Organization Member Analysis: The Chair of the Student Media Executive Board

The University represents a unique organization which specific educational tasks and goals. In this environment, a good manager should possess the ability to communicate his thoughts and ideas in a clear way and get feedback, which shows that the workers have a proper understanding of what they are expected to do to perform their tasks. The Chair of the Student Media Executive Board is a person with strong leadership skills and charisma appealing to all students. He is a fair, just, and enthusiastic person. For his position, effective communication in the workplace involves at first place efficient management and a positive approach to communication that provides a high degree of understanding between managers and subordinate staff and leads to an increase in employees’ performance. Effective communication of The Chair of the Student Media Executive Board has a positive influence on both employees and organizations. For students, it gives a clear understanding of their assignments and their roles in the company. This communication style contributes to a higher degree of staff performance, which results in an increase in customer loyalty and profit.

The position of the Faculty (the Student Involvement Manager) requires excellent problem-solving and decision-making skills. A person who obtains this position is hardworking and responsible. He concentrates on supervising subordinates, while the Faculty focuses on strategic planning, monitoring business indicators, evaluating organizational performance, and coordinating activities among the different functional areas of business. These managers are required to have a set of certain skills to work efficiently. However, for either a lower- or upper-level manager, a management job is complex and multi-faceted, which indicates that a manager can succeed in his or her career only by having a variety of management skills. There is no true agreement as to what exactly a manager is or how he or she should operate (Kinicki and Kreitner 36). The culture of the Faculty communication is based on the power of authority reflected by the tall hierarchy characterized by ineffective and slow decision-making process and emphasized a top-bottom control power of authority. Power of authority is dominant on top of the hierarchy, no empowerment for operational decision making, resources are inefficiently allocated, under allocation of resources, and ineffective utility of organizational information. Educational initiatives will improve organizational competencies and enable achieving a competitive advantage if the change process is aligned with all internal organizational processes. The Faculty is involved in supporting, coaching, and monitoring activities. Aligning implementation and internal organizational processes with the external market changes ensures core competencies reflect the industry’s key success factors to sustain competitiveness. The reliance on technology has influenced the University to align its strategies with information systems platforms. On way, the University optimizes its structure is by applying initiatives to improve and strengthen competencies allowing organizational learning, improving quality, and managing customers’ relationships. The most realizable gain from Its implementation is that it enables organizational strategy flexibility. The University can apply reengineering processes to their structure to reflect a shift in the overall strategy responding to market and industry changes. The Faculty accepts the idea that information systems are essential to achieve strategic competitive advantage for organizations. Information systems offer organizations greater flexibility ability to communicate strategies and efficient knowledge management. For both the Chair and the Faculty inspiring and motivating students is the main priority. Creativity, strong leadership, and innovations allow them to inspire students and involve them in University life.

Works Cited

Kinicki, A, Kreitner, R. Organizational Behavior: Key Concepts, skills and best practice. 3d edn. McGraw-Hill/Irwin; 3 edition, 2006.

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