Researching of Collaborative Management

According to the description of Tom’s health condition and symptoms, it seems that the nurse should refer the patient to both physician and respiratory physiotherapist. Either of the two healthcare professionals will be able to adequately assess the risks of the patient’s condition and take up effective measures for improving...

Being Young: Advantages and Disadvantages

People are prone to aging, and gradually, starting from infancy, a person turns into the elderly. All people go through the stage of youth, when they are no longer children but not yet adults. Everyone evaluates their young years in their way, that is, someone enjoys being young, and someone...

The Purchase Algorithm of Cosco and a Small Store

Cosco’s purchase flowchart Cosco does not put any specific emphasis on the buyers. Instead, Cosco’s qualification review includes the supplier’s background information, their achievements, capability, and guarantee, quality assurance, and compliance history. These suppliers appear in vendors’ list, and purchasers therefore will be able to select them (Cosco Shipping Lines...

Parenting in a Pandemic: Tips to Keep the Calm at Home

Article Summary “Parenting in a Pandemic: Tips to Keep the Calm at Home” by the American Academy of Pediatrics provides a set of simple recommendations for parents regarding managing children’s behaviors during the pandemic. The source problematizes the pandemic’s implications for children’s subjective well-being and emotional stability. Families are recommended...

The Documentary “The Life of the Buddha”

Introduction At midnight, Siddhartha left the palace and was never heard from again. His young wife, son, and father all survived him. Giving up his cushy and comfortable life was Siddhartha’s first move toward enlightenment. Siddhartha gave up his material possessions and transformed into an ascetic (“The Life of the...

A Care Ethics Position: Doctor-Patient Relationships

Developing relationships between a doctor and a patient is a critical topic for discussion in health care and nursing. Following the Code of Medical Ethics, one should remember such issues as trust, sound decision-making, and effective problem-solving. In the situation under analysis, I am a doctor who works with a...

Nutrient Delivery: Adult Health Nursing

Nutrition is vital for normal body functioning, prompting healing in recovery, preventing malnutrition and related disorders. Nurses have a role in educating and advocating for proper diet to their clients within the community and hospital settings (Cooper & Gosnell, 2018). Patients in the intensive care unit and neonates may present...

The Influence Music Has Over Various Generations

Introduction The chapter Love and Sex, written by Hesmondhalgh, illustrates the influence music has over various generations. In this sense, each song is capable of transforming the views of the public and rebelling against certain issues. One instance of such a situation is the incorporation of liberalizing sexual preferences in...

Ethical Principles in Psychology

The ethical dilemma described in the case study is a frequent consequence of the relationship between the psychologist and the patient. Some of the issues in the scenario concern the neglection of the APA standard “Avoiding Harm, 3.04” and the potential violation of “Multiple Relationships, 3.05” (American Psychological Association, 2017)....

Electric and Gas-Powered Vehicles Compared

With the development of technologies and the growing need to take care of the environment, new models of vehicles started to appear. A non-professional may fail to see any differences, but electric cars are actually not the same as their gas predecessors and colleagues, and the similarities between them can...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Toyota: The Corporate Strategy of Sustainable Development

Experience In order to implement a corporate sustainability strategy, it is essential to consider the strategic directions that currently exist to reorganize them. For this purpose, it is possible to evaluate the examples that already exist and use the Unilever strategy (Savitz, 2013). Accordingly, the company correlates the public good...

The Start of the Vehicle With the Use of the Key

Introduction When it comes to the start of the vehicle with the use of the key, it is necessary to understand that specific information is transmitted with this process. In the beginning, the antenna ring emits the energy of a radio frequency explosion when a preset key is put into...

Managing the Resistance to Change

Introduction Resistance to change is one of the major factors that might lead to poor outcomes. The fear of uncertainty and unemployment might be one of the central aspects associated with the high resistance levels among employees (Cameron & Green, 2019). Discussion Integrating healthcare information systems means that specialists will...

Mental Health and Domestic Violence in Bangladesh

This article investigates the experiences of pregnant women in rural Bangladesh that are exposed to lifetime domestic violence (DV). According to the study, the research on this subject is scarce, and the connection between the mental health of pregnant women and domestic violence is rarely discussed. Researchers try to find...

The Problem of Legalizing Cannabis in the UK

Legalizing Cannabis in the UK Legalizing cannabis is quite controversial. Legalizing cannabis agents have highly defended the move. Proponents of the move argue that legalizing the drug will decrease the social evils witnessed. Opponents feel that legalizing the drug will rot the society. Advantages of legalizing cannabis It will save...

Linear Programming Usage and Analysis

Usage scenario Linear programming (LP) is used to find the optimal solution for functions operating under known constraints. Therefore, it is best suited for operating within a decision environment with certainty. Such situations are common in business and economics, where the costs are known, or when distributing limited resources. One...

The PICO Format: The Problem of VTE Treatment

The PICO format helps to focus on the problem of VTE treatment non-compliance using an evidence-based clinical practice approach. The nurse indicator related to the PICO issue is critical for the development of the PICO question. The problem in my workplace is associated with the management of venous thromboembolism (VTE)...

Racism v Justice. “The New Jim Crow” by M. Alexander

The book focuses on exploring the social status of African Americans, in the context of the judicial and mass incarceration system. The socio-economic status quo and political policy forced a whole race into poverty, and subsequent crime and arrest. Law enforcement is given a carte blanche in combatting crime that...

Racial Discrimination in the Modern Society

Introduction Racial discrimination presupposes intolerance towards people with a different skin color or to those of other ethnicity, origin, and sometimes gender. Those who discriminate, refuse to work, communicate, and do other activities with people of a specific group. Likewise, racism occurs when there is a governmental standard or policy...

The School Board Candidacy Speech

The school board is especially crucial when children need exceptional consideration and care. Therefore, I want to do my best to contribute to the public school board and ensure that every child’s needs are met. The school board members assist the community in numerous essential ways, which I fully acknowledge...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Andie from “Honky” Play by Greg Kalleres

Sexuality Stereotypes One of the main characters in Honky, Andie Chastain, is a young woman whose behavior reflects multiple stereotypes linked with sexuality (Kalleres, 2014). Today, social media researchers are concerned about the harmful stereotype, according to which women tend to lie about rape or sexual harassment (Stabile et al.,...

U.S. Interest Group: National Organization for Women

The U.S. interest group chosen for this discussion post is the National Organization for Women that was created in 1966. All the necessary information regarding this American feminist organization may be found at their website. The mission statement is to “take action to bring women into full participation in the...

Media Literacy Discussion Post

Media consumption grows increasingly with the development of the internet and the popularization of social media. Today, a regular adult spends almost half of the day consuming media, which includes watching TV, surfing the web, and texting through various mediums either at home or outside. Such a vast number of...

Gender Roles in Hung Liu’s Paintings

Hung Liu is one of the most famous painters of the 20th century who expresses Chinese and American cultures. She was born in Changchun, China, in 1948 and moved to the United States by the end of the 20th century (Nigris 192). Liu is known to often portray courtesans, entertaining...

Medical Records of Every Patient

The hospital has to have medical records of every patient, administrators of which must be held responsible for them. Medical records should have participation standards in order not to get lost in all the documents. Hospital standards have several sub standards, which would also be discussed in the paper. Standard...

Cost, Volume, Profit Graphs Analysis

Operation in a Free-For-Service Environment The fixed costs would increase for both firm X and Y since the services are provided based on the fixed charge for a given period (Obadha, Kazungu, Chuma, & Barasa, 2018). The total revenue curve would shift to shift upwards, depending on the fixed value...

What Makes the “Singapore” Text Effective?

A non-literary text of the “Singapore” flyer is a type of analysis advertisement. This text aims at informing the reader about the chosen Central Singapore District and the importance to recognize its activities in society, underling the concepts of inequality and social support. At first glance, the author of this...

“Only Drunks and Children Tell the Truth” by D. H. Taylor

The play Only Drunks and Children Tell the Truth by Drew Hayden Taylor tells the story of Janice, a woman who was taken away from her biological family when she was a child. At some point, her brother Toronto says that “If you have a sound understanding of where you...

The CASE Act and the Copyright Law in the Modern Generation

With the dawn of the recent coronavirus pandemic, both individuals and bigger organizations have had to re-adjust the way they function on a day-to-day basis. With people having to adhere to the social distancing rules and going out generally being frowned upon, many businesses and facilities have chosen to start...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Early Human Made Animated Art

Human beings evolved in various stages, Paleolithic stage being one of them. They drew images on the caves’ walls where they resided and then used small stone lamps that they made from animal fat to view the pictures. The art was a way of keeping information for future reference, and...

Performance-Driven Teams and Motivation

A performance-driven team, to which some refer as a high-performance team, differs from a common one in its efficiency. It has such general elements as social interaction, meaningful cooperation, different roles, and a purpose (Dominguez et al., 2016). Additionally, a performance-driven team has such features as a direction, a common...

The Targeted Audience of the Communication

Media 1 The audience for this New York Times article is adults who are interested in world news. Most of them are residents of America and are under the age of 50. The visual representation of the article corresponds to its content; it depicts Soviet aircraft. It helps the audience...

The National Council on Aging

The National Council on Aging (NCOA) is a service and advocacy organization that primarily makes no profit. NCOA combines efforts made by other nonprofit organizations, businesses, and the government to better the lives of elderly persons. The organization focuses on building up services and creative solutions that assist elderly peoples’...

Analysis of “The Interrupters” Film

The documentary film The Interrupters reveals the importance of fighting against violence in communities where the criminality rates are above the average. Chicago’s South Side, the movie’s setting, is an example of a troubled area where drug trafficking, murders, and illegal gangs activities disrupt the residents’ well-being (James, 2012). The...

Discussion of Food Security Technologies

The most promising technological innovation to help promote global food security is providing farmers with networking opportunities through mobile technologies. For example, alerting agricultural workers to changes in weather conditions or outbreaks of disease will help them adapt to changes and protect crops and livestock. This can be done through...

Theology in the Context of World Christianity

In eastern parts of the world, there are cultures, the main basis of which is placed on shame and honor. So much so that it leads to questionable actions that may be considered crimes or up in people taking their own lives in order to maintain honor. Those cultures are...

Why Is the Family Considered the Most Important Agent of Socialization

Introduction Through socialization child’s skills, motives, and behavior are adjusted according to the rules that exist in society. Certain groups and organizations in society play a key role in socialization. Parents, siblings, peers, and teachers spend a lot of time explaining values to children, thereby guiding and changing their behavior....

European Colonization’s Influence on Africa

The present world stratification is the outcome of European nations’ colonization and conquering of indigenous peoples, most of whom lived in Africa. Direct colonialism has mostly ended, but the ideology that accompanied it has persisted in people’s cultural identities, as well as their political, social, and economic behaviors. Colonization began...

How to Be Able to Compete With Amazon Company

Amazon opened a 4-star store (‘Amazon to open,’ 2018). There is a need to analyze what features a company should have to compete with Amazon. To be able to compete with Amazon company, the company should know how to manage its resources and create an exceptional ideas. Resources and capabilities...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Child Poverty Problem in Alabama

On the basis of the fact sheet analysis of the state of Alabama, the core strength of the region includes child health. It is stated that “650,406 children ages 0-18 were enrolled in Medicaid and All Kids (Children’s Health Insurance Program) in 2018” (Children’s Defense Fund, 2020, p. 1). In...

Mental Health Treatment Evolution Since the 1400s

Recent research has devoted much effort to exploring mental health treatment as it has been one of the thorniest issues throughout time. Still, the healing of mental problems and the attitude towards it has undergone fundamental changes from the 1400s until now. Even though it is hardly possible to remove...

The Florence Baptistery’s Famous Doors

The religious building, the Florence Baptistery, is known for its doors designed by two artists, Andrea Pisano and Lorenzo Ghiberti. The Baptistery is recognized as a minor basilica and is located in Italy. In addition, it is one of the oldest buildings in the city, which is relatively preserved satisfactorily...

The Violent Video Game Industry’s Responsibility

Media have long been considered crucial for personality development, as people are regularly exposed to enormous amounts of information on various topics. Nevertheless, the video game industry has arguably leaped forward in this direction, as people have a chance to control characters’ actions, which in some instances can be completely...

Looting as a Major Problem for the US Citizens

Looting is often associated with natural disasters or emergencies in a state. In 2005, one of the strongest hurricanes, later named “Katrina,” occurred in the United States. The primary damage was caused to the port city of New Orleans, in which, as a result, about 700 thousand people were left...

The Treatise “Remarks Concerning the Savages of North America” by Franklin

The treatise by Benjamin Franklin, titled Remarks concerning the Savages of North America, sought to challenge the persisting notions of the time about Native Americans being uncultured and savage. It was a myth perpetrated at the time by colonists in regards to the indigenous populations of America. The concept itself...

Coherence Definition and Importance

Coherence is defined as the human ability to identify meaningful elements, relationships, and connections between them and their value. Fullan and Quinn (2016) mention that greater coherence can be achieved through purposeful action and interaction, clarity and precision at work, and constant monitoring of progress and mistakes. Judging by this...

Columbian Exchange and Sea Route to India

At the end of the fifteenth century, Christopher Columbus managed to convince the royal family of Spain to equip an expedition in search of a sea route to India. The expedition was quite modest, so the trophies brought did not differ in abundance and variety. Nevertheless, cocoa beans, hammock, turkey,...

Intercultural Conflicts: Occurrence and Solutions

In chapter 8, “Intercultural Conflict,” the authors discuss the theoretical basis of conflicts, their definition, occurrence, classification, and solutions. The authors emphasize that conflict is an integral part of society and characterize it differently. In general, the conflict is defined in the chapter as a struggle between two incompatible opinions...

Ancient Greek War and Inter-State Relations

Every Athenian coalition, declaration of war, and a peace agreement was established by a decision of the assembly, in which citizens voted after hearing speeches that gave a variety of and often competing opinions regarding the best course of action. As a result, Demosthenes’ Speeches contain an unrivaled quantity of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

African Americans’ Life in 1900

Considering the life conditions in which African Americans were supposed to live during 1900, such a treatment is expected. Led by industrialization and related to its migration, many race problems appeared in this period (Locke & Wright, 2020). As far as white politicians took control over the voting polls, black...

Leonardo Da Vinci: Connecting Art to Science

One of the ways to draw parallels between art and science would be to mention how Leonardo Da Vinci tried to gain more insight into natural phenomena and observe them to an extent where he would recognize all of their peculiarities. From the human musculature to lip movements, Da Vinci...

Importance of Time Management for a Personal Life

There is no arguing with the fact that managing one’s time is one of the most important things for a student to consider. According to Schmidt and Hansson (2018), a doctoral student’s well-being is closely related to their efficiency and productivity – that is why strategies of maintaining it are...

Snowpiercer, Directed by Bong Joon-ho Review

Environmental problems concern society, and this issue is reflected in various ideas, such as science fiction books or films. The movie Snowpiercer, directed by Bong Joon-ho, represents the world of the future, where, in an attempt to stop global warming, humanity has frozen the planet. The last people were forced...

Growth Strategy for Fitness Business

It goes without saying that the successful development of a fitness business requires a well-elaborated growth strategy. All in all, there are five stages of fitness business growth that include getting started, building the foundation, growing a team, developing leaders, and expanding an organization (Greeley, n.d.). I suppose that within...

European Commission Swift Objection to Greece Accession to EEC

Greece officially submitted its application to the European Economic Community (EEC) in June 1975, inspired by friendly support and its own hopes for economic development. However, the EEC objected to its application due to the following reasons, majorly economic and political reasons: The Commission noted that Greece’s economy and agriculture...

Butler’s ‘The Parable of the Sower’ – Exploring Socioeconomic Inequalities

Growth and development are ongoing themes in the Parable of the Sower. When the old and new are not exactly ideal, the characters, led by Lauren Olamina, struggle with how to construct a perfect future. The Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler combines religious and imaginative elements. The text’s...

Camping: The Important Advantages

People planning a vacation by the sea sometimes consider camping. Camping is a summer type of auto tourism, which involves a closed area with places for tents. This type of recreation is widespread worldwide, and often in the warm season, people prefer it to many other types of leisure. Even...

Crop Lien System: General Prosperity of the Southern People

The exploitative Crop-Lien system permitted the affluent planter class to imprison formerly enslaved people and low-income white people in figurative debt chains. African Americans who had just gained freedom lacked the resources and the land necessary to start a farm. Through the crop-lien system, they were compelled to rent land...

The Effect of Online Activism on the Social Engagement

The effect of online activism on the phenomenon of social engagement evokes several contrasting opinions, demonstrated by the works of Noland (2017) and Gladwell (2010), who highlighted the difference between weak social ties (bridging) and strong connections (bonding) formed as a result of online activism. While Gladwell (2010) suggests that...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nine Principles of Policing

It is crucial for the government to perform its duties to the best of its abilities, uphold peace in society, and prevent destructive behavior. However, the current state of policing provides unsatisfactory results through many examples of such agencies creating socioeconomic and racial disparities (Albrecht, 2019). Ensuring that the current...

Workplace Violence Due to Substance Use Disorder

It is hard to disagree that workplace relationships usually depend on numerous factors. Even when the company puts enormous efforts into supporting a positive and inclusive working environment, it still can be affected by violence. Evidently, there may be various sources and types of workplace violence, and substance use disorder...

Death Of Student at LA High School Case Discussion

The case to be discussed further in this essay occurred in one of Los Angeles’s high schools, where a 15-year-old teenager died from a fentanyl overdose (Casiano, 2022). The suspects in the case are two teenagers who brought drugs to school after buying them in Hollywood Park. They have already...

Distinguishing Core Benefits: Market Offerings and Competition

Given today’s corporate landscape, the ease of access to technology, and the emergence of social media as a marketing tool, have made it simpler for anyone to start a business. The only prerequisite is a novel idea and a carefully planned strategy. People must now recognize that the simplicity of...

Digital Divide and Path to Equity for Students

In the education context, the digital divide generally refers to inequities in technology access among students. It is a highly relevant problem that affects approximately 16 million students in the United States (“Path to Digital Equity”). Hence, educators need to carefully consider the differences in digital opportunities among their students...

Conducting Job Analyses and Drafting Lawful Job Descriptions

The ever-changing job market requires employers to be tough while making employment decisions. Management is tasked with preparing accurate job descriptions, which requires in-depth job analysis (Caldwell, 2018). The purpose of job analysis is to summarize the tasks, duties, and responsibilities of the job. Additionally, job analysis determines the key...

The Impact of Rules and Norms on My Life

It is essential to mention that people live in a society, which is why they are exposed to the influence of other individuals and specific trends. Society significantly affects my life, which occurs through the media, advertising, and even during regular communication with friends. For instance, individuals follow fashion trends,...

Capitalism and Socialism in the Marxist School of Thought

Given his views on history, sociology, philosophy, economy, and politics, Karl Marx is well renowned in academia circles. While his ideas were created based on the events of the 19th century, I still find some modern day relevancy in them despite widespread criticism. To begin with, his idea that capitalism...

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Recommended Therapy

Genetics and Neurotransmitters Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a condition that is characterized by pathognomic features, which are intrusive, persistent, unconscious impulses and thoughts which repeat themselves continuously. It occurs when there are variations in some genes that give instructions for proteins that transport serotonin (Strom et al., 2021). Differences in genes...

The Salmonella Bacterium as a Food Borne Illness Pathogen

Food is one of the main sources of energy for the human body. However, bacteria that can be found in food can cause serious health problems. Acquiring knowledge of these threats to the body is critical. This information includes information on disease signs and symptoms, kitchen practices in a foodborne...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Analysis of “The Second Coming” Poem by William Butler Yeats

The poem The Second Coming by William Butler Yeats is a wonderful and thought-provoking piece of poetry. Written in 1919, following the ordeal of the First World War, one of the deadliest struggles in human history, the poem embodies the uncertainty and anguish of a post-conflict world. Despite being penned...

Aspects of the Consumer Behavior Theories

Introduction Consumer behavior theories are models that aim to explain and predict how consumers make decisions and take action. They are based on psychological, sociological, and economic principles and can help businesses understand the factors that affect consumer behavior. The models applicable to marketing strategies regarding men’s skincare products include...

Liberal Democracy Opportunities for Middle Eastern Nations

Introduction The articles by Imai and Zeren, Gaffar, Battaloglu, and Farasin discuss various challenges and opportunities for Middle Eastern nations to transition to liberal democracy. One major challenge identified in the articles is the lack of a unified understanding of what liberal democracy entails and the cultural and historical factors...

The Most Common Types of Discretionary Benefits

Introduction Paula included the most common types of discretionary benefits with examples. Her post offers preliminary information about benefits, clearly distinguishing one type from another, including her personal experience. However, several points significantly influenced the tendencies in benefits established in the companies. One such issue is the pandemic of COVID-19,...

Knowledge and Ignorance: Ethical Issues in Modern Medicine

The assertion that knowledge is power is true and essential for modern medicine. This is because doctors and patients always want to get as much information as possible about the disease, diagnosis, or symptoms. Thus, having collected a large amount of data, medical staff can more accurately diagnose and prescribe...

The Triple-Bottom-Line (TBL) Framework

John Elkington originated the triple-bottom-line (TBL) framework, which promotes the concept that enterprises must consider more than just financial gain and look at the consequences of their operations on the natural world and society. Even though some people think that implementing this system generates more problems than fixes, I believe...

Workplace Organizational Behaviour

Workplace relationships might often be challenging and overwhelming because people who do not know each other quite well have to be productive and achieve common goals. Concerning the conflict between Jessie and Julie, one may state that the cause is their different perceptions of selves and the workplace. Thus, according...

Stress from a Perspective of Abnormal Psychology

In abnormal psychology investigating patients’ atypical behavior, stress might serve as the trigger for mental illnesses. As any life challenges that affect people’s emotional well-being are perceived as stress, it has multiple ways of affecting disorders. These are based on the person’s predisposition to mental illnesses and personal characteristics. When...

Benner’s Novice to Expert Theory

As a nurse educator, I consider Benner’s theory fundamental for nursing and healthcare. This theory offers a framework for describing, explaining, and controlling the phenomena associated with the professional activities of nursing staff. Competence, skills, acquisition, experience, and clinical and practical knowledge are some of its key concepts. The core...

Self-Employed Nurses as Agents of Change in Canada

The position of the nurse in the currently existing medical system has been a debated issue for a certain amount of time (Gotlib Conn, Kenaszchuk, Dainty, Zwarenstein, & Reeves, 2014). This paper discusses an article by Wall (2014), which considers the phenomenon of self-employed nurses in Canada and their contribution...

Linda Nurse Leadership Case

From the case study, it is evident that Linda is experiencing legal, ethical and professional difficulties due to the issue of nursing shortage. Indeed, the unavailability of nurses and assistants is the root cause of Linda’s inability to provide the best patient care. The principles of beneficence (bringing about good...

Trauma Nurse’s Personal Philosophy in Practice

Introduction To develop a personal nursing philosophy, it is essential to overcome particular challenges in one’s practice. Therefore, the following paper is to cover my experiences as a trauma nurse. Moreover, the following paragraphs are to provide some thoughts that I realized during my work in a hospital and gained...

Changes in a Person Analysis

In this essay, I will discuss the changes occurred with my friend whom I have known for over three years. Although we live in the same city, we rarely meet, but often talk on the phone. She runs a small business that provides printing products for various organizations. My friend...

Industrial Revolution in the Chinese History

In his work, Justin Yifu Lin investigates the history of Chinese economic development and states several hypotheses explaining why, despite the numerous inventions and potential, the Chinese industrial revolution never happened. All the economic factors that led to the famous Industrial Revolution in England in the nineteenth century already existed...

The Next Big Thing Simulation for Entrepreneurs

The Next Big Thing might seem a simple fun game, yet it also sheds light on some of the most challenging business tasks, which is a choice of a possible investment (Hisrich, Peters, & Shepherd, 2017). The activity provided a lot of food for thought about what makes a good...

Wasted Efforts in American Healthcare

To provide proper medical and nursing care, it is of great importance to developing a good resource management strategy. For instance, any assets available to care providers should be used in a way that maximizes their effectiveness and prevents extra expenses. Nowadays, waste resources in modern healthcare systems include money...

Theory Building in Nursing

Building theories allow scientists to study phenomena of the real world by representing them in the form of abstract models. This approach provides researchers with a useful tool that makes it possible to reduce the complexity of the processes in question by focusing on the most relevant aspects of them....

Case Study Method of the Research Design

One of the approaches to research design is called the case study method. It consists of describing a case, which may be of interest, for instance, because it is very common or highly atypical, and extensively analyzing it to explore, explain, or describing it in detail (Holly, 2014; Polit &...

Have the Trade Policies of President Donald Trump Increased the Competitiveness of the USA?

Introduction Donald Trump’s presidency is marked with a number of contradictory policies, some of which concern trade. The most distinctive feature of his trade policy is protectionism, ensured by imposing tariffs on imports. While some Americans believe that this measure will benefit the USA, others assume that it will do...

Globalization and Corporate Social Responsibility

Globalization has changed the way businesses interact with their clients, compete, and develop corporate strategies. Through globalization, companies can reach customers globally and sell their products or provide services to a more significant number of individuals. While this establishes a better opportunity for development and financial gain, it also pressures...

Some Reasons Why Reading Is Important

Introduction. Books are an integral part of our life. Develop imagination, transfer to the world where magical things are possible. “Haroun and the Sea” is written for a ten-year-old boy, Rushdie’s son. Reading is not just amusement. There is a couple of reasons why reading is important. They are sources...

How can a person change the world

Introduction We all want the world to become better, but how can a person change the world? I believe that the answer to this big question might be quite simple. If you want to change the world, you need to change yourself. Main text How is it going to work?...

The Effects of Means-Tested Social Programs

Introduction Welfare programs are a necessary part of social security in the United States. They meet the citizens’ basic needs and provide medical, housing, payment, food, educational, and childcare assistance to those in a difficult financial position (Popple & Leighninger, 2019). Eboni Logan is an example of a citizen who...

Inflation and Unemployment in Bavaria

Expansionist fiscal policy is a series of government measures aimed at increasing aggregate demand. They involve cutting net taxes or increasing government purchases and may reduce the number of unemployed. According to the Keynesian theory, such actions should be taken only to overcome the economic recession and stabilize the country’s...

Buying a Laptop: Personal Experience

Although the modern computer hardware market provides a lot of options to choose from, buying a laptop is not an easy task. It is necessary to find such a model that would satisfy the technical requirements of a customer and be reasonably priced. The current paper describes the experience of...

“Romeo and Juliet” by Baz Luhrmann: Forbidden Love

Introduction The works of William Shakespeare have lived through centuries in order to be awarded the title of unprecedented classics. However, with the major change in the overall perception of society and its behavioral patterns, many creators felt the urge to interpret this classic to mitigate the gap between the...

The Marketing Strategy Plan Analysis

The marketing plan suggests following some of the trends that have already become the cornerstone of the company’s success. It does not reject some of the key points of the current marketing strategy. Instead, it provides the guidelines for the future development of new services, the introduction of pet supplies,...

Racist Assaults Against Asians and Coronavirus Pandemic

At the very beginning of the year 2020, the world has encountered an unexpected and unprecedented virus outburst that changed millions of people’s lives across the planet. One of the critical outcomes of the COVID-19 pandemic appeared to be a distorted view of the public towards Asian people. This paper...

How the Nutrients of a Hamburger Meal Are Processed Through the Body

The first step to obtaining nutrients from a hamburger meal is taking it by mouth and then breaking it with saliva and teeth. Subsequently, in order for nutrients, including protein, carbohydrate, and lipid, to be utilized for energy, the hamburger meal must undergo mechanical and chemical digestion (“Digestive System Processes,”...

The Article Analysis About Among Teachers in Ghana

Introduction For the current essay, the article entitled “Organizational justice and job satisfaction as predictors of turnover intentions among teachers in the Offinso South District of Ghana” by Addai et al. (2018) was chosen as the most relevant. To demonstrate concepts learned throughout the course, they will be applied for...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Boiling Is a Process That Cools the Water

Grandma, science is good at making people have a sense of cognitive dissonance; the unpleasant internal contradictions felt when presented with the knowledge that is contrary to what one earlier perceived. Such a form of cognitive dissonance can give people a little trouble when they are attempting to comprehend why...

Postpartum Teaching Plan Assignment

The discharge with a newborn leads women and their families to significant changes in their daily lives, and it is crucial to teach them the basics to maintain well-being. Firstly, the mother must be educated about possible body reactions, such as bowel and urine difficulties, swelling, and mood switches. Secondly,...

Zara’s Visual Merchandise Strategies

My favorite store is Zara, which specializes in low-cost and fashionable clothing. As it is a clothing store, it uses merchandise to visually captivate customers and those who pass by. It was especially apparent the last time I went there. Zara primarily targets sight, which is supported by other senses,...

Calcium Movement in Muscle Contraction

Calcium is an essential element within the process of muscle contraction due to its direct involvement in the interaction between muscle fiber proteins, such as actin, troponin, and myosin. Myofibrils have the ability to interact with ATP and contract only in the presence of certain concentrations of calcium ions in...

Analysis of Coronavirus in Texas

According to the patient information provided, the 19-year-old student arrived from Chicago a few days ago. At the time of the interview, an increased body temperature in the 38-38.5 degrees Celsius region, a dry cough, and general weakness of the body were recorded. Moreover, the girl stated that she had...

Human Subjects Protection: International and Regional Human Rights Standards

It is crucial for any clinical expertise to be integrated with the best possible scientific evidence. Otherwise, it is impossible to provide patients with all the needed options. If patients have no choice, they are unable to express their preferences. Patient preferences include spiritual and religious values, cultural and social...

Importance and Definition of Socialization

People are highly social creatures who need to live in communities to survive and develop properly. Although genetic factors are critical, socialization is equally important and is defined in many ways. This process sets people’s social identity, teaches them to take roles, controls their behavior, and transmits culture, which is...

Fever, Cold, or Pfeiffer’s Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment

An evaluation of the symptoms reported by the patients suggests the presence of inflammation in the nasopharynx area, which causes swallowing pain. Moreover, the absence of cough and respiratory complications provides the basis for the provisional diagnosis, which is tonsillitis. Other symptoms relevant to this disease can be found during...

The Film Quiet Rage Analysis

As a psychological experiment, The Quiet Rage showed us how mental conditioning plays a vital role in how we view our lives and how people treat one another. It shows how us how we can lose sight of ethics and legalities once given the power to exercise over our fellowmen....

Masters of Production: The Hidden Art of Hollywood

Each movie has its message to deliver to the audience, and there are many filmmaking approaches to doing it, such as the choice of genre, characters, design, and locations. The documentary Masters of Production: The Hidden Art of Hollywood is directed by John J. Flynn, and reflects the main concepts...

The Civil Rights Movement’s Success

The Civil Rights Movement was successful in achieving its objectives. The movement’s main goal was to promote equal rights for American residents regardless of racial or ethnic affiliation. The fundamental laws, including the Civil Rights Acts, Elementary and Secondary education Act, Voting Rights Act, and Housing Act, were passed to...

Researching: W Stands for Weakness

The XXI century is believed to be a century of equality and protection of human rights. Indeed, currently, every person has a right to vote regardless of gender and race. Besides, no one could forbid a black person or a Jew to enter a café, for example. Women have access...

Depression and Anxiety in Older Generation

Depression and anxiety represent serious mental disorders that require immediate and prolonged treatment for patients of different ages. The undermined psychological state of oneself might lead to severe outcomes affecting the individual’s thoughts, feelings, daily activities, and mood, as well as causing eating and sleeping disturbances. Depression and anxiety are...

Famous Early Sociologists and Their Ideas

The Most Intriguing Early Sociologists From the ones mentioned in the textbook, the most intriguing sociologists are Martineau and Mead. The former is fascinating for being the first female figure in sociology, and her contribution to the development of the scientific field was extremely valuable. Surprisingly, she was able to...

Implementing Data Analysis in Nursing Studies

Data is a crucial element in all decision making processes in the healthcare industry. Similarly, nursing is a science field, and therefore, the success of all related activities relies on the process of information collection and its application. However, the gathered data can only be classified as authentic and reliable...

Nature of People’s Propensity for Violence

Throughout the whole history, human beings manifest violence in different forms, including wars, murders, and physical or psychological bullying, among others. In this regard, many scholars of various scientific fields, primarily anthropologists, sociobiologists, and researchers, became vigorously interested in the issue of whether people are inherently inclined to violence. Some...

FC Barcelona’s Past to Recent Performance Comparison

Summary FC Barcelona is a Catalan soccer team with more than 120 years of history. It is one of the wealthiest clubs, and its school raised famous players like Pep Guardiola, Andres Iniesta, and Lionel Messi. A soccer club’s success can be measured by its local and international leagues’ performance...

The Coca-Cola Company’s Strategic Analysis and Objective

Introduction Coca-Cola Company is the leader in the market for soft drinks. It was founded in 1886 and became a manufacturer of iconic glass and other products (“Our company,” n.d.). To examine its current situation, SWOT analysis can be applied. It is a strategic tool for identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,...

Role of Communication in Organizational Behavior

The greatest takeaways from the course are all related to the importance of tailoring any organizational behavior interventions to the specific organization. An example from the latest reading, formalization, guides employees, an excessive level of formalization can unnecessarily complicate the decision-making process or prevent employees from resolving customers’ issues (Bauer...

The Positive and Negative Aspects of Judaism

Judaism is a Jewish religion where members believe in a single deity who is the creator and redeemer of human beings, all forms of life on earth, and everything in the Universe. It is one of the oldest monotheistic religions in history, said to have begun with Abraham in Canaan....

Sociology from Theoretical Perspectives

Conducting sociological research while attempting to establish the nature of the parameter being measured or to make explicit the hidden causal relationships found in society requires complicated analysis. In testing, countless variables can confuse research (“Theoretical perspectives,” 2020). Therefore, many sociologists become committed to one of three perspectives that view...

Company Analysis: Pepsi Crisis Management

Pepsi was lately embroiled in an argument over an advertisement published in April 2017. Kendall Jenner, a white model, appeared in the commercial handing cops a can of Pepsi to terminate what seemed to be a Black Lives Matters demonstration (Bowers et al., 2017). Individuals immediately took to social platforms...

Language Influence on Speaker’s Personal Identity

Mahmoodi-Shahrebabaki, M. (2018). Language and Identity: A Critique. Journal of Narrative and Language Studies, 6(11), 217-226. This article explains the connection between the language and its speaker’s identity. The author of this article, Masoud Mahmoodi-Shahrebabaki, is a lector at the University of California, Irvine. His article provides basic information on...

Socrates as an Example of a True Philosopher

The purpose of a true philosopher is to rise above bodily, simple pleasures because they are empty and insignificant. He is not interested in everyday life, wealth, nobility of origin, and various amusements. Socrates is an example of a true philosopher because he never sought to please other people and...

“Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment” by Kabeer

Gender inequality is an issue that has led to endless debates with different people proposing diverse solutions to ensure equality is exercised. The article shows that many people are advocating for women’s empowerment to ensure that females are given various opportunities in the community. Moreover, it reveals that people are...

Aspects of the Theory of Mind

The notion of the theory of mind, while presupposing that every person’s decision is attributed to a certain mental state, provides people with the ability to understand others. Thus, for example, when one person’s decisions are motivated by the mental states of desire or belief, this person tends to project...

The Plains Indians as Minority Groups in 1880-1914

The Plains Indians lived in the Great Plain, and their culture is well-known for the importance of the buffalo, their religious ceremonies, the use of the tepee, and their war-path customs. The four important tribes of this culture include the Dakota, Cheyenne, Sioux, and Comanche (Krutz, 2019). The Great Plains...

Transformational and Inspirational Leadership

Transformational leadership is a process in which leaders and their followers elevate each other to high levels of motivation. A benefit of transformational leadership is leadership through development (Liu & Li, 2018). It is associated with the care that the leader shows for subordinates (Khan et al., 2020). A leader...

The Mountain Dew Zero Sugar Ad’s Analysis

Mountain Dew Zero sugar ad is a minute-long video featuring a famous actor Bryan Cranston and actress Tracee Ellis Ross. The ad is a parody of Stanley Kubrick’s movie adaptation of Stephen King’s The Shining. The video shows the iconic “Here’s Johnny!” scene from the movie, with Cranston’s psychopathic character...

Methods to Boost Metabolism

The topics of weight loss and boosting the organism’s metabolic processes involve multiple myths about questionable eating and physical activity patterns widely believed to increase metabolic rates in overweight or obese individuals. Apart from questionable practices, such as fasting or cutting one’s caloric consumption drastically, there are methods backed up...

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Milestones in the History of Western Europe

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Why Most People Cannot Sustain a Vegetarian Diet

A vegetarian diet has received much attention, especially about weight. There are several reasons why people adopt a vegetarian diet and a couple of counterarguments against it. Most people who claim to be vegetarians do so for health reasons. However, they seem to be less devoted to their diet that...

Missional Praxis: The Fruit of Theological Reflection

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The Wind That Shakes the Barley, Directed by Ken Loach

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Anglo-Saxon Chronicle about William I

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Aaronson’s and McCue’s Speeches on Terrorism

It seems reasonable to state that today, there are many platforms that make it possible to express significant claims on various issues. Relatively recently, Aaronson and McCue have had their chance to deliver their speeches at TED regarding the problem of terrorism. Despite the fact that they had a different...

Therapy for Victims of Domestic Abuse

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Barriers to Policy Implementation

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Extrinsic and Intrinsic Foot Muscles and Movements

Introduction Numerous muscles, tissues, tendons, and bones make up the foot and support stability, flexibility, and movement. Extrinsic and intrinsic muscles are the two primary classifications of foot muscles. Discussion Extrinsic foot muscles have their origins in the lower thigh, and they fit into various foot regions to enable gross...

The Tuskegee Syphilis Research: Violation of Principles of the Ethics Code

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Customer Analysis via Entropy and Information Gain in Banking

The introduction of big data analytics in the financial sector has provided bankers with countless opportunities to improve the quality of their services, enhance consumer segmentation, and modernize e-banking. In my experience in the banking sector, I have utilized data mining techniques to improve the quality of customer segmentation. This...