199 Human Rights Essay Topics & Examples

Human rights, the foundational pillars of a just society, go far beyond governments and cultures. In this collection of human rights research topics, explore the multifaceted dimensions of human rights, from historical struggles to contemporary debates. Try to understand the profound impact of human rights on societies and the pursuit of a better future.

⚖️ TOP 7 Human Rights Topics

🏆 Best Human Rights Essay Topics

  1. Human Rights as an Essential Part of the Societal Structure
    Human rights are vital to any social structure as they create guidelines for the people based on their needs and desires.
  2. Human Rights and Feminist Perspectives in Social Work
    This paper aims to review the main principles of human rights in order to understand the connections between the narratives of human rights and feminism.
  3. The Nature of Human Rights
    The essay provides an analysis of several prominent philosophers’ opinions on human rights and democracy, suggesting counterarguments and rebuttals.
  4. Discrimination and Human Rights Laws
    The paper discusses solutions of closing the gap between the reality of ongoing oppression and discrimination and the promises held out by our human rights laws.
  5. Government Responsibility Regarding Human Rights
    This paper discusses the primary responsibility of governments in promoting and protecting human rights and outlines legal instruments and conventions that governments use.
  6. Feminist Movement: Women’s Rights Are Human Rights
    Women across the globe deserve a voice and equal human rights, and they should be appreciated, and their contributions to society acknowledged.
  7. The Issue of Human Rights Violation
    This paper states that human rights violation remains a significant issue. Aligning them with the current forms of human mistreatment is necessary.
  8. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Constructivists’ Views
    Constructivists’ views better than other approaches explain why such an initiative as the development of the declaration of universal human rights was even possible.
  9. Role of Civil Society in Realization of Human Rights
    This essay discusses how civil bodies interact with the state to guarantee fundamental rights and freedoms in socio-political and economic facades.
  10. Responsibility of Mltinational Corporations in the Field of Human Rights
    Multinational corporations in the field of Human Rights have great power, force, potency, or effect in the entities of the current world order.
  11. Slavery and Human Rights Violation
    The work presents three stories from various time periods and places, but they are common in the fact that, due to greed, some people are ready to sacrifice all human qualities.
  12. Human Trafficking as Violation of Human Rights
    Human trafficking is a heinous issue that is very serious and dangerous for our society. It is widely known that human trafficking has become an expanding issue across the world.
  13. Having Children as a Human Right
    The massive significance of parenthood as a concept raises the question of whether people should be entitled to have children as a part of their basic set of rights.
  14. A Form of Discrimination and Human Rights Violations
    Based on the relevance of the problem, models and methods of assistance to victims of domestic violence have been developed.
  15. Human Rights and International Trade
    Human rights in international trade precipitated the formation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) which caters to the welfare of the workers and other interest groups.
  16. Human Trafficking: International Human Rights
    International human rights law defines human trafficking as the violation of an individual’s right to liberty through appropriation of their legal personality, labor and humanity.
  17. UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
    The U.N. Guiding Principles are a necessary but still insufficiently effective tool to protect human rights from large business structures.
  18. Business Practices and Human Rights
    Human rights refer to the fundamental rights of every human being, irrespective of race, sex, religion, political affiliation, social standing or any other feature.
  19. Universal Conception of Human Rights and Its Challenges
    Human rights are intercontinental customs, which dictate and determine how different countries handle their citizens and residents.
  20. Violation of the Human Right to Life: Death Penalty
    The problem of the death penalty cannot be separated from the general concept of human rights as it violates the paramount right of a human to life.
  21. Universal Human Rights and Cultural Values
    The universality of human rights is a question for debate because of the impact of cultures on people’s acceptation and interpretation of these rights.
  22. Human Rights and Discrimination
    Discrimination is against human rights and should be condemned because it has negative effects such as reduced productivity, feelings of anger, and anxiety.
  23. Human Rights from a Historical Perspective
    Recognizing the value of human rights guarantees that arbitrariness will not be tolerated and that democracy exists in society.
  24. Human Rights and Public’s Right to Know
    The issue of sharing every kind of information with members of the public remains sensitive and capable of affecting the interests of both citizens and governments.
  25. Social Inequality and Human Rights in the Modern World
    This paper theorize civil rights to be the basis of developing the main social fields of education, healthcare, and career opportunities.
  26. Human Rights Related to Immigration
    The essay discusses human rights related to immigration and analyzes if there are any ways to improve the situation of migrants.
  27. The Universality of Human Rights
    “Human rights are “universal” rights in the sense that they are held “universally” by all human beings”. This report discusses the universality of human rights.
  28. Prisoners’ Human Rights Protection
    For the protection of human rights in prisons, it is important to examine the existing practices and incorporate the knowledge about the methods of promoting social justice.
  29. Human Rights and Gender Issues: “The Love Suicides at Amijima” & “Tale of Kieu”
    Comparing “The Love Suicides at Amijima” and “Tale of Kieu”, while representing different time periods, addresses the same problem of human rights and gender inequalities.
  30. Islamic State and Values of Human Rights
    This paper gives a reflection and analysis of Islamic culture using the ideas gained from the movie “Islam in America”.
  31. Human Rights in United Arab Emirates
    The constitution of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) officially recognizes different rights and freedoms which its citizens and foreigners are entitled to.

🎓 Interesting Human Rights Research Topics

  1. Human Rights and Freedom in Modern Society
  2. Citizen Journalism Protects Human Rights
  3. Human Development and Human Rights: South African Country Study
  4. The Black Lives Matter’s Fight for Human Rights in America
  5. The Black Lives Matter and Philosophies of Henry Shue and Thomas Pogge on Human Rights
  6. The Different Human Rights Violation in China
  7. The Bottled Water Industry and the Violation of Human Rights on a Global
  8. Government Reforms and Basic Human Rights
  9. The Death Penalty and Violations of Human Rights
  10. The Challenges and Struggles of Viola Desmond to Fight for Equal Human Rights
  11. Exploring the Relationship Between Military Spending & Human Rights Performance in South Asia
  12. How Effective Does the Human Rights Act 1998 Promotes
  13. Examining Coca Cola Human Rights Violations in Colombia
  14. The International Courts and Tribunals’ Success in Upholding Human Rights
  15. The Similarities and Differences in the Level of Development, Human Rights Protection, and Environmental Conditions Between the North and South
  16. Civil and Human Rights: Excessive Use of Force
  17. The History and Role of the Human Rights Watch, a Nonprofit Human Rights Organization
  18. Humanitarian Intervention and Human Rights Violationss
  19. Human Rights and Justice: Forms and Mechanisms of Oppression
  20. The Violation and Protection of Human Rights in Society

👍 Human Rights Essay Examples

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Healthcare as a Human Right: Addressing Access Disparities
    The healthcare system in the United States faces several challenges, including inequalities in access to care and health outcomes.
  2. Transitional Justice: Human Rights Violations
    The paper discusses transitional justice. It alludes to the procedures and systems in place to resolve human rights violations and other offenses.
  3. Importance of the UN Declaration of Human Rights Today
    The paper states that understanding the importance of the UN Declaration is critical because it affects the quality of interpersonal relationships.
  4. Human Rights in Brunei: Impact of Cultural Practices
    Human rights and culture contradict because of their origins, and for a country like Brunei, Islamic culture will undoubtedly affect the rights of women and LGBT+ people.
  5. Healthcare as a Basic Human Right
    The right to have unlimited access to healthcare services is linked inseparably to the right to live, which is why accessibility to healthcare must be regarded as a human right.
  6. The 1807 Abolition Bill: Continuing Human Rights Struggle
    A research question concerns the effectiveness of the 1807 Bill in the fight against slavery and its contribution to the further fight against the issue.
  7. Human Rights Violations and Prosecutions of Perpetrators
    This paper discusses the challenges associated with human rights violations regarding international programs and the conditions under which prosecution is not effective.
  8. Recognition of Human Rights for LGBT Individuals
    The paper discusses the importance of studying the issue of LGBTQ people discrimination, including its causes, harmful effects, and current state.
  9. American Freedom and Human Rights
    American spirit consists of a dream of innocence and freedom. It is every American’s duty to create justice, and every person has the power to do so.
  10. History, Oppression and Human Rights Violation in India
    The caste system is not entirely eliminated and still exists in modern-day India expressed in property ownership and governance.
  11. Slavery as a Human Rights Issue
    The paper argues slavery in underdeveloped countries, especially Africa, continues to be a pressing and contemporary problem.
  12. The Fundamental Human Rights Speech
    Human rights, in plain terms, are the entitlement to the fundamental rights that are given to every individual. We are given these rights, which we retain until we die.
  13. Freedom of Speech: The Basic Human Right
    Freedom of speech allows everyone to receive and impart information. People and communities should articulate their thoughts and ideas without fear of any form of intimidation.
  14. Violations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in China
    China has a long history of suppressing authors and freedom of speech. Liu Xiaobo is a literary critic, known for their participation in the social and political spheres.
  15. Bartolome De Las Casas and Human Rights in the Age of Exploration
    Bartolome De Las Casas was a pivotal factor in the emergence of what is currently termed human rights principles, as shown by his deeds and ideas.
  16. Human Rights in China and the USA
    Every country has a different attitude toward human rights. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the problem of human rights in China and the USA.
  17. The Abortion Issue Regarding Human Rights
    This article raises the question of how people should determine what rights should be guaranteed by the constitution and what rights are core rights from birth.
  18. Black Sports Activism: Olympic Project for Human Rights
    Black activism has been fundamental in reducing institutional racism and the mistreatment of African-Americans’ rights in the larger society.
  19. Human Rights and Labor Laws Violations in Foreign Countries
    This discussion explores the situation in Chile and China, where workers have experienced labor laws and human rights violations in recent times.
  20. Indigenous People and Human Rights
    This work examines what rights a person has in the process of acculturation, how acculturation affects the indigenous people of many countries, its tendencies in the modern world.
  21. Human Rights and the Burqa Ban in France
    This paper expounding on how the affected French citizens may go about opposing the ‘burqa ban’ in the court of law.
  22. Human Rights Under Russian Leadership
    Human rights are among the essential norms which standardize human behavior and are protected by local and international laws.
  23. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
    The current paper reflects these rights to understand their impact on ending atrocities of unpleasant events that occurred in the past, such as war.
  24. Human Rights in Brown v. Board of Education Case
    The Brown v. Board of Education case was a fundamental court decision since it secured the rights of millions of children but also the rights of the African American population.
  25. Human Subjects Protection: International and Regional Human Rights Standards
    Any clinical expertise must be integrated with the best possible scientific evidence. Otherwise, it is impossible to provide patients with all the needed options.
  26. Medicine and Public Health, Ethics and Human Rights
    Nowadays one can observe the tense connection between public health, medicine, human rights, and ethics; it can be explained by a number of medical challenges, etc.
  27. The Issues of Public Health, Ethics, and Human Rights
    Human awareness of medical care limits, the recognition of societal structure influence, etc. provide a wide link between healthy vision and ethical norms perception.
  28. The Human Right to Equality and Racial Issues in the US
    This paper examines the issue of the human right to equality and non-discrimination, which is in question in the United States.
  29. UK Anti-Terrorism Strategy and the Human Rights Implications on its Implementation
    The prevention of terrorism has been given a higher priority, and the new legislation has drawn on new instruments equivalent to the European levels.
  30. The Convention for Safeguarding the Human Rights and Fundamental Freedom of the EU Citizens
    The convention for safeguarding the Human rights and fundamental freedom of the EU citizens were drawn up by the European Council on November 4th, 1950, and enforced in 1953.
  31. Human Rights Cities: Mountain View
    This blog post describes the records and the solutions of Mountain View city’s compliances to the global universal rights of an individual.
  32. Human Rights Violation in Ethiopia
    The purpose of this paper is to draw the public’s attention to the terrifying events that are happening in Ethiopia and demand justice and freedom for the Oromo people.

💡 Simple Titles for a Human Rights Essay

  1. The Mutual Relationship Between the Fields of Human Rights and Environmental Protection
  2. The Relationship Between Intellectual Property and Human Rights International Law
  3. The Constitution and the Declaration of Human Rights
  4. The Concepts and Significance of Human Rights in Society
  5. Children, Guantanamo Bay and the Violation of Human Rights
  6. Civil Liberties and Violations of Human Rights
  7. The Reason Why Countries Signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  8. Human Rights and Latin American Indigenous Women
  9. How the Death Penalty Is Against Our Human Rights
  10. The Criminal Defence and Human Rights Lawyer
  11. Effective Practices for Infusing Human Rights
  12. How Being Homeless Affects an Individual’s Human Rights
  13. Gay Marriage: The Recognition of Equal Human Rights
  14. The Black Codes: Limiting Basic Human Rights and Civil Liberties of Blacks
  15. Human Rights and International Investment Law
  16. Exponential Innovation and Human Rights: Implications for Science and Technology Diplomacy
  17. The World Struggle for Human Rights and the Rights of Self
  18. Child Soldiers Are Abused and Deprived of Human Rights
  19. Business and Human Rights: The Evolving International Agenda
  20. Development and Human Rights as Addressed by Bolivian President Evo Morales

🔥 Hot Human Rights Topics to Write About

Stuck with your paper? Explore our free toolkit:
  1. Affordable Care Act as a Fundamental Human Right
    Healthcare should be recognized as a fundamental human right, which can be based on a new Medicare for All program to be cost-effective and affordable.
  2. Declaration of Human Rights Influence on Government
    In this article, the author examines the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its impact on the governments.
  3. Human Rights and the Rwandan Genocide
    In the first half of 1994, Rwanda lost approximately 800,000 citizens due to tribal clashes that led to what is referred to now as the Rwandan Genocide.
  4. Civil Rights Movement and Actual State of Human Rights
    Ending racial discrimination and equalization of rights between the variety of ethnic groups found on the territory of the United States is a struggle with a long history.
  5. Immigrants Human Rights Violation in the United States
    The research question addresses the need to halt family separations at the border by launching long-term cooperation with other states, such as Mexico.
  6. Ethical Cases: Human Rights To Decide on One’s Life
    From medical ethics, care providers must follow the principles of autonomy and beneficence, but they are opposed to each other in these ethical cases.
  7. Global Human Rights Progress and the Role of National Cultural Value Systems
    This paper aims to investigate arguments in favor and against the claim that there has been progressing in developing global human rights over the last twenty years.
  8. Human Rights Violations in Hong Kong
    The article is about the arrest of district councilor Cheng Lai-king on March 26, 2020, after being accused of seditious intent.
  9. Confucianism and Human Rights Development
    The work highlights the main ideas of Confucianism, describes how it has changed over time under the influence of Western culture and what impact it has on our lives.
  10. Sudan, Oil, War, and Human Rights
    This paper aims to address the main issues for why despite the end of the formal conflict in Sudan; global human rights actors have remained unable to stop the war-like patterns.
  11. Are Human Rights Universal?
    The author argues that the concept of “human rights” serves as an instrument of political propaganda, and not a legal mechanism for protecting the well-being of people.
  12. Human Rights: Social Relations and State and Citizens Relations
    Human rights play a crucial role in social relations and relations between the state and citizens. In the integral approach human rights are not made subservient to any ideology.
  13. Human Rights Problem of Domestic Help in El Salvador
    The condition of human rights in El Salvador concerning the domestic helps has been steadily deteriorating over the years
  14. Human Rights Conservation and the War on Terror
    Public Safety is the concept of governmental organizations concerned with protecting their citizens from all kinds of threats.
  15. Cultural Relativism, Universal Jurisdiction and Human Rights
    The Human Rights area of different countries has its own peculiar features and structure. Human Rights are the result of people’s fight for independence.
  16. Modern World Politics and the Cause of Human Rights
    Human rights, democracy and terrorism act as a triangle which bounds modern world politics to a certain limitation.
  17. Circumcision as a Human Rights Issue in the US
    Circumcision can be considered one of the disputable practices that are still used on infants because of outdated believes and issues.
  18. Human Rights Violation During Hong Kong Protests
    This paper discusses the violation of human rights as applied to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and applied to the context of the Hong Kong protests in 2019.
  19. Remote Sensing to Monitor Human Rights Violations
    The use of modern technologies provides multiple options for various agencies that assess situations regarding human rights and their violations.
  20. Circumcision: Ethical Dilemma and Human Rights
    Circumcision is a complex phenomenon that can result in ethical dilemmas. To put it simply, circumcision consists of surgical operations on female and male genitals.
  21. Donald Trump’s Policies of Poverty and Human Rights
    One of the events related to an acute social issue of poverty in the United States involves the U.N. report on extreme U.S. poverty and human rights in the context of Donald Trump’s policies.
  22. Same-Sex Marriages and Human Rights
    Many people acknowledge that same-sex marriage is something that should be analyzed using this law. This discussion gives my personal perspective of this issue.
  23. Human Rights, Globalization and Economic Development
    Based on Bryzk’s definition of globalization, it is clear that a globalized world makes it easy to have a free flow of information and ideas across the border.
  24. Universal Human Rights in Political Ideologies
    The major contention of Communitarian with the ideologies of Universalism can be traced to the major element that each ideology advocates.
  25. Human Rights in Israel-Gaza and West Bank Regions
    The conflict in the Gaza region was a violation of human rights because the sovereignty of the state was not respected by foreign powers.
  26. Human Rights Advocates vs. Terrorism Victims
    In this study, we seek to find out the implication of terrorism on human rights and the impact of terrorism on global security.
  27. Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Crises
    This paper gives a detailed analysis of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights from different perspectives.
  28. High-Resolution Satellite Imagery and Human Rights
    The focus of this assignment is the use of high-resolution satellite imagery for detecting mass graves in Sheberghan, an area in Afghanistan.
  29. Childhood Obesity Study, Ethics, and Human Rights
    The present paper discusses ethical considerations and plans in the protection of human rights in the childhood obesity issue, possible limitations, and implications of the study.
  30. Networked Society: Connectivity as a Human Right
    The media text focuses on the collaborative aspect of the internet in which people are able to add their own ideas, assumptions and create their own content for public viewing.
  31. W. Kymlicka on Human Rights and Culture Protection
    Every society has a distinct culture that differentiates it from others and members of the society can interact freely even if they are from different cultural backgrounds.
  32. Canada’s Commitment to Human Rights Principles
    Human rights refer to those aspects that uphold the outmost virtues of humankind. This paper is an evaluation of Canada’s commitment to human rights principles.
  33. Heart Failure Study and Human Rights Protection
    The present paper discusses ethical considerations and plans in the protection of human rights during the study on congestive heart failure (CHF) patients post-discharge.
  34. Canadian Studies: Sexuality and Human Rights
    The history of Canada cannot be imagined without a chapter of same-sex struggle that, in many ways, defined the development of ethical principles of the country.
  35. Human Rights and Ethnic Groups in American History
    The paper argues that the United States protects human rights and minority ethnic groups. It discusses American history, its political, economic, and civil rights aspects.
  36. The Human Rights Act as a Protection Tool in the UK
    The HRA (Human Rights Act) was introduced in the UK in 1998 as a means of implementing an internal judicial method of addressing human rights concerns.
  37. Circumcision: Medical, Ethical and Human Rights Issues
    Human genitals is a matter that is to be treated with utmost care. Genital mutilations are mainly referred to as “a cultural practice”.
  38. The Gay Human Rights: Harvey Milk Contributions
    Harvey Milk and his contribution in the struggle to preserve gay human rights are discussed from a theoretical perspective. This paper provides an in-depth understanding of gay human rights.
  39. Understanding Human Rights: Labor Rights in a Globalizing World and Gender Rights
    Labour rights are human rights which encompass “the right to collective bargaining; the elimination of forced and slave labour.

📌 Easy Human Rights Topics

  1. Human Rights and Development: The Antithesis of Armed Conflicts and War
  2. The Coca-Cola Company’s Abuse of Its Employees Through the Violation of the Code of Human Rights
  3. How Has the Human Rights Act Affected Parliamentary Supremacy
  4. Community Service Can Restore Social Justice and Uphold Human Rights
  5. Human Rights Act and Parliamentary Sovereignty
  6. Human Rights and Freedom in Modern Society
  7. Human Rights and Freedom of Expression and Opinion
  8. Human Rights and Criminal Justice in the United Kingdom
  9. How Far Has the Government Gone to Compromise Our Basic Human Rights
  10. Does Mental Health Treatment Infringe Human Rights?
  11. The Link Between Corruption and Human Rights Violations
  12. Are New Democracies Better Human Rights Compliers
  13. Connection Between Democracy and Human Rights
  14. Ethical and Philosophical Nature of Human Rights
  15. The Connection Between Torture and Sin as a Theological Theme in the Conference Torture, Human Rights, War on Terror
  16. The Pros and Cons of the Declaration of Human Rights
  17. China Internet Censorship Against Human Rights
  18. Human Rights and Civil Liberties in Canada
  19. Examining the Links Between Human Rights and Different Models of Disability in Education
  20. Are New Democracies Better Human Rights Compliers

❓ More Human Rights Topics for Research Paper

Didn’t find what you were looking for? Explore our free research toolkit:
  1. How Does Being Homeless Affect an Individual‘s Human Rights?
  2. How Far Has the Government Gone to Compromise Our Basic Human Rights?
  3. Are Security and Human Rights Mutually Exclusive?
  4. Are Human Rights Issues Valid?
  5. How Has Globalization Impacted Human Rights?
  6. How Can Community Service Improve Human Rights and Our Society as a Whole?
  7. Does Mental Health Treatment Infringe Human Rights?
  8. How Did the Development of Human Rights Affect the Caste System in India?
  9. Are Human Rights Practices Improving?
  10. Are Human Rights Innate and Universal?
  11. Are Human Rights “Subversive to the Current” Society of States?
  12. How Does Human Rights Affect Multi-National Companies on Their Marketing Strategies?
  13. Does the Canadian Charter Effectively Protect Our Human Rights?
  14. Are Bangladeshi Women Enjoying Human Rights Properly?
  15. Are Human Rights Infringed in Treatments for Mental Health?
  16. Does Terrorism Threaten Human Rights?
  17. Are Human Rights Truly Universal?
  18. Are Human Rights Universal and Does It Matter?
  19. Does the Human Rights Act Protect Civil Liberties?
  20. Does the Terrorism Act Infringe Upon Our Human Rights?
  21. Are Human Rights Human?
  22. How Effectively Does the Human Rights Act 1998 Promote?
  23. Are Rich Nations Violating the Human Rights of the World’s Poor?
  24. Are Human Rights Universal Philosophy?
  25. Are Human Rights and Economic Well-Being Substitutes?
  26. Are Human Rights Protected?
  27. Are New Democracies Better Human Rights Compliers?
  28. Does the Human Rights Act 1998 Promote or Hinder Democracy?
  29. Are Worker Rights Human Rights?
  30. Does the WTO Violate Human Rights?

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