Freud’s Psychosexual Stages of Development

Sigmund Freud argued that children develop psychologically through five distinct stages. Each phase is characterized by different erotogenic zones and personal conflicts (Desai, 2018). During infancy (birth to 1 year), the child draws much pleasure by placing things in the mouth. Oral stimulation makes the baby trustful and comfortable due...

Personality Affected by Culture and Family Values

The personality and ambitions of the person are closely affected by their family values and culture. Since the family is one of the first concepts each encounters in life, its importance and propositions shape its progress and dictate his or her actions in future life. The background given during childhood...

Cost Reduction in Continuum of Care

The continuum of care involves persistent, coordinated treatment of patients through all stages of engagement with the health care system. It incorporates medical interventions at the level of primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary care (Bowie and Green 15). By providing coordinated treatment at all stages and across involved organizations, it...

Western Medicine and Its Shortcomings

Impact of Pharmaceutical Industries on Environment, Health, and Safety Summary: Various classes of pharmaceutical compounds have been detected in water samples and proved to be highly toxic for animals and humans. Thus, to save the environment, it is necessary to regularly monitor pharmaceutical compounds’ concentration in pharmaceutical effluents that enter...

Cultural Resonance in Special Education

The concept of cultural resonance The concept of cultural resonance in a social context is quite vague. Despite its wide use in literature and discussion, there is no single definition of this term. In a broader sense, it conveys the idea of personal importance that the audience finds in the...

The Case for Taxing Sugar, Not Soda

More and more cities and counties in the United States are starting to tax sugary beverages, which negatively affect Americans’ health. Even though it is an effective way to reduce sugar and sweetener intake, there is a more straightforward and practical one focusing on taxing sugar but not soda. The...

Price Policy of Hillside Veterinary Clinic

Hillside Clinic is a veterinary facility that prides itself on the quality of its services and individualized approach to its customers. One of the provided services is the emergency treatment of pets at night and on weekends. However, the price of delivering care on these hours is twice the normal...

How to Eat Oysters

There is an old saying that eating oysters is the same as eating money. The connections of the product to luxury stems from the high costs of its production associated with its complexity (Floyd). Because of this, many people are intimidated by oysters and develop misconceptions that prevent them from...

Ethical and Legal Issues in Healthcare Services

Ethical and Legal Issues in Healthcare Services. Ethical issues Legal Issues What is the issue? (ethical and/or legal) Recommendation Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Scenario: A patient who has been dealing with a back injury for the past 2 months runs out of pain medication and asks his PCP for a...

The Safety Hierarchy and Hierarchy of Controls

Understanding the safety of professionals working in hazardous environments is vital for every discipline. The article On the Safety Hierarchy and Hierarchy of Controls has been informative in understanding how safety protocols work in the mechanical industry. The author, Ralph Barnett, has been objective in implementing a methodology approach that...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Love and Loss in Poem “Annabelle Lee” by Edgar Allan Poe

The poem “Annabelle Lee” is considered the last poem by Edgar Allan Poe. It is believed to be related to the love of Poe’s life, his wife Virginia, who died at an early age of tuberculosis (Syafitri & Marlinton, 2018). Since Virginia was much younger than Edgar, her image could...

Cinemark USA, Inc.: Problems and Solutions

Cinemark USA, Inc., also known as Cinemark Theaters, is a US-based cinema theater chain founded in 1984 in Plano, Texas. In 2016, its revenue amounted to $4.6 billion, making Cinemark Theaters the most successful cinema theater in the US. The three main revenue streams are ticket sales, food, drink, and...

Metropolis as a Legend of the World Cinema

Legend of the world cinema Metropolis is a legend of the world cinema, which fully conveys the spirit of its time. Researchers state that one can even note some Expressionist elements in this movie. It is based on a mixture of biblical motifs and reflections on the class struggle, diluted...

“The Aftermath” by Rhidian Brook

The story is about people’s insecurities, which lead to destructive thinking. It is something everyone has experienced in their lives, making a reader worry and seek the truth in “Aftermath”. Sam is a married woman and a writer who struggles to start her crucial for life novel. With everything changing...

Self-Analysis: A Test of Personality

The results I received on the self-assessments show that I am open to changes, well-organized, enthusiastic, passionate, polite, although I can be irritable and moody. As for the productiveness, self-assessment confirmed that I have to increase my productivity levels and learn to prioritize my tasks better. I am not experiencing...

Descartes’ Maxim Overview and Analysis

Since ancient times, individuals have been trying to understand life and its meaning and provide humanity with answers to various philosophical questions. For instance, Rene Descartes, who is a French theorist, scientist, and mathematician, created the statement “I think, therefore I am” in order to explain the concept of human...

Politics in the United States: Elections

Voting is a democratic process that allows citizens to elect leaders whose manifestos resonate with their goals. In my family, several people engage in this activity since they view it as a fundamental right. For instance, my siblings and parents are usually enthusiastic when it comes to voting. They do...

Schemata: Perception and Social Situations

Schemata can have a noticeable effect on social situations, as people’s perception of others often defines their attitude towards them. Stereotypes, personal constructs, and scripts are widely used by people to help deal with similar situations efficiently. Although these schemata are usually helpful, there are cases when such preconceptions can...

Piaget’s and Erikson’s Developmental Psychology

Developmental psychology is the essential study of why and how people change throughout their life, and lately, it has received a significant deal of attention. Several scientists studied people of various ages and their development. For example, Jean Piaget, a Swiss psychologist, and Erik Erikson, a German-American psychoanalyst, each created...

“The Lazarus Effect” Horror Film

“The Lazarus Effect” is a film dedicated to combating HIV and AIDS in Africa. It tells a story about Zambian people infected by these illnesses and their lives. Undoubtedly, HIV changes the life of every person who has it. Still, I think that Constance Mudenda, a supervisor of several clinics,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Issues That Health Care Professionals Face

Healthcare professionals have a duty to help people to the extent of their professional knowledge and skills and ensure that their actions do not harm the person’s wellbeing. However, in many cases, these professionals face ethical dilemmas or legal issues, which is why many hospitals developed policies that should protect...

World War II: Impact on American Society

Beyond the loss of millions of people, the war caused a significant social transformation in the reconstruction period that would not have been implemented sooner had the war not taken place. Being an adult during and after WWII, one would expect to experience significant economic and social challenges. The role...

Public Education Definition and Analysis

Public education is a core element of ensuring a nation’s prosperous future. However, modern education is not caught up with the drastic changes occurring in the world. Public schools do not teach people about managing personal finances, psychological health, and habits, promoting well-being and happiness. Therefore, it is necessary to...

Absentia Ltd.: Business Negotiation

The upcoming negotiation process with Absentia Ltd. must not be equal or worse than Grouse’s offer. The latter company is offering of total present values equal to $17.5 to 19.5 million and the upfront $7.5 million in cash. Therefore, Grouse’s offer can be considered to be the best alternative to...

What Is the “Soul-Making Process”? By Hick

There exist many debates concerning the existence of God. Atheists argue that there is no actual evidence of God’s existence. To prove their point of view, they say that He would have never allowed evil to happen if He existed. Thus, taking into consideration how many happens in the world...

Analysis of Interdisciplinary Research

Interdisciplinary research is a creative way of studying numerous societal issues. The method is especially important because it allows specialists from various academic and practical industries to “work together to solve specific social problems” (Demers, 2011, p. 242). The crucial aspect of unification enables professionals to share experiences and knowledge...

“What Will Future Jobs Look Like?” by Andrew McAfee

The selected video is What will future jobs look like by Andrew McAfee, which focuses on the potential ramifications of automation. The reason why the given TED talk provides the most comprehensive answer is the use of data on two types of human capital. The author suggests that structural unemployment...

Article Review: “The study of Cimpian”

The study The study of Cimpian et al. (2012) is one of the clear examples of how people’s worldview affects their actions. According to the research, children knowing about being part of a team, “have little control over their achievement outcomes, but it also heightens their concern about these outcomes”...

Operational Improvements for the Coca-Cola Company

Coca-Cola is the world’s most known beverage industry that specializes in producing all sorts of drinks. The company works in more than 200 countries and distributes over 500 brands (The Coca-Cola Company, 2020). The chosen company has a significant influence on the global market and does not have many competitors...

Global Digital Marketing Trends for 2020

For successful development in 2020, global businesses have to think more about the customers and their needs. Despite the challenges, international companies must be ready to navigate the new environment. Global digital marketing has long gone beyond branding and advertising. In 2020, it must rely on customer experience to enhance...

S-Corp Limitations for Graeter’s

Graeter’s has established a flourishing business in its target setting, attracting as many audiences with as much diversity as possible. However, having reached the current success rate, the company might want to consider expanding or, at the very least, changing its status to a corporation. However, accepting the title of...

The Warehousing of Tomatoes

Warehousing is an essential element of the supply chain, and its significance increases when it comes to perishable goods. It is so because inadequate warehousing conditions decrease the products’ quality and shorten their shelf life. Thus, organizations should draw much attention to ensure that they store their goods properly. The...

On the Influence of the Disease on the Personality

In the current essay, I consider how my past experiences have helped me build courage and resilience to persist in academic and life challenges. I will focus on my challenge – living with type 1 diabetes (a chronic disease) for five years, and how this struggle has impacted my achievements,...

“Job or Health?” by J. Tankersley

Coronavirus is one of the most pressing issues affecting the world today, and the coverage of the pandemic in the news is extensive. In particular, articles concerning the social effects of the outbreak are widely published and read. In their article “Job or Health? Restarting the Economy Threatens to Worsen...

Why Does Lucretia Commit Suicide?

Lucretia was a noblewoman known for her innocence, beauty, and suicide that she committed after a rape. Her death is a symbol of dishonor in human relationships in Ancient Rome. Livy introduced Lucretia as “occupying herself differently,” which tells about her high honor and the distinction from other women (79)....

Shelley’s “Frankenstein”: Analysis of Frankenstein’s Character

The story about Frankenstein and his monster raises many questions. One of these questions is still unanswered. For example, people cannot decide what is more important in making a person, nature or nurture. The monster people were afraid of felt the beauty of the world with its “cheering warmth” and...

Hughes Inc.: Currency Change Dilemma

Hughes Inc.’s CFO should follow his assumptions on the financial changes and conduct the appropriate transformations to shift the current balance sheet from the Canadian dollar to the U.S. currency. In this instance, any operations within the balance sheet should be represented with the currency change, as such an approach...

How Did Newton Arrive at His Conclusions?

Isaac Newton was a famous English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and theologian. He contributed greatly to different fields of study. But how exactly did he come up with his ideas? Newton made his discoveries with the help of mathematics, physics, and astronomy. There are also a lot of anecdotes about Newton...

The Lawsuit Against Johnson & Johnson: Case Study

The case under consideration is the lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson, an American company manufacturing various healthcare products. It is a civil lawsuit brought in by Nicholas Murray, a 26-year-old man from Maryland, who accused Johnson & Johnson of not notifying doctors of side effects of Risperdal (Cerullo). Risperdal is...

“Why We Hate Waiting”: Creating the Basis for the Essay

Writing an essay can be challenging when an individual meets a writing block. However, there are several writing techniques such as freewriting, responding to the text, brainstorming, or journaling that help to deal with this problem. This paper aims to utilize freewriting and responding to the text techniques to create...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Border Security in the United States

Safeguarding the state borders is traditionally regarded as one of the key priorities of home security. In its essence, border security is expected to shield a state from intruders and illegal migrants, thus preventing the threats of terrorism and economic instability. Therefore, creating a safe environment for citizens is the...

Infant’s Temperament Influences on the Parents Treat

The influence of an infant’s temperament Based on my experience with children, I think that an infant’s temperament influences the way their parents treat them, while a combination of parental style and a child’s temperamental characteristics shapes their attachment patterns. Responsive caregiving in the early months facilitates the development of...

Pandemic and Its Aftermath Impact

Overall, health indicators will deteriorate as a result of the pandemic since all medical efforts are now focused on preventing and treating COVID-19. The pandemic will be followed by an increase in mortality rates among the vulnerable population (Bedford et al., 2020). Although the coronavirus pandemic has touched everyone, for...

The Importance of Variability in the Food Industry

Diversity is a widely discussed concept these days – and, in some way, it started from food. While, traditionally, the food industry was looking for universals (products which would suit everyones taste), later, it started to lean more toward the idea of variability (Gladwell, 2004). This concept is based on...

Forensic Psychology Practice Standards for Inmates

Forensic is the term used to pass on to matters that relate to both civil and criminal law. Various branches including psychology, a science of behavior, have used it in enacting the law. According to forensic psychology, it is essential for prisoners to have fair treatments while on either probation...

Ancient Mayan and the Modern Criminal Justice Systems

In human understanding, justice and law mean respect for rights and, therefore, is the result of progressive evolution. Justice is a concept of moral rightness based on ethics, rationality, natural law, religion, fairness and objectivity, and punishing violations of relevant social norms. The laws of the ancient peoples like Maya...

Huun-Huur-Tu Live Musical Performance in California

In 2008, in a live performance in Fantasy Studios, Berkeley, California, “Huun-Huur-Tu” remained committed to their homeland’s centuries-old music style. The group exists for over a quarter-century, providing its fans with a lively, smooth, and warm sound. Their lyrics include the topics of nature, love stories, their homeland, sadness, and...

Critical Path Analysis and Project Management

Critical path analysis (CPA) is used to determine the critical and non-critical activities related to the business processes or plans and the amount of float involved in each activity. As such, the result of this method identifies the critical path, which includes the sequence of essential steps that incorporate a...

Aspects of Bilingual Acquisition

In his article on the bilingual acquisition, Genesee (2006) focused on the main concerns expressed by parents and educators regarding the ways preschool children gain proficiency in two languages simultaneously. The author suggested that all children can learn two languages in their early childhood if they are consistently exposed to...

The Types of Leasing Agreements

Leasing is an alternative to purchasing an asset, which can be more beneficial for a business in terms of cost-efficiency. In general, there are five types of leasing agreements. The two that will be compared in this paper are – operating, financial, sale-and-leaseback, combination, and synthetic (Brigham & Ehrhardt, 2017)....

A School Crisis Response Team After a Shooting

The school crisis team takes part in paying very important roles in such situations as multicultural crisis response and there should be selection of appropriate teams (Silver & Klotz, 2007). Where possible, the members of this team have to stand in for the linguistic as well as cultural composition of...

Comparison of Type 1 and 2 Diabetes

Type 1 and 2 diabetes originate when an individual’s blood sugar is too high for a body to handle. A hormone called insulin helps the glucose in the blood to get into cells to be used for energy purposes. In type 2 diabetes, a body cannot produce a sufficient amount...

Chromium: A Micro-Mineral Essential for the Human Body

Chromium was chosen as an element to discuss and analyze in the paper. Chromium (Cr) is categorized as a trace mineral that the body needs in microscopic quantities. Forming a variety of chemical compounds, chromium plays a significant function in carbohydrate, lipid, and protein metabolism and the activation of insulin...

National Healthcare Systems: the US and Other Countries

Nowadays, the US healthcare system heavily relies on public insurance programs serving people without insurance only in case of emergency. While being highly effective in the treatment of many diseases, it remains expensive and unaffordable for many individuals. For a better understanding of the specific characteristics of the national healthcare...

The Providing of Amazon Prime Wardrobe

Recently, I have purchased a new fragrance from the Body Shop store, and I was hesitant by their prices. My friend told me that this company has high-quality products, while their prices are above the average on the market. My perceived risk was associated with the financial side of the...

Investing in the Current Market of Trading Cards

Introduction The current market of trading cards is experiencing a significant rise as the annual revenues of those collecting them increase. Trading cards include small cards illustrating sports figures, game characters, or other renowned images that gain value with time. The trend of collecting cards emerged in the 1980-s as...

Man vs. Society Conflict in ”The Lottery” by S. Jackson

Arguably, the main drive of “The Lottery” involves man vs. society conflict. It occurs when the protagonist has a distinct belief against many community members. The majority of them see the individual as the antagonist, whose aim is to violate the stipulated norms and ways of life. In the short...

Bacterial Cells and Chemotherapeutic Drugs

The present-day world faces many problems connected to various bacteria causing human diseases. At the time of pandemics such as COVID-19, these issues are clearly seen both by specialists and citizens. Since the major difficulty is related to the development of new properties by bacteria or, most importantly, their resistance...

Discussion Data Volume Challenges

Modern unmanned ground-controlled stations (GCSs) are valuable equipment used to remotely control aircraft. One of such systems is the Desert Rotor station, a high-precision GCS that makes it possible to control flights of drones and other unmanned aerial vehicles (“Portable ground control stations,” 2019). The station is equipped with a...

GrowCo’s Short-Term Incentive Plan: An Examination

Introduction In light of unsatisfactory performance in GrowCo’s design engineering department, the company approved a short-term incentive compensation plan. The plan is aimed at improving engineers’ performance by rewarding them with an annual pay bonus based on three key factors: unexcused absences, adherence to schedule deadlines, and drawing quality. This...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Social Media, Smartphones Have Become Obsession

Smartphones have become our obsession instead of being our helpers. They attract people to use all of the apps and social networks as much as possible. Every person on the planet is dependent on his smartphone, and I am no exception to the rule. With the increase of opportunities these...

Measuring Inflation: Consumer Price Index

Measuring inflation is crucial for a country’s economic management and effective response to market changes. Many tools have been introduced to correctly and effectively measure inflation, yet the Consumer Price Index (CPI) remains the most widely used in many countries, including the USA. By “representing changes in prices of all...

“American Born Chinese” by Jene Luen Yang Review

The form of comics, or a graphic novel, allows combining text with images, making the narrative more alive and engaging. The use of pictures also helps to express the details of the meaning that could not be done so vividly by text alone. In this essay, one of the episodes...

Not Bold, Centered, Upper and Lower Case

A gifted student can be generally defined as an individual exhibiting outstanding achievements and capabilities in one or several areas, including intellectual, creative, artistic, or physical areas of performance. Since the definitions and criteria for the operationalization of giftedness are multifaceted (and often reductionist), it is difficult to present an...

The Birth of Photography: Early Artists and Their Works

To begin with, the popularization of photography coincided with a revolution in art as such. An illustrative example can be found in the works of Alexander Rodchenko. He was the true Revolutional artist: in 1925, he renounced easel painting as elitist, as a continuation of bourgeois tradition (Rodchenko 38). As...

Psychology and Mass Media Technology

The current globalization has impacted immensely on mass media technology. This forms the basic foundation for social communication networks. Mass media has immensely influenced global trends, with significant impacts noticed on individuals and the general society (Krahé, Möller, Huesmann, Kirwil, Felber, & Berger, 2011). Ideally, mass media simply stands for...

Racism v Justice. “The New Jim Crow” by M. Alexander

The book focuses on exploring the social status of African Americans, in the context of the judicial and mass incarceration system. The socio-economic status quo and political policy forced a whole race into poverty, and subsequent crime and arrest. Law enforcement is given a carte blanche in combatting crime that...

Hindsight Bias and Confirmation Bias

People’s everyday life is filled with interactions and information exchange. However, the objectivity of the perceptions and attitudes of the information is hindered by numerous biases that are influenced by multiple factors. These factors include upbringing, social background, religious beliefs, experience, developmental level, and others. Therefore, an individual’s judgment might...

Racism Is the Problem of Society

History consists of racial controversies: the European colonization and the annihilation of the indigenous population of the Americas, the Holocaust, and other genocides. Today racism exists in various aspects; people of color suffer from violence, hear racial slurs, and the authorities do not work in their favor. This paper provides...

Conscious Marketing: Patagonia and Everlane

One of the principal concerns of any retail company is the correspondence of its policies to the principles of conscious marketing, and Everlane and Patagonia are no exception to the rule. These companies face marketing challenges that relate to the necessity to satisfy customers by offering eco-friendly products. It is...

Financial Statements and Their Preparation

Financial statements are records of all financial activities reflect the position of a person, business, or any other entity. Generally, they report an organization’s assets, liabilities, and owner’s capital at any given point. There are four types of statements: the owner’s equity statement, income statement, statement of cash flows, and...

Censorship Issue: Books Should Never Be Banned

Book banning began in 259BC when a Chinese emperor destroyed previous accounts of information that were in a printed form. One of the examples of book censorship happened in 1933 when the leadership of Nazi Germany burned publications written by distinguished authors like Einstein, Freud, and Hemingway. Other books have...

Social Workers Ethical Issues

In a scenario where a colleague believes that a particular subset of clients does not deserve the same attention and care as other groups, several ethical issues arise. The most prominent value that social workers have to uphold is the person’s dignity and worth (National Association of Social Workers [NASW],...

Minor v. Major Offenses Punishment

I rarely commit the acts of deviance, such as speeding, jaywalking, and littering. In case when I do, it is usually due to a lack of attention. For example, I have been speeding without noticing that I am doing it. I do not commit littering or jaywalking, but there were...

US Marines TV Recruitment Spot: Warfare and Soldier-Ship in Clips

In the opening scene of Saving Private Ryan, the character recollects the horrors of the war, the terror he felt during it. There is no romance in this crude scene. Men are throwing up, shaking, shouting, falling, drowning, and dying under enemy fire. They pull each other out of the...

Discussion Board Post on the Huntington’s Disease

If Huntington’s disease were present in my family, I would opt for genetic testing for varying reasons. The condition is inherited, and mostly occurs when one gets to the age of 30 or 40. Ideally, the illness results from the breakdown of nerve cells in the brain. An individual from...

Opioids and Marijuana for the Chronic Pain Conditions Treatment

Chronic pain accompanying a variety of conditions is an important issue when it comes to the provision of healthcare services. In order to deal with it, doctors traditionally prescribe opioid analgesics or, in other words, painkillers, and this method has both benefits and drawbacks (Volkow et al., 2018). It is...

Causes and Course of the Peloponnesian War

The Peloponnesian war took place in the years 431-404 BC, and this was a military conflict in ancient Greece. The two opposing sides were Delian League led by Athens and the Peloponnesian League led by Sparta. It is important to note that contradictions had existed between Athens and Sparta for...

Modern Pluralism and Challenges for Christianity

Human society has undergone various changes associated with all spheres of people’s lives. Modern pluralism is one of the shifts that is shaping the way people interact and see the world. One of the major peculiarities of this trend is the acceptance of multiple views on diverse concepts (Chatraw &...

Popular Research Paper Topics

How the Knowledge of God Transforms Our Lives

The learning paths that we embark on play a fundamental role in shaping how we view the world and the paradigms that we chose to live by. These constructs become rooted in our minds and govern our interpretations of life and everyday situations. Biblical education is different from other fields...

What to Do with a Colleague Who Is Resistant to Change?

Resistance to change is one of the most common and serious business challenges. Employees who discourage innovation can be reliable and talented, but their rigidness can sometimes become an insurmountable obstacle to the organization’s development. As noted by Shimoni (2017), resistance to change is both a personal and a social...

Application of the Gowers Report in the Modern World

The report is relevant to the modern world because it gives a glimpse of the death penalty necessity. Gwilym mentions that “the commission rejects the recommendations to divide murder into two distinct levels” (Gowers Report, 1955). Arguably, the statement applauds the existence of the death penalty. The report is relevant...

The Inevitability of the 1947-48 Conflict Between Jews and Arabs in Palestine

This piece seeks to examine whether 1947-1948 violent disagreement among the Jewish immigrants and the Arabs could be prevented. Also, it discusses if it would have happened despite any possible efforts, in other words – was inevitable. The conflict between Arabs and Jews arose following the First World War. According...

Six Pillars of a Personal Selling Strategy

Even after creating an impeccable product and performing outstanding market research, one may encounter challenges when trying to sell the said product to the target buyers. The issue of sales management is particularly complicated due to the personal factors shaping customers’ attitudes toward a product or service that a company...

Accounting Scandals. Case Analysis

Accounting and reporting issues have the power to diminish a company in a short amount of time. Enron’s case is a proof – one of the largest companies in the United States went from $90 to $0.26 per share in a matter of days (Segal, 2020). The management of the...

IPhone and Its Importance in My Life

Any person nowadays, spoiled by the blessing of civilization, is a proud owner of a cell phone. A cell phone is needed to respond to e-mails and messages, to read the latest posts in social networks, and, of course, to follow the news in the world of high technology. Indeed,...

”Argo” Directed by Affleck: Summary and Opinion

Introduction Movie plots are often based on real events, making the viewers’ experience even more exciting. Besides, the historical presence gives a unique glimpse at remarkable events in the world. The movie “Argo” proves the idea since it won several awards and many viewers’ appreciation. The purpose of this paper...

“The Death of Nature” by Carolyn Merchant

Introduction Carolyn Merchant describes the death of nature as a result of scientific inquiry. Nature was initially an unknowable, cosmic entity, that behaved similarly to a living person, and then, as it was dissected to atoms, it lost its soul. When something is viewed as dead, lacking any sort of...

The Fad Phenomenon Analysis

Fads are an example of collective behavior shaped by trends within a certain culture, which is why they are extremely fascinating. Such objects achieve short-lived popularity, and then quickly disappear once the novelty factor is gone. The Bad Fads Museum’s official website features a list of the most popular fads,...

Race and Ethnicity and Meaningless Conflict

History, which is full of violence and division among people, has shown that race and ethnicity are notions that imply and result in meaningless conflict. Although considered important and valuable, both concepts only fueled war, segregation, and genocide. It is crucial to embrace individuality and the past, including the harsh...

Antidepressants and Their Effects

The principal measures taken by doctors for the treatment of depression are connected to the prescription of antidepressants. It is critical to understand the way they work in order not to harm patients. Such antidepressants as MAOIs can be useless in patients with Parkinson’s disease, whereas selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors...

Indirect Mode of Expressing Agression

There are several approaches to defining indirect aggression by psychologists and sociologists. Most often, it is described as a type of aggressive behavior that causes harm to another person in an indirect way, contrasting to the direct aggression where the victim is encountered face to face. Another opinion about it...

Person’s Location in Social Structure

Modern society, especially in developed countries, provides numerous opportunities for mobility; still, social location retains influence. Its main markers are race, gender, and socioeconomic status. While the latter is changeable, the first two most often remain unchanged during a person’s life. Therefore, social location is determined from birth and subsequently...

Analysis of Euthyphro Dilemma

Introduction A causal chain problem has always been an essential part of numerous philosophical questions and paradigms. The Euthyphro dilemma highly resembles chicken and egg problem, where the central debate revolves around of which causes which. However, the Euthyphro dilemma possesses much deeper meaning regarding religion and philosophy. In the...

Why the US Has Never Had a Female President

Introduction When it comes to elections and politics, many countries face the harm of prejudice against the possibility of female contribution to the field. In particular, throughout the history of the US, there has been no woman selected as President, while many have run for the position. Even though the...

The Portrayal of Columbus in American History

The controversial representation of Christopher Columbus and his role in American history caused the emergence of two opposing stances. Hence, some people emphasize the importance of this historical figure that contributed to the discovery of the continent, whereas others suppose that his involvement brought more harm than good (Shafer &...

High Fidelity and “Lad Lit” Overview

“Lad lit” is a genre of fiction characterized by the depiction of men’s personal lives, and it is usually opposed to the so-called “chick lit.” This trend was started by Nick Hornby, and it allows attributing his works to this genre. One of them is High Fidelity, and this novel...

Romantic Era of English Poetry

The Romantic era is an important period in the history of English literature when many of the touching and evocative poems were presented to the public. My choice of the “Romantic” group is explained by the profoundness of themes and emotions expressed by the authors. Through the use of imagery...

Mobile Technology Use for Business Applications

Mobile technologies have pervaded practically every aspect of people’s lives. As a result, business owners started utilizing the advantages of mobile applications to promote their products and services. One of the main benefits of using technologies with such an aim is the low cost of advertising. What is more, e-business...

Standards of Professional Performance in Nursing

Every profession has its established rules and moral guidelines, but requirements for healthcare practitioners, including registered nurses, are particularly high. Nursing is an occupation that demands careful abiding by ANA Standards of Professional Performance. They include assessment, diagnosis, outcomes identification, planning, implementation, and evaluation (Maloney, 2016). These standards also demand...

Sleep Disturbance and Neuropsychological Function Within ADHD

Sleep disruption is an inherent behavioral feature in childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, known as ADHD. Sleep disorders in children with ADHD can be enhanced by medication side effects, as well as psychiatric comorbidities. Such a correlation between sleep problems, AHHD, medication consumption, and psychiatric comorbidities is a complex and multidirectional issue....

Martin Luther King – Speaker, Activist, Leader

Sometimes legendary personalities are so significant that they symbolize an entire era. One person can be associated with a considerable period, where millions of other people also made public contributions. I am here to pay tribute to Martin Luther King. This social activist led the movement for Black Americans’ rights...

Coffee Maker Supreme: Assessment of the Impact of Recent Changes in the Company

Background Coffee Maker Supreme is a worldwide manufacturer of coffee making machines. The company has achieved a global reach in the past few years through its modernized web-based sales approach. The company had manufacturing plants in four different locations across the globe. However, due to the increased demand for specialized...

Big Brothers of Fairfax County

The Big Brothers of American is an organization that seeks to help boys without fathers to have a meaningful and positive relationship with adult males. The organization needs volunteers who are willing to help these boys, but the management issue is that there are very few male applicants who are...

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Debt and Equity

Undoubtedly, to start and develop a business, people need to have specific financial resources. There are different ways to get them: for example, borrowing from a bank or cooperating with investors. Each of these methods has advantages and disadvantages, but both provide a right to exist. In particular, borrowing money...

The Sociological Issues Analysis

Sociologists can study human populations based on different parameters, such as region and race. In the United States, the biggest groups by race include non-Hispanic white at around 60 percent and Latinos at 18.3 percent (Noël, 2018). African Americans comprise 13 percent of the total American population (Noël, 2018). In...

Serial, Parallel, and USB Communication

Currently, laptops, as well as desktop computers, are equipped with a large number of high-speed data transfer ports – the most common are USB and FireWire (IEEE1394 or iLink). With the development of these peripheral tires, manufacturers have switched to a consistent architecture. To transmit information in a parallel architecture,...

Using Signal Phrases for In-Text Citations

Any theoretical science is built upon the previous findings, which need to be acknowledged to pay respect to the author and provide the reader with a possible background for understanding. The readers must understand what theory the writer is drawing upon for efficient scientific processes. More importantly, the citation approach...

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“Clear and Simple as the Truth” by Francis-NoëL Thomas

It is believed that if students want to improve their writing, they need to learn mechanical skills such as punctuation and grammar. However, there is another opinion, and Francis-Noël Thomas and Mark Turner expressed it in their book Clear and Simple as the Truth, which was written in 1994. Its...

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Why Some Countries Are Rich and Others ‒ Poor?

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Spry and His Plea about the States

Graham Spry is known as the father of Canadian broadcasting and one of the most successful activists of the 20th century. In the 1930s, about 80 percent of Canadians listened to American programs to learn recent hockey news and achievements (Basen, 2015). However, the citizens outside Toronto and Montreal did...

The Issue of Inequality in the United States

Inequality, as a social phenomenon, does not arise in a neutral environment in which all cultural and ethical values, without exception, are maintained. The current situation in the USA proves that the growing level of inequality is relevant as long as there are people who consider it normal. According to...

Marketing. Coolhunting vs. Practicality

The present-day business world dictates its rules to the companies and their customers, and they imply the focus on specific parameters defining the appeal of items for purchase. One of the principal characteristics of desirable goods is their coolness, and it explains the first impression a product makes on a...

Betsy DeVos, the Former Minister of Education in the USA

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Detention of a Minor While Using Drugs

Possession of drugs and opioid substances without a proven need is a criminal offense regardless of age. The police officer who detained the teenager with marijuana is obliged to take the suspect to the department. The distinction between the detention of an adult and a juvenile is in the structure...

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Understanding the Purpose of Sources

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My Mistress’ Eyes are Nothing Like the Sun and No One Else

Poetry is a universal language that has always been used by people to express their feelings and emotions. Such concepts as love, devotion, and passion have also been important for all history of humanity. For this reason, regardless of the epoch and time, some similar motifs can be found both...

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Sociodemographic factors such as race, class, and gender have a huge impact on human behavior. Conflict theory sees these factors as evidence of inequality and the reasons for offenses. This sociological perspective searches for the relationship between sociodemographic background with drug use and crime rates. With the help of the...

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Kinky Boots is a show by Jerry Mitchell and Brett Sullivan about the shoe factory owner and a drag queen, who joins him and helps to save his business. Noteworthy is the fact that the Broadway show is based on real events. Despite the bright colors and songs in very...

“Citizen Kane” by Orson Welles

I have never watched this film before, and its name always seemed unattractive to me. However, I did change my mind afterward as Citizen Kane impressed me a lot and made me contemplate some things in life. One aspect that was gripping to me was the transition from one scene...

Donald Trump’s Qualities of the Best President

In the long history of the United States, there have been many various presidents. Each of them left a tremendous effect on the development of the economy. The 45th president won the elections despite the vast range of factors against him. Undoubtedly, the characteristics of the strong leader had significantly...

Industrialization Impact on Men and Women Relationship

In the current piece, the effect of industrialization on working-class family life will be addressed. The effect on the relationship between men and women will be described in more detail. Firstly, a brief on the beginning of industrialization will be provided. Further, the impact (or its absence) on men’s and...

History and Theories of Literacy Instruction

There were several eras of reading research led by different assumptions and theories. First was the era of conditioned learning, which lasted from 1950 to 1965. During this period, the research was inspired by behavioristic theory, which stated that learning is a conditioned behavior that could be programmed. The second...

Organizational Culture and Its Components

Organizational culture occupies a critical place in the existence of any institution. A wrong approach to this issue can quickly destroy any enterprise. The purpose of the essay is to analyze the components of organizational culture using various examples. This problem is essential not only for business enterprises but also...

Arrays in Java Overview and Analysis

An array in Java is a way of storing multiple elements of the same data type without manually maintaining a variable for each. These elements can be accessed using a numbered index, starting from 0 (Farrell, 2016). One can also iterate over elements, modifying them or accessing their methods (Farrell,...

Movie Reflection – “Mi Familia”

“Mi Familia” is a film directed by Gregory Nava, who released it in 1995. The plot reveals the life journey of a family that moved from Mexico to the United States, settling in Los Angeles. By seeing the three generations, from the father of the Sanchez family who traveled from...

ICC Russia and Georgia Memorandum Analysis

The Prosecutor states she has collected enough evidence that both sides committed war crimes and crimes against humanity during the armed conflict in South Ossetia (IntlCriminalCourt, 2015). The Russian Federation supported South Ossetia during that period (from 1 July to 10 October, 2008). Numerous alleged crimes were a part of...

Crumbling American Dream: The Thrive of Capitalism

Introduction The notion of the American dream has now become a highly individual but yet universal matter. Every person, when asked about their perception of this concept is likely to come up with an answer different from all the others expressed before. However, sometimes these answers can be so exhaustive...

Prevention of Type II Diabetes

Response one. Danielle, I appreciate that you got straight to the point by identifying type two diabetes as a “lifestyle disease.” The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2019) confirms that most of the people prone to this condition have prediabetes. Among 88 million Americans, who have prediabetes, 80%...

The Problem of Anxiety Among the College Students

Anxiety is a common issue faced by college students, many of whom have never experienced it extensively before. An assessment by the American College Health Association states that 63% of college students experience overwhelming anxiety in the last year, with 23% requiring professional treatment. Anxiety can be defined as the...

“Personality Trait Changes in Middle‐Aged Mothers” by Jeroen

The hypothesis investigated by Jeroen et al. (2018) was linked to the relationship between personality traits and daily experiences of middle-aged mothers. Therefore, the idea that the researchers decided to test was that different daily experiences could have an impact on a person’s personality traits. The research completed by Jeroen...

Prisoner on the Hell Planet by Art Spiegelman

Art Spiegelman depicts each nationality in his book as a specific animal: Jews as mice, Germans as cats, Poles as pigs. This form of representation shows the absurdity and horror of Nazi ideologies of dividing people into different species. However, the insert Prisoner on Hell Planet differs in style from...

Health Risks: Smoking and Usage of Substances

Health risks associated with pipes, cigars, cigarettes, vaping/or e-cigarettes for the lifespan of the individual Smoking is generally known as a bad habit, but its new types continue to appear. It affects most organs of the human body, worsening their work – the lungs and oral cavity are especially influenced....

Stark Street Pizza Company’s Business Analysis

While conducting business, it is important to take into account the strengths and weaknesses. A firm should focus on strengths and create new advantages that competitors are lacking. Stark Street Pizza Company is a small restaurant in Portland which has a small regional footprint. Nevertheless, it has been around since...

Assessment of Social Groups in New Jersey

Social group implies an association of interacting with people who share some common characteristics and have a sense of belonging to the same community. These groups could be primary, secondary, task-focused, or time-limited (Benokraitis, 2013). It is immensely important for individuals to belong to some group since they provide an...

Comparing Two Kinds and Everyday Use

The activity of civil rights activists was one of the indicative marks of the 20th century, which was largely reflected in the literature. A bias against such themes as culture and conflict appeared, and it is portrayed in Two Kinds and Everyday Use. Both of the stories focuses on culture...

Yarnell Hill Tragedy: An Overview

The Yarnell Hill fire was one of the most horrific incidents in US firefighting history. This event took the lives of 19 hotshots – members of a special group dedicated to combating wildfires. The fire was caused by the lightning strike and started Southwest of Prescott, Arizona, and seemed to...

SIOP Model in the United States

The SIOP Model represents an evidence-based framework of sheltered instruction that has been widely used across the educational facilities in the United States. The components of the SIOP Model include preparation, building background, comprehensible input, strategies, interaction, practice or application, lesson delivery, and review or assessment. Lesson preparation is the...

“Kiduage” New York Times Article by Safire Review

On Language was weekly New York Times Magazine’s regular column that discussed some language-related topics such as new or unusual usages and popular etymology; the very first column was published on February 18, 1979. William Safire, a famous American journalist and columnist, was one of the most well-known and frequent...