China–Africa Relations: Economic Consequences

There is a range of assumptions supported by different nations; among them, there are solidarity and the importance of collaboration. Speaking about such China and Africa, it is necessary to mention that it does not seem to be very easy for them to build strong and effective relationships (Asongu &...

The Impacts of High Patient-Physician Ratios

Problem statement In the contemporary world that is typified by high levels of competition among various organizations, it is prudent for healthcare facilities to focus on how to improve their services. Patient satisfaction is important in healthcare facilities. Consumers have need to be treated with dignity and respect (Beach et...

What Is Meant By Social Science Paradigms?

Social science paradigms can be defined as the frames and models according to which researchers can observe the world and make conclusions about the certain institutions, processes, and interactions within the society. As a result, social science paradigms are used in order to organize the researchers’ observation and reasoning and...

New York Ball Culture in “Paris is Burning” Documentary

Did Paris Burn in Vain? The tolerance and acceptance of minorities into society is always a tough process. American society has witnessed several successful occasions when the outcasts have gained their right to equality. Saying that you are gay today is a much less risky feat than it was, say,...

“Praying for Sheetrock” by Melissa Fay Greene

The history of the African-American search for freedom and equity has always been tragic. Although the abolishment of slavery was proclaimed many years ago, it became an integral part of the American society. One cannot find exact reasons for that. It seems that the idea of inequality and discrimination is...

Social Media and Accountability in Organizations

The powers of social media have developed gradually over the last decade. Consequently, social media can provide an organization with a platform to form connections with its old and new contacts including customers and supporters. In an online article that appears on the “Tech Talk” website, Tod Newcombe explores how...

Postnatal Depression Prevalence and Effects

Introduction While the birth of a child is generally considered as a happy event in people’s lives, it may sometimes be accompanied by negative issues such as physical or emotional complications of a mother. Postpartum depression (PPD) is a serious psychological disorder that disables the woman to take proper care...

Elderly Patient Education Intervention

Clinical Question The clinical question in the current project proposal is “Is the patient education intervention for elderly patients with chronic diseases able to increase the patients’ health knowledge and improve their health statuses?” The Proposed Intervention The intervention will consist of three phases: pre-experimental, experimental, and post-experimental. The participants...

Depression and Thyroid Issues in Young Woman

Introduction The object of this week’s study is a 21-year-old woman. At present she complaints about frequent headaches and general bad condition. Besides, she is bothered by gaining some weight in the last month. The lady supposes she has a thyroid problem because it was observed in her family. She...

Operational Plan for Increasing Volume Patients

Operational Plan The increase of the patient volume that is aimed at providing high-quality health care to wide populations and communities can be achieved by applying different approaches. Along with such beneficial objectives as the creation of the online platform for the patients and focus on their education, there is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nightingale’s Theory, Diversity, Millennium Goals

Millennium Goals and Nightingale’s Theory Although the Millennium Development Goals were supposed to be achieved in 2015, a range of issues regarding vaccination, identification of imminent health threats, and the overall level of health awareness remain unresolved (“News on Millennium Development Goals,” 2015). The post-2015 development agenda suggests that community...

Russian Cuisine and Eating Culture

Russia is a huge country, it spreads from Europe to Asia, its boarders are washed by many seas, multiple nations dwell on the territory of Russia, and it has several climate zones from tropics to polar circle, the time difference between the eastern and the western boarders of Russia counts...

Foreign Investors in Indonesia’s Mining Sector

Introduction The need to adjust to a particular political model is the factor that can hinder business development and significantly complicate the work process. If it is about the mining industry, there are limitations and established spheres of influence. Their violation can entail a rather serious responsibility. The country of...

Heart Failure Study and Human Rights Protection

Introduction Discussing ethical issues associated with the research can help to identify any gaps that need to be addressed to improve the results and conduct of the study. Dismissing ethical concerns during the planning stage can reduce the quality of the study and pose a threat to patient rights and...

Annie Company: New Product Strategy

Annie’s Target Market and Why Annie’s should focus on its current core consumer segment because it has proved so successful. It is most likely to consist of well educated, younger mothers who understand the benefits of consuming healthy foods among children. This consumer segment believes in progressive, healthy living derived...

Employee Conflicts Resolution and Ethical Dilemmas

Any workplace represents an environment where many people have to interact with one another; as a result, due to the overlapping interests, diverse values, and clashing needs, there is a high possibility of conflicts between employees (Carter, 2015). Some of such conflicts can be resolved with the help of internal...

Communicative Approach for Project Delay

Introduction Project managers are cognizant of the fact that project completion can be jeopardized by a variety of factors that include, but are not limited to the absence of key project members, change in project specifications, and technical problems. All projects are susceptible to the unavoidable risk of delays; therefore,...

The Law and Business Activity Aspects

Introduction At the center of liberated communities and civilizations is the presence of an autonomous economy, constituting of businesses authorized to carry out their actions without any meddling from weighty policies and demands from legal authorities. We also have to consider that business cannot be carried in the absence of...

National Kidney Foundation’s Educational Programs

Organization Information The organization I have chosen is the National Kidney Foundation (the NKF). Nurses pay $110 for one-year and $205 for two years of membership; students’ membership costs $25 per year (National Kidney Foundation, 2016). Several meetings are planned, including meetings in Orlando, FL (at Walt Disney World Swan...

Charlotte’s Personality in the “Now, Voyager” Film

Charlotte’s Personality The main character in the film is Drab Charlotte Vale. According to the film, Charlotte is raised up by an abusive mother. She lacks self-confidence because of her past experiences. The film shows clearly that Charlotte was an unwanted daughter. She later benefits from the services of Dr....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Public Goods and “Free Rider” Problem

Introduction Public goods are crucial to society. They include essential and non-essential aspects of modern life. However, despite their importance, they are often damaged by careless or deliberately malicious legislations, natural disasters, and other issues. This paper will present an overview of public goods, the challenges that affect them, and...

Preventive vs. Illness Healthcare Financing

Health care constitutes the most vital element of people’s lives’ social structure. It is necessary to allocate financial sources to the development of new treatment methods and medical technologies because, with the help of them, the quality of people’s lives will become higher. However, it is not possible to pay...

Targeting Consumer Segments Based on Sexual Orientation

Oakenfull’s article “Targeting Consumer Segments Based on Sexual Orientation: Can Advertisers Swing Both Ways” (2004) explores the reality of gay-oriented advertising. For most marketers, the gay and lesbian segment is a ‘dream market.’ Findings from several scientific studies indicate that gays and lesbians have higher disposable incomes compared with heterosexual...

American Civil War and Its Predetermination

Could the Civil War Have Been Avoided? To date, the Civil War remains the greatest battle on the U.S. territory and one of the most significant events in the American history. The war resulted in an array of changes introduced to the American society, the abolition of slavery being the...

Prescription Drug Use in the United States

Introduction Prescription drugs are a critical life-saving option for many patients. According to Kantor, Rehm, Haas, Chan, and Giovannucci (2015), the use of prescription drugs in the United States has risen since 2000, and 59% of American adults used one or more prescription drugs in 2012. Moreover, about 15% of...

Medical Technologies and Healthcare Costs

Introduction The impact of medical technologies on the costs of hospital care is usually thought to be quite significant. As explained in the Literature Review, most researchers agree that both the introduction of new technologies and their use for patient treatment often account for a steep growth of the hospital...

Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting

Introduction The addressed problem is nausea and vomiting from which patients with such diseases as cancer who receive chemotherapy suffer, and these conditions significantly decrease their quality of life, which is already damaged due to their diseases. To reduce the negative effects of nausea and vomiting on patients’ state, it...

Pressure Ulcers and Ethics in Nursing Practice

Introduction Background Pressure ulcers (PU) remain one of the issues that prevent the provision of high-quality healthcare services. Goals The objective of the paper is to define the strategies that can help avoid the development of PU in patients. Problem Description The phenomenon of PU occurs in hospitalized patients quite...

Intermountain Healthcare Mental Health Integration Model

Intermountain Healthcare’s Mental Health Integration model is one of the best frameworks that can be used by human service professionals to ensure care is delivered across the lifespan. The main objective of the model is to bring on board many professionals who can support the patient and eventually produce positive...

Brazil’ Poverty and Inequality

The high level of poverty witnessed in Brazil has a close relationship with the forced movement of black immigrants into the country to provide labour in farms and mining industries. The promotion of agendas to create a predominantly white population in cities such as Sao Paolo created a culture of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Communication in a Multicultural Environment

Sue’s Worldview Model Promoting cultural competence is a crucial step toward improving communication between the members of the global community. Indeed, culture clashes, misconceptions, and misunderstandings affect the quality of communication to a considerable degree, reducing the opportunities for developing a compromise and identifying a viable solution. To handle the...

Understanding Blogspace: Types, Comparison and Significance

Introduction The act of blogging has diversified since it began in the 1990s. At the moment, has trailed over a hundred million blogs (David 369). In the past, blogspace was used by unknown people who created a network for communication purposes. Today, blogspace is being used by various institutions...

Value of Education: Adam Smith vs. John Dewey

Creating the environment in which people can acquire essential knowledge and skills is crucial to the development of a well-functioning and successful society. Therefore, it is imperative to design the system of education that compels people to work on their academic and professional growth, focusing on the enhancement of their...

Global Business Activities, Concepts and Processes

The screening process in selecting a foreign market The priority order of steps is essential for the screening process because it enables a company to identify possible problems or challenges at the early stages. Moreover, it allows an organization to reduce the expenses associated with the screening process. It should...

Bottled House in Boswell and Manhole Covers as Artworks

The Bottled house in Boswell The Bottled house in Boswell, Canada, is an extraordinary roadside attraction. The house was built from more than half a million useless enclosing fluid bottles. The over 500,000 square-shaped bottles weighed over 250 tons (Darby2, 2006). The house, built by David H. Brown in 1952,...

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Effectiveness

The 2008 Illinois state report for the effectiveness of treatment The main aim of treating individuals who have undergone substance abuse and addiction is to offer a channel of services that can assist towards their recovery and support system, treatment of addicted persons, early intervention programs, and community intervention (Saddler,...

The Link Between Cultural Artifacts and Body Systems

Artifacts People surround themselves with objects which reveal their cultural background and identity. People live in society and they are brought up by some rules and values, which are represented by numerous objects (Sole, 2011). For example, my friend has a baseball in his room. This object occupies a central...

Events and Causes of World War I

Militarism World War 1 took place between 1914 and 1918. A number of authors and scholars have come up with possible causes of the First World War. It took place between rich countries. Some countries came together and formed alliances and thereafter united to fight nations. Various events led to...

American Economic Recovery Process in 2012

Is this really the worst economic recovery since the Depression? According to the article, some experts assert that the U.S. is experiencing the worst economic recovery in history. However, Rampell states that the economic downturn was severe but not comparable with the events of the Great Depression. The reason why...

Banned Books and Teens

What do you think of the concept of Banned Books Week? The concept of Banned Books Week is very appealing to me because it helps the public understand what books are banned and why. Furthermore, this event also spreads awareness of the books that are banned, and readers are often...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Christianity in Hirsch’s and Formstecher’s Portrayals

Samuel Hirsch (1815-1889) rejected the contention that in some ways Judaism is inferior to Christianity, on the contrary, he held a view that both religions are equal in their validity. While Judaism as a religion involves the intensive religious belief and implications of a way of living, Christianity, on the...

Water Pollution Index of Batujai Reservoir, Central Lombok Regency-Indonesia

Introduction Clean, fresh water is a valuable natural resource that ensures the survivability of the nation. Despite having 6% of the world’s water resources, Indonesia’s management and environmental policies have not only been raising concerns but also pushed the country to the brink of water crisis (“Indonesia’s water and sanitation...

Ethical Dilemma in Facing Death Situations

Introduction It is possible to state with certainty that individuals who work in clinical environments experience numerous ethical dilemmas, which are determined by the nature of their occupation as it directly influences people’s lives. Among these moral issues, the following could be exemplified as the most apparent: disclosure of the...

Positive and Negative Punishment Definition

The goal of punishment is not to allow certain types of behavior to happen or make them weaker. When defining punishment, it is vital to consider the three elements. First of all, the particular behavior occurs, then consequences follow it, and, finally, the behavior is weakened (Miltenberger, 2016). When an...

“Miss Representation” the Film by Jennifer Siebel Newsom

Introduction Miss Representation is a documentary directed by Jennifer Siebel Newsom in 2011, which focuses its attention on the problematic representation of women in modern media. It is a series of interviews with different people from schoolchildren to influential women, including Jane Fonda, Rachel Maddow, and Katie Couric. The film’s...

Detective Fiction: Devil in a Blue Dress by Mosley

Introduction Detective fiction is known to focus on the figure of the detective; however, supporting roles are also of extreme importance for readers. Such characters may have several functions, including plot advancement, the introduction of subplots, developing themes, heightening the conflict, and development of the main character. In Devil in...

Studying Orchestral Scores by a Conductor

Introduction Studying the orchestral score is the very first stage of the conductor’s training before rehearsal. Merely reading the score without analyzing the parts does not cover the entire range of artistic meanings embedded in the composition. In the process of preparing, the conductor should pay serious attention to the...

Team Nursing Care Delivery Model, Its Pros and Cons

Nursing Care Delivery Model One of the main tasks of nursing teams’ leaders is to provide consistently high-quality patient care. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to adhere to a specific work strategy so that the level of medical services delivery could be sufficiently high. As a...

Procurement, Strategic Purchasing and Supply Chain Management

Green Procurement, Its Relevance and Influence on Supply Chain Management One of the major concerns of modern society is environmental changes and challenges associated with this process. Large corporations have already started responding to the calls of the public and made green procurement one of their priorities because the focus...

American Beer Market and Brewery Industry

Introduction To understand the challenges and opportunities that companies face in the brewery industry, one has to consider not only economic but also sociocultural and technological factors. Thus, one will be able to outline several important opportunities for readers’ consideration. For example, the development of aluminum cans as a container...

Forensics of Fire and Explosions Critique

Reading the work by Professor Fred Smith on the forensics of fire and explosions compelled me to gain deeper insights on the field and the scientific community around it. First and foremost, the paper was eye-revealing in regards to the importance of scientific evidence in the criminal justice system. To...

Justin Trudeau in India: Textual Analysis of a Photo

Justin Trudeau is the Prime Minister of Canada and recently a controversial figure in media. He has a habit of wearing the national clothing of the host nation when visiting. This is often seen as insensitive or offensive by commenters. However, multiple photographs of him are available from such visits,...

20th Century History of Canada: Quebec

Introduction On July 1st, 1867, the Dominion of Canada was effective. Sir John A Macdonald was the 1st Canadian Prime Minister. The first telephone was invented by Sir Alexander Graham Bell in 1874. In the next decade, the great depression began at the exact date of 1929. After that, in...

Philosophy of Nursing: Emotional Intelligence Theory

Nursing and Its Components in my Philosophy of Nursing My nursing philosophy can be identified as culturally-sensitive and holistic. In my point of view, it is of great importance to view patients’ needs and expectations along with their background, family relationships, and self-identification. It seems to me that nursing is...

Real Fight in “Fight Club” Movie by David Fincher

Discussing and analyzing the movie “Fight Club”, directed by David Fincher and based on the novel written by Chuck Palaniuk in 1996, and screenplay written by Jim Uhls, it is necessary to note that the given movie draws up some important issues concerning life experiences: the person’s knowledge about oneself...

Sophocles’ Antigone: Critical Analysis

Introduction The play Antigone is one of the best Greek dramatic works depicting life style of society and human relations between people. Antigone of Sophocles can be characterized as an astonishing achievement of world literature in which people are crushed by the entanglements of law whichever way they turn. Antigone...

Independence in the US and Mexico: Comparison

Introduction The desire of each country to be one of its kind usually developed into numerous independence movements which were observable from the end of the eighteenth up to the middle of the nineteenth century. Independence movements in different countries were similar in their participants’ desire to become free. Though...

Op-ED Genetic Engineering: The Viewpoint

The debate about genetic engineering was started more than twenty years ago and since that time it has not been resolved. For a very long time, this field of science has been considered either as an ultimate remedy for many of our problems or as a direct threat to the...

Women as Oppression Victims in American Literature

Introduction Literary works dealing with serious subjects such as woman rights, discrimination and oppression can be completely different in genre and style, but nevertheless sharing a mutual theme, each approaching it from a different perspective. In Everyday Use by Alice Walker and A Jury of Her Peers by Susan Glaspell,...

Motivation as a Means of Productivity Increase

Assignment 1 Background of the Study It has been noted by scholars long ago that some organizations succeed while others do not, and numerous opinions connect this success to the ways in which the successful organizations motivate their employees to work more effectively and with greater commitment to the organization’s...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Non-Conventional Terrorism and Protection

Introduction The world of people from the ancient times is divided into two categories: those possessing positive attitude towards others, and those who reject such a kind of behavior. The problem of the crime which is not expected to appear and mainly is not punished, meaning terrorism, is the chimera...

Global Business Ethics: Ethical and Unethical Behaviors in Various Regions of the World

Introduction The video under analysis in the current paper is developed by the Prentice Hall, Inc. for the purposes of education and management qualification development in regards to business ethics principles observed across the cultures and countries in the modern globalized world. The overall purpose of the work is to...

A Person’s Safety Is Not Increased by Buying a Gun

Safety is defined as a state in which a person protects himself from any arm that can arise. Safety has become a key concern for many people in the world today. It is clearly understood that where there is no safety, there are more chances of harm or even death....

The Selection Process: Recruiting New Employees

Choosing the right personnel is extremely vital for any organization. Each organization, however, has its own requirements as for the personnel’s education, experience, productivity, etc. This being the reason, when recruiting new employees, an organization is looking for definite qualities and characteristics in each of the applicants. This is called...

“Seeds of Innovation” and Darwin

The aim of this thesis is to apply Darwin’s theory of evolution to the seedbeds of innovation that shape the growth of companies during various phases of their business. In order to clarify this objective, the author will look into evolutionary innovation models as applicable to present-day businesses, and compare...

The Social Role of Women Today

The role of women as members of society changed during the history of mankind. It is a fact that many years ago the system of organization of human society was a matriarchy. Since that time many things changed and nowadays we live in a period of patriarchy. Nevertheless, some experts...

The Bauer School’s Parking Problem and Solution

Introduction Calls for increase in the number of online courses is precipitated by the demand for study flexibility, ease of travel, demand of balance between work and study, lack of parking space and the need to save money and time. In addition to this, the introduction of online classes will...

Conservatives and Liberals Approaches in Politics

Introduction In American politics, power is the focal point with differences in ideology becoming very influential. Liberal and conservative ideologies complicate American political views. As a result, the two ideologies are critical in understanding American politics (Conover and Stanley 11). This essay discusses the general differences in the way in...

Impact of World War II on Balkan Nationalism, States and Societies

World-War II spanned the period of six years (from 1939 to 1945) and marked a major turn in human history through massive human slaughter, an unprecedented level of property destruction, power tussle, as well as a significant level of scientific and technological advancement which ushered in the nuclear age, and...

Economics of Sports Facilities & Communities

Siegfried and Zimbalist (2012) evaluated the renovations and constructions of 46 major league stadiums as well as arenas within the United States from the year 1990 to 1998. In addition, there were forty-nine sporting facilities preparing for or undergoing construction. This increasing number of sporting facilities was coherent with the...

Frontier Golf Simulator’s Market Analysis

Background Brian is a marketer and he is in charge of marketing and popularizing indoor golf simulators. The simulators are new trends that are currently emerging in the sport and their popularity is growing gradually. One of the main issues that pose a challenge to this new trend is the...

The Problem of Prescription Drug Abuse in the United States

Prescription drug abuse is a serious health concern that causes an overdose crisis in the United States. There are several determinants such as social, economic, and healthcare-related issues, leading to the increased opioid-associated mortality. Even though the problem of prescription drug abuse is multifaceted and complicated, it is possible to...

Crazy Eddie Inc. Case Study: Key Events Surrounding the Case

The key events surrounding the case Crazy Eddie Inc was a consumer electronics merchant founded in 1969 by Eddie Antar. The company soon expanded and opened various stores around New York City. Its success was accredited to Antar’s crooked salesmanship in forcing consumers to purchase, discounts from its bulk purchases,...

Important Life Lessons to Learn from John Updike and Nathaniel Hawthorne

In the following paper, I have my purpose to find connections between the stories “A&P” by John Updike and “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Both of them reveal some important experiences from the lives of two young men who protest against society they live in and its common practices....

Suicidability in Correctional Settings: Prevention

Introduction Risk assessment tools should be used to determine if an inmate is suicidal. Three methods are currently used to assess an inmate’s risk for suicide. These include “clinical opinions, structured-professionals judgments, and actuarial predictions” (Risk Assessment, 2006, para. 5). One of the common tools derived from these approaches is...

Successful Marketing Secret in a World of Data Overload

The biggest challenge marketers face today comes in the form of people’s attention spans, shrinking under the weight of a huge stream of information. In his TED talk, “How to get your ideas to spread”, Seth Godin tackles the problem of marketing a product in today’s world of information overload....

The Duty to Die: Support and Opposition

Introduction The issue of whether people have a duty to die has become burning nowadays. There exists no doubt that no one wants to die; however, what can be said about the person who is going to die anyway, and for whom it will only require a lot of efforts...

Comparative, Ideological, and Empirical Reasoning

Introduction Critical thinking requires more than problem-solving, but also the ability to predict the possible outcomes of an occurrence based on previous experience and acquired skills. It can be divided further into comparative reasoning, ideological reasoning, and empirical reasoning. These different types of reasoning help a person to derive a...

Case Trial: Atkins vs. Virginia

Parties: Daryl Renard Atkins, who initiated legal action in the court, and the United States government that prosecuted the defendant. Facts: The discussed case is a criminal procedure involving cruel and unusual punishment — death penalty. Daryl Renard Atkins was convicted in several serious illegal actions, such as armed robbery,...

Philosophy About the Soul and Fundamental Belief

Care of the Soul The soul is a rational part of a person, focused on solving moral problems. Socrates placed at the center of his teaching the question of an individual’s essence, especially the principle of knowing yourself. He understands the soul as people’s ability to think and evaluate their...

Servant Leadership: Seven Distinct Characteristics

Introduction The core principle of servant leadership is based on the idea to serve other people and to focus on the well-being and growth of the leader’s followers. The preceptor who guided my job practicum experience at the New York Methodist Hospital embodied the key aspects of servant leadership. She...

Holacracy Basics: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction Holacracy is a specific form of organization of a company’s structure that implies the elimination of all the organizational hierarchies. The concept was invented by Brian Robertson as a method of improving corporative efficiency. The lack of ranks is supposed to encourage the employees to work out new plans...

Linkedln: Strategic Positioning and Analysis

Introduction The purpose of this article is to strategically analyze and recommend the competitive strategy of the LinkedIn Company. The online business has been implementing an innovative positioning strategy whereby it has excelled in the competitive environment. The company is well known for its tremendous use of data. This situation...

An Issue of Maternal Mortality

Maternal mortality had been an essential issue for various independent researchers and organizations. The 2019 report by WHO has addressed the global maternal mortality problem. The organization argues that most women that die during childbirth live in developing counties. Moreover, they die from preventable causes; therefore, the world needs to...

“Blood in the Mobile” by Frank Poulsen

“Blood in the Mobile” is a documentary that reveals how smartphone production impacted the civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Filmed in 2010 by the Danish director Frank Poulsen, it studied and discussed the illegal mining of minerals involved in the mobile phone productions of companies like Nokia....

Social Psychology of Human Beings

Similarities and Differences Between Males and Females Males and females from childhood to adulthood are more alike than different on most physiological variables, resulting in gender similarities. Both genders have the same brain and hormones. Their genitals emerge from the same mass of embryonic tissue; hence, it is the same...

Analysis of Nutrition and Food Studies

The impact of the commercial sector on the politics of the government in the 21st century cannot be underestimated. The rules of production and distribution, ethical standards, and consumption policy are often dictated by multinational, worldwide organizations, which have a significant influence on the global market. Nestle (2013), in her...

The Role of a Registered Nurse in a Multidisciplinary Team

Introduction The problem of nurse role and responsibility has been debated a lot, and still, there is no definite definition of it. Nurses in the multidisciplinary team are responsible for a lot of things and perform a great many roles. Being a nurse, much work should be provided, moreover, nurses...

Replication and Its Importance in Healthcare Research

Replication is a crucial step in scientific research which is commonly a repetition of the same experiment to determine whether the results are consistent. The regularity in the results in turn determines if the efficiency and reliability of the test under question (Resnick, 2018 par.1). Some experiments in the medical...

Why Important Education System

In this day and age, the American school is perceived not only as a place where young people acquire the necessary academic knowledge and skills. It also became a space where students acquire social skills, build relationships, and learn to interact with each other. The current education system of the...

Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey

Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, will be an outstanding place for my personal growth and career advancement. The institution is one of the top-ranked public research universities in the country (“About Rutgers,” 2020). This means that I will be able to develop and grow among the most competent...

Organizational Culture Theory and Action

Organizations as entities are active participants of the communication process, which follows a specific set of patterns during the exchange of information and ideas. The research question is how organizational culture shapes the communication framework within an organization. The subject is significant because both for-profit, non-profit, governmental institutions strive to...

Coach and Athlete Relationship

20th-century sports have made coaching a critical profession. The coach is entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring individual’s or team’s success in any sport. In athletics, the coach influences both the sense of personal fulfillment and the performance of an athlete (Jowett and Cockeril, 2002). In team sports, a coach...

“Sneaker Wars” by Barbara Smit: A Review

The book Sneaker Wars by Barbara Smit presents an invaluable insight into the origins of the global sportswear brands Adidas and Puma and their impact on the sports industry. It provides an account of how the relations between two brothers Adi and Rudi Dassler shaped the competition between the two...

Analysis of “What We Eat” Article by Eric Schlosser

Introduction Eric Schlosser is the author of the book «Fast Food Nation», which includes many articles on the fast-food industry and its many influences. In the United States, it is remarkably lucrative and has a significant impact on the country’s economy and its citizen’s lifestyle and health. This essay will...

The Importance of the Digestive System for Creatures

Bacteria have simple digestive systems whereby food is ingested and wastes are eliminated from the body through the cell membrane by use of the contractile vacuole by the process of simple diffusion. On the other hand human beings have a more developed digestive system with various organs being used to...

Allocation of Healthcare Resources

Finite vs. Infinite Health Care Costs In a just society, everyone has a right to minimum health care. However, such minimum medical care should exclude other social determinants of health such as a person’s income and education that define a person’s lifestyle choices (Klein, 2005). Thus, some procedures should be...

Does Social Media Contribute to the Absence of Close Friends?

Many people have hundreds of friends in their social network profiles, but the question is whether all these people on the list can actually be called friends. In his article, entitled “The Quagmire of Social Media Friendships,” Curtis Silver explores what the word “friend” means in the modern world. The...

Drug Abuse Relation to the Violent Behavior

The drug abuse and violence-connected series present itself in several distinct and distinguishable different aspects: drugs of abuse may work on brain systems that cause an unsound individual to engage in aggressive and violent deeds. However, any person with heavy drug habits may act negatively and involve in violent acts...

Research Questions and Testable Hypothesis on Public Health

According to Cresswell (2009), research questions and testable hypotheses help the researcher narrow down his topic to particular ideas. He refers to them as the main signposts in any research since they tell readers the exact problem the researcher will address (Cresswell, 2009). As such, they should be written with...

Call-Center Service Performance During COVID-19 Recession

The COVID-19 crisis has been hitting the world economy hard. With borders closing, airlines grounded, and offices of major organizations closed down for quarantine, many companies have been downsizing or even going out of business. For some areas of the economy, however, the crisis presented an opportunity for expansion and...

Aggression, Violence, Psychopathy

Violence is a striking problem nowadays which is obvious in society. This way of negative emotional expression is the intention that is needful for people being impulsive and unbalanced. This problem is still being discussed and researched by plenty of psychiatrists and medics. The paper is dedicated to analyzing the...

Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion

Introduction and assumptions The paper will analyze the relationship between the highest level of education, labor force status and the number of hours worked in a week. The paper will concentrate on estimating the measures of central tendency and dispersion (Arnold, 2011). The data will be collected from NORC at...

Criminal Justice System and Race in Documentary “13”

After viewing this documentary, I felt frustrated and a bit surprised to see the reality of today’s prison. It was eye-opening to look at the implementation of the thirteenth amendment, observing the intersection of race and justice in the US. The tension only climbs up with the current riots happening...

Effectiveness of Pharmacotherapeutics for Patients With Psychosocial Diseases

It has been proved that a person’s behavior can be modified through the use of pharmacotherapeutics and behavioral interventions. Some several evidence-based standards and guidelines prove the effectiveness of these interventions when applied on patients with psychosocial diseases or disorders (Rohde, Clarke, Mace, Jorgenson, & Seeley, 2009, p. 661). An...

Advanced-Practice Nursing (APN) Philosophy

Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) are well known for the high degree of care and compassion that they usually offer to patients. In any case, all nurses are expected to offer a warm and welcoming environment to all categories of patients. My philosophy of nursing is geared towards offering caring and...

Leadership Followership Relationship

Introduction Leaders have a great and crucial role in steering organizations if they are to acquire followership and achieve the goals and objectives of the organization. They have a great task of inspiring the followers for them to have their commitment and share the same interests and aspirations regarding the...

Controlled Terminology and Standards

Importance of controlled terminology and standards in healthcare Many healthcare organizations have adopted electronic health records to share data and improve the quality of healthcare provided to patients. Standardization of data involves the use of similar data codes across systems (Halley, Sensmeier & Brokel, 2009). For example, an IT department...

Romantic Comedies: Friends with Benefits, No Strings Attached

Frankly speaking, I am not a real fan of romantic comedies, but I have seen a few at the movie theatre with my friends. Friends with Benefits appealed to me as it seems to differ from the other films of this genre. However, soon No Strings Attached appeared on the...

African American Students in Special Education

This article discusses the disproportionality of African American students in special education. The author notes that African American students are more likely to be identified as being mentally retarded, labeled as having learning disabilities, and having behavioral or emotional disorders as compared to their white counterparts. Therefore, African Americans are...

Can Doctors Say Enough

The patient presented in this case is suffering from a medical condition that makes her entirely dependent on ventilator support, hemodialysis, and total parenteral nutrition. When these medical interventions are removed, the likelihood of the patient’s survival outside the hospital setup is very slim. This patient’s condition is indeed incurable...

Nursing Practice: Selecting a Research Process

Introduction Nursing practice requires commitment from caregivers. To achieve good care giving, organizational culture in nursing settings should reflect evidence-based nursing practice. One of the most common problems in evidence-based nursing practice is lack of organizational culture that supports implementation of evidence-based nursing practice. Additionally, some nurses do not get...

Poetry as Art: The Faber Book of Beasts

This essay builds on the belief that poetry as art is one of the most intense forms, combining the traditions of the past with innovation. In fact, it is common for authors to imitate idols, but for a poem to be socially and culturally relevant, it must bring something new...

Role and Place of Women in Bradstreet’s and Rowlandson’s Texts

Today, the role of women becomes more extended and widely interpreted compared to the views of the previous centuries. In recent decades, females acquired the rights to vote, be employed, take leading positions in organizations, and many others. Therefore, it is useful to better understand the place of women from...

Dr. Steve Tobias:Leadership Overview

In today’s complex healthcare settings, in the increasingly complex healthcare settings, more people recognize the role of leadership in achieving organizational goals (Buckbinder & Shanks, 2012, p. 25). Effective leadership can bring transformative changes and goes hand in hand with ethics since it is based on the values of honesty,...

Southwest Airlines Flight 1380 and Germanwings Flight 9525 Crises

Southwest Airlines Flight 1380 and Germanwings Flight 9525 cases were highly fatal accidents in the airlines’ history. It is important to note that the main cause of the crash for the latter was co-pilot, who deliberately assisted the collision. However, in the case of Southwest Airlines, the investigation showed the...

Impact Confections Company Expanding Outside the US

Expanding a company to the international market results in increased employment and healthy financial development. For example, Impact Confections Company can diversify its products by selling them outside the USA. Impact Confections Company is a candy-producing organization established in 1981 in Janesville, Wisconsin city, U.S. (Helton, 2019). Warhead candies are...

Causality and Risk in Dental Epidemiology

Risk refers to the probability that an event will occur within a certain timeframe. In dental epidemiology, risk refers to the probability that an individual will contract an oral complication or disease at a certain age or age span due to exposure to certain conditions or factors. Characteristics of risk...

Protection against Violence and Discrimination in the Clinical Setting

Knowledge of relevant workplace laws and necessary recommendations that improve the quality of interpersonal interaction and client care is an essential part of a healthcare professional’s preparedness for the working environment. To uphold the standards of communication, positive attitudes, and respect for others, a medical worker should rely on relevant...

The History of America: Colonization Period

Initially, America was hidden in ice, and during the ice age, which took place tens of thousands of years ago, snow covered most of the territory. However, over time, fertile lands opened under the ice, which later became an aid for the development of farming. In addition, originally, South and...

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Social Construction of Gender and Sexual Dichotomy

Gender is usually divided into two sexes, namely male and female, in modern society. Traditionally, gender is determined by various physiological features, such as genitalia. Being a member of a definite gender implements specific societal roles. These roles may vary in different cultures, but they are precisely determined in most...

Lavinia Dock: The Voice of the Era

High (epithet) intelligence, remarkable (epithet) talent in medicine, and unshakable (epithet) firmness of character have repeatedly helped Lavinia Dock make the right decisions that led to success. Her life’s destiny was the most necessary and challenging; she was a woman who faced the most critical task — the fight for...

Review of “There Will Come Soft Rains” by Bradbury

In many literary works, the house is presented as one of the most essential parts of the novel. The authors give it a particular character, like living characters, a specific meaning, add important plot events to attract the reader’s attention to it. In the work “There Will Come Soft Rains”...

Old, Middle, and Early Modern English Literary Periods

Introduction At the dawn of human history, humankind was able to transfer information only in the oral form. However, the invention of writing more than five thousand years ago changed the way information was spread through human societies. Since then, both oral and written formats of information transfer have coexisted....

“To Live in the Borderlands Means You” by Gloria Anzaldua

Poems can be a successful and interesting avenue to explore new ideas, as well as to comment on the daily necessities of life and its various events. In particular, ideas can be utilized very efficiently in communicating meaning across individuals and being used for their informational value. For the purposes...

Fr. Pedro Arrupe and the Jesuit’s Mission

The “Decree 4: ‘Our Mission Today: The Service of Faith and the Promotion of Justice,’ General Congregation 32 (1975)” explains in detail the understanding of Jesuits regarding their mission and service of faith and connection to justice. Notably, one of the main points the author makes is service of faith...

Online Marketing and Buying Behavior of Consumers

Online retail channels became one of the core practices in marketing. It is essential to understand that online buying behavior significantly differs from traditional retail stores, as there are many new factors that affect buyers’ decisions (Lim et al., 2017). Online stores must assess these differences in consumers’ perceptions in...

Marriage and Family Therapist License Obtaining

What I Learned I learned that marriage and family therapists within California are considered licensed by what is termed as the BBS, which is known as the Behavioral Board of Sciences. To be licensed as a licensed marriage and family therapist, there are various requirements that one has to meet....

Discussion of Coca-Cola: The Marketing Mix

Introduction The examination of a company’s position on the market incorporates the assessment of the key elements of its activity. They include the products or services, locations of operations, strategies intended for increasing the market share, and pricing, and the combination of these components can demonstrate a clear picture of...

Nike on Social Media: Brand Management

Nike is undoubtedly one of the international brands that have fully embraced social media in the current digital age. One thing that makes it stand out from the rest of lifestyle and sportswear companies is its iconic swoosh logo and its simple but inspiring slogan “Just Do It.” As a...

Researching of Determinants of Health

Many elements interact to influence the health status of individuals. The conditions and surroundings in which people live dictate whether or not they are healthy. A person’s social setting, heredity, education, income level, and state of mind all significantly affect health. However, more generally recognized variables like the availability and...

Researching of Personal Health Recorder

At the moment, people have become more concerned about their health. They are searching for ways to improve control over their health, and find services that will help with this. There are many applications to help the patient monitor their condition. However, people are concerned that data may be leaked...

Gerontology Assignment: Aging and Chronic Diseases

Most people on the planet long to have a long life, and many people make preparations on how to live their sunset years gracefully. Aging is an inevitable phase in life for people who get privileged to live longer. Despite being regarded as a blessing, several problems accompany aging. According...

Analysis of the Book “The Cask of Amontillado”

The defendant, named Montresor, eventually entered the courtroom, where the verdict would be read on trial. The place was packed, and people could be heard whispering. It was because they had heard of the inhumane deed he had committed against another person. Finally, everyone in the courtroom sat down, and...

Medication Administration: Failure Mode Effect Analysis

Medical procedures are sensitive processes bearing many unintended and avoidable errors. One such error is poor medication management which may lead to medication shortage for patients, further worsening their state. As a preventable error, medication shortage can be addressed following effective documentation of the acquisition, delivery, and availability of drugs...

Religious Beliefs: Reasons Behind the Faith

Religious beliefs and the reasons behind them are very personal matters, and different people are likely to offer varying accounts and testimonies of faith. Belief in God is central to many people’s lives and, for them, requires no evidence, only trust in the Divine. Faith in the Deity is intuitive...

Parenting Advice and Its Quality

Parenting can be extraordinarily complicated since the process of raising children requires approaching emerging issues from multiple perspectives while remaining supportive of the child. In the era of social media, when communication opportunities have expanded tremendously, parents can obtain numerous recommendations and pieces of advice from the global community (McCormick...

Civil Disobedience in “Antigone” by Sophocles

Introduction The right to break the law is the fundamental philosophical problem that depicts the conflict between the individual and the existing policies. Sometimes the law prohibits clearly moral and necessary actions, which are required to make a positive change for many people. For instance, the play Antigone by Sophocles...

Heart Failure as Dangerous Heart Disease

Introduction Heart failure is a syndrome arising from the deterioration of the heart’s pumping function, resulting in its inability to provide a regular blood supply to the entire body. There are disturbances related to the circulation of nutrients and oxygen, which lead to blood stasis. Otherwise, heart failure is called...

HR Strategies Critique: Starbucks

Human resource management or HRM at Starbucks is highly interesting due to its unique and untraditional HR strategies. It is important to note that the company primarily utilizes strategic HR, which allows it to be transformational, proactive, supportive, integrated, and organic. Starbucks’s overall strategy is centered around the element of...

Lack of Understanding for Students With Full-Time Jobs

Being a college student is hard because getting a degree requires a lot of effort and substantial financial support. However, being a working student with a full-time job is even more challenging due to a lack of understanding for off-campus or online students who do not have enough time for...

Importance of Oral Language Activity

The most effective approach to engaging students in active speaking in a foreign language is the use of various communicative activities. The latter allows the teacher to create an environment of real communication. Spontaneous communication in the classroom occurs when the learning situation turns into a natural situation (Bachelor, 2017)....

The Advantages of Visual Content for Presenting a Message

The experience gained during the work on my creative project has allowed me to learn a variety of new skills and information. I have chosen to create an infographic about the development of money and other concepts related to it, such as banking. As a result, I have acknowledged the...

Mansa Musa: The Emperor of the Mali Empire

Mansa Musa is famed for having been the wealthiest person ever to live. Musa ruled the Mali Empire during his time, which spread to The Gambia, Senegal, and the Western Sahara border (Cowling & Hamilton, 2020). Musa oversaw an empire rich in gold and copper and monopolized business between North...

Mass Culture and Its Implications

The modern paradigm of consumerism and the ongoing competition to grab the recipient’s attention has resulted in the emergence of the mass culture phenomenon. Driven initially by industrialization, mass culture stands for the process of popularizing culture through widely accessible media, including cinematography, television, the Internet, and advertisement. The definition...

The Paradox of Hunger in the World

Introduction The eradication of hunger and consequent malnutrition is one of the most critical tasks of contemporary history. Malnutrition causes detrimental physical and mental suffering and hinders progress in many other areas of development, such as education, the economy, and the workforce. The number of people worldwide who do not...

Mental Health Service Users’ Perceptions of Stigma

The article “Mental Health Service Users’ Perceptions of Stigma, From the General Population and From Mental Health Professionals in Mexico: A Qualitative Study” provides the findings of an in-depth look into the stigmatization of mental health service users by healthcare providers and the general public. According to the article, mental...

Discipleship Study Meetings and Leader Points

Discipleship study meetings consist of people who get together to discuss God’s word and get spiritual nourishment. A study meeting typically involves two or more people. As a discipleship leader, one needs to learn how these study meetings can be effectively facilitated. It is also crucial for a study meeting...

An Organization’s Treatment of Its Stakeholders

Numerous organizations worldwide vary in many aspects, including the way every entity treats its employees, clients, and other stakeholders. Whether leaders respect or neglect the interests of each party involved in a firm’s life depends on such elements as the vision and mission statements and the establishment’s worldview perspective. An...

Freedpeople in the US and Around the Globe by 1877

The condition of people who were in a state of slavery could be characterized as people unable to benefit from the results of their labor. Furthermore, such work is not done with their consent – they are deprived of the right to refuse to work (Foner 565). On the other...