157 Church Research Topics & Essay Ideas

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Church

✍️ Church Essay Topics for College

  1. Christian History and Thinkers: From Early Church to Modern Period
    Christianity’s evolution from its early expansion to modern times is traced, and key periods are covered, mentioning religious thinkers from each era.
  2. Catholic Church’s Contributions in Medieval Europe
    The Catholic Church was influential in Medieval times as it determined individuals’ economic, social, political, and religious lives.
  3. The Role of Gothic Cathedrals in the Popularization of the Catholic Church
    When Gothic architecture first emerged in the 12th century, it made an immense impact on the popularization of faith and the attraction of new followers.
  4. Doctrine of the Trinity about the Nature of the Church
    The Christian doctrine of the Trinity is important in understanding the nature of God as well as the human-God relationship.
  5. Leadership in Church and Its Theological Aspects
    ​In theology, leadership has various meanings, but all have their foundation in Christ. All leaders aspire to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and lead others to redemption.
  6. The Catholic Church and Western Classical Music
    Many secular elements of culture like the creation and composition of music had their origins in the Roman Catholic Church or were influenced by the music of the Catholic Church.
  7. “Planting Missional Churches” by Ed Stetzer: Summary and Critique
    The book under analysis was written by Ed Stetzer and entitled Planting Missional Churches. The author provides valuable insights into the process of planting evangelist churches.
  8. Lake Worth Church Fire, Texas: Causes and Fatal Consequences
    The fire in the single-storey building that acted as a church led to the death of three fire fighters after the roof of the church collapsed and barricaded them.
  9. International Church of the Foursquare Gospel
    The Foursquare Gospel is an evangelical Pentecostal denomination the name of which is closely related to the emblem, represented by four squares.
  10. The Catholic Church’s Deontology and Utilitarianism Perspectives
    This paper compares and contrasts the Catholic Church’s deontology and utilitarianism perspectives, underpinned by the natural law and divine command theory.
  11. Servant Leadership in the Church and Its Purpose
    This research paper analyzes three main components: the Pastor’s relationship with Leadership, the purpose of Servant Leadership, and the personal qualities of the minister.
  12. Reading Reflection “The Emotionally Healthy Church”
    The main idea raised by Peter Scazzero in his book “The Emotionally Healthy Church” is that many Christians appear to have a hard time trying to relate to their religious beliefs.
  13. The Worship Styles and Elements of the Baptist Church
    This paper traces the history and development of the worship styles and elements of the Baptist church from its early beginnings and up to date.
  14. The Practice of Church Building
    This essay will concern itself with evaluating the practice of church building over time through the lives of St Bartholomew, St. Francis of Assisi, and St. Kathleen Drixel.
  15. God’s Mission and Its Manifestations in Scripture, Church History, and Local Church
    The evolution of God’s mission, from the biblical creation narrative to modern church practices, reveals its ongoing significance in global and local contexts.
  16. Church Discipline: Process and Necessity
    This paper examines the Biblical views of church discipline, how it is applied or practiced in the context of church conflicts, and comments on its appropriateness.
  17. Rock-Hewn Churches of Lalibela
    Efforts, money, and time spent on saving such religious places as Rock-Hewn Churches positively influence it by modern technologies and help create history.
  18. Why Is It Important for a Christian to Study Church History?
    The church’s history began with Jesus Christ and apostles, who, after the Resurrection, carried his word to all parts of the world, particularly to Greece and then to Italy.
  19. Christians and Going to Church
    It is important for Christians to meet regularly apart from the times when one may be in a hospital bed or working in a place where no church is available.
  20. The Purpose of Missions in the Church
    The paper aims to evaluate the present status and intentions of missionary work of the Christian Church, specifically focusing on the Protestant branch of it.
  21. Catholic Church and Sexual Abuse in “Doubt” Film
    The issue of sexuality has stirred divided opinions amongst people of different beliefs and faiths in society, making the topic a challenge to tackle.
  22. Books on Teaching Children in Church
    Dunlop’s Follow Me as I Follow Christ book is a guide for educators teaching children in a church setting. Thomas’ Teaching was a valuable reading for my professional development.
  23. The History of God’s New Testament Church
    In his book “Turning Points,” historian Mark Noll attempts to trace significant events in the two-millennium history of God’s New Testament church.
  24. The Catholic Church and People’s Mental Health
    The Catholic Church contributes to strengthening the nation’s faith and mental health and supporting those who are too weak to go through their problems alone.
  25. Rapture of the Church of God
    The church of God’s rapture is an encouragement for true believers and anticipation to live with Christ forever.
  26. A History of Christian Church: Gnosticism
    The basic line of Gnostic ideas is the radical dualism in relations between the God and the world, the person and the world.
  27. The Church and School: Where Do the Children Play
    The church and the community as a unit, used to be a source of values, of commitment, of stability and strength for children.
  28. Codex Aureus of Echternach: Lavish Manuscript from A.D. 1030
    The medieval period produced a number of beautiful manuscripts and architecture. Manuscripts allowed people to learn the Bible while enjoying detailed illustrations.
  29. Launch: Starting a New Church From Scratch
    The first acknowledgement presented in the book “Launch: Starting a New Church from Scratch” is that the decision to begin a new church can be quite frightening.
  30. Disciple-Making Activity in the Local Church
    This paper addresses how the local church should go about the activity of disciple-making by utilizing the input of pastors, saints, and spiritual gifts.
  31. Catholic, Church of Christ and Jewish Religions Comparison
    While the pope is the head of Catholic Church, Protestantism and Judaism refer to Christianity that is not a subject to Papal authority.
  32. How the Jesus Movement Became The Church
    The paper relates to the Jesus movement and responds to why the action continued and flourished; people’s faith in Jesus was strong, and they wanted to unite with Jesus Christ.
  33. Discipleship in a Healthy Church
    A Healthy Church defines a church that resembles and functions simply as a healthy body, namely the Body of Christ. It is the same desire that Jesus has for his body.

👍 Good Church Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. The Second Great Awakening and Its Influence on Baptist and Methodist Churches
    The Second Great Awakening caused an influx of Methodist and Baptist members. The socio-political conditions led many to desire liberation from the daily issues.
  2. Lutheran Theology – Insights for Today’s Church
    Martin Luther’s theology started the reformation in Germany through his famous 95 Theses and, in doing so, helped model the contemporary society and Protestant Church.
  3. The Relationships Between Church and States in Europe
    This paper has explored the development of relationships between church and state in Europe in the period from 800 to 1122.
  4. Catechism of the Catholic Church on Jesus Christ
    The only one lord Jesus had a paramount duty to serve and suffer for man, born of a virgin woman through the power of the Holy Spirit as such one substance with God the father.
  5. A Baptist Church Visit in Beverly Hills City
    The Baptist church did not use any symbols for their sermon, even the sign of the cross that we used in our catholic church.
  6. Early Church History: Persecution of Christianity
    The early Christians endured persecution not only from non-believers, but also from believers who sought to change their faith.
  7. Zion Revival Church and Its Management
    This paper analyzes the various aspects of ZRC’s profile before identifying the issues that undermine the health of the congregation, staff members, and the community.
  8. Revival as the Impetus for Church Growth
    A significant decline in church membership increases the number of the unchurched and the frustration of Christian leaders mandated to reach the lost.
  9. The Catholic Church and the LGBT Community
    The way Catholic Church officials address the tension around LGBT relations may vary: most remain silent, few express support, and few – disapproval.
  10. Brand Luther and Reform the Catholic Church
    The paper analyzes Luther’s use of mass media and communication strategies by focusing on the printing press, the Protestant Reformation, and the gospel.
  11. Establishment of the Papal Supremacy in the Catholic Church
    The papal supremacy is a doctrine of the catholic church that puts the pope and his office as the Vicar of Christ.
  12. The Church Guides on Sexuality and Cohabitation
    Cohabitation before marriage is a debate between families and religious institutions. Cohabitation is often associated with issues such as sex, money, fame, and child-rearing.
  13. Government and Church’s Role in Wealth Redistribution
    The government should participate in redistributing wealth to the poor, as the church addresses economic injustice while faith organizations are involved in eradicating poverty.
  14. Republicans vs. Democrats on Separation of Church and State
    Most Republicans have a rather negative attitude towards separating it from the state. While many Democrats believe that faith should not interfere with any political processes.
  15. Why Augustine Is the Shaper of the Western Church
    This paper explores the significance of Saint Augustine in the development of Christianity and his influence on Western philosophy and Western Christianity.
  16. American Church History: The Rise of American Christian Fundamentalism
    This paper explores American church history: American Christian Fundamentalism, Christian reactions to evolution theory, and the emergence of Higher Criticism in the Bible.
  17. Change and Conflict Management in Church
    Over the last few decades, the Christian church has been rocked with major sex scandals, which hints at the necessity to rethink modern leadership.
  18. The Cathedral Church of St. Paul: Servant Leadership
    The paper has demonstrated that the Cathedral Church of St. Paul is an example of an organization that relies on servant leadership.
  19. Ethical Issues of the Southern Baptist Convention Church
    The CNN article published on 23rd May 2022 addresses the ethical issues surrounding leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention church.
  20. Religious Freedom: The Separation Between Church and State
    The paper indicates that many Christians consider efforts to separate state and religion as an assault on America’s majority religion.
  21. Leadership in Church: Uncharted Territory
    Leadership in a church needs someone courageous enough to stand up against external forces such as political leaders and lead according to the principles of the word of God.
  22. White Supremacy in American Churches
    This paper will demonstrate that white supremacy has been ingrained in US Christianity and has permeated the country’s moral fabric profoundly.
  23. The Future of the West and the Church
    The following essay will review the future of the West and the Church, explaining how some of the values may affect it.
  24. American Church’s Complicity in Racism
    This article demonstrates the theological challenge that slavery posed to the American church during the Civil War.
  25. Grey Fathers Church From Sociological Perspective
    Religion is a complex and integral phenomenon within humanity’s history that can be defined in a plethora of different ways.
  26. Church’s Responses to Development of Capitalism
    This paper analyzes different reactions of the Christian society to the Industrial revolution and defines which is the most consistent with Biblical Scripture.
  27. The Pastoral Letter of 1837 to the Congregational Churches of Massachusetts
    The Pastoral Letter of 1837 to the Congregational Churches of Massachusetts aims to speak against a movement that advocates for women’s rights.
  28. Romanesque Church: Religious Imagery
    The Romanesque style reflected the time’s culture and geography. With time, churches became monuments rather than places of worship.
  29. The Challenges Facing Church and Denominational Leadership
    The paper discusses the unique challenges facing the church and denominational leadership as we witness this major demographic shift in North America.
  30. The Color of Compromise: The Truth About the American Church’s Complicity in Racism
    Personality development is essential for personal growth and involves different assessments, including awareness, relationships, and commitment.
  31. Bannister’s “The Word and Power Church”
    Bannister’s “The Word and Power Church” provides a very accurate description of the nature of the current conflict within the Christian Church.
  32. The Christian Church and Its Organization
    The paper indicates that in Roma, the Christian church was close to the state, leading to Christianity’s rapid growth in the region.
  33. Catholic Church as Social and Spiritual Organization
    The Catholic Church remains an important social and spiritual organization, which helps people find their ways and maintains a strong and supportive worldwide community.

🥇 Most Interesting Church Topics to Write About

  1. Snake Handling in Churches Myth Spread by Activists
    The practice of snake handling in churches is not a new tradition, and its emergence was underpinned by the spread of interpretations of the Bible.
  2. The Church and the Understandings of God
    For church leaders, remaining firm in their priorities was a consciously selected strategy to avoid rhetorics that would make God the loyal helper of the powerful.
  3. Analysis of Article “Religions Resources and Church Growth”
    The authors argue that under resource mobilization theory, the higher the inputs of time and money, the greater the outputs that facilitate growth and limit decline.
  4. The Missional Church and Its Impact on Ecclesiology
    The paper describes the missional church and how it attempts to update the practice of North American ecclesiology.
  5. Lutheran Theology and Its Implications for Contemporary Church and Society
    This study, therefore, focuses on Lutheran theology and explains why Luther can be regarded as the founder of the modern church and society.
  6. Reflections of the Black Church From Yesterday Till Today
    The aspects of slavery in the United States started in the August of 1619 when 20 Angolans’ names were first recorded in a journal entry.
  7. Abortion and Catholic Church’s Attitude
    This paper discusses the theme of abortions, the ways of abortions, and the attitude of Catholic Church to abortion.
  8. Mary Church Terrell and Her Activist Achievements
    Mary Church Terrell was an outstanding historical figure that was engaged in social activities in the late nineteenth and second half of the twentieth century.
  9. Ethical Standards in the Westboro Baptist Church Case
    The Westboro Baptist Church case reveals a controversial decision allowing religious activists to express their perspectives at a funeral.
  10. Megachurches Research: Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church
    The essay examines the Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church as a typical example of a megachurch and identifies its audience and the reasons behind its popularity and a large following.
  11. Pandemic Effects on Churches and Families
    Both churches and families appreciate those moments when they can be together, as it is often taken for granted pre-Covid 19.
  12. Women’s Role and Leadership in the Church
    Although the Bible calls for women’s submissiveness, they have some roles in the church. Older women are supposed to teach young women good conduct and ways of the church.
  13. Reaching Migrant Workers in the Malaysian Church: Establishing a Leadership Model
    This research will be insightful in showing how various leadership models may be used to reach migrant workers in the Malaysian Christian community.
  14. The Malaysian Church’s Budgetary Considerations
    The Malaysian United Methodist Church maintains a budget to fulfill its objectives and goals, the research focuses on church budget preparation.
  15. United Methodist Church: Organizational Systems
    This essay seeks to illustrate how the Systems Thinking concept fits into an institutional set up. For this purpose, the United Methodist Church.
  16. Methodists Church: Organizational Leadership
    Methodists Church has introduced what is currently known as the prison ministries. The leaders of the church wanted some way to get to those people wrongly accused by the government.
  17. Knowledge Sharing Description: Believers in Christ Church International
    The capacity of an institution to share and use knowledge among various organs and individuals in operational activities is considered a unique business strategy.
  18. Peolpe Management in the Church
    The task of the administrative support of the church in northern Virginia is never easy to implement since people always seek to be led, not managed.
  19. Religion and Architecture: Christian Church, Buddhist, Islamic Mosques
    Religious architecture is mainly concerned with design and building of houses of reverence or holy deliberate places such as stupas, mosques, churches and temples.
  20. Church History: Egeria and the Crusades
    Egeria was “a pious woman from Spain who recorded a pilgrimage to Sinai and Palestine”. The historic figure of the woman, her name, status, homeland are wrapped up in mystery.
  21. Churches in the Arabian Gulf – Arabian Peninsula
    Economically, the gains from the establishment of churches in the Arabian Gulf started growing gradually at the moment when religious coexistence became achievable.
  22. Increasing Physical Activity Among Church Members
    The study used the community-based participatory research approach wherein members of the congregation or church were trained to administer the interventions to the participants.
  23. Women Leadership Within the Church
    The research project looks into details the place of women in the church which is women leadership in the church.
  24. Roman Catholic Sunday Mass at St. Patrick Catholic Church
    I attended a Roman Catholic Sunday Mass Celebration at the St. Patrick Catholic Church. Parishioners visit the Church that is located at Miami Beach, within Miami-Date County, Florida.
  25. Tackling Nursing Stress: Strategies for Better Health and Performance
    Whatever the laws say, speaks to those who are under the law, that every mouth may be closed, and all the world may become accountable to God.
  26. Sun Myung Moon: Founder of the Unification Church
    Sun Myung Moon is the founder and head of the Unification Church. It started in Seoul in 1954 as ‘The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity’.
  27. Understanding of the Basic Christian Doctrines
    Christianity as a religion has many faith groups and denominations which subscribe to various specific set of doctrines, based on various interpretations of the Bible.
  28. Impact of Catholic Church on Religious and Imperial Expansion
    This paper discusses how the religious and imperial expansion challenged the authority of the powerful institutions such as the Catholic Church.
  29. Effective Church Models: The Apostolic Harvest Church and the Team Planting
    In this discussion, two models, the apostolic harvest church and the team planting will be compared in terms of their strengths and shortages.
  30. “Planting Churches Cross-Culturally” by David Hesselgrave
    The book “Planting Churches Cross Culturally” is an informative literature that supports the importance of evangelistic work. The book acts as a guideline on church planting in unreached areas.
  31. Methodist Episcopal Church and Primitive Methodist Church
    This essay compares and contrasts two church denominations. The essay looks deeply into the origins of the primitive Methodist church and the Methodist Episcopal church.
  32. Innovate Church: Non-Negotiable Commitments
    There are four non-negotiable commitments. Each of them plays an important role in understanding God, human beliefs, and the power of faith.
  33. Women’s Dignity in Hong Kong’s Religious and Societal Contexts
    The central question that Yuen raises is whether the practice of Church leadership is adequate if applied to gender justice and equality.
  34. Theology: Discipleship and a Healthy Church
    The report presents a disciple-making plan aimed to improve the organization’s efficiency in the task of making disciples and boost evangelistic efforts.
  35. Discipleship, Healthy Church, and Their Goals
    This essay explores the concepts of discipleship and the healthy church while highlighting goals for discipleship, personal ministry, and available avenues for improvement.
  36. Galileo’s Condemnation and Religious Conflict: Science vs. Church
    The condemnation of Galileo by the Catholic Church is a prime example of the vast dispute between religion and science. However, modern historians do not believe in this warfare.
  37. Latin America and the Catholic Church
    The Catholic Church had a great influence on people in Latin America, people were very religious. People’s attitude towards the Pope changed in the 1980s in Nicaragua.

💡 Simple Church Essay Ideas

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Relationship Between the Catholic Church and Chivalry
  2. Church: Christianity and Late Middle School
  3. Analyzing Pope John Paul II and His Church Role
  4. Eastern Orthodox Christianity and Its Differences to the Western Church
  5. Aristotle’s Philosophy, Science, and the Christian Church
  6. Christian Education Through the Church and Mission Work
  7. Church Split During Middle Ages
  8. Cross-Cultural Church Planting in America
  9. Church Toward Popular Magic in Renaissance Italy
  10. Financing Options for Church Construction
  11. Church, Money, and Power in Medieval Times
  12. Conflicts Between Galileo and the Church
  13. Contemporary Issues Facing the Church
  14. Faith-Based Organizations vs. The Separation of Church
  15. Galileo and the History of the Catholic Church
  16. Challenges Facing the Australian Catholic Church of the 21st Century
  17. Roman Catholic Church Assisted in the Persecution Proceedings of the Witch Trials
  18. Church and State Separation Necessity in Canadian Education
  19. Biblical Foundations for Small Group Ministry in the Church
  20. Roman Catholic Church’s Influences on Europe in the Middle Age
  21. Church Reforms During the Renaissance Era
  22. Roman Catholic Church and Judgement in the Middle Ages

❓ Questions about Church History

  1. What Does the Roman Catholic Church Believe?
  2. How Does Church History Fit With Biblical Theology?
  3. Why Was the Catholic Church So Influential?
  4. Is There a Separation Between Church and State?
  5. How Did the Church of England Respond to the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s?
  6. What Would Happen if There Was No Separation of Church and State?
  7. Did the Church Help or Hinder Medical Progress in the Middle Ages?
  8. What Role Did the Catholic Church Play in the Development of the Heliocentric?
  9. Did the Founding Fathers Really Intend for a Total Separation Between Church and State?
  10. What Are the Periods of Church History?
  11. Does the Church Have to Combat Poverty?
  12. What Was the Importance and Impact of the Catholic Church in Colonial Mexico?
  13. Does the Church Make the Eucharist, or Does the Eucharist Make the Church?
  14. What Is the Relationship Between Church and State of Christianity?
  15. Did the Early Church Baptize in the Name of Jesus?
  16. How Did the Church and Monarch Fight for Power?
  17. How Did the Catholic Church Respond to the Scientific Revolution?
  18. Is the Church of England Catholic or Protestant?
  19. What Does the Bible Say About Resolving Conflict in the Church?
  20. How Are Church and State Handled in the Islamic and Christian Communities?
  21. What Did Galileo Do to Anger the Church?
  22. How Can Church Teachings Be Used in a Discussion About Abortion?
  23. What Influence Did John Calvin Have on Church History?
  24. How Did Martin Luther King Predict the Decline of the Mainline Church?
  25. What Was the Conflict Between the Monarchies and the Church?

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