Encouraging Students in Reading and Literacy

Enhancing literacy acquisition in students is a hard task requiring a lot of responsibility, persistence, and skills for adopting a unique approach towards students. Unless a teacher is capable of encouraging students for acquiring new literacy skills, their students will not be able to make any tangible progress (International Reading...

SIDS and Safe Sleep Practices

Introduction Infants are exposed to numerous environmental and physiological risks that may at time threaten their survival. As such, ensuring the safety of infants has been a priority to parents and other stakeholders. In the United States, infants’ deaths as a result of poor sleeping practices have been on the...

The Animals Images in “Disgrace” by John Maxwell Coetzee

Symbolizing animals is an old practice that persists in modern literature. However, making the symbols too obvious is not considered professional. For example, attributing archetypal feline qualities to a woman or parallelizing cats and witchcraft is considered cheap (Hannah 4). Thus, we can configure that labeling a dog with the...

“Disgrace” by John Maxwell Coetzee: Life and Destiny

This paper is a literary essay on Disgrace by J. M. Coetzee. The book reveals a passion and lust, racial hatred and violence, and loneliness and despair that pursue heroes all their life resulting in deep reflections about life, its meaning, and destiny. The story describes the South African community...

Why Are Beaches Important to Humans and to Earth?

The Importance of Beaches: Essay Introduction Beaches are the landforms that exist along large water bodies and they are made up of various materials that might include sand, gravel, or rock. Haller states that the term ‘beach’ is widely defined as “the zone of loose or unconsolidated material extending from...

Mobile Imprisonment: Threat or Opportunity?

Technology saves a lot of time to people and enables them to focus on such concepts as self-development, relationship, social contribution rather than do the chores. Technology has also made the planet really small as people can communicate with each other irrespective of distances or time. At the same time,...

Jihad Vs. McWorld: Barber’s Predictions and U.S. Policy Impact

In 1992, Benjamin R. Barber published an article named Jihad Vs. McWorld. For those living in the 1990s, it was just a reflection on events occurring in the world of that time but reading it nowadays one can find that his idea of two political futures is prophetic. In 1992,...

Aztec vs. Incan Beliefs: A Comparative Study of Two Great Civilizations

Introduction Culture is an acquired compliment of a long interactive process. It depends on period of time in which an individual is exposed to the interactive process and level of internalization of the subculture. Reflectively, culture varies from one geographic region to another. Besides, subcultures are unique in terms of...

Strategy Implementation, Evaluation, and Control

Are you searching for marketing strategy implementation, evaluation, and control examples? Then you are at the right place! Learn about the importance of marketing strategy implementation, evaluation, and control and get some ideas for your paper. Strategy Implementation, Evaluation, and Control: Essay Introduction A business plan is a focal point...

Strategies for Controlling Infectious Diseases in Miami: Insights from Healthy People 2020

Introduction Communicable or infectious diseases are a burden of the contemporary society. Immunization stimulated substantial progress in eliminating infectious diseases but their cases are still frequent due to healthcare access disparities and many other reasons. According to Healthy People 2020 initiative (2018), the US healthcare system targets 17 infectious diseases...

Nurse Practitioner’s Role and Misconceptions

Introduction The functions of nurses have changed in recent decades. Unlike the past, when nurses were merely helpers and sanitary workers, they now perform a wide range of duties depending on the role specification. However, there is still some confusion about the list of activities that have to be done...

Jonathan Swift’s Hidden Satire in Gulliver’s Travels

Introduction Many scholars agree that Gulliver’s Travels was written as a bitter satire designed to parody the human race, with particular emphasis to England and Europe. However, despite this, the satirical significance of this book has over time diminished with its secondary meaning, as a children’s book emerging as the...

Analyzing the Chess Girls DC Organization: Structure and Impact

Introduction Chess Girls DC can be attributed to non-profit organizations that promote youth involvement in cultural development. The organization was established by Robin Floyd-Ramson in 2013 to engage girls in playing chess. The key mission of this organization that contains less than 200 members is to develop a sense of...

David Auburn, Kate Chopin, and John Updike: Masters of Figurative Language

When numbers and amounts of numbers receive their symbolic representation called figure, and various objects take a distinguished shape these representations or shapes are called figures. In the exact same way, the locutions can also change shape and become figures of speech. Such a phenomenon is called a figurative expression....

Procne: A Painting Exploration of Tereus and the Tragic Fate of His Child

Introduction Created by Peter Paul Rubens, Procne Showing Tereus the Head of His Child refers the audience to the myths of Ancient Greece, particularly, the one of Procne and Tereus. The myth tells the story of Tereus, who, after being married to Procne, started seeking her sister Philomela’s love and...

Inside Ayurvedic Medicine: Insights from T.R. Reid’s Second Opinion

Lessons from the Video The video “Second Opinion with T. R. Reid: Inside Ayurvedic Medicine” gives a critical analysis of Ayurvedic medicine. After Reid’s surgeon in Denver suggested that his shoulder should be replaced using surgery, he decided to pursue other medical options in India. The most outstanding lesson from...

Nursing: Mobilize, Assess, Plan, Implement, Track

Mobilize, Assess, Plan, Implement, Track (MAP-IT) The framework of MAP-IT proposed by Healthy People 2020 is a powerful tool to create a comprehensive care plan for the aggregate of Jewish population living in Miami. It seems appropriate to consider each of the elements in detail. Mobilize. To improve the contemporary...

Domestic Violence and Health Policy: Addressing the Intersection and Impacts

Introduction Domestic violence is a crucial issue that has to be addressed in order to eradicate abuse and help the patients to overcome the issue of retained supremacy. It should be understood that such clinical problem requires a multidisciplinary approach that will help the nurses to contend with the premises...

The Role of Conflicts in Hamlet by William Shakespeare

Conflict in Hamlet: Essay Introduction The play Hamlet is one of the appealing literary works of the world’s renowned play writer, William Shakespeare. The play is about one character that is, Hamlet who is the prince and son of the late king who was allegedly murdered by the current king...

Volunteering in Elderly Care: Lessons and Experiences

The Holy Bible encourages human beings “to be devoted to each other and show brotherly love” (Romans 12: 10). We are all expected to share good moments with others. This practice has the potential to support our emotions and spirits. This knowledge encouraged us to express our kindness to a...

Individual in the International Legal System

Introduction Since the institution of international law, numerous scholars have focused on the subject of the status of the individual in the international legal framework. This subject elicited numerous debates in the legal field. The main reason for these debates is due to the imprecise nature of international law. Evolution...

The Growth of the American Infrastructure

Introduction The presented article outlines various effects of the intensified infrastructure growth over the last twenty years had on the sociocultural system of the United States. All of the primary descriptors for the infrastructure growth are used in the article. Gross Domestic Product, population level, real growth, immigration, and other...

Insulin Pump Therapy in Diabetes

Introduction The article explores a study conducted by Johnson, Copper, Jones, and Davis (2013) to determine the long-term effect of using insulin pump therapy in the treatment of type 1 diabetes in children. The aim of the study was to determine the impact of insulin therapy pump on the management...

Margaret Whitman’s Leadership: EBay Company’s Case

Introduction The article provides a review of Margaret Whitman’s leadership (chief executive (CEO)) style for which her critics say was old-fashioned and not entrepreneurial. After announcing her plan to quit the company she had worked for 10 years and posted some of the best results that led to her ranking...

Inclusive Education: School’s Tech Solutions for Disabled Students

Over the years, the school has admitted a considerable number of disabled children with various challenges. The leaders in the schools uphold the belief that having the regular students and the disabled children learning together helps the disabled children attain confidence in competing. The core value of the school is...

Health Care Financing History in the United States

Introduction The system of healthcare in the United States is dominated by fee-for-service model. However, the issue of rising healthcare costs and low quality of care led to the development of other payment models, some of which are claimed to have a positive effect on patient outcomes while reducing costs....

Healthcare Finance Components and Decision-Making Factors

The functioning of any healthcare organization presupposes diverse financial challenges that might deteriorate outcomes and result in the significant decrease in the efficiency of health workers or provided services. Under these conditions, budget planning and accounting become critical activities that should be given much attention to consider all aspects of...

Coca-Cola Company’s Supply Chain

Introduction A supply chain is one of the most important systems for any company. It includes organizations, specialists, information, and resources that are involved in transferring a final product from a supplier to a customer. There are different supply chain activities that are closely interrelated. The example of the multinational...

Electronic Health Record Systems: I-PEDs vs. eClinicalWorks

Introduction The use of ICT has proved to be beneficial in the healthcare context as it diminished medical errors, ensures rapid exchange of information, enables healthcare professionals to make decisions more efficiently. Bowman (2013) stresses that Electronic Health Record systems (EHR) are crucial for the improvement of safety and quality,...

Boost Sales Rep Morale with Diverse Payment Options

Effectiveness of the compensation system at Collegiate Promotions There should be other forms of payment in order to boost the morale of sales representatives and hence make them deliver and be more profitable to the Company. There is a big challenge for Collegiate Promotions in motivating the sales representative through...

Dissecting Constitutional Cases: Bakke, Virginia, and Privacy

Introduction In the University of California vs. Bakke case, the court validated the admission of Bakke. The ruling disregarded the university’s policy that allotted 16 positions to students who belonged to minority groups. I disagree with the majority’s decision because it allowed political interference to set principles for learning institutions....

Analysis of Roman and Early Church History: Historical and Theological Insights

Analyzing the suggested control charts, we can find out some important data related to the functioning of Stooge Enterprises and the quality of wooden mallets manufactured by it. As we can see, the chart provides data about the diameter operation observed in workers during all three shifts at different periods....

Ethically Questionable Workplace Incident: Analysis & Recommendations

Introduction Ethics theories offer powerful ideas to govern people’s choices and behaviors. Such theories shape the behaviors of many organizational leaders and policymakers. The best ethical theory has the potential to promote the best practices and support the needs of the greatest number of people (Umphress, Bingham, and Mitchell 774)....

Cyberslacking as a Business Ethical Issue

Introduction Cyberslacking is a term that is used to describe the behavior of employees using their companies’ Internet for personal needs during working hours (Lim & Chen, 2012). This issue is among the most widespread and unethical of workplace behaviors. At my workplace, I have encountered an incident that I...

“Transfiguration” Painting by Raphael

Introduction The period of the Italian Renaissance lasted for several centuries, forming many different styles and inspiring many works that are now considered masterpieces. One of its eras often called the High Renaissance, started around 1500 and lasted approximately twenty years. While art historians debate the definition of this era to...

Critical Analysis of Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use“

Introduction The given writing illuminates the subject of family traditions and cultural roots and how these two sets of values do not necessarily match. Mama is not well-educated on the culture of Africa, whereas Dee is convinced that her family does not follow true African traditions. However, it is important...

Congestive Heart Failure and Nursing Care

Introduction Heart failure, particularly congestive heart failure, is considered by numerous researchers to be one of the most prevalent problems in the current healthcare system (Black et al., 2014). One of the most prominent issues in this area of concern is that a considerably high level of readmission rates among...

Ancient Greek Colonization and Trade

Introduction One of the characteristics of the history of many ancient nations is the colonization, i.e. the establishment of new settlements in foreign lands. Particularly, a major role in the ancient Mediterranean history was played by Greek and Phoenician Colonization. This Primary Source Document essay will analyze “The History of...

Contribution to Christian and Business Leadership

Introduction Leadership is an important factor for the success of any organization regardless of whether it is formed for profit, service or charitable purposes. It also does not matter whether an organization is owned by the government or by individuals. Due to this fact, the concept of leadership has been...

Life in the Army of the United States

Life in the army is much more than drilling on the parade grown and firing the musket. It is a unique transformational experience that teaches an individual how to fit into a robotic system of rules and regulations with higher values instilled in him during training. A new recruit has...

Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

The rise of Benjamin Franklin was connected with his political career and personal development as a national leader. The political career began in 1736 when Franklin created the Union Fire Company. The Autobiography consists of 12 chapters devoid to different periods of life and career of Benjamin Franklin. Franklin received...

Democratic Capitalism and Individual Liberty

Democratic capitalism is the economic and political system that is based on individual’s potentials in an environment of cooperation and trust. In democratic capitalism the leadership is only charged to harmonize the cooperative nature of the individuals. America, which in all sense is seen as the world symbol of capitalism,...

Sacagawea: Biography and Book Critique

Introduction The stories about Indian people are always fascinating and mysterious. It does not matter whether they concern the way of life of Indian tribes or explore the life of a separate person, they do it in a way that the readers forget about everything that surrounds them and give...

‘The Rocking Horse Winner’ by Lawrence

One of the most famous short stories of the acclaimed English writer D.H. Lawrence is ‘The Rocking Horse Winner’. The story mainly focuses on a mother, and in other words, we can say that she is the most important character and also the driving force of the story. Though in...

The Habit of “Disgrace” by John Maxwell Coetzee

John Maxwell Coetzee is considered one of the most prominent contemporary novelists. His literary talent facilitated the South African writer’s worldwide recognition and won him the Booker Prize and Nobel Prize in literature. Coetzee is the author of numerous remarkable novels such as “Life and Times of Michael T”, “Waiting...

The Market Crash of 1929

Introduction The 1930s were characterized by a global economic crisis that is known as the Great Depression. It is generally thought to have begun in 1929, with the dates Black Thursday and Black Tuesday, which mean October 24 and 29 of that year, respectively, standing out. Market stocks crashed significantly...

Taking Vitamin Supplements: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction In order to stay healthy, one needs to make sure they have a daily dose of vitamins. However, many individuals are not able to follow this medical advice due to their busy schedule that does not allow them to plan well-balanced meals that would contain all necessary nutrients. In...

The Myers-Briggs Personality Test in Business Management Environment

Katherine Briggs, in cooperation with her daughter Isabel Myers-Briggs introduced a robust questionnaire that has become a powerful tool for psychologists to identify and classify individuals according to types of personality (Knights and WIllmott, 2007). The theory developed by the scientists is premised on the psychological types developed by Carl...

Classical Conditioning and the Consumer Culture

Introduction What kinds of influences affect the way people behave and act? There are several internal and external factors that can alter an individual’s behavior. People’s actions ultimately reflect their surroundings, their physical and mental wellbeing, and can be swayed by the opinions of others, as well as many more...

Technology as the Cause of Obesity

Introduction Today, humanity witnesses the third industrial revolution, or the broad implementation of innovative solutions into various spheres of activity. It contributes to increased effectiveness, better outcomes, and provides new opportunities for evolution. The contemporary digitalized society offers multiple opportunities for people to attain success in various spheres and benefit...

A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Literature has always been a tool used by authors to attract people’s attention to a particular aspect of their lives of problems topical for society. At the same time, some issues have always been topical for communities because of their universal character. These include love, relations, faith, morals, and values...

Socio-Technical Issues and IT Project Success or Failure

Introduction Arguably one of the most epic accomplishments of the 21st century was the invention of the computer and the subsequent creation of the internet. These two entities have virtually transformed the world as far as information processing and communication is concerned. Organizations have extensively employed the use of computer...

Healthcare Accreditation and Licensing

Introduction Patients’ safety and well-being are some of the most crucial components in any healthcare system. Accreditation is a practice aimed to assess this component of in-hospital care as well as the overall quality of provided care against established standards. Certification of accreditation guarantees patients and stakeholders that a healthcare...

Chernobyl and Fukushima Disasters: Their Impact on the Ecology

The Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear disasters represented the most significant dangers of such power plants. The Chernobyl accident released higher radiation levels due to its design and the human error involved. In comparison, the Fukushima reactor was impacted by a tsunami leading to lower radiation levels in the surrounding area...

The Impact of the Locke’s Democratic Theory on the Contemporary Governance

Introduction John Locke (1632-1704) is one of the most influential classical democratic theorists whose ideas have defined the modern theory of democracy. John Locke is famously known as the father of classical liberalism. His writings on democracy are still influential in modern society, especially in the United States (Forstron, 2010)....

Why Diversity Is Important?

Introduction Diversity encompasses a wide range of areas, which might include the workplace, organizations, education, politics, society, and laws. One should be aware that diversity is an essential part of multiculturalism, where a multitude of different cultures co-exists in harmony. Promoting and adhering to the notion takes a substantial effort...

Ethical Dilemma: Eight Key Questions (8KQ)

Ethics is one of the core components of human society as it regulates relations between individuals and protects them from undesired outcomes. However, the given area remains extremely complex because of the differences in human thinking and approaches that are used to judge about the ethical components of particular situations....

Quality Management in Healthcare Organization

Observed Activities The interview took place at the Ambulatory Center, an up-to-date and technologically advanced facility. The hospital is available 23 hours and our nurse staff are ready to provide high-quality services effectively. The interview demonstrated that our quality manager was keen on sustaining a high level of daily operations...

Racism and Social Injustice in Warriors Don’t Cry

In her autobiographical book, Warriors Don’t Cry, Melba Pattillo Beals examines her experiences of being an African American female living in the USA in the middle of the twentieth century. The girl had to face numerous instances of racism and social injustice. The author describes the different ways people of...

The Russian Communication Rules and Traditions

Communication is a basic need of every person in the world. Socialization is one of the most critical stages of a child’s growth as it has a significant impact on the formation of character and behavior patterns. The environment has a strong influence on the attitudes or opinion-forming of a...

Creation Myths of Ancient Greeks and Egyptians

Since time immemorial, humans have wondered about the origins of everything, including the Earth, natural forces, animals, and even themselves. Such curiosity about the unknown encouraged early humans to search for answers; however, since at that time, science was not yet as developed as today, people started to create myths....

Health Care Systems: Purposes and the Situation in the U.S.

Patient Satisfaction and Hospital Incentives Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey can provide decision-makers with information that will impact the amount of Hospital Value-Based Purchasing incentives awarded to medical institutions (McFarland, Ornstein & Holcombe, 2015, p. 503). Thus, the patient-satisfaction indicator is widely used for assessing...

Discussing Faith in “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Connor

Introduction Flannery O’Connor was known as a devout Catholic, and much of her work reflects this part of her identity. “A Good Man is Hard to Find,” one of her most well-known stories, is an example, as it features religious themes throughout the encounter with the Misfit. Initially, the grandmother...

Educational Opportunities for Illegal Immigrants

The right to education is often seen as something unshakable and accessible to everyone. However, there may be situations when it becomes not so easy to implement it. In particular, this applies to illegal migrants. The importance of providing them with access to education is obvious because it is not...

Amazon, Inc. Balance Sheet Analysis and Recommendation

A balance sheet is a financial statement that reflects what a business owns (assets), what it owes outsiders (liabilities), and its owners (equity). It balances the accounting equation by equating assets to the sum of liabilities and owners’ equity (Fraser & Ormiston, 2015). It shows a company’s financial condition or...

Yemen Crisis: Causes and Outcomes

Yemen is topping the list of International Rescue Committee (IRC) countries that are being watched due to the increased civil war that has been going on for five years. The civil war has seen 3.65 million people being displaced in Yemen since 2015. Also, about 24 million Yemeni nationals are...

Confidentiality in Medicine

Confidentiality in medicine is one of the main principles the medical workers should follow. There are a great many reasons for either following or breaking the promise of confidentiality, everything depends on the situation. Some cases are regulated by the country’s law, the others must just be related to the...

Online Social Media Fatigue and Psychological Wellbeing

Introduction With the increasing popularity of social networks in the 21st century, social media addiction is a problem that can seriously harm an individual’s mental and physical health. Often, it develops over an extended period of time and can involve a number of unhealthy symptoms, such as the feeling of...

Morality Policy Making: The Relationship between Politics and Morality

One of the methods of direct determination of human actions is normative regulation, in which the needs of people living together in society and the need to coordinate their mass actions are recorded in general rules of behavior, instructions, and assessments. Morality is one of the main types of normative...

Self-Defence and Mental Condition of Criminals

First, self-defense can be determined through the perfect or perfect defense, depending on what the attack will cause. The attacker can cause death or severe injuries to the body of the person being attacked or even consequently end up causing severe emotional damage to the people involved. At times, the...

Handwashing Techniques: A Literature Review on the Capstone’s PICOT Question

Introduction Handwashing techniques are vital for enhancing physical hygiene among individuals. Mothers who deliver through the caesarian procedure constitute vulnerable populations threatened by the Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI) (Galiczewski & Shurpin, 2017). In essence, this category of individuals requires objective handwashing practices to protect against avoidable post-caesarian diseases. This...

Mortuary Law: The Cultural Significance of Burial Sites

A decent burial ground is a good business opportunity in American urban centers. Cities have high population densities with little space to lay the dead. Many individuals prefer to cremate their loved ones because of the high cost of burial spaces, but many families still give the latter priority in...

“Dead Men’s Path” by Chinua Achebe

Chinua Achebe’s “Dead Men’s Path” demonstrates the conflicts between European values and the traditional Ndume culture. Michael Obi, who came to the village as a headmaster of the school, aimed to cultivate modern values for local youngsters. However, when he refused to open the holy footpath, the villagers ruined the...

The State of Miranda Warning Rights Today

Miranda Warning Rights The United States Constitution guarantees every citizen the right to be able to defend themselves with the help of a professional lawyer and self-incrimination. It is important to note that Miranda rights are a mandate imposed on law enforcement to explicitly state one’s rights to remain silent...

Explaining James’s Statement “Faith Without Works Is Dead”

The Book of James and the epistle to the Galatians are two writings that represent the New Testament Law. In the first one, James wrote: “Faith Without Works is Dead,” claiming that believers need to support their faith with good actions made as a result of changed lives. In the...

COVID-19 Contact Tracing Application in Qatar

The study aimed at analyzing the public’s attitude towards EHTERAZ using a mixed-method approach. Mixed method research is a study that employs both qualitative and quantitative methods to answer the research questions (Anguera et al., 2018). Researchers utilize mixed-method approaches to validate qualitative findings using quantitative methods, explore quantitative results,...

Blockchain Technology: Benefits for Enterprises

The term blockchain refers to a database infrastructure that is distributed and shared among network participants. Data entry and transaction blocks are concatenated and stored in an immutable format, allowing authorized network users to view and add information while preventing changes to existing records. Data integrity and participant authentication are...

Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on the Future

Digitalization, which is currently increasingly strengthening its presence in people’s lives and becoming commonplace, has expanded the scope of human potential and destroyed age-old society activity. More than half of the world’s inhabitants use code-based systems every day owing to external information, consequently revealing unimaginable opportunities, but at the same...

Poems Themes Comparison

Ballad of Birmingham Ballad of Birmingham is a relatively short poem written by Dudley Randall in 1963. The poem covers a wide list of controversial subjects, including violence, regret, justice, equal rights, love, death, and hopes. Randall narrates about a small girl asking her mother if she can join a...

Censorship in Digital Technology

Introduction The Internet is one of the greatest results of the human mind’s application of digital technology. However, what it later became was not as great as the original idea. For a long time, the Internet remained an unregulated space where any type of content, even immoral and harmful, could...

Managerial Challenges of the 21st Century

Introduction Performing managerial tasks in the present-day world is becoming complicated due to the evolution of the field, resulting in the modification of all procedures. It is conditional upon the change in the way people communicate, which implies innovations applicable to all areas of companies’ activity. Therefore, the majority of...

Financial and Managerial Accounting

Management accounting is the task of the financial service of the enterprise: the financial manager or the financial director, but in many small and medium-sized companies, this function is assigned to the enterprise accountant. Financial accounting is regulated by documents and collects information necessary for the preparation of financial statements...

Moral Implications of Eating Meat

Introduction Nowadays, vegetarianism is highly popular and considered morally right by many, yet the moral implications of eating meat remain a heavily disputed topic. There are numerous arguments against and in favor of eating meat, yet many of them contain bias, making these statements less objective. In many such discussions,...

Researching of Religion: Judaism

Introduction Judaism is an ancient religion that preaches faith in one and only God. The peculiarity of Judaism is that this faith is accepted by only one people – Jews. The word Jew originates in the term Avar, which means crossed over and also came from the other side. Judaism...

The Influence of the Ideology Manifest Destiny

Introduction When European settlers started arriving at New England’s newly-discovered lands, many claimed that the new nation had a unique divine purpose. This vision was called Manifest Destiny, which appeared in the 1840s, resulting in the United States’ territorial expansion and desire to dominate the geopolitical arena (Petrelli 2). In...

Health Risks of Homeless Population

Thousands of individuals in the United States are subject to homelessness and the associated risks. The homeless population consists of people who are permanently without housing, have temporarily lost access to shelter, are escaping domestic violence, and for many other reasons. In general, the issue of the homeless population is...

Diversity in Education and Inclusive Teaching

Every child should get a high-quality and affordable education in the modern world regardless of their social, ethical, and economic backgrounds. Gender difference, skin color, nationality, and status in society should not interfere with education since studying at school guarantees children obtain the necessary knowledge to become competent professionals in...

Review of “The Battle of Algiers” Film

The Battle of Algiers is a political drama film created by Gillo Pontecorvo in 1966. It depicts the 1954-1957 revolt conducted by the National Liberation Front (FLN) that represented the Algerian people against the French government. The organization persuaded people to fight against colonialism for the country’s restoration and independence....

Qualitative Method and Descriptive Design in SMEs

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic became a challenge not only for humanity’s health but also for economies and businesses worldwide. The most significant challenge was imposed in small and medium enterprises (SME), requiring rapid adjustments and modifications in organizational structure to adapt to the situation (Klein & Todesco, 2021). Marketing research...

Analysis: “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Carr

The impact of technological progress on people’s consciousness and thinking capacity has always been under study in current research. With the rapid expansion of the Internet in the recent two to three decades, the social landscape has transformed significantly due to increased reliance on digital communication, remote work, and assistive...

Binary Opposition Theory in Alfred Hitchcock’s “Psycho”

Cinema is one of the comparatively new but powerful arts that is becoming more popular every day. It attracts millions of viewers through interesting plots, actors’ performances, and visual elements. In such a way, a movie works at several levels and affects individuals appealing to various and contributing to creating...

Employment Discrimination: Diversity Still Matters

Applicants need to find the right place of work to ensure their well-being, and organizations require competent people to succeed. Therefore, the search and retention of talented employees are crucial tasks performed by the Human Resources (HR) department. However, finding a job and hiring employees requires significant effort and face...

Bipolar Disorder: The Key Features

Introduction Mental health conditions have a significant impact on people’s quality of life. One such illness is bipolar disorder, which, in extreme cases, negatively impacts a person’s ability to function in society. Despite its incurable nature and severe symptoms bipolar disorder can be managed through pharmacological and psychotherapeutic means to...

Ionizing Radiation Risks and Long-Term Effects

Introduction Ionizing radiation is the energy released in the form of electromagnetic particles that penetrate various surfaces such as soil, water, and the human body. The modern concept of ionizing radiation was discovered many years. In 1895, Wilhelm Rontgen conducted various experiments which applied current in different test containers (Cardarelli,...

“Death of Salesman” by Arthur Miller: Play Review

American dramatist Arthur Miller wrote about the moral predicament of the working class. Playwright David Ives uses the last twenty-four hours of his protagonist’s life as a montage of dreams and recollections to explore the theme of identity loss. The play’s central plot revolves around the American Dream. Many people...

Racial Privilege and Discrimination Nowadays

Introduction Questions about the nature of racism have been pertinent for several centuries. Scholars and public figures are currently trying to understand why racial privilege and discrimination continue to exist in the current cultural context. The work of researchers Allan G. Johnson and Agustin Fuentes allows readers to trace the...

The Jazz Music Movement: A Listening Journal

Charlie Parker, known as Yardbird, is one of the most significant music innovators in the 20th century because he brought bebop and influenced many musicians and the entire jazz movement. He became a famous figure in the mid-20th century because he made jazz rely on virtuosic techniques, fast tempos, and...

Final Project Details Memo: Brainstorming Ideas and Structuring Information

Research-based report Formal reports are very important for the successful communication of the information. They are usually used instead of formal meetings or other ways of information promotion. Research-based reports are generally created in order to demonstrate business ideas to the necessary audience. Their main aim is to present the...

The Concept of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Understanding Causes and Effects

Introduction Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PSTD), a type of anxiety disorders, is a mental health condition that occurs as a result of terrifying, distressing or stressful events that are either experienced or witnessed. It is described as a long-lasting consequence of traumatic events that instills intensive horror, fear or a feeling...

Revisiting Classic Comedy: Mel Brooks’ Young Frankenstein

The film Young Frankenstein is often viewed by many critics as one Mel Brooks’ best works because it eloquently demonstrates the best elements of parody as a cinematographic genre. To some degree, this movie illustrates the way in which classical literary archetypes can be dramatically transformed. In particular, Mel Brooks...

Great Lakes Chemical Company: Supply Chain Overview

There are different companies in the globe and each produces different products. Though some companies may be dealing with similar products or services, they are differentiated. Furthermore, companies have different policies hence differentials in operation. Supply chain map is the different levels that a product goes through before reaching the...

Struggles and Scarcities of Peasants in Terry’s 1992 Study

Introduction The major purpose of this study is to explore the struggles and scarcities that were witnessed by the peasants according to Terry (1992). Renard the fox is an interesting book that highlights the carnivorous behavior of Reynard who had made numerous attempts to consume other animals. Reynard the fox...

Sexual-Orientation Oppression in “Now That I Am Forever with Child” and “Condition XXI”

Living in the ‘white’ American society, African Americans experience the consequences of prejudice and discriminating actions not only because of their race but also because of a range of associated factors. Thus, the issues of race discrimination towards African Americans are closely connected with gender and sexual orientation issues. In...

Management Analysis and Decision-Making: Strategies for Success

The firm is carrying out the process of downsizing. Downsizing involves the reduction of the labour force. This process may involve temporary suspension or conclusive termination of an employment contract for business and strategic reasons (Cummings and Worley, 2014, p. 359). The management prefers downsizing as one of the turn-around...

Liberalism vs. Classical Conservatism: Impact on Governance and Society

Liberalism has caused more suffering than positive changes through revolutionary hostilities compared to the former systems of governance including the imperialist absolute monarchy. Introduction There are several interpretations of liberal views based on the way people understand liberty. Nonetheless, liberal views are based on common acceptable freedoms. These include free...

Character Analysis of Beatrice and Hero in Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing”

Introduction One of the reasons why the comedy Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare, continues to enjoy a lasting popularity with contemporaries, is that along with representing a high aesthetic value, it can also be considered utterly enlightening, in the philosophical sense of this word. After all, as this...

Exploring State Power in Sociological Studies of Deviance: Theoretical Perspectives

The purpose of this paper is to establish the connection between the state power and the sociological studies of deviance. The objective will be achieved by several steps. Firstly, I will give the definition of the power in sociological context and the power of the state. Secondly, I will determine...

Options Consulting Solutions Company’s Performance Management

Options Consulting Solutions is a recruiting firm headquartered in Toronto, Ontario. The firm was started more than two decades ago. The start was small but to-date, OCS has grown into a full-service recruitment establishment providing the clients with qualified personnel candidates (OCS n.pag.). Performance management purpose Judging by the interview,...

Healthcare Information System and Its Application

In the modern society, healthcare information system plays a critical role in defining the quality of healthcare offered in healthcare centers. Eder (2000) defines healthcare information system as “any system that captures, stores, manages or transmits information related to the health of individuals or the activities of organizations that work...

Pathophysiology and Clinical Manifestations of HIV and AIDS

Pathophysiology of HIV and AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a blood-borne infection. It is transmitted through various ways. The modes of transmission include unprotected sexual intercourse, transfusion with infected blood, and sharing of syringes among substance users. It can also be transmitted from mother to her child either during...

Sociology: “Alcoholics Anonymous” by Bill Wilson

Summary The book “Alcoholics Anonymous” gives a detailed analysis of the health challenges and decisions made by Bill Wilson. The narrator struggled with alcoholism for many years. In the beginning, the narrator was not ready to partner with different believers. According to the text, when people talked “of a God...

Managing Osteoarthrosis: Diagnosis and Treatment Options for Joint Pain

A sixty-five-year-old man by the name of MP comes to the hospital with a complaint of pain in his back, knees, and hips. He has experienced these symptoms for the last six months. To subdue the pain, he has been taking OTC Advil. MP describes the pain as stiffness and...

The Importance of Leadership: Types, Styles, and Their Impact on Organizations

Importance of a leader Some people should make some serious decisions and rule our world and, at the same time, some people accept these decisions, hoping that they will result in some benefits for them. It should be said that not always leaders, who are responsible for some important decisions,...

Rich-Poor Gap in Wages, Technology, Society

Introduction Equality is the synonym of “ideal society” to some extent. Equality is the basis of socialism. However, there is not an ideal society, and the term economic inequality is more suitable to describe reality. The video called Viral video shows the extent of U.S. wealth inequality demonstrates how the...

Reflection on Nurse Manager Skill Inventory

Nurse Manager Skill Inventory is a tool used to evaluate the skills and expertise of a nurse manager in three primary areas: managing the business, leading the people, and creating the leader in yourself. Each skill is marked out of four points where one is novice level of experience, whereas...

Associate vs. Baccalaureate Degree Nurses in Patient Care Situation

Associate’s Degree Level Versus Baccalaureate Degree Level The educational preparation of a nurse varies in accordance with the selected level. The key difference between Associate’s Degree Level (ADN) and Baccalaureate Degree Level (BDN) is that the first one provides the potential nurses with the basic knowledge and skills related to...

Nursing Standard Terminologies in Modern Hospital Settings

Standardized terminology, also known as standardized nursing language is a set of commonly used and understood terms that are used in clinical documentation such as diagnoses. The use of standardized terminology allows for a faster examination of data when multiple healthcare institutions collaborate with each other, as well as a...

The Stanford Prison Experiment

Introduction Social influence can be demonstrated n various ways including compliance, obedience, conformity, and group think. Social situations possess the power to change people’s feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. The Stanford prison experiment is an example of how outside social situations influence changes in thought and behavior among humans. Definition of...

Women and Media in Douglas’s “Where the Girls Are”

Introduction Susan Douglas’s Where the Girls Are: Growing Up Female with the Mass Media is a significant contribution to modern feminist thought for its critical look at how women of the Baby Boomers generation were severely influenced by the popular culture. The book also acknowledged the blossoming awareness and acceptance...

Costco Wholesale Corporation’s Compensation Philosophy

Introduction There is no doubt that a well-designed compensation philosophy is vital to a company’s success. Employees are responsible for the execution of corporate goals, and compensation programs should be developed to drive such behavior which will allow a company to successfully execute its strategy. In addition, in today’s ferociously...

Type 2 Diabetes: Creating a Teaching Plan Based on Genetic History

Introduction Caring about one’s health is the most crucial and rewarding duty of every person. Prevention plays a significant role in the process of keeping oneself healthy. Knowing one’s family health history and being aware of possible health complications makes it easier for an individual to fight dangerous conditions and...

Improved Nursing Practice of the Future

Contribution of the Future of Nursing Report The Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) report “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health” explored the roles, responsibilities, and education required for the nursing practice to have to address the changing needs and demands of fore care. Nurses make the single largest workforce segment,...

Personal Nursing Philosophy and Theoretical Foundation

Introduction All professionals have a certain philosophy that shapes their actions and the way they make decisions. In the nursing practice, having a philosophy is very important as it helps nurses to remain committed to the profession and motivated to try hard to achieve their professional goals (Masters, 2014). This...

Interoperability in Health Information Systems

Informatics Specialty Area and Interoperability The concept of interoperability in health information systems is used to describe the extent to which systems may exchange and interpret healthcare data. Interoperability has become especially important due to the proliferation of the electronic health record (EHR) implementation. Creating one standard interoperability format for...

Weight Loss, Calories, Diet and Physical Exercising

Maintaining a normal weight is one of the keys to keeping the organism healthy and fit. Weight gain does not only affect the person’s appearance, but it also causes severe changes in the way the body functions. Such changes lead to an inevitable worsening of overall well-being and can cause...

Going to the Movies

Despite the fact that the Internet made movies much more accessible than before, watching movies at the cinema is still preferred by many people today. Movie theaters are the only place to watch movies on the day of release, and many people see going to the movies as a unique...

Developing a Positive Worldview: Theoretical & Practical Aspects

Introduction It is crucial for every person to develop a single exhaustive and consistent worldview that is positive and which a person endeavors to stand by on a daily basis (Boylan, 2014). Scholars distinguish between two divisions of the personal worldview imperative: theoretical and practical. The theoretical one requires the...

Health Promotion Among Latino Population in the US

The health status of different population groups largely depends on their cultural and socio-economic factors, including values, beliefs, and attitudes to health care practices, as well as the level of access to medical services. When speaking of the Latino population in the United States, its representatives are predisposed to the...

The AtekPC Project Management Office

What is the purpose and mission of a PMO? The PMO mission of AtekPC had been growing slowly since 2006, when it began. A year later, in spring, the purpose was still not clearly visible. This is because the documents highlighting these functions did not exist. The initial function was...

The Rough-And-Tumble of the Business in the “Meet You in Hell” by Les Standiford

The history of America includes lots of positive and negative characters that influenced the country and its citizens. At the end of the 19th century during the gilded age, the economy of the country improved and businessmen were holding the power in their hands. Some of them decided to work...

Understanding Trial Exhibits and Motions in Limine in Legal Proceedings

Three Types of Trial Exhibits In legal understanding, exhibits represent the tangible items that the sides in the trial have to present in order to support their claims and testimonies of the witnesses (McClure and Eimermann 356). There are three types of trial exhibits; they are physical evidence, documentary evidence,...

Southwest Airline Company’s Case Analysis

Measuring capacity and utilization For companies of the Southwest Airline capacity, the capacity and utilization can be measured by managing the sizing and timing strategies, economies of scale, and scientific and systematic accommodation decisions. The Company has attracted many passengers to its airline in terms of measuring the economies and...

Visual, Aural, Read & Write, Kinesthetic Analysis

VARK is a comprehensive approach and guide meant to analyze an individual’s learning styles. It includes visual, aural, read or write, and kinesthetic types of learning. Understanding unique methods of learning helps to improve how one goes about receiving and giving information that has tremendous applications in academic and professional...

Personality Types & Leadership in Healthcare: Jung Typology Test Insights

In many cases, the leadership qualities of individuals depend on their personality types and associated characteristics that can determine their reactions and behaviors in different situations. The Jung Typology Test is one of the tools that help determine the personality type concerning Carl Jung’s theory and Isabel Briggs Myers’ analysis...

Henri Rousseau’s Art: Avant-Garde Influence & Unique Style

Introduction Henri Rousseau is an influential painter whose style and technique had a significant effect on the development of avant-garde. His personal life and art were very unusual, making the artist stand out among other painters of the time. The naivety and primitivism, typical to his style, saw a mixed...

Wilson’s “Fences” Play and the American Dream

August Wilson is one of the renowned American playwrights who displayed the complexity of the American society. Fences can be seen as one of his most referenced works that dwell upon the challenges of African Americans’ lives in the USA of the 1950s. The play uncovers the story of the...

Appian’s Roman History: Key Events from 133 to 35 B.C.

Appian’s Roman History is a collection of five books that describe the events between the year 133 B.C. and 35 B.C. The focus is on the events in the Roman Empire and the struggles that the people of the era had experienced. More specifically, book IV is telling the story...

Understanding Cross-Cultural Awareness and Its Impact on Global Relations

Introduction Culture is mainly defined as the customs, beliefs, and behavior of a group of people. Indeed, cultures can be found in several countries. However, it is more common to find people of the same culture residing in the same areas and countries. One can argue that the essence of...

Chronic Heart Failure Management: Design Phase

Literature Review In the USA, chronic heart failure (CHF) is one of the most common causes of hospital readmission. Ziaeian and Fonarow (2016) report that medical therapies that are found to be beneficial for CHF outcomes and readmission rates are critically underutilized in patients. The authors highlight the following strategies...

“Arabi” by James Joyce: The Overview of the Story

The story Araby is included in the series of the so-called Dubliners written by James Joyce. The series still fascinates its readers with epiphany, used in each story. The use of the device of epiphany means that the end of the story is unexpected and abrupt while the plot of...

Thoughts in “To the Lighthouse” by Virginia Woolf

Introduction The complexity involved in the working of the human mind is beyond explanations. The flow of thoughts in an individual is Brownian at a superficial level but looking at it from the perspective of a philosopher one realizes the implicit presence of ‘The Stream of Consciousness’. Throughout the history...

Issues and Challenges Present in Urban Versus Rural School Districts

Lower levels of achievement are an issue that has been cited by researchers to be affecting both urban and rural schools. Children from ethnic minority backgrounds have differing pre-school preparations and tend to be underachievers as compared to their colleagues from white communities who start from Kindergartens. Childhood poverty is...

South Korean Community and Its Characteristics

South Korean community South Korean community is considered to be the unity I would like to analyze because I dedicated a considerable part of my life living there. The investigation of the community is to be disclosed through its influence on the formation of human personality to understand, what print...

Cloning Influenced by Mobile

Cell phones are an essential part of modern life. People are used to cell phones and cannot imagine their life without them. The computerization of society has lots of advantages but at the same time leads to huge problems concerning personal information. The development of the telecommunication industry became the...

Tragic Hero in A Death of a Salesman

The Death of a Salesman is play written by Arthur Miller that touches upon the analysis of the downfall of an ordinary man. The play submits a more democratic interpretation of the ancient form of the tragedy where the main hero is in decline since he harbors misconception pertaining to...

Pornography: A Global Problem

WWW these three letters have changed the world forever, some might argue that the change has been for the worse but majority of the people would agree that the introduction of the internet has brought many changes in society. Internet offers unmatched facilities to countless people all across the globe,...

Chief Executive Officer’s Leadership Qualities

American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T) has been created in 1885 in the United States of America. For a long time, the company has been a monopolist of the local and long-haul telecommunications in the country. However, closer to the 1990s AT&T has been forced to focus on the long-haul telecommunications...