149 Western Civilization Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Western Civilization

💡 Simple Western Civilization Essay Titles

  1. Kalokagathia Perspectives in Ancient Greece
    The concept of kalokagathia was highly important to Ancient Greek society. It went beyond the traditional aspects of beauty and status that are seen in modern-day society.
  2. Ancient Egypt: Head of Colossal Statue of Ramesses II
    The head of the Colossal Statue of Ramses II is a bust of Pharaoh Ramses II, one of the most successful kings of the ancient Egyptians.
  3. Ancient Egyptian and Ancient Greek’s Comparison
    The main religious and cultural ideas portrayed by the figures outline a series of differences that represent the history of both nations in the artistic fields.
  4. Symbolism of Canopic Jars in Ancient Egypt
    The symbolism of the canopic jars inherent in the images of the gods, their associations with human organs, and their purpose in the afterlife represents a big field for research.
  5. Civilization in Mesopotamia During the Bronze Age
    The Bronze Age refers to a period in history, during which many cultural development occurred. It is noted as the era during which bronze and copper were used extensively to make weapons and other important tools.
  6. Mathematics in Ancient Greek Architecture
    This essay will briefly discuss what changes occurred and assess the overall impact of these sciences on the architecture of ancient Greece.
  7. Lady Sennuwy Statue of Ancient Egyptian Culture
    The statue depicts Lady Sennuwy sitting on a block-like chair, very attractive, attentive, and having her left hand resting on her lap. The statue was found in a tomb at Kerma.
  8. Homicide Perception in Ancient Greece and Rome
    The essay considers how citizens of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome perceived homicide and the death penalty from civil, domestic, and political perspectives.
  9. Comparison of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome
    The paper aims at comparing and contrasting ancient Greece and ancient Rome in terms of the principles of government, art, economy, and religion.
  10. Role of Women in Ancient Greece
    Every discovery or literary work, or sculpture produced in ancient Greece is a work of men’s hands and minds.
  11. “The Tale of Sinuhe” in Ancient Egyptian Literature
    In the book “The Tale of Sinuhe”, the author talks about the life path of a character who chose the monarchy as a whole, and not allegiance to an individual monarch.
  12. Ancient Greek Tragedies: Agamemnon, Antigone and Bacchae
    This paper discusses three ancient greek tragedies: the Agamemnon, Antigone and the Bacchae. All three plays have themes that reflect some of the problems we are facing in the world today.
  13. Egyptian Civilization, Culture, and Society
    This paper discusses the Ancient Egyptian culture, social structure and the position of women, religion, economy, famous people, and contribution to the world culture.
  14. John Wesley’s Contribution to Western Civilization
    This paper delves into the aspects of John Wesley’s life, his contribution to Christianity history, and the impacts his actions had concerning Christianity.
  15. Agriculture and Food in Ancient Greece
    The paper states that agricultural practices and goods from Greece extended to neighboring countries in the Mediterranean as the dominance increased.
  16. The Art of Ancient Rome: Eclectic Tendencies
    The paper examines various art types of Ancient Rome from the historical perspective of the emergence, development, and decline of the state.
  17. Philosophy of Education in Ancient Greece
    How to educate the young most efficiently has been one of the central philosophical issues since the Ancient Greek period.
  18. Ancient Greek Sculpture: Periods and Characteristics
    This paper presents descriptions of archaic, classical, and Hellenistic periods of ancient Greek sculpture with their notable characteristics, examples, and analysis.
  19. The Causes of the Crises of the Roman Empire
    The historical essay will look to explore in-depth the causes of the fall of the Roman Empire, especially the causes of financial and political crises.
  20. Ancient Greece: The Major Time Stages
    Modern scholars of the discipline of history distinguish several major time stages of ancient Greece. The best-studied are the Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic ones.
  21. Women in Ancient Greece and India: Statuses, Roles, Life
    The paper compares men’s and women’s statuses, roles, and lives in ancient Greece. Women were disenfranchised and restricted in their freedom.
  22. Ancient Egypt: Its Culture and History
    Egypt is one of the countries that had a long and remarkable history. This country had an immense influence on the development of western civilization.
  23. Western Civilization: Two Lives of Charlemagne
    Charlemagne’s popularity stems from the fact that he founded the Carolingian Empire, which revived education and implemented religious reforms.
  24. Great Sphinx of Giza in Ancient Egypt’s Culture
    The one statement about the Sphinx is indisputable, it is a significant part of ancient Egypt’s culture and represents the certain convictions of the nation that created it.
  25. The Factors Complexity in The Fall of the Roman Empire – Was It Inevitable?
    There is no single factor responsible for the fall of Rome, but similar to empires before and after, falling was an inevitable reality.
  26. Women in Ancient Greece in Euripides’ Play “Medea”
    For this essay, the focus is on how Medea is treated by the men in Athens, as seen in the Euripides’ play “Medea”, and how her reaction came from the feminist within her.
  27. The Decline and the Fall of the Roman Empire
    Debates regarding different factors involved and contributed to the end of the Roman kingdom have also been experienced.
  28. The History of Roman Empire Expansion
    Rome was founded as a province in Italy but later came to have dominance over Africa and most of Eurasia. Rome strived for expansion, and its ambitions were steered by strong leaders.
  29. Mesopotamian and Greek Architecture Design
    The features of the ancient Mesopotamian and Greek architectures are a unique topic for discussion. These civilizations used different methods of building and various materials.
  30. The Fall of the Roman Empire
    The fall of an empire or nation is a natural phenomenon. The other causes are incidental, like the disease that brings about the death of a human body.
  31. Humanities from Ancient Greece
    Ancient Greece started with city-states’ formation, which was the critical political difference between it and other civilizations in the Ancient World.
  32. Greek Legacy in Ancient Roman Culture
    Romans used the Greek philosophies and concepts to their advantage and developed one of the most powerful empires in the world.
  33. Natural Resources in Ancient Egypt
    This paper will describe Ancient Egypt’s available resources that allowed the population to become one of the most prosperous states in terms of harvest and cattle.
  34. “Columbus and Western Civilization” by Howard Zinn
    In “Columbus and Western Civilization,” Zinn creates a bridge between American history and ideology and declares that it is only the viewpoint that matters to the historian.
  35. Glassblowing Technique in the Roman Empire
    This paper discusses the technique of glassblowing during the times of the Roman Empire. It reviews the history of glassblowing before Italians could learn and hone the skill.

👍 Good Western Civilization Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Ancient Greece at the Met: Bronze Man and Centaur
    The culture of Ancient Egypt represents one of the earliest attempts at identifying a man’s place in the grand scheme of the universe and compartmentalizing the phenomena and objects comprising the environment.
  2. The Art of the Ancient Mesopotamia and Aegean
    The art of the ancient Aegean is harmonious, exuberant, and non-threatening, while the art of Mesopotamia often contains more elements that can be seen as fearsome, militant, or political in nature.
  3. Ancient Art History: From Paleolithic to Ancient Rome
    This paper discusses various works that represent the civilizations of the Paleolithic period, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Aegean civilization, and Ancient Rome.
  4. Food and Agriculture of Ancient Greece
    The concepts of agriculture and cuisine both have a deep connection to Greek history, culture, development, and social trends.
  5. The Rise and Fall of Rome: History of the Roman Empire
    Rome is a historic city and capital of Roma Province. This paper will discuss the factors that lead to the rise and fall of the Rome empire.
  6. Evolution of Atom Model: From Ancient Greeks to Modern Days
    The concept of atoms as indivisible minute particles of substances arose in ancient times. Ancient Greek philosophers suggested that atoms differ in their shape depending on the type.
  7. Ancient Mesopotamian Religion and Its Influence in ”The Epic of Gilgamesh”
    The Epic of Gilgamesh demonstrates the powerful influence of people’s religious beliefs on the central message of the story and the characters’ behavior and decisions.
  8. Ancient Egypt and the 21st Century
    The purpose of this paper is to discuss the paintings and architecture of Ancient Egypt as well as to analyze their influence on the culture of today.
  9. Ancient Greek Architecture’s Influences on Modern Design
    One of the most recognizable and evident examples of Ancient Greek influence on the modern cultural patterns is the Capitol building in Washington D.C.
  10. Artistic and Architectural Achievements of Ancient Near Eastern and Aegean Cultures
    The art of Mesopotamia often contains elements that can be seen as fearsome, militant, or political in nature, while the art of the ancient Aegean is more harmonious, exuberant, and non-threatening.
  11. The Ancient Greece Architecture Gallery: Objects and Influence
    The Ancient Greece Architecture Gallery, which is located at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, presents a piece of art that expressed the main features of Ancient Greek Culture.
  12. Artworks Depicting Trade: Insights from Ancient Egypt to the Silk Road
    In this paper, we will examine four artworks related to the theme of trade, and see how these artworks reflect the conditions of the society they are related to.
  13. The Roman Empire and Julius Caesar’s Death
    It is important to note that Caesar’s death was a pivotal moment in the history of the Roman Empire, marking the end of the Roman Republic and the beginning of the imperial era.
  14. First Olympics in Ancient Greece
    Ancient Greece is credited with being the birthplace of one of the earliest recognized sporting competitions, which is known as the Olympics.
  15. Effect of Flooding on Cultures in Egypt and Mesopotamia
    The effects of Tigris and Euphrates river largely impacted on the Mesopotamian culture more so with regard to its frequent and destructive floods.
  16. Ancient Sexuality: Women and the Ancient Greek Symposium
    Greek Women played a very minor role in the affairs of Greek Society. The sexual province of women was under threat of usurpation by men in reference to the wide record of homosexuality.
  17. Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon
    In his work “The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”, Edward Gibbon refers to introduction of Christianity as one of the major factors that had brought about the fall of Roman Empire.
  18. Beowulf: The Classic Hero’s Qualities and Heroism
    Beowulf is a poem that was written in Old English by an unknown author somewhere around the seventh or the eighth century.
  19. Ancient Greek Philosophers’ Impact on Modern Thought
    In this paper, several examples of Ancient Greek philosopher’s contributions to modernity will be presented including the achievement of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.
  20. Magic in Ancient Greece and Rome
    This paper presents an examination of magic in antiquity specifically in the Greco-Roman era. The paper focuses on this specific era because it represents strong magical elements.
  21. Nature of Reality from Ancient Greek Philosophers Views
    The paper studies ancient philosophers’ views on nature of reality. It compares ideas of Heraclitus, Empedocles, Anaximander, Protagoras, Pythagoras, Anaxagoras, Plato, Aristotle.
  22. Religious Beliefs in Egypt and Mesopotamia: A Comparative Study of Faith and Culture
    Polytheism was the most outstanding feature of the ancient religious belief system among the Egyptians. Several deities or gods interacted with Egyptians.
  23. Comparison: Mesopotamia and Ancient Egyptian Culture
    The two civilizations were always ahead in terms of inventions, something that made them different from the rest of cultures at the time.
  24. Homer’s Odyssey in Ancient Greece’s Reality
    Odyssey shines in the way of resembling the ancient Greek worldviews: personal renown, generous hospitality, widespread superstitions, and an overwhelming fatalism.
  25. The Prevalence of Divine in Ancient Greek Mythology
    The prevalence of divine will over the desires and decisions of humans is among the most popular motifs in Ancient Greek mythology.
  26. Christianity and Its Effects on Western Civilization
    The paper states that today’s development of philosophy, law, literature, and art is also due to Christianity, which became their source of origin.
  27. The Flood and Creation in the Bible and Myths from Mesopotamia
    There are similarities and differences between the biblical flood and creation stories and Mesopotamian myths.
  28. The Roman Empire’s Fall and Separation
    The official date of the collapse of the Roman Empire is on the 4th of September, 476, when its capital was stormed and taken by the barbarians led by Odoacer.
  29. The Fall of the Roman Empire: State History and Economic Development
    The Roman Empire, one of the most powerful civilizations throughout antiquity, initially rose to power through its military conquests in the Mediterranean region.
  30. The Fall of the Roman Empire: Attacks Which Led to Fall
    Several years after the estimated date when Rome fell, the empire remains famous for its civilization in the military, political, and social institutions.
  31. Roman Empire: A Brief History Points
    After Rome’s final Etruscan king was deposed in 509 BCE, the Roman Republic was established. The system of administration in Rome was a republican representative democracy.
  32. Markers of Roman Virtue in Western Civilization
    The value of the Roman Republic was seen as the virtuous life of every Roman. Identity was considered the main component of Roman virtue.
  33. Researching of Ancient Greek Sophistry
    The loss in esteem for sophistry can be associated with the many professionals’ inclination to use rhetorical abilities to pursue unfair lawsuits and political power.
  34. Aspects of Roman Empire Collapse
    The paper states that Roman Empire was powerful. Barbarian invasions and the rise of the Eastern Empire are factors that contributed to the fall of the empire.
  35. Islam in Relation to the Western Civilization
    Despite being so close to Western civilization, Islam is the most difficult religion to understand in Western countries.

🌶️ Hot Western Civilization Ideas to Write About

  1. Julius Caesar, the Dictator of the Roman Empire
    Julius Caesar was one of the most famous rulers of Rome who became a dictator of the Roman Empire. However, his rule was shortened by the assassination of Caesar by his rivals.
  2. World Archaeology: Ancient Egyptian Mortuary Rituals
    Ancient societies depended on rituals and belief systems to communicate with the spiritual world and also to interpret their material world as well as their being.
  3. The Role of Religion in Ancient Egyptian Life
    Religion was deeply integrated into Egyptian culture and society. By analyzing the documents provided, one can trace the role of Egyptian cosmology in the Egyptian way of life.
  4. The Monumental Architecture in Ancient Greek
    One of the most significant cultures of the ancient world was the ancient Greek and the ancient Roman. Their territories were close to each other.
  5. The Role of Women in Ancient Greece
    A woman in ancient Greece was considered property, limited by her husband and household, and a democratic society was not formed immediately.
  6. Cuisine and Agriculture of Ancient Greece
    There are many reasons for modern students to investigate the development of cuisine and agriculture in Ancient Greece.
  7. The Ancient Contiones in the Roman Republic
    Contiones referred to the assemblies in which influential legislators debated and presented their views to the people of Rome on policies proposed by the People’s Assembly.
  8. Julius Caesar: Ancient Ruler of Rome
    Julius Caesar is among the most influential leaders in world history. Through his military and political prowess, Rome extended its borders to other regions.
  9. The Roman Empire: Documentary About Ancient Rome
    History is an exciting topic for research. People at the present stage of development can isolate a lot of valuable things.
  10. Ancient Greek War and Inter-State Relations
    In the Ancient Greek period war and inter-state relations were a well-articulated process and can be compared to the current military logistics and combat.
  11. Pottery and Sculpture in Ancient Greece
    The evolution of pottery in Ancient Greece was accompanied by changes in the decorations of items, from the Corinthian black-figure method to the red-figure technique.
  12. The Evolution of the Roman Empire
    The paper states that the transformation of the political system within which the Roman Empire operated could be seen as a twofold concept.
  13. Ancient Greece in Historical Texts
    The ancient historical texts on Minoans published by Halsall reflect some facts about their history discovered much later than these accounts had been compiled.
  14. The Role of Family in Ancient Greece
    For the ancient Greeks, a special place was occupied by the family and taking care of it. Thus, many people have loved ones, and the extended family plays a strong role in life.
  15. Ancient Greek Philosophy and Worldview
    Ancient Greek philosophy had its own character and unique differences. Scientists are still studying how people in ancient times saw the world.
  16. Economic and Demographic Reasons for the Fall of the Roman Empire
    The paper discusses factors that forced the dying emperor Theodosius to permanently divide the empire into Western Roman and Eastern Roman.
  17. “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” by Edward Gibbon
    “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,” Edward Gibbon names the main reasons for Rome’s fall: external enemies, the strengthening of Christianity, and illiterate governance.
  18. Climate Change and Fall of the Western Roman Empire
    The authors researched the relevant literature about why the Empire failed and how climate change was connected to the decline.
  19. Rosetta Stone in Ancient Egyptian Culture
    Rosetta Stone is famous because of its role in enabling experts to read Egyptian hieroglyphs. Aside from the hieroglyphs, the stone has demotic and Greek types of writing.
  20. The Fall of the Roman Empire and its Connection to the Transition into the Middle Ages
    The fall of the Roman Empire served as a driving force for the enhancement of the social, and cultural aspects, and especially the Christian prosperity in the Middle Ages.
  21. Ancient Greek & Roman and Medieval Philosophies
    The concept of happiness is central to Ancient Greek and Roman beliefs, yet at the Dawn of the Medieval period, people’s positions in society were predetermined.
  22. Relationship of the History of the Western Civilization II Timeline to Historiography
    The main relationship of the history of the Western Civilization II timeline to historiography is rooted in the fact that the former focuses on western history since the Renaissance.
  23. Mesopotamia Assyria and the New Egyptian Kingdom
    The Assyrian Empire was a kingdom in Mesopotamia known as the Levant in today’s Northern Iraq. It existed from 25BC until between 612BC and 609BC after its collapse
  24. Racial Identity of Ancient Egyptians
    Although the racial identity of ancient Egyptians is debated by scholars, the history and culture of the inhabitants confirm that they were Africans.
  25. Navy Development in Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome
    Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome demonstrated a separate range of factors contributing to the process of acknowledging the necessity of a strong navy.
  26. Appreciating Ancient Art from Museum Experience
    This paper presents how experiencing art at the museum changes the understanding and appreciation of the arts of the ancient.
  27. Ancient Roman Roads and Their Influence on Modern Road Designs
    The author of the article Ancient Roman roads and their influence on modern road designs is Rowyn Lea. There is no reliable information about this writer.
  28. Importance of Polis in Ancient Greek
    The significance of Polis resides in the structure of the ancient Greek world because Polis was a structure of community, or territory of the land.
  29. The Concept of Truth in Christianity and Ancient Greece
    In the essay, the concept of truth will be discussed through the lens of two distinct faith traditions: Ancient Greece and Christianity.
  30. The Usefulness of Glass in the Roman Empire
    The paper explains how Roman glass functioned to serve Augustus’ transformation of the city. It was used practically in all spheres of day-to-day life.
  31. Mythology and Ancient Greco-Roman Beliefs Connected
    This paper aims to identify the connections between mythology and ancient Greco-Roman beliefs through the abilities, features, and lessons learned from hybrid creatures.
  32. The Art of Ancient Greece
    Modern civilization owes much of its development to ancient Greece. This relatively small state has made a significant contribution to the global culture.
  33. Ancient Egyptian Question of Race
    The question of the race of Egyptians arose as a result of an increased interest in anthropology and the racial division of society about two centuries ago.
  34. World History: Women in Ancient Greece
    Ancient Greece is one of the most well-known civilizations in human history. It is famous for its social and political development.
  35. The Significance of Scientists in Western Civilization
    This work is a comprehensive analysis of the activities of the most significant Western thinkers: Freud, Darwin, and Marx.
  36. Multiplication Methods: Traditional, Ancient Egyptian, and Method of the Cups
    The traditional or long multiplication method is one of the most famous and widely accepted in the world. This method goes back to medieval Italian mathematics.

🎓 Most Interesting Western Civilization Research Titles

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Black Death Impact on the Direction of Western Civilization
    The Black Death was a catastrophic global Bubonic Pest outbreak in the mid-1300s that affected Europe and Asia.
  2. Egyptian and Mesopotamian Societies
    The advances in the sphere of agriculture enabled people to accumulate considerable resources and knowledge that led to the fast development of ancient societies in fertile areas.
  3. The Impact of the Wars on Western Civilization
    History is full of wars and even though this phenomenon is considered to be negative, many of them are the basis of significant historical events.
  4. Christianity in the Roman Empire
    The reason for the triumph of Christianity in the Roman Empire is that the church has successfully taken advantage of the negative condition of the country.
  5. Ian Curtis and the Decline of Western Civilization
    Ian Curtis’ words, “No language, just sound, that’s all we need to know,” do not correspond as much to the fact that the general public in the U.S. lacks scientific knowledge.
  6. The Ancient Greek Philosophers: The Heritage in Modernity
    The ancient philosophy has elaborated almost all basic principles that can be found in the philosophy of modernity.
  7. From the Roman Empire to Late Antiquity
    The transition from the period of the Roman Empire to late antiquity was characterized by drastic changes in all spheres of human life.
  8. Ancient Greek and Roman Governments
    The author states that Ancient Greek and Roman governments differed organizationally but were similar in many other aspects.
  9. Mesopotamia: From Sumer to Babylon
    This paper will provide an overview of the civilization’s development from the Sumerian Empire to the Kingdom of Babylon.
  10. Development of the Figure in Ancient Greek Art
    The characteristics and ideals of art that were developed in Ancient Greece continue to play a major part in modern art. 
  11. The History of Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt
    The two ancient kingdoms, Mesopotamia and Egypt, shared many traits as much as differences. The culture includes; festivals, music, games, family life, burials, and religion.
  12. The Five Good Emperors of Roman Empire
    The five good emperors were very prosperous emperors who ruled for the period between 96 and 180 AD. These emperors were ‘Trajan, Nerva, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, and Marcus Aurelius’.
  13. The Fall of The Roman Empire: The Main Reasons
    The Empire started declining because of various reasons which include; strain economically, Civil wars, Religious divisions and failures in its military outfits.
  14. Babylon: Ancient Mesopotamian Civilization
    Babylon’s science was very advanced during King Nebuchadnezzar’s time. They already had astronomers amongst themselves.
  15. Ancient Greece: Athenian Acomplishments
    Ancient Greece is considered to be the phenomenon of the development of human civilization. The association that arouses when hearing the word combination “Ancient Greece” is “genius”.
  16. Comparison of the Slavery Systems in Ancient Rome and Ottoman
    This research defines how slavery was carried out in the two empires and compares and contrasts some of the activities that were involved in the practice of slavery in the two empires.
  17. Agriculture the Backbone of Ancient Egypt’s Economy
    In pre-industrial societies, agriculture was the backbone of most economies. This is true in ancient times and very much evident in ancient Egypt.
  18. The Rise of Western Civilization in Beowulf: Critical Analysis
    Even though an old Anglo-Saxon poem “Beowulf” is assumed to contain motifs that are largely mythical in their essence, many of these motifs do relate to the realities of the time when the poem was written.
  19. Western Civilization: Renaissance Art and Architecture
    Most people today recognize the term ‘Renaissance’ as meaning a specific time period in Western European culture.
  20. Western Civilization: Christian Heresies
    Establishment of the orthodox Christianity result from the emergency of the danger of new converts following teachings that differed from those widely accepted by Christianity.
  21. Relationship Between Ancient Greek and Roman Architecture
    It is difficult to define the relationships between ancient Greek and Roman cultures. Analysis help to define that in architecture both of them have similarities and differences.
  22. Cultural Analysis of the Ancient Rome
    Ancient Rome had a varied cultural life that revolved around the main city of ancient Rome, its famous seven hills, and the landmark monuments that were spread throughout the city.
  23. Ancient Greek Colonization and Trade
    One of the characteristics of the history of many ancient nations is the colonization, i.n. the establishment of new settlements in foreign lands.
  24. Greatest Challenge Facing Western Civilization
    The greatest challenge facing Western Civilization today is gender inequalities and the low position of women in society.
  25. Women’s Roles in Wartime: Ancient Greece vs. Rome
    The very unusual rights that women from Sparta possesses occurred following the reason that women were expected to complete tasks that were especially valuable to men.
  26. Mummification: Ancient Egyptian Afterlife Rituals
    Mummification is one of the most unusual rituals associated with the afterlife. There are many unique activities related to it that can attract people’s attention and spark the desire to investigate the issue.
  27. Ancient Greek Marble Column at the Metropolitan Museum
    Greek culture is considered to be one of the most influential cultures in the history of humanity. Its impact is particularly evident in architecture.
  28. Ancient Greek Art: Influence on Sculpture and Architecture
    Ancient Greeks can be regarded as one of the groups which have made the most significant contributions to the development of different types of art.
  29. Heraclitus’ Ever-Changing Reality: Fire as the Essence
    Heraclitus believes that reality could be equated with fire. Empedocles holds that true reality is constant. Protagoras believes that man is the measure of everything.
  30. Hubris in Ancient Greek Tragedies
    One of the plays representing hubris is Hippolytus, an ancient Greek tragedy written by Euripides and first performed in Athens.
  31. Christianity in Western Civilization and Thought
    The adoption of Christianity by the majority of Western Civilization peoples triggered by multiple changes in the social and political structures of the society.
  32. The Significance of the Ancient Greek Marble Column from Artemesium in Historical Context
    The marble column from the Temple of Artemis at Sardis showcases the most recognizable elements of ancient Greece’s architectural forms.
  33. Social Lives of Ancient Egyptians: Culture, Hierarchy, and Daily Life
    The two books focus on the social lives of the ancient Egyptians. This paper evaluates the two books from different perspectives.
  34. Women in Ancient Greece
    In ancient Greece, women performed three main functions – childbearing, fabric weaving, and managing household.
  35. Roman Empire: Formation, Prosperity, and Decline in the 1st Century
    The Roman Empire was formed in the 1st century by Emperor Augustus, and it enjoyed a brief period of economic and political prosperity before experiencing a decline that led to its eventual demise.
  36. Ancient History: Mesopotamian Empire Achievements
    The Mesopotamian Empire had several achievements throughout the period of its existence. This essay explores the achievements of the Mesopotamian Empire.

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