Work Culture at Netflix

Netflix uses various management systems that have ensured its success. The organization only recruits the most exceptionally skilled individuals who can function independently (Tech Space). The expense of overseeing the team is decreased since the team members keep each other responsible. The organization stresses the importance of results above hours worked for creative tasks. If employees abuse their newfound freedom, they will be dismissed without warning. Netflix recognizes the importance of encouraging its staff to freely share their thoughts and encourages them to do so in the workplace. International expansion helps bring in new clients, assuring the company’s continued growth. Netflix actively seeks the most talented people in the industry to ensure continuous product innovation.

I could keep my concentration if I were allowed some independence and not constantly monitored. I take pride in my work and can do it alone with little oversight. When I go to work, I intend to do all in my power to guarantee the success of the company for which I am responsible. Furthermore, I strive to set a good example for my coworkers and will not take advantage of any freedoms afforded me in the workplace. In addition, I want to inspire my coworkers to show their determination to ensure the company’s development.

If a corporation can assemble a group of skilled individuals, the talent density of the company’s workforce will be rather high. Netflix invests substantially in its culture because it believes a great workplace is essential to achieving the company’s lofty ambitions (Tech Space). Workplace learning, productivity, and morale all increase when employees are part of a cohesive team. Organizations with a high concentration of talented individuals are more likely to be rewarding places to work that consistently provide market-leading goods and services. This concept would apply to my organization as it brings diversity into the firm, leading to increased production.

Work Cited

Tech Space. “How Netflix Reinvented Work Culture.”, 2021. Accessed 25 Oct. 2022.

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