Pop Culture as a Potent Globalization Tool

Popular culture can be defined as a set of values, practices, beliefs, and objects that dominate and the moment and are shared by people across the world (Ousborne, 2015). Today, because of the rise of media, social networks, and the Internet, the given phenomenon acquires outstanding importance as it influences...

The Case of Shooting at Planned Parenthood: Understanding the Causes of the Crime

An analysis of the factors that may have incited a crime is often useful in further prevention of similar criminal cases and the development of strategies for increasing public safety. It is fairly easy to shrug off the specified problem by claiming that a law-abiding person cannot understand the reasoning...

Spain Cultural Traditions and Perspectives

Spain is the country associated with love, passion, and bold fashion choices that have been transforming throughout many centuries. Despite everyone’s beliefs of France, being the main center of fashion, Spain and its unique culture has been at the forefront of this industry since the 16th century. Traditional Spanish culture...

Harvey Fineberg: Are We Ready for Neo-Evolution?

As ordinary people live day to day, they do not always think of those secrets and interesting questions that scientists are still trying to find answers to. For example, what is the current evolutionary state, and what exactly will the future bring to humans? When a person looks ahead to...

“Bad Teaching Is Tearing America Apart”: Drawbacks of the Article

The given article represents the writing by Naomi Schaefer Riley for the Wall Street Journal. The journalism genre demands expressiveness and creativity; thus, some writers mix models to get more fruitful texts, and this article is no exception. In general, the author seems to be utilizing Toulmin’s argument mainly as...

The Analysis of “A Note on Mascots” by Brian Doyle

Opening the essay with personal experience proves to be an efficient introduction. The author starts the novel with the story of his first favorite sports teams at the age of two or three. He then jumps to the description of his high school games and the first time paying attention...

Comparison of Nature and Nurture

Nature vs. nurture is a debate that seeks to determine what shapes the human personality the most if not exclusively. Nature in this debate denotes genetic and biological predispositions that each human possesses. Conversely, nurture symbolizes the influence of a person’s environment and its ability to mold their behavior and...

Small Bowel Obstruction: Management and Treatment

The disease under consideration, small bowel obstruction, is a blockage of the small intestine, which implies a disruption of the digestive system. Its development is characterized by the accumulation of swallowed air instead of intestinal fluids, in contrast to the normal intestine functions related to the absorption of nutrients, electrolytes,...

Mental Health in “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Allan Poe and “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Nowadays, mental health is a significant concern in the United States, as more and more people become affected by psychological conditions. However, the discourse around this topic, especially that of schizophrenia, has existed for a considerable time. The main characters of Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s The Yellow Wallpaper and Edgar Allan...

Movie Review: Electromagnetic Spectrum

Electromagnetic waves of different lengths and frequencies are used for different purposes based on their characteristics and capabilities. The contemporary world technology utilizes the whole spectrum of electromagnetic waves from the longest radio waves to the shortest Gamma rays. Due to these waves’ capabilities to spread over long distances and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Achieving Professional Competence as a Certified Family Nurse Practitioner

My goal entails achieving proficiency and competence while implementing assigned nursing responsibilities within the next five years. I am currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree, aiming for 1 to 2 years of experience after obtaining higher education. I also intend to enroll in a Family Nurse...

Abolitionists and Early Anti-slavery Movements

The proposals and methods used by the abolitionists differed from those implemented by earlier antislavery movements since the latter was more focused on republican values of equality and liberty. The antislavery movements wanted captivity to be gradually brought to an end. Some of their approaches included the passing of the...

Should the Big Four Be Broken Up?

In his talk at the Ignition Conference in 2017, Scott Galloway shared the results of his studies on the four technology giants in the United States. One of his ideas was that breaking the four giants up would be a necessary step since the four companies had aggregated much more...

The Racial Bias in the 21st Century

Racism is a hazardous phenomenon that persists to be prevalent in modern-day society. The 20th century made significant strides to reduce the number of racial inequities by implementing multiple laws and regulations to ensure that citizens of different color have equal rights. However, it is a common misconception to consider...

Sarah Hall’s Short Story “Theatre 6”

The narrative is set in a hospital operating room and in-house chapel, perpetuating the atmosphere of democratic conformity that defies morality. The setting serves as the display of the conflict between individual choice and procedures. The author writes, “The on-call room is never dark enough, even with your eye-mask,” indicating...

Johann Sebastian Bach as an Example of a Talented Person

The image above by Marshal and Emery depicts Johann Sebastian Bach, one of the world’s most famous composers. While he is known for his exceptional artwork, Bach’s life was full of exciting facts that did not directly relate to music. Firstly, not many people know that Bach was married twice...

Federalism in the US

Federalism is a political system of state establishment, which allows separate states within an entity to function under a common set of rules while maintaining their own autonomy and integrity (Adler, 2020). It is a mix between the unitary and the confederal systems, sought to eliminate the negative sides of...

MRP Decreases a Company’s Inventory While Improving Customer Service Level

Material Requirement Planning (MRP) is a production system valuable to hundreds of companies that rely on technology for inventory or production. MRP benefits acquire the system irresistible for corporates that are after promising and deliverable procedures. Primarily, MRP is a computer-based production management invention that is vital for accounting and...

Addressing COVID-19 and Health Management

As COVID-19 spreads further across the globe, maintaining proper health management and safety has become a paramount objective for citizens across the globe. Since the death toll has been rising exponentially, especially in the U.S., complying with principal health management strategies is critical to containing the disease (World Health Organization,...

“Turning Data into Better Decision Making” for Students

Decision-making requires knowing how to find relevant information and work on it. For this purpose, Anderson and Williams wrote the article titled “Turning Data into Better Decision Making: Asking Questions, Collecting and Analyzing Data in a Personal Analytics Project” (2019). In it, they provide insight into decision-making using their students...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Driving Among Diabetic Patients

Driving among diabetic patients is an important issue as a large percentage of the US population has the disease. People often need a driver’s license to work, and it becomes their source of income. Besides, the ability to get around by car is necessary for many daily functions, such as...

Decision-Making Skills: Mike’s Situation

Every day, people have to face various difficulties and make certain choices hoping that they are right. Hence, it is hard to disagree that decision-making skills are those that a person needs to have and practice. Mike’s situation is rather challenging: he has recently inherited a sizable amount of money...

Technology Influence on the Art of Dance

At the beginning of the XX century, great artists like Kazimir Malevich reinvented visual art, as it was believed there were no other directions it could evolve to in a conventional manner. It is doubtful that contemporary art has given up the idea of the importance of the form and...

The Sociology Theory: Purposes and History

Introduction Sociology is a discipline that provides awareness and studies human relationships. Sociologists study social events, interactions, and patterns (Stolley, 2007). Science is divided into three major theoretical perspectives: positivist sociology, interpretive sociology, and critical sociology. With these three types of sociological theories, four paradigms dominate sociological thinking: structural functionalism,...

Large-Scale Cultural Transformation Evaluation Models

To implement the latest models of patient-centered care, it is essential to understand the evaluation models and targets that have to be addressed. According to Bokhour et al. (2018), leadership commitment is the most important aspect, as its cooperation is vital to the implementation of initiatives. A model that focuses...

Plays “A Raisin in the Sun” and “Trifles”

Society’s influence on people and their way of life has two outcomes: liberating or oppressing them. It all depends on which standards one accepts at any given time. Most women live unsatisfied lives full of oppression in patriarchal societies that believe in male dominance and female inferiority in marriage. This...

The Problem of Plastic Pollution: Negative Impacts

I decided to select the problem of plastic pollution for my final project. Therefore, today, I want to discuss a social ad made by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF, 2018). The video discusses the drastic effect plastic has on wildlife, the environment, and people’s health. In particular, it shows that...

Factors Influencing Angel Investors Due Diligence

Angel Investors (Angels) fund high-risk projects in their early stages. The unique Angels’ feature is that they mindless about financial analysis during decision-making. Correspondingly, the researchers assessed the factors affecting financiers’ due diligence using four hypotheses. The study proposes that the venture capitalists’ experience does not affect their funding decisions....

Mexican Immigration to the USA

Mexico ranks first place in the world in terms of emigration. For the US, Mexico is the primary source of cheap labor, as they are mostly employed in the labor force. Since the 19th century, the United States has surpassed many immigrants from Mexico, and its flow has gradually increased....

Chris Gardner in the Movie “The Pursuit of Happiness” by Muccino

Each person sooner or later faces financial, personal, or family crises. Chris Gardner is an American businessman and public speaker who inspired the main character in The Pursuit of Happiness. This 2006 biopic, directed by Gabriele Muccino, reveals the thorny path to financial independence and social well-being. The central character...

Female Genitalia Mutilation and Cultural Tolerance

Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a condition that may be explained in several ways. From a pathological perspective, FGM is a partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, however, for non-medical reasons (“Female genital mutilation,” 2020). Such a procedure has no benefits for women’s health; vice versa, it...

Alienation and McDonaldization of Labor

The excerpt offered for analysis discusses the working conditions at Amazon warehouses and the corporation’s general attitude toward blue-collar labor. The situation at hand can be investigated from two perspectives – the Marxist alienation of labor and Ritzer’s McDonaldization. According to Marx, alienation of labor stems from the detachment of...

Positivist and Constructionist Theories

Positivism aims to explain the reasons why people engage in deviant behaviors scientifically using a cause-and-effect model. Therefore, the central area of concern for positivist lies in the deviant act itself. On the other hand, constructionism mainly concentrates on the reasons why a particular behavior became regarded as abnormal in...

The NBA Global Expansion

American men’s professional basketball league, the National Basketball Association, is one of the most well-known sports leagues in the United States and the whole world. The popularity of the game itself, NBA teams, and signed players is only growing, which in turn explains the Association’s plans for further global expansion....

The Health of American Democracy

Democracy is supposed to be maintained by citizens who communicate with their government to make society better. Judging by the political engagement and political knowledge of the American people, they seem to be democratically active and healthy. Every day I can see ideas people spread through social media, mostly Instagram...

University Transfer: Arguing and Presenting Advice

The topic of this paper is “to transfer/not transfer to a university,” arguing for transfer to another campus, alongside presenting advice for and against transferring. The first counterargument establishes that culture shock would limit one’s integration to the new institution, thus hampering the stay during the first semester. Yan and...

The Importance of Social Class Showed in Two Novels

Social class and status were extremely important during the Victorian era. People did not have a chance to climb to the top if they were born into a lower class. Poor and less educated people remained the members of their class for life. A person’s belonging to a certain social...

Emotional Styles: Advantages and Disadvantages of the Emotional Style

Taking into account the classification of emotional styles discussed by Reece and Reece (2017), my typical way of managing emotions is to suppress them. This style is peculiar to people who think that strong emotions are harmful and destructive. Such people prefer to pretend that their emotions do not exist...

Pancreatic Cancer: Symptoms and Treatment

The pancreas is a unique and multifunctional part of the human body. It simultaneously acts as the only gland in the human body in which exocrine and endocrine functions are performed. The pancreas consists of a wide variety of cells; therefore, there are many risks of cancer lesions. The most...

“Civilize Them With a Stick” Article by Dog and Erdoes

The topic of this week is education, and it includes an analysis of the history, purpose, formats, trends, and sociological perspectives on this subject. Dog and Erdoes’ (1999) article “Civilize them with a stick”, deals directly and theoretically with this week’s topic. This article concerns the research which Dog and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Servant Leadership as a Follower-Centered System

The concept of servant leadership has been continuously rising in popularity since the 1970s when Robert Greenleaf’s works established him as the pioneer of the movement. Unlike power-centered leadership, it focuses on empowering and inspiring followers to do their best and succeed. Naturally, the leader’s goal in this system is...

The Book “The Fires of Jubilee: Nat Turner’s Fierce Rebellion” by S.B. Oates

Anti-slavery rebellions were typical throughout American history, and Nat Turner’s insurrection is one of them. The event took place in Virginia in 1831, when a group of black-skinned individuals killed more than 50 people. Oates (1975) focuses on the given rebellion in his book, The Fires of Jubilee: Nat Turner’s...

The Stages of Solving Communication Problems in the Workplace

The issue under consideration is the presence of communication problems in the workplace which should be solved for establishing the efficiency of the company’s operations. The search for a suitable solution, in this case, implies the use of the theoretical framework consisting of diagnosis, action, and program management (French &...

The Importance of Preventive Practices Nowadays

The post demonstrates the three levels of prevention in tuberculosis and practices that can reduce the risk of diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and ischemic heart disease. The example of tuberculosis and its prevention effectively proves that to eliminate infection, it is recommended to control one’s lifestyle and environment....

The East Asian Economic Miracle From the Developmental Perspective

The instances of rapid economic growth and the resulting business development are always inspiring and filled with essential lessons to learn. The East Asian economic miracle is one of those scenarios, with its stupendous rise in profitability of organizations located in the region representing a combination of external and internal...

The Language of Discretion: Chinese

The purpose of Tan’s story is to show the American interpretation of Chinese politeness. It highlights the discrepancy between American straightforwardness and the Chinese modesty. By stating that a Chinese person could not satisfy their hunger in the United States, Tan’s mother suggests that Americans will not see the refusal...

College Readiness in High-School Graduates in Houston-Area Public Schools

Texas public school system has been facing many challenges in recent years, including low college readiness levels. Only 50% of graduates meet the university admission criteria, “with larger shares of Asian and white students college-ready, while black, Hispanic, and economically disadvantaged students remain behind their peers” (Greater Houston Community Foundation,...

Assessing the Reasons behind Store Closings

Assessing the reasons behind store closings can highlight important industry trends and market changes. In the selected article, Stebbins and Sauter (2018) show that all of the retailers chose to close their stores to reduce expenses. Another similarity between the businesses is that the products they sell can be purchased...

An Outbreak of the Irrational: Refusion from Measles Disease Vaccination

Even though measles’ disease was almost eradicated due to the invention of vaccines, its outbreaks still manifest in the modern world. A simple vaccination procedure saved lives and raised the standard of living of a person. Nowadays, people do not face this disease and its consequences, and for this reason,...

The Psychological Underpinning of True Crime Obsession

The proposed study examines the psychological underpinning of true crime obsession to demonstrate why this genre became popular. Hence, for this purpose, it is vital to present general information on the subject. The sources providing these data are the articles written by James Norton and the video “America Is Obsessed...

John Gast’s Painting “American Progress”

John Gast’s painting “American Progress” (1872) is linked to the subject of manifest destiny. It was a political concept that first appeared in 1845 and became a part of the American foreign policy narrative in a relatively short period of time, managing to live through centuries, to some point reflecting...

“Gladiator” by Ridley Scott

Introduction Gladiator is a 2000 movie directed by Ridley Scott that has a combination of action, adventure, and drama. It entails betrayal, bravery, and survival, which is set in the ancient era of the Roman Empire. General Maximus Decimus Meridus (Russell Crowe) impersonates the role of Maximus brilliantly as an...

Media Misconceptions in the Modern World

Devastating biased opinions rule the current world, and it is difficult to get rid of prevalent distorted sources of information. They never pass attacking people up and confine their brains. Simultaneously, the challenge is not that the society does not read or listen to the media, but that the media...

Seventh Ward’s Physical and Social Structure

The early twentieth-century Philadelphia’s Seventh Ward demonstrated distinct physical and social structures. As most United States cities, Philadelphia manifested many social issues which uniquely affected black people. Being Philadelphia’s site of the oldest black community, Seventh Ward contained a sizeable number of African Americans. Du Bois, a black scholar and...

“Timothie Bright” by Greg Wilkinson

The selected article is “Timothie Bright: Melancholie, Characterie, Shakespeare and Hamlet – Psychiatry in History” by Greg Wilkinson. The article reflects how Shakespeare was able to subtly address the issue of madness through the story of Hamlet. It is important to note that whereas various analysis of the story have...

Formation of Prejudices Among Schoolchildren

Prejudice based on national, ethnic or religious grounds causes many conflicts among representatives of different communities. First of all, biases arise based on insufficient education of people regarding one or many regions, traditions, customs and beliefs of the people who live in this territory. Psychologically, to protect oneself from negative...

Jose Antonio Vargas’ Film Documented

In the context of the modern world, the notions of the United States and immigration, when used in a single sentence, are today unable to convey any positive connotation. State, seemingly embracing the whole variety of cultures, still manages to divide its fellow citizens into the ones who belong here...

Unmanned Sensing: Association for AUVSI

The chosen source of information and the recent news on unmanned sensing is the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI). Being a nonprofit organization, AUVSI creates a network of professionals specializing in the development of the field of unmanned systems and robotics. The most peculiar feature of the described...

The YouTube Broadway Jazz Class

Bob Fosse’s dance style was introduced in the class, and its key features are isolations of body parts, numerous gestures, and turned-in movements. The famous song “All That Jazz” from the musical Chicago largely contributed to the understanding of Fosse’s style. Furthermore, I discovered many new moves, which are easy...

Since U Been Gone by Teddy Lamb – Show Analysis

The performance Since U Been Gone is a show that speaks about several controversial questions that still can raise heated discussions even in 2020. The title is a reference to a pop song Since U Been Gone by Kelly Clarkson, the use of which can also be interpreted as symbolism....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Non-Profit Organization ‘Legend in My Section’ Mission

Vision Statement For hundreds of years people are fighting for social justice and human rights in order to contribute to the appearance of better living conditions in the world. Philosophers, artists, and scientists are famous for their individual influence in addressing different societal problems as well as for the creation...

Climate Change: El Niño Oscillation Phenomenon (ENSO)

El Niño Oscillation phenomenon (ENSO) is characterized by an increase in the ocean surface temperature in the eastern and central parts of the Pacific Ocean. It affects rainfall distribution and can strongly affect weather patterns in the United States and the rest of the world (Liberto, 2014). In general, I...

“Frankenstein” Story Retold by Anna Meriano

“Frankenstein,” the book by Anna Meriano, is a fancy, captivating retelling of the worldwide known legend. The story of a creature seeking love began in the writings of Mary Shelly in the 19th century. Masterful illustrations by Katy Wu make the book look like a personal diary. Victor, the main...

The Problems and the Future of Social Sciences

Economic inequality is one of the ever-present global issues that social scientists try to resolve. Hunt and Colander (2016) note that even in the US, more than 12% of the population lives in poverty (p. 234). I believe that social scientists currently lack the ability to solve the issue, at...

Music Elements Manipulation

The process of music work creation requires a great deal of effort in terms of conveying the primary composer’s idea through some basic music elements like harmony, tone, dynamics, rhythm, etc. Music composition as a notion is closely correlated with the paradigm of human emotive response to the environment. Thus,...

Violent Video Games and Behavior Problems in Children and Young Adults

The discussion about the impact of violent video games on behavior in children and adolescents has recently become a critical problem in psychological research. Video games, with their increasing popularity, have started to play an essential role in the development of youth. Thus, a question about their influence on children’s...

Girl in Translation: An Immigration and Coming-of-Age Story

The story of young Kimberly Chang and her mother emigrating to New York from Hong Kong told in Girl in Translation crystallizes hardships that immigrants undergo. The family experiences financial troubles, exploitation, and discrimination on its way to prosperity. At first, Kimberly lives in a crummy Brooklyn flat without heating...

Speed Performance Abilities

Speed performance is a complex of a person’s functional abilities, ensuring the fulfillment of motor actions in the minimum time interval for these conditions. There are elementary and complex forms of speed performance. Primary forms include four types of speed abilities: the capacity to respond quickly to a signal and...

TED Talk Analysis: Tim Urban’s Speech on Procrastination

The modern world cannot be imagined without communication and the virtue of public speaking. Today, when communication has become easier and more accessible than ever before, people feel the need to define their identity to draw the audience’s attention (Schultze, 2020). The issue became especially relevant when platforms like TED...

Cellulitis, Its Prevention and Treatment

Cellulitis is a skin infection caused by bacteria called staphylococci and streptococci, which can manifest itself in the form of skin redness and swelling. Cellulitis usually affects the skin of lower legs, yet it can emerge anywhere on the body, including individuals’ faces (Rath et al., 2017). The common risk...

Douglass’ Learning to Read and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave

Frederick Douglass’s Learning to Read and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave share the idea that knowledge is decisive and crucial for the self-awareness of a person. People need to become enlightened to live a good life and contribute to the world’s development. Once the individual realizes his or her place...

Generation Differences in the Workspace

Today is the fantastic time when representatives of five different generations meet at work. Such a variety of habits, ways of development, and ways of thinking creates conflict situations at work, which can only be overcome by self-improvement. I belong to the Millennial generation, with one in three employees in...

Overhaul of the Retail Industry

Retail is one of the industries that has undergone the most dramatic transformation in the last couple of decades. The rapidly evolving business environment presents plenty of opportunities for forward-thinking retailers. The rise of the digital age has changed societal expectations. Today’s customers who have had a taste of the...

The Principle of Absolute and Comparative Advantage in Economic

Globalization has significantly affected the world trade and left many economies struggling to find the spheres where they could be profitable. When countries decide to produce certain products and choose the industry that is worth investing in, they employ the theory of economics, namely the concepts of absolute and comparative...

“Charlotte’s Web” by E. B. White: Analysis

Charlotte’s Web is a novel by American author E. B. White. It was first published in 1952 and is intended for children. The story of the novel revolves around the friendship of a livestock pig named Wilbur and a spider named Charlotte. The book is considered to be one of...

“Fences” by August Wilson: Troy Maxson’s Character

In Fences, the character of Troy Maxon initially seems like a representation of a hardworking man, a breadwinner, who gives up on his ideas of happiness and well-being to ensure that his family has financial security. However, Troy had dreams previously, with society pushing him into that niche once the...

“Trifles” Play by Susan Glaspell: Deductive Analysis

Trifles by Susan Glaspell highlights perceptions, thought processes, labels, and stereotypes surrounding the inferior perception of women during the early 19th century. The play illustrates repeated neglect and alienation of three females by male colleagues, symbolizing their suffrage at the time of the play. Although the female gender was regarded...

Global Perspectives: Sandra Laing and Indigenous Australians

The story of Sandra Laing shows the degree to which discrimination pervaded South African society during the Apartheid. According to the source, Sandra Laing was born into a white family and was taken away because she appeared mixed race (“Skin Deep”). Under the law, the people of South Africa were...

Modulation Concept and Types Comparison

Modulation is characterized as converting data to radio waves by adding it to an optical or electronic carrier signal. In turn, a carrier signal has a steady waveform – frequency and constant amplitude, or height. The primary modulation concept is as follows: the original form of a message signal cannot...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Prayer in School and Gun Violence: Rough Draft

Introduction School-based gun violence has become a widespread occurrence in the United States. Importantly, numerous factors such as bullying, easily accessible weaponry, and a lack of conscientiousness regarding students’ mental health contribute to its growth. Prayer, as a moral guiding compass and an act of self-reflective mediation, could help school...

Human Rights Violation in Ethiopia

The twenty-first century is believed to be the age of human rights, freedom, justice, and equality. However, it is impossible to consider the battle won and finished while there are still those who suffer from the violation of human rights. Not everyone knows about one of the largest ethnic groups...

The Louisiana Purchase’s Importance for America

The Louisiana Purchase refers to the US’s acquisition of the territory of Louisiana under Thomas Jefferson in 1803. Louisiana belonged to France from 1699 to 1762, and then from 1800 to 1803. For the French leader, Napoleon Bonaparte, this deal was a tool to get more money for the needs...

“The Next Generation of Gaming Calls for Next-Gen Marketing” by Ciaran Norris

Article Information Ciaran Norris, “The Next Generation of Gaming Calls for Next-Gen Marketing” Source: Marketing Week. Web. Article Summary The selected article by Ciaran Norris was published three weeks ago. The source is focused on reviewing the most recent external tendencies affecting companies in the gaming industry and their supposed...

From the Roman Empire to Late Antiquity

The transition from the period of the Roman Empire to late antiquity was characterized by drastic changes in all spheres of human life. These changes had a considerable impact on the art of the period as it started to move from ancient Greek values to the values of the middle...

Global Sports and Entertainment: Internationalization of the Sports Industry

The sports industry has been affected by the globalization process to a considerable extent lately. As a result of the specified internationalization, the environment of sport has become much more inclusive and accepting of people of different backgrounds and capabilities. Nowadays, a range of opportunities for people from many backgrounds...

Boiling Is a Process That Cools the Water

Grandma, science is good at making people have a sense of cognitive dissonance; the unpleasant internal contradictions felt when presented with the knowledge that is contrary to what one earlier perceived. Such a form of cognitive dissonance can give people a little trouble when they are attempting to comprehend why...

The Book “Metamorphosis” by Kafka and the Film “Eraserhead” by Lynch

A number of stories throughout the history of occidental societies tie the notions of desperation and isolation to the beginning of a spiritual journey. These experiences may trigger an inciting incident that would send a protagonist into the search of consolidation between their internal and external universes. Works of both...

Does a Hashtag Create a Real Social Change?

Hashtags are mainly used as an unmoderated invitation to reflection and discussion. It is the combination of symbols starting with the # sign. Any hashtag supported by a sufficient amount of people can create a trend and attract even more users to the debate. These days, hashtags start creating global...

Realist and Liberal Theories

As the key theories to analyze, realist and liberal ideas are invoked, which offer distinctive perspectives on the world. With regard to the causes of World War II and both its premises and consequences, liberal theories present the most convincing explanation. According to Moravcsik (2010), the liberal approach presupposes globalization...

Key Elements in Motivating Clients to Improve Health Behaviors

One of the most important goals of nurses is to contribute to positive changes in patients’ lifestyles, as well as to the improvement of their health behaviors. Much attention should be paid to motivating individuals to follow a healthy lifestyle or make necessary adjustments because of certain conditions (Carr, 2017)....

McDonald’s Advertisement Outcomes in February 2014

Since racial disparities are at the center of the most heated debates, multiple organizations are pursuing to prove that each matters regardless of their skin color. However, in trying to resolve this sensitive issue, companies are grappling with further reactions from their customers and the public at large. In February...

Men, Women & Money – How the Sexes Differ with Their Finances’ Article Review?

To support the subject that men spend more money than women, Amy Livingston’s article Men, Women & Money – How the Sexes Differ with Their Finances provides comparative gender-related research. Its main focus is divided between spending, saving, investment, and attitude to borrowing. The binary examples that the article delivers...

Study on Tight Pants Subject

Many people disagree on the subject of the true meaning of the term “tight pants.” This issue makes it difficult for companies to make new models, and for this reason, Dugnutt provides an article where he discusses different opinions on it (Dugnutt 1). Despite the fact that the influence of...

Sleep Stages, Brain Waves, and the Neural Mechanisms of Sleep

The human sleep structure includes two phases: non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. During the sleep period, these phases are in rotation and replace each other several times (Hassan & Subasi, 2017). Sleep phases changes primarily are characterized by different brain waves, which are recorded...

Environmental Issues: Biodiversity Loss

Biodiversity is important for many reasons, including ecological services, such as pollution breakdown and absorption, soil formation, and social services, for example, recreation and tourism. According to Roe (2019), the loss of biodiversity is an environmental problem that needs urgent intervention since it threatens livelihoods. The article “Biodiversity Loss—More Than...

The Poem “Loose Woman” by Sandra Cisneros

“Loose Woman” poem by Sandra Cisneros is the last poem in the collection that presents her vision of herself and women in general. In this poem, it is possible to recognize a woman who speaks about how others perceive her, calling her a beast, bitch, and macha. The main character...

Religion Is the Opiate of the Masses

Sociologists have defined religion as a social institution that involves practices and beliefs which society considers sacred. Different members of the community share virtues in light of symbols and rituals as an identity of spiritualism. Religions often have ethics and set rules that guide the way of living among its...

DNA and RNA Transcription

The process of DNA transcription takes place in several stages, during which RNA is first recorded, information from which organizes amino acids into proteins. As a result, the same sequences are transmitted in the cells, preserving certain traits. DNA must be copied and transferred to daughter cells with a vast...

History. The British Attempt to Colonize America

World history is a cyclical phenomenon that tends to be repeated within an amount of time sufficient for people to forget what happened. For this reason, historians feel the proper analysis and description of historical events to be their civic duty. The vivid examples of parallels between such events are...

Principal Skills of Kindergartners at the Emerging Level

Introduction The listening skills of kindergartners at the emerging level or level 2 relate to the ability to perform various tasks such as matching objects with oral descriptions and repetition of gestures after the teacher. Moreover, children at this level should be able to identify people and places and classify...

French Colonial Rule in Algiers

A major part of Algiers’ history’s transformation into the Middle Ages was the Christians’ French occupation in the fifteenth century. Consequently, this led to the influx of Muslim refugees to Algiers. Muslims in Spain made new contributions to the Western region’s Islamic State (Celik & McDermott, 1997). Algiers’ urban arrangement...

African Americans During World War II

During World War II, African Americans served in every capacity while simultaneously struggling to advance their status in society and gain more civil rights. Segregation persisted into the military, and many African Americans wishing to be drafted were looked over in favor of their White counterparts (“African-American Troops Training”). If...

The Problem of Inequality of Criminal Justice

Pregnancy and maternity in correctional facilities are some of the controversial problems in criminal justice. There is a critical question if mothers in prisons should be treated differently compared to other convicts. Researchers note that some indulgences should be implemented in cases where a mother wishes to remain in contact...

The Notion of Nation Rebuilding

The notion of nation rebuilding seeks to create a robust national identity that recognizes its diversity and historical countdown. Nation building aims at bringing people together to create political stability. During World War I, Germany fought among the Central Powers against the Allies. After the war, Germany was obliged to...

Capitalism, Climate Change, and Globalization

In modern times, the entire human civilization is defined by the capitalistic approach to all relationships among people and countries. The current world paradigm calls for focusing on materialistic benefits and idolizes the pursue of profit as an accurate measure of one’s happiness and success. Pope Francis insists that living...

Healthcare Industry: Pay-For-Performance

Pay-for-performance is a phenomenon that has been developed to improve the efficiency and overall quality of the healthcare industry. According to James (2012), this term stands for providing “financial incentives to hospitals, physicians, and other health care providers to carry out such improvements and achieve optimal outcomes for patients’ ‘...

Contemporary Religious Art: Visual Art

Art has always been an integral part of religion, and visual art is especially effective in conveying religious values. The paintings by the Australian artist O’Brien are displayed in modern art galleries, as they are characterized by a bright palette and dedication to religious subjects. The artist had an eye...

Plastic Pollution Through the Lens of Social Sciences

Previously, I discussed the problem of plastic pollution from the point of view of history. The approach helped to understand how the issues developed to understand what the central reasons for the emergence of the plastic problem were. Historical analysis helped to understand that the central problem for the emergence...

Electoral College Assessment in the United States

The Electoral College is an indirect system for electing the President and Vice-Presidents of the United States. The College itself is 538 people, each representing a particular state, thereby expressing the people’s will. However, despite the rich history of this system, there are many questions about it. Experts highlight many...

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Herpes Simplex Viruses Analysis

Herpes simplex viruses (HSV) can lead to life-threatening health outcomes unless appropriately managed. These viruses that cause herpes can transmit from one individual to another easily, and no vaccine has been invented yet (Wright & Altman, 2020). Healthcare providers have treated HSV with nucleoside analog drugs successfully for many years...

Direct Practice Improvement Through the Revised Standards Application

Application of the Revised Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence SQUIRE 2.0 to the project can improve it by indicating gaps or flaws that might deteriorate outcomes. My DPI project manuscript can also benefit from the employment of this paradigm. First, following the given guide, the rationale for the selection...

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Gun Control Laws Analysis

Introduction People kill other people, not guns. Regardless of this idea, gun control laws have always been a debatable issue. Today, because of the increasing wave of violence, there is a new round of debates related to this topic. However, a complete prohibition on the owning of firearms will not...

Why Some Students Cheat

It is almost impossible to find a person who has never cheated in school or university. Reports reveal that more than half of high school students admit to plagiarizing papers or cheating on tests, and seventy-four percent report copying their friends’ homework (Simmons, 2018). Interestingly, both successful and failing students...

Aspects of Adolescent Drinking

Adolescent drinking can be caused not only by various objective factors, such as social, economical, family, and educational conditions but also by the personal characteristics of an individual. Teenagers prone to alcoholism are characterized by a lack of decision-making, increased egocentrism, lack of social interests, and separation from adults (Kail...

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Travelling is an exciting activity that brings both enjoyment and knowledge: every person can find something unique visiting other cities and countries. Some people travel to learn something new about other countries and continents; others would like to change their environment or enjoy new experiences. In the broad context, when...

Community Systems, Decision Support, and Public Health Assignment

CDS (Clinical Decision Support) is a laid out structure that facilitates the provision of effective assistance during the process of launching insurance claims by either the patients, doctors, or other health care practitioners. It is equipped with the capability to significantly influence the advancements in safety, quality, efficacy, and productivity...

Sexual Harassment Response and Prevention Program

There is a great number of social issues that people still cannot eliminate. One of them is the problem of sexual violence and harassment in the U.S. Army – a place where people learn how to protect their county and fellow citizens but cannot feel completely safe themselves. Fortunately, significant...

Public Health Issues

Despite advanced medicine, the healthcare system remains one of the main problems in the United States. The unaffordable prices that taxpayers and the state are forced to spend on medical services do not ensure population health. Health care is regularly touched upon at the national leadership level and considered the...

Quality Management in Healthcare

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“Ambush Marketing” by Jerry C. Welsh

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The King Kong Movie Poster Examination

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Talent Management and How Does the Army Use It

Describe Talent Management is a process that allows determining the number of individuals that the Army will need to fulfill its mission, as well as their qualities and characteristics. Relevant characteristics of Talent Management are the evaluation of the current and future demand for talent and focus on optimizing the...

The Parkinson’s Disease Process of Diagnosis

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive disorder that is created by degeneration of the brain’s nerve cells. In most cases, these cells often die or become impaired, hence losing the capacity to produce dopamine that is essential for movement and balance (Atkinson-Clement et al., 2017). The leading cause of the ailment...

Big Data in Human Relationships

Nowadays, people surf the web for pictures of cats much more often than for sketches of atomic bombs. The Internet became a vast database, and it was created to make fast access to this data open to everyone (Cukier, 2014). However, the web is becoming more and more commercialized: people...

Programming: Personal Development Plans

Over this course, I have learned much about Java and programming in general, particularly the object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm. As it draws to a close, I understand that the concepts of inheritance and polymorphism are complex and challenging to master. Although I understand their application and utility, I still have...

Phones Overuse Caused by Psychological Problems

The work under analysis explores the social problem of overusing cellphones which results from psychological problems. However, this is only one side of the problem; it is significant to remind readers about the fact that employing cellular phones itself can become a reason for getting addicted to such devices. It...

The Arguments: Vague, Ambiguity and Generality

Reliable arguments are crucial in law since they help to achieve the desired outcome. However, it does not necessarily mean that every argument is good, as some people may use vagueness, ambiguity, and generality to twist the conversation in their favor. For instance, in law, the definition of ambiguity means...

Female Martyrs in Early Christianity

The persecution of early Christians was a process accompanying the development of religion in the past. From this perspective, a life of a missionary at the time was not easy, especially when the series of martyrdoms started with St. Stephen being the first victim of this policy initiated by Roman...

Arsen Petrosyan’s Live Duduk Concert in Yerevan

Arsen Petrosyan’s live duduk concert took place in 2016 in Yerevan, Armenia. His contribution to the popularization of Armenian folk music can hardly be overestimated. Perhaps that is why he is often called the keeper of his people’s musical heritage. Having once chosen one of the most mysterious musical instruments,...

“Black Boy” by Richard Wright: Analysis of Setting

Black boy is an autobiography written by Richard Wright, a Black American writer who faced the challenges typical for a member of his race at his time. The voice of the author is that of an adult, but the described events are presented through the eyes of a boy, with...

The Brain Tumor Description

A brain tumor is an incompletely studied disease, which, nevertheless, is dangerous for people. The tumor itself represents the formation of cancerous cells inside the brain (Kivi & Leonard, 2017). Since Mr. Mateo’s list of signs contains impaired vision, it can be assumed that the cancer is in the occipital...

Netflix Controversy: Cuties Movie Case Study

Nowadays, when social media play a vital role in shaping public opinions, once something is out in the open, it becomes subject to scrutiny. As a result, celebrities, politicians, TV series, and films might face a so-called cancelation, as in people refusing to engage with them. Sometimes it is justified,...

HIV and AIDS: Treatment Management

HIV/AIDS is a virus that quickly multiplies and mutates, therefore, making it difficult to fight if off. While no cure exists for the disease, effective treatment and management vital to maintaining good health are available. Moreover, it is essential to note that the administration of antiretroviral treatment (ART) is recommended...

Depression and the Nervous System

Depression is a broad condition that is associated with failures in many parts of the nervous system, such as neurotransmitters. Per Hoffmann et al. (2017), when the disorder is present, serotonin levels in the organism tend to be low compared to those of others such as norepinephrine and dopamine. Its...

TĂŞt Holiday in the Vietnamese Culture

TĂŞt is the biggest and the most significant holiday in the Vietnamese culture. The TĂŞt Nguyen Dan means “the first morning of the first day of the new period,” and people spend the holiday with their families and the closest ones. The dates for the celebration vary from year to...

Conflict Style Assessment and Analysis

Conflict is one of the inevitable aspects of the professional environment. It is evident that good relationships in a team contribute to the effective performance of any company; that is why it is vital to know how to resolve any disputes. According to the test, my most prevalent conflict style...

Assessment of Quality Performance in Healthcare

With the increasing level of medicine development, assessing the quality and cost-effectiveness of some specific treatment is becoming a serious problem for healthcare managers’ consideration. There should be tools or criteria for evaluating healthcare representatives’ performance that could provide relevant statistics for improving the country’s medical care. This case study...

The Classical Concerto Analysis

Mozart’s Concerto no. 23 starts with strings beginning the movement and introducing the theme. While the concerto is focused on the piano, these instruments play an important role later. In the second half of the double exposition, the strings introduce the third theme that has not been heard in the...

Immune Responses to the Infection Conditions

Infection is a complex pathophysiological process of interaction between a macro- and microorganism which has various manifestations, from carriage to severe forms of an infectious disease. The features of the onset, development, and outcome of infection depend on the characteristics of the micro- and macroorganisms developed in the process of...

Pangaia: An Eco-Friendly Fashion Brand

Pangaea is an ethical fashion brand that employs the latest advancement in the textile industry to diminish the adverse impact on the environment. Given that fashion is one of the most polluting industries globally, the trend for more sustainable apparel production has spread considerably, and brands like Pangaia emerged (Woodside...

A Review of Agnes Varda’s Cleo from 5 to 7

Agnes Varda’s Cleo from 5 to 7 portrays the experience of a “real-time” movie, following the life of a protagonist, waiting for biopsy results. The picture explores many themes, including a unique exploration of accepting a life with a severe illness and a mortality concept. Directed by the only female...

“We The People”: Preamble of the Constitution

Indeed, the first three words of the Preamble of the Constitution were incredibly significant since they indicated the beginning of a new nation and new country. The emphasis on these first words accentuates that the government of the United States as a new country is its citizens. Therefore, it is...

“Bang” by Daniel Pena: Review

Daniel Inouye Pena is a Pushcart Prize winner writer of Mexican-American origin. “Bang” was his debut novel that receives major appreciation among American readers. It tells the story of an undocumented Mexican family living in South Texas. The piece addresses the problems related to the current U.S. migrant policy as...

“The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin: House as a Symbol

In “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin, the house of the protagonist, Mrs. Mallard, has a symbolic meaning. It is connected to the main character’s circumstances and the condition of mind, representing her state of being bound, lacking personal freedom. However, she does not realize it until the...