and criminal, resulting in the abuse of many fundamental human rights. Women were especially vulnerable, having even less rights and lack...

The Life of Moses in the Context of God’s Story

Moses is undoubtedly an iconic figure in the Scriptures, who’s actions under the guidance of God essentially led to the establishment of the Judaic faith which had long-lasting impacts on humanity and Christianity down the line. Best known for leading the Jews out of slavery and oppression in Egypt and...

Macro-Environmental Trends and Their Impacts on Airports

Introduction Rather than simply responding to the current operational context, airline management teams must look ahead and put themselves in the best possible position for success. Five macro-environmental causes and developments have been pinpointed in the paper, which will transform the sector over the next two decades. Institutional abilities, capacities,...

The Problem of the Dog Meat Farms in South Korea

Introduction The issues concerning animal welfare have seen rising awareness from the public, resulting in protests and the establishment of organizations that aim to protect the rights of animals. For instance, among the most vital issues are those that pertain to violence. For instance, canine meat is consumed as part...

“The Yellow Wallpaper” a Story by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Sometimes, even experts in certain professions go wrong. Many of them always believe too much in their knowledge such that it never occurs to them that they can go wrong. It is a good thing for professionals to have self-belief for the sake of efficiency in what they do. However,...

Supply Chain Risk Management in the Global Economy

Introduction: Supply Chain Risk Management in the Global Economy Environment Despite the fact that the reinforcement of information security and the enhancement of the data management processes is reasonably viewed as the key priority by a number of organizations at present, the improvement of the existing supply chains w and...

Educational Psychology: Bloom’s Taxonomy

A Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy The article “A Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy: An Overview” by David Krathwohl (2002) provides an overview of the revised structure of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. The original Taxonomy consisted of six main categories: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation (Krathwohl, 2002). Almost all...

Neo-Orthodoxy Theology: Barth, Brunner et al.

Introduction Neo-orthodoxy is a concept used in advanced contemporary theology, also called liberal theology. The views of neo-theologians are different from those of the orthodoxy on the basis of their approaches to the word of God. Neo-theology is a deviant view of the doctrine of the word and is in...

Medication Errors: Patient Safety Concern in Nursing

Introduction Medication errors are a widespread patient safety issue: in fact, it is the most common medical error, which illustrates its significance for nursing practice (Gorgich, Barfroshan, Ghoreishi, & Yaghoobi, 2015; Vito, Borycki, Kushniruk, & Schneider, 2017). The adverse outcomes of medication errors range from distrust towards the healthcare institution...

Burger King: Global Emerging Market

Introduction Burger King is a popular fast-food chain that has a strong presence in many markets all over the globe. Recently, the company started planning an expansion to Sub-Saharan Africa in order to improve financial performance by reaching a new market (Gray & Fontanella-Khan, 2018). However, there are several important...

“The Hero With a Thousand Faces” by Joseph Campbell

A hero strikes one as an individual whose personal attributes elicit admiration both before and after their death. Mythology presents a hero as one with great strength and courage, one who is widely celebrated for bold exploits. Making such a unique character entails a process as Joseph has explained in...

Controversy About Global Warming: Skepticism and Reality

Introduction Global warming is a process that heats up the earth’s surface. The activities on earth’s surface produce green house gases, which entrap light and heat from the sun causing temperature of the earth surface to increase. The green house gases include nitrous oxide, water vapor, methane, and carbon dioxide....

United States Foreign Policy Doctrine

The United States foreign policy presents a matter of particular importance. Officially, it implies providing the citizenry and the entire international community with a secure, democratic and prosperous place of living. The significance of the U.S. role in foreign affairs cannot be underestimated, as it has the most advanced and...

Concept Synthesis on Personal Nursing Philosophy

Nursing Autobiography Many nurses use powerful concepts and competencies to promote the health conditions of their patients. Medical practitioners focus on the best ideas to promote the living conditions of different societies. Nurses should use “evidence-based ideas and concepts whenever improving the health conditions of their communities” (Hobbs, 2009, p....

English Law and Application of Statutory Legislation

Introduction Interpretation and application of the law is very critical in determining how effective a judicial system is. The judicial principles of statutory interpretation have a unique engagement with the interpretive powers that courts possess (Keenan, 2007). Lack of clear guidelines to control how courts interpret judicial principles is a...

Enron Company History, Management, and Financial Scandals

Introduction Enron Company got involved in several financial scandals between the years 2001 and 2002. The most interesting part of the scandal, however, was the persistent denial by the top managers of the company of their knowledge on the same. The managers vehemently denied knowledge of the mischievous financial activities...

Slasher and Gothic Horror Film Sub-Genres

The articles Slasher films and gore in the 1980s by James Kendrick and The Gothic revival (1957-1974) by Rick Worland discuss the evolution of two distinctive sub-genres in the genre ‘horror film’ throughout the mentioned historical periods – specifically, ‘slasher’ and ‘Gothic.’ Nevertheless, even though Kendrick and Worland addressed the...

David Ricardo’s Contribution to Economics

David Ricardo was a modern orthodox economist whose main ideas centered on positive economics. He is notable for his contribution in economics during the classical period of economics. The period lasted about 100 years and his book “On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation” that was published in 1817...

Russia-U.S. Confrontation: A Geopolitical Crisis

Introduction As of today, more and more people grow to realize that the ongoing confrontation between Russia and the U.S. accounts for the most acute geopolitical problem/issue of modern times. After all, one does not have to be a genius to understand that, if allowed to continue gaining a momentum;...

Thai Students’ Issues in Learning English

Learning a foreign language can pose serious problems for learners. Thailand students are facing this challenge, especially when they go to study in foreign countries. Challenges like pronunciation make it difficult for them to speak and understand English words. With these challenges, English learners prefer a foreigner to teach them...

Customer Complaints on Sales Staff Service Quality

Customer Complaints All the customers’ complaints regarding the quality of service that is offered by sales staff should be taken very seriously. Firms need channels through which customers can send their complaints regarding the quality of service that is offered to them by their sales staff. Customers’ feedback regarding the...

Leadership Simulation Using ExperienceChange Model

Theories Employed To complete the online simulation of managing organizational change, I used the ExperienceChange Model. The model is based on models developed by Kurt Lewin, John Kotter, Edgar Schein and David Nadler (Chisholm & Warman, 2007). First, I wanted to apply Kotter’s model. The method involves the establishment of...

Human Aggression: Nature vs. Nurture Debate

Abstract This paper uses the discursive framework of a Rogerian argument to promote the idea that, even though humans are true ‘naturally’ predisposed towards aggression, it is thoroughly justified to discuss their predisposition, about what happened to be the affiliated social settings. Introduction The fact that people are being more...

Soliciting Competent Contractors for HindelburgeCement Plant

Introduction The process of soliciting a competent contractor must scrutinize available bidders to ensure the selection of the one who meets certain requirements. However, it is important to note that there is a particular order of merit in this consideration. For instance, normal criteria will take into account the technical...

Global Warming Health Effects: Complexities and Implications

Introduction Global warming is the abnormal rise in the average temperature on the surface of the earth. This has been caused by human advancement towards industrialization and modernization. The outcome of global warming has been exhibited by the melting of ice and snows in areas such as the Antarctic, which...

Spa and Salon: Business and Management

Introduction In today’s economic environment, enterprises need some effort to survive. The necessary conditions for the survival of the company are flexibility, adaptability to rapidly changing market conditions, increased labor productivity, and the ability to develop creatively. The team method of work is more effective in managing an organization in...

BH Health Project: Communication Plan and Stakeholder Updates

Project Title: BH Health Project Sponsor: BH financial manager Project Manager: (Add your name here as the project manager.) Table 1: Project Communications (created by the author). Communication Type Prepared By Sent By Reviewed By Received By Frequency Delivery Project spendings outline Project manager Project manager Case managers Sponsor Weekly...

Marketing Research for Hobbs in Birmingham

Background Hobbs is a store that sells clothes and accessories and it primarily targets wealthy people. The marketing strategy that the firm wants to start for the year 2009 is aimed at raising the footfall. From the analysis from Mosaic, it is clear that Birmingham is a place that has...

Ethics and Leadership Relations

Nowadays, it represents a commonplace assumption among healthcare specialists that, in order for physicians and nurses to be able to address their professional responsibilities in the most effective manner, they must be thoroughly aware of what the concept of ethical leadership stands for. One of the main reasons for this...

From an Interfaced System to an Integrated System in a Hospital

The advent of improved technologies coupled with the higher demand for healthcare services has called for urgent needs for better methods in which organizations handle and manage information systems. This is necessary not only for improved care for patients but also for the sake of boosting the experience of employees...

Public and Private Policing

Introduction Private police bodies are under the control of the non-governmental entities that conduct that mandate as instructed by the government. The government may contract out police work to firms or it may be officers contracted by firms to be in charge of their companies. Company police is the mostly...

Strategic Performance Management Plan for a Sales Manager

Introduction Strategic performance management is a necessary practice for each organization regardless of which field it operates in. It includes setting clear criteria for the employees’ professional achievements, detecting progress, and improving the principles of the job. Its main goal is to align the work with the organizational goals and...

Analyzing Employee Development Activities

Introduction The success of every organization depends on how effective its employees are and how properly they perform their duties. It does not matter what financial or technological resources a firm has because it is likely to have significant difficulties reaching its objectives if individual workers do not contribute appropriately....

Hotel Recruitment Practices Case Study

Introduction The presence of high-quality service in the travel and tourism industry is an essential element for success. Striving for enhanced customer experience, companies in the hospitality industry place great significance on their recruitment practices. The technological changes and advancements of recent years opened many opportunities for expanding recruitment channels,...

Overconsumption of Alcohol by a Customer

Introduction Alcohol use can increase our risk of suffering minor and significant mishaps, including slips and falls, drowning, poisoning, and other unintended injuries. In reality, accidental damage accounts for slightly under one-third (29%) of all alcohol-related fatalities (World Health Organization). Alcohol is a depressive; it slows the brain and impacts...

Genetic Engineering: Dangers and Opportunities

Introduction As of today, the practice of genetic engineering continues to remain highly controversial. In its turn, this can be explained by the fact that there are a number of the clearly defined ethical undertones to the very idea of inducing ‘beneficial’ genetic mutations to a living organism. After all,...

Robert Frost’s Symbolism: Philosophical Issues in Poetry

Touching upon various ethical and religious issues, contemporary authors define the concepts of physical versus spiritual life and transcendence. It is important to consider all the symbols and the context of the previous works of the writer or poet and his/her life experience for decoding all the messages of the...

Family Development and Health Beliefs: Exploring Critical Issues and Perspectives

Family Composition The family chosen for the assessment consists of four members: husband, wife, and their two daughters. The extended family is not large as the husband’s parents live abroad and rarely visit. Both of the grandparents from the mother’s side live in a retirement home; however, the family sees...

Improving Organizational Performance with Effective Staffing

Background: Staffing Standards and Their Significance Creating a team of experienced employees that are capable of meeting the company’s ethical and professional standards, engage in professional development, and deliver consistently positive results is a crucial step toward improving the overall performance of an organization and promoting further progress. Therefore, it...

The Film “Dead Man’s Letters” by Konstantin Lopushansky

Introduction Dead Man’s Letters is a 1986 apocalyptic film by a Soviet director Konstantin Lopushanskiy. The story depicts events of a war that has recently become nuclear. The story is a cautionary tale, and its historical context is especially important. It also utilizes a variety of film techniques to create...

The Aviation Industry: Contemporary Issues

The aviation industry is experiencing rapid growth. The growth is contributing significantly to the growth of the global economy and at the same time presenting numerous challenges that put the industry’s future at risk. According to estimates provided by IATA, the total number of passengers will continue to rise in...

Companionship in “Frankenstein”: The Theme of Human Connection

Theme of Companionship in Frankenstein: Introduction The theme of family in Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is not the only central topic raised in the writing; however, it is the issue that most explains and opens up the complex context of the book. Family is one of the most important parts...

The Korean War: Applying Operational Art and Design Concepts

Introduction The success of any military operation depends on the commanders’ ability to develop an executable plan and implement it successfully. Operational art and design are instrumental in describing how exactly (ways) the military force can utilize the available “capabilities (means) to achieve military objectives (ends)” and mitigate possible risks...

Improving LinkedIn Profile

Introduction Unlike other social media platforms, LinkedIn has been specifically identified as a professional, academic and work-related platform. Many users who join LinkedIn do so in order to present themselves to the world as professionals and experts in their field (Kim & Malek, 2018). Therefore, one’s profile on the platform...

Nutrition Labeling Meaning and Importance

Nutrition is the diet of a human being; his intake of food and the necessary mineral and nutrients that come with it. The word nutrition is derived from nutrients, which are the essential ingredients that a human body needs to survive and be healthy. The knowledge of nutrition is extremely...

Crisis Intervention Plan to Stop the Violence

Introduction Shootings at schools have become a popular topic in the media and raised concerns among public including officials, parents, and scientists. The extent and the cause of the problem have been researched by multiple specialists from different fields. Flannery, Modzeleski, and Kretschmar (2013) tend to think that acts of...

Medication Errors: Causes, Outcomes, and Solutions

Abstract One of the unresolved global problems in the healthcare system is medication errors and the damage that is caused as a result. These mistakes can occur at any step of the patient treatment process, from unnecessarily prescribed medications to wrong dosages to issues with monitoring to lack of documentation...

Prince George’s County: Demographic and Epidemiological Situation for HIV/AIDS

Community “Prince George’s County continues to have the second-highest rate of sexually transmitted diseases in Maryland and the second-highest number of reported AIDS and HIV cases, according to the county’s top health official.” (Wiggins, 2009) As it can be understood from the above statement this paper will focus on the...

Are Nurses Becoming Influential in Health Care Policymaking?

Introduction Many people associate politics with the government and political aspirants. However, politics exists in the healthcare systems. In this case, we will consider the biased politics in the healthcare systems that oppress the nurses to an extent that they are unable to voice their pleas. In the contemporary world,...