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94 Transgender Essay Topics & Research Paper Titles

Are you looking for the best transgender essay topics? On this page, you’ll find a perfect title for your essay or research paper about gender identity, LGBT rights, and other transgender-related issues. Read on to get inspired by research topics on transgender prepared by StudyCorgi!

🏆 Best Transgender Research Paper Topics

🎓 Interesting Transgender Essay Topics

  1. Clinically and Culturally Competent Care for Transgender and Non-Binary People
    The analyzed review can be considered an essential step toward a better understanding of how to work with such groups.
  2. Transgender People in Prisons: Rights Violations
    There are many instances of how transgender rights are violated in jails: from misgendering from the staff and other prisoners to isolation and refusal to provide healthcare.
  3. Transgender People: Prejudice and Discrimination
    Transgender remains a stereotyped sexual identity, and these individuals face prejudice from critics, religious leaders, and the vast majority of society.
  4. Transgender Health Disparities and Solutions
    People who identify as transgender, intersex, gender non-conforming, or gender diverse have exacerbated health disparities compared to other people.
  5. Transgender Prisoners and How They Are Treated
    According to international studies, transgender persons are a particularly defenseless population in the correctional structure, with their most necessities often being withheld.
  6. Media Coverage of Transgender Policy in Military
    This paper aims to provide an annotated bibliography for the ten articles related to the topic of media coverage of transgender policy in the military.
  7. Transgender Support Group Meeting and Its Importance
    The transgender support groups allow people to connect and talk about issues that they have faced in their lives.
  8. Transgender Movement: Overview and Importance
    Ultimately, policies, guidelines, or steps ensure that the social change that the transgender movement is yearning for can be realized.
  9. Transgender Offenders in the Criminal Justice System
    The transgender population who are incarcerated often faces various unique challenges which expose them to vulnerabilities both physical and mental.
  10. Why We Shouldn’t Compare Transracial and Transgender Identities
    To compare transracial identity with transgender identity is to reduce both to a set of immutable rules, be it rules of biology or society – and this is a very wrong approach.
  11. Conflict Between Transgender Theory, Ethics, and Scientific Community
    This essay aims to give answers to questions of ethics within the transgender topic and research fraud based on scholarly articles and presentations by Dr. Q Van Meter.
  12. The Problem of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Youth Suicidality
    Recently, there was a sharp increase in cases of suicides committed by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer youth.
  13. Transgender Care: Challenges, Implications
    In a healthcare setting not putting effort into ensuring diverse patient groups are treated with professional finesse with no regard for their differences is a timely issue.
  14. Critical Thinking and Transgender Ethics
    Sexual orientation and preference is a debated and complex topic involving biological aspects, including hormones, which can alter and change people’s behavior and feelings.
  15. Gender Non-Conforming or Transgender Children Care
    The purpose of this paper is to discuss the challenges to be aware of when working with gender non-conforming or transgender children and adolescents.
  16. Transgender People’s Challenges Within Healthcare
    This paper aims to discuss the challenges in healthcare that the transgender community faces and how the challenges affect their overall health outcome.
  17. Transgender Care by Healthcare Professionals
    Transgender patients require healthcare professionals who are conversant with their experiences and who can treat them with utmost respect and dignity.
  18. Analyzing Transgender Bias in News Coverage: Impacts and Solutions
    In the context of increasing LGBTQ activism and recognition, transgenderism faces the greatest controversy and public backlash.
  19. Transgender Children’s Issues in Society
    The topic of transgender children in society proves to be divisive and is widely discussed by parents, teachers, clinicians, and politicians.
  20. Transgender Women Athletes in Professional Sports
    The inclusivity and legal recognition suggest that transgender athletes are welcome to participate in competitive sport given they meet the established requirements.
  21. The Issue of Transgender Discrimination
    Despite numerous attempts to eliminate biased attitude, transgender people still face different challenges that deteriorate results of treatment.
  22. Transgender Community and Heterosexism in Language
    The term “transgender” became commonly used only by the end of the 20th century. Not all transgenders commenced using this and preferred to pass as a different gender.

đź‘Ť Good Transgender Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Caring for TGN Youth: Key Issues for PMHNPs and Best Practices
    This paper discusses the issues a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner should be aware of when interacting with transgender and gender non-conforming children and adolescents.
  2. Improving Healthcare Access for Transgender Patients
    One of the challenges encountered by transgender patients refers to the lack of adequate access to healthcare services.
  3. Healthcare Needs and Approaches for Transgender Patients Examined
    It is worth noting that the concept of transgenderism implies a state of internal imbalance between the real and desired gender of an individual.
  4. Healthcare Challenges of Transgender Patients
    Transgender individuals have health problems common for the whole population and frequently face challenges in healthcare settings related to inadequate healthcare.
  5. Challenges in Healthcare for Transgender Individuals
    The community remains predominantly marginalized, with policies and laws denying them recognition of their gender, making accessing health care very challenging.
  6. Nursing Interventions for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Patients
    The current quality of managing the needs of the representatives of the LGBT community needs a significant improvement.
  7. Transgender Patient Care in Nursing Healthcare Management
    There is a growing recognition today among health care providers and researchers that patients’ transgenderism may become a factor in their care.
  8. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender in Hospital
    The paper discusses the cultural competency concept since it appears to be of critical importance for the profound understanding of the problems of the LGBT community.
  9. Challenges to Transgender Patients
    Despite the recent attention to the issues of transgender people, the level of discrimination against them is still incredibly high.
  10. Transgender Issues in Cis- and Trans-Made Movies
    This paper discusses the implications of transgender and transsexual experience from the outside and from within, particularly how they are represented and how the public sees it.
  11. Challenges of Transgender Patients
    Transgender patients have to face a certain amount of resistance and discrimination in society regularly, this group of people has to deal with certain challenges in the health care arena.
  12. Challenges Faced by Transgender Patients in Modern Hospitals
    Contemporary hospitals are not designed for transgender people, therefore, they can have many troubles there ranging from the unfriendly environment of a hospital and doctors.
  13. Transgender Healthcare Barriers: Stigma and Access Challenges
    Transgender individuals are people who assume a gender definition of identity that differs from gender assigned to them at birth.
  14. Transgender and Problems with Healthcare Services
    Transgender individuals find it difficult to approach physicians because it is difficult for them to reach needed treatment.
  15. Healthcare for Transgender People
    Gender nonconforming and transgender people face discrimination in almost every sphere of human activity. It has a negative impact on the access of these groups to primary care.
  16. Discrimination Against Transgenders in Healthcare: Analyzing Provider Challenges
    The transgender community reports that at the moment, it faces numerous barriers to care because of health workers` inability to consider their specific needs.
  17. Historical Evolution and Development of Transgender Rights and Identity
    Transgender is not a new concept and people have discussed the issues associated with it since the 19th century.
  18. Challenges Faced by Transgender Patients in Healthcare: An Overview
    A number of transgender patients admit cases of discrimination from the health care workers. From 30% to 60% of the representatives of this group face biased attitude.
  19. Transgender Discrimination in Healthcare: Challenges and Solutions
    This paper investigates the discrimination that transgender persons are subjected to in the health care setting in more detail.
  20. Healthcare Treatment of the Transgender Community: Challenges and Opportunities
    This paper discusses the transgender community and the discrimination that affects them every day, especially in healthcare, and how we can help stop it.

🌶️ Hot Research Topics About Transgender

  1. Principles of Healthcare for Transgender Patients
  2. Characteristics of Interpersonal Relationships and the Transgender Community
  3. Improving Correctional Healthcare Providers’ Ability to Care For Transgender Patients
  4. Analyzing Transgender Communities Rights
  5. General Information About Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Rights Movement
  6. Transgender Equality and the Progression of the Employment Non-Discriminate
  7. Beyond Depression and Suicide: The Mental Health of Transgender College Students
  8. Violence Against Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, and Transgender
  9. Transgender Men and Women Have Been Around for Centuries
  10. Quality Healthcare for Transgender People
  11. Role of African American Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Men in Contemporary Society
  12. Public Bathroom Controversies Due to Transgender Issues in America
  13. Hate Crimes Against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender
  14. Empowering and Educating About Transgender Sodality Through Social Media and Laws
  15. Transgender Youth Homelessness: Understanding Programmatic Barriers Through the Lens of Cisgenderism
  16. Policies and Best Practices for Transgender Hiring Organizations in India
  17. Transgender Rage: The Compton’s Cafeteria Riot of 1966
  18. The Pros and Cons of Transgender and Gender Nonconforming
  19. Proper Communication With the Transgender Community
  20. Gender Dysphoria and the Persecution of Transgender People
  21. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender U.S. Legal Questions
  22. Informal Mentoring for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Students
  23. Transgender Rights Under Bigotry and Ignorance
  24. Differences Between Gender Feminism and Transgender Activism
  25. Transgender Rights and Surviving Hate Crimes in the Case of Cece McDonald

đź“ť Transgender Argumentative Essay Topics

Stuck with writing? Try out our free toolkit:
  1. Should transgender adolescents have access to gender-affirming treatments?
  2. Is transgender representation in media crucial for promoting transgender rights?
  3. Transgender athletes in competitive sports: equality or unfair advantage?
  4. Is religious freedom incompatible with protecting transgender rights?
  5. Transgender parenting rights: why do they deserve equal protection and recognition?
  6. Transgender people in prisons: how should they be placed and protected?
  7. Should puberty blockers be banned?
  8. Should transgender people be disqualified from military service?
  9. Is it ethical for homeless shelters to discriminate against transgender individuals?
  10. Should non-binary gender be legally recognized?

✒️ More Transgender Topics for Essay

  1. The importance of inclusive terminology for protecting transgender rights.
  2. Mental health challenges faced by transgender youth.
  3. The role of transgender activists in driving social change.
  4. How can religious beliefs help and hinder transgender rights promotion?
  5. Challenges faced by transgender parents.
  6. Ways to support transgender youth in schools.
  7. The relationship between transgender identity and body positivity.
  8. Comparing transgender rights in different countries.
  9. Transgender identity and aging: unique challenges.
  10. The impact of corporate policies on transgender workplace inclusion.

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