261 International Trade Essay Topics & Thesis Ideas

🏆 Best International Trade Essay Topics

🔎 International Trade Thesis Topics

  1. Globalization Impacts on Trade and Employment
    Globalization refers to the integration of the world markets. It facilitates smooth movement of goods and people from one country to another.
  2. Importance of the Maritime Trade
    The Maritime system has both economic and social importance to the U.S. and North America, this is because ships form the primary mode of transport used for international trade.
  3. The Global Marketing and Trade Environments
    Economic and trade environments are critical in understanding product performance. A significant marketing concern is reaching the right target audience.
  4. Comparative Advantage and Free Trade
    Despite its attractive formulation, comparative advantage theory has several pitfalls and is rarely manifested in real-life situations due to trade restriction policies.
  5. Triangular Trade, Its Legs and Mechanism
    Triangular trade consisted of three parties, namely Africa, England, and the New World. This essay will discuss the development of transatlantic trade.
  6. Nestlé’s Nescafe Partners’ Blend and Fair Trade
    Nestle UK is a leading manufacturer and an established value-adding company that provides a market opportunity for coffee farmers.
  7. Impact of Intra-Industry Trade Index on UK Trade Policy
    Exploring intra-industry trade index calculations, this paper reveals how they influence UK trade policy, affecting economies of scale and labor distribution.
  8. World Trade Organization’s History, Achievements, and Challenges
    The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the global international organization that regulates trade between nations; that was established in 1995 and consists of 164 members.
  9. Switzerland and the United Arab Emirates Trade Comparison
    The purpose of this paper is to explore the nature of the free trade agreement between the United Arab Emirates and Switzerland.
  10. The Federal Trade Commission
    This paper presents that the funeral services industry is essential since it allows grieving people to bury their dead ones in style.
  11. The Effects of Trade Unions on Alienation at Work
    The workers, by being aware of their trade union’s support, experience alienating feelings of stress, dissatisfaction, and meaninglessness at work.
  12. Sugar Cane Plantation and Slave Trade in South America
    By 1652, the price of slaves had doubled, marked by increased demand for slave labor and increased price of sugar in the new world. The price of slaves was determined by health, age.
  13. Sugar and Cotton History and Present Trade
    In this paper, we will compare sugar with another commodity – cotton, which had a similar early history to the emergence of sugar.
  14. International Business and Free Trade
    Globalization is at the center stage but it is affected by international trade, and free trade. This paper looks into globalization, international trade, and free trade.
  15. Sony Corporation and the New Trade Theory
    The New Trade theory is referred to as an economic theory developed by several economists in the 1970s. This theory has clearly been elucidated by the Sony corporation.
  16. International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and World Trade Organization
    This paper studies three international financial organizations: the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization.
  17. The Spread of Islam With Trade and Geography
    Due to the research on Islam, scientists managed to preserve the scientific heritage of previous civilizations and develop new directions in science, culture, and art.
  18. Conscious Capitalism and Fair Trade
    The paper discusses the concept of conscious capitalism. It supports fair trade and is relevant to many types of businesses.
  19. Trade and Usage Control: Drug Enforcement Administration
    The paper looks into the history of the drug enforcement agency, the factors that led to its formation, its goals, and its comparison with the federal bureau of narcotics.
  20. International Trade Payment Forms
    To succeed in international markets and gain sales against international competitors, exporters need to give clients attractive terms of payment supported by viable forms.
  21. Employee Relations and Trade Unions
    Businesses now focus on a wider range of factors and place a greater emphasis on other factors such as employee appraisal and motivation.
  22. Insider Trading in 2017: Key Cases and Regulatory Responses
    This paper summarizes the information on insider trading which was published on news websites and in newspapers and journals from January 6, 2017, to March 10, 2017.
  23. Artworks Depicting Trade: Insights from Ancient Egypt to the Silk Road
    In this paper, we will examine four artworks related to the theme of trade, and see how these artworks reflect the conditions of the society they are related to.
  24. Denmark’s National Savings and Balance of Payments Analysis
    The level of savings in Denmark increased over a period of time. A surplus of Denmark’s current account is an indication of the country’s level of savings as opposed to investment.
  25. The Role and Impact of Incoterms in International Trade
    Incoterms clarify international trade contracts, minimize disputes, and assign responsibilities, and these actions reduce risks for involved parties.
  26. The Impact of Corruption on International Trade
    The paper aims to assess the effects of corruption on international trade through reliable sources and analysis of contributing factors.
  27. A Trade Policy for Game Consoles in the US and Brazil
    Even though trade relations between Brazil and the United States are regulated and are among the most profitable for both countries, trade policy has specific nuances.
  28. The Current Trading Environment of Airbus
    This paper provides a brief company history, current situation overview, internal and external analysis, evaluates challenges, and identifies future directions.
  29. Federal Trade Commission and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
    The paper analyzes the two bodies established to promote consumer protection and eliminate inappropriate business practices.
  30. Consumer Law: Trade Practises Act
    The report outlines section 52 of the Trade Practises Act, which provides for the measures companies should consider before introducing new products to the market.
  31. The United Arab Emirates and International Trade
    The United Arab Emirates has become one of globalization’s most prominent economic success stories thanks to its diversified economy.
  32. International Trade Simulation and Report
    Comparative advantage is done so as to have to have the trades and specialization determined. These theories are for international trade concepts.
  33. A Damned Piece of Rascality: The Business of Slave Trading in Southern Appalachia
    The author of the article Aaron Purcell has been able to demonstrate how the county of southern Appalachia played a crucial role in the slavery institution.
  34. Bhutan’s Trade and Exchange Rate Policies: Current Issues & Solutions
    Bhutan is a landlocked country located in Southern Asia, between China and India. Presently, it is classified as one of the Least Developed Countries (LDC).
  35. European Trade Goods for Native Americans
    The use of European trade goods changed Native Americans’ lives while providing them with more opportunities to succeed in supporting and protecting their families.
  36. Christopher Columbus: Voyage to Asia’s Discover Trade Routes
    Christopher Columbus wants to attempt to find new trade routes to Asia by sailing westward. This desire is motivated by dangerous waters in the East, and high cost of shipping.
  37. Fair Trade: Japan – Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages
    The WTO indicted Japan for what it described as a violation of the internal taxation and regulations as stipulated in the General Agreement on Tariff and Trade 1994.
  38. Labour Rights in International Trade
    In international trade, there is the interaction of different countries whose labor rights might differ from generally accepted by international human labor rights bodies.
  39. NAFTA Impact: Benefits & Drawbacks for North American Transport
    This report will discuss the benefits and demerits of NAFTA to the transportation industry of the United States, Mexico and Canada.
  40. The American-Cuban Trade Conundrum: Historical Context and Current Challenges
    The United States of America and Cuba need to come up with strategic plans and actions are handled appropriately to resuming their trade relations.

⚖️ International Trade Law Topics for Research Paper

International trade law controls the cross-border exchange of goods and services. It applies international treaties and different countries’ domestic laws to various trade issues, including embargoes, customs duties, free trade zones, and others. This legal policy seeks to foster fair competition and reduce trade barriers.

Research topics on international trade law revolve around WTO activities, intellectual property rights, trade agreements, labor standards, and more. If you’re looking for an engaging topic for your paper, check out these suggestions:

  1. Legal Challenges of Pharmaceutical E-Commerce.
  2. How Can International Commerce Law Help Resolve Global Health Emergencies?
  3. The Impact of the US-China Trade Conflict on Applying International Trade Law.
  4. How Does International Trade Law Ensure Compliance with Data Ethics?
  5. Investigate How WTO Addresses Trade Barriers.
  6. The WTO Seal Case and Its Influence on International Trade Law.
  7. Contradictions between International Trade Law and Human Rights Laws.
  8. How Does International Trade Law Regulate AI?
  9. Study How International Commerce Law Balances Trade Liberalization and Environmental Protection.
  10. How Do Trade Agreements Impact International Economic Expansion?

đź‘Ť Good Trade Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. China and Africa: Economic and Political Allies
    China and Africa have been economic and political allies for many years. This paper discusses trade and political relations between China and Africa.
  2. Free Trade as a New Phenomenon in International Trade
    The free trade concept was introduced in “Theory of Comparative Advantage” by David Ricardo, and is one of the new phenomena in the international trade organization.
  3. Free Trade: Positive and Negative Sides
    Free trade is considered the predominant economic approach worldwide, with many countries subscribing to free trade entirely or partially.
  4. Insider Trading: The Key Aspects
    Insider trading is trading in shares or other securities by people that have access to confidential information. Alongside illegal forms of insider trading, there are legal ones.
  5. Slave Trade: Origins and Forced Relocations of Enslaved Africans
    The horrific act of enslaving African people and forcefully transporting them to the Americas is known as the transatlantic slave trade.
  6. Global Trade: Food Price Indexes and Data Collection
    Global trade is a rather beneficial aspect of the economy. It provides people with extra job opportunities and exposes people to previously unknown brands.
  7. The Future of Trade Integration in Africa
    The most ambitious and promising project launched in 2018 is The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).
  8. Free Trade Agreements Between Canada and Other Countries
    The connection between Canada and other countries has been ignored over the years, free trade agreements are necessary and should be pursued for various reasons.
  9. Market Revolution: Agriculture and Global Trade
    In the era of traders, the vast land area and rich natural resources created many economic opportunities. Most people lived in rural areas and were engaged in agriculture.
  10. The 1807 Bill and the Abolition of the Slave Trade
    The study of the problem of discrimination from a historical perspective allowed me to better understand its origin as it proposes to consider the debate regarding human rights.
  11. Negotiating Globally: The U.S.-China Trade War
    Donald Trump added to the controversy of his term in the U.S. President’s office by starting a full-scale trade war against China.
  12. World Trade Agreements and Anti-Dumping Measures
    This paper considered the issue of the increasing influence of dumping practices. It is one of the ways of price discrimination.
  13. Trade and Supply Chain Improvement Initiatives
    The ability to operate supply chain (SC) and trade processes efficiently is inextricably connected to modern states’ economic success and status in the international market.
  14. African Kingdoms, Atlantic Slave Trade, and New World Slavery
    The connections between African kingdoms, the Atlantic slave trade, and the new world slavery are shown in this paper.
  15. Trade Policies in International Business
    The ideas of antidumping policies are seen in the article posted in The Economic Times about duties imposed by India on ursodiol.
  16. Boeing and Airbus: Trade Barriers and Government’s Role
    The case of Boeing and Airbus demonstrates the governmental impact that created confusion and depicts the effect of trade barriers.
  17. How Multinational Businesses Can Improve Their Trade Compliance
    Globalization is a wave informing and shaping the practices of many companies operating in different parts of the world.
  18. Aspects of the Trading Conditions of Online Brokers
    The paper aims to explore three collaborative offers from major online brokerage platforms from the perspective of the average investor.
  19. Trade Advantages within the Global Economy
    Kenya is an Eastern African country that is bordered by Ethiopia, South Sudan, Uganda, Somalia, Tanzania, and the Indian Ocean.
  20. Free Trade and Prosperity
    Based on the Ricardian Trade model, it is worth having free trade even if some people are losing. Free trade promotes access to lower-priced goods with higher quality. Although some people in the home country will experience losses, imports from countries like Mexico and China are cheap, and this helps…
  21. Main Reasons for Trade Between Nations
    The developed shipping industry and the availability of resources, including land, labor, and capital, in different countries, promote international trade.
  22. Article on the North American Free Trade Agreement
    The North America Free Trade Agreement was a landmark trade deal between Canada, Mexico, and the United States that took effect in 1994.
  23. Supply Chain Management and Trading System
    This essay is largely devoted to the discussion of supply chain management and the contemporary trading system.
  24. International Trade Philosophy
    Multinational companies which have a presence in foreign markets need to rely on a clear philosophy which can serve as the foundation and guidance for their operations abroad.
  25. Experiments in High-Frequency Trading
    High-frequency trading (HFT) is becoming increasingly popular with private businesses and traders. HFT allows traders to make transactions within fractions of seconds.
  26. Fair Trade and Its Benefits for Local Farmers
    Fair trade was introduced to support the work of local farmers, whose incomes depend not only on themselves but also on various factors such as drought, crop diseases, and others.
  27. The World Trade Organization’s Impact on Public Health
    The World Trade Organization is an integration organization established on 1 January 1995 to liberalize international trade and regulate its member states’ business.
  28. The Russian invasion of Ukraine and Its Impact on International Trade
    The Russian invasion of Ukraine has caused enormous human misery, but it has also harmed international trade, which will disproportionately affect low-income nations.
  29. The US-China Trade War: Microeconomics Principles
    This paper uses the microeconomics principles to substantiate the impact of trade between China and the US, and the trade war on businesses and consumers of both countries.
  30. Japan-US International Trade Relationship
    Through the example of the Japan-US trade relationship, this paper will analyze the importance of a proper assessment of a nation’s and its partner’s economy.
  31. Why International Trading Is Beneficial
    The paper states that international trading is vital in overcoming the problems of limited natural resource production opportunities.
  32. Export and Import in World Economy and International Trade
    The paper aims to study two mechanisms, export and import, which function together and must be examined to learn more about the world economy and all international trade.
  33. Trade Between Europe and Other Countries
    The trade relationship between Europe and other countries is improving, however, there are cultural, political, governmental, and economic challenges.
  34. Globalization and Poverty: Trade Openness and Poverty Reduction in Nigeria
    Globalization can be defined as the process of interdependence on the global culture, economy, and population. It is brought about by cross-border trade.
  35. Fair Trade Joe: Business Opportunities
    Fair Trade Joe has multiple opportunities, such as using its customer-oriented strategy to develop relationships with its clients, grow retention, and build brand awareness.
  36. Trade Agreement Between Mexico and Brazil
    Using the example of an agreement concluded between Brazil and Mexico, it is worth considering the advantages and disadvantages of such actions.
  37. Brazil’s Aspirations to Join the World Trade Organization
    Brazil’s aspirations to join the World Trade Organization faced a certain resistance on behalf of the country’s left-wing politicians who feared it.
  38. Facilitating Trade and Securing Import & Export
    One of the European Government’s concerns is to facilitate trade while also securing import and export procedures.
  39. The US Trade Deficit as a Current News Issue
    The US trade deficit resulted from a rise in imports, probably caused by businesses’ replenishment of inventories depleted during the COVID-10 pandemic.
  40. Thailand: Culture, Tourism, International Trade
    This paper aims to research the country of Thailand: its population and society, the culture of Thailand, the country’s economy and international trade, and tourism in Thailand.

🌎 Topics in International Business & Trade

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Now, we suggest you look at some common questions about international business and trade. Hopefully, our short explanations will help you familiarize yourself with this topic.

What Is International Business and Trade?

International trade means exchanging goods and services between different countries. It also involves the movement of currency used to pay for those goods. Meanwhile, global business is a broader term describing all commercial transactions between two or more countries. This concept encompasses the movement of not only merchandise but also personnel, technology, capital, and intellectual property like patents or trademarks.

What Is the Difference between IB and DB?

Domestic business refers to enterprises that operate within a country’s boundaries and are governed by its laws. In contrast, international trade crosses national borders. It deals with multiple countries’ markets, regulations, and cultural differences. As you might expect, it is much easier for companies to run their business in the internal market. When they decide to go global, they must navigate complex regulatory frameworks, adapt to varying market conditions, and overcome more trade barriers.

What Are the Types of International Trade?

There are three paramount forms of international trade: export, import, and entrepot. They sound pretty similar, don’t they? Let’s figure out the difference! Export is selling items to another country, whereas import means bringing foreign-made items to a country. As for entrepot trade, it refers to importing goods into a country and re-exporting them without any repackaging or processing.

What Are the Challenges of International Business?

The language barrier is one of the most severe problems in international business. That’s because a portion of information is lost in translation, making it challenging for companies to explain their goals to clients. In addition, international businesses have issues managing globally distributed teams, creating brand consistency, being aware of nuances of foreign policies, and overcoming inflation rate risks.

🌶️ Hot Trade Ideas to Write About

  1. Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
    The current paper presents two points why advertising should be controlled by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
  2. India’s International Trade Policy
    India partners with great countries that help promote trade. Trade between India and the EU has dramatically increased by 12.5%.
  3. The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the International Trading
    The coronavirus pandemic has created new tough barriers to globalization and trade: the shutdown of production and the borders of leading countries and economic groups.
  4. Fair Enough? Big Business Embraces Fair Trade
    In fair trade, product manufacturers and consumers are responsible for growers in the creation of their possibility to sell products for a reasonable price.
  5. Fair Trade Organized Social Movements
    Fair trade is an organized social movement that advocates fair standards of international labor, environmental, and social regulation.
  6. Stockbroker E*TRADE: A Pioneer in Online Trading
    E*TRADE is among the most competitive and notable discount brokers. And this claim is based on its innovative trading resources and platforms.
  7. Aspects of International Trade
    The focus of the paper is to compare and contrast the factor-proportions theories and country-specific theories that address the partners.
  8. Exploring the Global Economy: International Trade and Finance
    Global trade and finance is a framework based on efficiency and effectiveness through interconnectedness and specialization, which carries greater risks for all involved parties.
  9. Trade Peculiarities in Food and Agriculture
    Food trading is a peculiar area, as food is the basis for surviving the population. The one who controls food production and trading routes, also controls all populations.
  10. Negative Sentiments Against Trade and Globalization
    Although the authors’ views are robust and applicable to developed economies, rising negative sentiments against trade and globalization remain relevant in developing countries.
  11. Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)
    This paper will present a discussion of the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) Agreement.
  12. The Role of the FTC and CFPB in Safeguarding Consumers
    The report investigates the role of the Federal Trade Commission and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in the economy of the country, their legal grounds, and leverages.
  13. Business Law: Trade Union
    This work assesses the chances of organizing a community of workers and shows how the state is trying to regulate it. Unionization is a vital part of the working process.
  14. European Slave Trade in Historical Documents
    The European Slave Trade was one of the three stages involved in the triangular transaction, otherwise known as the Trans-Atlantic trade.
  15. The UK Global Competitiveness in Trade After Brexit
    The long-term goal for UK in international trade is to be globally competitive. One major problem is the negative trend in trade deficit during the last decade with EU members.
  16. Climate Change and Tesla’s Electric Cars
    The paper discusses environmental sustainability. Using Tesla company electric vehicles is the best decision for tackling the climate change problem.
  17. Discussion of International Trade
    The article says that international trade is one of the essential things in the world today because without its help slowed down the development of a person as such.
  18. Electric Cars and Trade Paradigm
    Global businesses and working environments are complex and require an in-depth assessment of issues for proper management.
  19. Researching of the Challenges of Free Trade
    In the world of serious business, along with opportunities for real economic growth, companies face the potential threat of financial and reputational collapse and decline
  20. Insider Trading – The Legal and Illegal
    The insider trading is illegal activity when non-public information is used to gain an advantage over other traders.
  21. Governmental Role in Influencing International Trade
    This paper explores the role of government in international trade, foreign direct investment, and multinational business.
  22. Multinational Business Finance and Currency Trade
    At the time of the recession, investments became more substantial and soon large amounts of money were put into the financial system.
  23. Free and Fair Trade: Vietnam-EU Partnership
    Free trade includes policies that help to reduce barriers that may serve as an impediment to international commerce.
  24. Choosing a Currency Trading Strategy: When Investments Start to Grow
    While trading currency does involve a specific element of unpredictability, it still follows common economic laws, and its processes can be traced easily.
  25. Trade Routes and Colonization of North America
    During the period, also known as the Age of Discovery or the Age of Exploration, many countries became involved in the process of searching for new trade routes.
  26. International Trade Law: Cif Contract
    CIF contracts are one of the most popular trade agreements between a buyer and a seller in the sphere of international trade when sea carriage is used.
  27. The Trade War Between the USA and China
    The most important geopolitical issue is the trade war between the USA and China. Its development affects every other country due to the two economies in the world.
  28. The History of the Slave Trade in America
    This paper aims at exploring the rise of the slave trade in America and its influence on American economic life.
  29. Sino-American Trade War and Its Impact
    The trade war between the US and China has negatively influenced the economic systems of both countries. There could be increased costs for customers in the US.
  30. Fire Cases of World Trade Center and Dupont Fires
    Fires are among the fatal tragedies that have befallen America since time immemorial. Fire tragedies continue to haunt people despite efforts made to fight fires.
  31. History of the Indian Ocean Trade
    The Indian Ocean Trade took place between 1200 to 1500ce, and it made a great impact in the world due to the activities involved.
  32. Trade Issues and Patterns of Mexico
    The trade situation in Mexico can be evaluated ambiguously, as it has both positive and negative characteristics.
  33. Human Rights and International Trade
    Human rights in international trade precipitated the formation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) which caters to the welfare of the workers and other interest groups.
  34. The U.S. Trade Balance and China Trade War Challenges
    This paper describes the US trade balance in terms of its impact on the country’s economy, as well as in the context of the ongoing phenomenon of a trade war with China.
  35. Trade War Between the US and China
    The trade war between the US and China makes a negative impact on the economies of both countries, leading to a trade deficit and higher prices.
  36. International and Traditional Trading Theories
    A trade war is a situation in which countries seek to harm each other’s economies, retaliate against each other by imposing import restrictions and other methods.
  37. Productivity Trade-Offs in Organizations
    Productivity is calculated by combining the time used for creating something as well as materials to divide them later equally.
  38. The China-United States Trade War
    The paper provides information on trade barriers between USA and China and their promotes free trade on the international scene.
  39. “Do Investors Trade Too Much?” by Odean
    The author assumes that this may have certain relation to the overall excessive trading volume which can often be observed on the world market.
  40. Multinational Corporations and Trade Unions
    Multinational corporations are the main subject of globalization in the modern world. Trade unions were concerned about the uncontrolled actions of such corporations.

🎓 Most Interesting Trade Research Titles

Stuck with your paper? Explore our free toolkit:
  1. The Effects of Globalization on Trade
    Globalization entails incorporating national wealth through the trade of goods, investment, capital distribution, labor exchange, and technology use.
  2. Issues in Cryptocurrency Trading
    Ever since the success of Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies have been steadily growing in number as well as the volume of transactions that occur through them.
  3. Commodity Trading Advisor: Skills and Practice Analysis
    This paper has covered the legal matters that a Commodity Trading Advisor needs to deal with before practicing so as to avoid serious implications.
  4. The World Trade Organization: Purpose and Functions
    The World Trade Organization (WTO) is one the most vital parts of modern trade. It is an intergovernmental organization, regulating sales across the world.
  5. Long-Term Impacts of the Chinese-American Trade War
    The trade war between the United States and China is one of the main factors of instability in the global economy.
  6. Transatlantic Slave Trade: A Legacy That Lives On
    The Transatlantic slave trade that took place between the 16th and the 19th centuries removed Africans from their homelands and brought them to Americas against their will.
  7. International Trade During COVID-19
    This document provides an analysis of Canada’s politics in response to the outbreak of COVID-19. A review of this country as a fully-democratic state will be provided to introduce it.
  8. Investing in the Current Market of Trading Cards
    The current market of trading cards is experiencing a significant rise as the annual revenues of those collecting them increase.
  9. Present Day Resistance Historical Roots to the Trade Globalization
    The selfish character of economic integration is the primary historical basis for the resistance to globalization.
  10. What Is the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)?
    North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a trade bloc formed in 1994 to enhance free trade between the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
  11. Trade Liberalization: Environmental Effects
    Trade liberalization presents major opportunities, especially to developing nations. New policies allow global trade to create and sustain global economic growth.
  12. Free Trade as a Fundamental Principle of Modern Globalization
    Free trade has become critical in the globalized world by expanding diversity of not just goods, but technology and workforce.
  13. Fair Trade Concept Overview
    The purpose of this paper is to define the concept of fair trade and to discuss its value to society through the example of organic products.
  14. International Trade: Identifying Market Structure
    Being a monopolistic competition, the U.S. car market can be seen as a rather environment to target. Its structure is multilayered and, with several key organizations.
  15. UK Interests in EU-India Free Trade Agreement
    To dispel dogmas created by the critics, the United Kingdom decided to state its interest in the ongoing FTA negotiations.
  16. The World of Trade in 1897 by Jules Ferry
    According to Ferry, the world of trade changed significantly at that time due to the introduction of protectionism.
  17. Impact of International Trade on Emerging Economies
    Discussing the impact on international trade of emerging economies like those of Eastern Europe, India, and China, what can we expect from them in the next 20–50 years.
  18. International Trade and Trade Policies
    Trade policies were initially done away with but the globalization has now begun to haunt all world governments.
  19. Atlantic Slave Trade and Its Effect on Africa and the Americas
    The Atlantic Slave Trade involved shipping of the African slaves from the Western coast of Africa to the Americas across the Atlantic Ocean.
  20. International Trade: Term Definition
    This paper will throw light upon Fair trade and is the current marketing strategy for Fair Trade Brands sustainable?
  21. World Trade Organization Definition and Tasks
    The main WTO functions are control of tariffs and implementation of quotas among countries so that to establish fair conditions for trade.
  22. Trade in Environmental Goods and Economic Growth
    This paper analyzes how trading in environmental-friendly goods and services may be important in improving the quality of the environment and promoting economic development.
  23. Cultural Differences in Business & Trade
    This paper reports on cultural differences among people and determine their impact on trade. Some of the differences are pretty obvious, for example, a language.
  24. Rodamia: International Trade Simulation
    The objective of the report is to evaluate the procedure that the Rodamia government should consider in making decisions related to international trade.
  25. United States Trade Deficit Trends
    Trade balance refers to an ideal situation where a country’s imports and export are equal. It is difficult to attain this balance, resulting in either a deficit or a surplus.
  26. Developing States-World Trade Organization Conflict
    The latest conflict between developing countries and World Trade Organization (WTO) is concerns international patent laws.
  27. The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and Slavery Abolishment
    Slave trade carried out mostly in the 17th-18th centuries encompassed the capturing, selling, and purchase of people for the sole purpose of forced labor.
  28. World Trade Organization and North American Free Trade Agreement
    The world trade organization and North America free trade agreements are both international trade agreements with several similarities and differences.
  29. Trade Effect on Environmentalism and Poverty
    This is a research paper about the effect of trade on the environment and the way in which trade has contributed to the improvement of living standards.
  30. Trade in Singapore: Economic and Political Aspects
    Singapore is the ideal place for trade because of its geographic location, business environment and less burden imposed by the government.
  31. Protectionism or Free Trade as a Ways of Reversing Trade Deficit
    Potential consequences of countries’ introduction of free trade or protectionist policies for key economic sectors.
  32. Trade Unions in France and Spain
    The discussion of the union systems in France and Spain has shown that they have gone through a number of failures before their eventual formation
  33. Employment Contract, Termination and Restraint to Trade
    The employer needs to give correct information about a given position, it may help to find a suitable candidate for job and portray a better understanding of one responsibilities.
  34. World Trade Organisation in the Modern Global Economy
    The World Trade Organization is an international organization that deals with global rules of trade between nations.
  35. International Trade Debate: Discussion of Nuances
    The development of the modern human society is associated with the processes of globalization and trade liberalization.
  36. South Korea as a Country for US Investment and Trade
    South Korea offers a great destination for business ventures. South Korea has advanced from being one of the poorest countries to become one of the most technologically advanced.
  37. Garment Trading Company: Motivational Climate and Its Improvement
    Using well-elaborated methodology and up-to-date research of employees’ motivation, the survey is designed to determine the level of employees’ motivation in this company.
  38. ASEAN Free Trade Area and Economic Development
    ASEAN Free Trade Agreement (AFTA) opened new opportunities for Eats Asian countries to stabilize their economies and improve financial performance of the region.
  39. Globalization, the Sex Trade and HIV-AIDS
    Two separate incidents but same destiny. Caught in the racket of sex traffickers both the girls end up as sex slaves. This brings us only to face with an increasing truth of trafficking of women globally.
  40. Information Systems in Aurora International Trading
    The information system in any business organization has become a vital factor in determining the competitive edge of the organization.

đź’ˇ Simple International Trade Essay Ideas

âť“ Trade Research Questions

Need help with research questions? Try our Research Question toolkit:
  1. What Are the Differences Between American and European Trade Unions?
  2. What Is the Importance of a Surplus Trade Balance?
  3. Does the World Trade Organization Hinder Economic Growth in Developing Countries?
  4. Does Trade With Low-Wage Countries Cause a Trade Deficit in High-Wage Countries?
  5. What Are the Differences Between Free Trade and Protectionism?
  6. Are Trade Unions Necessary in the Present Context?
  7. What Are International Trade Law Limitations and Benefits?
  8. What Are the Gains From Trade and the Implications for Trade Negotiations?
  9. Why the Theory of Comparative Advantage Is the Basis for International Trade?
  10. Does Trade with Low-Wage Countries Hurt American Workers?
  11. What Are the Objectives of the Trade Union?
  12. Why Does Canada Have Inter-Provincial Trade Issues?
  13. Why Is the US So Rich if Its Trade Balance Is Negative?
  14. Why Was France Warning the UK for Bitter Trade Negotiations?
  15. Why Does the UK Have Such Restrictive Trade Union Laws?
  16. Why Doesn’t the US or UK Devalue Its Currency to Solve Its Trade Balance Problems?
  17. What Is the Difference Between Trade Associations and Labor Unions?
  18. What Is the Significance of GATT in International Trade Law?
  19. What Countries Have LAX Insider Trade Law Enforcement?
  20. Do International Trade Laws Apply in France?
  21. Why Does the Trade Union Movement in Australia Support the Labor Party?
  22. Why Many LDCs Struggle to Increase Their Balance of Trade?
  23. Was Michel Barnier the Wrong Man to Handle the EU’s Trade Negotiations With the UK?
  24. Why Does the Democratic Party Wish for Trump to Fail in Trade Issues?
  25. What Are the Trade Issues of China in the US Market?

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StudyCorgi. (2021, September 9). 261 International Trade Essay Topics & Thesis Ideas. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/trade-essay-topics/

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1. StudyCorgi. "261 International Trade Essay Topics & Thesis Ideas." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/trade-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. "261 International Trade Essay Topics & Thesis Ideas." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/trade-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "261 International Trade Essay Topics & Thesis Ideas." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/trade-essay-topics/.

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