Cultural Competence in Filipino Health Care: A Holistic Approach


Cultural competence has become a major initiative that is essential in the delivery of health care; it involves a multidisciplinary approach in the provision of care to people based on their cultural orientation (Purnell, 2002). Purnell’s Model of cultural competence provides a framework that can be used to design a holistic care plan that addresses multicultural diversity and disparities that may exist based on race or ethnic orientation.


The ethnic origin of Filipinos is the Philippines and they are categorized as being of Asian descent. Currently, they are found in different states in the U.S. Their social organization is marked by high interdependence and social cohesiveness.

Health Care Needs

The Filipinos have high health disparities compared to whites and other Asian groups. For example, diabetes and hypertension are higher among the Filipinos compared to other Asians. According to a report by Araneta, Sario, Lee, and Quach (n.d.), 50% of Filipinos are in the overweight and obese category with a BMI of above 25. This is attributed to their diets that are saturated with fat, rich in meat, excessive fast foods, and low physical activity. As a result, the highest priority health needs are hypertension, high cholesterol, and diabetes.

Health Care Professionals

An interdisciplinary approach will be used. The care plan will be implemented in conjunction with community resources, not-for-profit organizations, governmental organizations, nursing health and care associations, religious organizations, and healthcare centers. The roles of the interdisciplinary team will be:

  1. Medication management
  2. Follow up of patients
  3. Helping patients to adhere to blood glucose control plans
  4. Monitoring blood pressure on a routine basis
  5. Monitor the adherence to prescribed drugs and diet formulations
  6. Increasing the physical exercise
  7. Spiritual nourishment and counseling

Community resources include the physical exercise centers; their role will be to help the identified Filipinos in the physical exercise. The healthcare centers are to ensure personalized treatment and provide extension services to monitor the health progress of the identified people.

Governmental organizations such as the public health department will be tasked with policy processes and logistics. The not-for-profit organizations are to create awareness, lobby for funds, and in the intervention processes. Most of the Filipinos are Christians; therefore, it is easy to reach and sensitize them about the health care interventions by liaising with religious organizations.

Other Health Care Professionals

Naturopathic doctors preferably of Filipino origin will be involved in the initiative because the Filipinos put a lot of focus on traditional healing methods. Dieticians and nutritionists will be required to assist in both the preventive and curative care; the health priority needs are related to diet; hence, a care plan should incorporate the professionals. Physicians and pharmacists will also be included in the care plan to provide biomedical interventions.

Healthcare Beliefs and Practices

Filipinos believe in cultural healers who combine the use of herbal treatment and supernatural powers. However, for most Filipinos born in the U.S., the major form of treatment is biomedical. Among the elderly, there is a high tendency to seek traditional remedies before going to doctors. The culture seeks acute treatment; Filipinos visit doctors when the condition has already worsened. The majority of the Filipinos are Christians, approximately 80% being Catholics. Their healthcare beliefs are partly dictated by religious teachings. In addition, caring for one another is a skill that is learned in the course of the developmental stages. There is respect for the elderly and authority that is integrated into the social network.

Barriers to Health Care

The individual practices that may compromise the care include smoking, alcoholism, and sedentary lifestyles. Also, there is the language barrier in which the level of miscommunication between the patient and the healthcare providers is very high because English is a second language.


Araneta, C., Sario, S., Lee, J., & Quach,T. (n.d.). Understanding Filipino health and increasing awareness for future advocacy. Web.

Purnell, L. (2002). The Purnell model for cultural competence. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 13(3), 193-196.

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