Fate in Beowulf and Shakespeare’s Macbeth

Introduction An Old English poem Beowulf was written by an unknown author approximately at the end of the VII century. It is an epic with alliterative verses in the Germanic glorious story genre. Macbeth is a drama play written and composed by William Shakespeare, who was a prominent English author....

The Journal of Communication and Religion Analysis

The studies aimed to investigate the National Journal Research with the main focus on the Journal of Communication and Religion. It examined the current publisher, the journal’s origin, the current focus of the journal contents, the journal’s significance to Rhetoric Ph.D. emphasis reading area. In addition, the report analyzed three...

Diabetes Disease, Its Prevention and Treatment

Introduction Diabetes is a chronic disease caused by the fact that the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or the body cannot effectively use the produced insulin. More than 400 million people are living with diabetes worldwide, and the prevalence is expected to continue to rise (Cole & Florez, 2020)....

Takeaways from “Helping People Change” by Boyatzis et al.

Helping People Change, written by Richard Boyatzis, Melvin Smith, and Ellen Van Oosten offers a unique personal and professional development approach. Based on decades of research in neuroscience and psychology, the authors explore ways to facilitate lasting change through coaching and self-directed learning. The book covers creating practical goals, building...

Frederick Douglass’ Autobiography

Introduction Frederick Douglass was a formerly enslaved person who became an activist, novelist, and public speaker. He rose to prominence in the abolitionist movement, which worked to end slavery, both before and during the Civil War. He advocated for equality and human rights after the war and the Emancipation Proclamation...

Play Romeo and Juliet in Theater Analysis

Introduction Theater is a unique phenomenon that emerged in ancient times and remains popular today. Among various forms of art, it is one of the most attractive to viewers because of the costumes, decorations, and live performances. Actors use the play written by a certain author and present it to...

Topic Selection for Leadership Research

Topic Option 1: Communication Filters in Strategic Leadership This topic is concerned with communication filter (CF) types and suggestions to overcome them, including communication frameworks, culture development recommendations, and other approaches. CFs in strategic leadership are multi-dimensional and have inspired practice-oriented communication models. Such filters find reflection in selective perception...

Christ’s Resurrection and the Strength of Love

Introduction The idea of love being stronger than death is a long-standing Biblical concept that is at the center of the core religious teachings. When Pope Benedict XVI preached to the group of pilgrims and prelates filling St. Peter’s Basilica, he reflected on the liturgy and readings of the Easter...

The Superiority of Ancient Medicine Over Modern

Introduction Authors’ stance toward their source can be either objective or subjective. Hasler’s stance toward his source is objective because he selected informative and reliable sources when writing this article. He did not merely choose one or two sources that would support the idea that his article was an objective...

Aspects of the Physical Anthropology

Introduction Sometimes scientists can find the answers to important questions on completely unexpected places and occasions. A similar situation occurred in Spain and Barcelona and was described in the article “The priceless primate fossils were found in a garbage dump” by Pinkowski (2021). On one night, few places are less...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Benefits and Drawbacks of Online Education: Analysis

Introduction Online learning has become a necessary part of education in recent years. During the COVID-19 pandemic, schools had to incorporate online classes for all disciplines regardless of whether they were easy or challenging to teach in this medium (Xhaferi and Xhaferi 87). During online classes, students interact with a...

Bill Maher’s Religulous Film Analysis

Religion certainly plays a vital role in the life of the world community. It is not only a mechanism for connecting each person with spirituality but also carries a whole background of beliefs and values that integrate the individual into the community and differentiate 894o5-0pfrom others. However, the influence of...

A Controversial Image of John Brown, an Abolitionist

During his lifetime, John Brown was severely despised by some and regarded as a hero by others. While Southerners were frightened by the brutality he used to attain his goals, reformers who supported the abolition of slavery applauded his acts as being vital to destroy the system. Others, such as...

Psychotherapeutic Approach to Group Counseling

Group counseling is a practical approach that enables healthcare professionals and counseling specialists to provide adequate information and solutions to individuals, thus allowing them to make informed decisions. Group counseling is an integral part of the psychotherapy interventions provided to individuals with mental health issues and altered cognition, reasoning, and...

Okonkwo’s Character Analysis in “Things Fall Apart”

In his work Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe chronicles the tale of Okonkwo, a strong and respected member of the Igbo society in Nigeria. Achebe uses language and style to develop him into a complex and multi-faceted character. He is presented as someone who is both strong and fragile, self-assured...

The Impact of Incarceration on Recidivism

The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of incarceration on public safety. For the research topic “The Impact of Incarceration on Public Safety,” a thorough sampling strategy is essential to guarantee the validity and dependability of the study’s findings. To fully assess the effect of incarceration on...

The Billing Managers in Healthcare

Patient Care The billing manager is in charge of the billing department and its employees. They must establish norms and practices to guarantee prompt and accurate patient billing. This paper discusses the role of bill managers in improving patient care and cost efficiency. There are several ways in which health...

Character Development in Interpreter of Maladies

Most writers rely upon the crucial point, which the stories they create reach, in order to develop fully some characters. Through relating the interaction of characters with others, their dialogues and actions, the readers get a clear picture of their true nature. Without it, there is no other way the...

Social Networking Site Facebook

Introduction With the world becoming one global village courtesy of the radical revolution in information technology, people are virtually exploring all corners of the world within minutes. Facebook, the second largest social networking after MySpace, is one of the forces behind this drastic revolution. One just needs to create an...

Evaluating the Effects: Advantages of Globalization

Being only a concept in the 20th century, the process of globalization has swept the entire world by 2000s and is taking an increasingly fast pace at present. Despite its obvious benefits, globalization has also had a couple of negative effects on the economy, politics and social life of the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Higher Education: Personality and Academic Success

Intelligence is not a single factor to predict the individual’s academic success in higher education because the factor of personality is also crucial to affect the academic achievement. For instance, conscientiousness is a personality trait that explains “five times as much variance in GPA as does intelligence” (Kappe and Van...

The Relationship Between the Environment and Development

Environmental issues are some of the most popular topics for global discussion among the policymakers. Different countries face different environmental problems; nevertheless, many believe that a global approach is needed for a balanced solution. In developed countries, the majority of the problems we face today are the result of the...

Tea Party Pre-Reading Strategy in Education

Tea Party Strategy Overview One of the possible strategies that teachers may use for the purpose of involving students into work and improving their reading skills is called “tea party.” This name means that one can behave as if they were at a tea party: talk, discuss various subjects, share...

Criminal Prosecution for Nursing Practice

Emotions evoked while considering the Colorado Board of Nursing case The Colorado Board of Nursing case presents a highly controversial situation that leaves the reader with a whole range of mingled emotions, some of which even contradict each other. First and foremost, the feeling of pity for the baby who...

Healthcare Digitalization and Large-Scale Data Analytics

Week 1 Assignments Assignment #1 In this paper, the article “Going digital: A survey on digitalization and large-scale data analytics in healthcare” by Tresp et al. (2016) is proposed for sharing. It contains a comprehensive overview of digitalization trends in healthcare, and it is most recent. Therefore, it might catch...

Circumcision: Ethical and Human Issues

Introduction Both male and female circumcision provokes the long-standing disputes among the members of different communities. The previous research findings reveal substantial controversies in views on the value and ethics of the procedure – some researchers suggest that circumcision provides medical benefits for both genders while others consider that it...

Horse Population, Evolution, and Physiology

Horse Populations Horses belong to the Equidae taxonomic family. The majority of horses are separated into two types. The first is Equus caballus, and it represents the domestic type of horse. The second is called Equus ferus, and it is used for wild horses, which are extremely rare in the...

Democrats and Republicans in the New York State

The state of New York is characterized by two strong political parties, namely the Democrats and the Republicans. In effect, the people of New York have a high recognition of these two parties with citizens dividing their votes to contestants from either party, depending on their interests. Even though there...

Personal Care Philosophy in Professional Practice

Introduction A nurse’s philosophy usually reflects her values, ideals, attitudes, and beliefs related to professional practice. Therefore, a good personal nursing philosophy should include concepts that guide a nurse’s decisions and actions, the personal interpretation of nursing meta paradigms, their association with the nursing practice, as well as possible strengths...

Personal Financial Management and Financial Literacy

Personal financial management is a useful method of controlling income and expenditures as well as planning future savings. By understanding the basic principles and minor aspects of money management such as the compound interest method, people can avoid bankruptcy and enhance their chances for the side income. Since I did...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Female Artists: War Paintings

Curatorial Statement This exhibition is aimed at showing how female artists depict war, its catastrophic effects, and its futility. It is the main theme that the chosen painters explore. While selecting the images, I focused on the artists who represented different countries and historical periods. Overall, the chosen paintings may...

Psychotherapeutic Group with Depressive Disorder

This manual is developed for a closed psychoeducational group of young adults aged 20-25 years old with the symptoms of the depressive disorder. The document is aimed at the effective organization of group work for interpersonal communication, exchange of feelings and thoughts between the members of the group to teach...

Nursing Evidence-Based Practice and Knowledge Translation

Introduction Clinical settings are in continuous search for tools and methods aimed to improve the quality of care and reach better patient outcomes. Evidence-based practice (EBP) of nursing is one of such instruments. EBP is commonly defined as “the integration of clinical expertise, patient values, and the best research evidence...

Empress Luxury Lines Company’s Fraud and Ethics

Summary Empress Luxury Lines has been grappling with economic constraints that hit the company since 1990. Predicting lucrative opportunities due to economic growth, the company ordered more fleet of ships hoping to pay them in due course. Unfortunately, stock markets grumbled down during the 1990s, September 11, 2001 terror attacks,...

Applied Social Research: A Tool for the Human Services

Chapter 3 has clearly stated a number of ethical issues that relate to minority groups in society. It highlights the introduction of such issues as far as social research is concerned. Ethics are crucial in this research as they involve free people who are the subject of the investigation and...

Application of T-Tests and F-Tests

Application of t-Tests A research question that can be addressed by using an independent samples t-test about the area of General Psychology is as follows: “Are married couples (both spouses aged 18-25) that have no children and live separately from their parents have fewer quarrels than those married couples (both...

The Square of Opposition and Its Components

Conflicting statements and arguments are the objects of research of logic as a science, and special mechanisms exist that are designed to determine connections among the individual components of various hypotheses and their veracity. One of such tools is the square of opposition that is a common technique for analyzing...

“IT4IT Reference Architecture, Version 2.0 Technical Standard” by The Open Group

Summary of Article The selected article is about a case study for IT4IT authored by the Open Group (2015). The article posits that the information technology (IT) value chain complements service delivery and improves compliance to organizational plans. Therefore, IT processes are critical to the success of organizational processes because...

Best Buy’s Strategy Elements

Best Buy Co. is a company that operates in the United States, Canada, and Mexico and focuses on the delivery of various technologies to enrich the lives of people. The range of services varies from entertainment to food preparation and health wellness, and the company promotes services that aim to...

“Just Like That, I Was a Little Brother” by Robert Imbeault

Introduction This paper is a critical essay concerning an article on DNA tests and their use for finding distant relatives. The author, Robert Imbeault, supplies his story of how a DNA test he took to determine his national lineage led to him finding a half-sibling that he never knew. He...

Is Capital Punishment a Justifiable Action?

The issue of the justification of capital punishment was raised by political scientists, historians, sociologists, writers, and other authors throughout the development of civilization. At the dawn of history, in primitive societies, ancient cultures, and medieval states, the death penalty was commonplace and beyond doubt. During the Renaissance and Enlightenment,...

Supervisory Process and Its Multicultural Factors

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation In my experience, the work of a supervisor in a multicultural context should be linked to support for cultural issues and openness to their discussion. Supervisors must provide opportunities for employees to work in multicultural contexts and increase the perceptions of supervisees” multicultural competence. This...

Team Nursing and Synergy Models in Primary Care Unit

The model of nursing care In this instance, I observed a group of nurses working in the primary care department. In this particular case, there was a team consisting of three nurses, one of whom was the leader. Upon talking to these nurses, I found out that they decided to...

Money & Wealth in The Great Gatsby

In The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby has set his sights on winning back the only girl he ever felt he loved. Because Daisy is already married to Tom when Gatsby returns from the war and because she has always been a child of privilege, Gatsby reasons that the best way...

Law as a “Living Body”: Definition

Law as an institution is a rigid form of governing system that is responsible for the well-being of the population. However, in reality, a set of laws cannot be maintained and enforced in a rigid manner. The betterment of the population depends on the common sense of the law enforcers...

Cultural Diversity in Contemporary Society

Cultural diversity can be characterized through ethnical, gender, religious, and national features differing individuals from each other; this notion covers their customs, values, beliefs, thoughts, actions, and communications. Cultural diversity is not only referred to the uniqueness of different persons, but to the fact, that human beings make social groups...

English Phonetics: Studying and Teaching

The piece of reading we have been assigned to during week three became a highly useful part of our studies as educators as it gave a quite different insight into English phonetics on the whole and into certain parts of studying as well as teaching it. The most value of...

Shubert Music Analysis the Work of Shubert Die SchöNE Müllerin, No 19

Introduction; analysis of the sound Analyzing the work of Shubert Die schöne Müllerin, no 19, and its part ‘Der Müller und der Bach’ I used the technology of LaRue (1992), who suggests paying attention to sound, harmony, melody, rhythm and the growth of form. The work consists of two parts...

Will Obama’s Stimulus Plan Work?

The global economic recession has seen many complain about working harder for lesser pay and even spending more nearly on all the goods and services available in the market. This is currently affecting all Americans and the world at large. From recent research, data reveals that there is a rapid...

“Proof of an External World” by George E. Moore

The argument George Edward Moore, an English philosopher, is well known for his “philosophical argument, “Here is a hand,” in which he criticizes philosophical skepticism in favor of common sense. His argument takes three dimensions: (1) Here is a hand, (2) Here is another hand (3) There are at least...

Balanced Scorecard: Performance Management Tool

Assessment This essay presents an assessment of a balanced scorecard used by an organization in a real estate business environment. A balanced scorecard serves as a performance management tool (Eckerson, 2011). When a company optimizes the implementation of a balanced score card, then the company assumes a capacity for managing...

Native Americans in the United States: Literature Review

What you Pawn I Will Redeem The narrator of the story by Sherman Alexie is a homeless man Jackson Jackson, a very unusual person with a generous heart, an “After Columbus Arrived Indian” (Perkins 402). He is a heavy drinking homeless Indian man, with bad health, leading a destructive lifestyle;...

Property Title Process Applying to Land and Property

The main aim of the property title process is to purchase property and transfer the legal rights to use the property. There are different rules governing transfer of title in different parts of the world, however there is a standard process. In the land buying process the buyer has to...

Socialism History: Socialism in the United States

Socialism is a political ideology that mainly encompasses theories emphasizing how government should interact with economic organization (Cole, 2003). It generally emphasizes on promoting economic values in the society. In addition this ideology promotes economic and social relations especially among low class people. Some of the administrative issues promoted by...

Health for All: Community Teaching Plan

Introduction The proposed community teaching plan is intended for university/school health centers. However, it can also be implemented in any other setting if the audience is similar to the one targeted by the initial program. The location of teaching is North Shore Medical Center, as agreed with its managers. As...

Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Issues in Business

Introduction Communication plays an essential role in any organization and its performance due to the fact that the given process determines how freely essential information flows from one person to another. This exchange of ideas and information allows people to increase their performance because outstanding communication directly affects the overall...

The Fall of the Aztec Empire

Introduction Aztec Empire was the largest domain on the North American continent before the Spaniards defeated it. The conquest was led by the renowned conquistador Hernán Cortés. His victory over the Aztecs secured Mexico as a colony and ensured the Spanish Empire could establish its influence in the region. This...

“Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking” by M. Gladwell

Introduction The book Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, written by Malcolm Gladwell, offers an insightful analysis of people’s first impressions. The author uses a variety of anecdotal stories to show how people approach situations and other persons, not always relying on rational thinking but rather on their “gut...

Raising Employee Cybersecurity Awareness

Cybersecurity, or the protection of computer systems and networks from malicious actions, is an essential concern for any modern organization. Data theft and other disruptive activities can cause extensive financial and reputational damage, sometimes forcing businesses to shut down completely. Employers can implement a variety of countermeasures to stop such...

Women’s Role and Leadership in the Church

Most Christians think that women are oppressed, and their rights denied when limits are put on their roles in the church. This has led to the cropping of great challenges between complementarians and egalitarians on the limitation of women’s leadership roles. For instance, many women in the current churches fight...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Healthy Living Importance

Health management has recently gained particularly strong weight as an issue to be addressed within the global community. As the Healthy people 2030 agenda has been established, global public health concerns such as improvements in the management of CVD, reduction in the levels of childhood obesity, and the related concerns...

The World’s Focus On Plastic Pollution

Before humanity manages to clean up the ocean floor of plastic straws that kill innocent turtles, all marine biodiversity will die, and there will be no one to save. As global consumers focus on quick fixes of switching to metal straws, the planet continues to heat up to sustain the...

General Service Characteristics of Motor Carrier Transportation

The United States has invested heavily in the development of an interstate highway system. It has considerably made this form of transport a priority for transportation of cargo and other elements that contribute to the development of economy. The movement of labour is also important for the economy’s growth. This...

Legislative Issues in Texas: Revolving Door

The issue known as the revolving door has been a point of controversy in the field of Texas legislature for decades and is also a problematic issue globally. This is a phenomenon when high-level government employees transition to the private sector and major business owners become legislators. From a legal...

Comparison of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome

It is a well-known fact that ancient Greece and Rome laid the foundation for contemporary western civilization, having developed the fundamental ideas and concepts of philosophy and political rule. Nevertheless, both countries had explicit differences in cultural characteristics regarding social life, religion, life values, architecture, and economics. Thus, this paper...

Medication Errors: Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing

Introduction Medication errors can have grave implications such as possible harm to the patient and loss of life (Burkhardt & Nathaniel, 2013). Nonetheless, at the Centura St. Anthony Hospital, medication error has led to a terrifying new way of dealing with the issue and punishing health professionals on the wrong:...

Outbreak of Salmonella Enteritidis Infections

The United States Food & Drug Administration together with the Center discovered an infection outbreak in October 2011 for disease control, prevention, and other public health officials. This infection affected a chain of restaurants referred to as Restaurant Chain A, a fast food outlet in the US. People who ate...

Pigeon Creek Residence – a Dream Home

Introduction As a nature-lover, I have always dreamed about a modern house with a large garden located very close to a forested area. Pigeon Creek Residence is a medium-sized cozy house designed and built by Lucid Architecture in western Michigan that brings this dream into reality. This paper is aimed...

The Boston and Memphis Data Comparison: Municipalities

Introduction A city’s statistics can tell much information about it, especially if done in comparison. A chronological contrast reveals various changes or potential stagnations while comparing two metropolises can assist in choosing where to move in. Boston and Memphis are the cities with a similar population but different histories and...

Personality Psychology: Relation to Nursing Home Residents

What is personality psychology? For this presentation, I have decided to talk about personality psychology and describe it specifically in relation to nursing home residents. Therefore, it is first necessary to understand what personality psychology is, what it does, and how popular it is. Personality psychology focuses on understanding normal...

Studying Human Impact on the Environment

Objective The goal of this assignment is to study current environmental issues, ascertain their nature, and learn more about which human activities jeopardize the environment. Results The “Tragedy of the Commons” is a social phenomenon, which transcribes when people are faced with a situation of limited resources. The deficit propels...

“Casablanca” and “Being John Malkovich” Films Analysis

Being John Malkovich The first film that is going to be analyzed in this paper is Being John Malkovich. This is a fantasy comedy directed in 1999 by Spike Jonze and written by Charlie Kaufman. The plot of the film is totally absurd and surrealistic. The main character of the...

Why Resecurity Has Added ipv6 Data

IPv6, or Internet Protocol version 6, refers to the latest international communications standard used to facilitate interactions between Internet-connected devices. It was developed to supplement and eventually supplant the previous standard, IPv4, which could not provide sufficient new IP addresses to support the Internet’s growth. In addition to expanded address...

Types of Speech Used in Everyday Life

Social speech is usually used in a casual setting with either friends, classmates, family, acquaintances, or strangers. The vocabulary and stylization of the speech can vary vastly depending on who I am speaking to, but the purpose of this kind of speech is almost always the same, to relate, entertain,...

The Consequences of Obesity: An Annotated Bibliography

Dąbrowska, J., Wójcik, M., Samek, I., Jańczyk, M., Bator, D., & Milanowska, J. (2020). Obesity and mental health. Journal of Education, Health and Sport, 10(6), 199. Web.  This review aims to accumulate and analyze existing and new data on obesity and its impact on mental health. To review the literature...

Joys of Social Work Administration

Social workers seek to empower people and communities in their everyday lives. Unfortunately, the field has garnered a reputation for being a noble but dreary profession. As a result, a leadership crisis currently besets the social work labor market. Experienced leaders in nonprofit administration are abandoning the field. Watson and...

Persuasive Speech: Chat Rooms Are Unsafe for Underage Users

With the constant technological development and wireless networks covering an increasing percentage of the globe, users can now access online chat rooms anywhere and anytime as long as they have a connection. Although the opportunity to stay constantly connected to others and instantly share messages, pictures, and videos is appealing,...

Concerns in Saint Luke’s Gospel and Their Analysis

Jesus’ disciples were left to emulate the good work that He had begun before ascending to heaven. Perhaps the disciples fearlessly worked out on their purpose as followers of Christ to enlighten the world about God’s intimate plan for all humankind. Thus, after His departure, Jesus’ disciples, who became apostles...

Researching of Brain Development

The intriguing aspects of brain development are cells lining the subventricular zone and dendrites and spines. The aspects are interesting because, in the former, the generation is impacted by hormones, drugs, and experience. These cells remain active throughout life and sometimes quiescent in their locations for a prolonged period, after...

Public Administration and Social Equity Example

Meaning of Privilege and How It Works Privilege refers to access to resources or social power readily available to people of a specific social group. Indeed, McIntosh (2018) defines the term as the benefits, social advantages, respect, and degree of prestige a person gets by belonging to a specific group....

Alcoholic Yeast Fermentation and Optimal Conditions

Abstract This laboratory report examines the relationship between environmental parameters and ethanol yield as a product of yeast metabolic fermentation. Yeast is microscopic fungi that produce alcohol from glucose under the influence of enzymes. This is an essential biochemical reaction that is often used in science, industry and cooking because...

Meditation as a Regular Practice

The real purpose of meditation is to increase awareness and consciousness. It causes a subsequent change in our perception of the external world. To date, there have been many studies that have confirmed the enormous benefits of meditation for mental and physical health. These practices can provide an invaluable sense...

Omniscience, Omnipotence, Group Organism, and Technology

The meaning of the word omniscience lies in the etymology of the word, since this term is related to a person who knows everything. Omniscience is the ability to know everything infinitely and without limits, or at least everything that can be learned about life, thoughts, feelings, the universe, and...

Global Business Opportunities in Indian Markets

Introduction This report section will conduct a preliminary assessment of geographic, economic, social, and political-legal factors that create global business opportunities in Indian markets. This section will also consider ways technology could create new business opportunities in India. The business chosen for this section is the information and communications technology...

The Ending of the Lucy Book by Jamaica Kincaid

Jamaica Kincaid is one of the most significant Antiguan-American authors of the present day. Kincaid focuses heavily on the colonial project’s effect in all of her writings, a project from which her country has suffered much in the past (Samirah 124). This paper focuses on the evaluation of the significance...

Effects of Social Media Use on Teenagers

Social media have radically transformed people’s lives by facilitating communication and making individuals be able to stay in contact with one another at any moment and in every part of the world. Yet, together with unprecedented connectivity, social media have brought numerous challenges, especially for the younger generations who constitute...

Aztecs’ and Incas’ Culture, Religion, Government, and Achievements

Introduction The paper will provide an overview of one of the most famous civilizations, the Aztecs and Incas. Firstly, the cultural features of the Aztecs and the Incas will be discussed, their government policies, the influence of religion, and the accomplishments of the civilization. The cultures and religions of those...

Teacup Dogs: Appearance, History, Health Complications, Art

Teacup dogs are the name for the most miniature breeds of dogs created by humans. They are the result of selective breeding or genetic modifications occurring within laboratories. Teacup dogs were created to serve as a decorative breed; their primary purpose is to perform on various shows or be human...

Issues of Working With People During the Pandemic

Introduction As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the economy suffered a great deal. This exacerbated the existing global food insecurity and housing crisis. In the beginning, people lost their jobs, accompanied by financial hardship (Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 2021). Due to unmet needs, more households had very...

Doctor Faustus in Popular Culture

Introduction The relationship between science and the occult remains a common topic in many literary and popular culture works. Many readers consider The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe as one of the original stories about the contradictions between good and evil, right and wrong. This play introduces...

Of Man and The Stream of Time by R. Carson

Introduction In a 1962 speech at Scripps College, Rachel Carson helped kickstart mainstream environmental and conservationist movements. She focuses on how humanity has interacted with nature in historical and modern times. Carson uses her understanding of the man-nature relationship to establish the concept of the former against the latter. Carson...

The Importance of Social Norms

Social norms present standards of acceptable behavior set and followed by different groups. Social norms can often be informal, meaning they do not necessarily need to take the form of laws or written rules. However, even informal norms act as a mechanism of social control because they promote the development...

Health Information Technologies and Processes

Health Information Technology Health information technologies are vital in enhancing the efficacy of clinical interventions that promote a population’s wellness and disease management. Examples of health IT tools include Electronic Medical records (EMR), Electronic Health records (EHR), and Clinical Decision Support (CDS). EMRs are digital versions of clinical charts that...

Adolescent Psychosocial Development

Background Psychosocial and psychological developments in adolescent years are crucial for individual’s future development. It is highly affected by physical brain development and social environment. Erikson suggests that people progress through a series of stages as they grow and develop through their life. Each stage is linked to an essential...

Economies of Australia and China in Recent Years

COVID-19 has had a profound impact on the Australian economy. Most indicators in 2020 indicate that the country was in a recession phase. According to Australia Indicators (n.d.), the annual growth rate of RGDP decreased by 1.9%, index of production costs decreased by 0.4%, consumption spending decreased by 5.72%, investment...

Managing Generational Differences in the Workplace

Generation refers to all people of the same age in a group or country, especially when they are assumed to have had similar experiences or opinions. Most of the time, these varied groups are adequately represented in the existing workforce. In a multigenerational workforce, people from different generations, such as...

Aerospace Project Management: Project Control

The aerospace sector has a long history of invention. However, the difficulties with project management brought on by this status quo upheaval are rarely highlighted. Industries worldwide are being transformed by digitalization, which applies digital technologies to modify a business model and offer new prospects for generating revenue and value....

Medical Ethics Dilemma: Ethical Theories and Law

Health care provision is increasingly becoming complicated. In modern-day health care provision, certain ethical issues have to be addressed. As such, there are ethical theories that inform health care providers in moral reasoning and judgment regarding the type and healthcare offered. These theories are also connected to legal statutes. In...

“The Watcher at the Gate” by Gail Godwin Literature Analysis

Gail Godwin’s The Watcher at the Gate offers a personal reflection on the myriad manifestation of the critical voice, a voice that typically blocks any and all creative endeavor before the implementation stage. Godwin’s essay recounts the effect of the critical voice on novelists specifically, however her “watcher” refers to...

U.S. Stroller Company’s Situation and Options

Current Situation Facing U.S. Stroller Although the baby stroller market might not seem very aggressive in terms of competition and customers’ demands, the U.S. Stroller organization has been applying great efforts to retain its top position in the designated area (the U.S. baby care market, 2016). The manufacturing process is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War

Among outstanding political figures, Abraham Lincoln holds a specific place. He was the president of the USA in a very difficult period for the country. The Civil War, which lasted four years, claimed the lives of more than 600 thousand of the Americans. Abraham Lincoln has placed himself on record...

Bedside Report vs. Handoff During Nurses’ Shift Change

The PICOT question In acute care patients (P), does the implementation of bedside report or handoff during shift change (I) for 4-6 months (T) improve the quality of care and patient safety (O) as compared to the handoffs performed away from the bedside (C)? P- (Patient, population, or problem): acute...

Middle East Oil in Uncertain Times

“Middle East Oil in Uncertain Times” is a presentation by Bassam Fattouh, which is dedicated to the specifics of the dynamics in the global oil sector. The presentation reviews the most recent trends in the sector, provides illustrative examples, and makes relevant suggestions on the potential responses of the countries...

Faceless War and Dehumanization

Introduction Over the centuries of the human experience, war has changed in technological, ideological, and psychological ways. Gone are the days of young men seeing war as a personality building adventure. Although we are living in the most peaceful times, this peace is incomplete, and it was preceded by some...

Popular Culture and the Cold War

The chapter called “Popular Culture as History: The Cold War Comes Home” centers on the ambiance of the period addressed. The author has selected the primary sources that display the way the culture was influencing the lives of people and their reasoning. Notably, during that time, the population and authorities...

Breastfeeding from American Nurses’ Perspective

In-hospital breastfeeding may imply significant challenges for mothers of infant patients. For instance, external factors that cause emotional and psychological discontent in patients may affect the efficacy of care and increase the length of their hospital stay (Folker-Maglaya, Pylman, Couch, Spatz, & Marzalik, 2018). The specified issue concerns both mothers...

Pediatric and Adult Immunization

Immunization can be discussed as one of the most efficient prevention methods to improve the health status of pediatric and adult populations (Kao, Schneyer, & Bocchini, 2014). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provide different types of immunization schedules oriented to increasing the public’s awareness and rising immunization...

Pro BRCA1/2 Screening: Care Standard for Women

The relation of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes’ mutation to the development of cancer is now actively studied by scholars in many countries of the world. The detection of a declined development of these genes might be a useful tool to prevent mortality caused by cancer. In spite of the relatively...

John Lewis Partnerships Company’s Delivery Operations

Major Facts John Lewis Partnership is one of the leading UK retailers with 28 department stores, 234 Waitrose supermarkets, and other businesses (Mangan & Lalwani, 2016). The company’s stores stock over 350,000 goods lines. The retailer’s growth led to the development and introduction of the so-called SANDC (Semi-Automated National Distribution...

Practice Models Applied to Advanced Nurse Roles

The contemporary advanced practice nursing is vastly shaped by various theoretical frameworks, which are designed to improve the quality of caregiving by producing new knowledge (Butts & Rich, 2015). However, it should be mentioned that in the majority of cases theories are developed from the models of practice (Chism, 2017)....

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Personality Preservation Throughout Life

Introduction At different stages of their lives, people can be very different. As time passes, their experience, knowledge about the outside world, reactions, and behaviors undergo numerous major changes. Moreover, as a result of the constantly occurring process of metabolism, all the individual atoms or molecules constituting a person’s body...

The Issue of Nurse Understaffing in Contemporary Hospitals

Introduction Nurses play a pivotal role in the sphere of medical care nowadays. They perform a wide range of functions both inside the hospital setting and outside of it, providing patients with care and helping them overcome their diseases. However, it is often a problem that there are not enough...

Zara Company’s Innovation and Distinctive Features

How is the role of the store manager different at Zara from other retailers? Zara, as a company, is most famous for its control of the supply chain (Lu par. 2). In other words, it administers most of the stages of clothing production, from original designing to the stage of...

Occupational Safety and Health Threat Scenarios

An Unannounced Inspection Scenario By the company rules and regulations, the OSHA inspector should be informed that the general manager whom the company is accountable was not present, therefore not possible the inspection of the premise. At the same time, the inspector should be informed of the present change and...

Blog Writing, Its Benefits and Practical Tips

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Protect Your Firm From the 12 Risks of Social Media

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American Psychological Association Style Guidelines

The APA guidelines were developed by the American Psychological Association as one of the possible forms of citation to indicate sources of information and protect one from cases of plagiarism. In order to conduct a study following the APA guidelines, the researcher must first identify and develop his/her topic. Second,...

Discrimination in Dubus’ “House of Sand and Fog”

Sociocultural issues that immigrants face in the United States remain numerous and very challenging to address despite the rise in public awareness. In his novel, Dubus provides a thought-provoking commentary on the nature of racism and discrimination in the U.S., depicting the life of an Iranian refugee in his House...

Psychological Development of a School-Aged Child

Introduction The assessment of school-aged children is a vital part of preventive healthcare. The process of monitoring young patients’ progress through the developmental changes allows clinicians to see whether children are meeting their age-related milestones and if there are any signs of developmental issues that can be addressed promptly. Patients’...

“Boumediene vs. Bush” Analysis

Facts Lakhdar Boumediene, a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina and an Algerian native, is a plaintiff in the case along with five other individuals who were detained after US intelligence suspected them of taking part in the planning of a terrorist attack at the US embassy in Bosnia. The US...

Preemptive War, War Powers, and International Complications

Introduction Throughout the history of the United States, the country’s presidents have worked hard to strike the right balance between achievements in the global arena and the well-being of its citizens. For instance, Kennedy supported a range of diplomatic initiatives during his presidency, including the creation of the Alliance for...

Nursing Understaffing: Research Critiques

The problem of the lack of qualified nursing staff in clinical work is an urgent issue that is often raised. Based on the results of the previous studies and reviews, this gap poses a threat to patient safety and reduces care outcomes due to the inability to provide comprehensive medical...

Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War

Introduction Thucydides tells a detailed account of the Peloponnesian War, a major military conflict between Greek Powers. At the source of this war lies the conflict around Corcyra, an emerging naval power. After defeating Corinth’s fleet in a dispute over their shared colony of Epidamnus, it established itself as a...

Ethics and Environmental Situation in China

Introduction Today, China is facing a harsh environmental degradation mainly due to population explosion and economic development. The country was not concerned about the protection and development of the environment while it was forging ahead with rapid economic growth. Fast economic development of this country has led to an increase...

Economics for Management. The Prisoner’s Dilemma

A prisoners’ Dilemma is a situation where the parties involved are engaged in a non-cooperative game. As there is no negotiation and cooperation between the parties involved, the best option for the parties is to adopt a maximin strategy where they will be able to maximize their minimum gain. The...

Uncertain Business Environment: Managers’ Responsibility and Skills

In today’s society change is inevitable and must be viewed positively as a necessary transformation. Organizational changes or restructuring, for many people, may be a cause for anxiety and worry, fear about the unknown, uncertain future, new reporting relationships, and new challenges. However the issue we are faced with is...

Influential Leonardo and His Significant Contributions

It may seem strange to look to someone so far back in history as a historical figure with the ability to influence others still. Still, the formation of Leonardo da Vinci continues to inspire me. He lived during a time in which there was a renewed focus on the symbolism...

The Position of Major Political Parties on Gun Control

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Legends on the Net: Modern Ways of Communication

The Gist The writer is referring to the use of modern communication technologies as a medium used in passing social-cultural practices as well as contemporary fads which develop into informal groupings built on similar trends. There exists a sophisticated system of communication that has enabled and simplified reaching any part...

Developing Trust and Building Positive Team Relations

Introduction Teamwork involves working in a group of people, where an individual’s opinions are coordinated with other contributions, and refined to produce the desired outcome. At times, individual opinions may be sidelined for the benefit of unity and efficiency of a group. Through teamwork, people enhance their communication skills and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Stress Management: Personal Stress Techniques

Stress is any reaction of the human body when a demand that is likely to cause pressure to it is made usually it results in tension and conflict of the mind and body as a whole. This is especially when the body is required to have some changes so as...

Information Technology and Banking Sector

Executive summary The consumption of information technology (IT) resources by employing the functions of computers has elucidated incredible intensification in service industries. The effect on banking is evident in enhanced competence and output. This achievement comes from the introduction of products related to IT. This encompasses internet banking, electronic payments,...

Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” – Viewing and Reflection

The art of the theater is a unique kind of art that has not lost its popularity for many centuries. Among the well-known playwrights whose plays are considered to be the most celebrated, the English genius William Shakespeare occupies one of the leading positions. His works have not lost their...

Personal Philosophy of Nursing: Key Beliefs, Assumptions and Basic Domains of Industry

Introduction Nursing as a multifaceted healthcare area is a complex field with various functions, responsibilities, and principles of work that those involved have to follow. The analysis of this sphere can help determine its key goals and objectives and obtain a picture of the fundamental conditions of junior medical staff’s...

Substance Use. Screening and Referral to Treatment

# Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree 1 5(50%) 3(30%) 2(20%) 0 0 2 4(40%) 3(30%) 3(30%) 0 0 3 1(10%) 4(40%) 3(30%) 2(20%) 0 4 0 1(10%) 5(30%) 4(30%) 0 5 0 1(10%) 4(40%) 5(50%) 0 6 2(10%) 4(40%) 4(50%) 0 0 7 0 2(20%)...

Radiographer Malpractice: Case Study Analysis

The issue of malpractice occurred at the hospital during a CT scan. The RT injected the contrast dye in a 68-year old plaintiff’s arm to diagnose a pulmonary embolism (Medical Malpractice Lawyers, 2019). As the dye was going into the arm, the plaintiff experienced severe pain. A few seconds later,...

The United States Criminal Justice System

Marc Mauer is the executive director of the Sentencing Project. This group advocates criminal justice reform and tackling racial inequality in the United States criminal justice system. Despite progress, many of the problems of the black population in the United States remain relevant. The number of racial incidents concerning African...

Social Workers’ Advocacy for Queer Population

Today, people use a number of reasons for discrimination, but, at the same time, they want to live in a free and democratic society. Alone with racial, gender, and social inequalities, the question of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) rights remains open. Social workers, as well as some...

The Theory Deviance and Crime

The patterns of universal sociology have always been replete with various discrepancies in terms of people’s attitudes to the social norms and adherence to them. As a result, scholars have developed a full-scale theory of deviance, which accounted for some people neglecting the already established behavioral patterns by direct law...

Ethics in the Coleman v. Retina Consultants Case

Contracts lie at the foundation of any modern economy, yet many agreements used in business transactions are not legally enforceable. Reasons that may prevent contracts from being enforced include lack of capacity on the part of either party or the illegality of the agreement. One controversial form of contract that...

The Reality About Isms and Heterosexism

Abstract The terms such as classism, sexism, antisemitism, ableism have one main characteristic. They all are linked, due to the involvement of a negative prejudgment. Preconception’s primary purpose is to offer and maintain power and control. Such words are called isms, and all work to ensure the establishment of a...

Grantsmanship Experiences Analysis

Recently, more and more organizations and individuals are faced with the need to write applications for grants. Fresh ideas require funds. Funds announce competitions, winners of competitions receive grants. A grant is financial means donated by a grantor to a non-profit organization or an individual for specific work. Unlike loans,...

The US and the Soviet Union: History

In the aftermath of World War II and during the Cold War, there were two spheres of influence in Europe. Western Europe supported the capitalist principles of the USA, whereas Eastern and Central European countries sympathized with the Soviet Union seeking to have communist governments in place. This entailed significant...

Sexual Assault Response and Prevention in the US Army

The Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) program in the United States Army. It is an integrated and proactive effort to address sexual assault within the ranks of the armed forces. Sexual prevalence rose by 1.4% for women to a total of 5.8%, and 0.7% for men over 2 years...

Christianity and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction The first part of the year 2020 was especially challenging due to the spreading COVID-19 epidemic and the consequent problems in different spheres of life. As one of the most important realms, religion was also influenced by the pandemic; moreover, some of its values and ideas were shattered at...

Maggie’s Story in Everyday Use by Walker

The themes of heritage and cultural identity often become central to literary works. In Everyday Use by Walker (1994), a conflicted story is presented, opposing superficial cultural values to practical ones. The main conflict revolves around Maggie’s and Dee’s desire to own quilts that symbolically represent enduring legacy and family...

Drug Abuse in the United States’ Social Context

Drug abuse is a social problem, which is prevalent in society. A study done in 2016 has shown that the increase in substance misuse is attributed to the disconnect between the social context of addiction and neuroscience (Sunshine Behavioral Health, n.d.). In society, addicts experience marginalization and progressive social exclusion....

Ethical Considerations, Limitations, and Implications on Medical Care

Ethical Considerations and Human Rights When researching human subjects, one should never dismiss ethical implications. One of the main requirements that should be met in such studies is obtaining informed consent to participate and submit personal data. In the case of this study, all the patients enrolled in the educational...

Prostate Cancer Among Blacks in Maryland: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

Abstract The paper revealed a high level of prostate cancer among the black population in Maryland. In turn, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening was considered as being ineffective for this race group with the help of cost-effectiveness analysis. Nonetheless, this instrument can measure the efficiency of overall public health benefit by...