If you’re looking for Bible essay topics, you’re at the right place! Here, you’ll find a list of biblical research topics and ideas for analytical papers, argumentative writing, and many more. You can even use them as Bible thesis topics and as a starting point for your dissertation research. Interesting Bible essay samples are also waiting for you below!
✝️ TOP 7 Biblical Research Topics
🏆 Best Bible Essay Topics
- Ministry of the Prophets, Bible Prophets and Their PropheciesProphetic ministry at its core is the act of leading and guiding the church based on revelations from God and the gift of the prophecy.
- The Book of Job From the BibleThe Book of Job in the Bible informs why God allows evil in people’s lives through Job’s experiences and has historical and cultural significance to the society.
- Bible History and the InterpretationHistorical awareness is one of the most important aspects that make positive contributions to the interpretation of the Bible and the teachings of the church.
- Laziness and Diligence in the Holy Bible ContextThe Bible discusses the issue of diligence and sloth. The paper looks into this topic and considers how it relates to the subject of wisdom and folly.
- The Tony Evans Bible CommentaryThe Tony Evans Bible Commentary includes an introduction to each book of the Bible, as well as introductory resources and a passage-by-passage exegesis of the entire Bible.
- The Federal Reserve and the Bible RelationshipThe bank is well-equipped to submit any misrepresentation, violating biblical and moral standards. This paper discusses the relationship between the Federal Reserve and the Bible.
- Job’s God from the Bible and Greek Gods from Iliadn the Bible’s story about Job, God’s intervention is limited to allowing Satan destroy Job’s family and possessions, as well as Job’s physical well-being, while the Greek’s Iliad has several interventions from the Gods.
- Worker-Employer Relationship According to BibleJob is an influential part of a person’s life, and employees and employers must build good relationships. The Bible refers to them as interactions between a slave and a master.
- The Bible: Coherent and Unified NatureThis essay will demonstrate the understanding of the coherent and unified nature of the Bible and the theological doctrines.
- The Idea of Government According to the BibleAccording to the Bible, the government should punish all evildoers, provide earthly justice, protection, and act a God’s agent.
- The Bible as a Cultural ObjectIn fact, the Bible serves as a persuasive material instance of rhetoric directing believers to live a faithful life anchored in prayers and continuity of spirituality.
- How the Bible Portrays a Unified StoryThrough an inclusive approach, Bible creates a universal story that relates to everyone but maintains its divine power by revealing the true nature of God.
- Using Prayer and Scripture in CounselingIn the given case study, Chichima, a 20-year-old Christian woman, suffers from depressive symptoms caused by the abortion she did seven months ago.
- Canonization of the BibleThis essay mainly focuses on how the New Testament canon came into existence and how this information affects our way of reading the text.
- Genesis: Creation, Human Identity, and Civilization in the BibleGenesis is the first of 39 books of the Old Testament. It contains the topics of the world’s creation, human identity and relationships, and human civilization.
- God’s Mission and Its Manifestations in Scripture, Church History, and Local ChurchThe evolution of God’s mission, from the biblical creation narrative to modern church practices, reveals its ongoing significance in global and local contexts.
- Christian Evidences of Jesus in the BibleThere are references to him in historical documents from the time period in which he lived, including Roman census records and letters written by first-century historians.
- The Life of Jacobs Son Joseph in the BibleJoseph is the son of Jacob and Rachel, who gave birth to him after seven years of infertility, the father of Menashe and Ephraim, the ancestors of the two tribes of Israel.
- The Bible as a Source of Wisdom and KnowledgeThe Bible is justly considered a source of eternal wisdom and knowledge about every meaningful aspect of daily life.
- The Bible Book of RevelationThe paper discusses the Bible Book of Revelation. John continues to observe the events on earth from multiple angles in Heaven.
- The Role of Ruth’s Character in the ScriptureThrough Ruth, in the Scripture, the redemption of Israel is shown from the perspective of an opportunity to draw closer to God by following the laws of loyalty and obedience.
- Old Testament vs. Epic of Gilgamesh: Dreams, Mortality, and Divine SignsThis paper focuses on the similarities and differences between the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Bible in terms of content, underlying message, and literary context.
- The Divine Origin of Prophetic Bible TextsThe Bible’s divine origin is evident in its fulfilled prophecies and unified message, offering unparalleled spiritual and moral truths.
- Discussion: Is Science in the Bible?The current research paper examines relevant literature on the topic, arguing that the former understanding of science exists and plays a significant role in the Bible.
- The Flood and Creation in the Bible and Myths from MesopotamiaThere are similarities and differences between the biblical flood and creation stories and Mesopotamian myths.
- The Christian Interpretation of the BibleThe paper states that Christians can find comfort in sickness when referring to any of the four narratives in the scripture, which encourages their belief.
- Faith Integration: Bible With ApocryphaReligion is an instrumental component of any society that shapes almost every aspect of human life, including business activities.
- Bible Principles Regarding DebtThe Bible says that a person should pay off his debt because for a Christian, one should live without obligation and not be an owner.
📜 Exciting Bible Thesis Topics
Cannot find engaging bible thesis topics? Do not panic! Our following paragraphs will help you gain knowledge and ideas!
Gender Issues in the New Testament
The New Testament portrays women primarily through Jewish and Greco-Roman gender roles, with their value in procreation. Besides, like in the stories in the Old Testament, the four gospel writers utilized the portrayal of women to critique a loss of faith or lack of understanding in connection to men.
Marriage in the Bible
According to the Bible, marriage is a public, voluntary, sexual, and God-given union of a man and a woman. In other words, it is a lifelong commitment to reflect God’s relationship with people. Besides, the Bible highlights the primary responsibilities of men and women within marriage, where the former is in the position of self-sacrificial headship and the latter — godly submission to their husbands.
Reliability of the Bible
The Bible’s reliability is often debated. However, there is a wide range of evidence that supports its trustworthiness. For instance, archeological discoveries back up what we read in biblical texts, providing context for ancient customs, laws, and beliefs. In addition, non-biblical writers in the ancient Near East or the Greco-Roman sources also correspond with the Bible, forcing many historians to believe in the authenticity of this sacred book.
Laws in the Old Testament
The laws in the Old Testament can be classified into 4 key groups: eternal laws, preparatory or carnal laws, criminal or civil laws, and health or social laws. The Law of Moses primarily consists of these gospel truths and the preparatory or carnal commandments fulfilled by Jesus Christ. As their chief leader, Moses ordered the people to abide by these laws since their violation could result in severe penalties.
Apocalyptic Prophets in the Old Testament
In the Old Testament, prophets such as Isaiah, Ezekiel, Zechariah, Joel, and Malachi touch on apocalyptic themes. They adhere to God’s intervention in the struggle of good against evil. According to the writers, such intervention will not only protect those who suffer but also pass judgment against those who oppressed them.
🎓 Most Interesting Bible Topics to Discuss
- Creation, Man’s Fall, and the Great Flood in “Metamorphoses” of Ovid and the Holy Bible
- Science and the Bible on the Beginning of the Planet
- Bible Interpretation: Steps Involved in Interpretation of New Testament Letters
- Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde vs the Holy Bible: Mysticism and Prevalence of Evil in Humans
- Bible Study: Lessons Learnt From Job Suffering
- Emerson and the Bible: A Major Transcendentalist View of God
- The Bible Among the Myths: Unique Revelation or Just Ancient Literature?
- Christian and Secular Counseling With a Bible Word Study Basis
- Bible vs. Native American Creation Stories From the Southwestern United States
- The Bible and Politics: How Does the Bible Influence Political Thought
- Christian Reputation Through Timothy in the Holy Bible
- Biblical and Christian Love Is Found Throughout the Bible
- Christian Slave Owner’s Justification of Slavery in Harriet Jacob’s “Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl” Contrasted With the Bible’s Views on Slave
- Biblical and Historical Allusion in Barbara Kingsolver’s “The Poisonwood Bible”
- Various Tools Used by the Writers of the Bible
- Comparing and Contrasting the Accounts of the Great Flood in Gilgamesh and the Bible
- Biblical Authority and Christianity: Is the Bible Infallible?
- How the Bible Portrays the Creativity of God
- Making a Big Bang: The Bible and the Creation of the Universe
- Biblical Authority, Inspiration, and Inerrancy of the Bible and the Pote
- The Bible and the Church Have Been the Greatest Stumbling Blocks in the Way of Woman’s Emancipation
- Comparing Charles Darwin’s Version of Creation to the Holy Bible’s Version
- Bibliology: Inspiration and Inerrancy of the Bible
⛪ Other Biblical Thesis Topics
For centuries, the Bible has been a fundamental spiritual guidance for billions of people worldwide, bringing peace, hope, and a sense of purpose.
We have prepared the top 10 fresh biblical thesis topics that may come in handy! Check them out right now to learn more!
- The Peculiarities of Allegory in the Bible.
- Translating the Bible: Main Obstacles and Barriers.
- Exploring the Holy Trinity in the Bible.
- Miracles in the New Testament and Their Major Role.
- The Main Disparities between the Bible and the Koran.
- Biblical Interpretations in the Palestine and Israel Conflict.
- Analyzing Biblical-Theological Approach to Evangelism.
- The Bible: Literary, Spiritual, and Cultural Value.
- Biblical Perspective on the Role of Chaplains.
- The Old and New Testament: Similarities and Differences.
👍 Good Bible Essay Topics to Write About
- Bible Verses About Responsible StewardshipReligious books teach people to put their hope in God but it does not indicate that people should not plan for the future, save, and invest money.
- The Bible: Literary, Historical, and Covenantal PerspectiveThe Bible, comprising 66 books written by 40 authors over approximately 1700 years, is divided into the Old Scripture with 39 books and the New Scripture with 27 books.
- Reflection on Everyday BibleThe “Everyday Bible Study” has offered a plethora of food for thought, particularly in relation to the concepts and notions that are deeply entrenched in the Biblical texts.
- Insomnia in Science and in the BibleLack of sleep, difficulty falling asleep, and nightmares were the source of interest for both scientists and theologists.
- The Bible and the Quran: Key AspectsIn the question of the origin of the universe, the Bible and the Quran are similar. They are also similar in describing humanity because they recognize their highest value.
- The Bible Passage: The Finding of MosesThe paper states that the bible passage The Finding of Moses tells about a Levite woman giving birth to a child and then hiding him.
- Interpretations of the Bible in American HistoryThis paper discusses the importance of faith and redemption in American history, focusing on the views of Finney, a revivalist preacher, and Paine, an American thinker.
- Blessings, Beatitudes, Curses, and Woes in the BibleGod’s word promises that if we accept His instruction to put Him first, the benefits in our lives will grow so great that they will overcome us.
- Seduction of Joseph in the Hebrew Bible and the KoranSeduction plays an important thematic role in the story of Joseph. As a form of temptation, it presents a problem for the spiritual growth and righteousness of faith.
- The Bible of the Poor and the Moses WindowThe Moses windows were created in the 12th century and had many copies worldwide. This analysis will draw parallels between the images and the stories they refer to in the window.
- The Hebrew Bible and the Old TestamentThere is a misunderstanding about the Hebrew Bible. Some people claim that The Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament are two different names used for describing the same book.
- The Flood Stories in the “Epic of Gilgamesh” and the BibleIn the story of Gilgamesh, the gods are presented as supreme beings who cannot forgive rebellion, while in the Bible, God gives a chance to atone for sins.
- The Bible as a Cultural Work for the Time CapsuleThe paper discusses the Bible as a cultural work for the time capsule. It shows the differences in fresh translations of the Bible.
- The Bible: Analysis of 2 Kings Chapters 17-20This paper attempts to examine several Kings’ chapters, namely those between 17 and 20, from historical, cultural and theological points of view.
- The Northern Renaissance and the Reformation BibleThe concept of the Northern Renaissance includes a period of cultural and social transition from the Middle Ages to modernity.
- Thirst for Freedom: The Art of Bible TranslationExodus is a Greek word that means the exit of a large group and is the second book in the Old Testament. The book bases its story on the movement of Israelites out of Egypt.
- Approach to Bible Study in a Survey of the Old TestamentStudying the Old Testament is a fundamental task. Bible is an integral part of the ancient Near Eastern civilization, into which Western students need to dive deeply.
- Scripture as Doctrine of God, Christology, and the Holy SpiritThe statement that the Bible is sufficient means that it is all we need to prepare ourselves for a life of faith and ministry.
- Lystra: The City From the BibleLystra was a city mentioned in the Bible, a location where a number of important events have taken place. This city was of particular significance to Paul.
- What the Bible Means to Me: Holy Bible New International VersionThe Bible which is the core religious text for Christianity is more than a historic narrative, collection of stories, and even a guide on how to be a Christian.
- The Bible and Economy: Sin Stock Aversion and Virtue Stock AffinityMany Christians consider the Bible to be a book that tells about the non-material world and almost nothing about the material one.
- What the Bible Actually Teaches on Women by GilesGiles’ book What the Bible Actually Teaches on Women is a critique of the “complementarian” assertion that women are meant to be subordinates of men in the household and in church.
- The Bible: Images and Portrayals of GodThe Bible presents various images of God, in which he is portrayed from the perspective of the multiple roles he performs and the numerous character descriptions he is attributed.
- Moral Questions of the BibleThis article contains biblical parables and religious texts, as well as their moral context. Special attention is given to the divinely just
- Grand Narrative of Scripture: Cross-Cultural CompetenciesOne of the ways to gain cross-cultural competencies is being acquainted with the Grand Narrative of Scripture.
- Finance, Currency Alternatives, and Money in the BibleThe currency used in all countries nowadays is an example of fiat money, meaning that it lacks intrinsic value.
- Bible Classes, Blessings for Public SchoolsThis paper presents that is important to note that religious education is not an outdated practice, and it still provides a wide range of benefits for both people of faith and atheists.
- Modern Interpretations of the BibleAll his life, Jesus Christ’s preached God’s Word to the people but his sermons written in the Bible are interpreted in different ways nowadays.
- “How to Read the Bible for What It’s Worth” by D. Stewart and G. Fee“How to read the Bible for what it’s worth” written by Gordon Fee and Douglas Stewart is a modern-day revolutionary text that goes into depth describing various aspects of the Holy Bible.
- Bible: The Healing of BartimaeusThe evidence of the importance of the healing has proved the main message of the Gospel: faith is the most important thing, it can cure all injuries.
- Children’s Resilience in Bible and Literature by Mukherjee and FaulknerThis essay discusses the problem of denomination of children the stories of Joseph in the King James Bible, Eng from the story Fathering by Mukherjee, and finally Sarty in The Burning by Faulkner.
- Genesis 28:10-22: Jacob’s Dream and Divine MessagesThe passage of the Bible titled Genesis 28:22-10 narrates about Jacob who was traveling to Haran. When the sun sets, he takes the stone, puts his head on it, and falls asleep.
- “The Bible Among Myths” a Book by John OswaltThe paper looks at the Bible as either a myth or the historical account of people that were trying to record the events happening at the time. It attempts to find an explanation of the word myth.
- The Prophetic Books of the BibleIn this paper, we will explore how the Prophetic Books of the Bible address the problems of social injustice, religious ritualism, and idolatry.
📖 The Interpretation of the Bible: Research Topics
Interpreting the Bible is finding out what God, through his human writers, intended the biblical text to mean and effect. It includes the study of the historical and cultural context of biblical texts, the analysis of their literary features, and the use of hermeneutical and theological methods.
Here are some ideas on the Bible interpretation that you may like to investigate in your research paper:
- The Moral Interpretation of the Bible and Its Features.
- Biblical Hermeneutics: Definition and Main Principles.
- Intertextuality and Its Efficiency in the Bible Interpretation.
- The Use of Reader-Response Criticism in Interpreting Biblical Texts.
- Typological Interpretation of the Old Testament.
💡 Simple Biblical Research Topics
- Contradiction Between the Theory of Evolution and the Bible
- Mothers and Prophets: Feminine Power in the Bible
- Discussing the Bible From Myth to History
- Teaching the Bible’s Stories to Young Children
- How Class and Gender Played a Big Part of the Bible
- Everyman and the Bible: Exploring Good Deeds, Faith, and Salvation
- Creation, Flood, and the Hero in Epic of Gilgamesh and Book of Genesis of the Christian Bible
- Hierarchy and the Disorder of Separation in the Bible
- Repentance Between the Bible and Buddhism
- Born-Again Christian Prophecies Based on the Bible
- The Covenant Between God and the Jewish People in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible
- How Does the Bible Influence Political Thought and Action in Our Culture?
- Exploring the Main Teachings of the Book of Ephesians in the Bible
- Historical Awareness and the Interpretation of the Bible
- It’s Time for More Bible and Less Welfare
- Learning About Forgiveness From the Teachings of the Bible
- Satan’s Actions and Foreshadows as Explained in the Bible
- Can Society Understand the Bible Today?
- Teaching About Abortion and the Sanctity of Life in the Bible
- Caring for the Poor: What the Bible Says
- The Bible and Medieval Concepts of Love, Sex, and Marriage
🏺 The History of the Bible: Research Paper Topics
The Bible covers the story of Earth’s creation from its earliest moments until the rise of Christianity in the first century A.D. The Bible was not immutable: both the Old Testament and the New Testament have changed over the centuries, with the most popular publication of the Bible made by King James in 1611.
Check 5 research paper topics on the Bible history below:
- Translations of the Bible: From the Beginning to the Modern Versions.
- Archaeological Discoveries and Their Impact on Biblical Studies.
- Biblical Languages: The Peculiarities and Evolution.
- The Origin and Composition of Biblical Texts.
- How Did the King James Version of the Bible Contribute to the Historical Field?
🔎 Biblical Topics for Research Papers
- The Theological Themes and Historical Context of the Pauline Epistles
- Moral Teachings in the Gospel of Matthew
- Apocalyptic Imagery and Symbolism in the Book of Revelation
- The Theme of Wisdom in Proverbs, Job, and Ecclesiastes
- The Role of the Psalms in Worship
- The Concept of the Logos in the Gospel of John
- The Davidic Covenant and Its Role in the New and Old Testaments
- The Authorship and Literary Criticism of the Pentateuch
- The Book of Isaiah and Its Relevance in Christianity and Judaism
- Biblical Archaeology: Ancient Artifacts Illuminating the Bible’s Historical Context
📝 Bible Essay Topics for Youth
- The Power of Faith: Evidence from the Bible
- Biblical Principles for Friendship and Dating
- How Does the Bible Portray Social Justice?
- The Book of Daniel: Lessons for Handling Peer Pressure
- Examples of the Importance of Prayer in the Bible
- Biblical Lessons for Coping with Stress and Anxiety
- The Greatest Commandment and Its Practical Applications
- Honoring Parents: The Bible’s Teachings about Family Relationships
- The Power of Forgiveness: Lessons from the Bible
- Biblical Perspectives on Unity and Acceptance as a Way to Embrace Diversity