The Army’s Professional Culture and Human Resources

Throughout the whole Army White Paper, The Profession of Arms, the Human Resources Sergeant’s significance is clear. The importance of a Human Resources Sergeant’s duty will be discussed in the following essay through a variety of examples and different areas of responsibility. The Human Resources Sergeant is essential to operations in many different aspects of day-to-day Army life, including additional responsibilities, helping commanders with their interest programs, and everything in between.

What It Means to be a Profession

A profession is a complex concept to define since it includes the principles, ethos, and cultural elements found in laws and creeds. These guiding principles must be understood by an Army leader, who must then adopt them and put them into action in every situation (Finney, 2022). They provide the foundation for preserving the Profession of Arms in addition to serving as an example of what a soldier is. The armed protection of the society, its territory, its people, and its vital interests is the most fundamental duty of the profession of arms. The profession of arms is, in its purest form, all about war and fighting. The preparation for and conduct of war, which includes securing the military victory up until political peace is restored, constitute the primary missions of the Armed Forces. The organization, supply, and training of the Army are all based on the warfighting mission.

The Balancing Role

Since the U.S. Army was professionalized in the second half of the 19th century, balancing the function of the Professional Leader has been a problem for the Army. A huge force like the Army has been difficult for the Army to balance. The Army lacks the ability to send Soldiers where they are needed when the system is out of balance. The relationship between the Army’s culture, climate, and institutional practices must be balanced by Army officials. The mindset of the soldiers in the Army is greatly impacted by a healthy balance. Their actions or inactions have a long-term impact on the environment and culture of the Army, as well as the four fields of expertise and the five essential characteristics of the profession (Finney, 2022). It is crucial that Soldiers comprehend that their function is a calling and not just a job since these activities affect how soldiers perceive themselves as serving professionals who have heeded the call to serve the republic.

The Army Professional Culture

The Army’s ability to perform is heavily impacted by professional culture. Soldiers must share a set of similar objectives, guiding beliefs, and moral standards. For every soldier, these convictions run deep and are indisputable. The soldiers feel a sense of unity and team spirit since they share a common environment as a group (Finney, 2022). This enables individuals to confront challenging situations and fight for their values. Freedom, justice, and equality are three ideals shared by all people that are reflected in the professional culture of the Army (U.S. Army, 2010). It entails taking an active civic role that prepares individuals to defend their nation. These traits also include fortitude and tenacity. All of this contributes to the troops’ shared professional identity.

The HR Sergeant’s Role in the Army Profession

There is no denying that HR sergeants play a crucial and significant function in the military. These people guide soldiers through difficult times and quickly spot those who require assistance. Sergeants in HR represent ethical behavior; they support others in reinforcing these principles so that they can cope with challenging service more readily (U.S. Army, 2010). Additionally, those in this line of work are adept at building a sense of unity among the group and directing it in the proper direction. As a result, the Army becomes more cohesive and prepared for the required tasks (Finney, 2022). People develop interpersonal skills and learn to tap into their inner resources. HR sergeants help to mold and support soldiers both as an individual and as a group in this way.


Finney, N. K. (2022). The Profession of Arms. In Understanding the US Military (pp. 271-287). Routledge.

U.S. Army (2010). An army white paper: The profession of arms. U.S. Army.

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