Patient Hand Hygiene and Nursing Interventions

Nursing Theory in the Project: Self-Care Theory To support the implementation of the proposed project, it is imperative to define theoretical assumptions that best support decision-making and prevent potential problems from affecting practical results. The plan is to make both patients and staff members more compliant with standards and recommendations...

Democratic Republic vs. Socialist State

Introduction Throughout history, the global population could witness the establishment and development of states under different government structures. The most notable ones are the Democratic Republic and the Socialist State, which are two contrasting approaches. The first one focuses on people’s power to affect significant decisions, while the latter uses...

Working in a Group and Problem-Solving

The first months of business school are loaded with stress. One is in an unfamiliar environment, surrounded by people one does not know. Moreover, I am expected to produce more work faster than I ever have before. In addition, I am competing with people of a high caliber than I...

Ethical Theories & Applications in Public Schools

The present paper is designed to discuss ethical theories and apply them to real and imaginary cases. Firstly, it is necessary to analyze the ethical background of endorsing the posting of the Ten Commandments in public schools. In fact, the adoption of such legislation can be justified by universalizability or...

Pre-Colombia History and Polities: Long-Term Changes

The pre-Colombian polities’ acts as the basis for describing land use patterns and settlement of the Europeans when they came to the Xingu region. This region is a lobe of tropical forest which is located between the dense evergreen rainforests at the center of the Amazon. It is considered to...

My Social World and Self-efficacy

Self-efficacy is an important variable that is characterized by a significant value in contemporary psychological research, and its definition may be easily explained with the help of the children’s story under the title “Little Engine That Could”. The little engine from the story was “smaller and weaker than the others”,...

Measuring Economic Health Memo

Introduction A business cycle occurs when there is a normal continuous form of a model of business behavior over a given period of time. It’s an irregular cycle marking ups and downs in the economic activities. The normal business cycle has got levels for boom when there is great expansion,...

Spellbound: A Line to Line Explication

The night is darkening round me. The poet is standing at the edge of a moor. She finds the night turning darker. She gets a sense of being trapped. The wild winds coldly blow; Added to the carpet of darkness thickening around her comes to the blowing wind. She feels...

Southwest Airlines Company: Innovation and Marketing

Introduction Success in innovations only comes about as a result of keen examining of the needs of the consumer and coming up with a product that matches these needs in order to win a competitive advantage on the market (Midgley, 1977: 11). The Southwest Airlines Company is one of the...

“The Masque of the Red Death” by Edgar Allan Poe

Introduction The story Red Death was written by Edgar Allan Poe. The story is about Fight of prince Prospero against red death, the plague which affected the country. The prince and his companions try to escape from the plague hiding. They stay inside the seven differently decorated rooms. A new...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Native-American Studies: Quapaw Indians

Introduction The Quapaw Indians are part of the Dhegiha Sioux tribe forming Native Americans. They occupied the western part of the Mississippi River which is present-day Arkansas. This essay will discuss the culture of this group of Indians as the group I find most interesting. The writer traces the history...

Business and Economics: Business Description

The human resource department is a very important section in an organization as it enables the organizations top management to conduct its functions perfectly with little amount of shortcomings being reported, this is because the top management uses these department to recruit qualified professionals who will perform their tasks without...

Persuasion in Business Communication

Communication is a process by which information is passed from a source to a receiver. This means that for communication to take place there has to be an expression of thoughts, opinions or transfer of information. This can take place through written or spoken word or through symbols and actions....

Aviation Organizations and Air Transport Regulations

Introduction Globalization and the expansion of social, economic, and political activities have necessitated the need to use air transport due to its immense benefits over other modes of transportation. The influx of air passengers and cargo has surpassed the traditional abilities of air transport services to offer high-quality services. Professional...

The Malaysian Church’s Budgetary Considerations

The Malaysian United Methodist Church maintains a budget to fulfill its objectives and goals (Tipton, 2007). The research focuses on church budget preparation. The research focuses on the researcher’s contribution to the success of the church budget. The church budget significantly contributes to the church goals and objectives of evangelizing...

The Florida Nursing Practice Act: Analysis

A nurse is a responsible position in a health care system. It requires a specific educational degree and a set of skills one must possess to become a licensed nurse. The state board of nursing and the nursing practice act are two major sources which regulate a role of the...

Data Analysis: Consumer Expenditure Surveys

Data Analysis This analysis is grounded on the US Department of Labor’s 2016 Consumer Expenditure Surveys, one of the main sources of information on the composition of households and their annual expenditures in the US. Based on this data, the following scenario was formulated: The annual expenditure used by a...

Using Capital to Satisfy Unlimited Wants

Introduction The purpose of every business is to generate income by using available resources to satisfy unlimited wants. Each company and entrepreneur possess financial, physical, and human capital and aims to allocate and utilize them effectively to achieve maximum profit. Organizations and entrepreneurs differently manage human capital, with companies focusing...

A Question of Ethics in Exceptions to the Writing Requirement

Contracts play an essential role in managing business activities helping to determine and protect the rights of the parties involved. In general, the Statute of Frauds, in which the main goal is to prevent harm to innocent parties, denies enforceability to the contracts that do not meet its writing requirement...

Treatment of Homeless People

Medical treatment is the most important part of a nurse practitioner’s work. Providing assistance to patients and devising the best course of action for any particular situation is crucial when another person’s well-being is at stake. The process, however, can be especially challenging when attempting to help people without a...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Top Five Causes of Death in the US

Approximately 75% of all deaths in the US happen attributable to ten diseases that encompass heart disease, cancer, unintentional injuries, chronic lower respiratory disease, stroke and cerebrovascular diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, influenza and pneumonia, kidney disease, and suicide. Over the last five years, the major sources of death in America...

Fools and Foolishness in King Lear by Shakespeare

Introduction King Lear is one of the most famous plays written by William Shakespeare. It is thought to be written in 1605-1606 and focuses on the character of King Lear developing madness after deciding to retire from the throne and dividing the land of Britain among two of his daughters....

Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Services

Summary Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Services (ARFF) typically refers to the firefighting services ensured at airports, including the appropriate emergency response, evacuation, and rescue of passengers and aircraft crew engaged in aviation accidents. Aerodromes with regular passenger flights are obliged to have special firefighting apparatus and firefighters prepared to fulfill...

Cultural Barriers in Healthcare Management

The cultural background of an individual has a significant impact on access and utilization of healthcare in the United States. There are significant disparities and inequities in health, associated with elements such as racism or structural cultural barriers within health organizations that are connected to poor health outcomes. Culture oftentimes...

Stock Ticker Symbol: Financial Management of the Company

Introduction The conducted research indicates that the selected company faces several issues in managing the financial health. The company’s balance sheet and income statements reveal that the last three years have been less profitable for the company, as revenue statements and net income statements are decreasing from year to year....

The Great Robot Race

Introduction The thought of fully unmanned ground vehicles fascinates everyone with an interest in robotics and automation technologies. Governments, corporations, and individuals have been pursuing various technologies that could see the dream of self-driven robots taking over critical roles, such as warfare in rough terrains and dangerous environments. Emerging technologies...

Motivational Interviewing as a Smoking Cessation Method

What are the Clinical Interventions for Patients Unwilling to Quit Cigarette Smoking? Upon arriving at the clinics, all health practitioners advise patients to quit using tobacco and assess their level of willingness to give up smoking. For patients who are identified as unwilling to cooperate at the time, specialized interventions...

The Dark Side of the Amateur Porn in “Hot Girls Wanted”

Introduction Hot Girls Wanted is a Netflix documentary telling the story of several young girls who work in so-called pro-am porn. The plot mainly revolves around Tressa’s story, with the filmmakers following every step she makes during her short porn career. Like many others, she wants to make a lot...

Security Threat Groups: The Important Elements in Prison Riots

Prison riots have been a part of such institutions for a long time. They are romanticized by popular culture, and they are known to be extremely violent. There are many causes of such events as well as special patterns. Meanwhile, there is a phenomenon of Security Threat Groups. While being...

Five Key Processes of Project Management

Introduction Project management is a process of scheduling, organizing, inspiring and conniving resources to realize explicit goals. It also refers to submission of acquaintance, skills and techniques to an extensive array of actions with an aim to meet project particulars (Kanda, 2011). Projects are temporary, unique and undertaken to meet...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“A Good Man Is Hard to Find” by O’Connor: The Role of Foreshadowing

Foreshadowing is one of the most important techniques used by O’Connor in her story A Good Man Is Hard to Find. There are two aims of using this technique namely the suspense and preparing the reader for the events which happen further on. The author gives her readers the hint...

The Dutch Business Law: The Performance of a Contract

Introduction Performance of the contract is defined as the discharge of parties from the obligations they assume during the formation of the contract. Performance of the contract has numerous types. It may be part performance or substantial performance. In Dutch, the law of the contract is contained in the New...

Generational Differences in the Workplace

In the 21st century global business environment, the increasing rate of globalization has meant that people from different regions find themselves in totally new working environments. Diversity has been a major issue of concern for global business managers in the recent years. However, the article of interest highlights the effect...

Understanding Community Needs: A Case Study Review

The target setting selected for the analysis is the prison environment, which has been chosen due to the lack of support for the incarcerated and the necessity to provide them with access to healthcare as one of their basic human rights. The target communities are represented by African American female...

Industrialization and Urbanization in the Tennessee

In the late nineteenth century, following the Civil War, Tennessee entered into a period of industrialization. The railroad connection played a significant role in the growth of the economy and other industries. It facilitated the shipping process and, as a result, the production of flour became one of the most...

“The Perils of Indifference” Speech Analysis

Introduction The Perils of Indifference is one of the most influential speeches made by Nobel laureate Elie Weisel. The speech was given on the 22nd of April in 1999 during the Millennium Lecture Series occurring at the White House. Eliezer Weisel was directly invited by the president to give a...

White-Collar Crimes by Governments

In 2009, Honduras president Manuel Zelaya was removed from power and exiled. He had been democratically elected in 2005 for a four-year term. The coup was done by the Honduran military ostensibly under a Supreme Court directive. According to them, the president wanted to amend the constitution to permit him...

Coloring Mandalas Reducing Nurses’ Anxiety

Purpose of the Study Nursing stress and anxiety related to their responsibilities and workload is a common problem. A study by Maguire (2020) aims to determine the effect of coloring mandalas on reducing nurses’ anxiety. Consequently, the study researches a connection between mandala coloring, physical indicators such as heart rate,...

Consideration of Creativity: Perfection, Diversity, Profusion, and Inventiveness

Although society attributes art to secularity, there is immense evidence that God and humanity are the primary sources of creativity. In “Echoes of Eden,” Jerram Barrs explores this notion and encourages evangelicals to embrace art instead of shunning it. Barrs bases his arguments on Daniel Loizeaux’s four key ideas –...

Critical Infrastructure and Its Importance for National Security

The term “criticality” is derived from the context of critical thinking. While many scholars support critical thinking in virtually everyone, they often disagree on definitions (Elder & Paul, 2010). The whole way to describe the “criticality” of thinking is by listing the main components of criticality: interpretation, analysis, inference, evaluation,...

Spanish Social Poetry Overview

It seems reasonable to say that Spanish social poetry of the middle of the twentieth century may be characterized as poetry of tragic sound. This is visible from the very titles of poetry collections of those years; for example, La Soledad Cerrada by Gabriel Celaya, Tierra sin Nosotros by Jose...

Importance of the State Nursing Boards

Introduction Boards of Nursing (BON) are the institutions responsible for protecting the patient’s well-being by ensuring high-quality nursing services. These professional bodies regulate the scope of practice of nurses within their jurisdiction. They offer licensure examinations for the preparation of nursing in each state. This organization comprises nurses, physicians, attorneys,...

Values in Native American Oral Literature

Literature emerged as a way for people to describe what they held dear and what constituted a significant part of their lives. Many nations developed their art to convey their values and reflect their worldview, and Native Americans were no exception. Indigenous people had established their oral traditions before Europeans...

Ethics and Federal Laws as to Computer Crime

As technology advances, the number of those who commit computer crimes also increases. These ushers in a new era of crimes, which differ from old crimes, cannot be formally defined. It is becoming an increasing hazard to society, and it is produced by criminals or irresponsible persons who take advantage...

The Great Awakening and American Enlightenment

The history of Christianity includes the Protestant branch most represented in America and the most influential in America. Many Protestants, such as the English Puritans, found salvation with the beginning of the colonization of North America, rushing into the colonies, trying to escape from conflicts with Catholics in their homeland....

The Battle of Algiers: Political Violence in Action

Introduction Countries embroiled in violent conflicts put the lives of their citizens at great risk. Political violence that arises during such conflicts, particularly during wars for independence and civil wars, serves to further the agendas of independent actors against a state or other stakeholders in the dispute. Regardless of the...

Native American Tribes’ Customs and Politics

The west region, north region, and northwest coast region are all part of the Native American cultures. These are among the regions that the indigenous people of the United States inhabited when migrating. Each region has distinct tribes with unique cultures, languages, religions, customs, and politics. Each tribe developed diverse...

Internalized Racial Oppression in Students

People have different identities that they associate with, be it religious, cultural, or national, but the most important is the racial and ethnic identity. Ethnic identity has to develop from childhood through adolescence to adulthood. Identifying with one’s ethnic group shows solidarity. Nowadays, people have multiple ethnic personalities due to...

The Skipper in the Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer

In the book “The Canterbury tales”, Geoffrey Chaucer (1977) presents 24 stories where the author satirically portrays life in medieval England and people who belong to various professions. The narrative begins with the prologue, where the author explains how such a company of people with different social backgrounds could form....

Can Consumers Make Ethical Clothing Purchases?

Introduction As time goes on, the world population increases, as well as the demand for clothing. This demand is expressed not only in a necessity for clothing as a way to conceal or cover one’s body but also as a statement and a pipeline to provide joy. This essay discusses...

Transition From ANOVA to LMM

As science progresses, methods used to obtain knowledge are improving and becoming more complicated. Boisgontier & Cheval (2016) note that there is a transition to using mixed models for statistical analysis in various areas of science. They offer a better basis for analyzing variables than other more familiar tools. In...

Researches Devoted to the Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”

O’Brien, Timothy. “Who Arose for Emily?” The Faulkner Journal, vol. 29, no. 1, 2015, pp. 101-109. This article published in a scholarly journal reflects on a possible pun in the famously hard-to-interpret title of Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily.” After listing several interpretations of what a titular rose, never explicitly...

Marketing Communication Strategy for a Guest House

Introduction Hosting a guest house in a small town requires a well-designed marketing strategy to attract guests and establish profitability. Marketing for the low-involvement buying process requires developing a marketing strategy that includes objectives. Objectives and strategy implementation steps should be accurate and easy to measure for performance. Low-involvement Buying...

The Spread of Pentecostalism as a Global Movement

Pentecostalism today is the largest Protestant branch, and it has clearly influenced the other divisions of Christianity. Interestingly, the global path of Pentecostalism is relatively short compared to other Christian movements, only taking up less than two centuries. Historical development makes it especially remarkable to notice the impact this movement...

Bipolar Disorder in the Criminal Justice System

Bipolar disorder is a type of mental illness marked by mood fluctuations that are out of the ordinary, as well as changes in energy and capacity to operate. Unlike typical mood swings, which everyone experiences, the symptoms of bipolar illness may be quite significant. In some situations, the first signs...

The Principle of the State Secret Doctrine

The case brought by New York Times columnist considers the doctrine of state secrets one of the most controversial practices in modern law. It also brought up the issue of discrimination, which is concealed by the pretext of maintaining national security (Trenga, 2018). Furthermore, even in non-judicial cases, the availability...

Role of Mandatory Health Insurance

The health care system development is one of the U.S. government priorities. Despite this, it has been in a state of crisis for a remarkably long period, and even for an elementary procedure, a patient can be billed several thousand dollars. The central issue is unequal access to medical services,...

Edgar Degas as a Famous Impressionist

The desire to draw began to manifest itself in Degas as a child, although his father prophesied him a career as a lawyer. Degas was from a wealthy family and did not need money badly, so he could afford not to sell his works and work on them repeatedly, striving...

The Exhibition Christian Sorrow: Panorama of the Crucifixion of Jesus

Title: The Raising of the Cross. Author: Peter Paul Rubens; Medium: Oil Paint; Size: 15’2″ × 11’2″; Date: 1610-1611; (Getlein 393). (Rubens). Title: Trinity with the Virgin, Saint John the Evangelist, and Donors. Author: Masaccio Fresco. Size: 21’9″ × 9’4″. Date: 1425. (Getlein 368). (Masaccio). Title: Isenheim Altarpiece. Author: Matthias...

Evaluation of Articles on Food and Water Security

The distinction between popular and scholarly sources is vital to consider when conducting research. First of all, popular sources are often divided into subsections based on the discussed topics or are not separated at all. However, academic articles always follow a similar structure, which includes an introduction, literature review, methodology,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Ideal Computer System and Its Main Features

Modern technology development is constantly updating by offering new experiences and opportunities to their users. One of the most dynamic industries has been the computer industry, where new devices allow for top-notch productivity in various spheres. In addition, the industry is highly competitive, as technology giants such as Apple, Microsoft,...

Amazon as One of the Best Well-Managed Companies in the World

Today, many public and private organizations demonstrate a high level of management and leadership, and Amazon is one of the best examples in the business field. Its founder, Jeff Bezos, has already proved himself an effective and mature leader who could achieve multiple goals and properly motivate many people with...

Ernest Hemingway’s Short Story “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place”

The fear of darkness is the fear of nothingness in which our lives are steeped. This central idea runs through Ernest Hemingway’s short story A Clean, Well-Lighted Place. The author tells a tale of an old man who sits in a clean, well-lit café in the late hours of the...

Pink’s Music: Less Than Perfect and Raise Your Glass

Pink is an American pop singer whose real name is Alecia Beth Moore. She was born in 1979 in Doylestown, Pennsylvania (“Pink”). Apart from being a performer and a signer, Alecia is also known as a songwriter, famous for the lyrics to her songs. Initially, her career began in a...

Aspects of Schizophrenia

Mental health of a person is a complex issue because of the numerous factors affecting it and many diseases that might impact this aspect. In such a way, much attention is given to analyzing the psyche of a person and determining the major causes for the emergence of undesired conditions....

Accounting Affairs and Fundamental Mathematics

Modern society, having a highly developed system of commodity-money relations, is experiencing an ever-increasing need for specialists who perform accounting work. A person in this profession is not just an employee in the financial department of an enterprise or organization. This is one of the most important elements that allow...

Patriots in the American Revolution

Introduction The mid-18th century has witnessed significant historical changes in the political arena. One of those changes is the emergence of a new county and a nation, the United States of America. This grand event that created a country, which later will become one of the most developed nations in...

Lynwood, CA: Community Mapping

Everyone agrees that students must know the history of their community, however, there is no such consensus on them knowing about their local community’s resources. Meanwhile, community resources help meet the needs of an area’s residents and can be used to enhance a community’s quality of life. By engaging in...

Decision Efficiency and Effectiveness in Company

Introduction There are some metrics concerning decision-makers’ performance and decisions themselves: efficiency and effectiveness. As a rule, decision efficiency is defined by the number of resources consumed in a decision-making process. Such resources may include time, during which all advantages and disadvantages are considered, money, which decision-maker is paid for...

Labeling and Social Reaction Theory

“If you repeat a lie one thousand times, it becomes the truth” – this line is attributed to Joseph Goebbels, who was the minister of propaganda in the Nazi Germany. This sinister message is perfect for describing the mechanism of labeling and how it affects individuals, both those being branded...

Globalization and Its Pros and Cons

Introduction It is hard to disagree that there is probably nothing universally positive or negative in this world. Everything has a price, and many processes that allow countries to develop also require people to pay for this development. Globalization is a unique and significant process that erases the borders between...

Nokia: Company Analysis, Organizational Design

Over the course of its performance, Nokia has proven itself to be a reliable and innovative organization. Currently, Nokia is in a rather harsh environment, mostly due to the need to compete against highly proficient companies that have already established themselves and captured the target market. Therefore, the current organizational...

Is Child Behavior Better or Worse Than It Was Years Ago?

Society evolves as historical events happen, economies develop, and new demands occur, and these changes influence how new generations behave and are educated. Indeed, years ago, generalized parental strategies and end relatively similar expectations from children built a strip system of values and appropriate activities for different ages. Today, young...

Teaching Disciplinary Literacy to Adolescents

The phenomenon of disciplinary literacy is crucial to learning outcomes and, therefore, requires particularly close attention. The article by Shanahan and Shanahan (2008) allows exploring the exact effects of disciplinary literacy on students’ performance. Though the authors refer directly to reading as the main area in which the proposed strategy...

Risk Management in Healthcare Settings

In healthcare settings, there are risks involved which require immediate mitigation. Thus, there is a set of frameworks of action that should be taken to manage the risk. Five basic steps are considered in this situation and are executed in a specific sequence, thus a process. They include identification of...

Did Barack Obama Have Legal Authority to Authorize “Operation Geronimo?”

Introduction Currently, the aspects of national security can be considered crucially essential for the government of the United States of America since the wellness and protection of citizens, as well as social safety are guaranteed. In this situation, public authorities should constantly assess their decisions and recognize their legal power...

Median Housing Price Prediction Model for Real Estate Company

Introduction The use of statistical predictive models makes it possible to predict organizational changes, including sales. Although sales dynamics for companies are a difficult variable to accurately predict, underlying trends can be determined using simple linear regression equations. This paper uses regression analysis precisely to determine the effect of square...

Operationalization of the Concept Violent Act

Introduction Operationalization is the conversion of abstract ideas into observable and measurable data. It entails specifying the methods for measuring, observing, and manipulating a concept. This process can enable researchers to collect and assess phenomena that may not be observable and measurable directly. This paper describes the operationalization of the...

Human Nature in Business: Adam Smith’s View

Introduction In business economics, other than the mathematics involved, some factors must be considered significant considerations when making conclusions. One pertinent consideration is the fact that financial decision-making is different from others. As one of the best business economists, Adam Smith highlighted this in his book The Wealth of Nations...

Ethics and Civics of the American Patriots

Introduction The 18th century was marked by the severe controversy between British colonial representatives in America and the members of the American elites who wanted to change the existing situation in the country. This period was characterized by numerous attempts to change the country and gain independence from colonial rule....

The Theme of Love in “When Harry Met Sally”

Introduction The story I will analyze is “When Harry Met Sally,” a classic romantic comedy film. The film is about two friends, Harry and Sally, who have been friends for years and finally fall in love after a series of ups and downs in their relationship. They meet for the...

Marijuana Legalization: Cannabis Use Among US Adolescents

Marijuana is a psychoactive drug that has been used for thousands of years. With long-term use of this narcotic, tolerance to the effects of the drug is formed, and a person takes increasingly large doses of marijuana. As soon as tolerance to the drug is achieved, one of the long-term...

Dieting and Wellness Dimensions

Dieting Dieting refers to the consumption of food in a really regulated manner. The goal for this is increasing, maintaining, or reducing body weight. When used together with physical exercise, the goal is usually weight reduction. This is particularly for individuals who are obese and overweight. However, some athletes have...

Water Recycling: Why Is It Important?

Introduction Water shortage is a situation where the available water cannot meet the demands of the population sufficiently. With the continued rise of the population and industrialization, there is much pressure on water sources to serve the growing needs of the people. The rise in demand for water has led...

Political Sciences: Building Global Democracy

The Coming of the Micro-States by Fred Weir This author claims that the declaration of Montenegro an independent state in 2006 triggered other stateless territories to demand their sovereignty and separation from their mother nations and named Kosovo, South Ossetia and Transdniestria as some of those that were already planning...

Organized Labor Success Evaluating in 1875–1900

Introduction It is hard to overrate the significance of organized labor. However, at the end of the XIX century, it was only starting to gain its influence on society. Although not all goals of organized labor were reached at the end of the XIX century, the fundament for building democratic...

Winston Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech

Introduction One of the longest periods in the political history of the 20th century is the Cold War between the alliance of the Western countries and the Soviet Union. The latter was politically and ideologically separated from the rest of the world with the Iron Curtain. This phrase was first...

Tongue in Communication and Personality Generation

The tongue is vital for communication and understanding of the ideas, values, emotions, and desires of the other people. It could be assumed that language creates new conceptions of self-identity, as it is an essential component of one’s personality and can change one’s perceptions, attitudes, and values. The analysis of...

Problem of the Childhood Obesity

I have chosen childhood obesity as the population health issue that interests me most as I believe it is one of the most pressing problems of the XL generation. The major controversy concerning childhood obesity is whether the condition is predetermined by genetics, individual behavior, or the social or physical...

Jesus’ Teaching About the Kingdom and About Himself

Introduction Faith and religion are very personal concerns that could be treated in different ways depending on what a person wants to see, understand, and believe in. That is why there have always been vigorous debates related to the understanding of the basics of faith. The ground for these discussions...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy: Sampling

Methodology Sample To obtain the appropriate results, the study requires a specific sample carefully selected to match the criteria determined by the hypothesis (Hulley, Cummings, Browner, Grady, & Newman, 2011). The project aims to assess the effectiveness of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMT) therapy for the treatment of diabetic neuropathic symptoms...

Americans and Germans New Leadership in 1933

Cause of the Problem that their Countries Faced Perspective of Hitler Hitler pointed out two specific reasons behind the current plight that Germany experienced. The first was the adverse system of reparations that Germany had to pay at the end of the first World War. This is evidenced by the...

Erickson, Tomlin, and Swain’s Adaptation Theory

Introduction The idea of adaptation is presented in many nursing theories and aims at describing the patients’ prospects of decision-making and self-managing various health problems. However, this concept was initiated by Erickson, Tomlin, and Swain (2005) in their modeling and role modeling theory. Erickson, Tomlin, and Swain’s Adaptation Theory The...

Kristallnacht: Massacre of Jews in Nazi Germany

Kristallnacht was the murder and persecution of Jews, who lived in Germany. The name Kristallnacht owes its origin to the German word ‘crystal night’, which represents broken crystals of glass evident from the burning down and demolishing of Jewish property. Remarkably, the persecution and massacre took place in 1938 after...

Should the US Adopt the British Tradition of a Gap Year?

Traced back to the British traditions of the Grand Tour related to the Victorian period and hippy movement during the 1960s and 1970s, currently, the gap year spread to other countries and is recognized as a beneficial instrumentality (Heath 2007). Serious consideration should be given to the cultural context of...

Peer Pressure Problem: Negative and Positive Influences

Introduction Peer pressure denotes the direct influence on a person by his/her peers through following their conduct, attitudes, and ways (Black, Devereux, & Salvanes, 2013). It varies from social influences as it makes a person change his/her approach or behavior with respect to the influencing individual or group. Peer pressure...

Aging and Health Promotion

Biological Theory of Aging The first case concerns a 65-year-old woman who has had a heart attack five days previously and also has a history of diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoporosis. She is confused, scared of the changes in her body, and does not understand why...

Phosphorus as Homeopathic Treatment

Remedy Grid Remedy Description The symptoms like fatigue, irritability, and the loss of appetite are inputted into the remedy finder that is located at The results of the search can be found in Figure 1. These three symptoms can be used to diagnose possible depression in a patient. While...

Legalization of Marijuana: Reasons

Introduction Marijuana is a psychoactive substance that is classified as an illegal drug in the United States. It is commonly used for medical and recreational purposes which are leading to its widespread acceptance. Numerous US jurisdictions have considered legal options to decriminalize the drug. The legalization of marijuana is necessary...

Barrett’s Power Theory and Change in Nursing

There are many ways of how to use power in the field of nursing. Barrett offers to determine it as a possibility to participate in organizational change knowingly. According to her theory of power as knowing participation, awareness, choices, freedom to act intentionally, and the involvement in creating change are...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Predictive Analytics in Healthcare

Dr. Mark Khatchuturian makes a presentation about predictive analytics in healthcare to provide a brief but extensive overview of the topic. The presentation begins with a definition, which is a reasonable approach. The listeners learn that predictive analysis uses technologies to predict future health-related events with the help of data...

The Theme of Death in “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin

Introduction Dramatic events associated with death have always been a compelling topic in fiction. However, in addition to creating a straightforward appeal, they can be used as devices for the exploration of deeper themes. In “The Story of an Hour,” Kate Chopin uses the theme of death to successfully reveal...

Teamwork and Collaboration in Nursing

Introduction In the healthcare setting collaboration and teamwork entails collective planning, decision-making, problem-solving, coordinating efforts, and establishing effective communication. The main goal of the collaboration is to enhance the holistic and safe delivery of care to patients. Studies in disciplines such as aviation and military have demonstrated that teamwork is...

Impact of Filipino Population Cultural Group on Healthcare

Introduction Cultural competence has become a major initiative that is essential in the delivery of health care; it involves a multidisciplinary approach in the provision of care to people based on their cultural orientation (Purnell, 2002). Purnell’s Model of cultural competence provides a framework that can be used to design...

Chronic Venous Insufficiency vs. Deep Venous Thrombosis

The Pathophysiology of Chronic Venous Insufficiency According to Santler and Goerge (2017), chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is a well-known disorder associated with a variety of symptoms in later disease stages, which is reported to be considered common within the population of the U. S. Most notably, varicose veins with or...

China Trade Barriers and Their Economic Effects

Based on the Chinese government’s standpoint, is it logical to impose the trade barrier? China is one of the most promising markets and it can affect the development of the global market. Palmer (2010) notes that the USA as well as other countries express their concerns as to China’s policies...

Geologic Time and the World Ocean: Diving a Bit Deeper

Compare the distribution of oceans between the northern and southern hemispheres. Which hemisphere has more ocean surface area than the other? Since the surface of the Earth is far from being even, the distribution of oceans is not quite equal between the two hemispheres. Taking a closer look at the...

Self-Disclosure in Psychological Therapy

Self-disclosure is revealing personal information to others. In the context of counseling, the implementation of this principle may significantly assist the client. As mentioned by Evans, Hearn, Uhlemann, and Ivey (2016), it is used to “facilitate clients’ understanding of their experiences, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors” (p. 187). The technique may...

Interpersonal Space and Touch in Hispanic Culture

The character of the interpersonal space use depends on the cultural conventions to a large extent, and the forms of proxemics thus are different in the distinct societies. In this paper, I would like to analyze the issue of the interpersonal space use from the perspective of my culture. Being...

Recycling-Related Benefits for Dubai

Recycling is the process of changing wastes into new usable products. The purpose of recycling wastes is to prevent dumping potentially useful products, reduce environmental pollution, and control the use of raw materials. Recycling is an important method that is used in the modern world to dispose of and manage...

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Eric Schmidt’s Speech on Google Inc.’s Future

Introduction: Background Representing literally “the best” of corporate values, i.e., “the energy,” “the enthusiasm” (Stop CEO 00:00:19), Google, Inc. is clearly among the top most successful companies of the XXI century. In his recent speech, the CEO of Google, Inc., Eric Schmidt has outlined the perspectives for Google’s further evolution....

Technological Changes and Air Transport

Introduction Air transport has evolved for over two thousand years. The development has been facilitated by advancement in technology. Man was motivated to design air transportation after observing the birds. Kites were the first objects made by man to fly at around 200 B.C. Gliders were invented at around the...

Race and Ethnicity and Their Significance Today

Definition Ethnicity is a term that is used to categorize people into similar and different groups based on their cultural or physical attributes. The categorizers believe that the biological composition affects the cultures of the people. Race, on the other hand, is a biologic subspecies with distinct traits different from...

Roosevelt’s Progressive Changes in the US

Historians consider the beginning of the XX century as the most progressive period in US history. By the beginning of the given century, the United States has become the most powerful nation in the world, double the size of England. Big business, whose capital arose at the end of the...

Communication Style Differences at Work

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Working in a diverse environment will inevitably lead to the necessity to reconcile differences in the approaches to communication that people belonging to different social groups have. These include specifics of interactions accepted within groups of particular gender, ethnicity, age, and culture. No matter how...

Unfair Labor Practices in Global Companies

Introduction Global companies such as McDonald’s, Samsung, Nike, Reebok, Adidas, Puma, and Umbro are generating billions of dollars in annual revenues. However, their success is founded on unfair labor practices. All of these companies outsource manufacturing and production operations to third-world poor countries such as Cambodia, Thailand, and Indonesia. Citizens...

Caring for Populations in Miami Community

Introduction of Community The community this survey is based on is Miami, Florida. It is the principal city and the seat of Miami Dade county. Miami is a significant port city located on the Atlantic coast. Miami is a developed community with a variety of educational opportunities. Windshield Survey Vitality...

History in Gene Autry Museum in Los Angeles

Throughout the ages, mankind has been developing a vast variety of cultural patterns, which resulted in such phenomenon of the modern world as cultural diversity. In order to efficiently communicate in modern days characterized by intensive processes of globalization and cross-cultural bonds, it is of vital importance to study and...

Soccer and Basketball Differences

To begin with, the world of sport is a versatile unity of strength, endurance, will to compete and win realized in tempos and movements of various kinds of difficulty. Though, in this paper, the comparing and contrasting ideas are emphasized between two sports: soccer and Basketball. Thus, a peculiar outlook...

Future of Modernization in US

Technology advancement has taken the United States by a large part of their social and economic lives. These technological advancements are manifested in many sectors including medical advancement, genetic technology that lets humans alter or even create a new life altogether, and development in rocket propulsion. These changes have been...

Compensation and Benefits for Contingent Workers

The paper discusses the compensation and benefits issues associated with: Part-time workers For many years, there have been numerous benefit and compensation grievances that have been presented by part-time workers. Despite this group of workers being used by most of the employers, it has been identified that benefits given to...

Power and Authority in Professional Sports

Professional leagues emerged after sports clubs found it wise to centralize the organization of their games. Clubs saw it fit to organize themselves into leagues to increase the benefits that would accrue from combining their operations such as better operating profits (Rosner & Shropshire, 2011). In this sense, professional leagues...

Security Measures in Logistics Management

Introduction Since time immemorial, the infrastructure system has been one of the most vulnerable elements of the state system, the primary goal of military occupation. Transportation systems nowadays are prepared to face a range of natural and manmade threats. However, even despite the development of security measures and technology, new...

Information Security: Managing Risk Ethically

Introduction Many issues are arising as a result of the rampant improvements in technology. Ethical and legal matters that are resulting from the technological advancement are gradually becoming matters of global concern. This paper is written to discuss the legal and moral principles of information security. Distinction between law and...

“Objects of Desire” by Adrian Forty

Adrian Forty in his literary work “Objects of Desire” analyses the design of consumer products since the beginning of the industrial revolution for over 200 years and how these products have taken into account various design and architectural components. In his analysis, he is able to uncover three design paradigms...

Erikson’s Moral Development Theory Review

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Greek Mythology: The Life of Hades

Greek mythology includes numerous outstanding and influential figures worth researching. Besides, the details of this vibrant world imply many fascinating insights that can be translated into modern society. One of the Greek gods is Hades, “the god of death and the dead,” who was also called “the King of the...

Express Advertising Agency Managing Creative Project and Design

Introduction The profitability of a project is the major objective that propagates a project manager to maintain a strong and a focused team. In the creative field the roles of project managers varies from one firm to another. This is based on the fact that different firms have variety of...

How Core Public Health Functions Are Applied in Society?

Introduction Community health is clearly a huge Public Health undertaking, which is believed can only be enhanced through legislations and penalties that would ensure measures are taken to keep the environment safe. Even though it is everyone’s responsibly to keep a clean healthy environment free of chemical and natural hazards...

A Guide on Patient Engagement by Smith ET Al

Considerations and Challenges for Implementation One of the primary difficulties implementing a guide on patient engagement by Smith et al. (2017) is ensuring the cooperation of patients, as well as other stakeholders, especially setting staff and management (Byers, 2017). Given the specifics of the project (ensuring patient engagement), the former...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Ancient Readings of Genesis 1-3

Genesis 1-3 tells of creating the heavens and the earth in all its vast array and all living things. God created humanity: a man and a woman from his rib blessed them and told them to fill the earth and conquer it. He gave them as well as all living...

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

Introduction Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders aims to classify the disorders according to certain criteria that are essential for reliable diagnoses (Paris, 2013, p. 70). Clinicians and researchers use the book as the guide for the essential characteristics of any type of mental disorder. The cultural background, gender,...

Organizational Values in Nursing and Work Experience

The sphere of nursing undergoes considerable changes from time to time (Osborne & Gardner, 2004). A professional nurse has to be ready to admit a variety of possible changes, improve personal understanding of the matter, and achieve good results in the chosen practice. Alignment between the values of an organization...

Risk Management in the Healthcare

Role of Risk Management Risk management in healthcare is crucial and comprises clinical and administrative processes and tools used to detect, monitor, evaluate, and manage risks. These systems’ primary focus is safeguarding patient safety and minimizing medical errors that impact a facility’s healthcare spending and bottom line. However, as health...

The Letters of Richard Frethorne About New World

The letters of Richard Frethorne, an indentured servant in 17th century Virginia, painted an unflattering picture of colonial America of that time. They presented the lives of destitute workers in the New World in the worst possible light. In the letters which were addressed to his parents Frethorne wrote about...

Reduction of Kidney Failure Due to Diabetes

The main symptom of chronic kidney disease is the gradual loss of kidney function over a sustained period (CDC, 2010). The disease results in the accumulation of waste materials in the body thus affecting the proper functioning of organs and tissues. Common complications include nerve damage, anemia, and high blood...

The Health Status of a Population

Health indicators are important tools used to understand the health status of any population. Health indicators mainly help in understanding the trends of population health through monitoring and surveillance. Subsequently, information obtained from these indicators is imperative for planning resources, targeting populations and prioritizing health care needs. One common indicator...

The Spread of Preventable Diseases

Our world has entered an incredible era of technological development, which has significantly affected the level of medicine – new drugs and treatments have been created; some diseases have disappeared. Every day, scientists make many efforts to find a way to defeat new threats to human lives and make them...

“Mixed Messages” Quantitative Nursing Study by Hain

Introduction One of the emerging issues in the public debate is the large number of Associate Degree nurses who are not willing to go back to universities for further studies. Estimates indicate that nearly 80%, of nurses, do not return to institutions of higher institutions for a more advanced degree...

The Problem of Environmental Water Pollution

Introduction Clean and abundant water supplies are important for sustaining healthy communities (Natural Resources Defense Council, 2014). Indeed, as human beings, we depend on our water resources to sustain life. However, within the past few years, our human activities have greatly depleted our natural resources. Moreover, climate change has similarly...

Federal Emergency Management Agency Financial Planning

Obstacles to Strategic Financial and Fiscal Planning The governmental policies are intended not only for the implementation of long-term initiatives but also for the mitigation of consequences of disasters. In the United States, there is a special entity engaged with these issues known as Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and...

Bias in Epidemiologic Research

Introduction Potential biases are likely to be present and affect epidemiologic research at the level of design, implementation, and analysis of a study. Bias is defined as systematic errors that affect the epidemiologic research, hence leading to invalid measures of association and altered study outcomes (Aschengrau & Seage, 2008). There...

Research Questions in the Clinical Study

Abstract Clinical studies require the adoption of well-stated research questions, which are utilized to guide the outcomes of a clinical project. A summary of two research articles in this paper reveals that a study that does not focus on answering a question or a set of questions does not yield...

The Clinical Recommendation for Three Illnesses

In the above case study, the patient is suffering from Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, and Angina. Therefore, the clinical recommendation will involve therapies to help manage the condition. First statins such as Lovastatin, Simvastatin, Atorvastatin, and Rosuvastatin would deal with abnormal lipid levels and lower coronary artery conditions. According to Vamvakis et...

Violence in Institutions: The Nine-Stage Model of Intervention

Many healthcare practitioners are currently facing a wide range of workplace challenges. Workplace abuse has become common in different healthcare settings. Some of these challenges include “physical assaults, verbal abuses, aggressiveness, discrimination, and even murder” (Papa & Vanella, 2013, p. 3). This essay describes specific issues such as the major...

Escalating Drug Prices: Solution to the Problem

Of all industries, the drug industry is probably the most notorious for its steep prices. Chemical substances, able to make changes to the organism’s physiology, will always be in demand by the population and the government. The healthcare system relies on the supply of drugs to prescribe and deliver treatment....

The Peer Review Law of Texas

Peer reviews refer to the processes through which the performances of doctors and other medical staff are reviewed by other doctors, health care providers, and hospitals. In Texas, the peer review process is governed by Section 160.007. This section outlines the Texas Occupations Code. According to this legislation, the activities...

Keds Company’s Pricing and Marketing Strategies

Introduction Business rivalry is inevitable in any business environment because profit maximization is the enterprise’s ultimate goal. Therefore, market competition is a revenue expansion strategy through which vendors improve their product and service offering to increase their customer base. Commercial activities involve expenses for stocking merchandise or services and recurrent...

The Problem of Alabama’s Latest Abortion Bill

Defining the Problem The problem revolves around Alabama’s latest abortion bill, which punishes abortion, providing doctors with lifetime sentencing (“Abortion laws in the US,” 2019). The citizens of the state already lack infrastructure and access to the procedure, and the legislation makes the problem even more challenging. One of the...

Policy Brief on Shortage of Physicians and Nurses

Executive Summary The country’s population’s average age is increasing, which means that the number of older patients in need of constant medical care is rising, chronic diseases appear and spread. At the same time, a significant number of doctors also resign due to age, and the number of qualified students...