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128 Health Insurance Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Health Insurance

✍️ Health Insurance Essay Topics for College

  1. National Health Insurance: Contrarguments
    In this paper, the arguments of the opponents that were presented to advocate for national healthcare insurance (NHI) are going to be countered.
  2. Health Insurance and Medicare for All
    Medicare for All, introduced by a wing of the Democratic party, accounts for one national health insurance program for all Americans with a fundamental right to healthcare.
  3. State Health Insurance Marketplace in Pennsylvania
    Pennsylvania launched its health insurance exchange in 2021. The paper evaluates Pennsylvania’s public exchange, its services, and its effectiveness.
  4. Health Insurance and Inaccessibility in the US
    The inaccessibility of social health insurance in the U.S. to some segments of the population is a general global problem affecting everyone in the country.
  5. Analysis of Health Insurance in Texas, USA
    Health insurance has a unique role in the transformation of the modern healthcare system of the United States because provides coverage of medical services.
  6. Health Insurance and the Affordable Care Act
    The paper provides a commerce clause brief, as held by various Supreme Court judges, by defending the position that Congress has no constitutional power.
  7. Revisions of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
    Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act improves the accountability of health insurance. It benefits stakeholders: patients, healthcare workers, and the whole system.
  8. Healthcare Insurance Organizations’ Risk of Fraud
    Today, numerous companies are experiencing problems resisting illegal actions and suffering losses because of their consequences.
  9. Health Maintenance Organization Insurance
    Health Maintenance Organization is a healthcare insurance plan that commonly confines coverage to care from physicians who work for the HMO insurance.
  10. Expanding Medicare and Medicaid into a National Health Insurance System
    The paper analyzes the reasons why the national healthcare insurance program should be implemented and presents critics on how the initiative should be realized.
  11. Health Insurance Coverage in Florida
    Health insurance coverage is comprehensive coverage on the means of financing an individual’s healthcare expenses.
  12. The Emergence of Private Health Insurance
    The study of the issue of the emergence of private health insurance and how it arose in society has exceptional value for study.
  13. Healthcare Insurance in the USA
    The healthcare policies on insurance coverage in the USA need to benefit all people. The paper discusses insurance healthcare policies as social welfare concept.
  14. National Health Insurance in the United States
    In this paper, attention will be paid to the history of the U.S. healthcare system, current reimbursement methodologies, technological advancements, and costs.
  15. Social Welfare Policy and Healthcare Insurance
    Healthcare insurance must be more affordable; in the modern US, low-income people, especially immigrants, are uninsured and cannot afford health insurance coverage.
  16. Health Insurance Calculations Regarding Medicare
    The current paper indicates that when it comes to reimbursement, the CMS says that, on average, Medicare covers around 80% of all payments.
  17. Issue of the Urgent Need for Health Insurance
    The paper states that the urgent need for health insurance disorients people. Failing to find quick insurance, they abandon it and put themselves at risk.
  18. Health Costs and Insurance in Healthcare
    This paper provides a summary of the article on health costs “You can appeal a Medicare premium surcharge” and gives health insurance evaluation.
  19. Researching of Health Insurance Plans
    The paper analyses how health insurance impacts future job research and compares and contrasts three New York City insurance offerings.
  20. Abolishing Out of Pocket Healthcare Insurance
    The paper discusses out-of-pocket healthcare. It refers to a mode of healthcare payment that entails using one’s own money to purchase health services.
  21. Employer-Provided Health Insurance (EPHI) Model
    EPHI is the predominant healthcare insurance model available in the United States. It includes access to medical services, lower out-of-pocket payment, and saving time.
  22. Tricare and Other Health Insurance Programs
    This paper helps to understand the main programs of Tricare in detail and in nuance required by a healthcare professional.
  23. Primary, Secondary, and Supplementary Health Insurance
    A medical insurance policy covering a client as a subscriber, an employee, or a member is known as primary insurance.
  24. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
    HIPAA provides a solid framework for ensuring PHI security across the US healthcare system. It is partially inadequate to the current situation.
  25. State Children’s Health Insurance Program
    The SCHIP is a program between the federal and state governments that provides comprehensive health care coverage to uninsured children from financially-challenged families.
  26. Health Insurance Myth and Misconceptions in Nursing
    This paper discusses the article “Myths and misconceptions about US health insurance” about the failure to understand the complicated process of health insurance.

đź‘Ť Good Health Insurance Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Healthcare Insurance: Effects of Adverse Selection
    People will go for insurance plans where they pay the minimal amount of premiums but get the maximum cover. This type of reasoning is referred to as adverse selection.
  2. Moral Hazard in Healthcare Insurance
    Moral hazard in health insurance refers to the additional medical care that an individual gets on the basis of higher insurance coverage.
  3. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
    The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act is one of the most important acts, which aims at creating proper insurance for people and abuse in health care.
  4. Health Care Economics Analysis: The Price of Health Insurance
    The price of health insurance is defined by the economic textbook as the fee for loading or the surplus after subtracting the premium from the expected payout.
  5. For Humana Incorporation: Health Care Insurance and Financial Status
    Humana Incorporation is both an urban and rural organization because it markets its insurance plans and health care services to potential patients and customers across the country.
  6. USHCS Perspective: A Structured Analysis of Children’s Health Insurance
    This paper provides a structured analysis of the Maryland Children’s Health Insurance by providing an insight into the organization’s overview.
  7. Heart-Healthy Insurance Information Security Policy
    The earlier versions of the security management system are now less effective. The paper is a recommendation that may help in ensuring that the company’s data is well protected.
  8. Medical Records and Health Insurance and Portability Act
    Health Insurance and Portability Act (HIPAA) 1996 was passed with an aim of protecting privacy of medical records.
  9. Healthcare Insurance Development and Importance
    This paper offers an overview of the formation and development of health insurance in the United States, a description of its current situation and possible prospects.
  10. Quality Improvement and the Need for Healthcare Insurance
    Essay has illustrated the magnitude of the need for healthcare insurance for the citizens of the United States, both young and old.
  11. Government and Private Health Insurance
    According to the Census Bureau, government insurance plans have 38% of Americans in comparison to 67% of people who get private health insurance services.
  12. The United States’ Universal Health Insurance
    The majority of American citizens pay for and receive healthcare through private organizations, in other countries, a significant part of medicine is provided by the public sector.
  13. Health Insurance: Overview of Insurance Plans in USA
    In this article, the author looks at the various insurance plans available in the US, their coverage, and target populations.
  14. Health Promotion Role in Reducing Health Insurance Costs
    Health promotion is crucial as it ensures that people understand the risks of their lifestyle and the know-how to avoid them.
  15. Small Businesses’ Dilemma of Providing Health Insurance Plans for Their Employees
    No legislation exists that demands small employers to offer health insurance. Having a health insurance cover for employees provides several benefits to the company.
  16. Healthcare Economics: How Private Insurance Works
    Healthcare and economics can be defined as issues related to the allocation of healthcare services to a human being.
  17. Health Insurance Crimes in the United States
    There need to be more stringent regulations in the way Medicare claims are filed and met, a concerted effort from the part of patients, physicians, insurers, and the government.
  18. Human Resource in Healthcare: Health Insurance
    It is perceived that large differences exist in employer sponsored insurance coverage between young adults and their older counterparts
  19. Health Insurance for Employees
    Every company is responsible for the welfare of its employees and healthcare insurance certainly falls into the parameter of welfare
  20. Health Insurance Exchange: Economic Perspective
    A health insurance exchange or marketplace is defined as an area where residents may identify the conditions for having health insurance.
  21. Debate on Abortion Insurance in South Dakota
    The Healthcare Insurance Ban health policy in South Dakota is a public health concern and a direct violation of federal law.
  22. Health Insurance Abortion Ban in South Dakota
    The policymakers of South Dakota should strive to ensure that the Health Insurance Abortion ban is more inclusive by considering rape and incest-related pregnancies.
  23. National Health Insurance: Debate Summary
    This work presents the flow of discussion about the National Health Insurance system showing its potential influence on the development of the policies and summarizes the outcomes.
  24. Sociology: Economic Class and Health Insurance
    The paper explores the hypothesis that higher economic class people are more likely to have comprehensive health insurance.
  25. The State Children’s Health Insurance Program
    Having conducted a thorough analysis of the shortcomings of the SCHIP, I came to the conclusion that the program has good potential, even though it should be revised.
  26. Health Insurance for Children With Special Needs
    The health gaps affecting CSHCN are products of two major factors – low levels of health literacy (social impediments to health care access) and poor government policies.
  27. Health Insurance: Prisoner’s Dilemma
    By becoming part of the universal health insurance, the prison would no longer have to negotiate for specific healthcare items at increased cost and limited choices.
  28. Florida Health Care Insurance
    This work includes information on health insurance, general health statistics of the population in Florida, and the state’s position on health care reform.
  29. Website Health Insurance in Florida
    This paper analyzes the question of what does the website reveals about health insurance and health care reform in the state of Florida.
  30. Health Insurance Benefits and Cost Reduction
    This essay seeks to evaluate how health insurance benefits affect an organization’s strategic goal setting, as well as how organizations can ensure cost reductions.
  31. Florida Abortion Policies and Health Insurance
    Health plans that are provided in the Florida state’s health exchange by ACA may only cover abortion in the cases when the life of the woman is at risk.
  32. Safety of Healthcare Information: The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
    The general provisions of HIPAA establish the definitions for key terms, for example, PHI, health insurance coverage, group health plan, and covered entities.
  33. Health Care Reform and Insurance in Florida
    The lack of sufficient health insurance in Florida coverage is one of the critical issues that prevent it from being considered healthy.
  34. Healthcare Public Financing and Insurance
    In the United States of America, there is a large portion of the population that does not have health insurance. This tendency occurs because health insurance is quite expensive.
  35. Medicaid Versus No Health Insurance
    In many ways, at the moment, the opinions on Medicaid became very radicalized. People sometimes claim that studies showed too little difference between treatment received
  36. Health Insurance Policy’s Impact on Nursing
    The federal policy that has a significant impact on the role of the advanced practice registered nurse is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
  37. Health Promotion: Health Insurance Costs Reducing
    Health promotion is targeted towards increasing the control over the health of the target audiences as well as the improvement of their health.
  38. Patient Healthcare: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
    The healthcare system is concerned with the duties of providing the people with treatment, prevention measures, and overall management of health.
  39. Health Economics – Health Insurance
    Market failure is the term used by economists to describe instances where insurance markets fail to provide adequate insurance services at reasonable prices.
  40. An Economic Analysis of the National Health Insurance
    In this paper, an economic analysis of a National Health Insurance is going to be carried out, in the US context. There is going to be presentation of the historical background of Insurance.

🌶️ Hot Health Insurance Ideas to Write about

  1. Affordable Child Health Insurance in San Antonio Texas
  2. Health Insurance Coverage and the Role of Income Uncertainty
  3. Everyone Has the Right to Have Health Insurance in the US
  4. Get Affordable Health Insurance in Tennessee
  5. The U.S. Health Insurance Industry
  6. Health Insurance and Health Care in America
  7. Trends, Benefits, and Impact of Consumer Health Insurance
  8. Health Insurance and the U.S. Labor Market
  9. State Children Health Insurance Programs USA
  10. Affordable Health Insurance for Unemployed
  11. Price-Linked Subsidies and Health Insurance Markups
  12. Expanding Health Insurance for the Elderly of the Philippines
  13. Private and Public Health Insurance in the UK
  14. Tax Policy Toward Health Insurance and the Demand for Medical Services
  15. Health Insurance and Health Care Demand Among the Self-Employed
  16. National Health Insurance Reform in South Africa
  17. Mandating Health Insurance Coverage for High-Income Individuals
  18. Union Threat Effects and the Decline in Employer-Provided Health Insurance
  19. Personal Accident and Health Insurance in Brazil
  20. Finding Low-Cost Health Insurance in New York
  21. Medical Progress and Supplementary Private Health Insurance
  22. Family Health Insurance Assistance Programs
  23. Health Insurance and Demography: The Russian Case
  24. A Health Insurance Plans vs. Healthcare Sharing
  25. Universal Health Insurance System in Ireland

âť“ Research Questions on Health Insurance

Need help with research questions? Try our Research Question toolkit:
  1. Are Health Insurance Markets Competitive?
  2. Can Health Insurance Competition Work?
  3. Did State Children’s Health Insurance Program Affect Married Women’s Labor Supply?
  4. Are Mental Health Insurance Mandates Effective?
  5. Can Health Insurance Reduce Household Vulnerability?
  6. Does Chronic Illness Affect the Adequacy of Health Insurance Coverage?
  7. Are Publicly Financed Health Insurance Schemes Working in India?
  8. Can National Health Insurance Programs Improve Health Outcomes?
  9. Does Employment-Based Private Health Insurance Increase the Use of Covered Health Care Services?
  10. Can the Affordable Care Act Provisions Explain the Recent Wave of Acquisitions in the Health Insurance Industry?
  11. Should Employers Provide Health Insurance?
  12. Can the Health Insurance Reforms Stop an Increase in Medical Costs of Middle- and Old-Aged Persons in Japan?
  13. Does Free Complementary Health Insurance Help the Poor Access Health Care?
  14. How Does Disability Insurance Differ From Health Insurance?
  15. Does Health Insurance Coverage Influence Household Financial Portfolios?
  16. How Does Medicaid Expansion Affect Premiums in the Health Insurance Marketplaces?
  17. Does Health Insurance Coverage Lead to Better Health and Educational Outcomes?
  18. How Does Health Insurance Affect the Delivery of Health Care in Developing Countries?
  19. Does Health Insurance Decrease Health Expenditure Risk in Developing Countries?
  20. How Does Health Insurance Improve Financial Health?
  21. Does Health Insurance Encourage Obesity?
  22. How Much Does Access to Health Insurance Influence the Timing of Retirement?
  23. Does Health Insurance Encourage the Rise in Medical Prices?
  24. How Well Does the U.S. Government Provide Health Insurance?
  25. Does Health Insurance Provision Improve Self-Employment and Entrepreneurship?
  26. Should Sick People Pay More for Health Insurance?
  27. Does Health Insurance Reduce Child Labor and Education Gaps?
  28. Should the U.S. Government Require All Americans to Have Health Insurance?
  29. Does National Health Insurance Improve Children’s Health?
  30. Why Did Employee Health Insurance Contributions Rise?

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