Caring for Vulnerable Population: Substance Abuse

Substance abuse is a rampant problem in the current society despite the availability of information regarding the consequences of drug abuse. Studies show that 10% of Americans aged 12 years and above are likely to experiment with an illegal drug in a 30-day period (Johnson et al., 2015). Extrapolating this...

Legal Issues of an Advanced Practice Nurse in the Workplace

One of the major goals of the healthcare sector entails ensuring that all stakeholders, including nurses, employees, and patients, operate in a secure environment. Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) play a major role in helping to realize the above objective by assuring all interested parties of a workplace setting that is...

Colonialism and European Refugee Crisis

A definition of colonialism Colonialism refers to the arrangement taken by a country or society to take over full or partial political control. Upon takeover, the dominating country fills the host with its settlers and proceeds to exploit the host economically and socially. Its mandate then turns to the expansion...

Medicare and Medicaid: Addressing Vulnerable Groups’ Needs

Introduction The changes that Medicare and Medicaid introduced were supposed to secure the rights of vulnerable populations. However, reports show that a wide range of people still remain underserviced in regard to healthcare assistance (Olavarria et al., 2017). Because of multiple dents in the policies determining qualifications for receiving health...

Recommendations for Breast Cancer Screening: USPSTF Guidelines

Introduction Screening nowadays became a prevalent method for early detection of predisposition to certain diseases. It is highly beneficial for patients as it helps to reduce the risk of illness and receive timely treatment. Although health workers widely recognize the effectiveness of screening, they emphasize that unneeded additional testing can...

Language Patterns in Miami, Florida

Introduction Human language is very unique in itself because it is not acquired biologically like other human traits but it is learned. Human beings use language to communicate by the use of symbols and signs that are conventional (Raymond, 1997). Communication systems especially language is very flexible, that is it...

Rosalind Franklin and the Incident With Nobel Prize

The April 25, 1953 issue of journal Nature published three consecutive papers, and has given the world one of the most exciting discoveries of 20th century, the “molecular structure of nucleic acids”, for which Watson, Crick and Wilkins shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1962 for their...

Gender and Sexual activity: Literature Review

Literature suggests that social scientists have always attempted to address complex relationships between various attitudes of society while constructing the interrelated constructs of sex, gender, and sexuality. This literature review focus on various perspectives of gender and sexuality in the context of different arenas of social groups. In this context,...

Moral Hazard and the Case for Socialized Medicine

The theory of the free market is predicated on consumers having choices while making decisions; if the cost of an item exceeds its worth, then no one will pay for it, which in turn puts downward pressure on prices and leads to a more equitable distribution of goods. Unfortunately, this...

Compensation Effect Within an Organization

Compensation refers to the payment given to people for the work done. It can be in the form of finances through the remuneration of workers or damages as a result of injuries incurred during work. The compensation package therefore can be direct or indirect. In every organization, compensation is a...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Usage of DNA Technology in Forensic Science

Introduction The usage of DNA technology in forensic science is related to certain ethical issues that attract much attention of publicity (Sujatha, 2006). DNA typing technology gives forensic science an opportunity to uncover the information considered by the society “intensely private” (DNA typing and society, n.d., par.1). Some specialists are...

Novant Health: The Policy of the Clinical Facility

The policy of the Novant Health hospitals regarding the use of restraints has measures that prevent or minimize the use of restraints and seclusion. The policy also mandates that restraints should be used following individualized evaluation of the patient. The policy regarding the use of restraints has a number of...

Management Briefing: A Strategy to Counter Insider Threats

Today’s briefing centers mainly on the concept of insider threats and the strategies our company, Sifers-Grayson, can employ to minimize the likelihood of its occurrence. During this era of advancing technologies, most organizations rely on IT gadgets such as computers in every aspect of their day-to-day operations. These significant transformations...

Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Syndrome

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) distresses a patient’s immune arrangement hence weakening the defence system against numerous infections encompassing some forms of cancer. With the virus destroying and impairing the operation of immune cells, an infected person progressively becomes immunodeficient. People’s immunity is characteristically gauged by the number of CD4...

Coca Cola International Finance

Introduction Global investment banking is a vital component to the Coca-Cola organization due to the vast reach of the organization. Coca-Cola deals in 68 functional currencies around the world making global investment banking a key element of the organizations success. Net Operating Revenue Percent Change Year Ended 2007 December 31...

Hepatitis B: The Epidemiological Determinants

Hepatitis B is an inflammatory liver disease caused by the DNA-containing virus. About 58 million patients with an acute form of infection are registered in the world every year (Terrault et al., 2018). According to WHO experts, the total number of patients with hepatitis B and carriers exceeds 1 billion...

Criminal Justice Professionals: Role and Importance

The criminal justice profession implies fulfilling duties that meet the needs of various populations. All individuals and societal groups need security and protection, and meeting those needs make this profession valuable and rewarding. It makes both professionals and people feel proud and honorable. The functions of the criminal justice are...

Outpatient Care in the United States

The American healthcare delivery system is a complex structure with hundreds of professionals, settings, and centers that provide services to the public. At the same time, this system is constantly changing and developing, and over the past decade has changed the way services are provided. Outpatient care has become more...

Quantitative Studies on CAUTI in Nursing Homes

Introduction Nursing home residents are highly susceptible to various healthcare-related infections (HAIs). Their transmission can lead to the quality of life of such patients substantially declining and the necessity for hospitalization. Catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) is among the most prevalent infections in assisted living facilities and requires effective prevention...

5% Shareholding Rule: Case Study

Introduction My stand A 5% shareholder rule will work against the independence of the board of directors who should own the shares of Alibaba. Agency theory This law is applied to explain and resolve conflict in the relationship between the agents and their principals. It is essential to base on...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Online Methods of Launching Books

A Grant Proposal for Book Launching Event Every nonprofit organization wishes to have an event for launching or promoting products and services. Such events can be of massive benefit to the firm in improving its profile, raising funds to be used, and engaging its stakeholders, such as the community and...

Psychiatry: Methods of Statistical Analysis

The Paper was written by Li et al. (2020) focuses on the study of bipolar disorder as one of the most common diseases associated with the human psyche. However, despite its prevalence, this disorder is often misdiagnosed, or no signs of the disease are noticed at all. Thus, the researchers’...

“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson: A Story Analysis

In Marxist criticism, the rich exploit the poor to become more powerful and wealthy. In The Lottery story by Jackson, Mr. Summer is seen to entice the poor to play the lottery to gain more wealth. In a capitalist world, the rich protect their family from exploitation by the capitalist....

Portrayal of Worldviews in “Les Misérables”

During their lives, people find themselves in a kaleidoscope of encounters, make various decisions and cope with the outcome. Such a way of things inevitably leads to the accumulation of experience, which, in turn, is used to build a personal perception of everything that happened, is happening, or will happen...

Approaches and Methods of Solving Mathematical Problems

Background Five high school mathematics students were invited to complete this assignment. The students’ identities remain anonymous, but it should be said that each of them was over the age of 14 and had never taken a MA 105 course. The students voiced no discontent about math while also being...

Meaningfulness and Meaningless of Life

Human beings are likely to put their existence into several questions. A question about the meaning of life has been asked frequently, and many people have articulated different opinions and views. The response to this question is based on an individual’s perspective on life. Life is likely to have meaning...

Elimination of Men’s Olympic Sports

International Olympic Committee has made a decision to remove wrestling from the list of sports for the Olympic Games 2020. The decision allowed the IOC to evaluate other sports for inclusion in the Olympic rotation. Jordan Burroughs, a 74kg gold medalist at the 2012 Olympics, has posted on his Twitter...

Global Technology: Advantages and Disadvantages

Technology refers to the material and immaterial application of scientific knowledge associated with the revolution of new machines, industries, and electronic devices. Essentially, it is a set of resources, processes, or methods that contribute to different areas such as economics, medicine, and education. The rapid development of technology since the...

The Trolley Problem Scenarios & Ethical Dilemmas

Introduction Human beings face various unexpected emergencies in their everyday activities. The emergencies may tragically result in fatal injuries or even cases of death of a person or a group of people. In emergencies, many people think it is permissible to sacrifice one person to save a group of people...

Analysis of The British Military Aircraft Incident

Introduction The incident occurred on July 22, 1966, at RAF Lyneham Air Force Base (Chippenham, UK) while maintaining a Lightning F53 supersonic interceptor aircraft. It was caused by the actions of the aircraft technician, who agreed with the flight crew of the plane, but which were beyond the authority of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

How the Invention of Gunpowder Affected the World

Introduction By examining the social, political, and economic advantages and disadvantages brought on by the widespread use of gunpowder, the issue will determine if the invention and innovation of gunpowder were a blessing or burden on mankind throughout history. The essay will analyze the issues associated with the development of...

Health Promotion Strategies for Elderly People

Introduction Over the past decades, the welfare of the aging population has become a growing concern of healthcare providers all over the world. This development is due to ” a tendency of constant growth in the elderly population” (Scartoni, Sant’Ana, Murillo-Rodriguez, et al., 2020, p. 1). Therefore, the need to...

The Use of the Biostatistics Course

Introduction A correct understanding and interpretation of the concepts of mathematical statistics used in the analysis of the obtained data are essential for accurate decision-making. Statistical methods enable one to narrow the interval of uncertainty in their decision-making. Incorrect application of statistical tools leads to false conclusions and interpretations of...

A Reflection on Leadership Skills in Nursing

Introduction Leadership competencies encompass most factors that regulate how well a leader serves. Various inclusive factors must be considered, such as attitudes and the knowledge that make a practical leadership style. This kind of leadership skill requires authentic communication in addition to the act of empowering other people. I always...

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Detailed Overview

The pathophysiology of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) involves a systemic immune response that triggers the release of inflammatory mediators called cytokines. This causes the pulmonary vasculature to become more permeable, and fluid infiltrates the lungs. This presents a ventilation-perfusion mismatch that causes blood to bypass the alveoli without gaseous...

M. Obama’s Address: Neo-Aristotelian Criticism

Introduction Nowadays, being a political leader requires having the support of close relatives and friends, as they give hope and help people overcome constant challenges and issues of the modern world. One of the bright examples of political contributors is Michelle Obama. Analyzing her speech during the 2016 National Democratic...

Competitive Advantage, Promotions, Segmentation

Competitive advantage The modern world is characterized by great rivalry. That is why every firm or enterprise should struggle for its success, trying to win in this fight. First of all, a firm should be competitive in the sphere in which it suggests its services. Every company should try to...

Mikhail Gorbachev’s 1988 UN Speech

Introduction The Cold War was the main geopolitical conflict of the second half of the 21st century. The ideological and economic confrontation between the US and NATO against the USSR and the countries of the Warsaw Pact began in 1946 with Winston Churchill’s speech, where he condemned the Soviet Union’s...

Kaiser Permanente: System-Wide Practice Initiative

Introduction System-wide practice initiatives are common in healthcare. For permanent change to take place, organizations are using sweeping innovations across their entire networks. Typically, these practice initiatives involve the utilization of new methods, new materials, and improved strategies to achieve the desired goal. Nevertheless, such large-scale motions are not without...

Urban Poor Teenagers’ Psychology and Activities

Abstract Impoverished urban areas often limit the activities that teenagers can engage in. This brings about the manifestation of psychological predilections that can influence their desired extra-curricular activities. It is based on this that this study will examine these predilections and attempt to explain how they manifest. Introduction Teenagers in...

Patient Case: Donald Suicidal Behaviors

Questions to Consider What symptoms of psychosis does Donald display, and how long have these symptoms been evident? In the case study, Donald displays delusions and hallucinations, as he perceives himself as being demon possessed. He also displays dramatic mood changes such as depressed moods, lack of self-awareness resulting to...

Coelho’s Alchemist and Homer’s Odyssey: Theme Comparison

Themes Fate is apparent in life and everyone has to work hard to realize it. The alchemist is a novel that has the story of a boy called Santiago who had a dream of going to the pyramids to look for treasures. His dream turned out to be true after...

Energy Safety and Earthquake Hazards Program

Introduction Earthquakes have been a major issue for mankind for a long time. Many people have lost their lives during earthquakes. Property worth billions of dollars has been destroyed as well. The fact that it is not possible to predict with certainty when an earth quake is going to strike...

Unemployment and Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem Scale

The concept of self-esteem is derived from self –theory. Theory of self has been based on a Euro-American view, which has low value on the African –Americans. A basic assumption of self-theory is the need to appreciate oneself and be appreciated by others. This basic assumption, according to Cross (1971)...

Google and Social Networks: Integration Paper

This integration paper is an overview of the entire week’s projects. All the activities of the week are synthesized in order to provide the value or usefulness of these studies in my personal and professional life. The topics discussed in the week include should spamming be illegal? Why or why...

Major Events in Higher Education Development

Introduction The history of Higher Education in the United States dates back to the colonial period. The first undergraduate colleges were structured for the training needs of the clergy; the modern-day colleges are structured for the training needs of professional careers (Lucas, 1996). At the start of the 20th century,...

Ethical Lens Inventory: Personal Ethical Principles and Values

The inventory questions were an essential eye opener about the things that matter most to me. Most of my answers were reflections of my background, beliefs and values as will be illustrated below. Reflection on the process of completing the inventory questions As I was completing the inventory questions, I...

The Clayton County Library System: The Effectiveness of Workplace Democracy

Introduction The themes of this essay include the effectiveness of workplace democracy and diversity in the workplace. It begins by describing the Clayton County Library System as a workplace. Besides, the essay also provides a discussion of some selected democratic principles. The Clayton County Library System Clayton County Library System...

“Miss Representation” Documentary Film Analysis

The film created by Jennifer Newsom and titled “Miss Representation” depicts the reality of the disproportionate objectification of women and girls in the contemporary media-constructed culture. The film attempts to introduce a new narrative of criticism toward the biased representation of females on TV, social media, and traditional media. In...

Obesity and High Blood Pressure as Health Issues

Caring for patients with such symptoms as obesity, high blood pressure, and other manifestations of an unhealthy lifestyle requires a wide range of laboratory tests. The causes of specific manifestations may be distinctive because individual body systems may function poorly, and to determine the exact prerequisites for the development of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Working as a Head Nurse: Personal Experience

Modern medicine is inextricably linked to the constant stress conditions created by high daily patients’ flow, a variety of problems, and the search for an individual approach to each patient. Such a chaotic state can be confusing, as medical personnel does not always understand exactly which tasks are more important...

Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing

Introduction Judie has acted as the nurse manager for more than a decade, and the hospital’s administration is pleased with her diligence. Nonetheless, Judie has recently developed frustration and dissatisfaction attributable to staffing reduction, in addition to other institutional resolutions. Caring for her patients has at all times been the...

Health Status of the African Americans

African Americans are among the largest ethnic groups in the United States, with a greater percentage being of African ancestry, while some are of non-Black descent. This population descended from enslaved people from Africa coerced to work in the New World. Working as slaves, they had limited rights and were...

Law That Aims to Protect School Safety Acts of Kindness in Society

Introduction In 2018, after the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, the state authorities decided to introduce new requirements stated in a law that aims to protect school safety (Ochoa, 2018). Some schools, referring to the new law accepted by the state, decided to ask for...

Review of Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour”

The short story written by Kate Chopin in 1894 raises essential feminist issues. Despite the short form of the literary work, it successfully and powerfully conveys the deprivations American women of the end of the nineteenth century experienced due to the dominantly patriarchal society in which they lived. Meticulously using...

Monitoring a Case Plan in Specialised Healthcare

Collaborative Empiricism In this technique, the care worker engages the client in setting his or her goals and agendas through a process of shared responsibility. For instance, after the care worker sets goals for the case plan, the client gives his or her feedback to the care worker. The care...

Patient Safety: Caring for the Public’s Health

The safety of patients has been a global issue of concern especially for nurses as they work towards preventing the harm to be done to the patients receiving the treatment. Patient safety concerns have continued adversely eroding the trust that the public has in the nurses and healthcare profession as...

Workplace Harassment and Preventive Measures

Physical and emotional injuries may be caused to an employee or a customer based on the harassment behavior. The physical injuries can include those in the genital areas or all over the body. There are some of the other possible injuries, which are rape, psychological problems including depression, anxiety, and...

Analysis of “The Lottery” Story by Shirley Jackson

The famous short story The Lottery, written by the American writer Shirley Jackson was published in 1948 in The New Yorker. The work caused a great stir among the population that still not recovered from the sufferings of World War II (Sar and Pradika 2). The feeling of anxiety, masterfully...

Cult of Domesticity in the Past and Nowadays

Introduction Cult of domesticity was a widespread phenomenon in American society in the 1820-1860 years. Some specific cultural backgrounds have affected the position of women in the social hierarchy and their public role. Society, specifically men, has created the image of the perfect and ideal woman that the opposite sex...

Memo and Essay Explaining the Flexible Budget Variances

Variances can be described as the difference between budgeted performance as planned and expected and the actual performance for the budgeted period. The organization had forecasted a sale of $1,400,000 but actual sales were $1,325,000. The cost of goods sold, which is the main component of the expense part of...

Obesity and How It Can Cause Chronic Diseases

Introduction Nowadays, obesity represents a considerable public health issue due to changes in people’s lifestyles. Numerous studies support the idea that obesity is associated with increased cardiovascular diseases and cancer risks. The measures to prevent weight gain qualified as unfavorable is considered a high priority by public policies. The modifications...

Environmental Protection: Perspectives on World Religions

Introduction The planet earth is home to more than 9 billion people. Most of these inhabitants believe in God, in the frameworks of the religions their ancestors professed for thousands of years. Interestingly, all religions, including Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism, offer similar approaches to explaining why people should protect...

Communication in the Era of Technology

The development of information technology has had a substantial impact on all aspects of people’s lives. Modernization has improved the work of many organizations and social institutions, but this factor also has its negative consequences. Technology has affected the deterioration of individuals’ communication abilities. The research of this problem is...

“The Death of a Salesman” Film by John Malkovich

John Malkovich’s film The Death of a Salesman is an adaptation of the 1949 play by Arthur Miller, which was also staged many times in the US, London, Berlin, and Bombay. The plot revolves around the main character, Willie, who feels despair, pity, and fear, being on the verge of...

Rationalism and Empiricism in Philosophy

Introduction One might not adore going to school to get knowledge but learn via other means daily. The burning question is whether you know things already. It is critical to know how human beings learn, what learning is all about, and how we use it daily. The theory of knowledge...

Foundation of Army Leadership Elements

Introduction Any military branch that operates with the premise of servicing the country they are to protect refers to the legal and ethical premises of the nation which built the force. However, the premises are to be tough, communicated, ensured, and facilitated. This is why leadership is an effective tool...

The Tony Evans Bible Commentary

Introduction Tony Evans is one of the most powerful church leaders in present times, having studied and preached the gospel for more than fifty years. The Tony Evans Bible Commentary includes an introduction to each book of the Bible, as well as introductory resources and a passage-by-passage exegesis of the...

Starbucks Corporation’s Business Case

Starbucks is an international American chin of roastery reserves and coffeehouses. It is headquartered in Seattle, Washington, and has 30 thousand physical stores in eighty countries (Starbucks, 2022). The current chief executive officer of the company is Howard Schultz, and it was founded in 1971 by Jerry Baldwin, Gordon Bowker,...

The Song “Bandana” by Asake and Fireboy DML

Duple or Triple Meter The song “Bandana” is a simple duple meter. Each bar contains two beats per measure, forming a 2/4 time. The primary division of beats per measure consists of the first beat, which hits strongly, and the second, which is weak. In each line of this song,...

Socrates vs. Plato in the Perspective of History

Introduction Plato and Aristotle are the most well-known and significant Greek philosophers and historical figures. Their views on politics, morality, justice, and other ideas influenced the period. In this article, Plato and Aristotle will be discussed independently to compare and contrast. Their history, guiding principles, and critical ideas will be...

Canada’s Territory Yukon for Newcomers

Introduction Yukon, also known as the Yukon, is one of Canada’s three territories, the westernmost and smallest of them. The territory’s name derives from the word ‘yu-kun-ah’ in the Gwich’in language, which means ‘great river’ (Wonders, 2021). Yukon borders the Northwest Territories to the east, American state of Alaska to...

Hilton Hotels & Resorts’ Brand Management

Competitive Frame of Reference Target Market The primary emphasis of Hilton’s global segmentation strategy is on local preferences and location. Hilton employs the brand diversification approach to carefully classify the market in order to satisfy the differentiation requirements of various client groups throughout the globe (Zeng, 2021). By using the...

Smoking and Its Negative Health Outcomes

Introduction/Background The current research paper focuses on the connection between smoking and assessing the negative impact of this activity on health. Smoking is a significant behavior that contributes to harmful outcomes. In the United States, over 480,000 people die because of smoking annually (New York Department of Health, 2022). In...

Special Punishment for a Juvenile

Introduction Adolescence covers the period from 11 to 15 years, which corresponds to the middle school age. During this period, complex and contradictory changes occur in the personality of children, which is why this age is also called difficult, critical and transitional. Accordingly, children at this age are vulnerable to...

Development of a Health Education Program

Introduction The development of a health education program is based on the particularities of the population selected as a target audience concerning the statistical indicators characterizing one of the health concerns this population encounters. According to Scarinci et al. (2012), developing a culturally sensitive intervention program should include intervention mapping...

Medical Workers’ Role During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Strength of a Project Mental Health and Resilience The Covid-19 pandemic has become a test for everyone, regardless of social status or place of work. Life has completely changed, and I had to quickly get used to new rules and norms to protect myself and my loved ones from the...

Plato vs. Wollstonecraft on Education and Gender Relations

Introduction One of the key debates in history had to do with how education should be employed. Throughout humankind’s development, it is evident that the education system and gender relations within it cannot remain complacent. This thesis will attempt to compare two approaches to education and gender relations, one advocated...

CVS Health Corporation’s Analysis

CVS Health Corp is one of Americas largest multinational organizations, with subsidiaries in multiple countries around the world. The company has consistently appeared on the Fortune 500 list due to its annual sales and profits amounting to tens of billions. The company is a supplier of diversified health solutions serving...

“The Power of the Pen” by Malala Yousafzai

Introduction There are so many aspects of a speech that contribute to making it good or bad. However, this depends on the subject of the speech and the audience to whom the speech is intended. A teenage girl named Malala Yousafzai gave a speech addressing the rights of women and...

Family Nurse Practitioner and Other Roles

Advanced practice roles of nursing allow for specialized tasks to be fulfilled by people who are most capable of completing the tasks. The advanced practice roles include several various specializations but can be separated into four main types: administrator, informaticist, educator, and practitioner (“NP competencies,” 2017). This paper will provide...

Fad Diets and Their Long Term Effects on Health

Problem It is evident that the principal reasons why people to begin using fad diets are, the desire to achieve visible effects in a short period of time, and the lack of education about the potential side-effects of maintaining a low-fat, low-calorie diet in the long term. These two factors...

Genesis and “The Oration on the Dignity of Man”

Genesis inspired a number of philosophers. Pico della Mirandola was influenced by it as well. At the beginning of the speech, the philosopher puts forward the thesis of human greatness, his superiority over all creatures, “man is the intermediary between all creatures, close to the highest and lowest lord over,...

Arab Stereotypes in the Media

Introduction Nowadays, the world faces the problem of battling terrorism and its expansion. Many countries are involved in the confrontation with terrorists, which causes the formation of certain stereotypes of a typical Arab portrayed in the popular and news media. It is generally recognized that a negative image of Arabs...

Patient Urination Problem: Intervention Plan

HPI (History of Present Illness): the patient experiences the complications within last two weeks while he experienced the above symptoms during last two years. The patient received no treatment in the past. He had serious difficulties in starting his urine flow yesterday. Moreover, he has to pass urine four to...

Tesla Differentiation Strategy and Its Distinctions

This paper analyzes Tesla product differentiation as a competitive strategy. Tesla differentiation strategy is a great subject for your case study in business. Read on and get inspired! Introduction The demand for eco-friendly cars is rising, fueled by sustainability policies, advances in technology, and changing consumer needs. Tesla has been...

Miami-Dade County’s Community Health and Threats

Communicable Disease Three examples of organisms that can be used in bioterrorist attacks to create epidemics are smallpox, anthrax, and botulism. Today, smallpox is considered eradicated (“The threat,” 2016); only two laboratories in the world have the smallpox virus for research purposes. However, the concern persists that smallpox can be...

Nursing Barriers and Overcoming Strategies

Carrier and Barriers Although the barriers are often the cause of why a nurse decides to continue his or her practice, they can nevertheless complicate the working process and even have an impact on a nurse’s self-esteem and motivation. I have come across different barriers during my practice, but I...

Stand Your Ground Law Issues in Florida

Laws related to self-defense and the use of guns are among the most controversial policies in the United States. In Florida, the Stand Your Ground law, enacted in 2005, has sparked a number of debates on its potential consequences. The law is related to castle doctrine, which states that a...

National Health Insurance: Debate Summary

Statement of the Position The discussion was about the National Health Insurance (NHI) system while showing its potential influence on the development of the policies. The position of our group states that the NHI could be considered as a major source of the drawbacks associated with low reimbursement, lack of...

The US Labor Market

US Wage Growth Shows Trump Will Inherit Solid Labour Market (Jan. 6) The end of 2016 saw the most significant wage increase since 2009. The year added more than two million jobs to the economy of the country (even though December’s job creation failed to meet the prognosis). Such considerable...

Battle of Guadalcanal: Strategic & Operational Overview

Element of Surprise After the Battle of Midway, there was a lull in the fighting in the Pacific. The military contact between the opponents remained only in the Aleutians and New Guinea, where after the cancellation of the operation “MO”, Japanese troops tried to force the Owen-Stanley Range to capture...

Global Children’s Charity’s Benefit Plans

Recently, Global Children’s Charity has seen a reduction in its workforce. The organization decided to lower operational costs so that a larger part of the budget could be used for helping children. Now, when 15% of the staff has been downsized, the company seeks to optimize its benefits plan. The...

Dorothea Orem’s Deficit of Care Theory

Meaning Patient education and awareness are crucial to the successful delivery of healthcare services. As long as a target demographic is capable of identifying a health threat and managing available resources, the possibility of complications or a rise in mortality rates drops significantly (Pelicand, Fournier, Le Rhun, & Aujoulat, 2015)....

MegaGlobe Business Solutions Expansion

Why Do We Need Diversity? The globalization of the world economy and the appearance of numerous companies operating in different countries across the globe has caused a shift in the financial consulting market. While localized services are still invaluable, especially for companies planning to expand into new countries, most clients...

The Chinese in Canada Before World War I

Canada before World War One was characterised by the immigration of foreign communities, especially the Chinese, which resulted in suspicion and fear by locals that these foreigners had come to settle in Canada. As a result, the locals, together with the government, were not very welcoming, resulting in uncertainty and...

Federalism and Originalism in American History

The debate over federalism and originalism was initiated not long ago, with the country’s existence crossing the verge of two centuries and firmly moving forward on the way of its development and prosperity. The essence of the debates was found in the development and evolution of the structure of the...

Healthcare: New Treatment Methods

At the beginning of the 21st century, the healthcare system in the USA has changed dramatically because of new technologies and new treatment methods available for millions of patients. The USA should not have a healthcare reform when citizens are working because it will be a great burden for the...

Andrew Jackson and Indians

The history of the United States of America is full of controversial and tragic moments. Among them, the removal of the Native American tribes from their lands to the Western federal territories in Oklahoma is rather significant. This episode of American history contributed to the shaping of today’s America in...

“The Patriot”: Historical Film Analysis

Introduction “The Patriot” is an epic war film which illustrates the relationships of loved ones. The movie is half-way realistic movie and the attempt to address the war-fares. In the analysis of this movie, we will observe the successful measures as well as flaws of the movie and the costumes,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Akeelah and the Bee: Multicultural Diversity

Culture assimilation among various social groups worldwide has been a great problem where some social groups seem to discriminate against others in certain ways. In the contemporary society, as it has been occasionally witnessed there exist various alienations among various social groups, despite their interaction across various social activities. The...

“Yellow Wallpapers” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

The Yellow Wallpaper is a book narrated first-person point of view (Perkins, 2010). It is about a young woman who is mentally disturbed and hence depicts a true-life story of the writers’ experience. She is strongly against the domination of men over their wives. They do not see them as...

Software Tools for Qualitative Research

Introduction Many qualitative researchers use computer-assisted software tools to undertake their studies (Miles, Huberman, & Saldaña, 2014). Although there are many types of software available to researchers, only some of them have the tools for solving complex tasks in the qualitative data analysis process (Miles et al., 2014). For example,...

Teleflex Incorporated: KMedic`s Orthopedic Surgical Instruments

Teleflex Incorporated is a US-based company specialized in the manufacturing of medical devices. It sells orthopedic surgical instruments under the brand name KMedic. The range of orthopedic instrumentation that is available under the brand KMedic includes osteotomes, bone cutting forceps, plate benders, shears, knives, mallets, screwdrivers, and other reusable surgical...

Advanced Nursing Degree Benefits

Introduction Nowadays, there is a global tendency that aims at improving the quality of healthcare by reviewing the roles of practitioners, including nurses. According to the modern approach, nurses are encouraged to pursue an advanced practice, which consists of more in-depth training at the master’s level and an enhanced role...

The FCA Development and the Law Purposes

Introduction With the government offering health care programs for the population, the number of frauds in the field increases, as well. False Claims Act violation in health care is becoming a serious concern for medical workers, insurers, and governors. Billions of dollars paid, the government is forced to pledge money...

Community Assessment Central City of Phoenix

Introduction The case study of Bill and Sally’s family revealed that they live in a high-crime area. The community of Phoenix that fits the description is the Central City neighborhood, which has a population of 53,865, a median income of $23,625, and a median home value of $86,237 (Sparkes, 2017)....

Sport and National Identity

Participating in sports is typically seen as the source of self-actualization through physical exercise and competition. However, apart from allowing one to build a clearer sense of self, taking up sports and participating in sports competitions, especially on a global scale, helps to create the sense of unity and national...

Russian and American Healthcare Systems Comparison

Features In most countries around the world, access to health care is taken as a right of the citizen. In the communist and socialist countries, the emphasis of this right was demonstrated even more with healthcare being the sole responsibility of the government. Though the Soviet Union era has ended,...

Analysis of Mixed Economy Approach

Introduction The mixed economy contains the characteristics of three other models: traditional, market, and command. The definitive version of it is supposed to include the best options from these systems in order to make the living comfortable for the private sector, the government, and the nation. However, in the modern...

Usher Syndrome and Mental Illness

Usher syndrome belongs to the number of hereditary diseases that occur extremely rarely. Its negative impact on the human body cannot be overstated as there are a lot of cases when this diagnosis is associated with various mental diseases such as schizophrenia in people of different age (Domanico, Fragiotta, Trabucco,...

Philosophy: Political Advertisements

Introduction Philosophy is usually understood in various diverse ways by people or philosophers of different backgrounds. However, these different philosophers aim at achieving some understanding, awareness and gaining some intelligence, to think, support and argue rationally on various essential matters. Moore & Bruder, 2005 philosophically offered a succinct definition of...

“The Fires of Jubilee: Nat Turner’s Fierce Rebellion” by Oates

“The Fires of Jubilee: Nat Turner’s Fierce Rebellion” by Stephen B. Oates is a book that depicts the rebellion led by Turner in 1831. Religion and the Bible play an essential role in understanding the context of the uprising. For slaveowners, the Bible justified their actions towards African Americans. Similarly,...

Analysis of Fatty Acids Methyl Esters by Gas Chromatography or Mass Spectrometry

Results and Discussion The key results of this laboratory work were direct measurements of analytical signals from fatty acid esters obtained using the classical instrumental GC/MS method. Since it is well known that this technique uses a reference method, the organic methyl caprate with a reference peak value was chosen...

The New Deal Liberalism Analysis

In the 1930s, America faced the most significant crisis known as the Great Depression which harmed economic development and infrastructure. By 1933, more than fifty-five hundred banks had closed, and unemployment stood at 25 percent or 13 million workers, having a bad influence on people’s well-being and the general mood...

“Nothing Like It in the World” Book by S. Ambrose

Steven E Ambrose’s Nothing Like It in the World tells the story of the first transcontinental railroad. It follows the project’s history chapter by chapter, from choosing the route for the future road to driving the last spike in Utah. Concluding with the brief assessment of the road’s importance, the...

Happiness Search: The Parable of the Prodigal Son

Human life is inextricably linked with searching for answers to various questions. However, although for most people, the questions and quests they face in life are unique, one theme is common to all. It is the question of the meaning of life, which, sooner or later, every person considers. Almost...

Bipolar Disorder: Description, Episodes, and Types

Introduction It is important to note that bipolar disorder or BD is a serious mental condition that affects one’s ability to retain mental stability and well-being in a negative way. The condition has two major types and less common types. Medical experts diagnose and treat it differentially, but both involve...

The Positive Role Models in Sports

Sport has a large impact on people’s lives, especially those of true fans of certain sport arts. Undoubtedly, football fans know such public figures as Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, or Neymar. Hence, many companies sign contracts with these sportsmen for advertising, marketing, or popularity reasons. It can be concluded that...

Title of “Woman Hollering Creek” by Sandra Cisneros

“Woman Hollering Creek” was first published in a 1991 collection of short stories by Sandra Cisneros called “Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories.” The narration is about Cleofilas Enriqueta DeLeon Hernandez, separated from her friends and family after her marriage to Juan Pedro Martínez Sanchez. Cleofilas was raised by her...

Coherentism and Foundationalism: Similarities and Differences

Foundationalism According to foundationalism, justified beliefs are structured like a building: they are divided into a foundation and a superstructure, where the former supports the latter. The underlying beliefs are basic. Beliefs related to the superstructure are non-basic, they are justified by justified beliefs in the foundation. However, for a...

Occupational Therapy for the Kids: Marketing Campaign

Since the product of interest for this marketing campaign is occupational therapy for the kids, it is vital for the visuals to resonate with the parents of children that require rehabilitation and assistance in performing activities of daily living. Considering the price policy and market location, the target customer for...

COVID-19: Epidemics in People’s Lives

History shows that humanity has faced numerous outbreaks of diseases, and some of them have changed the course of history. In the days when the whole world is caught in the coronavirus pandemic, it is essential to remember that in the history of humankind, some many epidemics and pandemics covered...

Agile Project Management Chapter Assessment Summary

Chapter 1 The chapter assessment focuses on agile foundations, history, and the agile manifesto. Ultimately, the chapter aims to provide a common knowledge of the principles and values of agile practices. The assessment tests the knowledge of the agile manifesto, created by several software developers who wanted to manage projects...

The Problem of Evil in Religion

People of various religions have always tried to find the truth about forces leading homo sapiens through anger, joy, bias, sympathy, jealousy, and support. Many believe in God as a representative of good, divine, and pure. Evil is classically countering God, plays tricks on human souls, drags them to darkness,...

US Terrorism and Criminal Justice Decision Making Model

Terrorism is a significant security and safety threat in the United States and across the globe. The United States has experienced both domestic and international terrorist attacks in the recent past. In America, left-wing, militia groups, and right-wing extremists promote domestic terrorism (Hess et al., 2017). Other examples of domestic...

The American Revolutionary War

Introduction A heightened awareness of socioeconomic disparity emerged during the American Revolution (1775–1783), prompting calls for more excellent democratic governance in the new nation and local governments and the end of slavery. In retrospect, it is clear that Britain’s aspirations to impose stricter power in North American colonies using the...

Human Resource Systems in Socialization Process

The Human resource process is heavily influenced by legal, safety, and regulatory constraints. The H.R. process oversees employee identification, recruiting, and selection. The H.R. process is also in charge of developing and implementing training programs, developing and implementing employee benefits programs, and developing and implementing employee discipline programs. Legal regulations...

The Network for the Corporation’s New Office Park

Introduction The proposed network for the Corporation’s new office park will be a multi-building, wired, and wireless setup that provides the necessary security, speed, and fault tolerance. The network will consist of three buildings, each with two floors and 40 employees (Lee et al. 641). Four networked laser printers will...

The Netflix Company’s SWOT Analysis

Strengths Netflix’s primary strengths include its brand value, focus on customers, and global scope of influence. Over the years, the company has established a highly loyal fanbase in many countries by providing video services of the highest quality and using an effective regional pricing strategy (“The remarkable Netflix,” 2022). Consequently,...

The View From Rose Hill: Recovery on a Piedmont Landscape

Introduction In the article submitted for consideration, the author demonstrated a clear understanding of the influence of specific historical events on cultural and ecological development or other regional changes. This work is dedicated to reviewing significant environmental changes in South Carolina’s Piedmont using the specific example of Rose Hill, a...

Deficit, Surplus, and Balanced Public Budgets

Budgeting is a crucial component of public administration that requires rigorous planning, meticulous implementation and management, and a deep understanding of the specifics of the systems that are being financed (Shafritz, Russell, & Borick, 2015, p. 472). Public administration budget is typically comprised of taxes, insurance, and borrowing, and it...

American Civil War in Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address

Abstract The American Civil War occurred between 1861 and 1865. Without a doubt, it is one of the darkest political upheavals in the history of the United States. However, the remarkable war led to the collapse of the Confederacy States thus making it easier for the leaders to bring the...

McDonald’s Performance in 2011 and Next 5 Years

Introduction McDonald’s is the most prominent foodservice merchant globally. The foodservice dealer owns more than 33,500 local cafeterias. McDonald’s serves approximately 68 million customers in 119 nations every day (McDonald’s Corporation, 2012). The foodservice retailer owes its success to its systems, which includes its alignment, franchisees, and contractors. It delivers...

Bre-X Company and Indonesia’s Mining Sector

Introduction Bre-X Minerals Ltd forms part of Bre-X, a chain of Canadian-based companies. The Calgary-situation Bre-X Minerals Ltd struck gold in 1995. The company discovered not only the world’s largest but also the most valuable deposits of gold in the heart of the Borneo jungle in Indonesia. As a result,...

Little Havana Health Programs: Caring for Populations

Little Havana is a neighborhood that has sufficient health facilities but lags in terms of health educational programs. The high poverty rate of the region further aggravates the issue, restricting the population from the health insurance and affordable medical services. Community Overview Little Havana is a central neighborhood of Miami-Dade...

Pregnant Women’s Mental Health Difficulties

Pregnant women, as well as females during a postpartum period, are vulnerable and might experience many mental health difficulties ranging from mild anxiety to depression. Mental health conditions affect the physical health which is crucial for a woman who is preparing to give birth to a child. According to research,...

Genesis 28:10-22 and Its Different Meanings

Introduction Genesis 28. 10-22 depicts Jacob’s one-on-one interaction with God in an event that happens during the night in a lonely place. To get the message, which God wants to convey to His people through Moses, who is the writer, and Jacob, the vessel used for proving that He is...

Data Collection Methodology: Information Relevance

Introduction The analysis of the effectiveness of data collection methods used by authors for carrying out certain studies is an important procedure. It helps assess the relevance of the information obtained and their reliability. As the objects of such an analysis, two peer-reviewed articles are examined with different ways of...

Technological Influence on Personal Relationships

Technological development in the sphere of the internet and communications is a distinctive feature of modern society. The significant steps of progress in this area presented people with diverse types of devices during the past decades. Communication is now easily available from any place in the world via multiple messengers,...

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