Fad Diets: Opinions, Comments, Responses

Diets are a relevant topic for both men and women, and even for children. Along with this, it is also necessary to understand that predisposition to obesity depends not only on genetics but also on gender and ethnicity (Hernandez et al., 2017). I agree with Rayon that it is essential to consider your body height and proportions because muscle mass looks different on various figures. Two people can be the same height and weight, but they can look very different depending on their body structure, fat, and muscle volume. Ryan, what do you think is the increasing importance of social media to fad diets becoming frequently popular among young people? You listed other diets over the last century in your answer. Which one would you like to try besides the one you named, and why?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a quick and easy way to compare your weight to your height. Kevin admits that safe weight loss should consider the proper calculation of this index, which I cannot argue with either. In wanting to drop a couple of pounds, you need to focus not on the speed of the process but on the degree of impact on the body and how safe and healthy it will be. It is possible to lose weight quickly, but it will take a very long time to recover from the wrong diets. It is also interesting that Kevin says he unknowingly adheres to intermittent fasting. If you think about it, there are so many kinds of diets invented in the world that almost everyone’s way of eating can be adjusted to one form or another. Kevin, what can you say about actors losing or gaining weight for a role, and do you think their actions are justified?


Hernandez, D. C., Reesor, L. M., & Murillo, R. (2017). Food insecurity and adult overweight/obesity: Gender and race/ethnic disparities. Appetite, 117, 373-378.

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StudyCorgi. "Fad Diets: Opinions, Comments, Responses." July 25, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/fad-diets-opinions-comments-responses/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Fad Diets: Opinions, Comments, Responses." July 25, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/fad-diets-opinions-comments-responses/.

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