169 International Relations Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on International Relations

✍️ International Relations Essay Topics for College

  1. International System and International Society Relations
    This paper responds to the query of whether people live in an international system or international society. It first explores the difference between the two perspectives.
  2. International System and International Society
    The paper intends to identify the tools that can conceptualize the international system and international society and hence clear distinctions between the terms provided.
  3. Realism in Today’s International Relations
    In today’s international relations, the views that have been adopted are those of realism which continue to dominate the politics in the international arena.
  4. Karl Marx and International Relations Theories
    The major contributions of Karl Marx to the field of IR relates to two significant theories: dependency theory and world-systems theory.
  5. Global Organizations and Their Impact on International Relations: A Comprehensive Overview
    The paper discusses the emergence of the discipline of international relations followed by the emergence of international organisations.
  6. Using International Relations Theories to Predict the Future Communications With Aliens
    The paper argues that classical liberalists’ prediction of international cooperation and somewhat peaceful communication with aliens is more convincing.
  7. Ethics in International Affairs
    To eradicate ethical challenges when formulating international relations, we should avoid applying traditional ethics that are not effective.
  8. Hypothesis Writing: Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
    The conflict between Israel and Palestine can be seen as one of the characteristic attributes of politics in the Middle East.
  9. Causes of War: Comparative Politics and Peace Studies
    The essay seeks to prove that the study of comparative politics and peace studies are most applicable in understanding the causes of war and ways of enhancing peace in the world.
  10. International Relations Article Review
    The role of consumer and corporate strength of rich nations in the growth of shadow economies is stated and its changes due globalization critically analyzed.
  11. The European Union’s Security Issues
    The current security strategies used by the EU has attracted a lot of interest from regions perceived to be hostile towards the United States, for instance, the Middle East.
  12. The Effect Technology on International Relations
    With information technology, different countries have come to realize the benefits of trade; for sustainable trade, good relations among the trading partners are required.
  13. The Social Theory of Constructivism in International Relations
    Constructivism loudly declared itself in the 90s of the last century and became the main methodological framework for studying international relations for the entire decade.
  14. Is the United States a Benevolent Hegemon or a Malevolent Hegemon?
    The United States has been embroiled in world politics for more than a hundred years. In that regard, its foreign policy has been a major investment with regard to time and money.
  15. Dependency Theory in International Political Economy
    Dependence is a corollary to dominance. Least developed nations depend on developed countries for domestic and international policies to stimulate their own growth.
  16. Toyota Company’s Management and International Relations
    When selecting a country in which the factory should be opened, Toyota should pay attention to its legislature, judicial system, and attitude toward foreign investors.
  17. EU Foreign Policy: Soft Power vs. Hard Power
    The EU prefers using soft power mechanisms because it is aware that its economic, social, cultural and other standards and development are attractive to other nations and regions.
  18. Pakistan-US Relations Post-Cold War
    Relations between Pakistan and the United States have been tumultuous since the 1950s, a trend that continued after the Cold War ended in 1991.
  19. Israeli-Palestine Conflict and Global Community
    The paper describes the causes of the Israeli-Palestine conflict and discusses what historians have claimed as the role of the wider international community in the conflict.
  20. Refugees and International Relations: Annotated Bibliography
    The main question posed in the article is how critical institutional and strategic thinking is instrumental in understanding the fundamental cause of forced migration.
  21. “Rising Powers, Shrinking Planet: The New Geopolitics Of Energy” and “The Pentagon’s New Map”
    This paper aims to analyze “Rising Powers, Shrinking Planet: The New Geopolitics Of Energy” by Michael Klare And Thomas Barnet’s Lecture On “The Pentagon’s New Map”.
  22. America as the Sole Superpower
    The paper will examine American foreign policy and analyze the extent to which this country remains a superpower.
  23. China and Africa: Economic and Political Allies
    China and Africa have been economic and political allies for many years. This paper discusses trade and political relations between China and Africa.
  24. The Cold War: International Relations between 1945 and 1989
    During the Cold War period, international relations were characterized by rivalry, tension, self interest and the competition for nuclear supremacy.
  25. The English School of International Relations: Theory Review
    The English school of international relations contributed enormously to the development of the existing theories. The theory observes that a society of states exist at the global arena.
  26. The Russian Foreign Policy
    The Russian policy that allowed it to support the rebels in Eastern Ukraine fails to meet the legal and moral standards. It has completely destabilized Eastern Ukraine.
  27. The Need to Reform the United Nations Security Council
    France is one of the five permanent Security Council members; it would be in our best interest if France is part of the members advocating for reforms.
  28. International Relations: The Balkan Crisis 1912-13
    The Balkan wars are of great historical significance. The Balkan crisis is appropriate in testing realism and liberalism as theories of international relations.
  29. COVID-19 Impact on Australia’s International Relations
    The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the equilibrium, and Australian foreign policy responded by becoming more assertive and taking a distinctive anti-Chinese stance.
  30. Chinese Media and International Relations
    There is a considerable extent of evidence that Chinese media possess a notable influence on modern international relations.
  31. Japan-US International Trade Relationship
    Through the example of the Japan-US trade relationship, this paper will analyze the importance of a proper assessment of a nation’s and its partner’s economy.
  32. Waltz and Machiavelli Thoughts on International Relation and Politics
    This paper will discuss the similarities and analysis of Waltz and Machiavelli’s thoughts on international relations and politics.

👍 Good International Relations Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Peace in Islam and International Relations
    Islam promotes social harmony and peacemaking nationally. Internationally, Islamic teaching encourages peace, unity, and mutual respect among various populations.
  2. Realism as a Convincing Theory of International Relations
    Political realism is a convincing theory of international relations. Principles of realism work in many countries, supporting their courses of action.
  3. Idealism versus Realism in International Politics
    The idealists believe in selfless human character, the likelihood of improving culture. Realists deem that ethics and virtues are a barrier to the quest for state power.
  4. The United States Foreign Policy in the Middle East
    This research paper discusses the impacts of hegemonic foreign policy in the Middle East and contemplates the effects of the region’s withdrawal or minimal foreign policy.
  5. The United States Foreign Policy Actors
    It is prudent to approach the U.N., NATO, and E.U. as the foreign policy actors. The main reason for engaging these three actors is that they handle various issues.
  6. International Relationships During Cold War
    Cold War can be categorized as one of the most prominent occurrences in the international relationships of the 20th century.
  7. The Netherlands: Coronabonds Controversy
    The purpose of this presentation is to explore the Netherlands’ position on “coronabonds” and analyze its consequences.
  8. United States Foreign Policy Doctrine
    The significance of the U.S. role in foreign affairs cannot be underestimated, as it has the most advanced and developed chain of diplomatic embassies.
  9. Negotiation’s Strategy: Conflict Between Basran and Carpathia
    Negotiations will be conducted at the highest level. The disputed issue is a territorial type of conflict between Basran and Carpathia that has been escalating for twenty years.
  10. North Korean Nuclear Proliferation
    North Korea is a failing state that is increasingly dependent on its nuclear weapons for deterrence of outside intervention, for both internal and external leverage.
  11. US and Afghanistan: Diplomatic Ties and New Policy
    With the implementation of Obama’s strategy, international cooperation in tackling international terrorism will be strengthened.
  12. Brazil and the United States Relations
    To understand the conflicts between Brazil and the US, this research has identified Brazil’s social-economic and political position in the South American continent.
  13. International Relations Theories: A Foundation for the National Security Policymaking Process
    The present paper outlined the connection between the challenges in national security policymaking processes and realist and liberal theories of international relations.
  14. International Relations: Why Is There More Than One Theory?
    There are four theoretical traditions in international relations, these constitutes of realism, liberalism or idealism, international society, and international political society.
  15. Comparative Foreign Policy of Morocco and America
    The U.S. foreign policy consists of different sets of rules that guide the manner in which the nation relates with the international community.
  16. The Foremost Problem Confronting United Nations Organization
    There can little doubt as to the fact that the most significant problem confronting the Organization of United Nations (U.N.) is this organization’s operational ineffectiveness.
  17. Notable International Actors and Their Specific Roles
    The essay identifies vital international actors and identifies their specific roles and characteristics. In addition, US actions in dealing with terrorism shall also be examined.
  18. U.S. Policy to Iraq From 9/11/2001 to U.S.-Iraq War
    The U.S policy had shifted sharply towards ensuring Iraq never made such weapons of mass destruction and also to ensure Saddam’s ultimate down fall.
  19. Powerful States and Humanitarian Intervention Response
    Humanitarian intervention is best understood as the process of engaging in military intervention by one state into another state to minimize suffering in the recipient country.
  20. The EU-Moldova International Relations
    A stronger relationship between the EU and Moldova replaced the “outdated Partnership and Cooperation Agreement”. In addition, the EU liberalized trade with Moldova.
  21. International Business: The US – UAE Relationship
    This paper has proposed the USA as chosen country of expatriates living here originated from UAE for the product of Arabic style furniture.
  22. US Policy During 1967 and 1973 Middle East Wars
    The U.S. and the Soviet Union had become archenemies in the Cold War and both were anxious to spread their conflicting social visions everywhere.
  23. The United States’ Involvement with Weak States
    This paper attempts to explore the motives which draw the United States to intervene in weak states with specific reference to historical situations.
  24. Cuba Policy During Barrack Obama’s Presidency
    The recent olive branch by the Obama administration extended to the Cuban President has created an opportunity to come to diplomatic terms with the United States.
  25. Politics of the Global Economy International Relations
    The politics of the Global economic authority is in complete disorder and simultaneously reform processes are much required.
  26. Isolationism and Franklin Delano Roosevelt
    The great depression and isolationism demanded new international policies and relations that would help America to overcome the economic crisis.
  27. United States Embargo Against Cuba
    The United States made the move and put into effect the trade embargo in the year 1958 after a vicious armed conflict erupted in Cuba between the Batista government and rebels.
  28. Theories of World International Relations
    Different theories of international relations will be examined in this paper and then they will be compared and contrasted to ascertain the best practices in this regard.
  29. The Israeli and the Palestinian People in Conflict
    The conflict from the 1920’s to the present day. Having looked at the origin of the war, the paper will address the issues of the causes and the effects the conflict has had on the Israeli and the Palestinian people.
  30. International Relations: Growing Importance of Secularization
    At the beginning of the 21st century, growing religiosity and secularization are the direct causes of political, economic, and social crisis-affected modern society.
  31. China’s Foreign Policies and Influence on East Asia
    The main topic of this paper touches on China and regional integration in East Asia and the challenges that must be overcome.
  32. Political Science. Canada’s Dependency on the United States
    This essay discusses the level of dependency of Canada on the United States and how this issue is affecting the two countries.
  33. The Global Dispute of Pakistan and India as to Kashmir
    The Kashmir conflict is directed to the global dispute of Pakistan and India as to Kashmir which is considered to be the region of Indian Territory.

📌 Easy International Relations Essay Topics

  1. International Monetary Relations and Cooperation
    While global capital convertibility and openness of the economy may be positive trends, yet, a new global economic order is the need of the times.
  2. An Alliance With America Analysis
    The paper will focus on the nature of the United States power and how this power is used to influence countries to become allies of the country.
  3. Law in International Relations: The Avena Case
    The Avena case started on 31 March 2004 with the United States’ defeat in the international law arena, illustrates the attitude of the US to the imperative of international law.
  4. The India–United States India Nuclear Treaty
    Analysis of India-US nuclear treaty and the hypothesis that the treaty would bring about drastic changes to the power equations and international relations among the Asian countries.
  5. Israel’s Creation and Settlements in Palestine
    Israeli settlements in Palestine and their legal status are among the most disputable topics today. The majority of countries do not regard the settlements as valid and legal.
  6. Conflict Between Jews and Arabs in Palestine 1947-1948
    The main cause of conflict between the Jews and Arabs in Palestine was essentially a struggle for right to access land and the freedom of the people to reside in Palestine.
  7. International System During the Cold War Era
    The basic characteristic of the international system during the Cold War era is its duo-polarity nature characterized by the ideological war of the two most powerful nations.
  8. China’s Crisis, Global Economy and Relations
    According to the theory of neorealism and neoliberalism, a significant crisis in China can lead to a global economic crisis and the increased cooperation between states.
  9. Arab Spring’s Impact on Morocco vs. Other States
    The purpose of this paper is to conduct thorough research about the Arab Spring and its implications and to observe how those movements influenced Morocco.
  10. The Irgun Organization’s Impact on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
    The peace process targeted at eliminating violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is extremely complex and multi-dimensional.
  11. Gulf Cooperation Council – India Relations
    The Gulf region presents a myriad of natural, political, economic, and strategic opportunities and interests of India.
  12. The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882: Impact on U.S.-China Relations and Immigration
    The aim of this paper was to give insight into the events surrounding the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 and the impact of its abandonment on Chinese Americans.
  13. Canada-United States Security Partnership
    The frontier between the US and Canada is an essential part of the economic relationships between the two countries.
  14. United States-Iran Relations and Future Conflict
    The report identifies whether a purchase of ballistic missiles contributes to a probability of future conflict between the United States and Iran.
  15. Impact of US Embassy Move on Israel-Palestine Conflict
    While Palestinians argue that the occupied land should belong to their deterritorialized nation, Israelis disagree, proclaiming it as their own.
  16. UN Resolution 181: Israel, Palestinian Rights, and Legal Controversies
    The United States recognizes and supports Israel as a country which has the rightful claim to the historical land of the Jewish people.
  17. American Movies and Foreign Policy: Analysis of International Relationships
    Hotel Rwanda, The Terminal, and Argo are the movies where foreign policies and international relations of the U.S. are traced and explained to demonstrate the status of the country and its role in the global arena.
  18. Chinese and American Engagement in Africa: Comparative Analysis
    China’s engagement in Africa encompasses investment, aid, and trade, and it has resulted in economic growth, improved foreign relations, and the development of new infrastructure.
  19. Israel-Palestine Conflict: Rights, Settlements, U.S. Impact
    Israel was created to settle Jews in the lands separated from Palestine. The conflict between Palestinian Arabs and Jews has not been resolved, and it can be observed even today.
  20. Israel-Palestine Conflict: Origins, Rights, and U.S. Role
    The state of Israel was established following U.N. Resolution 181 in 1947. This situation has led to the development of the conflict between Palestinian Arabs and Jews.
  21. American Foreign Policy Exporting Democracy
    American foreign policy is designed to meet several international goals but the priority areas over the years have been national security and defense.
  22. Rising vs. Declining Powers in International Arena
    Small powers have limited economic and military strengthens. On the other hand, middle and super powers have significant economic and military strengthens such as the US.
  23. Oil as a Political Weapon in the Middle East
    The relatively large impact of the oil issue in international relations should be explained by at least several reasons. First, all countries strive to provide energy security.
  24. Evolution and Impact of International Relations throughout History
    Global interdependence provides peace. However, world regions are not entirely exclusive in advantage that would promote interdependence.
  25. US Actions & International Law Amidst the Decline of Global Stability
    As of right now, the U.S. is interested in establishing its foothold in Syria, in order to use this country, as the base for spreading chaos to Iran, and consequently to Russia and China.
  26. Asian International Politics and Military Conflicts
    The Cold War mentality of Japan was that of strengthening ties with Western powers to contain other Asian emerging powers.
  27. The US and Middle Eastern States’ Cooperation
    There are some areas of close cooperation between the US and some Middle Eastern states. However, there are areas of serious tensions that have marred this relationship.
  28. International Realism, Pluralism and Structuralism
    Realism, pluralism and structuralism are all the conceptual frameworks used in the international political economy and social research in political science.
  29. Anarchy and Rationalism in International Relations
    This paper discusses the meaning of anarchy concept in international relations and examines rational choice approaches to the study of politics.
  30. International Relations in Europe and North Africa
    International relations refer to the study of how countries relate to one another. This paper seeks to provide a reaction to articles related to international relations.
  31. Japan’s Decision to Attack Pearl Harbor in 1941
    The paper explains Japan’s Perl Harbour using two theories: the balance of power theory, favored by neo-realists, and the economic interdependence theory.
  32. Globalization and Democratization Relationship
    This paper explores the existing relationship between democracy and globalization. It focuses on democratization, globalization and their imperativeness.
  33. Analyzing the Factors Behind the Indian-Pakistani Conflict
    The Kashmir conflict has been evolving with time and it is therefore difficult to pinpoint one reason for the war. One may look at it as an effort to protect the rights of India.

🎓 Most Interesting International Relations Research Titles

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. The 2011 NATO Intervention in Libya: Strategic Objectives and Consequences
    The first revolts in Libya in 2011 were developed with the aim to overthrow the rule of Muammar el Qaddafi and under the influence of the Arab Spring movement.
  2. Israeli-Palestinian Warfare: The Gaza Conflict
    The Gaza Conflict is one of the many conflicts within the Israeli-Palestinian warfare. The Gaza strip has been under attack for decades.
  3. Russia-U.S. Confrontation: A Geopolitical Crisis
    At the present time, the U.S. and Russia are being commonly referred to as the ‘arch enemies’, which are bound to clash militarily in the future.
  4. Vietnam Decolonization’s Impacts on the International Relations
    Decolonization was an instrumental factor to major changes that took place in the place world politics, particularly the decolonization of Vietnam given the geostrategic position.
  5. Consular Service and Collaboration in the 21st Century
    In the context of globalization, consular collaboration acquires particular interest as it is meant to develop a variety of international links and support national ex-pats abroad.
  6. Iran’s Nuclear Energy Program and Relations with Israel: Tensions and Diplomatic Challenges
    The fact that Iran has questioned the existence of Israel as Jews homeland and threatened to annihilate it has further complicated the issue.
  7. Analyzing Russian Involvement and Its Effects in Eastern Ukraine
    This paper will outline American and Russian sides of the story, with respect to what should be deemed the actual nature of Russia’s involvement in Ukraine and what are this involvement’s effects.
  8. Montenegro Independence Inspires Kosovo’s Bid
    States that aspire to disintegrate should have valid and convincing reasons before they are allowed independence to avoid unnecessary reorganization of borders.
  9. The Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty: Causes and Effects
    The research analyzes the roles of Sadat and the UN in the process of signing the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty and altering Egypt’s political and economic alignment.
  10. Why UAE Must Lead in Regional Refugee Resettlement
    This paper discusses how can the UAE and Europe work together to further the integration of refugees from Syria, Libya, and Iraq and prevent radicalization.
  11. Can Russia Achieve Superpower Status? Challenges and Strategies
    Russia’s comeback as a global player has been characterized by its determination in multi-polarity overseas and creation of an autonomous democracy at home.
  12. Brexit Aftermath: Economic, Political, and Social Impacts on the UK
    This article will discuss the aftermath of Brexit. The referendum did not only impact the relationship between the EU and Britain but also resulted in the divided UK.
  13. Implications of US-Australia Cooperation: A Strategic Overview
    The alliance between the US and Australia provides support for Australia in economics and politics, yet it is also binding regarding Australia’s relationships with other states.
  14. US Foreign Affairs: Evaluating Policies in the Middle East
    The presence of the US in the Middle East was based on safeguarding its national security interests and ensuring that the nation’s interests are met.
  15. Power and Influence: U.S. vs. Mexico in a Globalized World
    The most powerful states have more opportunities to preserve their autonomy on the global arena than poorer states.
  16. The Complex Relationship Between Venezuela and Colombia: Historical Context and Modern Implications
    The relationship between Venezuela and Colombia was initially hinged on the fact they both got their independence under Simon Bolivar although they separated into two states in the 19th century.
  17. The Iran Nuclear Deal: Analysis of Its Implications and International Relations
    The article “The Iran Nuclear Deal – A Simple Guide” by William J. Broad and Sergio Peçanha presents the view of the authors on the negotiations with Iran on the nuclear issue.
  18. ASEAN’s Political Influence and Regional Collaboration Strategies
    A world region is defined by the interconnectedness of areas based on social, economic, political, and cultural orientation. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations is one such region.
  19. United Nations in the Israeli-Palestine Conflict
    In some cases, the UN has played a major role in contributing to conflicts. One such case is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that still remains an issue to this day.
  20. Ukrainian Crisis: Russian, American, European Views
    The situation in Ukraine is viewed differently by the United States, the European Union, and Russia due to the different backgrounds of the societies.
  21. Security in the Gulf: Oil, Politics, and Global Stability
    World security is closely linked to international commerce. A military approach for purposes of deterrence and achievement of security in the Gulf is the most preferable approach.
  22. The European Union’s Influence on Middle East Peace Processes: An Overview
    One of the aspects of today’s geopolitical reality is the fact that the scope of the EU’s activities in the Middle East assumes qualitatively new subtleties.
  23. China and Africa’ Relations
    The formal relations between China and Africa date back to the 1950s. This paper describes the trade and political relations between China and Africa that have resulted in shared benefits.
  24. Conflict Resolution Strategies in Northern Ireland and Cyprus: Comparative Analysis
    This paper explains the rationale behind mediation based on the resolution efforts made in Cyprus and Northern Ireland.
  25. Examining Cuba’s International Policies and Diplomatic Relationships
    The following essay analyzes Cuba’s foreign policies to determine how they affect and are influenced by other nations.
  26. The United Kingdom’s Exit from the European Union: Political and Economic Implications
    The paper identifies and describes the impacts of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union to its economy, political positions, and international relations.
  27. China’s Impact on Africa: Trade and Sovereignty
    China’s interest in Africa is founded on finding a source of raw materials for its rapidly growing manufacturing sector and securing a ready market for its products.
  28. Economic Consequences of China-Africa Relations: Opportunities and Challenges
    China is regarded as one of the largest producing countries and the problem that attracts a lot of attention of researchers is related to the fact that it is expanding its influence in Africa.
  29. Analyzing Unsuccessful Efforts in Nuclear Arms Control: Lessons Learned
    This essay describes the role played by nuclear weapons in deterring vertical and horizontal proliferation by the nations in the international arena.
  30. Emerging Powers and World Order
    This article shows that while the dynamics of international politics are likely to change through emerging powers, liberalist institutions and the world order will still remain.
  31. Impact of World War I on Modern International Relations
    The World War I demonstrated the role of the alliance system, the use of poison gas, and the effect of the genocide on the nations’ development.
  32. Evaluating U.S.-Iran Relations: Tactical Approaches and Their Broader Effects
    The relation between Iran and the US dates back to many years ago. There are reports which indicate that this relation can be traced back to the last years of the 19th century.
  33. The Arab Spring and American Response to It
    The paper looks into issues considered in the process of forming a political reaction of the USA to the Arab Spring, and factors justifying a military intervention.
  34. Korean Conflict: North vs South Korea War (1950-1953)
    The Korean Conflict was a domestic and armed war that took place in the Korean Peninsula. The conflict was between the North and South Korea.

❓ International Relations Essay Questions

  1. What Is the Study of International Relations Concerned With?
  2. What Are the Three C’s of International Relations?
  3. Is Global Affairs the Same as International Relations?
  4. What Are the Institutions That Govern International Relations?
  5. What Is the Difference Between International Studies and International Relations?
  6. What Is the Role of International Relations Theories in Global Issues?
  7. What Is Idealism in International Relations?
  8. How Does International Relations Affect People’s Daily Life?
  9. What Is International Relations in Political Science?
  10. How Did the Cold War Shape Postwar International Relations?
  11. What Are Norms in International Relations?
  12. What Are the Main Issues of International Relations?
  13. When Did International Relations Start?
  14. Do State Governors Get Involved in International Relations?
  15. What Is the Difference Between Political Science and International Relations?
  16. What Is Unipolarity in International Relations?
  17. Which International Relations Theory Believes There Is No Explicit or Consistent National Interest?
  18. How Did the Congress of Vienna Change International Relations?
  19. What Is Power Politics in International Relations?
  20. How Is Deterrence in International Relations?
  21. Why Is the Security Dilemma Important to International Relations?
  22. What Is Constructivism in International Relations?
  23. Why Is It Important to Study Political Science and International Relations?
  24. What Is World Order in International Relations?
  25. What Resource Has a Significant Effect on International Relations?
  26. How Did the Berlin Blockade Affect International Relations?
  27. Is Patriotism Ultimately Destructive or Constructive to International Relations?
  28. Is Marxism Relevant to Contemporary International Relations?
  29. Who Is the Main Actor in International Relations?
  30. How Is the Understanding of International Relations Shaped?

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