There has been increased use and application of innovative technologies across many workplaces forcing companies to keep an eye on current technological changes to keep at the breast with their competitors. Its application in the modern business world is inevitable and may be considered to have both positive and negative impacts
Technology has changed the way companies handle their businesses. Newly introduced innovative technologies have increased the capacity of the organization to act and change in pursuit of sustainable changes to curb human capital accumulation
To further examine the relationship between information technology use and human resource management, the relationship between the two discipline practices are presented. Since technological change requires corresponding human resource policies, the research does argue that the application of innovative technologies improves job and human performances and human performance.
This study is aimed at identifying both positive and negative influences of computer technologies on the human resources who work in offices. The methodology is based on secondary data as well as primary data in the form of a questionnaire that will be given out to several companies to form a qualitative empirical analysis on this topic. The survey will be measured using a Likert scale to enable employees’ rate their opinions regarding the use and application of information technology in workplaces.
After gathering the replied surveys, the study aims to compare and contrast the results between departments as well as with the literature review to make clear to the reader how innovative technologies are useful in the modern, how it is changing with evolving markets and finally examine if such applications have been of benefit towards companies.
The study was aimed at considering the level of innovative technology influence on office workers.
Check the level of changes the innovative technologies have brought to the workplace.
Identify the negative and positive impact of the changes the innovative technologies have brought.
Dwell upon the ways to shift the negative features of the new technologies used to the positive ones.
Problem Statement
The interference of the innovative technologies in the modern business world is inevitable and may be considered as a positive feature, but the interference of computer technologies in the business human resources has also disadvantages; the research is focused on the consideration of the positive and negative influence of computer technologies on the human resources who work in offices.
For an informative analysis, the research analyzes computer technology applications and discusses internet use as the main factor in influencing both positive and negative impacts on the modern business world. Web-based technologies as an interactive tool in the field of human resource development practices have facilitated capital gains in significant ways. The research proposes for reconsideration of e-recruitment in creating imaginative and narrative communication avenues in achieving a highly informed society. Our deductive approach touches on audiences’ thoughts, the way they reinterpret the message and sediment new knowledge into their daily lives
It is evidenced that technology has enabled the creation of new avenues for grassroots activism and community building. The research aims at learning the degree to which information technology more specifically the internet is used and the role of human resources in influencing change. I will distribute a series of questionnaires to different departments to find out their attitudes and beliefs regarding the leadership role of innovative technologies. However, the best test, and yet difficult to comprehend, is: does technology change how we function, how we communicate and more likely become independent? And does it encourage integration? It is evidenced that web-based technology has increased individual. To answer this question, the research will use questionnaires to collect some data and analyze it, and finally, discuss whether the results support the research question and state conclusions and recommendations.
Literature Review
Internet use for both work and leisure related activities is considered to be the most explosive outbreak in the information world. It’s estimated that about 9 million blogs and 40,000 new ones keep popping out each day. This shows that the overwhelming majority of the information the world spews out every day is digital—photos from camera phones, PowerPoint presentations, government filings, billions and billions of e-mails, even digital phone messages. These findings consider the internet as a prerequisite of business operations that can serve beneficial and harmful to others.
Studies evidence that leisure browsing while at work improves employee concentration and performance. It is argued that taking time off work to engage in personal activities improves work-life balance and productivity levels. These findings simply imply that companies should avoid using web tracking software and employee surveillance as this may have adverse effects on productivity. On the other hand, however, internet use while at work should be used at reasonable limits.
Internet use in workplaces has been without question beneficial to both employees and the organization as a whole, but the question always remains; ‘how much time-out is needed for personal activities on the internet?’
On the contrary, though, efforts to block internet use for social activities have been on the rise. Companies invest millions of dollars in software to filter access to websites and internet protocols to prevent employees from spending office hours on leisure browsing. The study also underscores a point when it argues that spending time on personal activities costs companies millions in lost productivity. It is also evidenced that an average person loses control after 20mins and restored concentration after taking a break. This analysis applies to workplaces and taking breaks to enable the mind to rest results in higher concentration thus increased productivity.
Market trends are changing to keep abreast of Information technology. This requires companies to change with evolving markets to keep up with evolving competitive market environments. Human resource in this regard is required to emphasize attracting and retaining talent by quickly adapting to and becoming resilient to innovative technologies. Information technology has influenced all aspects of human resource departments making them more focused on competence. This change of environment brings about workplace diversity. Recent research suggests that workplace diversity should include motivating employees through gain-sharing and the application of innovative technologies. To do this, companies are required to deploy technologies that would increase production.
The success of an organization relies entirely on the ability of an HR manager to manage a multicultural organization of different religious beliefs, income, educational, and work experience. Programs designed to prepared managers to manage a diverse workforce that can bring different views at work and perspectives and innovative ideas. Therefore by promoting and fighting challenges faced at workplaces requires reorganizing the company’s source of assets into strategic organization talents that capitalize on diverse cultures. This global arena that capitalizes on a mixture of business opportunities requires manpower that rapidly and creatively adopts and applies innovative technologies. This is done by balancing the talent of a broad workforce to correspond to a wider customer base.
Information systems such as web-based programs and other computer hardware and software application are very important and frequently used in organizations in tracking employees and organization performances. Therefore managing information systems relies heavily on effective managerial control. The lasting effects are experienced through strategic planning and decision making which are very significant in spotting significant variations. This strategy would ensure information technology has been ingrained with strategic business goals. Human resource management goals must be aligned with those of employee and organization needs. The organization should be flexible enough to quickly adapt and change directions towards customer-oriented. This calls for keeping abreast with the latest technological changes and managing organization effectively through becoming knowledgeable, being able to lead and control the human resource through providing training and employee development.
Since technology is rapidly and creatively changing with evolving markets, implementations of computer applications will inevitably continue to accelerate. Since the adoption of web-based applications, there’s increasing concern over compliance requirements since the Sarbanes-Oxley. This reemphasizes the need for HR to closely tackle strategic issues that are crucial to the company’s performance. HR Management (2010) highlights the roles of human resource management to include “management, succession planning, and compliance-oriented training” (p.1). This brings us to the question; should HR leave the aid of management to technology? Certainly, companies should embrace technology by trying to integrate it into their systems.
A study conducted by SHRM provided that expanded use of the web for delivery and utilization of HR applications has aided human resource applications by giving them quick access to employee payrolls and pension information with a click of a button. It provides that software deployment serves a great advantage to the organization in areas such as internal mobility, appraisal management, succession planning, package review, and personal development. In this case, recruitments over the internet and employment of performance management software should be highly encouraged to help improve HR’s functions and employer brand. As provided by people relation management (PRM), computer application allows organizations to form one-to-one relationships with potential and current employees, enabling companies to better attract, develop and retain the right people and realize full potential.
Without question, technology rollout has enabled companies to experience a reduction in resource wastage by enabling seamless integration without needing to overburden their IT departments with having to buy additional hardware and invest time in supporting it. Ideally, communication is a living process in which a community of life is lived out and a growing process that is constantly evolving and changing over time. Technology has enabled efficiency and integration making business operations easy. This brings us to the conclusion that the application of innovative technologies has witnessed the growth in the popularity of business process management (BPM) as HR departments strive to become more effective and efficient. Technology is a continuous process and HR management should use this strategy to connect different types of applications. As an aid to human touch, IT has improved human performance and even realized marginal gains in companies that have applied them. Some of the benefits of information technology are however mentioned to include; 1) delivery and utilization of HR applications
- Improved and better-integrated work processes
- Growth in e-learning, increasing outsourcing of human resource information technology systems 4). Evolution of paperless payroll (HR Management, 2010).
The rationale of the study
Results found a strong relationship between technological change and HR development practices and positive impacts on technology application in organizational productivity.
The methods utilized for analyzing the research question were survey questionnaire distributed to each employee participating in the research study. The questionnaires were given a study format with a thorough explanation of what was required from them. This strategy was used in anticipation that extensive data will be collected on how each member perceived changes and developments during their employment period rather than forcing themselves into YES and NO replies on pre-existing scales designed around the author’s beliefs. The questionnaire method of data collection applied by the research assistants to record raw information and report the findings on the sensitive issues of information technology was reliable and improved the credibility of data collected
Time Schedule
Research is going to take up to two weeks. The literature research and analysis will take two days and one week will be left for the conduction of interviews, gathering data, and analyzing it.
Resources Needed
A small company that specializing in bookkeeping business in Orange County will be used in our research and most preferably questionnaires will be distributed over the lunch hour.
One research assistant will be able to guide participants on how to fill the questionnaire Budget
No specific costs are required for conducting this research since the company is within the researcher’s proximity.
Needed assurances/clearances
For the testing, participants will be informed two weeks before the research on the importance of their participation. After seeking written permission from the company’s director and human resource manager, participants will be invited to the survey room where the researcher will explain the theoretical material and will track their responses from the questionnaire. Then, participants will be proposed to fill the questionnaire established by the program creators to check how they understand the Likert scale ratings. Once the practical assignment is completed, participants will be offered to look through other options of the program. Finally, the evaluation of the results will be based on the validity and reliability verification.
The samples consisted of 20 departments and only 15 departments responded assumed to be using innovative technologies such as the internet in their workplaces. Among our selected departments were IT, human resource, finance, production, quality control, sales, and supply chain departments. The response rate was rated at 70% since most departments applied innovative technologies in one way or another. The responses included HR managers, department heads, and employees at lower ranks. The questions were carefully drawn to avoid misrepresentation and where technical terms were used, were followed by simple explanations to ensure a higher response rate.
The questionnaires were structured using a five-point Likert response scale and category items were provided specifying their level of agreement to a statement. Likert scale enabled participants to indicate their degree of agreement with the statement using a five-point scale that indicates;
- Strongly disagree
- Disagree
- Neither agree nor disagree
- Agree
- Strongly agree
The questions were availed to all participants. The questionnaire comprised two types of questions. 1st part: questions to identify training and development schedules of innovative technologies, level of management supervision, conducting and evaluation development strategies problems and hindrances they face towards innovative implementations.
The questionnaire second part was directed at human resources managers and department heads to see which best practices organizations adopt in their development. The questionnaires were filled in the presence of the researcher to ensure complete understanding, some through emails.
A total of 100 respondents were used for the analysis after filling and returning the questionnaire for their completeness and consistency. The participant profiles were presented per the following demographic criteria 58% of the corresponds were aged more than 45 years, 59% of the respondents had job experience more than 20 years.
More than 78% of the respondents were male 24.8% of the training and development program were inadequately planned and implemented.
Training and development programs are only aimed at top management executives HR professions are an important source of employee training and recruitment, training.
Recruitment through the internet encouraged applicants of up to 75%, 26% of the companies were SMEs and 74% represented other companies.
The age ranged from 25 to 60 years.
Response Rate

The maximum respondents lied between ages 25 through 35 years whereas the minimum respondents were represented by ages 40 through 60. With regards to academic qualifications, only 26.8% of the respondents were having masters while the minimum group of 6% was matriculated. The frequency of the training and development of innovative technologies were measured on weekly basis, and 26.8% argued the training program was not properly planned.
Recruitment and selection of employees through the internet were found to play a crucial role in motivating employees at workplaces and adapting to technological changes. Employee training and skill development through web-based applications help companies a great deal.
Generally, employees were found to be motivated and able to accept changes through promotion and training opportunities. It was also evidenced that motivational strategies such as on-job-training enabled employees to cope with technological changes positively. This means that the role of planning lies entirely on the top management levels and collective participation of employees is required. quality department and supply chain
The following sections present results by corresponding to each research question of the study:
What are the Impacts of innovative technologies such as the use of internet offices on human resource practices?
The results showed that innovative changes in the application of information technology especially on-the-job training and internet use ranked highest in different companies. The results also showed that companies use the internet when advertising for positions and to provide for human resource development expertise. The most frequent training evaluation methods were evidenced to be surveys and questionnaires.
Do companies resist technology?
The results showed psychological and emotional influences to be the major backlog to resisting the introduction of new technology in a department. To solve this, human resource development strategies should be used to reduce resistance to change. With regards to educational background, employee participation and training were the most frequently used human resource development strategies.
What is the difference in the application of innovative technology between departments of various sectors?
The results showed significant differences across different departments ranging from IT, quality department, and supply chain
On-job-training was found to have enabled companies to cope with technological change in both IT and quality control departments. It was also founded that limited training budgets, inflexible working schedules, stringent deadlines, and insufficient manpower impacted negatively on the use of the required technology and training programs. When this occurs, companies should consider outsourcing extra manpower to handle less-skilled jobs and allocate the time to training employees on critical aspects of technology.
The increased use of the internet and web-based technology in recruitments has attracted a large number of applicants. The numbers are however expected to increase in the coming years and companies are expected to design websites for e-recruitment services to keep up with the trend. Similar tools used for training and development programs should be used as a motivation strategy to retain employees. Companies subjected to frequent technological changes, which requires innovation to survive, should consider financial incentives to retain employees.
Since the application of innovative technologies relies heavily on HR practices, the selection of suitable computer programs and qualified human resource manager is required to be able to cope with the technological changes as the success or failure of a company relies on them
Training programs that aim at providing opportunities for continuous skills development should be used as motivating factors for updating the expertise needed when technological changes occur. Training budgets should also be flexible enough to accommodate more training programs for employees. Training should not be viewed as expenses since their applications are crucial to upgrading employee skills and place companies in better competitive positions. Computer-based training on the other hand should be encouraged to enable employees to familiarize themselves with computer-related and internet applications. Training should be encouraged to enable employees to adapt to new technological changes and place companies in a better position in competitive markets. Therefore, training should be allocated flexible budgets and longer training durations to give employees ample time to absorb new technology. Lastly, training evaluation should be conducted by the HR manager to enable shape and improve the company’s future.