Classroom and Behavior Management: John’s Case

Introduction The focus learner selected for this project is John, a 15-year-old Hispanic male. John is in the ninth grade, and he was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) several years ago. The focus learner is sociable, friendly, and high-skilled, but he is inclined to interrupt other students when...

GCS Recruitment Ltd.’s Human Resource Management

Business strategy The business strategy aims for business excellence, which is a combination of horizontal and vertical teams providing strategy and planning and aiming for the ultimate goal of achieving the vision, mission and goals of the organisation. Human resource management planning is important in providing a strategy for an...

The Sundance Film Festival and Its Influence

Introduction It is necessary to say that the Sundance Film Festival is one of the most known events that are focused on independent movies. The fact that it is frequently discussed all over the world should not be disregarded, and its influence can be described as tremendous. Another aspect that...

Environmental Conservation Project Management

Introduction The world is increasingly getting competitive. Firms are faced with a difficult situation of having to deal with the dynamics in the corporate world. The emerging technologies and environmental concerns are some of the factors that corporate bodies have to deal with in order to ensure smooth operations. According...

Industrial Relations Around the World

Industrial Relations We are currently living in a world where industrial peace has to be fostered. This can only be done using industrial relations. The mechanisms inherent in this concept can serve for the benefit of both managers and employees. These two parties can freely discuss the state of affairs...

Nottingham’s The Art Organization (TAO) Study

Executive Summary The art business contributes very much to the development of the country because of its adherence to diversity, non-profit nature, and role in nurturing the various talents. This is because the organization offers many services for prospective consumers to choose from. Indeed, the art organization (TAO) is well...

Stem Cell Debate: Advantages and Disadvantages of Stem Cell Technology

Introduction One of the most prolonged debates in the field of biology is that on stem cells. They refer to undifferentiated cells that have the ability to separate into other types. Commonly found in a multi-cellular organism, those in mammals have two major groups. The first one is embryonic stem...

Tourist Satisfaction in Switzerland

Abstract This paper aims to propose a study on the level of tourist satisfaction in Switzerland. To introduce the topic, the introduction presents the theoretical background of tourism satisfaction, focusing on the key assumptions that underlie this sector. The literature review discusses the findings of the recent academic literature, mainly...

Barker’s Regeneration & Plath’s The Bell Jar: Compare & Contrast Essay

Introduction Literature is usually regarded as a guide, which leads us throughout the realities of life, impacts our conclusions, and permeates our cultural consciousness. It is in the literature that we find our characters; we find the evidence of our pasts and an expectation for our potential. It is literature...

Education Philosophy as It Relates to Adult Learning and Higher Education

Abstract This paper deals with the philosophy of education relating to adult learning and higher education. It begins with the reflection of lived experience, which allows stating core values and beliefs of an educator, as well as factors able to influence them. The paper considers the educational philosophy of self-discovery...

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Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Jane Austen authored the title Pride and Prejudice in 1797 for ten months. However, the novel was published in 1813. To help in her writing, Jane Austen used personal experiences of the happenings during that era as the story describes the middle-class life in England. Jane Austen hails from a...