Marriages and family relationships are the forms of conceptual institutions in which different personalities play roles to ensure that people of the opposite sexes form spousal unions. These unions are based on psychological functions that deal with mental and emotional parts of human beings.
A keen examination on the composition of relationships reveals that science also plays a vital role in the development of mental and emotional faculties. Marriage is a formally and/or legally recognized union of two people of opposite sexes, usually an adult man and a woman.
A successful marriage is expected to meet physical, financial, emotional, and psychological needs of both individuals. To realize the validity, authority, love, care, respect, and cohesion in a union, these factors should remain in harmony. Relationship is a connection of two people who have a common character or objective. This essay examines the significance of scientifically based knowledge on marriages and family relationships with a view of establishing how good choices increase longevity.
Escaping Responsibilities by Young Generation
The young generation avoids committed relationships. Most of the individuals whose age falls under this category cannot manage serious relationships that can lead to marriage. A mismatch of needs, characters, values, and dreams usually exists between young partners. This situation makes them unwilling to compromise their characters and values for committed relationships. Apparently, some people are even contented with their status of living separately.
They fear succumbing to pressure of emotional needs, financial responsibility, and cultural restraints. As a result, this situation results in development of a procrastination culture amongst the young people. There is a feeling that marrying at a later age can enhance longevity due to lack of stress. However, there is no correlation between late marriage and stress-free life as most young people perceive. Therefore, commitment plays a pivotal function to ensure that a relationship lasts for a long time (Benokraitis, 1993, p. 189).
Health and Longevity of Families
Stable families or relationships are characterized by inculcated positive elements such as emotional support, stress-free environment, good nutrition, and better medication. Numerous researchers attest that poor social relations and marriages result in increased mortality rates. There is a high risk of death amongst couples or even children who undergo emotional trauma due to stress that results from marriage or relationship wrangles.
Lively couples who share their feelings with one another tend to live longer than their counterparts who spend most of their married life quarreling. Specific health conditions such as artery diseases, cancer, blood pressure, and preclinical states are because of marriage wrangles.
Science provides remedy through medication research; hence, a boost in healthy living is realized amongst couples. This situation calls for a need for married couples to understand factors that affect their relationship such as gender, age category, social class, and ethnic background (Benokraitis, 1993, p. 330).

Figure 1 above shows a family that participates in a campaign to sensitize people to the significance of strengthening marriages. Good marriage and stable relationships benefit the health of individuals in various ways. For example, children who experience emotional support throughout the environment where they live have improved metabolic, nervous, and general health.
This state of affairs is enhanced through good nutrition, which is later translated to their long adult life. Parents have wide-ranging upbringing choices that determine their children’s long life in the future. However, these choices are only articulated when parents make the right decisions. Through science, access to Medicare is availed to people; hence, longevity is enhanced through medication (Benokraitis, 1993, p. 260).
Knowledge of Science on Sex and Gender Roles
Science brings about a deeper understanding of gender in all aspects. Relevant policies should be put in place to ensure that matters that pertain to discrimination are addressed appropriately. The study of biological components of males and females that define the uniqueness of men and women is identified as sex science. Gender is mentioned when a society distinguishes between sexual differences. Gender comprises roles, norms, and duties that are assigned to men and women (Benokraitis, 1993, p. 77).
Gender has an implication on science through sex, masculinity versus femininity, and gender roles among others. Gender roles come into play in instances where people assume distinct duties based on their sex. For instance, military is for men while childrearing is for women.
Many people remain single due to job commitments and economic stress. For instance, the military and low-income jobs leave little time for family issues. According to Benokraitis (1993), sustainable and long life families are only realized when individuals dedicate time for their marriage and family relationships irrespective of the circumstances of jobs (p. 84).
Science also plays a critical role in gender and sex through the knowledge of body components. Training through socialization enlightens the young on physical freedom, conscience in clothing, and neatness. Science enables people to understand facts about body processes.
Therefore, it enhances people’s confidence, naturalness, and appreciation of their unique identities as human beings. This form of learning enhances the understanding of opposite sexes; hence, sex stereotyping is significantly minimized (Benokraitis, 1993, p. 160). A promotion of long lasting marriages can be realized through acquisition of knowledge about the biological composition of the body.
Discrimination emerges in situations where people fail to understand body science. This situation leads to relationship breakups. For instance, androcentric attitudes that are portrayed by men make women feel inferior; hence, they perceive themselves as sexual objects. This poor sexual expression by men forces most couples to part ways. Ignorance of the science of body components and failure to appreciate their functions can lead to poor childcare by parents, elevated abortion cases, and homosexuality (Benokraitis, 1993, p. 160).
In conclusion, the choices that individuals make dictate the appropriateness and longevity of marriages and relationships. A host of factors that cut across cultural, emotional, physical, psychological components as well as environmental, status, and scientific issues have to be considered prior to decisions that determine the choice of a life partner.
Scientifically based knowledge is also a significant aspect of marriages and family relationships. Partners should understand and appreciate the uniqueness and functioning of bodily components. This knowledge is crucial for parenting, as parents need to educate their children on various aspects of their body in a bid to prepare them for future life.
Benokraitis, N. (1993). Marriages and families: Changes, Choices, and Constraints. Harlow, England: Prentice Hall.