Assessment, Goal Setting, and Review in Counseling

Introduction Counseling phases and their relationship with theoretical and practical implications are of exceptional interest to researchers worldwide. Successful consultation outcomes are highly dependent on various factors, even such as advisor’s attitudes (Clark, Moe, & Hays, 2017, p. 259). Proper understanding of the client’s needs, expectations, and views are essential...

A Study Schedule as a Success Strategy

Introduction Success strategy for a student involves effective learning skills, which require the ongoing practice in order to see the improvement. Developing a schedule is essential strategy to consider before you think of starting the process of studying. If you miss the importance of having a detailed plan for managing...

White-Collar Crimes: Unsafe Food

McDonald’s corporation faced allegations of selling expiring food in China. Employees, with the help of hidden cameras, disclosed this misconduct at the Sanlitun branch (Zhu et al., 2017). This malpractice exposed the locals to health risks such as food poisoning and foodborne illnesses. The scandal had serious negative outcomes as...

Literature: Relationships With Society

Introduction Literature has been used in various communities to address different issues that impact how people live. Moreover, aspects such as the setting, themes, and the moral lesson of a story are involved in literary texts. Individuals have also argued that literature can shape society by educating the public on...

Anne Bradstreet and Phillis Wheatley: The Change of Status Quo in Literature

Anne Bradstreet, born in 1612 in England, was married to Simon Bradstreet and graduated from the University of Cambridge at 16. A couple of years later, after moving to America and having eight children, she became one of the first poets in the American colonies. Phillis Wheatley Peters was a...

Qi Gong Practices’ Effects on Depression

Introduction Depression is a mental that makes people sad and apathetic, and gets in the way of enjoying their lives. In the US, over 9.5% of all adults suffer from depression of some kind (Friedrich, 2017). Women are twice as more likely to suffer from it than men. There are...

Working-Class Resistance in Updike’s A&P

A&P is a short story by the American writer John Updike published in 1962. It recounts an episode from the life of Sammy, a cashier working for the local A&P grocery store during the summer to help provide for his family. He contemptuously observes and narrates the inner life of...

Forensic Psychology and Its Essential Feature in the Modern World

Subfield of Forensic Psychology Forensic psychology is a branch of legal psychology, the study, analysis, and interpretation of psychological aspects directly related to legal proceedings. The subject of these studies is, first of all, a person. Consequently, forensic psychology acts as one of the tools for assessing the identification, development,...

William Bradford: A Prominent Politician in New England

One of the most eminent representatives of American literature in the 17th century was the Governor of the Plymouth Plantation, William Bradford (1590–1657). He went down in history as a prominent politician in New England and as the author of many works, including the journal Of Plymouth Plantation. Through this...

Aaron Douglas’ “Into Bondage” Artwork Analysis

The first impression from the artwork Into Bondage by Aaron Douglas was positive because of the feeling of warmth from the sunshine and hope coming from a man looking up to the sky. Belief, light, future are the first words appearing in mind after looking at the picture. Some seconds...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Case for Funding Black-Led Social Change

Introduction This critical review addresses a report titled, The Case for Funding Black-Led Social Change, written by Susan Taylor Batten and Nat Chioke Williams. Batten and Williams (2020) analyze the role of philanthropy in the push for racial equality. The authors particularly focus on eliminating racism and white supremacy. The...

Reconciliation and Social Issues

Introduction Humanity has achieved many achievements over its existence, discovered new phenomena, and developed futuristic technologies. However, every positive deed was offset by some negative consequences. To combat this negative influence, people first try to research and set up theoretical frameworks to understand the ethical effects of their deeds, like...

The Walt Disney Company’s Analysis

Company’s Corporate Strategy Corporate strategy is concerned with how an organization packages its business to establish the best value. In 2020, the Walt Disney Company decided to diversify the enterprise into different product segments across entertainment and luxury. The company expanded its overseas market through the UTV acquisition (Gamble, 2020)....

Importance of Healthcare Advocacy Plan

Nowadays, the field of healthcare has to face numerous issues that stem from high attrition rates, understaffing, increasing stress on healthcare workers, and other factors. Consequently, the quality of patient care tends to decrease, causing patient dissatisfaction with the services. While the government entities and medical establishments make an effort...

Civil Liability in Criminal Justice

Introduction Tort law is a body of law that provides rules for the civil liability of people and corporations for harm caused by their activities. The tort system was developed in Europe during the late Middle Ages when it became increasingly common for merchants to travel across national borders, thus...

Effective Preventative Measures Against Nosocomial Infections

Summary Preventing nosocomial infections proves to be a challenge, especially for health practitioners, due to the issue of them developing later after admission. Nosocomial infections are not present when a patient is admitted. The threat of these infections, which makes it essential to implement the right preventative strategies, is the...

Energy Generation as a Metabolic Process

Introduction One of the critical metabolic processes in the simplest living organisms is the process of energy generation. Such processes should be broadly understood as processes of cleavage of an organic substrate with the help of specialized natural molecules called enzymes. Enzymatic reactions are usually exothermic, that is, they occur...

Hemingway’s View in “Hills Like White Elephants”

Ernest Hemingway’s short story Hills like white Elephants was written in 1927. A man and a young woman talk, enjoy a drink and gaze out across the Ebro Valley as they wait in a Spanish train station. However, each figure in Hills Like White Elephants has hidden messages, ideas, and...

Form vs Function in Architecture

Introduction Architectural techniques are the forms and nature of the planning of objects, and the types of space planning solutions, executed by the architect and perceived by the viewer. Architecture is based on a symbolic understanding of space, which means that it refers to the symbolic sense of the structure,...

Legacy of Love: Elie Wiesel’s Exploration of Father-Son Ties

Elie Wiesel’s memoir Night presents one of the most prominent works of Holocaust literature, which captures the author’s experience in Nazi concentration camps. One of the central themes in the Night is the development of the relationship between Eliezer and his father. Moreover, the father’s role as a caregiver in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The First of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Compliance

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), established in 2002, was developed to provide specific compliance rules related to financial decisions. Businesses must control and regulate their operations according to the current legislation. The compliance-related process has impacted numerous organizations, including Trinity Industries. Hence, this paper aims to trace the company’s development under...

The Importance of Groups and the Society

Introduction Society is structured into groups where people belong, depending on various factors. Some groups are based on people’s shared interests, while others are based on people’s shared identities. This essay analyses the meaning of a group, its defining characteristics, and its importance to individuals in society. It also includes...

Effects of Race, Culture, and Language on America

Introduction James Baldwin was an American writer born and raised in Harlem in New York City in 1924. He is well known as a writer and civil human rights activist who has written many autobiographic novels and plays that are major in politics, race, and sexuality. The essay analyses some...

Biomes, Ecosystems, and Habitats

Introduction Biomes significantly affect the characteristics of the natural environment. When a biome has many individuals of one species, it can dominate other species and force them to fight for survival. That is why biomes determine the life of many living beings. There are five main types of biomes: aquatic...

A Police Failure in the Uvalde Mass Shooting

Introduction The mass shooting incident at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, has become a primary example of the leadership and strategy failures of the law enforcement in the United States. A series of mistakes of the police officers and other authorities has resulted in 21 victims – 19 students...

Lifestyle Diseases: Causes and Treatment

Some illnesses are caused by how people live; hence, such infections are known as lifestyle diseases. For instance, cigarette smoking increases the risk of acquiring diabetes. The more a person smokes, the greater their risk of developing diabetes. Quitting smoking and taking the medication increases the chances of lowering diabetes....

Causes and Consequences of Terrorism in South America: Colombia and Peru

Introduction South America is not considered a major terrorist region globally. However, a few countries report significant domestic disturbances caused by insurgent groups seeking specific objectives. The groups have set bases in Colombia and Peru, carrying out terrorist activities through war, violence, and ideological impacts. Colombia is home to the...

“Beauty” by Jane Martin Drama

Introduction Carla and Bethany are the main characters in the play ‘Beauty’ by Jane Martin. Both characters can be regarded as the protagonists in the play. Carla and Bethany share some common traits, most of which are apparent among young American women. For instance, Bethany is a very fun-, loving...

Contract Law: Josh Hartly’s and the Car Dealer Case

Introduction A sales contract is an agreement between a seller and buyer. The contract states the terms of engagement and period that a transaction took place and it is signed when a product is transferred from the seller to the buyer (Twomey, 2013) A mutual mistake of fact refers to...

“Disgrace” by John Maxwell Coetzee: Conflict Resolution

Introduction The novel “Disgrace” is set in post-apartheid South Africa and revolves around David Lurie, an older male professor who is at a crossroads in his life and career due to emerging social and political realities. The main narrative in the novel projects several themes, which include social and political...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Free Will Problem in Philosophy

John Searle and Rene Descartes on Dualism Descartes’ philosophy can be represented as an extreme manifestation of dualism since the philosopher believed that a mind does not have any physical properties and, thus, is related directly to consciousness. Searle, on the other hand, believed that there is a strong biological...

Emerging Powers and World Order

One cannot tell what will happen in the next 25 years in international politics. Nevertheless, experts agree that the world will become less liberal. In fact, it is assumed that the United States will be unable to retain its power and maintain global order, as newly powerful states will start...

Security Awareness in a Healthcare Facility

Security awareness is an essential constituent for developing a comprehensive and efficient security policy. Nevertheless, to make it productive, it is critical to focus on elaborating a well-thought and detailed awareness plan. Therefore, the paper at hand aims at designing a multidimensional framework aimed at raising security awareness in a...

Sherman Antitrust Act Violations and Lawsuit Recommendation

Healthcare litigation can take on many forms. All parties involved often experience significant costs and challenges as health law litigation can be complex. Therefore, when possible, alternatives should be found to determine a mutual resolution. This report will investigate various means to legally resolve a scenario of a surgeon suing...

The Concept of Death in Islam

Introduction The perception of death largely depends on the religious characteristics of a particular nation and is determined by people’s inner beliefs. Cultural characteristics of different countries predetermine how people relate to the afterlife and what is considered to be dead in any religion, that is, the total absence of...

Oral Stimulation’s Effects on Infants’ Behaviors

Was there a clear statement of the question, objectives, and aims of the research? The article provided a clear statement of the question which focused on determining the effects of oral motor stimulation on infants born with complex univentricle anatomy and who required surgery immediately after birth. The aim and...

Continuing Competence in Nursing Practice

Nursing is a sphere that requires both professional knowledge concerning the right way to conduct necessary medical manipulations and the knowledge of psychology that helps nursing professionals to understand the needs of their patients and address possible communication problems before they occur. Nowadays, there is a range of nursing theories...

Dealing with Indiscipline in Class

Abstract Punishment is not always the best method for dealing with indiscipline cases among students. Many other methods can help model students with undesired behaviors into good people. Such methods include DRO, DRI, DRL, and DRC. These methods are appropriate for dealing with cases such as cursing, the use of...

How Men and Women Are Portrayed in Magazines

Introduction Nowadays, media sources are used to shape people’s opinions about life values and differences between attractive and unattractive things. Advertisements in popular magazines often represent gender stereotypes, and this tendency is manifested in various visual means, including models’ body postures. The extent to which models in popular magazines, including...

Advanced Family Nurse Practitioner’s Role

Introduction Understanding the role that a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) plays in the promotion of health allows maximizing the extent of a positive outcome achieved when working to address the health concerns of a particular family. Moreover, from the perspective of family members, developing an insight into the nature of...

School Nursing Issue, Risks, and Solutions

What Is the Issue? The issue in question is that the automatic emergency defibrillator (AED) was not ready for use when a spectator at a game suffered a cardiac arrest. The reason for this inconvenience was the fact that the AED was stored in a custodian’s closet and locked, which...

Leadership in Nursing and Optimal Functioning at Work

Introduction The concept of leadership is becoming increasingly more significant in the environment of the global communication. Being a leader is no longer linked to managing specific processes. Instead, a leader is deemed as the source of inspiration and motivation within a team (Binder, 2016). Engaging others is especially important...

Conflict Management in the Healthcare Sector

Business leaders have been forced to investigate various change theories that can be incorporated into their companies to ensure smooth adoption of transformational strategies. This paper will address Kurt Lewin, Ronald Lippitt, and Everett Rodgers’ change theories that have been applied extensively in the healthcare industry. In addition, it is...

Gulf War One between Iraq and Kuwait

The war commence on the sixteenth of January in 1991 and came to an official closure on the twenty-eighth of February in 1991.this was after forty-two days of total combat between the coalition force and the Iraq army. The war took place in total support of Kuwait by the coalition...

South Korea Economy Analysis

Globalization is one of the major characteristics that have brought tremendous change in most economies around the world. Globalization is the local and international integration of the world economies which results in changes in the economic and political developments of different countries. With globalization, a countries economic resources such as...

Pricing and Marketing Strategies for Windows and Office That Microsoft Should Follow

Introduction For a long time, the Microsoft Company has had huge profit margins through employing the monopoly power it has to hold constant the prices of the company’s software at all times regardless of the business situation. However, in these times of horrible downturn and ever-increasing competition, the CEO of...

Historical Context of A Doll’s House

Henrik Ibsen lived during the 19th century, having been born in the early 1800s and dying in the first years of the new millennium. Women in this period lived very different lives from women today. However, it was during this period that women began to question their place in society....

Comparison of Maasai and Japanese Cultures

Maasai is an ethnic group; which lives in East Africa at the border of Kenya and Tanzania. According to their history, the Maasai migrated to their Kenyan home from Sudan and established themselves around the Rift Valley; while others moved to the Tanzanian residence. The fact that the Maasai have...

HE Sara Al Madani: One of the Brightest Examples of Women’s Success

Introduction Her Excellency (HE) Sara Al Madani is one of the brightest examples of the success of women in the entrepreneurial domain. She has started her career as a designer at the age of 15 and has since managed to garner recognition both in the native country and on a...

The Philippine-American War: The Origins and the Influence

The Philippine-American war was an armed conflict between the United States of America and the First Philippine Republic, which lasted from 1899 to 1902. Partially, this confrontation is connected with the ending of the Spanish-American War because Spain imparted the Philippines into the possession of the United States as the...

Developing Patient Treatment Plan

Introduction/Identification Findings: Alcohol: The patient admits that he drinks alcohol. Depression: The patient claims that he often feels anxious and depressed. Prescribed medicines: Prescribed medicines have a lot of unpleasant side effects. Lifestyle: According to the interview, the patient does not work and obviously leads a passive lifestyle. Reasons: The alcohol has a negative...

American Indians, Alaska Natives Health Status Analysis

Introduction American Indians/Alaska Natives (AI/AN) comprise about 1.3% of the American population. Thus, they are considered an ethnic minority group of the United States. Unfortunately, their health and needs have been neglected in many ways for years by the American healthcare system. Statistics show the poor physical and mental condition...

Adolescence and Sexuality: Girls’ and Boys’ Sexual and Emotional Experiences

Introduction Sex, romantic and intimate relationships for most teens today begin at a relatively early age. In particular, scientists note that the first sexual contact, whether casual sex or sex in relationships occurs in most teenagers before their senior years (Orenstein, 2016). Then, in college, young people meet with unlimited...

Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect

Social workers should cooperate with clients to understand their problems and intentions. In this paper, attention is paid to Brandon, a 12-year-old boy who survived his father’s sexual abuse at the age of 6 and experiences post-traumatic stress disorder at the moment (Plummer et al., 2014). There are many adolescents...

The Parasite Movie and Economic Divide in Developed Countries

Films and other types of media have been a source of entertainment and discussion for many individuals throughout the years. With the evolution of cinema as art, people start seeing it as a way to channel their concerns in an engaging manner. Social and political critique has been presented as...

Eliezer’s Lost Childhood in Elie Wiesel’s “Night”

The catastrophe that destroyed millions of lives Elie Wiesel’s literary work Night touches upon one of the most disastrous catastrophes in the history of Jews that is known as the Holocaust. It is difficult to understand why the most religious nation in the world has become the victims of the...

Experiences of Care After Bariatric Surgery

Qualitative Research Article Critique Follow-up care after surgery is critical to the patients’ health and well-being. Substandard care can result in patients’ healing process being jeopardized, severely affecting their mental health. Thus, it is essential to access the follow-up care offered after surgical treatments and find ways to improve it....

The Distribution of Employment Size

The distribution of employment size (number of employees) for different categories of businesses varies depending upon the need of the business. In this report, the distribution of employment size for Retail and Hotel & Catering business division in London for the year 2007 will be compared. Table 1 shows the...

Abortion and Catholic Church’s Attitude

Spontaneous abortion is more commonly defined as a miscarriage, which happens involuntary and cannot be controlled. No factors cause intended miscarriages and religious ethics are on the women’s side and do not blame them for losing the fetus. On the contrary, induced abortion is an intended termination of a pregnancy,...

COVID-19 Pandemic: Economic Factors and Consequences

The Coronavirus pandemic has become the hottest topic of the new decade. The microscopic virus has caused a considerable resonance in all areas of activity: health care, industry, technology, and especially in the world and national economy. Substantial reduction in labor capacity, damage to critical economic chains, and panic caused...

Gastrointestinal Analysis Case Study

Gastrointestinal diseases are usually associated with chronic and acute disorders in the work of organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Mrs. Miller noticed problems with her gastrointestinal tract when she became to suffer from vomiting and observed a tarry stool. These symptoms were also accompanied by tachycardia and tiredness, and they...

Topology of Corporate Crime and White Collar Crime

Corporate crime covers a very wide range of lawbreaking activities that include violations of accounting such as false statements of corporate assets and profits, occupational safety and health hazards; unfair labor practices, misleading packaging of products, environmental violations as well as illegal domestic political contribution among others. Recognition of corporate...

“Erin Brockovich” by Steven Soderbergh

Abstract The issues of chemical pollution and environmental health are crucial in the world of nowadays. This paper examines the film “Erin Brokovich” and the process of research and data collection conducted by the legal agency through such methods as personal interviews, inspection, medical and scientific report. The movie review...

Philosophy of Science: Economics as a Philosophical Concern

In recent decades, the debates on the meaning and content of experimental analysis have been extensively discussed in philosophy. The discussions of the implications overlapped physical examination to social sciences such as economics. This study’s fundamental position involves the factors considered scientific, their theories’ viability, and their relationship to the...

Technology and Humanity in “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley

Introduction Dystopian fiction is gaining popularity due to its deeply reflective nature and futuristic perspectives on the social order. “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley is a dystopian fiction novel written and published in the early 1930s. It presents a society living in the so-called World State, where a strict...

Feminism and Social Change. Feminist Movement

Gender inequality is widely discussed in the modern world and inspires the feminist movement to promote its philosophy instead of the idea of ​​male superiority. Functionalists argue that social change in relation to gender roles is impossible since differentiation is the basis for the functioning of society (Croteau & Hoynes,...

Case Study: Medial Meniscal Tear

Mary Ellen is a 38-year-old patient who lifts weights, and she has done so in the last ten years. On the 10th of October 2017, she presented with persistent pain on the posteromedial right knee. There were occasional effusions from the joint though the patient did not characterize the discharges....

Technology: The Bias of Communication

The improvement and increase in technological structures influence society and the people in it. A good case study showing the changes brought in the society by technology is the continuity of westernization in the middle east and other states in the world. Despite the fall of the Western Roman Empire...

Nelson Mandela: Researching of Leadership

Introduction Nelson Mandela was the former President of South Africa, a fighter for equality and prosperous international relations around the world. He was a political leader who motivated and inspired people. His life cannot be called simple, but it made him able to lead people. The presidentship of Nelson Mandela...

Astra Plc Health and Fitness App

Introduction Many are spending most of their time working implying that they have no time for physical activities and exercises. Astra Plc is intending to launch a new fitness and health app in an attempt to diversify its portfolio in the next three months (The Association for Project Management, 2021)....

Discussion of Family Problems Impacts on Children

When it comes to assessing children, it is of importance to use multiple evidence-based tools. Interviews or open-ended tools are considered a starting point for becoming familiar with a child and their families and determining what further assessment measures are suitable (Wooley, 2013). This information demonstrates that quantitative methods should...

“Parable of the Sower” as a Signal for Humanity

Introduction It is anxiously to analyze how close Octavia Butler was in her prophecies, which were described in the novels Parable of the Sower and Parable of the Talents. In these novels, the gap between rich and poor, inequality, limited resources, and drug influence made life on Earth a survival...

Analysis of Goodfellas by Martin Scorsese

Introduction Martin Scorsese’s Goodfellas is a legendary gangster movie that is loved by many people even today. The plot narrates the life of Henry Hill, starting with his childhood when he was a poor child living in New York to his adult life as a gangster. This movie is an...

Health-Related Misconceptions Regarding Antiperspirants and Breast Cancer

Introduction There is a myth about the use of antiperspirants, especially aluminum-containing ones, as a risk factor for breast cancer. Concerning the rationale for choice, the myth requires close attention due to its possible contributions to bullying related to hygiene issues and distracting the at-risk population from actual precautions. This...

The Role of a Christian Chaplain as a Counselor

Introduction The military chaplain is vital in the armed forces, providing army personnel with guidance and counseling, performing rites, and attending to their spirituality. Furthermore, a military chaplain is obliged to support anyone seeking it, disregarding a person’s denomination. While Christian chaplains do not minister outside their faith tradition in...

Cybersecurity Threats America Faces

Theresa, E. M. (2018). Engaging Consumers in Cyber Security. Journal of Internet Law, 21(8), 13-15. Web. The author gives an account of the current consumer protection mode and terms them ineffective and not comprehensive to protect against cybercrimes (Theresa, 2018). The articles advocate for full measures and strategies to be...

Complementary and Alternative Medicine Techniques

Introduction to CAM The National Institute of Health has identified three groups of complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) to determine the funding of research projects: Techniques recognized by insurance companies and medical professionals as effective, such as chiropractic, acupuncture, and others. Techniques based on faith that make them impossible to...

Italy’s Food: Traditional Italian Food Recipes

Introduction Italian cuisine is famous around the world for its delicious and healthy food. It includes thousands of varieties of recipes for different dishes with various ingredients. In Italy, culinary traditions are passed down from generation to generation. One of the features of Italy is the different culinary traditions in...

Merger-Specific Information’s Impact on Stock Forecasts

Introduction A company’s stock depends on variety of factors, stemming from the market, industry, and the company itself. Merger and acquisitions of any size are one of the biggest-impact events on a firm, most usually impacting their stock value and stock forecasts. The article by Meslmani et al. (n.d.). examines...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Apple Incorporation: The Strategic Plan

Introduction Apple Incorporation is a multinational organization that designs and markets computers and other consumer electronics. Its known hardware products include the iPhone and Macintosh line of computers. The software consists of the iLife suite for multimedia, Mac OS X operating system, and Aperture. The company has adopted a strategic...

Accounting Policy for Property, Plant, Equipment, and Revenue Recognition

Introduction Accounting policies have massive impacts on firm financial statements. Plant, equipment, and revenue are some of the aspects of financial statements often influenced by accounting policies. Indeed, in decision-making, investors are guided by information concerning assets. The guiding principles of accounting are ever-changing, a condition that fueled the introduction...

Chile’s Economy from 2017 till Nowadays

Chile is regarded as a model in Latin America for its financial and political transparency. The country has been perceived to be among the fastest-growing economies for the past decade, making it substantially reduce poverty (“GDP growth (annual %) – Chile,” n.d.). The World Bank estimates that the influence of...

GlobalX Beauty Company’s Compensation and Benefits Strategies

Introduction Determining appropriate compensation and benefits is crucial for organizations because of their impact on employee engagement, motivation, and retention. This paper will discuss compensation and benefits strategies for GlobalX Beauty Company, which has to hire an Executive Sales Director, Country Sales Managers, and Regional Sales Directors. It will assess...

Choosing a Song for the “Man of Her Dreams” Film

Introduction The success of a film depends significantly on the choice of the theme tune. When considering whether “I’ll Change My Style” by Jimmy Reed is a piece of appropriate music for “Man of Her Dreams,” several points of contrast need to be considered. “I’ll Change My Style,” a famous...

Briar’s Role as a Symbol, a Catalyst, and a Character

Despite decades’ worth of endeavors to address the issue of racism within American society, it remains a notorious source of concern and cause of injustice suffered by numerous African American people. Entering a new era of sociocultural relationships enhanced by innovation and cross-cultural communication has not helped alleviate the issue,...

Meaning of Leininger’s Theory

In their practice, nurses should focus on many theoretical models which explain the major aspects of nursing and demonstrate the relationships between such concepts as “health,” “nursing,” “environment,” and “patient.” In Theory of Culture Care: Diversity and Universality, Madeleine Leininger focused not only on the listed concepts but also on...

Cocoa Production and Its Social Impact on West Africa

Abstract Cocoa is a necessary cash crop both for producing and consuming countries (Bales, 2004). The cocoa beans go through a rigorous and delicate process. Some of the challenges that farmers face in cocoa production include the weather patterns, insects and a number of diseases. Cocoa production is not an...

Anarchist Ideology and Its Objectives

Compare and contrast anarchism and socialism. Where is there overlap? Where is there divergence? Anarchism entails much more than violence and immorality, as most people presume. Anarchists can be categorized into two sub-groups. In addition, anarchism overlaps with the ideologies of liberalism and socialism, which implies that anarchists share various...

The UK Pharmaceutical Industry: International Business

Introduction Globalisation has been on the increase in the last couple of decades, as the world’s economy continues to grow. This has led to increased international trade. Most organisations are seeking to expand their customer base in the international market. International trade refers to the type of trade that occurs...

Kathe Kollwitz’s “Death and the Mother” Painting

Art for Art’s Sake Because of the specific aesthetics and the incredible expressivity, every single piece of art by Kathe Kollwitz breaks the well-known idea about the impersonality of art. Because of the shades of meaning and the hidden suffering which her pictures are shot through with, every single painting...

Police Administrators and Their Ethical Responsibility

Introduction The police force in the USA constitutes one of the three branches of the criminal justice system, with officers responsible for not only lawbreaker detainment and crime prevention, but for public safety too. With the responsibility for the maintenance of order, enforcement of the law, and general public service...

Nursing Quantitative, Qualitative and Mixed Research

Introduction For nurses, it is paramount to be able to properly select a research design for their study. It is often needed to choose between quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. The current paper compares these methods. Quantitative Research Quantitative research involves studying phenomena that can be operationalized as quantifiable variables....

Leaders Approaches’ Comparison and Evaluation of Their Effectiveness

Introduction It should be noted that the effectiveness of management depends not only on the individual qualities of a person but also on the way these characteristics meet the roles that a leader has to perform in the company. Moreover, it is the task of leadership to achieve such synergy...

The Role of a Dog in the Life of a Human

Did you know that in Japan, couples often meet at the Hachiko monument – the one that is dedicated to the dog that waited seven long years for its owner? To me, this fact holds a symbolic meaning – people always look for loyalty and affection in relationships, and those...

Walmart Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis

This Walmart Porter’s Five Forces analysis will reveal why the company is on top of retail industry. Check it out to learn about Walmart bargaining power of buyers and more. Walmart Five Forces Analysis: Introduction Having recently rebranded itself as not merely a chain of stores but an experience that...

The Role of a Dog in a Family

Did you know that in Japan, couples often meet at the Hachiko monument – the one that is dedicated to the dog that waited seven long years for its owner? To me, this fact holds a symbolic meaning – people always look for loyalty and affection in relationships, and those...

Leadership in Organizations: Bush W. George

Leadership may be naturally something born in a person, or it may be developed as one grows up. Leaders have got a distinguishing characteristic that makes them successful in their work. Otherwise, they greatly fail the organization. I do choose bush w. George as a leader because he on examining...

Human Resource Planning: Reflective Statement

Effective HR planning is paramount for the development of organizations’ human capital. At the same time, as stated by Booth (n.d.a), “the success of many HR activities relies on effective collaboration” (para. 1). When performing a wide range of those activities, starting from the formulation of recruitment objectives and ending...

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen: What Does the Title Mean?

“Pride” and “Prejudice” are both depicted as qualities that each character needs in proper balance. “Pride” and “Prejudice,” are potentially dangerous qualities that Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet must overcome or avoid if they are to build a successful life together. Although Mr Darcy is often referred to in the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Deli Depot Case Study: Data Analysis Management Reporting

Introduction To improve customer service, Deli Depot has embarked on initiatives to better understand its customers and provide them with the products and services that they want. For carrying out this goal the company has gathered information from the customers using in the form of field/ market research using a...

Career Management Program for an Effective Sales Team

Career management program Developing a career management program entails comprehensive job analysis to establish the specific needs for the jobs. The task of the selected team is to increase the sales volume of the new bigger business entity to new heights. The team is composed of a mixture of employees...

What Blazing Saddles and Bamboozled Say about Race Relations

Mel Brooks’s Blazing Saddles (1974) ranks #6 in the top 100 comedies of the twentieth century, according to the American Film Institute, with Brooks’s Young Frankenstein ranked #13 and The Producers #11. Brooks is less interested in social commentary or satire than in laughs and yet Blazing Saddles does contribute...

Patient Teaching Plan Overview

Purpose The purpose of this Patient Teaching Project is to develop a patient teaching plan and create a visual teaching tool aimed at promoting health and preventing disease for a specified patient population. Directions This Teaching Plan is Part 1 of the Patient Teaching Project. You will use this Patient...

Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide

The debate about legalizing euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide is usually structured around two main arguments: the sanctity (inviolability) of life and the individual’s autonomy. The usage of each of these principles can lead to extreme situations: for instance, the absence of restrictions on the use of medical technologies or assistance...

Analysis of the Articles About a Primary Quantitative and Primary Qualitative Research

Introduction There is a number of various information sources that are related to the nursing discipline and are available on the Internet and in certain journals. Thus, it is necessary to understand the basic principles of a critical assessment of research and know how to use them in interprofessional healthcare...

Charleston Shooting: Race Relations in Modern America

June 17th was the five year anniversary of the Charleston Massacre, in which nine black parishioners were shot and killed by a 21-year-old white supremacist Dylann Roof (Smith). Given America’s tragic history of racially motivated crimes, the Charleston shooting was deemed reflective of the current state of race relations in...

What Does It Mean to Be Invisible According to Ralph Ellison?

Introduction In the middle of the 1900s, Ralph Ellison created one of his remarkable novels Invisible Man. Each its passage or phrase has a specific meaning and impact on the reader. Still, the first paragraph of any literature work plays a significant role because it sets the tone for further...

Sifers: Analysis of the Emerging Technologies

Introduction New practices and technologies are continually advancing every day by using computers to transmit, manipulate and store information and data, concerning the tools and processes deployed to protect sensitive business information from modification, destruction, inspection, and disruption. Hardware authentication, data loss prevention, the cloud, deep learning, and user behavior...

Ashami and Gogol in The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri Comparative Analysis

The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri features a story of a Bengali family who settled in the US. The novel focuses on the problems of preserving and pursuing one’s national identity and self-awareness, as exemplified by different generations of immigrants. In particular, the characters of Ashami and her son Gogol are...

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Ancient History: The Key Military Periods

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Apple Inc., Samsung, and Google and Their Business Models

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Education and Social Inequality

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Social Media and Freedom of Speech

Introduction Social media has become an increasingly important component of modern life. In the past decade alone, social media platforms have grown to over a billion users and hundreds of millions of posts per day. The proliferation of these sites has created a new space for freedom of speech and...

Operationalization Methods: Motivation, Mood, Anxiety, and Happiness

Operationalization is used for turning abstract concepts into quantifiable values. This paper aims to analyze and assess the operationalization methods used to evaluate the levels of motivation, mood, anxiety, and happiness in different quantitative research papers. Two scholarly articles for each variable were chosen for the assessment. The selected articles...

The Use of Satire as Education by Pope and Swift

Introduction Satire is a literary technique that considers the use of any genre and combines sharp humor and critique of a subject to improve its meaning, making authors like Jonathan Swift and Alexander Pope use satire due to many societal problems. By deftly critiquing and making light of society’s concerns,...

Health Care Ethics and Reform: High Cost of Healthcare

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Henry Thoreau’s The Battle of The Ants’ and Virginia Woolf’s The Death of The Moth’

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Email Marketing: Common Errors and Solutions

Email marketing, ubiquitous for everything from businesses, to charities, to political advocacy groups, has powerful potential to build customer or audience awareness and loyalty. However, there are some distressingly common errors, in using this tool, all of which are largely preventable. Are you segmenting your email list? Email, unlike many...

Vulnerable Population in Miami

Introduction The community in question is that of the city of Miami, Florida. It is a vibrant, dynamic, and quite active community. From the windshield survey that was conducted earlier, it is evident that the elderly and disabled individuals comprise a vulnerable population in Miami. This paper is aimed at...

Nursing Discussion Questions and Issues

Importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in health care today Interdisciplinary collaboration occurs when physicians, caregivers, and nurses come together to deliver high-quality patient care. The practice is important because it creates a team that is capable of delivering evidence-based patient care. The model presents adequate concepts and resources that can transform...

Entrepreneurial Collaboration with Facebook

According to Chuang (2013), “leadership is a key component of all organizations but its function and capacity are getting more complicated with increased involvement in globalization and technology development” (p. 1). It means that in the globalized and culturally diversified environment, the management should necessarily take into account multiple issues,...

The Teens, Crime, and Community Project in the US

The criminal justice system collaborates with different agencies in order to tackle the major issues affecting the United States. The targeted project topic focuses on the problem of juvenile delinquency. Studies indicate that more youths and children commit different forms of crime in the United States. Such crimes continue to...

Proude Company’s Case: Product Life Cycle

The Proude family sells quality footwear. They specialize in the functional, stylish, and orthopedic types of shoes. It is critical for Proude to apply the Product Life Cycle to determine at what stage the shoes are in the cycle. The PLC has five stages which include the product development, introduction,...