Greek Mythology: The Life of Hades

Greek mythology includes numerous outstanding and influential figures worth researching. Besides, the details of this vibrant world imply many fascinating insights that can be translated into modern society. One of the Greek gods is Hades, “the god of death and the dead,” who was also called “the King of the...

Express Advertising Agency Managing Creative Project and Design

Introduction The profitability of a project is the major objective that propagates a project manager to maintain a strong and a focused team. In the creative field the roles of project managers varies from one firm to another. This is based on the fact that different firms have variety of...

A Guide on Patient Engagement by Smith ET Al

Considerations and Challenges for Implementation One of the primary difficulties implementing a guide on patient engagement by Smith et al. (2017) is ensuring the cooperation of patients, as well as other stakeholders, especially setting staff and management (Byers, 2017). Given the specifics of the project (ensuring patient engagement), the former...

The Ancient Readings of Genesis 1-3

Genesis 1-3 tells of creating the heavens and the earth in all its vast array and all living things. God created humanity: a man and a woman from his rib blessed them and told them to fill the earth and conquer it. He gave them as well as all living...

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

Introduction Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders aims to classify the disorders according to certain criteria that are essential for reliable diagnoses (Paris, 2013, p. 70). Clinicians and researchers use the book as the guide for the essential characteristics of any type of mental disorder. The cultural background, gender,...

Risk Management in the Healthcare

Role of Risk Management Risk management in healthcare is crucial and comprises clinical and administrative processes and tools used to detect, monitor, evaluate, and manage risks. These systems’ primary focus is safeguarding patient safety and minimizing medical errors that impact a facility’s healthcare spending and bottom line. However, as health...

The Letters of Richard Frethorne About New World

The letters of Richard Frethorne, an indentured servant in 17th century Virginia, painted an unflattering picture of colonial America of that time. They presented the lives of destitute workers in the New World in the worst possible light. In the letters which were addressed to his parents Frethorne wrote about...

Reduction of Kidney Failure Due to Diabetes

The main symptom of chronic kidney disease is the gradual loss of kidney function over a sustained period (CDC, 2010). The disease results in the accumulation of waste materials in the body thus affecting the proper functioning of organs and tissues. Common complications include nerve damage, anemia, and high blood...

The Health Status of a Population

Health indicators are important tools used to understand the health status of any population. Health indicators mainly help in understanding the trends of population health through monitoring and surveillance. Subsequently, information obtained from these indicators is imperative for planning resources, targeting populations and prioritizing health care needs. One common indicator...

The Spread of Preventable Diseases

Our world has entered an incredible era of technological development, which has significantly affected the level of medicine – new drugs and treatments have been created; some diseases have disappeared. Every day, scientists make many efforts to find a way to defeat new threats to human lives and make them...

The Problem of Environmental Water Pollution

Introduction Clean and abundant water supplies are important for sustaining healthy communities (Natural Resources Defense Council, 2014). Indeed, as human beings, we depend on our water resources to sustain life. However, within the past few years, our human activities have greatly depleted our natural resources. Moreover, climate change has similarly...

Bias in Epidemiologic Research

Introduction Potential biases are likely to be present and affect epidemiologic research at the level of design, implementation, and analysis of a study. Bias is defined as systematic errors that affect the epidemiologic research, hence leading to invalid measures of association and altered study outcomes (Aschengrau & Seage, 2008). There...

Violence in Institutions: The Nine-Stage Model of Intervention

Many healthcare practitioners are currently facing a wide range of workplace challenges. Workplace abuse has become common in different healthcare settings. Some of these challenges include “physical assaults, verbal abuses, aggressiveness, discrimination, and even murder” (Papa & Vanella, 2013, p. 3). This essay describes specific issues such as the major...

The Peer Review Law of Texas

Peer reviews refer to the processes through which the performances of doctors and other medical staff are reviewed by other doctors, health care providers, and hospitals. In Texas, the peer review process is governed by Section 160.007. This section outlines the Texas Occupations Code. According to this legislation, the activities...

Keds Company’s Pricing and Marketing Strategies

Introduction Business rivalry is inevitable in any business environment because profit maximization is the enterprise’s ultimate goal. Therefore, market competition is a revenue expansion strategy through which vendors improve their product and service offering to increase their customer base. Commercial activities involve expenses for stocking merchandise or services and recurrent...

The Problem of Alabama’s Latest Abortion Bill

Defining the Problem The problem revolves around Alabama’s latest abortion bill, which punishes abortion, providing doctors with lifetime sentencing (“Abortion laws in the US,” 2019). The citizens of the state already lack infrastructure and access to the procedure, and the legislation makes the problem even more challenging. One of the...

Policy Brief on Shortage of Physicians and Nurses

Executive Summary The country’s population’s average age is increasing, which means that the number of older patients in need of constant medical care is rising, chronic diseases appear and spread. At the same time, a significant number of doctors also resign due to age, and the number of qualified students...

Mental Health Issues in College Students

Mental health, for me, is the most important subject a person should research and have a deep inner conversation with himself later. Society has now generally accepted the idea of life not being travel from point A to point B, but a journey full of obstacles and overcoming. Even though...

Creating New Markets and Products

The global trading relationship has become much more in-depth and faster as a result of globalization, which has contributed to the exchange of technology and information. Some people say that there are no new markets left to develop. I am afraid I have to disagree with this statement because businesses...

Blue Team Con: Cybersecurity Conference

Blue Team Con is a conference performed yearly for cybersecurity specialists, working with companies directly to ensure the safety of their assets, students, and entrepreneurs. The gatherings are aimed at filling gaps in investigation and information transmission for blue team workers. The main themes of the conference are thread detection...

“Escaping Salem” Book by Richard Godbeer

Richard Godbeer’s Escaping Salem: The Other Witch Hunt of 1692 was first published in 2005 by the Oxford University Press with a total count of two hundred pages. As a historian, Godbeer gives a contextual and descriptive account of a much lesser known series of witch trials that occurred in...

“Oedipus Rex” Play: Eyes as Symbolism

Oedipus Rex is the masterpiece of ancient Greek literature attributed to Sophocles. This play is one of seven ones left undamaged, and the work describes Oedipus’s, the king, life path. The author pays considerable attention to the symbolism of different characters eyes and visions throughout the play. It is possible...

Ancient and Medieval Metaphysics

Both ancient and medieval authors, from Plato to Aquinas, demonstrated interest in the matters of metaphysics. At the same time, their approach to the subject and the ideas they proposed and entertained differed sharply. Unlike Ancient philosophy, driven purely by the love of intellectual pursuit, medieval philosophy existed under an...

Marketing Strategies and Sales Promotion: Nascar and Tide

Frequency marketing is an advertising strategy that aims to encourage regular customers and those who buy products in considerable amounts. The company encourages consumers with discounts and material gifts, but prizes may vary depending on the organization. Sales promotion is a system of planned advertising events united by striving to...

Male Characters in “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen

The Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen created the play A Doll’s House in 1879. The play’s central theme is the position of women in society; contemporaries perceived the drama as a feminism manifesto. However, the problems of A Doll’s House are not limited to the women’s issue: it is about the...

Self-Portrait With Bandaged Ear

The selected painting is the work of Vincent Van Gogh, called Self-portrait with bandaged ear, painted in 2-D and belonging to the social category as it reflects the artist’s inner state. Van Gogh always strove to paint himself and everything surrounding him without embellishment, conveying life as he saw and...

Delinquent Behavior According to Developmental Theories

When aiming to explain why delinquent behavior occurs, scientists and practitioners have used several theories that explain how some inborn qualities and environmental factors impact the development of an individual. The reasons why I resisted negative delinquent behaviors when growing up can be explained by the Life Course Theory. In...

Duke v. Puts: Defendant’s Possible Arguments

The case of Harvey Duke versus Marc Puts raised the issues related to claims of absolute and qualified privileges in defamatory statements. The former sued defendant for the damages that resulted from libel and slander, wrongful interference with contractual relations, and unlawful interference with economic interest (Duke v Puts, 2004)....

The U.S. Government and the Global Fund: Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

Introduction The United States participates in a range of international health programs, in particular, and contributes financially to several global organizations, including the Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. Prevention, as well as timely detection of those exhausting and life-threatening diseases, remain among essential public health issues, which actually...

Comparing Two Ethical Approaches: Utilitarianism and Social Contract Ethics

Ethical norms have one important common characteristic – they regulate the relationship between people in society who act for the benefit of others of their free will. In other words, ethical standards are a more comprehensive concept than laws since most members of society obey them based on internal, personal...

Strategic Planning in Healthcare

A stakeholder is anyone with interest in an organization’s value. In developing strategic plans, it is important for organizations to set objectives that are anchored on the needs of all their stakeholders. In the healthcare industry, for instance, stakeholders include physicians, nurses, front-line staff, finance, governing board, and patients. Having...

“Everyday Bible Study” by Cartwright, John Review

While reading Everyday Bible Study, I have captured many interesting and valuable ideas. Some of the ideas fit my perception and perspective on the Bible, others I have never thought about before. Nevertheless, despite the different extent of the degree to which I agreed or disagreed with some ideas and...

Reducing the Use of Fossil Fuels

Climate change is one of the crucial problems caused by humanity and inherently destructive to the planet. There are certain measures and policies discussed in relation to this global issue, such as promoting vegan diets or switching to electric vehicles. It can be argued, though, that changing some particular parts...

The Declaration, The Constitution, and The Bill of Rights

Thomas Jefferson drew on Virginia’s Declaration of Rights for the Declaration of Independence first lines. The Virginia Constitutional Amendment accepted it after it was drafted by George Mason. The Declaration of Independence was written to justify seceding from a state; the Constitution and Bill of Rights were written to create...

The Prophet’s Voyages to Rome in “The Acts of Paul”

The Acts of Paul are a recollection of Paul’s journey to Rome that was recorded by Luke, his companion. According to scholarship, the Biblical Acts of Paul were written in approximately 100–160 CE (Wilson). In the Acts, an overview of the prophet Paul’s voyages and sermons may be found. At...

Leadership Styles’ Impact on Innovation Performance

Nowadays, competition forces different organizations to search for ways to become the best amongst others in their field of operation. The range of possibilities might seem endless, from mastering the old techniques to hiring the most fitting people as their employees. However, nothing compares to a sudden innovation that can...

Aspects of Health Care System in the USA

Introduction The first milestone is to achieve social equilibrium in society. Along with other government goals, it serves as a stabilizer of society by equalizing opportunities for access to health care. Another milestone in developing the healthcare system is the achievement of equality of access to healthcare services (Office of...

Capital Investment and Financial Management

A company’s capital investment is the money it spends on fixed assets like land, machinery, and buildings. Cash, assets, or loans may be used to fund the project. Businesses may struggle to start the ground without capital investment. I plan to invest in my sister’s small business which is an...

The “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” Article by Nicholas Carr

In the 2008 article for The Atlantic, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?”, Nicholas Carr raised an important question that remains relevant today. He argued that the internet and other digital technologies change how people think and process information (Carr 91). The primary argument presented by Carr in his essay is...

The Black Lives Matter Movement and White Supremacy

The execution of African-American George Floyd prompted a surge of public indignation unparalleled in the United States, both on the streets and online. The event was the final straw for the country’s minority groups, bringing up concerns of racial inequity and police brutality, and protests continue today. The Black Lives...

“Doctor Faust” by Christopher Marlowe

This word is found in the work of Christopher Marlowe “Doctor Faust”. The story of the scientist who sold his soul to the devil and was ruined by him is known to us thanks to Goethe. In his interpretation, Faust is a real Renaissance man, a powerful mind obsessed with...

Edgar Allan Poe’s ‘The Tell-Tale Heart’: A Study of Madness

The genre of horror short stories popularized by Edgar Allan Poe is aimed at triggering readers’ judgment about truth and imagination. In his works, the writer often referred to the theme of insanity, central to the short story under the title “The tell-tale heart,” originally published in 1843. The narrator...

Examining Gun Violence in the U.S.: Causes, Statistics, and the Debate on Regulation

Introduction The annual rate of homicides using firearms in the United States, the highest among high-income countries, has been linked to effortless access to guns as a significant contributing factor. It is crucial to recognize that the ease of access to weapons significantly influences the occurrence of firearm-related murders in...

Evaluation of US Strategies in World War II: Mobilization, Lend-Lease, and the Atomic Bomb

Military Strategies Utilized by the United States and Allies to Secure Victory in the War The US was officially engaged in the WW2 conflict after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941. The strategies encapsulated the European and Pacific theaters of war, including technological, military, and economic ways...

A Differentiated Summer Literacy Program for Underachieving Readers in Grades K-6

Introduction An in-depth evaluation of each student’s literacy abilities and reading levels is the first step in creating a successful summer literacy program. Various assessment techniques will be used to learn more about the student’s strengths and limitations, including running records, fluency tests, phonics evaluations, and comprehension tests. Based on...

Theoretical Perspectives on Currency and Banking: Economic Debates Explored

Introduction This section will briefly introduce two scientific approaches to monetary policies. In particular, it will be important to mention the debate between Banking and Currency Schools. One should also identify the leading representatives of the two schools such as Robert Torrens and Thomas Tooke (Daugherty 140). It is important...

Japan’s Militaristic Rule: Assassinations and Aggression

During the inaugural speech of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, Chief Prosecutor Joseph B. Keenan pronounced the following: The evidence will show that [Japan’s] militaristic cliques and ultra-nationalistic secret societies resorted to rule by assassination and thereby exercised great influence in favor of military aggression. Assassinations and...

Franklin Equipment Ltd Company’s Operations Management

Franklin Equipment, Ltd. (FEL), a company specializing in producing machines for the sphere of construction, focused on expanding internationally. Project Abu Dhabi was planned to be the first project associated with entering the international market (Larson & Gray, 2014, p. 413). However, before starting the project, Carl Jobe, a facilitator...

Current Economic State of Belarus: Challenges and Opportunities in 2024

Why did Belarus decide to abolish the currency trading restriction? The reasons for Belarus to lift the existing currency trade restrictions are rather basic; according to the statement issued by the state’s financial authorities, the given strategy will allow for improving the current economic state of the country. Indeed, as...

Comparing Medicare and Medicaid Programs in U.S. Healthcare Coverage

Introduction Both Medicare and Medicaid are health insurance covers for patients but they differ on the categorization of patients insured. Both of them are meant to increase access to healthcare services. Medicare is health insurance for individuals from the age of 65; those younger than 65 years but with certain...

Social Movement and Theories

Framing Theory Framing is the process through which movements express or tend to produce an interpretation of the circumstances or events that encourage or trigger protest (Tarrow 1998). The media is an important framing method for various protest and movement groups around the world (Tarrow 1998). Because it influences a...

Optimal Population for Studying Early Elective Delivery Risks

Which would be the most appropriate researchable population for use in your research project? The researchable population should focus on delivering the objective of the study. In this case, the risks associated with early elective delivery would provide the objective of the study. Therefore, the most appropriate researchable population will...

Impact of Patient Education on Health Outcomes

Introduction It is possible to hypothesize that patient knowledge about the chronic disease they are suffering from might allow for increasing their health outcomes via a variety of mechanisms. This paper proposes an evidence-based project to assess the impact of patient education on health outcomes of the patients educated so....

The Role of Kingdom Halls in Jehovah’s Witnesses: Community and Beliefs

Material Dimension The designated sacred space for the Jehovah’s Witnesses is the Kingdom Hall which they believe to be a representation of God’s Kingdom (Heyns, 2002). Simple design, lack of the altars, no sitting pews and images, are the main characteristics of the Kingdom Hall, the sacred places of Jehovah’s...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Genetic Testing

Advantages and Disadvantages of Genetic Testing: Essay Introduction The progress of medicine and healthcare provides people with an opportunity to recognize health problems at their early stages and start treatment to avoid complications. There are many serious disorders and diseases that have genetics as one of the main causes, including...

Overcoming Barriers to Medicaid and Medicare Access: Solutions and Strategies

Introduction The Healthcare system in the United States of America is rather complicated, and, nowadays, Medicare and Medicaid programs assure the availability of the healthcare for every person while ignoring their social status, nationality, and the level of income (Williams, 2015). Nonetheless, health care plans tend to be different. In...

Innovations in Business Success: Diagnosing Greatness by Morgan Swink

Introduction Financial innovation and its impact and has become a wide range topic at all levels of management and in the society as a whole. Financial innovation outlines new measures and ideas that come into place. It is aimed at improving trading techniques, supply chain systems and access to financial...

Exploring the Sublime and Picturesque: Aesthetic Values in American National Parks

National parks of the United States are truly unique places on the Earth, offering breathtaking sceneries that can touch the most sensitive soul. Driven by the desire to preserve the beauty of national natural landscapes, people started to establish a system of national parks. Even though the motive of national...

Hedging Strategies for Melbourne Manufacturing’s Currency Risk

As the CFO of Melbourne Manufacturing, Shiela Forbes needs to draw a conclusion on whether to hedge while realizing the sale of a turbine generator. The deal between the US-based Melbourne Manufacturing and the UK-based Crown involves £5,000,000. The sale is organized in February, and the payment will be completed...

Evaluating Customer Service Strategies of Oman Oil and Shell Companies

Introduction Achieving competitiveness in the market requires the establishment of appropriate strategies in the supply chain process. The amount of revenue generated by a company determines the competitiveness and long term survival of the company in the market. In the modern economic environment, competition has intensified in all sectors around...

Amazon Company: Organization and Leadership

Since Organization and Leadership Review (OLR) has two goals – finding and preparing future leaders, and identifying the least effective employees and making them improve on their skills – it might present a good motivation for the workers. It devises a system of promotion based on assessing actual skills of...

Strategies and Challenges in Dismantling Institutional Racism Across Sectors

Institutional racism denotes a kind of racial discrimination demonstrated in the performance of political and social establishments (Phillips 2005:360). What are the effects and possible solutions for institutional racism? Institutional racism differs from individual racism, which signifies racial discrimination against one or more people (Gillborn 2006:98). Institutional racism has the...

The Beatles’ “Let It Be” and Youth Music Culture

Introduction The 1960s in Europe are associated with several historical and cultural changes that are often reflected in European music popular at the time. One of the most popular cultural icons of the 1960s in Europe was the band known as The Beatles. Originated in the United Kingdom, this band...

International Financial Reporting Standards

Article Discussion The article Advantages and disadvantages of IFRS compared to GAAP by Anna Jordan aims at giving a complete picture of the ongoing switch to the new reporting system in the United States. While the author does not summarize its statements or try to weight the listed arguments and...

Role, Conflict, Social Exchange Theories in Nursing

Natalie’s Case The case of Natalie Kazakova is familiar to many nurses that come from diverse backgrounds and want to pursue a career in healthcare. She is regularly challenged by her co-workers to prove her self-worth as well as show her professional skills. This occurs because the immense pressure in...

Rising Drug Costs and Their Impact on Florida Healthcare

Introduction: Increasingly High Prices for Prescription Drugs as the Reason for Concern Creating the environment in which patients are provided with access to high-quality healthcare services is crucial to the improvement of the quality of people’s lives. In Florida, however, the opportunities for people to use the available healthcare options...

Type 1 Diabetes Care Across the Lifespan: Management Stages

Chronic illnesses are common health challenges because they occur throughout an individual’s life (Kralik, Paterson, & Coates, 2010). The improvements in the quality of healthcare have seen many children who would have otherwise succumbed to chronic illnesses grow into adulthood (Kralik & Van Loon, 2009). Therefore, there is a need...

Health Issues Affecting Latinos and African Americans

Introduction Communities all over the world are affected by different health issues and diseases due to a number of factors, including community and family stressors, prevailing socioeconomic factors, and existing community resources. These factors are known to lead to health inequalities that directly impact the lives of community members in...

The Role of Human Resource Management in an Organization

Contemporary Modern Definitions of Management Management is the activity of administering an organization. It includes the formulation of the strategy for an organization, as well as the effective coordination of the efforts of the people who are employed in that organization with the purpose of achieving its goals via the...

Antigone and Nora: Defiant Women in Patriarchal Societies

Introduction Even though the two plays; ‘Antigone’ by Sophocles and ‘A Doll’s House’ by Henrick Ibsen were written in completely different times, they share certain thematic elements when it comes to the portrayal of the female characters. For instance, the characters “Antigone” by Sophocles and Nora in “A Doll’s House”...

Colleges vs. Businesses: Differences in Management

The introduction: the principal difference between the colleges/universities and business organizations First of all, I would like to point out that such educational organizations as universities and colleges are recognized to be seemingly absurd or self-contradictory. I would like to disclose several viewpoints concerning the question. Thus, these educational organizations...

Child Brain Development and Its Connection to Physical Growth Explored

Current Event Recently Art Kramer conducted research devoted to the connection between the child’s brain and physical development. With the help of Laura Chaddock and Charles Hillman, he examined the hippocampus of 49 kids and the effectiveness of the way they used oxygen. The researchers found out that children who...

Chapter 5 of Steiner & Steiner’s Business, Government, and Society

Summary of the Chapter Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is one of the best practices in every business organization. This chapter identifies CSR as “a corporation’s duty to create its wealth using methods that enhance social welfare” (Steiner & Steiner, 2012, p. 123). The CSR idea evolved in the last half...

Robert Hooke’s Contributions to Modern Science

Introduction Robert Hooke was one of the most significant scientists of the 17th century. While his research and discoveries were often argued by his rival Isaac Newton, it is impossible to question the importance of his developments in such fields as physics, astronomy, biology, and medicine. This outstanding figure had...

The Industrial Revolution and the First World War

Introduction The industrial revolution and the First World War are the two historical events that produced a tremendous effect on the development of the United States. They changed the course of history and laid the foundation of modern-day society by forming the principles and technologies that people currently use. Given...

The Concept of Rejecting Individualism

The third chapter of Criminological Theory (Lilly, Cullen, & Ball, 2011), “Rejecting Individualism,” continues the historical overview of the different schools of criminological thought started in chapter two. The focus of this section is on the social origins of crime, having established prior that a violation of the law cannot...

The Patriot Act’s Role in Shaping American Legislation and National Security

The USA Patriot Act is legislation passed focused on providing law enforcement with tools and abilities to intercept and prevent terrorist acts. It is a multifaceted law that first ensures that law enforcement can use tools of surveillance against figures of interest, including electronic surveillance, following potential terrorist investigations, and...

Russia’s Sovereign Globalization: Impact & Security Reasons

The case study of the global economy’s impact on Russia is especially interesting to examine. In terms of globalization, Russia has chosen a unique strategy for engaging with the global economy and increasing its influence globally, which can be referred to as sovereign globalization. This development occurs even though the...

Health Beliefs of Appalachian and Arab American Communities: A Comparative Study

Introduction The United States is a multinational country that became home to people of different cultural and ethnic background. Despite some assimilative processes, they have preserved their genuine traditions and beliefs, which have an impact on their contemporary life in different spheres including healthcare. This paper analyzes two different ethnic...

The Problem of Hospital-Acquired Infections

Nursing Care Issue: Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI) Despite the emphasis on quality in nursing and the importance of meeting sanitation norms, the problem of hospital-acquired infections (HAI) remains a source of concern for numerous healthcare facilities. Therefore, strategies for managing the specified issue must be designed. During my practice at...

Healthcare Reform and Nurse Practitioners: Roles and Future Directions

Introduction Healthcare reforms are regularly developed and improved in different countries regarding the needs and possibilities of the population and the government. In the United States, the major healthcare reform is the Affordable Care Act (ACA), signed by the president in 2010. This document covers a number of crucial aspects...

Qin vs Han Dynasties: Governance, Achievements, and Legacy

The Qin gained power in 221 BC; they existed during the Warring State Period and were the first to unify China. Shi Huangdi, the First Emperor, set the tradition for having emperors as rulers in China. Notably, the Qin was militarily the strongest, but not culturally advanced. They introduced new...

S-S Technologies Inc.’s Organizational Growth

The case study on S-S Technologies Inc. portrays the importance of an effective organizational design for a continuously changing environment. SST, though was experiencing excellent growth in a period of recession, was plagued with problems that haunt fast-growing organizations. The case brings forth the dilemmas that SST top management faces...

Effects of Different Compounds on Egg White Foam Stability

Egg White Foam is foam prepared with the white of an egg or albumen and is popularly used in the preparation of products such as cakes, soufflés and meringues, in order to make these food products light, airy and porous. Egg whites are traditionally prepared by beating the whites of...

Old and New Money in The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby is a novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald in the twentieth century, the “Jazz Age” in America. The writer considers many socially and morally significant topics in the novel, such as love, friendship, social division, and money. The last one is trickier than it seems at first....

Nick Hornsby’s “About a Boy”

Introduction Nick Hornby’s novel, About A Boy, explores the multifaceted relationship between two characters, Marcus and Will. The story is based on Marcus, a twelve-year-old who is eccentric, bullied, and extremely introverted. The entire story describes Marcus’s intricacy of finding a sense of balance between being a child and being...

Galileo’s Telescope for Astronomy and Cosmology

Galileo went to Florence in search of more opportunities to satisfy his genius, ignoring all the pleasures of Padua. In 1609, the telescope arrived in Italy. There is no documentation about the invention of the telescope. Galileo had heard about this invention and was really interested in it. The news...

Retention Rate for African American Women Aged 40-50 in Obtaining Higher Education

Abstract The significance of higher education seems to have grown exponentially over the past few decades. Most jobs demand that the applicant should have a diploma. As a result, a number of people who failed at attaining the certificate of a graduate student rush to complete their courses. Among the...

Social Media Influencing World Activism and Revolution

Social Networks – New Communication Channels Social media networks have opened new communication channels that enable people to traverse geographical boundaries and communicate with others around the world (Swenson 105). Popular social media networks such as YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter allow people to share ideas, multimedia messages, and form groups...

Academic Writing and Professional Communication

Introduction To reach the appropriate level in learning the characteristic features of Public Administration, students should not only pay attention to such issues as the analysis of ethical and political questions connected with the field of Public Administration and develop skills in strategic planning and management but also be able...

The Migrant Workers in Malaysia

South East Asian countries like Malaysia have been focusing on developing their manufacturing industries which are mostly export oriented in order to grow their economies. In an attempt to develop these industries, these countries rely heavily on cheap migrant labour. The governments of these countries have therefore set up various...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Pipeline Transport

Introduction The goal of any organization is to ensure that its product reaches the consumers in time to increase its sales. There are various modes of transportation depending on several factors such as the type of product, consumers’ distance, and the agency of the product. The following discussion indulges in...

Diversity in an Organization: Differences Among Employees

Organizational diversity encompasses a wide range of differences among employees. These include ethnicity, gender, culture, age, education background, race, organizational function, and cognitive style. It involves establishing an inclusive environment that allows employees to respect the differences of their counterparts. Diversity involves the perceptions of how people perceive others, which...

The Effect of Individually Selected Music

Directions: Complete the following required worksheet using the required article for the current session. Purpose of the Study The study aims to investigate the possible effects of music therapy in depression treatment among elderly people living in a nursing home. Psychological help assumes an integrated approach to solving a person’s...

Jane Austen and Her Accomplishments

Jane Austen was born on 16th December 1775 and died on 18th July 1817 at the age of 41. She is considered to be among the world’s greatest novelists and she is mainly known for her six major novels which portray the British manners, customs, and beliefs of landowners near...

Policing Style and Criminal Justice System Functioning

Introduction Peaceful coexistence is a constituent of development in the community. A peaceful environment emanates from the application of various policing styles by relevant authorities. Policing connotes all processes aimed at modifying and controlling interactions of persons. This is tenable through regulating order, implementation of law, stopping, and identifying wrongdoing....

Levels of Disease Prevention

Disease prevention is designed to improve a person’s health, reduce the chance of diseases, and prolong life. This process has several levels, namely primary, secondary, and tertiary. Prevention is essential not only for the individual but also for the country where he or she lives. c For this reason, it...

Socialization and Nursing Theories in Practice

Introduction Professional socialization and knowledge of nursing theories is very important to any practicing nurse. When socialization there is effectively socialization, nursing practitioners are likely to master extensive professional skills with ease. Theories, on the other hand, play a very important part in helping nurses determine appropriate treatment approaches for...

Overview of Research Methods

Research is a dynamic and systematic procedure, whose aim is to establish one or more facts. Because the process is generally dynamic, there are different methods of conducting it (Houghton, Casey & Shaw 2013). The type of research strategy, approach, and technique to be employed is entirely dependent on the...

Crime Rate Series. Main Cases Reporting

The frequency at which an act is repeated by a person is referred to as the recidivism rate. Usually this performance is preceded by occurrence of a retrogressive episode of the act or the person has been coached to stop the act. It can be termed as the ratio of...

Acute and Chronic Abdominal Pains

Introduction Age has been a critical aspect of human health as it determines the occurrence and severity of particular diseases. Causes, symptoms, and damage of some common diseases in human beings sometimes differ depending on age factors (Panagoulias, Tentolouris, & Ladas, 2008). Acute and chronic abdominal pain disorders have recently...

Interpreter of Maladies: The Plot of the Story

Interpreter of Maladies is included in the collection of short stories of the same name. The plot of the story is built around the trip of the couple Das and their children – Indian immigrants of the second and third generation, who grew up in America – to the Sun...

Dual Court System in the United States

Abstract The United States has a dual court system with two types of courts: the federal courts and the state courts. The idea of the dual court system is misleading because there are 50 court systems in each state, plus the federal system, and the courts of Washington, D.C. (Carmen,...

Turning Information Technology Department into Chief Information Officer Organization

Introduction I am writing this proposal to inform you of the need to change the IT department into a CIO organisation. The proposed modification will improve the efficiency of the department. Besides, it will be easy to track data and other information from a central location. Leadership philosophy The leadership...

The Education of the Architect

An architect is a very important member of any society. However, becoming a fully-fledged architect is not an easy process for it requires meticulous work, both theoretical and practical, and a natural ability to translate imagination into sketches and diagrams. However, an orderly and beautifully built environment cannot be realized...

Business Intelligence and Information Technologies

Recent research has shown that many companies are data-rich but still information poor, despite having invested heavily in IT. This is because they have not invested in Business Intelligence (BI) systems, which can be exploited to improve business performance, and increase profits. Business Intelligence models are used to obtain business...

Nursing Role in Public Policy Analysis

Limitations of the approach Over the years, various changes have been made on nursing policies to suite their working environment. These changes have had adverse effects on their duties and such includes the expansion of hospitals which have exerted pressure on the number of nurses, who could barely manage the...

Social Support in the Community

Introduction The adult population is comprised of people aged above 30 years. The adult population is susceptible to obesity, colon cancer, diabetes, coronary heart diseases, and high blood pressure (Pan, Sherry, Njai & Blanck, 2012). In addition, this population is vulnerable to the mentioned diseases due to lack of physical...

“The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao”: The Book Review

The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao is a novel that was published in 2007 and won the Pulitzer Prize. The author of this work is Juno Diaz – an American writer of Dominican origin, so the work in English contains a large number of inserts in Spanish. The book...

Signs and Symptoms of Pneumonia

Pneumonia is one of the respiratory diseases that affect both adults and children. The condition is an infection that causes inflammation of one or both lungs. The illness’s seriousness ranges from life-threatening to mild, with children, individuals with weak immune systems, and people aging more than 65 years more susceptible...

Public Health Initiative on Prostrate Cancer Among Maryland’s Blacks

Abstract Cancer mortalities in the United States of America have been on the decline for the past two and half decades. The trend has been due to the adoption of measures that reduce the risk factor for the development of cancer such as increased, awareness campaigns, screening, testing and advanced...

A Form of Discrimination and Human Rights Violations

This filer describes the models of care that have evolved in caring for victims of intentional violence. You can also discover the impact of substance abuse and addiction on individual people and their families, communities, and nations. Domestic violence is a cycle that is repeated with increasing frequency which involves...

“Introduction to Criminology” Book by Hagan

A Brief Overview The present chapter is intensely focused on survey research, questionnaires. It is divided into four main parts covering the topic in detail. The first part introduces the history of survey research and explains how surveys are used in research papers. The next section concentrates on the wording,...

Types of Fire Arms and Gun Ownership in the US

For many years, gun ownership in the United States has been on the increase leading to violence in various states. Although there are inadequate studies on the correlation between the prevalence of arms to violent crimes, guns used during these incidents have been identified and described. On the contrary, weaponry...

“No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion” Act and the Judeo-Christian Worldview

Introduction Congress of the United States works on a variety of bills, some of which can be considered debatable in terms of different worldviews. Judeo-Christian ethics highlight the value of human life while promoting fair interpersonal relationships and compassion to other people. The issue of abortion has been topical in...

Presidential Election Process in The United States

United States presidential election process involves an indirect election in which citizens vote for electoral candidates within a specific state, who then cast electoral votes for the Presidential candidate. The election process follows a procedural format where all candidates who want to be President are grouped according to political parties,...

Preparing Effective Materials to Change the Children’s World

Problem Statement Advocates for early childhood education (ECE) should prepare tools to communicate a problem to decision-makers effectively, that is, parents and teachers. However, to achieve such an objective, one should know the components of persuasive communication while presenting potential supporters’ issues (Write & Jaffe, 2014). If the target population...

Video Recording of George Floyd’s Murder

Video is an integral part of human life, as it allows people to capture many important moments. There was a time when videos were recorded only for keeping important events in memory. Still, over time, the possibilities have increased, and now video recording is widely used in many areas of...

The Law Enforcement Officers’ Misbehavior

Law enforcement officers are supposed to protect social order and abide by the law. However, it can sometimes happen that these individuals misbehave, and such cases typically face much public attention. The situation with Officer Jaired Dozier is a suitable example since the policeman was fired because of driving his...

The Documentary “Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room” Analysis

The documentary tells the story of the biggest fraud in US history. It expresses the narrative of a firm collapse that led to a business scandal. The company was conducting power fraud in California, which led to the executives’ arrest. However, they managed to get away with more than a...

The Role of Christianity in “The Chronicles of Narnia”

This complete book set by Harper Collins published in 1998 is a masterpiece story line for children. The story is set in the fantasy world of Narnia, a dreamland of enchantment, legendary monsters, and talking creatures. It portrays the undertakings of different youngsters who assume focal parts in the unfurling...

Researching of Gender and Work-Life Balance

Project Management Demographics There is only a scarce amount of evidence dwelling on the role of women within the field of project management. Nevertheless, the existing quantitative statistics show that only as much as 20-30% of all project managers are female worldwide (Siemiatycki, 2019). This is an important finding because...

Should Vaccinations Be Required for Public School Students?

Vaccination of the population today remains the most acute and discussed problem in light of the events associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Large-scale immunization programs are one of the most successful public health interventions, especially in the United States, overall vaccination coverage is very high. Kindergarten students fulfill these requirements...

Software Technologies in Healthcare

The presentation by David Smith, Nicole Sowers, and Scott Randall on Champ Software and Nightingale notes is an outstanding demonstration of how a team can take on the challenging task of modernizing health information systems. The most interesting part was about Minnesota’s success story, which implemented the software for the...

Efforts to Prevent Terrorist Attacks

The best way to protect citizens and infrastructure from terrorist attacks is to be prepared for them. According to Lewis (2019), there was no such concept as critical infrastructure protection in the United States before the 1990s. However, the 9/11 attack altered the entire direction of homeland security, requiring constant...

Urbanization and Rapid Growth of Cities

Pre-urban settlements have existed for a long time now – at least approximately ten thousand years. However, serious studies of urban life began only in the middle of the 19th century. According to Borer et al., this is due to it being the age when urban places as we know...

Transit-Oriented Development for UTA

Introduction The transit-oriented development approach means that the urban environment is designed based on the places of actions where people realize themselves: work, play, study, eat, or rest. Physical parameters of the building – building height, the number of rooms, street orientation, passage planning – are developed depending on those...

Perpetrators, Bystanders, and Rescuers During the Holocaust

The Holocaust was prevalent, with cruelties, tragedies, and atrocities directed at various groups defined by diverse characteristics. Despite their differences, they shared many unjust actions committed by Nazis and their affiliates, from imprisonment in ghetto camps to death. While victims and survivors of the Holocaust were united through being subject...

The Effects of the Environment on First Peoples and Their Future After Europeans’ Arrival

Introduction Environmental aspects play a considerable role in the growth and decline of communities and civilizations. The exploration of the history of the Americas provides various valuable insights into the ways societies developed and the factors affecting this development, which can assist contemporary people in avoiding various mistakes their ancestors...

Mental Health and Constitutional Considerations for Prisoners

California prisons contain a record number of prisoners, which continues to grow steadily every year. From 2012 to 2016, the number of prisoners in California receiving psychotropic drugs tripled and reached 77 percent (“Confronting California’s Continuing Prison Crisis” 1). The budget allocated for such medicines is growing even faster, increasing...

Rittenhouse Case Highlights the Nation’s Deep Division

Summary The article highlights the key events and issues resulting from the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse because of the homicide and attempted murder associated with the August 2020 shootings in Kenosha, Wisconsin. According to Thrust (2021), the major issues that mired the Rittenhouse case were the unlawful ownership of a...

Utopias and Dystopias in Literature

Depictions of imaginary ideal societies, as well as the critiques thereof, are a popular genre and staple of world culture, including literature. One may reasonably argue that the difference between utopia and dystopia is in the eye of the beholder, as it ultimately depends on one’s ideas of a perfect...

Hiring and Recruitment Plan for XYZ Company

Introduction The operation manager is a fundamental part of the managerial team that supervises high-level duties such as talent attraction, the establishment of training standards, the production of goods, and providing services. According to Akmal et al. (2022), operations manager analyzes and improves the organizational processes, while working on the...

Cultural Events’ Impact on Night of Living Dead Film

Introduction Films often draw inspiration from real life, even if they do not specifically focus on reflecting reality. Different political events and social and cultural phenomena can also present a source of inspiration for filmmakers. The clash of fiction and details inspired by historical facts can be explicitly observed in...

Tornadoes and Significant Danger They Present

Introduction Amidst the natural disasters that occur globally, some of the more dangerous are a product of warm air from the ocean rising and rotating rapidly due to the Earth’s Coriolis effect. When this happens, tropical cyclones are formed. A typhoon is a tropical cyclone formed over the western Pacific...

Information Literacy Importance and Module Takeaways

In the modern age, the amount of data has been rapidly growing with the development of technology. People are consuming information via digital sources more than from traditional printed papers. However, the quality and credibility of the data on the web are questionable. Therefore, the need for information literacy skills...

An Air Traffic Control Modernization Plan

ATC is a complex sphere that aims at making air traffic safe and optimal from time and financial perspectives. As a result, the fundamental concepts of the Air Traffic Control modernization plan are focused on these topics. It is possible to emphasize several primary notions in this topic, including the...

The Impact of Raising the Minimum Wage

Most developing nations see a decrease in poverty when the minimum wage is raised. The minimum wage barely covers a small percentage of disadvantaged people and excludes those employed in the vast informal industries, making the impact negligible. An increase in minimum wage can present advantages and disadvantages for different...

Voyager Company: Case Remote Control Suggestions

Introduction This recommends a remote-control system implementation for the Voyager Search company. Implementation will take place within sixty-five days of approval. Improved profitability, productivity, and reduced costs will result from keeping employees in a comfortable environment while introducing a system for monitoring and controlling key indicators. Background Entrepreneurs, and Voyager...

Caterpillar Inc.’s Achievement of Strategic Goals

Introduction Caterpillar Inc. is a large multidivisional organization that performs in the market of machinery, financial, and insurance services. According to the organization’s official statement, its strategic goals include meeting “the needs of our customers and the communities in which we live and work” and creating “profitable growth for tomorrow”...

Minimizing Employer’s Liability in Making Stadiums

Summary Over decades sports have become a serious activity that has increased worldwide, making investors earn from it while others do it for recreation. Since most games cannot be held in disclosed and unmanaged places, most business partners have invested in making stadiums for easy sports facilitation. As games are...

The Film “Point Break” by Kathryn Ann Bigelow

Actor Keanu Reeves has appeared in movies, TV shows, and video games. His first leading part was coping with his closest friends as a young man. He had a lead role in Point Break, which was his big appearance as a character. Point Break proudly embraces its status as a...

Global Business Strategies Under Cultural Impact

International business is in many ways similar to national industry, but there are also significant differences. The major challenge is managing the differences in national cultures, which are discovered in the process of doing business. As an example, many Eastern companies have a highly developed nepotism of doing business, while...

An Imbalance Between How Females Are Depicted and Their Attributes

Introduction Many executives who ensure gender diversity is precedence are left feeling discouraged despite their best efforts to increase the number of women in leadership positions. When organizations attempt to increase the number of women in positions of power, they often fail to produce the desired results (Hideg & Shen,...

Gonzalez’s Story of Christianity Book Review

In Gonzalez’s book Story of Christianity: Volume 1: The Early Church to the Reformation, chapter 17 discusses The Arian Controversy. This issue sparked the so-called Arian conflict, named after the Alexandrian priest Arius. He promoted strict monotheism and believed that Christ was God but was subject to God the Father...

Mood in Edgar Allen Poe’s “Cask of Amontillado”

The “Cask of Amontillado” is a short story by Edgar Allen Poe that follows an act of revenge enacted on a man called Fortunato by Montresor. Montresor does so out of the assumption that Fortunato has insulted him, and his revenge is subtle, intricate, and the main driving force of...

Key Goals for Manufacturers and Distributors in Channel Partnerships

Introduction Manufacturers have several goals in mind when it comes to their channels. The most important of these goals are to reach the desired customer, drive sales, and increase profits. A successful channel partnership between manufacturers and distributors is dependent on the goals that drive success for both parties. By...

The Civil Rights Movement: Struggle for Equality and Social Change in America

Introduction Since the post-war years in the United States, the problem of the struggle of African Americans for civil rights as a result of prolonged racial discrimination has been particularly acute. Many social barriers aimed at discriminating against black US citizens naturally provoked a backlash. As a result, this led...

Organizational Change Capacity Concept

Navigating and Facilitating Change At workplace, change is not only necessary for organizational progress, but also inevitable bearing in mind that the prevailing external and internal environments keep on changing continuously. As such, changes must be implemented in a manner that does not disrupt and affect the smooth running of...