254 African American Essay Topics

🏆 Best African American Essay Topics

✍️ African American Essay Topics for College

  1. Alice Walker’s ‘Everyday Use’: Heritage Conflict in African American Family
    “Everyday Use” is a short story authored by Alice Walker. The story is told in the first person by an African American woman known as Mama.
  2. Contrasts the Chinese American Culture With the African American Culture
    This paper compares and contrasts the Chinese American culture with the African American culture. Just like African Americans, Chinese Americans tend towards more traditional values.
  3. African American Students’ Perceptions of Higher Education Barriers
    The topic that will be explored in the current study is the barriers that African American women face in higher education settings.
  4. African American and Samoan Cultures
    The paper discusses African American and Samoan cultures. They are characterized by the presence of their traditions, worldviews, religions, and attitudes.
  5. Harlem Renaissance: Impact on Religion, Family, Art, and Music
    The research paper will answer the question of the influence of the Harlem Renaissance on the progress of African American society in terms of religion and family.
  6. African American Studies: Political Socialization
    The dual process of political socialization can be defined as the acquisition of political views from a combined overview of self and others.
  7. How African Americans Change the Sport?
    This paper going to take a trip to the past and explored the barriers and problems that African-Americans had to face in order to be included in American sports.
  8. Oppression and Identity in Chesnutt’s “The Wife of His Youth”
    The years of slavery in the USA provoked a lot of social problems and contradictions which were not resolved even after the years of the Civil War.
  9. Aesthetics in African and African American Art
    To connect to their ancestral land and their blackness, many African American artists incorporated stylistic elements of visual arts from African art in their works.
  10. Health Status of the African Americans
    The current paper seeks to focus on the health status of African Americans group and decipher whether disparity prevails.
  11. The African American Art Expression
    Nowadays the existence of art is independent and democratic throughout the world unlike America’s 20th century battles for African Americans’ art implementation the way they saw it.
  12. African American Stereotype Threat
    The present paper reveals the reasons for and outcomes of the stereotype threat and emphasizes the prospective advantages of such a kind of influence.
  13. Single African American Parents: Literature Review
    Parenting among single African American women poses serious challenges. This paper reviews existing literature to understand what other scholars have found out in this field.
  14. African American Expressive Culture
    The belonging to the American and African culture at the same time made me more inclinable and amiable towards other cultures.
  15. African American Musical Styles and Its Influence on the American Culture
    This paper seeks to discuss how the African American musical styles influenced American society’s social and cultural developments.
  16. Wilson and Hughes’ Portrayal of African Americans
    The twentieth century was the era of the African-American cultural movements and numerous, besides, successful attempts of African- Americans to present themselves.
  17. African American Women’s Status in Higher Education
    In the field of higher education in the United States, activities of public administrators are directed toward improving the availability of higher education for African Americans.
  18. African Americans in Politics: Media Representation and Its Effects
    This paper provides a discussion on African American politics and generally looks at how African Americans are represented in the media.
  19. The Warmth of Other Suns: Isabel Wilkerson’s Accounts of African American Relocation
    Wilkerson’s book The Warmth of Other Suns, an exploration of the Great Migration, highlights firsthand accounts of African Americans fleeing racial oppression.
  20. “The African: Many Rivers to Cross” – PBS Documentary on African American History
    Both episodes of PBS’s ‘The African: Many Rivers to Cross’, an exploration of African American history, present an account of slavery through modern times.
  21. African American vs. Other People of Color Experience
    The United States population is characterized as diverse and heterogeneous due to its inclusion of nations from various ethnic and racial backgrounds.
  22. The African American Entrepreneurship Development Program
    The African American Entrepreneurship Development Program must include a comprehensive evaluation process to ensure its success.
  23. The March for Equality: African American Struggle for Civil Rights
    The walk on Selma that occurred in Alabama in March 1965 was a critical Black History event for the United States as it directly impacted the achievement of equal rights.
  24. Health Disparities Among African Americans in the US
    The paper analyzes the health status of black people residing in the United States. Black people are exposed to health risks as a result of the disparities.
  25. African American History Up to 1865
    Until 1865, people of African origin were enslaved in the United States, particularly in the southern jurisdictions; this period is known as African-American history.
  26. African Americans in the USA: Transformation 1941-1980
    There is a claim that from 1941 to 1980, fundamental changes took place in American society, which contributed to a change in the position of African Americans.
  27. The Great Migration and World War I’s Impact on African Americans
    The Great Migration and World War I have been a time of significant change for African Americans, not just tricky times.
  28. Racism Against African Americans and Its Effects
    Racism has significantly affected African-Americans’ social status due to negative perceptions and biases held concerning them.
  29. The History of African American Slavery
    The fact that African Americans were taken captive and brought to America as enslaved gave them an unfair start in the country.
  30. Injustices Faced by African American People Since Slavery
    The paper states that African Americans experienced a great deal of racial discrimination, which diminished their confidence among whites.
  31. Poverty and Homelessness Among African Americans
    Even though the U.S. is wealthy and prosperous by global measures, poverty has persisted in the area, with Blacks accounting for a larger share.
  32. The Experience of African Americans
    It is essential to examine the African American experience during the colonial period, the Revolutionary Era, the New Nation of Sectionalism, the Civil War, and Reconstruction.
  33. The Christian African American Community’s Care Issues
    The African American population is very diversified and presents several ethical and policy issues related to care coordination.

đź‘Ť Good African American Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. The Influence of the African American Civil Rights Movement on Other Groups
    The Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s began the struggle for freedom and equality, whose ideas remain relevant in today’s America.
  2. African American Civil Rights Movement
    The growth of the anti-racist and pacifist movements in the United States was reflected in the sentiments of African American fighters for Civil Rights.
  3. How Racelessness Can Lead to the Success of African Americans
    The paper will discuss how rampant racism was preventing U.S. society in the 1960s from progressing forward as a nation.
  4. The African American Community
    African Americans form a unique population in the wider American community. They exhibit unique cultural and religious attributes or practices that define who they are.
  5. Historical Trauma in Native Americans and African Americans
    Comparing and contrasting the historical trauma of Native Americans and African Americans provides an opportunity to see similarities in their life experiences.
  6. African Americans’ Life in 1900
    Led by industrialization and related to its migration, many race problems appeared in during 1900 period especially for African Americans.
  7. African American Cultural Group’s Attributes
    The paper explores the nature and attributes of African American culture. It examines the types of oppression and privileges the community has encountered.
  8. The Emancipation in the Political and Economic Status of African Americans
    The emancipation proclamation led to the freeing of African Americans and gave them the right to participate in the political and election processes.
  9. Homelessness and Racial Disparities of African Americans
    African Americans possess the highest rate of homelessness and racial disparities in America, with the resultant causes and effects being the legacy of slavery and poverty.
  10. How Colorism Has Affected African Americans in Today’s Society
    Skin tone stratification continually shapes African Americans’ life experiences. Colorism affects all critical elements in the lives of black people.
  11. African American Children Suffering From Anxiety and Depression
    Depression and anxiety are common among African American children and adolescents, and they face significant barriers to receiving care and treatment.
  12. Racelessness and the Success of African Americans
    According to Mason, the theory of racelessness is founded on two alternative philosophical positions on race: eliminativism and skepticism.
  13. African American Studies: Black Lives Matter
    “Black lives matter” is not merely a slogan; it is a protest against the dehumanizing conditions American society perpetuates against its black populace.
  14. Negative Racial Stereotypes of African American
    The death of African American George Floyd after being detained by the police provoked protests and riots not only across America but also beyond its borders.
  15. African Americans: Racial and Class Exclusion
    Racial and class exclusion is a failure of integration of proper structural changes rather than the culture of poverty among African Americans.
  16. Incarceration Mass Act Among African American Males
    Mass incarceration of male African Americans is a common scenario in the US. The likelihood of black American men being arrested is higher than any other group.
  17. Healthcare Disparity in the African American Community
    The paper analyzes health care disparity focusing on recently published medical journals with a focus on the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts on the African American community.
  18. The History of Relationships Between Police and African Americans
    The paper describes the necessity to spread the knowledge of racism’s history and discuss it to ensure the next generations’ tolerance.
  19. African American Slavery in Case of Harriet Jacobs
    This paper reviews life for Harriet Jacobs and other slaves, how African Americans were treated, and how Harriet Jacobs and other slaves coped with the bondage.
  20. History of African American Slavery
    Before the introduction of the slave trade, Africans who lived in West Africa had diverse and rich histories of their culture.
  21. “Space Is the Place”: Reflecting the African American Culture in Cinematography
    This paper reviews the film “Space is the Place” and reflects on its spreading equality idea. It concerns the influence on the perception of the Afro-American culture.
  22. African American Civil Rights Movements: Lessons Learned
    The African American civil rights movements played a significant role in the push for changes and new legislation, they emerged a society that has humanity towards individuals.
  23. African Americans’ Impact on the Civil War
    This paper examines the influence of African Americans on the course and outcomes of the Civil War in the United States of America.
  24. Analysis of Three Poems Written by African Americans
    Literary works created by African American writers during the era of angry social complaints against racial profiling share many similarities in terms of structure and themes.
  25. The Civil Rights Movement: Impact on the African American Citizens
    By building the Civil Rights Movement, African Americans managed to change not only the legal standards but also the social perspective, gaining the recognition that they deserved.
  26. Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the African American Communities
    This paper analyzes how the COVID-19 pandemic affected the economic aspect of the African American communities. A female and two males were interviewed.
  27. The Gilded Age and Modern Oppression of African Americans
    The continuing killings of African Americans by the police show that there is still a problem with the fair treatment of black people in the country.
  28. African Americans Struggle to Achieve Equality in America
    African Americans’ struggle to achieve equality underscores the foundation of democracy and equality in America, and this essay will encompass the path to equality since 1865.
  29. Southern and African American Literature’s Characteristics
    There are the traditional and family-oriented Southern themes, with emphasis on concrete imagery, grotesque humor, and the Southern gothic.
  30. Changing the American Dream of Immigrants and African Americans
    The position of African Americans and other immigrants was not the same throughout US history, denoting that they had different dreams during various periods.

🌶️ African American Topics to Write About

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. African American Culture and Identity in Visual Arts
    During the colonial period, African American art was marginalized, facing a lot of controversies; however, present today, the Africa American culture is popular distinct culture.
  2. Domestic Violence in the African American Community
    Black women have suffered domestic violence mostly because of gender, race, and poverty, the poor economic conditions have fueled domestic violence in families and fighting.
  3. The Civil War and the Status of African Americans
    The paper discusses the outcomes of the Civil War that considerably changed the status of African Americans in American society.
  4. Zora Neale Hurston and African American
    In 1917s, the great migration of the black community from the South part of the U.S. caused over 1.5 million African Americans to move in just 25 years.
  5. African American Soldiers and the Civil War
    African American soldiers played an essential role in the American Civil War. The white Northerners accepted emancipation and allowed African Americans to participate in the war.
  6. African American Women & Higher Education – Literature Review
    The annotated bibliography’s purpose is to analyze the unique experiences of African American women’s racial abuse and microaggressions in different workplaces.
  7. What Effect Did the World War II Wartime Experience Have on African Americans?
    World War II was the battle of all races: white, Asian, and Black people. This essay will discover whether they were treated differently during and after the initial strife.
  8. African American Experience During the Harlem Renaissance
    The essay discusses the life of African Americans during the Harlem Renaissance and examines how the poems reflect that experience.
  9. Overview of African Americans’ Genetic Diseases
    African Americans are more likely to suffer from certain diseases than white Americans, according to numerous studies.
  10. Police Brutality on African Americans
    Police brutality against African Americans has been on the rise even after several constitutional and legal reforms made by the country to control it.
  11. African American Genomes Largest Study
    The study allows historians to look more closely at the conditions of the slave trade and establish new facts, using DNA analysis techniques to help in investigating.
  12. Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois Fighting Discrimination Against African Americans
    Washington prioritized education as the vehicle for African American people to gain independence, whereas Du Bois emphasized the significance of political involvement.
  13. African American Women With HIV in the United States
    This paper aims to determine factors that can influence treatment compliance among African American women and provide support during the treatment process.
  14. African Americans: Participation in the Civil War
    According to the research paper, African Americans were doing their utmost in order to prevent slavery during the Civil War.
  15. Aspects of African American Culture
    The paper states that African Americans historically have expressed themselves through art, shaping the American cultural landscape.
  16. African American Families in Poverty
    Even though the United States declares the equality of white and black people quite often, the socio-economic situation of African Americans still need changes for the better.
  17. African American Women Struggle: Phenomenological Approach
    This research takes a qualitative interpretative phenomenology approach to study the barriers that African-American women face when obtaining higher education.
  18. Civil Rights Struggle of African Americans
    This paper aims to analyze three primary sources to reveal in detail the various aspects of the struggle for African Americans’ rights.
  19. Advocacy Campaign for Hypertension in African American Population
    The paper argues health risks can be eliminated with the help of thoroughly designed and successfully implemented health advocacy campaigns.
  20. Health Outcomes of African Americans With Hypertension
    This paper looks at various issues regarding hypertension and how best health care providers can deal with hypertension as a menace to society.
  21. Healthcare System for Native and African Americans
    This paper discusses historical events contributing to mistrust of the health care system and steps to reduce health disparities among Native Americans and African Americans.
  22. HIV Treatment Compliance and Social Support Among African American Women
    HIV is one of the major public health threats. Researchers find that among all the groups of the American population, African-Americans are affected by HIV the most.
  23. Problem of Malaria in the African American Community
    This paper examines how Community-Based Participatory Research will be used to address the problem of malaria in the African American community.
  24. African American Cultural Group’s Health Beliefs
    The African American community is the second-largest minority ethnic community in the US. Many African Americans are increasingly becoming aware of modern healthcare options.
  25. Treatment Compliance Among African American Women With HIV
    This study looks into how African American women relate to HIV in terms of treatment and the social support offered to those living with HIV.
  26. HIV Treatment in the African American Women
    The research is important for finding out the connections between social support and HIV treatment in the African American women population, which is the most affected.
  27. Religion and Its Role Among African Americans
    Religion has become a shared platform where African Americans could support their fellows and contribute to their communities.
  28. African American Women and Cancer
    The existing disparities regarding healthcare services provision in the United States is a critical issue related to such phenomena as racial and gender discrimination.
  29. Police Brutality Against African Americans and Media Portrayal
    Police brutality toward the African-American population of the United States is an issue that has received nationwide publicity in recent years.
  30. Police Violence Against African Americans in the USA
    The statistic shows that the violence from law enforcement officials causes thousands of deaths of black men in the USA.

🎓 Interesting African American Research Paper Topics

  1. Cultural Identity Formation of Black Americans and African Americans
    The relations between two cultures that possibly share certain standard features (be it language or parts of history) may seduce one to view them as the same.
  2. The Literature of African American Diaspora
    In the second half and at the end of the 20th century, African American literature revisited some topics that are classic in the African American literary tradition.
  3. Wellness Education Program for African Americans
    A new wellness education program for African Americans will cover the educational needs of the latter concerning healthy prevention practices and management of diabetes.
  4. The Need for Curriculum Change Among African American Students
    The purpose of the study was to determine if schools’ racial composition had a significant impact on the achievement of students in elementary, middle, and high schools.
  5. African American Females’ Experiences in Community Colleges
    Although African American women receive many opportunities to get a degree, there are still some barriers that can be faced by women of color on their path to higher education.
  6. African Americans in the Revolutionary War
    Slavery and its factors such as the lack of basic human and civil rights, severe living conditions resulted in many African Americans joining the Revolutionary War.
  7. Mathematics Performance Among African Americans in Los Angeles
    This essay will act as an advocacy piece for African American students who have registered varying performances in mathematics within the Los Angeles School Department.
  8. Social Sciences: African American Stereotypes
    Dating back to the colonial years of settlement, stereotypes have been part of America, especially after inheriting slavery.
  9. Retention Rates & Modalities Rate of African American Children Aged 4–9
    Students’ learning patterns and the stages of information processing, which students go through, must be observed closely from the very start of the child’s academic life.
  10. African American Population in the United States
    Socioeconomics of the African American population demonstrate that Black American middle class has long since established in the United States.
  11. African American Women and Stroke Education
    The investigations prove that when it comes to stroke education, African American women are the little-informed category.
  12. Retention Rate for African American Women Aged 40-50 in Obtaining Higher Education
    Recent reports have shown, that the retention rates among African American students aged 40–50 remain comparatively low despite the latest changes in standards for job applicants.
  13. Africa’s Role for African Americans in Literature
    Africa means the consciousness of having a particular way of doing things. This is because the African culture has so many events which are carried out seasonally.
  14. African American Leadership: Articles Review
    It is very evident from the articles described above that African American leaders had a lot of challenges in the earlier days.
  15. African Americans in Films
    Acquiring equal status in white society gave African Americans a possibility to take part in its social life; this resulted in their self-realizations through literature, music, etc.
  16. African Americans and the Quest for Civil Rights
    The Law proclaimed equal rights for all, African Americans are not slaves any more, and they have the same rights as Native Americans, but still the problem remains.
  17. Major Problems in African American History by T. Holt
    The resistance to slavery seem to have been evolved from the culture and the way the communities interpreted the incidents happening around them.
  18. Single African American Mothers’ Relationship With Adolescent Sons
    The study focused on investigating the experience of single African American mothers of their relationship with their adolescent sons.
  19. HIV Management in African American Residents of Houston, TX
    Due to the drop in health literacy levels among vulnerable groups, along with restricted access to the necessary healthcare resources, the levels of HIV have risen among the specified demographic.
  20. Data Mining Techniques for African American Childhood Obesity Factors
    One of the major healthcare problems that manifest significant racial disparities is obesity. In the US, research suggests that African American children have increased risks of developing the issue.
  21. Lung Cancer Early Screening in African Americans
    New communication policies should be incorporated into the healthcare system in the US to enhance annual CT screening for high-risk patients exposed to smoke and chemical poisons.
  22. Factors Influencing Breast Cancer Screening in Low-Income African Americans in Tennessee
    This article focuses on understanding the factors that are associated with the decision and obstacles to breast cancer screening in African-American women living in Tennessee.
  23. African American Women Education: Barriers Population Faces
    The present phenomenological study involving African American women aims to explore the barriers that the population faces when seeking higher education
  24. Understanding Single African American Mothers’ Challenges with Their Sons
    During the review of the literature, different factors were identified, which may have a direct influence on the relationship between single African American mothers and their adolescent sons.
  25. Healthcare Issues for African Americans: Analysis and Solutions
    The present paper offers the analysis of health problems faced by African Americans and suggests health promotion approaches to reduce the risks.
  26. African American Students’ Civil Rights History
    The Civil Rights movement in the United States has a long history. Starting in the 1950s, this social impetus for change implied taking direct action.
  27. African American Revolutionary Era
    The revolutionary period that took place in the eighteenth century is among the most eventful eras in United States history.
  28. Single African American Mothers: Challenges in Parenting Adolescent Sons
    This project narrows down the focus of the study to single African American females’ experience of being mothers to their adolescent sons.
  29. African American Women’s Education and Barriers
    This qualitative research study will examine cultural, economic, spiritual, and social barriers that African American women face in obtaining higher education.
  30. African American, African and Haitian Heritage Culture
    African American and African cultural group is represented by individuals who live in Africa or in the African Diaspora in the USA. Haitian Heritage’s socio-cultural group includes people from Haiti.

đź“Ś Easy African American Essay Topics

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🌶️ Hot African American Ideas to Write about

đź’ˇ Simple Black Topics to Write about

Stuck with your paper? Explore our free toolkit:
  1. African American: History and the Present
  2. American Society and the Impact of the African American Family
  3. African American Contributions During the Civil War
  4. General Characteristics Afro-American Religion and Its Origins
  5. African American Leaders Post Reconstruction
  6. Overview of African American Artists During the Great Depression
  7. African American Colonial Lifestyle Overview
  8. Analysis of African American Music and Its Impact on American Culture
  9. Causes of Migration of African Americans and Foreign Immigration
  10. African American Paintings During the Harlem Renaissance
  11. African American Integration and Independence
  12. Overview of Stereotypes of African American Youth
  13. African American Males and Disparity in the Justice System
  14. General Information on the African American Civil Rights Movement
  15. African American and Racial Generalization
  16. African American Males and Secondary Education
  17. Abraham Lincoln and the Use of African American Troops
  18. African American Men and the United States Prison System
  19. Analysis of African American Cultural Beliefs
  20. African American Literature and Spirituality
  21. African American Athletes and Their Role in Foreign and Domestic Policy

đź“š Great African American Argumentative Essay Topics

Out of ideas for your paper? Generate them instantly with our toolkit:
  1. The Role of African American Leaders in the Civil Rights Movement and Their Impact on Social Change
  2. Analyzing the Portrayal of African Americans in the Media: Addressing Stereotypes and Promoting Positive Representation
  3. Criminal Justice System and Racial Disparities: Analyzing the Overrepresentation of African Americans in Prisons
  4. The Impact of the Black Lives Matter Movement on Raising Awareness of Police Brutality and Racial Injustice
  5. Future of Racial Equity and Inclusivity in American Society: Strategies for Progress and Unity
  6. Representation of African American History and Figures in School Curricula
  7. Contributions of African Americans to the Fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
  8. African American Churches and Promotion of Social Justice and Community Empowerment
  9. Influence of African American Athletes in Breaking Racial Barriers and Promoting Social Change in Sports
  10. Systemic Racism on the Socioeconomic Status of African Americans in Contemporary Society

âť“ African American Research Questions

  1. How Did African Americans Help the Abolitionist Movement Gain Strength?
  2. Who Was the First African American to Publish a Book?
  3. How Did Black Churches Influence African Americans?
  4. Who Was the First African American President of the Naacp?
  5. Did Any African American Men Sign the Declaration of Independence?
  6. What Is the Origin of the African American People?
  7. How Did the Compromise of 1877 Affect African Americans?
  8. What Is Realism in African American Literature?
  9. What Started the African American Civil Rights Movement?
  10. What Was One Lasting Effect of World War Ii on African Americans?
  11. How Did African American Influence Jazz?
  12. How Did Marcus Garvey Encourage African American Pride?
  13. Why Did the Continental Army Start Recruiting Free African Americans?
  14. Why Was It Unusual That African Americans Supported FDR?
  15. How Did Westward Expansion Affect African American Life?
  16. How Many African Americans Owned Slaves Before the Civil War?
  17. Who Was the First African American Nobel Peace Prize Winner?
  18. How Did Emancipation Affect the Structure of the African American Family?
  19. What Is the Great Migration North by African Americans?
  20. What Contributed to the Expansion of Civil Rights for African Americans After World War Ii?
  21. What Makes African American Culture Unique?
  22. What Did the African Americans Contribute to Society?
  23. How Has African American Culture Influenced Music?
  24. What Were the Best Economic Opportunities for African American Entrepreneurs During the Segregation Era?
  25. Which Amendment Guaranteed Voting Rights to African Americans?
  26. When Did African American Religious Beliefs Become Americanized?
  27. What Is Traditional African American Food?
  28. What Is the Prevalence of African American Males in the Military?
  29. Who Was the First African American to Appear on a U.S. Postage Stamp?
  30. Which Ivy League College Was the First to Employ an African American as President?

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