🏆 Best Essay Topics on Race
👍 Good Race Research Topics & Essay Examples
- Power and Race Symbolism in Coetzee’s “Disgrace”In Disgrace, symbolism is used as a thematic element to demonstrate principles of power and race while providing commentary about the socio-political strife in South Africa
- Whigs’ vs. Democrats’ Views on Slavery and RaceThe political life of America in the 1830s – early 1850s was largely determined by the rivalry between Whigs and Democrats.
- Representation of Race and Intersectionality in Films: “The 13th”“The 13th,” an Academy Award-nominated documentary, is a prime example of how the representation of race should not exist in isolation from other social and human aspects.
- Race and Culture in The Hate You Give MovieThe Hate You Give movie reveals society issues, particularly how society can be cruel even when one wants to amend his/her ways and make right for the errors they did.
- José Olivarez’s Talk on Race, Identity and GenderThe talk by José Olivarez explores many themes, including race, identity, disparities between different communities, masculinity, and more.
- Bacon’s Rebellion as a Turning Point in the American Ideas of RaceBacon’s Rebellion of 1675-1676 united indentured servants and slaves against the Grandees and provoked a reaction from white elites.
- Mark Twain’s Argumentation in “The Damned Human Race”This paper urges to work out the main approaches and motives of the Mark Twain while writing the essay The Damned Human Race.
- Race and Ethnicity in “The Long Walk Home” FilmThe thesis statement of this paper is that the film “The Long Walk Home” represents how a conflict related to race can affect the lives of various representatives of society.
- American Cowboys and Their Long DriveThe cowboys moved 2,000 longhorn cattle for nearly four months in a journey across America for adventures and a chance to get rich.
- Housing Discrimination Across Race, Gender, and Felony HistoryHouse discrimination largely involves leasing/renting, putting on sale, or rather acquiring property while handling the individuals performing the buying.
- Disability: Social Origin and the Role of Aging, Gender, and RaceThe paper explores the sources on the topic to identify how their authors regard disability in general and aging as its type in particular through gender as well as racial lenses.
- Objective Social Structure: Race, Gender, and ClassThe vast majority of social divisions take place based on race, gender, and class, where one or all three categories are imposed on individuals.
- How Gender, Race, and Class Impact Criminality LevelsThis paper has explored how gender, race, and class impact the level of criminality in America. People of different races are highly involved in criminal activities.
- Sports and Race: The Road Towards the “Transracial Ideal”The essay argues the “transracial ideal” is attainable in 21st-century sports because unbiased sports coverage and the perception of athletes are becoming more widespread.
- Intersectionality of Religion with Gender, Race, and ClassReligion is an act of devotion towards the existence of a true God. There are some aspects of faith, which make it susceptible to being a potential source of discrimination.
- Enterobius Vermicularis: A Worm That Knows No Class, Race, or CultureThis paper seeks to provide an analysis of the pinworm as a parasite as well as demonstrate effective methods of treatment and prevention.
- What Blazing Saddles and Bamboozled Say about Race RelationsBlazing Saddles is a scattershot comedy that sets out to offend as many people as possible even as it makes us laugh at the clichés that have been drummed into our heads by countless Hollywood films.
- Critical Race, Social Learning and Feminist TheoriesCritical Race Theory has been actively used by researchers in order to critically analyze racial relations in different contexts, including the educational one.
- “Frankie & Alice” Motion Picture: Race and Mental CareFrankie & Alice is a Canadian motion picture by Berry, Cirrincione, DeKaric, Zaidi, and Sax. It is based on a real story of an Afro-American woman with a Dissociative Identity Disorder.
- Race Prejudice and Group PositionThis paper analyzes the article “Race Prejudice as a Sense of Group Position” by Herbert Blumer on racial prejudice beliefs taken from stereotypes.
- The Economics of Race, Agriculture and EnvironmentThis research paper is going to answer the question; do public policies reduce or enhance racial inequality in agricultural and environmental affairs?
- Gender and Race Factors in ‘My Year of Meats’ by Ruth OzekiGender and race are depicted by Ruth Ozeki in “My Year of Meats” as the spheres of major concentration of prejudices and stereotypes.
- Is It Morally Permissible to Drive After Having One Drink?According to Kant, we must always think of what would have happened if everyone had driven after having a drink. The only possible answer is that the roads would have become a nightmare.
- Chopin and Hawthorne: Gender, Race, and Conflict in 19th-Century LiteratureIn the nineteenth century, men were very chauvinistic. This statement describes men’s brutality against women. In the story, Desiree asks for permission before doing anything.
- The “Race, the Power of an Illusion” Film ReviewThe film “Race, The Power of an Illusion” is devoted to comparing the different racial groups’ peculiarities through closer scrutiny of their DNA.
- Race and Identity in Milton Murayama’s “Plantation Boy”The book vividly outlines the questions of racial and ethnic relationships, as plantation inhabitants represented a mixture of cultures not always managing to find common ground.
- The Relationship between Race and SexualitySexuality is a complex issue that affects everyone. People of different communities have a different understanding of sexuality.
- Race and Gender: Dimensions of PowerThe global purpose of this paper is to explain race and gender in the context of power dynamics in modern society.
- Economic in One Lesson: The Drive for ExportsIn Chapter 12 “The Drive for Exports,” Hazlitt talks about the exceeding need of countries for countries to export their goods in order to facilitate equal distribution of expenditures and earnings.
- The Impact of Diversity on Society: Race, Ethnicity, and Gender IssuesSelf-identification of African American women depends on two important aspects that are ethnicity or race and gender.
- Drama: Paula Vogel’s “How I Learned to Drive”Driving lessons are similar to lessons in life because the learner should understand how to control oneself. This idea is reflected in Paula Vogel’s play “How I Learned to Drive”.
📌 Easy Race Essay Topics
- The Color of Sex: Postwar Histories of Race and GenderThe article “The Color of Sex: Postwar Photogenic Histories of Race and Gender in National Geographic Magazines” disclosed how the images of people of color are formed by the popular culture.
- Facial Profiling: Race, Physical Appearance, and PunishmentThis paper examined the impact of defendants’ physical characteristics on punishment. The researchers utilized the following key concepts: facial appearance, race, and punishment.
- Sociology of Race, Gender, Identity, and SexualityThe paper provides significant information on how such aspects as race, gender, identity, and sexuality relate to and influence society.
- Race and Caste: Religion-Based Caste SystemRace and caste have increasingly formed a divergence in human perceptions. How both race and caste have been reiterated, has effectively supported this.
- Emotions That Drive Action: Benedict Arnold and Michael JordanThis work will explore how inner experiences and feelings became the impetus for the action of such famous people as Benedict Arnold and Michael Jordan.
- Social Constructs of Race and GenderIn addition to existing as a part of people’s perceptions, both terms of gender and race have underlying deeper aspects that extend to broader social concepts.
- Fashion Magazine Analysis. Race and EthnicityCosmopolitan’s target audience includes females aged between 18 and 35. At the same time, the general target audience that Vogue reaches is females aged from 20 to 40.
- “Race in the Schoolyard, Chapter 3” by Lewis AnalysisWest City school has tensions due to the racial composition of its students and staff, which discourages discussions of racism.
- Race and the Invisible HandAt the heart of discussion, the question is whether there are specific characteristics that make young black people undesirable as workers, compared to their white counterparts.
- Race and Gender Diversity in Public Relations CareersThis capstone paper examines the impact of race and gender diversity on building careers in the sphere of public relations.
- The Play ‘How I learned to drive ’by Paula VogelThis paper critically analyzes the play ‘How I learned to drive’ in relation to the development of the characters and degree of the stereotypes.
- Race and Gender Stereotypes in LiteratureLiterary texts are used to advance gender and race-related stereotypes. In this paper, the author examines three literary texts: Araby, The Hound of the Baskervilles and The False Gems.
- Exploring the Dynamics of Race and EthnicityDive into the complex terrain of racial and ethnic classifications with a critical examination of their societal significance and implications.
- Race of Suspect and Eyewitness Identification AccuracyThe paper will identify scholarly journals on the topic and highlight the author’s credentials, the intended audience of the article, and the reasons why the article is relevant.
- Examples of Employment Discrimination: Gender, Age, Race, & OthersDiscrimination in the workplace can be detrimental since it leads to depression and other psychological disorders that affect employees’ productivity.
- Native American Identity and RaceDefining North American indigenous people as a race would be distinctively Eurocentric and scientifically unjustified.
- The Chicago Race Riot of 1919: Unraveling Racial Tensions and Shaping HistoryThe Chicago Race Riot of 1919 was a violent conflict between the white and black residents of Chicago, Illinois, that lasted for five days, from July 27 to August 1.
- Tulsa Race Massacre Historical ContextEvents such as the Tulsa Massacre do not occur at random times. They are woven into a social framework that includes racial, political, and economic circumstances.
- Effects of Race, Culture, and Language on AmericaThe essay analyses some works and speeches to better understand the scope of originality of the black race, Black English, and reasons for empowering minority groups in America.
- The Neglected College Race Gap Article by LibassiThe main idea of the article The Neglected College Race Gap by Libassi is that black students are underrepresented in some of the key areas of study.
- Race, Ethnicity, and Age Trends of Death From COVID-19The article “Race, ethnicity, and age trends in persons…” analyzes deaths due to COVID-19 from the perspective of race, ethnicity, and age of its victims.
- Discussion: Race, Gender, and ScienceThe author of the primary source, “Native Life in a Johannesburg Slum Yard”, Ellen Hellmann, was a white woman who lived in Johannesburg, South Africa, during the early 1900s.
- Race and Sports: Inequality in SportsIn her New York Times article “Equity in Sports Has Focused on Gender, Not Race. So Gaps Persist,” Alanis Thames discusses mass gender and racial inequality in sports.
- Race and Ethnicity Social Movement and ChangeThe key issues of race and ethnicity include three major sociological perspectives: functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism.
- Gender and Race in Langston Hughes’ Poetry of the Spanish Civil WarLangston Hughes was a crucial figure in the 1920s Harlem Renaissance, which blossomed black intellectual, literary, and creative life in several American cities, particularly Harlem.
- The “Race: The Power of an Illusion” DocumentaryThe documentary “Race: The Power of an Illusion” by Tracy Heather Strain, overviews the history of racial relationships, particularly, in the context of the U.S. cultural setting.
- Race Relations in the “Get Out” MovieGet Out has been widely considered a satire and a commentary on race relations and white people’s liberal mindset in modern American society.
- Race, Sex, and Gender in Cultural AnthropologyThe central idea shows how attitudes towards races and gender have changed in secular and scientific society through the dynamics of the stories of progressive scientists.
- The Perceptions of Race in AmericaCultural and Racial biases have been in existence for long periods. The biases are witnessed in almost all sectors of our societies.
- Critical Race Theory and Its ApplicationOne quintessential theory related to the concepts of diversity and racism in social settings is the critical race approach.
- Discussion: Race and EthnicityThe definitions of race and ethnicity seem to be often confused, and usually, the line between them blurs, and people do not use the terms correctly.
🎓 Most Interesting Race Research Titles
- Twitter: The Forces That Tend to Drive Social MediaOne of the driving forces that can be associated with Twitter is trust, and the rise of the cancel culture became a display of how individuals could explain their lack of trust.
- Health Care Disparities: Race and GenderThis paper discusses health care disparities. Race and gender disparity in healthcare delivery pose significant challenges to the U.S. healthcare system.
- Geographies of Race and Ethnicity I: Summary of Article“Geographies of race and ethnicity I” compares and contrast two forms of racism: white supremacy and white privilege.
- The Anti-Black Race Riot as a Civil Rights IssueRacial violence increased toward the black population in the United States. White Americans were unwilling to accept the idea of equal civil rights.
- Race: A Socially Constructed ConceptRacial concerns are a major cause of contention around the world. Race is a social construct, a classification system developed by human beings.
- Class and Race: Interconnection AnalysisThis paper will focus on the connection between class and race and how understanding these actors contribute to one’s understanding of discrimination in society.
- The Culture, Language, and Race InterconnectionFor the purposes of this discussion, two sources discussing culture, language and race will be viewed. One is a book chapter concerning the impact racism has on culture.
- Race and Social Construct Then and NowMany people believe that race reflects phenotypic differences among humans, independent of their cultural background and even without the established racial categories.
- Nazi Germany: Race and Space PolicyAccording to Race and Space policy of Nazi Germany, only a race at the highest level of evolution is capable of generating culture.
- “Looking Like a Language, Sounding Like a Race” by RosaThis paper shows how specific linguistic practices and by what means the racial categories are established to represent stereotypical linguistic practices.
- Race in “The Long Walk Home” FilmThe film “The Long Walk Home” is a representation of how a conflict related to race can affect the lives of various representatives of society.
- Beating Hypertension in the Race to Healthy People 2030: A Caste StudyFor older adults, hypertension remains one of the main causes of many adverse cardiovascular outcomes such as stroke and death.
- Defining Race in Brazil and Racism ReducingThe intent of the Brazilian government to reduce racism are noble, but the stratified classification is creating more identity challenges and making it hard to implement programs.
- Race in “Black Women Feel Sting…” by Morrison & MascadoRacial prejudices find their way into the proceedings challenging Jackson’s ability to win the much-debated position.
- “Race: The Power of an Illusion” DocumentaryOne example of why race is not a biological characteristic is the DNA workshop demonstrated in the documentary.
- Race and Gender in 17th-18th Century American ColoniesThis paper aims to explain the role race and gender played in the development of British North American colonies in the 17th-18th centuries.
- The Problems of American Dream and RaceFor a long time, many people have been coming to the United States to realize their goals. The cultural and social phenomenon of the American dream was formed.
- Race Related Issues in SocietyIn modern humanistic society, discrimination on race grounds, is unacceptable, however, nowadays, African Americans, Asian Americans, various difficulties due to race.
- Discussion of Race and Gender IdentityThe paper argues humanity has created specific patterns of behaviour and segregation to make life easy back in times.
- Race and Intelligence: Sterilization and Confinement in CaliforniaMost intelligence experts believe that any differences between African Americans and Europeoids in IQ test scores are due primarily to environmental causes.
- Ethnicity, Race, and Gender as Social ConstructsThe paper states that ethnicity is a social construct. As gender and race, it is used to frame social identities and inform interactions between people.
- Race, Poverty, and Incarceration in the United StatesThe American justice system, in its current form, promotes disproportionally high incarceration rates among blacks and, to a lesser degree, Latinos from poor urban neighborhoods.
- “Warrior Women”: Gender, Race, and Sexuality in FilmThe documentary “Warrior Women” exemplifies the bonds between women by presenting the female perspective of historical events that shaped the indigenous community.
- East-West Rivalry and Atomic Race of Cold WarCold War intensified after Russia and the United States got new leaders, namely Nikita Khrushchev and Dwight Eisenhower.
- Intersection of Disability Justice, Race, and GenderThis paper presents an annotated bibliography on the intersection of disability justice, race, and gender, analyzing intersections of disability justice.
- Intersectionality of Race and GenderThe paper states that considering the scope of the stigma that overwhelms the lives of women of different races, intersectionality continues to impose a moral struggle on women.
- Stop and Search Policy and Race DiscriminationThis research aims to identify the reasons for police violence against ethnic backgrounds and outline possible ways to solve this problem.
- The Cold War: The Arms Race and Territorial ClaimsThis paper critically assesses the background of the Cold War and discusses the critical theaters of action, as well as the arms race and territorial claims.
- Analysis of Race-to-the-Top StrategyThe race-to-the-top primary aim is to deal with the gap between developed and emerging economies within the scope of the economy.
- The Notion of Race Through the Prism of Personal ExperienceThe concepts of race and ethnicity and their perception in the modern US context have long been considered an emotionally challenging topic for discussion.
- American Society’s Reckoning About Race IssueThe pastor of a Baptist church notes that American society is facing a reckoning currently about the issue of race, and there is much division.
✍️ Race Essay Topics for College
- “Race and Colorblindness After Hernandez and Brown” by LópezLópez reminds readers of two court cases that contributed to the overcoming of racial segregation – Brown versus Board of Education of Topeka and Hernandez versus Texas.
- The Politics of Gender and Race in the Ilbert Bill ControversyThe Ilbert Bill is an essential contribution to the study of women. It was one of the first attempts to eliminate racial discrimination under the Indian Criminal Code.
- Colorblind Racism and Race-Based MedicineMany people tend to claim that the modern United States is equal and democratic, and it is an example of colorblind life when individuals ignore racist issues.
- Segregation in the U.S.: A Race Dot Map AnalysisDue to the prevalence of the White culture, ethnic minorities are most marginalized and segregated in the U.S. community.
- Personal Lessons About Race and EthnicityThis paper is an analysis and a reflection of how the author learned about race and ethnicity when he was growing up.
- Addressing Race Discrimination in Contemporary AmericaAscertaining the specific prerequisites for the current status of the black population is essential in raising cultural competence and promoting social justice.
- Social Construction of Race and Gender in the United States and BrazilBeing able to categorize the general population into specific groups based on certain characteristics is vital for understanding how people see themselves and others.
- Central Rat Race: Signs AnalysisA textual component can be introduced to make communicating the event’s context easier, especially for those not aware of it.
- Race and Police Brutality in American HistoryRacism and police violence since the time of colonization has had intense effects on Black and Indigenous communities.
- Ancient Egyptian Question of RaceThe question of the race of Egyptians arose as a result of an increased interest in anthropology and the racial division of society about two centuries ago.
- Race and Ethnicity. Minorities IssuesThe entire community will be better off if the government employs policies that would artificially prevent segregation and unite people.
- The Origins of Race: Environmental and Socio-Political RootsThe idea of people being biologically separated into racial groups is a product of societal attitudes that lacks solid scientific backing.
- Race Relations in America in Faulkner’s Intruder in the Dust and Ellison’s Invisible ManWilliam Faulkner’s Intruder in the Dust and Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man are novels that have touched on America’s race relations in the 20th century.
- Social Psychology: Race, Racism, and DiscriminationUnderstanding race, racism, and discrimination are equally important since the whole matter of race and racism revolves around the human ethnic background.
- The Relationship Between Race and Crime in the United StatesThe US media often mentions Latinos in the news when discussing drug trafficking and crimes related to crossing US borders.
- Effects of Race and Economic Status on Punishment of CrimesDifferent researches show that most punishments issued by law enforcement officers on criminals are largely determined either by racial bias or the economic status of criminals.
- The Race, Crime, and Urban Inequality TheoryThe theory of race, crime, and urban inequality is based on the paradigm of social disorganization theory formulated by the Chicago School.
- “Charlottesville: Race and Terror”: Fighting for RightsThe video “Charlottesville: Race and Terror” demonstrates the plight of African American people and their willingness to fight for their rights.
- Intersectionality of Gender With Race, Culture, and PoliticsThe repression for women highlighted from the fundamental subject of “the family”, as portrayed in the feminist theory, characterized women as fiscally reliant on men.
- Mass Incarceration and RaceMass incarceration has a devastating influence on African American families attributable to continued racial discrimination.
- Race: Genetic or Social ConstructionOne of the most challenging questions the community faces today is the following: whether races were created by nature or society or not.
- “Race and Revolution” by Gary Nash“Race and Revolution” by Gary Nash explains that as much as people differ in body features and color of the skin this should not be used to fuel differences.
- Do Private Schools in the United States Discriminate Based on Race?Racial issues have always been a major problem in the US due to the historical origins of the nation’s establishment. Therefore, its presence in educational facilities is inevitable,
- Barack Obama’s Speech on Race in PhiladelphiaThe article analyzes in detail Barack Obama’s speech in Philadelphia on slavery and racial discrimination in the United States.
- Suburbs, Race, and White Identity in Postwar AmericaThe paper discusses the isolation of black citizens from the suburban households and the prevalence of white residents there considerably affected the development of American suburbia.
- Personality’s Role in Our Beliefs About RaceThis essay argues that one’s personality and views on racism are interconnected and contingent on apathy, motivational goals, and ego vulnerability.
- Perception of Race and EthnicityThe purpose of this paper is to discuss race and ethnicity and how these phenomena affect human relationships.
- Rhetorical Devices in Debates: Biden, Harris, and the Issue of Women and RaceIn the 2019 conversation between Biden, Harris, and Booker, the active use of idiom as a rhetorical device reinforced the arguments made by Booker.
- Sociological Issues About Social Class and Poverty, Race and Ethnicity, GenderThe aim of this paper is to describe different sociological issues in the USA, such as social class and poverty, race and ethnicity, gender, etc.
- Conflict and Order Theory on Race and Gender IssuesIn a U.S. context, exclusive English-language education is frequently criticized as putting the children of immigrants at a disadvantage and undermining their cultural identity.
- Social Class, Race, and HealthThe paper explores the way social class and race differences may lead to inequalities when receiving healthcare.
🌶️ Hot Race Ideas to Write About
❓ Sociological Research Questions about Race
- Did Teachers’ Race and Verbal Ability Matter in the 1960s?
- Are Mental Health Issues Like Depression Related to Race?
- Can Cultural Competency Speak to the Race Disparities in Methadone Dosage Levels?
- Does Race Affect the Way of Capital Punishment?
- Are Social Welfare States Facing a Race to the Bottom?
- Does Race Affect Treatment Within CJS?
- How Does American Media Influence Our Understanding of Race?
- Does Race Determine Intelligence?
- How Can the Human Race Live in Congruence with the Unavoidable Sea Level Rise?
- Does Your Race Form Your Identity?
- How Do Culture and Race Affect the Individual?
- Should Animal Testing Really Benefit the Human Race?
- How Did Race Come to Be Used as a Tool of Domination?
- What Did the 21st Century Bring to the Human Race?
- How Did Race Translate Into Political Power During Slavery?
- What Factors Affect the Human Race?
- How Does Race Affect the Public Health Implications?
- Should Colleges and Universities Not Have Race-Based Scholarships?
- How Does Race Implicate Issues of Health and Illness?
- Why Have Race Relations Between Black Kenyans and ‘Asians’ Been So Acrimonious in Kenya?
- How Does Speaking Openly about Race Help Refine the Imperative for Leveraging Diversity?
- Should Society Dispense with Race?
- How Will Genetic Engineering Affect the Human Race in Gattaca?
- Will the Human Race Evolve Further?
- Why Are African Americans the Leading Race for Infant Mortality?
- How Did Hurricane Katrina Expose Race and Class Issues in America?
- Why Do Race and Gender Inequality Still Exist?
- How Does Popular Culture Affect Race?
- Will Using the Concept of ‘Race’ Always Involve Biological Reductionism?
- How Does Race Affect the Use of Force by Police?