Step-by-Step Guide on How to Write an Opinion Essay + Examples

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Write an Opinion Essay + Examples

In an opinion essay, you are supposed to express your personal views on a topic, supporting them with evidence. The opinion essay structure typically includes three main parts: an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Each section plays a crucial role in organizing your thoughts and contributes to the overall logical reasoning.

Wondering how to write an opinion essay effectively?

Grab readers’ attention with a strong opening, provide background information, and present your thesis statement clearly. Then, ensure all body paragraphs follow a logical flow and each paragraph focuses on a single argument. Finally, support your opinions with facts and examples.

Pro tip: implement counterarguments to strengthen your position. If you do it correctly, it will only highlight your perspective.

To make the writing process easier, refer to an opinion essay outline example in this article and see how ideas are organized and demonstrated. Planning with a detailed outline guarantees your essay stays on track and meets academic standards. It is especially relevant for beginners to understand the format and structure when crafting a persuasive and well-rounded opinion essay.

🤔 What Is an Opinion Essay?

An opinion essay is a type of work that involves the expression of one’s own opinion, which has become the product of processing facts and arguments. However, this does not mean there should be no argumentation in the essay. It will be a big plus if you have a couple of examples from your own life or the lives of historical figures, illustrating some facts in your stock. Writing an opinion essay requires the author to clearly state his thoughts on any occasion, without excessive water and long reasoning.

Among other things, it should be remembered that, technically, an opinion essay is a formal type of work that many graduates write at the end of their studies. And this means it has its structure and specific writing rules that must be adhered to. To fully understand the meaning of this type of work, try reading a couple of our free essay samples.

❓ What Are the Characteristics of an Opinion?

The opinion is an entirely subjective position formed due to the influence of certain factors on the mind. It can be characterized as a personal judgment, point of view, and not an exact fact. However, an opinion can be valid only if it is supported by actual knowledge. Otherwise, it can be called more of a guess.

❓ What Is a Supported Opinion Essay?

An essay based on a person’s personal opinion implies a clear statement of the author’s thoughts on a specific topic. However, to show understanding of the problem, one should rely on facts, research, or examples from life. A supported opinion essay is precisely when the author’s opinion is based on objective factors.

🎯 The Purpose of an Opinion Essay

An opinion essay is an excellent tool for teaching students how to express their position correctly. And also to test the depth of their knowledge and thinking. An opinion essay can help you to boost your skills:

  1. Ability to convey your thoughts. Regardless of the topic of the essay, the teacher wants to see that his wards, leaving the educational institution, will be independent individuals. Therefore, the student needs to show the ability to convey their thoughts on any occasion.
  2. Competent writing skills. Even in the modern world, writing skills do not lose their relevance. This type of work allows you to form it as efficiently as possible. So if you want to impress your boss, remember to pay attention to grammar and punctuation.
  3. Topic knowledge. Unfortunately, there is no error-free way to test a student’s ability. However, opinion essays allow the teacher to examine everyone and ensure that the topic has been mastered. This is especially true for subjects such as history and literature.

And, of course, you should understand that the purpose of any text is to be read. So just be creative, and you will have a fantastic essay!

Features of opinion essay.

🗝️ Key Features of an Opinion Essay

Like any other type of writing, an opinion essay has characteristics that make it unique. And, of course, to compose a competent text, you need to know about them.

  • Focus on the author’s clear and well-reasoned subjective opinion. All proofs, as well as the conclusion, are based on it.
  • Logical-based structure. Moreover, it entirely depends on the intentions of the writer.
  • Examples and arguments come primarily from personal experience. However, an author may use history and social life quotes and examples of literary heroes to prove their position.
  • Speech instruments used. As an author, you will benefit significantly from using a variety of speech constructs. They can help you influence other people. Connecting constructs and clear speech will keep the reader interested and get the most out of the reader.

You just need to get used to all the features to get a little practice. You will succeed!

⚖️ Argumentative, Opinion or Persuasive Essay: the Difference

Before proceeding directly to writing the text, it is worth learning one more important thing. Even towards the end of high school, many people confuse opinion and persuasive essays. These papers look similar.

To help you distinguish the argumentative, opinion, and persuasive essays, we prepare a table of comparisons where you can easily indicate the difference between these papers:

Criteria Opinion Essay Persuasive Essay Argumentative Essay
Purpose To provide the author’s opinion To convince audience To prove a point
General technique To explain an opinion and provide arguments supporting this point of view Opinions and supporting arguments aimed to convince the audience why this point of view is right Credible evidence must support and prove the author’s arguments validity
Point of view First-person First-person and second-person Third-person
Support Author’s opinion and feelings Author’s opinion and feelings Facts, data, evidence, expert quotes

🖊️ How to Write an Opinion Essay

Now let’s move on to which sections the essay consists of and how it should be written. You can safely use this information as a synopsis when completing the assignment.

So, the first one!

📃 Opinion Essay Format

As mentioned earlier, a specific opinion essay structure must be followed. Therefore, before you prepare writing, make up a small outline, which will contain all the components of the text and your ideas for their content. So, how to start an opinion essay?

Opinion essay introduction.

How Many Paragraphs is an Opinion Essay?

The standard structure consists of four main parts: an introduction, two body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Nevertheless, if it is not specified in the assignment, it can deviate slightly from such a system. It is pretty standard practice to write three or more body paragraphs. Conversely, if one section fully covers the topic, then the need for other explanations may disappear.

Opinion Essay Introduction

Of course, any text starts with a short opening. This section should summarize the essence of the problem you are writing about. The main task of the introduction is to entice the audience and familiarize them with the paper’s main topic. Therefore, by the first paragraph, a person will build an impression of your talents.

Moreover, remember that the introduction should be catchy. How to write a hook for an opinion essay? In simple words, this is a proposal that should interest the reader and draw his attention. It should be subject-related and relatively accurate. All you have to do is show the reader that the topic of the essay will be critical and even touch it.

Let’s take a look at some opinion essay introduction examples from our authors, in which you can see all the listed components:

  • As Ronald Reagan said in one of his speeches, everyone who advocates abortion has been born. The topic of abortion is very controversial, and people still cannot come to a standard solution. That is why, in this abortion opinion essay, I will try to sort out my thoughts and answer whether abortion is a panacea or a hidden evil.
  • Global warming is a global problem. As Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez aptly put it, we cannot sit back while our planet is on fire. But can one person influence the fate of all humanity? I think so, and in this essay, I will try to explain my position

Of course, these examples are conditional, and you can change them as you need to achieve a quality result.

Opinion Essay: Thesis Statement

The thesis statement is the final sentence of an introduction. It is an integral part of the entire text. And if your essay will be evaluated, then the absence of the thesis will significantly underestimate the point. So how do you write the last sentence competently so that the reader will like it?

At its core, in the thesis, you should summarize everything that you indicated in the introduction and, in a nutshell, make it clear what will be discussed. You are expected to state your position on the issue clearly. And then, the entire text should be directed precisely to reinforce your words.

For example, take this essay topic: “Is globalization a positive phenomenon?” In this case, a good thesis would be “In my opinion, globalization has many more advantages than disadvantages.

See how one small phrase can dramatically improve your overall performance score. Therefore, pay due attention to it!

Opinion essay body paragraphs.

Opinion Essay: Body Paragraphs

Finally, you come to the main body of your essay, namely the argumentation. The body paragraphs of an opinion essay are aimed at correctly explaining the author’s position to the audience. Here you are expected to have good arguments and examples that will become your assistants in proving your case.

Body paragraphs have two parts: an argument and an example supporting what you said. For example, you might say that the lack of responsibility for actions leads to the corruption of the mind and soul. And as an explanation to these words, briefly support your statement with the story of the protagonist of the novel by Jack London, “The Picture of Dorian Gray.”

Moreover, no one limits the number of these same arguments, and often it depends on the maximum volume of the text itself. The standard case is two good arguments, supported by examples from life or literature. Then you can be sure that the reader will correctly understand your idea.

Opinion essay conclusion.

Opinion Essay Conclusion

The end of the text is your business card, which will remain in the teacher’s memory. So let’s get it straight on how to write a conclusion paragraph for an opinion essay.

The main task of the conclusion is to summarize everything that author stated and argued in the essay. In doing so, you should make sure that no new information or these appears at the end of the text. Readers want to see from you a short paraphrase of the text that will summarize everything that has been said.

An essential element is the final sentence of the entire text. It contains your message, which should make the reader think for themselves. It can be in the format of a rhetorical question or the form of a simple statement. You can more accurately understand this when you finish your work.

The last sentence of the opinion essay conclusion example can be: “Of course, schoolchildren have the right to use mobile phones, but do they sufficiently understand what the consequences could be?”. This approach will give your essay some flavor and allow the teacher to see your depth of understanding of the problem.

🔗 Linkers and Transitional Words for Opinion Essay

Connecting structures are an invisible companion for the reader throughout the entire essay. They are also called linkers or transitional words. At their core, these two concepts mean the exact phrases. Their task is to make the text more readable and smoothly translate the reader from one idea to another. Moreover, all these constructions are divided into subgroups depending on their purpose. Let’s take a look at a couple of examples of good transition words for an opinion essay:

  1. To express your opinion:
    1. In my opinion…
    2. I think…
    3. I believe…
    4. It is clear that…, etc.
  2. To express some facts:
    1. It is widely known that…
    2. It is a well-known fact that…
    3. Research has shown that…
    4. There are definitely…
    5. It is a fact that…, etc.

There are also brilliant linkers for opinion essays on these themes:

  1. To express contrast:
    • Although…
    • Despite…
    • In spite of…
    • Whereas…
    • However, etc.
  2. To conclude:
    • To sum up…
    • To conclude…
    • In conclusion…, etc.

Using these constructions, you will significantly increase the consistency of your text and help the reader to perceive it better.

How to write an opinion essay.

💡 Opinion Essay Ideas

Now that you have a basic understanding of writing an essay, let’s look at some good opinion essay topics. Feel free to use them for your creative work and get good points.

💡 30 Opinion Essay Prompts

So, our team has selected 30 excellent opinion essay topics for you. Look for what resonates in your soul and get to work!

  1. Opinion essay: success in life depends on being successful at school. Many of us were assured that it is impossible to reach heights without a good performance at school. What do you think about it?
  2. Mobile phone addiction is the scourge of the 21st century. Give arguments from your life and tell about personal experiences.
  3. Opinion essay about GMO: pros and cons. For many, this topic remains a secret. It’s time to dispel all inaccuracies and find out the whole truth.
  4. Should university study be free? What is your position?
  5. Opinion essay about technologies in our life. What impact do they have?
  6. Compulsory vaccination: pros and cons. If you have any personal experience with this topic, feel free to share it.
  7. Opinion on abortion essay: do people have the right to choose?
  8. US neutrality in World War II: what would have gone differently?
  9. Opinion essay about video games. Is it an addiction or just leisure? What do you think?
  10. Does the motivation from famous people have an effect, or is it a dummy? Do you have an opinion on this matter?
  11. Essay opinion on junk food: how dangerous it is. Everyone was warned that junk food and junk food kill the body, but maybe it’s all about the quantity?
  12. Parenting is the foundation of a child’s success. Do you think that the parents are responsible for the future education and work of their child?
  13. Opinion essay: buy nothing day or Black Friday sales. What do you choose and why?
  14. The advantages of living in a metropolis and a small town. Which would you choose?
  15. Essay: opinion about global warming. Do you think this is a real threat, or is it just a panic among people?
  16. Homemade food or dining out in restaurants? What do you and your family prefer?
  17. Social media impact opinion essay. Billions of people spend their time on social media. What consequences can this have for humanity?
  18. Consequences of increasing the budget for road construction. How will this affect our cities?
  19. Opinion essay: television promotes violence through broadcasting abusive behavior. Do you agree with this thesis?
  20. Humanity is destroying the ecosystem and making the earth uninhabitable. What arguments can be for and against?
  21. Opinion essay about homework: is this system outdated? How do you feel about this from a student’s point of view?
  22. Artists and internet bloggers make vast amounts of money. Do you support this?
  23. Opinion essay about racism in modern life. What are the dangers of this behavior? Tell us about your personal experience or give an example from the community’s life.
  24. Some people dream of changing their place of residence. Do you think that moving to another country will help you in self-realization?
  25. The best profession to choose opinion essay. What are your thoughts? Where would you like to be after finishing your studies?
  26. People prefer online communication over live communication. How do you feel about this trend?
  27. Opinion essay about same-sex marriages. For some people, this is unacceptable. What do you think about it?
  28. How can movies and television affect human behavior? Do you think certain viewing films should be limited for people with a weak mentality?
  29. Opinion essay about immigration. Should the state provide maximum assistance to everyone who wants to get into it?
  30. Should people be allowed to carry weapons with them? What restrictions can be used, in your opinion?

These themes are ideal for getting good results.

👨‍🎓 Opinion Essay Examples

Now let’s look at some small sample essays from our authors. You can see all the listed components and highlight some interesting ideas for yourself!

Climate change opinion essay, truth or fiction? (250 words)

Climate change has been heading the news for decades. Almost everyone is puzzled by this problem in the modern world, but is there any reason to believe that this is just exaggerated media panic? I think not, and in this essay, I will try to explain my position.

The first thing worth paying attention to is the changes that we can see every day. But nature is changing, and this is noticeable with the naked eye.

For example, you can look at how the temperature regime has changed over the past decades. In my region, real winter began in the last days of November. Then the temperature dropped to zero, and there was already snow outside the window. However, I would be thrilled to see snowfall this year, at least at Christmas. This raises questions about the veracity of statements from the media and various organizations.

You should also look at the publicly available facts. International organizations conduct ongoing research, which clearly shows that the climate is changing, and it is difficult to fix it.

One of the most respected teams, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), regularly issues climate change reports. And in them, you can see what reasons for this and what it can lead to. This is excellent and detailed work that deserves everyone’s attention.

In summary, we can say that climate change can be seen with the naked eye. This problem affects all people on the planet, and to ignore it is to expose yourself to great danger. Humanity is destroying our world, and can we deny it?

Opinion on death penalty essay, is it moral? (300 words)

Many international treaties have long banned the death penalty, but this does not prevent several countries from regularly using it against criminals. I think this is a terrible practice that has no place in our civilized world.

The argument for this may be the simple idea that every creature has a right to life. And this right cannot be taken away under any condition because you can take a dangerous path by creating an incident.

One Russian scientist Andrei Sakharov spoke very accurately about this: “The existence of the institution of the death penalty dehumanizes society. I spoke out and am opposed to the death penalty also because this punishment provides for the presence of a constantly terrible apparatus of executors, the whole institution of the death penalty ”. I fully support his words because there is no reason not to kill the second after killing once.

It should also be understood that people sentenced to death are not always, in fact, guilty. There is a miscarriage of justice, and no one can be insured against it.

The most resonant was the story from 1949. Timothy Evans was hanged on charges of murdering his pregnant wife and two-year-old daughter. Four years later, it wasn’t until serial killer John Christie, who had testified in court against Evans, confessed to the murder. He was hanged, and Timothy Evans was posthumously rehabilitated. The Timothy Evans case is one of the most remarkable stories in the death penalty dispute.

To summarize, I can say that there are many reasons for the absolute ban on the death penalty in the world. This is not only inhuman but can lead to unnecessary deaths. Fighting crime in this way, the people who defend the law themselves break it.

Opinion essay on smoking: should the state intervene? (300 words)

Smoking is a global problem. Experts predict that in the coming decades, the number of smokers will reach one billion people worldwide. In my opinion, governments should take strict measures to limit nicotine use among the population.

Firstly, smoking poses enormous hardships for addicts. All this can increase the number of cancer patients and people suffering from heart and lung diseases. At the same time, it can be tough to give up cigarettes on your own.

We all understand that nicotine in quantities that a person receives from cigarettes is not characteristic of the body. Therefore, our body can react in an extraordinary way to its appearance. An example may well be my family, suffering from heart problems for several generations. All men, from my great-grandfather to my father, visit doctors all the time. And they all have one reason – excessive smoking. At the same time, they cannot quit smoking on their own due to a banal addiction.

Secondly, smokers can damage the health of other people nearby.

It is a well-known fact that secondhand smoke is no less harmful than the regular use of nicotine. And unfortunately, non-smokers, in most cases, have no choice. You can see it yourself in everyday life. People who are forced to breathe smoke while sitting at bus stops or in public places simply cannot do anything about it. The only way to help them is to introduce more and more restrictions from the state.

So, in conclusion, we can say that smoking is not only a problem for the person addicted to cigarettes. Everyone suffers from this, from his family to strangers around him. Unfortunately, these difficulties cannot be resolved on their own. But is the state and society doing enough to help people with addiction?

📎 References