139 Breast Cancer Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Breast Cancer

✍️ Breast Cancer Essay Topics for College

  1. Bilateral Mastectomy for Breast Cancer Prevention
    One of the options for preventing the development of breast cancer is a bilateral mastectomy. But it may not be a good preventive choice for genetic markers of breast cancer.
  2. Breast Cancer: Diagnostic and Treatment
    Breast cancer is one of the most common oncology disorders among females. It has a complicated chain of immune reactions and various structures identified histologically.
  3. Health-Related Misconceptions Regarding Antiperspirants and Breast Cancer
    There is a myth about the use of antiperspirants, especially aluminum-containing ones, as a risk factor for breast cancer.
  4. Post-operative Breast Cancer Patients With Depression: Annotated Bibliography
    This paper is an annotated bibliography about risk reduction strategies at the point of care: Post-operative breast cancer patients who are experiencing depression.
  5. Herceptin and Breast Cancer Treatment
    Cancer growth is a series of processes that are driven by alterations of genes that bring about the progressive conversion of usual body cells into extremely malignant imitation.
  6. BRCA Gene Mutation and Breast Cancer
    This study aims to determine how BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 gene mutations contribute to breast cancer, to analyze the role of BRCA1 and BRCA 2 in the restoration of the damaged DNA.
  7. Breast Cancer and Exercise. Article Summary
    The research study focused on breast cancer survivors in the Rocky Mountain Cancer Rehabilitation Institute (RMCRI) who had already been treated.
  8. The Risk Factors of Breast Cancer
    This paper will throw light upon what breast cancer is all about, the risk factors, the distribution, and determinants of the same.
  9. Multicausality: Reserpine, Breast Cancer, and Obesity
    All the factors are not significant in the context of the liability to breast cancer development, though their minor influence is undeniable.
  10. Understanding Epigenetic Mechanisms in Breast Cancer
    Human cells become cancerous when they undergo genetic modifications that make them acquire growth and multiplication advantages.
  11. Breast Cancer: Etiology, Signs and Symptoms
    Breast cancer is believed to have claimed many human lives in the last four decades, but its prevalence rate has decreased significantly due to improved disease awareness.
  12. The Epidemiology of Breast Cancer in Young Women
    The researcher has clearly outlined the essence of the referenced study as aimed at reviewing the epidemiology of breast cancer in young women.
  13. Epidemiology of Breast Cancer in UK
    As of 2011, the incidences of breast cancer have been increasing continuously over forty years. Also, there was a general reduction in the rate of mortality caused by breast cancer.
  14. Breast Cancer: Research Review Paper
    Plenty of scholars’ investigations help doctors, nurses, and patients to take precautionary and care measures to improve their physical and psychological condition.
  15. The Relationship Between Breast Cancer and Genes
    Cancer, in general, is a disease caused by genes that have mutated or adapted in a different way than was intended.
  16. Impact of Alcohol Abuse on Breast Cancer Risk in Women
    This paper will examine the effects of alcohol abuse on the development of breast cancer in women to uncover its devastating consequences.
  17. Prophylaxis Breast Cancer
    This paper examines the majority of the parts in detail and considers every risk linked to the development of this dangerous disease.
  18. Breast Cancer: Analysis and Data Collection
    The study to determine the quality of health was a qualitative research study because it showed a significant improved in the quality of life for the breast cancer victims.
  19. The Disease of Breast Cancer: Definition and Treatment
    Breast cancer is a serious disease during which the breast cells experience abnormal growth. Females usually have a higher risk of developing the disease.
  20. Racism in Breast Cancer Treatment
    Cancer treatment is the least studied field that arises numerous ambiguities and requires a more sophisticated approach in studying.
  21. Breast Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention
    This paper aims to discuss breast cancer epidemiology and socioeconomic factors with regard to the young, middle, and older adults to identify risks, prevention, and opportunities.

đź‘Ť Good Breast Cancer Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Miami Breast Cancer Conference: Insights and Competencies
    Breast cancer is a prominent variation of the condition, as the body part is generally considered to be among the most common targets for the illness.
  2. USPSTF Guidelines for Breast Cancer Screening: Advice and Criticisms
    This paper aims to give a proper recommendation for breast cancer screening under USPSTF guidelines while considering the differences in patients’ epidemiology.
  3. Factors Influencing Breast Cancer Screening in Low-Income African Americans in Tennessee
    This article focuses on understanding the factors that are associated with the decision and obstacles to breast cancer screening in African-American women living in Tennessee.
  4. Support for Asian American Breast Cancer Survivors: Chee et al.’s Study
    Medicine, as a holistic science, recognizes the individual cultural uniqueness of every patient in order to deliver a better quality of care.
  5. Managing Stress in Breast Cancer Patients: Educational Interventions
    This paper aims to discuss three educational interventions that can help patients to manage their stressful experiences.
  6. Prevention of Breast Cancer
    The problem of the study is a major one because it is connected to one of the critical health concerns that affect women worldwide: breast cancer.
  7. ABC’s Economic Opportunity: Free Breast Cancer Screenings
    This paper aims to present a detailed economic report regarding the implementation of breast cancer screenings that Anthem Blue Cross will provide free of charge.
  8. Cancer and Women’s Healthcare: Treatment Advances and Health Implications
    Preventive services for patients who are at risk of breast cancer include medications for risk reduction of the disease and screening for breast cancer using film mammography.
  9. Women’s Health: Biophysical, Psychological, and Sociocultural Factors
    The biophysical factors operating in this situation are the age of the patient and the possible inheritance of breast cancer. The psychological factors are her mental health records.
  10. Breast Cancer and Effective Medical Treatment
    The aim of this paper is to characterize breast cancer and to describe the modern methods of its treatment and prevention.
  11. Breast Cancer Screening Promotion
    The article begins with a brief description of the North Carolina Breast Cancer Screening Program. The program included social-ecological and community organizing approaches to health promotion.
  12. Health Screening Initiatives for Mammary Cancer: An Overview
    Breast cancer is one of the dangerous conditions, which might lead to lethal consequences. This type of cancer is a malignant tumor of the glandular tissue of the breast.
  13. Mammography Screening and Breast Cancer Mortality
    The study has been designed to measure the effectiveness of breast cancer decision aids (DAs) in improving mammography screening intentions in African-American women 65 years and older.
  14. Mindfulness-Based Music Therapy for Breast Cancer Patients
    Cancer is one of the prevalent diseases in the world. The disease itself as well as cancer treatment becomes a frequent cause of psychological distress for patients.
  15. Advances in Breast Cancer Research & Interventions
    This paper assesses the level of effectiveness and reliability of studies, as well as offer a separate intervention that can help at least partially solve the problem of breast cancer.
  16. Music Therapy Benefits for Breast Cancer Patients: Enhancing Emotional Wellbeing
    The research question for this study is whether mindfulness-based music therapy influences attention and mood in women who receive adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer.
  17. Innovations in Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnostic Techniques
    The paper studies the medical case of a female patient with the risk of breast cancer increased by the fact that cancers were recently diagnosed in her family.
  18. Benefits of Mindfulness-Based Music Therapy for Breast Cancer Patients
    The paper reviews Lesiuk’s study “The effect of mindfulness-based music therapy on attention and mood in women receiving adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer”.
  19. Nursing Issues: From Breast Cancer to Zika Virus – Key Challenges
    The paper studies relations between diabetes type II and oral hygiene, treatment of cardiovascular diseases, vision loss, breast cancer, and preventing Zika virus.
  20. Postmenopausal Women and Breast Cancer: Treatment Options and Supportive Care
    This research discusses, Experience of adjuvant treatment among postmenopausal women with breast cancer: health-related quality of life, symptom experience, stressful events and coping strategies.
  21. Breast Cancer: Types, Survival Rates, and Research Insights
    We know the cancer of breast tissue as Breast cancer. It has reported too that breast cancer affects woman ageing of any age at least in the western world.

🎓 Most Interesting Breast Cancer Research Titles

  1. Breast Cancer and Its Effects on Society
  2. The Anatomy and Physiology of Breast Cancer
  3. Gated Dibh for Left-Sided Breast Cancer Patients
  4. Nursing Care For the Terminal Breast Cancer Patient Community
  5. African American Women, Environmental Impacts, and Breast Cancer
  6. African American Women and Breast Cancer
  7. New Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines
  8. Genetic Changes for Breast Cancer
  9. Early Preterm Delivery and Breast Cancer
  10. Elderly Lesbians and Breast Cancer
  11. Breast Cancer Prevention Strategies
  12. Breast Cancer Awareness and Walks for Leukemia Flood Media
  13. Hyaluronan, Inflammation, and Breast Cancer Progression
  14. Breast Cancer Among Women in the United States
  15. Modified Radical Mastectomy for Contralateral Breast Cancer
  16. Breast Cancer and the Use of Exercise as Medicine
  17. Obesity and Breast Cancer: Role of Leptin
  18. Breast Cancer Causes and Prevention Methods
  19. Targeted Therapy for Breast Cancer Prevention
  20. Breast Cancer Risk Factors You Can’t Control
  21. Chemotherapy and Breast Cancer
  22. Postoperative Patients With Breast Cancer and Self-Image
  23. Diagnostic Imaging for Breast Cancer Symptoms
  24. Breast Cancer: Causes, Prevention, and Treatment
  25. Oral Treatments for Breast Cancer and Health Promotion
  26. Breast Cancer and Early Detection of Low-Income Minority
  27. Breast Cancer and Diet
  28. NFL and Breast Cancer Awareness
  29. Antiperspirants and Breast Cancer
  30. Breast Cancer and Pregnancy

đź’ˇ Simple Breast Cancer Essay Ideas

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Cervical and Breast Cancer and Nutrition’s Effects
  2. Breast Cancer and Early Detection
  3. 2000 Treatment Program for Cervical and Breast Cancer Prevention
  4. Hormone Replacement Therapy and Breast Cancer
  5. Coping Strategies and Breast Cancer
  6. Breast Cancer and Hormone Replacement Therapy
  7. Abortion and Breast Cancer (ABC) In the United States of America
  8. Breast Cancer and Its Effects on Women
  9. Health Concerns Involving Breast Cancer
  10. Breast Cancer Characteristics and Survival Differences
  11. Breast Cancer Information and Support
  12. Applying Medical Procedures for Breast Cancer
  13. Breast Cancer and Its Effects on the United States
  14. Breast Cancer Treatment and Therapy With Nanomedicine
  15. The Second Leading Cause of Death Is the Breast Cancer
  16. Romania’s Breast Cancer and Healthcare Education
  17. Cardiovascular Toxicities From Systemic Breast Cancer Therapy
  18. Moderate Drinking Can Still Lead To Breast Cancer
  19. Treatments for Hormone Sensitive Breast Cancer
  20. Intraoperative Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer
  21. Postmenopausal Women, Breast Cancer Risk, and Raloxifene
  22. Breast Cancer and the Environment
  23. Breast Cancer and Cancer Cell Lines
  24. Group Therapy, Family Options, and Breast Cancer
  25. Issues Involving Breast Cancer
  26. Breast Cancer Survivorship, Quality of Life, and Late Toxicities
  27. Breast Cancer Age Risk Women
  28. Relationship Between Meat Intake and Breast Cancer Risks
  29. Breast Cancer Develops From the Breast Tissue
  30. Breast Cancer and the Medication Tamoxifen

âť“ Research Questions on Breast Cancer

  1. Which Branch of Science Is Used in Testing Breast Cancer?
  2. How Does Breast Cancer Affect a Patient’s Health?
  3. Which of the Lifestyle Choices Reduces the Chances of Developing Breast Cancer?
  4. What Is the Survival Rate for Inflammatory Breast Cancer?
  5. How Does Breast Cancer Affect Homeostasis?
  6. How to Check for Breast Cancer Using Nursing Assessment Techniques?
  7. Can Breast Cancer Spread to Your Kidneys?
  8. Why Does Breastfeeding Reduce Breast Cancer Risk?
  9. How Rare Is Triple Negative Breast Cancer?
  10. Is Fibrocystic Mastopathy Associated With an Increased Risk of Breast Cancer?
  11. What Is Papillary Breast Cancer?
  12. How Fast Does Metastatic Breast Cancer Spread?
  13. Who Founded the National Breast Cancer Foundation?
  14. Are Breast Cancer and Ovarian Cancer Linked?
  15. What Body Systems and Organs Are Affected by Breast Cancer?
  16. How Many Breast Cancer Deaths Occur per Year?
  17. How Do They Test for Breast Cancer?
  18. How Is Group Behavior Influenced Through Breast Cancer Treatment?
  19. Can Breast Cancer Cause Numbness in Fingers?
  20. What Are the Primary and Secondary Risk Factors for Breast Cancer?
  21. What Causes Inflammatory Breast Cancer?
  22. What Side Effects Are Possible From Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer?
  23. Are Prostate Cancer and Breast Cancer Related?
  24. What Percentage of Breast Cancer Is Detected by Mammogram?
  25. What Information Does a Doctor Need to Assess a Patient’s Breast Cancer Risk?
  26. Is Abortion Linked to Breast Cancer?
  27. What Is the Risk of Metastasis for Breast Cancer?
  28. What Is the Primary Level of Prevention for Breast Cancer?
  29. What Genes Are Responsible for Autosomal Dominant Breast Cancer?
  30. What Is the At-Risk Population Regarding Breast Cancer?

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