209 Youth Essay Topics & Research Titles about Teenage Issues

Young people face unique social and emotional challenges, which can be interesting to explore in your essay. If you’re looking for engaging topics for your youth research, you’re at the right place! On this page, you’ll find youth development topics, awareness ideas, and titles about teenage issues.

🔝 Top 7 Awareness Topics for Youth

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Youth

  1. Western Movies and Their Effect on Arab Youth
    There is the fear that Western movies are affecting the Arab Youth. Parents believe that these movies are the source of the queer behaviors among the youths.
  2. Youth Ministry: Goals, Methods, and Standards
    Youth ministry is the practice of working with younger people that promotes Christian faith and church attendance.
  3. How Gaming Consoles Influence the Youth
    Gaming consoles are popular products among American young people who spend hours every week playing video games.
  4. Empowering Youth Engagement in Society
    The reference list of the books about positive changes that can be accrued from youth participation in the various community activities.
  5. Community Policing: The Alternative Solution to Youth Crime
    Community policing is a better alternative especially when it comes to the sensitive nature of juvenile crime.
  6. Employment and Working Conditions: Youth Exploitation
    Young workers are more vulnerable to exploitation as compared to old workers. This exploitation is base on payment and working conditions among other workplace issues.
  7. Sexual Activities and Responsibility Among Youth
    It is socially reckless for young people to have friends with benefits with whom they engage in different forms of sexual activities only for sexual satisfaction.
  8. Balenciaga’s New Style as an Indicator of Modern Youth
    This essay aims to analyse the current Balenciaga Triple S sneakers collection, a defining era of the second half of the last decade.
  9. Community Nursing Interventions for Childhood Obesity
    Due to the gravity of the childhood obesity, there is a need for health professionals to design efficient and effective interventions to alleviate the problem.
  10. Effects of Domestic Violence on Children and Youth
    Children and youth who have been continuously exposed to domestic violence and abuse are at higher risks of experiencing psychological, developmental, and social damages that influence their future lives.
  11. Youth Poverty: “Fire in the Ashes” by Kozol
    “Fire in the ashes” discusses the impact of hope on life in youth and states that children who had hope in their youth were survivors.
  12. Media Consumption’s Role in Youth Recreation
    This essay analyzes the role of media consumption in youth recreation, focusing on Twitter, TikTok, YouTube, and the Internet in general.
  13. Social Problems and Policy: Youth Unemployment and Mental Health
    In the history of the US, the federal and state governments have been at the forefront to facilitate effective social programs.
  14. Youth’s Use of Social Media and Its Impact on Narcissism
    This paper has presented an overview of the problem of narcissism that prevails in contemporary youth due to their problematic use of social media platforms.
  15. Discussion of Why the Youth Join Gangs
    Youth violence is a big problem in many parts of the world, including America but when the youths form gangs, the challenge becomes even bigger and harder to solve.
  16. Lack of Emergency Shelter and Its Effect on the Homeless Youth
    Emergency shelters are specifically designed to meet the unique needs that homeless youths face due to their tender age and lack of life skills.
  17. Effect of Advertising on Youth
    The provocative images used combined with the harsh language often leave the youths at the mercy of the cruel world.
  18. Youth Unemployment in the United Kingdom
    Over the years, there have been remarkable unemployment rates among the youths all across the globe as compared to the age brackets that are regarded as adults.
  19. Working With Children and Youth
    This paper highlights issue of working with children and youth by focusing on websites for children which give emotional support, and discussing youth gangs.
  20. Building a Business to Address Youth Unemployment
    An opportunity to build a business based on the youth unemployment problem has both strengths and weaknesses, also opportunities for further development.
  21. Youth Struggling with Mental Illnesses
    Mental health problems are a group of illnesses that affect a person’s general well-being and negatively affect everyday life.
  22. Youth Victimization: Prevalence and Implications
    In the ‘Youth Victimization: Prevalence and Implications” report was written by the experts of the National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center
  23. The Health Effects of E-Cigarettes, Vapes, and Juul on Today’s Youth
    The content of harmful substances in the composition of liquid for e-cigarettes and other smoking devices is a severe threat to the health of young people.
  24. The Beatles’ “Let It Be” and Youth Music Culture
    The Beatles were one of the most powerful musical icons of the 1960s and, as a result, their songs could serve as a good reflection of the time when the band was active.
  25. Challenges With Homeless and Runaway Youth in Waianae
    The problem in question is concerned with one of the acutest burdens of young people living in the Waianae area of Hawaii: homelessness.
  26. Addressing Youth Exploitation in Multi-Level Marketing: SBA’s Role and Solutions
    This proposal examines the effects of multi-level marketing on young people, which highlights the need for research that safeguards them from exploitation.
  27. Sex Education: California Healthy Youth Act
    It is quite beneficial that stigma now has less impact and is decreased when addressing sexuality education. This practice allows the youth to be healthier.
  28. Addressing Depression Among Native Youths
    The current paper aims to utilize a Medicine Wheel model and a social work paradigm to manage depression among Native American Indian youths.
  29. A Contemporary Issue Affecting Immigrant-Origin Youth
    Immigration is an arduous journey that affects not only adult immigrants but also their children, who have to face the challenges of continuing their development.
  30. The Parent-Teacher-Youth Mediation Program
    The Parent-Teacher-Youth Mediation Program is designed to build relationships between family members from different generations.
  31. At-Risk Factors for Youth in Alberta
    The paper states that one of the massive problems that might influence the youth of Alberta and their future is an environmental disaster.
  32. Promoting Youth Cultural Diversity Awareness
    Today’s youth must be aware of cultural diversity to avoid problems that may arise when interacting and working with people who are different from themselves.
  33. Youth Programs: Youth Justice Program
    This paper examines Youth Justice Program and offers an alternate version of it, analyzing the ways in which the alternative meets specific needs.

🎓 Most Interesting Seminar Topics for Youth

  1. Anxiety Among Substance-Abusing Youth
  2. Cinema, American Youth, and Rebellion Against Authority
  3. Animal Abuse and Youth Violence
  4. Factors That Restrict Success Within Youth Sport
  5. Can Fixed-Term Contracts Put Low-Skilled Youth on a Better Career Path?
  6. Family Networks and Youth Access to Jobs
  7. Discrimination Against LGBT Youth in US Schools
  8. Entrepreneurship: The Future for Our Youth and Our Economy
  9. Crime Youth and Childhood Understanding Theory and Research
  10. Alcohol Advertising Raises Consumption Rates in Youth
  11. Can Employment Subsidies and Greater Labor Market Flexibility Increase Job Opportunities for Youth?
  12. Drug Abuse and Its Effects on Youth and Teenagers
  13. Engaging Parents, Youth, and Schools in Developing Academic Success
  14. Are Today’s Youth Digital Natives
  15. Antidepressants and Youth: Healing or Harmful
  16. Factors That Fuel the Spread of HIV Infection Among the Youth
  17. Homeless Children and Youth: Causes and Consequences
  18. Education and the Youth Movement in Nazi Germany
  19. Casual Sexual Behavior Among Youth
  20. Adolescent Development and Development of Youth Programs
  21. Health and Wellbeing Australian Children and Youth Related
  22. Does Cyberbullying Impact Youth Suicidal Behaviors
  23. Are Our Youth Different? New Beliefs for Old Practices in Entrepreneurship
  24. How Advertising Influence Youth Attitude Toward Dressing
  25. Education and Youth Unemployment in South Africa

đź‘Ť Good Youth Research Topics & Essay Examples

Stuck with your research? Try our online toolkit:
  1. Why Promote Acceptance of Youth Styles Among Adults?
    Partnering with young adults and respecting their perceptions promotes essential opportunities such as leadership structure, skill-building, and cause-based actions.
  2. Aboriginal Youth’s Risks and Resilience
    More research focusing on strategies to reduce risks and develop resiliency for Aboriginal youth will help make their lives easier.
  3. Youths and the Welfare Provision Services
    In Alberta, Ontario, and Manitoba, youths involved in the welfare provision services have common interests and issues that affect them.
  4. Ethical Issues in Medical Care of Youth
    The question of what attitude of doctors on the part of ethical considerations should be appropriate for children will be relevant for a long time.
  5. Discussion of Youth Services Provide Care
    In Alberta, Ontario, and Manitoba, youth services provide care to youths between 18-29 years old and under the care of directors.
  6. Public Schools and Vaccination of Youth
    Vaccines could be described as safety measures to prevent illnesses by stimulating an immune system to produce a prepared defense against a particular sickness.
  7. E3YDH’s Creating Opportunities for Youth Program
    E3YDH’s Creating Opportunities for Youth Program offers a solution to the problem of young employment in Mbombela, Mpumalanga, with the help of a creative economy.
  8. Youth Self-Reported Health and Their Experience of Parental Incarceration
    The study utilizes data from the Minnesota Student Survey, which was conducted every three years and included questions on health behaviors, dietary habits, and sleep patterns.
  9. Unequal Opportunity of Urban Youth
    The current paper indicates that unequal opportunities for urban youth manifest in three spheres – employment, healthcare, and education.
  10. Conversation between a Youth Worker and an Emo Teenager
    This paper aims to create a hypothetical conversation between a youth worker and an emo teenager about teenager’s decision to become emo and future goals in life.
  11. Treating Substance Use Among Youth Experiencing Homelessness in California
    Homelessness puts the youths in unstable housing situations and at a higher risk of substance use. Homelessness in California has been one of the top challenges.
  12. The Spiritual Bond Between Youth and Adults
    In the work “The Man to Send Rain Clouds,” Silko highlights the essential role of spiritual heritage. He depicts the spiritual bonds between different generations.
  13. Child and Youth Work Trouble Youth
    The child and youth care (CYC) domain of social awareness is the significant sphere for today’s youth. In this respect, the paper is dedicated to the role of the CYC practitioner.
  14. The Role Cultural Continuity Plays in Youth Suicide Rates Among Indigenous People
    Even though Canada is considered one of the world’s developed countries, suicide cases are rising, especially among the indigenous groups.
  15. A Latino Youth Photovoice Project on Teen Pregnancy
    The improvements within the education should have been discussed in a more thorough manner; the means of increasing teen pregnancy awareness among Latin American students.
  16. Homeless Youth in Colorado: The Urge to Act
    Some youngsters are forced to leave their homes, and some have unstable emotional states or experience other different issues in their lives.
  17. The Public Health Campaign on STDs Among the Youth
    This essay discusses unprotected sex among teenagers as a public health issue that promulgates the spread of STDs, and the public health campaigners on STDs.
  18. At-Risk Youth and Sex Trafficking Issue
    This essay attempts to look at the issue of child sex trafficking and provide a better understanding of its harms.
  19. Real Education for Healthy Youth Act
    Real Education for Healthy Youth Act of 2019 is a bill initially sponsored by Junior Senator Cory Booker that promotes comprehensive sex education in higher education institutions.
  20. Juvenile Delinquency: The Marginalized Youths
    For the delinquency programs and policies to work, the government must give priority to the marginalized youths. It should emphasize matters concerning the youth.
  21. The Problem of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Youth Suicidality
    Recently, there was a sharp increase in cases of suicides committed by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer youth.
  22. Youth Violence in the Film “The Interrupters”
    The film, “The Interrupters” goes further to highlight how certain issues have affected how the youth in Chicago perceive their environment and the people around them.
  23. Antismoking Ads and Youth Smoking Prevalence
    The article “Evidence of a dose-response relationship between “truth” antismoking ads and youth smoking prevalence” elaborates on the influence of antismoking advertisements.
  24. A Preliminary Randomized Controlled Evaluation of a Universal Healthy Relationships Promotion Program for Youth
    This essay will discuss and analyze a research article describing a small group program focused on preventing bullying and decreasing substance abuse among adolescents.
  25. Ethical Grounds of Nursing in Youth Mental Health
    When Young adults with mental health problems are nearing their adult years, they may face the difficulty of transitioning between juvenile and adult medical systems.
  26. Reducing Cigarette Smoking American Youth
    The number of smokers among juvenility in America is alarming. Instead of going down, this amount just leveled up.
  27. Review of a Youth Risk Behaviour Survey
    Youth Risk Behaviour Survey is the primary national source of data concerning the youth and their health-related attitudes, so it should be reliable and not biased.
  28. The History of Youth Style and Resistance
    Resistance by the youth can be traced back in the 1970’s as well as the 1980’s as Britain was being re-industrialized.
  29. Suicide Within the Youth: Causal Analysis
    The problem of suicide within youth is one of the most burning problems nowadays. Suicide is generally regarded as the third cause of death for young people between 10 and 24.
  30. Suicide Among Youth: Issue Review
    One of the latter is the problem of suicide of youth located at various facilities according to the Foster Care System which is being implemented in numerous countries around the world.
  31. Can Keeping Troubled Youth in Class Make a Difference?
    The methods that are geared towards keeping young people in school work best compared to suspension and expulsion.
  32. Two-Lives, One Partner: Indo-Canadian Youth Between Love and Arranged Marriages
    Netting expands knowledge about the marriage patterns and choices of Indo-Canadian youth: the ways they balance between the possibilities of “love marriage” and “arranged marriage”.
  33. Why American Boarding Schools Are Effective at Educating the Youth?
    Two broad categories of schools – day and boarding schools. Reasons as to why boarding schools perform a better job at educating our youth.
  34. Youth Obesity In Clark County in Vancouver Washington
    The major factors contributing to the rise in obesity cases are; inadequate dietary intake of fruits and vegetables, high intake of refined food, and inadequate physical exercise.
  35. Youth Violence: The Columbine High School Case
    For educators, the easy description of violence is any infliction or threat to cause emotional or physical harm to another person’s feelings, body, or belongings.
  1. Does Changing the Legal Drinking Age Influence Youth Behaviour
  2. Correlation Between Youth Sports Athletes and Leadership
  3. Academic Enrichment Programs Targeted for Inner City Youth
  4. Factors Impacting Youth Development in Haiti
  5. Does Child Labor Reduce Youth Crime
  6. Contemporary Music and the Effects It Has on Youth
  7. Causal Relationship Between Television and Effects on Today’s Youth
  8. Does the Internet Hurt Youth or Does Its Use Need to Be Monitored More?
  9. Cultural Identity Among Sudanese Youth
  10. Can Youth Make India a Superpower?
  11. Child Development and Success or Failure in the Youth Labor Market
  12. Factors Influencing Educational Choices of Romanian Rural Youth
  13. African-American Youth Public Speaking and Community Relations
  14. Cyber Bullying: The Latest Threat to Hawaii’s Youth
  15. Death Penalty for Youth Offenders
  16. American Youth Slangs and Their Equivalents in Kazakh and Russian
  17. Civil Disobedience Youth Nation Line
  18. Family Leisure, Self-Management, and Satisfaction in Spanish Youth
  19. Dangerous Driving and the Effects on Youth
  20. Drug Abuse Among Youth as a Serious Problem Within the United
  21. Cash Transfers Improve the Mental Health and Well-Being of Youth
  22. Educating Our Youth Toward Responsible Citizenry
  23. Dead-End Jobs and Youth Unemployment
  24. Anger Management Group: Youth Behavior Modification Program
  25. Cognitive Skills and the Youth Labor Market

🌶️ Hot Research Topics on Youth Issues

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Proper Education Through Music for Youth for HIV, AID Prevention
    The attachment of youths to music and their high level of vulnerability form the basis for the implementation of a prevention strategy , use of music to prevent the spread of HIV and AIDS.
  2. Youth as a Social Class and Phenomenon Review
    The given selection of the articles has been chosen on the basis of two criteria: they deal with the youth and they explain different aspects and issues connected with media education
  3. Parents Are to Blame for Youth Violence
    Violence among youth has drastically increased in recent times. This problem of violence has become a global phenomenon whereby youth from all walks of life are engaged in violence.
  4. The Relationship Between Youth, Lifestyle and Consumption
    The idea of youth in the modern world has not been explicitly attached to a certain age group, and became the focus of the global consumer culture as a whole.
  5. Youth Policy: Brief Analysis
    Queensland Juvenile Justice Act (1992) has a controversial approach to age of offenders and the role of caution and sentencing practices for young criminals.
  6. Youth Violence in Georgia: Causes and Prevention
    The problems with youth violence and gang culture remain crucial for all countries. This paper concentrates on the causes of violence-related events in Georgia and analyzes them.
  7. Innovating Youth Employment Policies and Programs to Create Workforce
    The paper is aimed to show the analysis of factors that influence unemployment and underemployment of young Black males.
  8. Youth Bulges and State Repression in Algeria: A Correlation Study
    The significant objective that necessitates repression is to maintain control of power. In the case of Algeria, President Bouteflika wanted to maintain control of power.
  9. Smartphone Addiction Among American Youth
    While the smartphone is a valuable tool that has benefited civilization, the ensuing mental addiction has a profound, lasting impact on individuals’ health.
  10. Class & Race in Chesnutt’s “The Wife of His Youth”: A Study
    In “The Wife of his Youth,” Charles Chesnutt describes the story of Mr. Ryder, a prosperous African American with light skin which meets his wife, Liza Jane, after a long period of being apart.
  11. Youth Violence in the United States
    Youth violence is one of the major topics that have dominated political and social debates in the United States for a long time.
  12. Adult Sentencing for Youth: Canadian Perspective
    The proponents of so-called restorative justice reason that the criminal justice system should operate on the premise that a juvenile action does not equate to that of an adult.
  13. Marketing Strategies for Engaging Youth and Children Effectively
    Branding is a process of connecting and building a bond between products and its clients. A Brand basically refers to a name or image by which a given product is identified.
  14. Adults’ Negative Influence on Children’ Sport Development
    Sports enable children and young people to develop physically, mentally, and psychologically. These are the three major educational outcomes of physical education.
  15. Impact of TFA on Civic Engagement: Research Insights
    The article “Assessing the Effects of Voluntary Youth Service: The Case of Teach for America” dwells upon the civic commitment of people who had TFA experience.
  16. Addressing Homelessness Among Youth in Hawaii: Challenges and Solutions
    The number of homeless youth is high in the state. They have unique needs and are exposed to risks that differ from those faced by adults living on the streets.
  17. Western Movies and Arab Youth
    The Western movies tend to reflect a lifestyle that is luxurious in nature and full of freedom, different from the contemporary lifestyle in the Arab world.
  18. Youth Contributions to Main Street Revitalization: An Analysis
    The article “Youths Revitalizing Main Street: A Case Study” explores how a community-based organization uses various social work approaches to rebuild Aliquippa.
  19. Trends and Causes of Youth Unemployment in Canada: A Societal Review
    The problem under investigation is the fact that the unemployment rate among people in the 18-25 age group is higher than any other age group in Canadian society.
  20. Childhood Obesity: A Community- vs. Youth-Led Advocacy Campaigns
    This paper will review two articles studying different advocacy campaigns: a community-based approach and a youth-led intervention for childhood obesity.
  21. Working Youth: Psychological Observations in Café
    This study reviews various meanings of working in the experience of young individuals based on field notes and a few-hours observation in one of the local coffee shops.
  22. Promoting Savings Among Youth: Challenges and Strategies
    Through the “Saving for the future, a society wide-challenge” advertising campaign, Aviva attempts to rebrand savings by depicting it as a beneficial necessity.
  23. NESA’s 2015-2016 Employment Policy: Impact on Youth Unemployment
    This paper uses National Employment Services Association to conduct an evaluation of its structure and public policy-related activities.
  24. Assessing Youth Risk Behaviors in Miami-Dade: EHR Data
    This paper will identify and assess some of the health-risk behaviors of the Miami-Dade population under 18 years of age.
  25. Youth Addiction Prevention and Rehabilitation
    This paper looks at the prevention for youths who are yet to begin using drugs and those who are addicted and establish an advocacy for rehabilitation for youths.
  26. Capella-McDonnall & Crudden (2009) on Job Market Transition
    The article by McDonnall and Crudden examines issues that affect the youths with visual impairments, especially when transitioning from college to high school to employment.
  27. Social Work: the Latin American Youth Center
    This paper will focus on one particular organization, which is the Latin American Youth Center (LAYC), which operates as a non-profit organization.
  28. Child Development: Youth and Crisis
    According to the previous literature findings, the individual’s psychological maturation is interdependent with the development of identity and the parent-child relations.
  29. Youth and Media in “The Merchants of Cool” Movie
    The Merchants of Cool film that today’s marketers have to be creative to influence the youth into buying their ideas and products.
  30. The Problem of Youth (Students) Drinking
    Many students are grappling with the problem of binge drinking and the outcomes are already having a negative impact on student-community relations.
  31. Raising Awareness of HIV/AIDS Among Mississippi Youth: Effective Strategies and Community Outreach
    This paper proposes a program that can provide youths with the appropriate awareness as a means to address the risk factors to HIV and AIDS.
  32. Illicit Drug Use and Addiction Among American Youths
    The main research objective is to evaluate the differences and pervasiveness of unlawful drug use and compulsion amongst the American youths across demographic differences.
  33. The Youthful Population of Saudi Arabia: Demographic Trends and Implications
    The youthful population in Saudi Arabia is still being faced with a growing rate of unemployment. This is a paradox bearing in mind that this country is one of the leading producers of crude oil.
  34. Teen Pregnancy Among Latino Girls: A Social Process Analysis
    This article offers the best concepts towards dealing with teen pregnancy. The findings are also applicable in different societies. The authors have used the best approach to get their results.
  35. Alcohol-Producing Companies and Youth Consumption Rates
    Despite the efforts of healthcare specialists, over the past few years, the rates of alcohol consumption in youth have grown impressively.

đź“Ś Easy Youth Essay Topics

  1. Cyber Bullying and Its Effect on Our Youth
  2. Enhancing Youth Employability and Entrepreneurship Within the Local Labour Market
  3. Family Acceptance During Adolescence of LGBT Youth
  4. Can Google Data Help Predict French Youth Unemployment
  5. Can Arts-Based Interventions Enhance Labor Market Outcomes Among Youth?
  6. Fighting Youth Unemployment: The Effects of Active Labor Market Policies
  7. Choosing Career Opportunity, Guideline for Christian Youth
  8. Does the Media Hurt Our Youth?
  9. Alcohol Abuse and Suicide Attempts Among Youth – Correlation or Causation
  10. African American and Hispanic Youth
  11. American Cancer Youth Initiative Society
  12. Adolescent Counseling and the Significant Aspects of Counseling Our Youth
  13. Does University Help Our Youth?
  14. Drug Trafficking and Urban African American Youth
  15. Displaced Youth the Effects of Stress on Young People in the 21st Century
  16. Career Counseling for Gifted and Talented Youth
  17. Cultural Diversity Within Native Youth Olympics
  18. Addiction Among Youth Today
  19. Critical Thinking about the Expanding Youth Market in China and India
  20. Are Violent Video Games Bad for the Youth
  21. Does Delayed Retirement Affect Youth Employment? Evidence From Italian Local Labour Markets
  22. Does Hip Hop Culture Influence Youth Gangs?
  23. Community Development and Youth Work
  24. Does Intra-African Trade Reduce Youth Unemployment in Africa

âť“ Research Questions about Youth

Need help with research questions? Try our Research Question toolkit:
  1. How Does Alcohol Drinking Affect Youth?
  2. Are There Long-Term Earnings Scars From Youth Unemployment in Germany?
  3. What Are the Causes of Drug Abuse Among Youth?
  4. Does Our Youth Lack a Sense of Belonging?
  5. Can Active Labor Market Policies Combat Youth Unemployment?
  6. How Does Youth Violence Affect Society?
  7. Does Television Viewing Influence Behaviors Among the Youth?
  8. Are Video Games Hurting the Youth?
  9. Does Elderly Employment Have an Impact on Youth Employment?
  10. What Is the Role of Youth in Contributing to a Better India?
  11. How Can We Prevent Drug Abuse Among Youth?
  12. Is the Youth Truly the Hope of Motherland?
  13. Why Are Youths Important for Our Country?
  14. How Do Video Games Affect Today’s Youth?
  15. Does Media Violence Have an Effect on the Youth of America?
  16. Can Public Works Programs Reduce Youth Crime?
  17. How Does Television Violence Impact Youth?
  18. What Is the Biggest Problem Facing Youth Today?
  19. Do Video Games Have a Positive or Negative Effect on Youth?
  20. How Can Youth Change the World?
  21. What Is the Main Cause of Depression Among the Youth?
  22. Does Early Intervention Help the Unemployed Youth?
  23. How Are Youth Offenders Dealt with in the UK?
  24. Are Television Shows Influencing the Youth?
  25. Does Technology Influence Youth in a Positive or in a Negative Way?

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