Measles Vaccinations in Colorado State

Introduction Twenty-one years ago, the WHO declared the USA a measles-free country. However, since that time, numerous cases of measles have erupted in different states. There have been outbreaks in Washington and New York, Michigan and California, New Jersey, and American Samoa. Measles is a highly contagious disease, and vaccination...

Bias Persists for Women of Science

The news article “Bias Persists for Women of Science, a Study Finds” by Kenneth Chang (2012) generally talks about the biasness persistence of women. In American Universities, it is clear that female undergraduates are regarded as incompetent compared to their male counterparts despite having similarities in skills and accomplishments. In...

The Network Effect and Impact on the Media

The widespread use of streaming services in the modern media space can be considered a trend of the last decade. A good understanding of all the tools and methods of product promotion is what makes the difference in this highly competitive environment. Network effect is one of the key factors...

Explaining Self-Care to Patient in Nursing Practice

Several actions can be taken for a client to understand the elements of self-care. These include clear verbal communication, ensuring the comprehension of the instructions, being creative by using illustrations, clarifying, and questioning the clients. Clear communication is always the first action taken, and it involves explaining the matters to...

Protection of Health Record Documentation

Standardizing medical documentation Standardizing medical documentation has sufficient benefits for the communication between doctors and the patient, improving its quality and making cooperation more productive. The healthcare system, in general, may undergo positive changes due to the innovations in the work with the problem-oriented record. The physician is fully responsible...

Fraud Schemes in the Healthcare Industry

In the current research paper, I will discuss two legal cases in the healthcare industry. The first case concerns Medicare and Medicaid fraud, which has caused approximately $3.5 million in losses. Consequently, the second case regards the false claims, fraudulent schemes, and consequent permission for Motion for Leave to file...

The United States Is a Country of Mixing Cultures

Introduction The United States is viewed as a melting pot or a salad bowl due to its multicultural integration existing in its population. Melting pot and salad bowl are metaphors used to describe the integration of different cultures into one whole, mixing cultures while maintaining their unique identities. Both metaphors...

The Football Impact on the European Region

Football is undoubtedly one of the most famous sports across the globe, with a large percentage of the world’s population very interested in the following football. The European region has been considered to be the world’s most prominent fan organization, with around three million football fans (Faccia et al., 2020)....

A Windows Domain and Its Features

Introduction A Windows domain is essentially a managed group of networks (of computers) used in a commercial context. The other devices are managed by at least one of the servers, known as a controller. This allows network administrators to govern the machines via users, settings, and other means. This type...

Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle History Novel

When learning about the past, humanity has always resorted to different forms of recording and interpreting the events. History comprises people’s experiences under different political, economic, social, and cultural circumstances, which are incorporated to portray an accurate description of a given historical period or event. In the 19th-20th century America,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Black Minority in the United States of America

Sniderman, Paul M., and Piazza, Thomas. Black Pride and Black Prejudice. Princeton University Press, 2021. The book shows how black people in America suppress their unique traditions to meet the equality between them and white Americans. The black community has been trying to receive the same rights as other ethnicities...

“Salome” the Opera: Characters, Meanings, and Musical Essence

Symphonic poems brought great success to Richard Strauss, but in the 20th century, he rarely turned to instrumental genres – the composer’s main area of ​​​interest was opera. One of the most popular writers at that time was Oscar Wilde. Therefore, it does not seem surprising that Strauss turned to...

Mental Health Issues in the Asian American Community

Analyzing mental health concerns with regard to ethnicity is central to effective resource allocation. Asian Americans (AAs) are disproportionately affected by psychiatric disorders, depression, and self-image issues related to cultural concerns but seek professional assistance three times less likely than white Americans (MHA International, n.d.). The mental health situation of...

Critical Thinking Process and Its Importance

Critical thinking is one of the most important processes that have many functions and benefits for a person. First of all, it helps individuals analyze and interpret the information they constantly receive. Moreover, critical thinking is a tool through which people perceive the world around them and evaluate the events...

Apple Inc. in the African Market

Introduction International business is a unique civilizational phenomenon due to its scale and nature. Every year the concept of domestic business becomes more challenging to separate from the global one for marketing specialists and economists (Peng and Meyer, 2016). Markets are constantly intersecting, and their players are tirelessly looking for...

Food in Korean Culture: Describing Korean Cuisine

In Korea, food remains a unique attribute of the people’s culture. Korean citizens believe that food has medicinal properties that improve a person’s emotional, psychological, and mental well-being. Korean traditional food includes fermented cabbage, commonly known as kimchi, and soybean paste or doenjang. Korean chili, widely called chili paste, forms...

Values-Driven Leadership by Ashimolowo

Individuals’ lives and professions are shaped by their values, which are the essential concepts that impact their behaviors and choices. Leadership principles are a subgroup of values that positively affect someone’s ability to govern or be a great leader successfully. According to Ashimolowo (2013), individuals may promote and strengthen leadership...

Commercial Banks in Nigeria: Impact of Cash Reserve Ratio

The Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR), which entails the set percentage of cash required to be kept in reserves as against the bank’s total deposits, has over the past increased in Nigeria, lowering commercial bank earnings and thereby harming the country’s economy. Therefore, if commercial banks in the country want to...

The Decline of Christianity in Europe

Introduction The decline of Christianity in Europe starting from the second half of the 17th century is characterized by several factors that determined this process. These factors include examples directly related to religion and some aspects indirectly affecting the decline of the faithful population. The number of reasons for the...

The 24 Hour Fitness Firm’s Employee Conflict

On March 12, 2018, a complete story documenting the ongoing conflict between 24 Hour Fitness’s staff and management appeared in Capital & Main. At the heart of these conflicts is National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB) claim that the organization’s staff negotiation arrangements breach federal employment regulations (Goodheart, 2018). In federal...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Dementia: Dangers and Complications

Introduction As the world’s population grows, the number of people in late adulthood inevitably increases. Moreover, their percentage of the whole of humanity is increasing as the quality of life and medicine improves. However, several life-complicating illnesses prevent seniors from enjoying their retirement years at their actual value. One such...

Sweet Consumption and Diabetes

Introduction In today’s society, diabetes mellitus remains a severe public health problem, destructively affecting the patient’s metabolic activity as well as reducing the quality of life. However, it is not so much the phenomenology of diabetes as a developmental pathology of the body that is the focus of this essay,...

Carrie Mae Weems and David Plowden’s Photographic Works

The works of Carrie Mae Weems and David Plowden have critically served to inform people’s unique understanding of American culture through the evolution of the art form of photography. Both artists have captured the essence of their respective eras and provided an intimate portrait of life in the United States....

Identity and Music Commercialization in “Song for Ourselves”

Introduction The film chosen for study is “Song for Ourselves” by Tadashi Nakamura. It tells about a musician known in the 70s by the name of Chris Iijima, who, with the help of his music, raised quite severe and relevant topics of that time. One of the main topics that...

China’s Role in Africa and Its Implications for the US

In the last three decades, China has shown a lot of interest in the development of Africa. This growing interest has become a key issue among Western countries because many African countries are shifting their alliance with Western countries to China. China does not reveal its real interests in Africa....

Male Circumcision and Health Risks

Introduction Circumcision is a relatively popular procedure that is prevalent in certain cultures and communities. In males, circumcision is performed in the infantry and involves the surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis. Female circumcision, on the other hand, includes “partial or total removal of the clitoris, labia minora,...

Clinical Activity: Maintaining Alignment to Legal Changes

The growth of informatics in the nursing field has been integral in facilitating the efficient management of information and communication processes in the delivery of healthcare services (Van Weert & Munro, 2013). This paper compares the different informatics policies developed by varying organizations before identifying the aligned laws and the...

Economic Integration Agreements: Analysis and Implications

Basis for the EIA Support and Their Specific Benefits Having become a rather frequent occurrence in the environment of the global economy of the 21st century, economic international agreements (EIA) have reasons for being values so high by their members (Cooper, 2014). The countries that participate in EIA receive a...

Organizational Values in the Healthcare Industry

It is crucial that values of the organization promote such fundamental domains as integrity, appreciation of diversity, and commitment. It is especially important for the healthcare industry (Barbera, 2014). The alienation of nurse’s values with the organizational culture ensures high-quality care, safety, and job satisfaction experienced by the nurses. Organization’s...

Meeting the Needs of Immigrants: Trauma

In most instances, rape experiences and witnessing murder lead to trauma. Unluckily, it is almost impossible for people who have encountered such extremely traumatic experiences to forget about the unfortunate incidents. However, they can overcome and cope with the traumatic effects of the events. The sleeping difficulties, headache, and possibly...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Conflict Resolution by the African Union

The article “After 50 years of the OAU-AU: Time to Strengthen the Conflict Intervention Framework” provides insightful information on the mechanisms provided by the African Union (AU) to address conflict and why these interventions do not produce the intended outcomes. The general consensus is that the AU has been slow...

Terrorist Activity in the United States

The rights of detainees suspected of terrorist activities are a topic of active debates. Despite significant efforts on a legal level, the humanity of detention practices remains questionable. The following paper covers the legal aspects of terrorism-related practices in the United States. The first status used to justify the detainment...

Utilitarianism and Deontology in Business

The question concerning the connection between law and morality remains to be discussed and argues nowadays. The law and morality can be considered as the fundamental social regulators of the behavior of the human being (Emerson, 2009, p. 5). The society and the way people live and function changed and...

Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been by Joyce Oates: Book’s Review

In my own mind and thoughts, the short story, Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been by Joyce Oates emphasize on how someone’s personality are greatly shaped and generated by external circumstances. Connie’s inner conflict justifies this argument as illustrated in the book. Connie did not relate well with...

Third-Party Payments in Healthcare Field

Third-party payments are arguably the most important factor that determines the cost of medical treatment in the United States. They are responsible for increasing the price of treatment and thus rendering health care services inaccessible to many Americans. Calls for the reduction of treatment expenses primarily major on government policies...

The Film “Damaged Care” Analysis

Introduction The film Damaged Care shot in 2002 portrays a disappointing reality of the profit-centered USA health care system. The main character of the motion picture, Dr. Linda Peeno, played by Laura Dern, starts her job on a position of a medical reviewer at the organization called Humana Health Care...

Corruption in Third World Countries

Introduction Corruption is one of the major causes of underdevelopment in developing states. It is viewed as misappropriation of public funds. It involves using public resources to benefit an individual. It is never accidental but intentional. The senior government officials collaborate with their juniors to deprive the public its resources....

Trans World Airlines, Inc. v. Hardison Case Analysis

Do you feel the alternatives suggested by the court of appeals were viable for TWA? Why or why not? If not, what would you recommend? Theoretically, the suggested alternatives could be considered viable; however, in actual practice, they would represent undue hardship on the part of TWA to accommodate a...

Areas of Vulnerability in Air Cargo Transfer

Transportation of cargos through freight has been widely used as a means of transport. Airlines have been very first to upgrade their security because terrorists used airplanes during the attacks. Before September 11, 2001 attacks, people who were working in airlines were expected to act as security observers but they...

“Justifying Genocider” Article by Ter-Matevosyan

Summary of the Source The genocide in Germany during the reign of Adolf Hitler did not just target the Jew. Other minority groups such as Armenians and Christians were also targeted for various socio-economic and political reasons. However, the political class in the country has often refused to accept the...

Burger King Company’s Marketing Mix Evaluation

Introduction Nowadays, the fast-food industry is facing many challenges resulting from consumer preferences and government regulations. Big companies need to consider healthy diet trends, but, at the same time, keep in mind the costs of production. Therefore, the issue of gaining and maintaining competitive advantage becomes especially relevant. In order...

Pressure Ulcers Development Prevention

Introduction A high incidence level of pressure ulcer development in bedridden patients presents a severe concern for health care professionals. Hazardous complications that hospital-acquired tissue injuries might cause encourage clinicians to address the issue with precision and awareness to prevent adverse outcomes for hospitalized patients. The information about epidemiology, as...

Inside the Mysterious Lindbergh Baby Kidnapping

In a tragic crime, Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Jr., the baby of Charles Lindberg, the famous aviator was kidnapped on March 1, 1932, apparently for ransom. The body of the baby was recovered sometime later but it has never been positively identified as that of the kidnapped child. Many controversies have...

Wars of Religion: Historical Review

The most fanatical and catastrophic time in the history of Europe dates back to the period between the second half of the sixteenth century and the commencement of the seventeenth century since it was during this time that the most appalling and fervent sequence of wars broke out. It is...

History of the Medici Family

The Qualities of the Ruler Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527), was one of the outstanding Italian philosophers. Born in Florence in the second half of the fifteenth century, Machiavelli has combined a politician and a writer, and a practitioner and a theorist. Machiavelli collected all his experience in regards to the qualities...

Team Diversity: The impact of Team Diversity

A team is a union of two or more people to achieve particular goals. Formal teams are the groups that function within the structure of a particular organization. Contemporary management is hard to perceive without such structure as teams. The fact that managing each member personally is an extremely ineffective...

Silk Road Significance in Promoting Cultural Exchanges

Significance of the Silk Road in promoting economic, cultural, intellectual and religious exchanges and integration since the first century BCE The Silk Road was the most important trade route since the first century BCE. The Silk Road refers to a trade route that links China, Persia, Central Asia, Western Asia...

The Concept of Tolerance in the “To Kill a Mocking Bird” by Harper Lee

Introduction The minorities around the globe have come through a vigorous struggle to achieve equality in the world today. Racial, ethnical and religious prejudice has claimed numerous lives for thousands of years. And to our dismay, such prejudice is the cause of hatred among people of a single society, community...

Horror as a Genre of Art

The Problem of Identity in Contemporary Japanese Horror Films Discussing the question of horror attractiveness, described in Timothy Iles’ article The Problem of Identity in Contemporary Japanese Horror Films we may distinct a notable point, which makes author’s opinion unique and differ Japanese horror films from Western horror movies especially...

Allegory and Symbolism in “The Chrysanthemums” and “The Yellow Wallpaper”

Introduction Interesting details The horse and donkey were compared to a droopy flower that needed watered. Elisa is the droopy flower. She sees the world with a view of delicacy and strength. She can be both strong and delicate. She wants to be assertive but the era discourages the type...

Safety & Lean: One Manufacturer’s Lessons Learned and Best Practices

In their article, “Safety & Lean: One manufacturer’s lessons learned and best practices”, Hallowell, Veltri, and Johnson consider the issue of safe and lean manufacture. They also provide steps on how to make work environment safer and production more effective and efficient. The number of organizations that begin to implement...

The Demand and Supply of Goods and Services

The demand and supply of goods and services correlate as they are the two strengths in the market that determine the prices within the economic framework. Economics greatly relies on the demand and supply of goods and services as it is a social discipline that handles their production, distribution, utilization,...

Balance Between Customization and Standardization

How Technology has changed the Balance between Customization and Standardization The ever-changing technological landscape has significantly affected the balance between customization and standardization in various aspects. At the outset, organizations have not only been forced to change their patterns of work but also the structure of workgroups, authority, and managerial...

Eco-Friendly Cruising: Discovery Voyage Example

Ecotourism The development of the concept of ecotourism is closely linked to the improvement of humanistic principles in society. In general, humanity has always thought of respecting natural areas and preserving the environment’s heritage, but only in recent decades, this trend becomes particularly visible. Due to a large number of...

Intimacy Implications and “Sexual Revolution”

Introduction Global changes in people’s sexual behavior, called the “sexual revolution,” have been taking place in the world since the middle of the last century. In a number of countries, this process continues to the present day. The essence of the “sexual revolution” is a radical breakdown of traditional norms,...

The Visionary Leadership

The article by Burt Nanus (1992) discusses visionary leadership and how organization leaders can re-vision for a sustainable and competitive future. The author acknowledges that every business manager needs an idea on which they can focus all their attention to implementing it and emphasizes on prudence in the process. Indeed,...

Coronavirus Outbreak at Ohio’s Pickaway Correctional Facility

Despite an order barring volunteers and visitors in March, Ohio’s Pickaway Correctional Facility registered its first coronavirus case in April. The implosion of the virus in the detention center highlighted the dangers of the nation’s notoriously overcrowded and unsanitary prison systems, particularly regarding the rapid spread of infections. Within a...

Colorado Alternative Products and the Ethical Dilemma

Introduction Working capital management refers to a business strategy aimed at monitoring and enhancing the use of a company’s assets and liabilities. Effective managerial activities ensure that a corporation has enough resources for its daily operations (Vazquez et al., 2016). The case study of Colorado Alternative Products (CAP) deals with...

Women and Men in the Play “Trifles” by Susan Glaspell

The play Trifles depicts a profound disagreement between two types of attitude and performance. The play’s research exposes a significant contrast between female and male actions, based on a different perception of the environment. As Holstein claims in her paper, “the difference in initial perception ultimately leads to the creation...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Molloy’s Elements of Religion Among Zoroastrians

Beliefs Shaun Walker’s article titled “The Last of the Zoroastrians” gives a glimpse of the manifestation of Molloy’s eight elements of religion in Zoroastrianism. The community has a strong belief that they must make peace with the dead before disposing of the body. They unite to pray for the dead...

Leadership: The Efficiency of the Company

Leadership is a crucial component that allows to effectively perform managing tasks and maximize the efficiency of the company, which consequently catalyzes the goal-achieving process. Most of the time, high-grade leadership is responsible for the organization’s internal and external success as it shapes the way staff works and performs. The...

Managed Care Accreditation in the United States

Introduction Managed care refers to the various methods used in the reduction of the costs of health care. The state of managed care in the United States has experienced a metamorphosis. As of now various companies and organizations are involved in the managed care sector. The provision of healthcare services...

The Cardiovascular Disease: Risk Factors

The three main risk factors for cardiovascular disease include hypertension, diabetes, and obesity (World Heart Federation, 2014). The three risk factors are modifiable since they are treatable and we can change them. Diabetes, especially Type2 diabetes, is a major risk factor for coronary heart disease and stroke (World Heart Federation,...

Asthma Case Study: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Treatment

Asthma is a very widespread disease that affects the airways and prevents normal breathing. Every 1 in 12 people in the USA suffers from some form of asthma (“Asthma statistics,” 2017). The degrees of severity vary from person to person – it can be a minor inconvenience to some and...

Responsibility in “Macbeth” by William Shakespeare

Introduction Macbeth is a play, one of the most famous tragedies by William Shakespeare, presented for the first time in 1606. It is based on the true story of the Scottish king Macbeth and reveals an excessive lust for power. In the story, General Macbeth hears the prophecy of three...

Macropoland, a Natural Gas Country

Macropoland is a natural gas country, and it imports oil. It is experiencing an economic recession that has negatively affected the financial operations of the country. This paper will focus on addressing the issue the country is currently experiencing by recommending the fiscal and monetary policies needed. The report will...

Children’s Education and Role of Parents

The question of the competent and correct development of the child is quite important since based on the knowledge and skills laid down in childhood, all the subsequent future is laid. The role of parents is significant because these are the people who are around throughout the child’s life, share...

Data Mining as Powerful Tool in Business

Technological advancements make enterprises more efficient in different aspects, allowing them to reduce their costs and improve their operations. At the same time, technology entails numerous risks, including those concerning the security of employees’ information which in turn give rise to different ethical problems. For instance, when using data mining,...

The Veteran Homelessness Issue Analysis

Introduction I am speaking on behalf of United Way Worldwide on the problem of veteran homelessness in America. For many, after a long day at work or school, being able to go home, whether that be a house, condo, or apartment, and relax is a daily activity. Shelter and security...

Racial Segregation and “Jim Crow” Laws

Racism is a well-known concept nowadays and a despicable issue for numerous citizens of the United States. Unfortunately, the phenomenon became viewed as a problem not so long ago; the country cultivated racial discrimination for most of its history. The ideas based on racism deeply penetrated American society and defined...

Leadership, Management, and Communication in Nursing

A Nurse Manager’s effectiveness is defined by some core factors such as the effectiveness of interactions, coherence, cooperation, and the team’s motivation level. Additionally, predicting conflicts, finding solutions, and compromising relate to the functions of an effective Nurse Manager. Although the representatives of management in the Potomac Fall Health and...

A Chinese Invention: Paper and Its Importance

Introduction Traditionally, a paper was invented in 105 CE; however, there is evidence of it being invented much earlier. Historians believe that the earliest invention was accidental due to clothes made of hemp being left to dry for too long, forming a residue in the water that could be pressed...

All In: The Fight for Democracy Documentary

All in: The Fight for Democracy is the 2020 documentary film. The film revolves around voter suppression in the United States. The central theme of the film is disenfranchisement. The directors, Liz Garbus and Lisa Cortés, used the 2018 election experience to show that the right to vote has always...

The Rings of Saturn from the Cultural Perspective

Introduction Astronomy was an important part of the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. Observations of the sky were not the task assigned to a limited circle of chosen individuals’ rather, they were an integral component of indigenous Australians’ life (Johnson, 2014). Aboriginal Australians had the knowledge not only...

An Equity Markets Software Company Proposal

Introduction Money has existed for centuries, and with it, the markets were an integral part of any operation. With the further development of economies, companies began to emerge, varying in size from small to big firms that permeated the entire market. Although people are familiar with money and companies, they...

Episodic or Focused SOAP (Nursing) Note on Rhinitis

Patient Information: 28-year-old KJ Asian female S CC itchy eyes, a runny nose, ears felt full HPI: 28f-year-olde male suffers from discomfort caused by a runny nose, itchy eyes, and sensation of a blockage in ears. The symptoms started 9 days ago and included production of clear and boggy mucus, photophobia,...

Bullying in School: The Negative Effects

Adult victims of bullying very rarely tell their friends and colleagues about their teenage experiences. It primarily affects the irresponsible attitude of schoolchildren and staff towards the phenomenon and motivates teenagers to continue attacks. Usually, bullying is a common problem, and only the ratio of verbal harassment to physical harm...

Performances of W. Shakespeare’s The Tempest Play

Introduction The play The Tempest by William Shakespeare is one of the author’s most iconic literary works. Due to insufficient information, it is assumed that it was written in 1610-1611, and the first performance was in 1611, November 1. The play takes place on an island where the protagonists, the...

The United States vs. Trump Supreme Court Case

Donald Trump is the forty-fifth president of the United States who was elected on a Republican ticket. He served one term before losing the presidential set to the democratic candidate Joe Biden. Having been elected in 2016 to succeed the Democratic president Barack Obama, who had served full terms, Trump...

Natural vs. Artificial Sweeteners

Introduction In the current increasingly health-aware culture, sugar receives substantial criticism. However, contrary to popular belief, sugar consumption is not a negative as it is often presented. Refusal of sugar is usually justified by two reasons: excessive weight and weight loss or health problems. Regular consumption of sweet food leads...

Geothermal Heating System Discussion

Formulate a More Realistic Assessment of the Heat Pump’s Energy Consumption Heat pumps energy plays a huge role in homes, hospitals, and organizations, making them appropriate for utilization and environment conservation. Before deciding which type of heat pump energy to utilize, it is essential to have concrete knowledge of the...

Famine and Malnutrition: How to Enhance Security

Famine is a term used to refer to a mass phenomenon expressed in a long-term insufficiency in meeting the nutritional needs of large groups of the population. Famine is most acute in regions with high birth rates – the vast majority of the world’s undernourished people live in developing countries,...

The Impact of Religion in Society

Have you ever wondered how different religions influence society? In this impact of religion on society essay sample, you’ll find an answer to this and other questions about impact of religion on society. Keep reading to gain some inspiration for your paper! Impact of Religion on Society: Essay Introduction Let...

Great Depression in the United States of America

In the decade between 1920 and 1930, the United States of America experienced success in their overall national economy performance. However, disparities in the growth of the various sectors of the economy posed a significant threat. In addition, the bulk of the gains from the economic prosperity rested on a...

Philosophy of Education for a Special Education Teacher

Introduction Every child deserves a right to receive adequate knowledge without any discrimination. Children with special needs are not an exception. These clusters of students are characterized with learning disabilities that hinder them from receiving normal education like other students. Special education not only helps the students to positively accept...

Social Networking Benefits in Social Life

Issues in Social Networking In recent years, it is becoming increasingly clear that social networking applications such as Facebook and Twitter provide users with numerous new and exciting opportunities for establishing relationships across the geographic landscape (Rodricks, 2009), but also with concerns that increase the likelihood of new risks to...

Genetically Modified Organisms: Pros and Cons

Genetically modified organisms are organisms that are created after combining DNA from a different species into an organism to come up with a transgenic organism (McDonagh 8). The controversy surrounding the development and consumption of GMOs has been ongoing for years now. The development of genetically engineered organisms brings about...

The Peer Review Cycle Analysis

Peer Review has got explicitly very necessary steps. It is the best process that one can refer anyone who wants his or her work to gain acceptance worldwide. There are various important things about this cycle. The researcher has to have a new idea. Research is useful for answering a...

Evidence-Based Practice and Quality Improvement

Evidence-based Practice The decision to integrate evidence-based practice (EBP) in the intensive care unit is sound, especially when one considers the need to continuously improve patient outcomes in the broader healthcare system. Yoder-Wise (2012) argues different researchers have demonstrated that evidence-based practice has led to better patient outcomes. Therefore, it...

Autism Syndrome Psychosocial Characteristics

Introduction Autism spectrum disorder refers to a clinical disorder whereby children mainly from two years of age start exhibiting unique behavioral characteristics comprising of difficulty in speech, low social interaction, high concentration on specific hobbies, habits or objects. Affected children hardly initiate conversations, friendship, exhibit little or no participation in...

Child’s Development and Pre-Operational Reasoning

Psychological Development According to Freud, from the age of three to age five, a shift in the focus of pleasure takes place in a child’s psychological development (Carducci, 2009). During this period, which he called the phallic stage, the genital area becomes the focus of pleasure. Notwithstanding its name, both...

Declaration of Independence and Cultural Issues Today

Introduction The National Archives provides access to various important papers. However, the set of America’s founding documents deserves special attention. The first document in the set is the Declaration of Independence. It had a significant impact on the history of the United States. The main goals of this paper are...

Hitler’s and Roosevelt’s Inaugural Speeches

Introduction The early 1930s proved to be a time of hardship for many countries on the globe. In 1933, two strong politicians came to rule Germany and the US. This paper aims to compare Hitler’s and Roosevelt’s inaugural speeches in order to find similarities and differences in their political courses....

Pneumonia Diagnostics: Subjective and Objective Data

This case study is focused on pneumonia diagnostics in a patient with type 2 diabetes using objective and subjective data. For pneumonia diagnostics, these types of data are crucial. Subjective and Objective Data for Pneumonia Diagnostics It could be assumed that the patient will share the additional subjective data in...

Cicero’s Views on Citizenship and Ethics

Cicero argued that virtue is at its best when it is applied by the state or by government. He argued that political action is the only way of putting virtue to use and that this comes naturally. In this context, one may be mistaken for believing that such actions would...

Texas Health Hospital’s Change Using TeamSTEPPS Framework

Introduction Leaders in healthcare organizations need to pay attention to analyzing problems associated with clinical practice in order to choose and implement change projects. The focus should be on achieving high results in overcoming the identified problem with the help of the implemented change. The purpose of this paper is...

Volkswagen Emissions Scandal and Business Ethics

Summary of the Situation On September 18, 2015, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency made a notice of violation addressed to the company of Volkswagen (Environmental Protection Agency, “Notices of Violations: Volkswagen” par. 1). The Agency accused the German car manufacturer of breaking the American car emission standards. It was found...

Models of Mass Communication and Opinion Leadership

Introduction A summary of diffusion of innovations by Robinson Les. The diffusion of innovations is a broad topic that tries to find out how innovations are taken up in a population. Innovation is a behavior, a new idea, or an object that seems to be new to its audience. In...

Legislative Obligations of Community and Social Services

Legislators As far as local legislators are concerned, Miami currently has two County Commissioners, three State Senators, and five State Representatives. As far as state and federal levels are concerned, Florida residents are represented at both of them by numerous elected officials, who bear responsibility for hearing voices of their...

Popular Research Paper Topics

A Family in Crisis

What biological, psychological, physical environmental, sociocultural, behavioral, and health system factors are influencing this situation? The first problem stems from Mrs. Brown’s age (48-years-old). It is likely that she is already entering into her menopausal stage and, as such, the hormonal variances that she is experiencing are contributing towards her...

The First Lady: US Campaigns and Elections

Over centuries, the role of the First Lady has significantly evolved to reflect current political realities and expectations of the public. Currently, being the First Lady, as it is, is an unpaid position in which the Lady is required to work with some staff members to hold duties related to...

Native Americans’ History Before and After 1492

Introduction Native Americans inhabited the Americas for thousands of years before the arrival of Columbus and other European explorers and settlers. One of the most remarkable peculiarities of the people who lived in North America was their diversity in terms of language, political structure, and religion, although major aspects were...

HIPAA Violation: Case Study

The healthcare industry imposes a crucial issue of information privacy for professionals within different departments. The case study describes a situation in which a medical social worker unwillingly violated the HIPAA Privacy Rule. Tom represents a covered entity and has authorization for access to the records of the patients. However,...

Sexual Abuse in Childhood and Adult Problems

Introduction It is necessary to approach the study of mental health comprehensively. It is a well-known fact that even small but acute stresses experienced in childhood can provoke psychosomatic disorders in adulthood. However, data on the degree of pathogenicity of stress factors and the proportion of their participation in the...

The Nursing Profession: Public Image, Self‐Concept and Professional Identity

Introduction Nursing is a profession that focuses on providing medical patients with proper care. It involves many aspects, including ethical standards, continuous learning throughout the career and even conducting research for improving the quality of care provided in the hospitals. In addition, nurses communicate closely with the patients and their...

Research Evidence Appraisal Tool

During the perioperative period, many health care professionals use the recommendations and instructions detailed in scientific studies. Because there are many scientific and unscientific ideas on how to care for patients, it is necessary to be able to determine the level of evidence for a particular method, as not all...

Authorial Vision of Women in Gilman’s Short Stories

Charlotte Perkins Gilman The Yellow Paper in The Yellow Paper and Other Stories. Oxford University Press, USA, 1996. This short story portrays oppression of women and negligence her husband which lead the main character to psychological distress and madness. Gilman underlines that women have no freedom limited by false social...

From U.S. to Africa: Personal Experience.

Everyone is proud to speak of his/her family, so am I. It has been a great privilege to me for being part of such a loving and blissful family atmosphere. My family consists of my aged grandma, my father, mother, two younger brothers and one younger sister. Born in Africa,...

FMLA Applied to Employers With Less Than 50 Employees

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a great recognition of the importance of family life and work balance, particularly the changing role of men regarding child care (Martocchio, 2007). As for the extension of FMLA to organizations having less than 50 employees are concerned, I am in favor...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Religion, Science and Atheism

Evolution and Intelligent Design Intelligent design holds on to the believe that most of the universe and living things features are only well explained through the use of an intelligent cause instead of the commonly known natural selection method. Those who advocate for this kind of view insists that the...

Threats of Internal Validity in Research

Introduction Considering the matters of the threats for the internal validity, it should be stated that the necessity to analyze all the possible threats and aspects, which violate the validity, is originated by the issues of the scientific researches, and the matters of the inferences made based on the scientific...

Environmental Influences on Behavior

A study of the article “Why nature & nurture won’t go away” by Pinker (2004), which explores the environmental influences on human behavior. The most influential components of environmental influenced behavior is described as being, the impact of parenting and peer groups through conditioning and conforming, cultural influences of social...

The Importance of Teaching Literature in College

There are a lot of subjects at school which students should study in order to be educated and trained in a proper was with the aim to be able to enter the society with necessary knowledge. All the subjects are paid attention but literature is one of the subjects which...

The Most Recent Technology: Blackberry Messenger

Introduction Thanks to the world’s move towards becoming a global village, new technological advancements have emerged and smart phone users are not an exception. Latest models of blackberry phones have one of the most recent technological infrastructures embedded in them. Among its most recent feature being Blackberry messenger, which has...

SWOT Analysis: Company’s Internal and External Factors

SWOT Analysis This is a technique in strategy planning used as a measure of the company’s internal and external factors that may impact on its performance and sustainability. The strengths are the factors that are found internally while the opportunities and its weaknesses are seen to be external to the...

Gender as a Role, Cultural and Not Biological

Introduction Gender identity is not defined by biological sex but rather by the social role with which an individual is identified or identifies himself. Not only is the gender identity distinct from biological sex, but it is also distinct from general sexual orientation. In normal circumstances the gender identity of...

Insomnia and Sleep Disorders

Sleep disorders are complex and widespread, especially in western industrial countries, in which potentially a large number of adults have difficulties with getting regular sleep hours. Moreover, the disease lasts for years among at least half of the patients who suffer from sleep disorders. Among people with insomnia, postmenstrual women...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Federalism

Federalism is a system that presupposes the division of political power between state and federal governments. Like any other political system, it has both advantages and disadvantages. In some instances, there is a thin line between what is considered a benefit of the system and what is considered a drawback...

“Marketing Myopia” by Theodore Levitt

Iron Cycle of Growth Looking at the business cycle one is overcome by a feeling of despair that inevitable like the human body and like kingdoms there is the “iron cycle” of growth and then decay – an infallible law of Nature from which there seems to be no escape....

The Connection Between Obama’s Comment and Garvey’s Speech

Marcus Garvey’s speech If You Believe the Negro Has a Sole in 1921 is one of the most influential speeches that protect equal rights for all races. It discusses the problem of discriminatory treatment of African American people which has been ongoing for more than a century. The theme of...

Child Development Theorist by Watson

Background Information John B. Watson was born in 1878 in South Carolina to a deeply religious mother and an alcoholic father. Struggling after divorce, Watson’s mother moved from a rural area to give him a better education (Malone, 2017). Despite poor academic performance at school and disciplinary issues, Watson entered...

“Active and Passive Euthanasia” by Rachels

Introduction Euthanasia belongs to one of the most controversial issues discussed in modern society. Many philosophers, researchers, and scientists have explored the questions of letting patients die and conducting direct actions to ensure the death of incurably ill people. James Rachels who was a US philosopher also contributed to the...

Cost Decrease While Maintaining High-Quality Healthcare

Managed care is a broad term that defines an organized healthcare system that aims to decrease and eliminate ineffective or irrelevant services that contribute to cost reduction while maintaining high-quality healthcare (Chung & Mullner, 2020). There are two primary kinds of health care organizations: health maintenance organizations (HMOs) or preferred...

Crime Rate: the Recidivism Rate

Introduction The rate at which an act is done repeatedly by a given person is termed the recidivism rate. This act is usually preceded by corrective or discouraging attempts on the individual doing the given activity and is often used to apply to crime and penal attempts. Speaking from the...

International and Traditional Trading Theories

A trade war is a situation in which countries seek to harm each other’s economies, retaliate against each other by imposing import restrictions and other methods. The imposition of a tariff on imported products makes exports unprofitable for the second country-party to the conflict. Also, it increases the competitiveness of...

West Fertilizer Plant Explosion and Its Causes

Founding of the West Fertilizer Plant The West Fertilizer Plant was founded in 1962, and since then it has been supplying chemicals to farmers. On April 17, 2013, an explosion occurred in West Texas, in the company’s storage and distribution facility (Adams et al., 2018). The purpose of this paper...

Barriers to Access Dental Care

According to the American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA) all people must have access to oral health care, at that, people are accountable for their own health, and it is their responsibility to make healthy choices (Burt & Eklund, 2005). The majority of the people in the United States prefer to...

Decision Support Systems in Organizational Decision Making

Decision-making refers to the process of finding and selecting options according to the priorities and values of the person making the decision (Haag & Cummings, 2008). Due to the integral role of decision making in company growth and financial progress, many firms allocate huge investments for business intelligence systems for...

Approaches to Addressing Health Issues

Introduction This paper explores different approaches for addressing the rising incidence of new HIV infections in San Francisco. It describes the health issue by using the social-ecological model to understand the best interventions for introducing an effective public health intervention to curb the pandemic. Using the same framework, this study...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Youth Victimization: Prevalence and Implications

The report was written by the experts of the National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center (NCVC). Dean G. Kilpatrick, Benjamin E. Saunders, and Daniel W. Smith discuss youth victimization and claim that the frequency of violence and physical abuse towards adolescents is immensely high in the U.S. The authors...

Conflict Management as an Essential Skill

Various conflicts entail serious consequences, as they damage the bonds between people. Moreover, they may also be the cause of serious stress and mental pressure. Bullying is one of the most common forms of workplace and peer conflicts. Such situations lead to immense stress and even cause the symptoms of...

“All Animals Are Equal” Article by Peter Singer

In his article, “All Animals Are Equal,” Peter Singer uses the analogies from various civil rights movements to advocate for all animals’ equality, irrespective of their species. He claims that people should extend the fundamental equality principle to non-human animals (Singer, 1974). In justifying his assertions, Singer examines the moral...

Exclusive Breastfeeding and Evidence-Based Practice

Literature Review Breastfeeding is a crucial process that allows infants to receive the nutrients needed in the future for developing immunity to specific diseases, as well as maintaining good health, in general. However, numerous mothers prefer to use a formula instead of breastfeeding, thus abstaining from it (Shepherd, Walbey, &...

Alcohol Oxidation to Aldehydes and Ketones

Background Alcohol oxidation to aldehydes and ketones is vital during the synthesis of organic compounds. However, bleach can only directly oxidate some alcohols to carboxylic acids, ketones, or aldehydes. The shortcoming emerges because oxidation requires displacement of OH using NaOCl during substitution reaction (Chem 242: Lab Section, 2014). Most organic...

How Significant are the Symbols? in “Barn Burning” by William Faulkner

“Barn Burning” is a story that revolves majorly between a father and a son. Snopes tends to burn his landlord’s barns down, and the son had to testify in court. Having to choose between staying true to oneself and betraying the person one cares about is one of the hardest...

The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow: Multi-Media Report

The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow is a series consisting of four episodes discussing segregation, racial hatred, and the civil rights movement. The second episode, Fighting Back, particularly describes the beginning of the 20th century, marked by the rise of the black middle class. However, the success of the...

“Because I Could Not Stop for Death” by Emily Dickinson

Death is frequently described through various figures of speech and imagery to communicate what a writer envisions of it. In “Because I Could Not Stop for Death,” Emily Dickinson presents her points of view in regard to Death and eternality. The writing’s speaker informs us that Death, exemplified as the...

Examination of Corporate Responsibility in the Chiquita Brands Case

Corporate responsibility and ethical issues connected to blackmailing can become serious complications for numerous companies operating in countries with paramilitary organizations. Given the threats from such terrorist groups and the lack of support from the law enforcement agencies, enterprises are often required to make controversial decisions regarding working and communicating...

Speaking Skills in English Language

Definition Speaking is the art of expressing or conveying one’s feelings using language. Speaking can also be defined is a way of vocal communication aimed at engaging another person through language (Al-Sobhi & Preece, 2018). English words sound different from other languages, such as French, because the use of phonetics...

Analyzing Body Language of Afro-American Orators

A co-founder of the Black Lives Matter movement, Alicia Garza, gives her speech to emphasize the current inequality of different races. She focuses on the fact that black people are mistreated across the globe and provides statistics to support her arguments. For instance, she mentions the number of black people...

The Movie “Alien” Overview and Analysis

The movie Alien, a science fiction horror film directed by Ridley Scott and written by Dan O’Bannon, revolves around the concept of putting humanity first and views everything from a human viewpoint, which is, in retrospect, a wrong mindset. However, the issue of alien life should be reviewed from a...

Motives of “A Dream Called Home” by Reyna Grande

Reyna Grande was born on September 7, 1975, in Iguala, Guerrero, Mexico, in difficult social and financial conditions. Today she is a famous author living in the United States and has received numerous awards and prizes for her books and novels. Grande, along with her siblings, grew up in poverty;...

Lieutenant Cross in O’Brien’s “The Things They Carried”

Introduction All of the pieces of literature contain a specific thought the author intended to make readers pay attention to, a lesson that can be learned based on one or another character’s conduct. The book entitled “The Things They Carried,” written by American novelist Tim O’Brien is composed of stories...

Industrial Revolution and the Nineteenth Century Society

Introduction The French revolution significantly and rapidly transformed France’s political system, and Napoleon’s conquests extended several of the revolutionary concepts to other regions of Europe in an incredibly rapid and startling manner. During this period, the early 19th century, another revolution, an industrial kind of revolution, was altering the European...

Fire Service Safety: Sample Plan

Introduction For each scientific research, clear and planned actions are necessary to achieve the best result. Previous work on the safety of fire services considered literary sources that can help the progress of the work. This paper explores such an aspect of the experiment as the definition of the sample...

“Business-to-Business Marketing Responses to COVID-19 Crisis” by Kang

Introduction Nowadays, it is virtually impossible to accurately predict human casualties and economic damage associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. However, it is advisable to consider the individual results of marketing strategies, which will provide a more realistic vision of the possible course of economic processes and assist enterprises in their...

“Antioxidant and Sensory Evaluation of Cocoa”: Objectives, Methods, and Results

Cocoa bean hulls are the byproducts of the processing of nibs to chocolate. The hulls are left to form fertilizers in the plantations during cocoa processing. However, there are concerns that the leaching nutrients from decomposing hulls contribute to pollution and eutrophication (Siow, Chan, Wong, & Ng, 2022). Consequently, utilizing...

Knowledge Is Perception in Theaetetus by Socrates

Introduction In Theaetetus, Socrates argues about the matter and essence of knowledge in his dialogue with Theodorus. While the latter believes that knowledge is perception, the former provides another perspective of knowledge, giving examples and refuting the arguments of Theodorus and Theaetetus. In this work, Plato endeavors to show that...

“The Nicomachean Ethics” Book by Aristotle

Basic Knowledge of the Book The Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle is a major guiding force in academic and political ethics, which is a fundamental factor for human existence. The book is based on the author’s views and is subject to constructive and negative criticism from its intended audience. From my...