Annotated Bibliography: Marxism

Maass, I. (2021). Marxism shows us how our problems are connected. Jacobin. Web. This article gives a brief overview of Hadas Thiers’ book Guide to Capitalism: An Introduction to Marxist Economics. The note teaches that the power of Marxism lies in providing answers to pressing questions and showing how these...

The Roles of Competition and Antitrust Laws in the Future of Quality Measurement

Quality measurement refers to the standard set of parameters that help measure the quality of a healthcare provider’s performance. In fact, quality is quite a subjective concept that is difficult to calculate and define reasonably (OECD, 2013). Therefore, the quality is rarely analyzed by competition authorities (OECD, 2013). Another problem...

Trait Theory: The Nature of the Leader

Introduction People made lots of researches to find out what makes one a leader. According to the trait theory, a leader is a person who has certain qualities of character that help one to differentiate from others (Bertocci, 2009). The leader uses the talents he/she has to encourage people to...

Rub-A-Dub Washing Machine Company Finding Overseas Supplier

Charlie Harris is facing a tough challenge; he needs to find 50,000 major tub assemblies for $ 160 per unit. Otherwise, the new product will fail, and supply management of the Rub-A-Dub Washing Machine Company will end. One way to do it is to convince old Rub-A-Dub’s suppliers to agree...

Morality Obligation vs. Aspiration Comparison

Moral duty is an obligation that an individual owes and should fulfill, although it is not legally required. A charitable endeavor is an example of a moral commitment. Charity actions are encouraged by a person’s good nature rather than by the law. A country’s or organization’s legislation reinforces law-based morality....

Georges Seurat’s “A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of la Grande Jatte”

Humanities present a wide range of opportunities for those who explore the disciplines of art, literatus, music, or drama. The works of art can combine esthetically pleasing imagery with philosophical messages communicated by their authors. A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte is an oil painting created...

Immortality, Personal Identity, Death and God

Introduction According to the traditional perception of immortality, the after-life or eternal life follows the physical death of a body, but the soul stays immortal. In conformity with the religious or philosophic fellowship, the personal identity of a human either stays the same, either disappears. The idea of the hereafter...

Critical Writing for Economics of Discrimination

The article by Dorothy A. Brown (2021) describes the obstacles which Black people face in the scope of real estate. According to the article, Black Americans were reduced in their home values for a number of reasons. For example, districts inhabited by white Americans are always more expensive than districts...

Safety, Communication, and Informatics in Nursing

Introduction Nurse informatics focuses on the integration of modern technologies to gather, process, analyze, and use information to address the health needs of patients (Lavin, Harper, & Barr, 2015). This essay gives a detailed summary of two major informatics trends transforming healthcare practice. The safety issues affecting the use of...

Male Health Drugs:Overview and Effects

Mechanism of Action There are several pharmacological effects of male drugs that could be discussed. First, androgens promote the normal growth stimulation and the development of primary (male sex organs) and secondary sex characteristics. Besides, male drugs could stimulate RNA at the cellular level and slowdown the decay of amino...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Lynn Nottage’s “Sweat” Play Production

‘Sweat’ is a magnificent attempt to express the feelings of unionized workers in a Pennsylvania steel town in 2010, whose wages are slowly being cut by the company, falling for the savings promised by NAFTA. It was exciting how the brutal bosses and their inhuman system of capitalist competition forced...

Integrated Digital Plan for TBK company

The Company Purpose The strategic purpose of TBK company is to provide quality services in the fields of web design and digital marketing. They chose it to ensure assistance for the promotion, sale of goods and services of their clients. STP Market segmentation is determined by the desired benefits of...

Progrevissism Era: Analysis of the Article “Progrevissism”

During the progressivism era, an article on “Progrevissism” was written by Magur Clarias, who wrote the article intending to educate people about the problems that had been affecting urbanization, immigration, and industrialization in America during the golden age. Magur Clarias aimed at enlightening the reader about the aims of the...

Renaissance Humanism and Humanist Philosophy

Renaissance Humanism Definition Renaissance humanism refers to an intellectual movement characterized by a revitalized interest in the classical world and studies that did not focus on religion but what it is to be humans. It is traced to have originated from 14th-century Italy, and its pioneers comprised authors such as...

Landlord’s Reflection on Landlord’s Problems

In 1776, we faced a new beginning in our politics and governmental structure. My name is John Snow, I own 30-acre potato plantations in California, and the past month’s events have brought considerable changes in our lives. As the result of the revolutionary convention of North Carolina, congress vote for...

Valuing Investment Decisions: Flotation Costs

Introduction Gupta and Synn (2010) argue that, to increase the wealth of the firm, managers must use the correct evaluation models to identify the right project. This recommendation was put forward by various researchers to resolve problems that emerged after using traditional approach in evaluating projects. This particular proposal is...

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

Thesis While Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is useful in the way of providing unified standards for the protection of protected health information (PHI), it requires adjustments regarding PHI disclosure for payment, treatment, and healthcare operations. Background HIPAA is currently the main piece of the US federal legislation...

Autonomy and Social Justice for African American and Latino Populations

Data on this objective is vital because it shows other illnesses affecting patients with CKD; this is key in developing treatment measures for those with concurring diseases. These study objectives are formulated so that the findings will promote autonomy and social justice among the study population. Autonomy is the patients’...

The Stafford Act and Critical Infrastructure Protection

A section of the Stafford Act discusses the relationship between the Act and critical infrastructure protection. Critical infrastructure refers to assets and systems that are so vital to the US that their destruction or incapacitation would adversely affect a region or the entire country (Stafford Act, 2019). The United States...

Debates: Abortions Must Be Legal

The legal right to abortion has always been a debated topic because of the difference in opinions regarding its health impact, its morality, its influence on the longevity of populations, as well as its religious underpinnings. However, I think that the debate must come to a close as millions of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Criminal Justice, Race, and Ethnicity Questionnaire

Although the criminal justice system is required to treat people equally. There is some discrimination and unfairness in this institution, and various people have different opinions about crime commitment, the justice system, and the predisposition to being put to jail. In my opinion, there are some factors that influence people’s...

The Sexuality of Latina Women in Díaz’s “Alma”

One of the main aspects Cofer evaluates in “The Myth of the Latin Woman” is the associated sexuality that constitutes the image of a Latina woman by an outsider. She highlights three central stereotypes of a Latina woman: a prostitute, a housewife, or a criminal (Cofer 207). She comments on...

Energy Crisis and Policy in the United States

The energy-climate crisis is a serious problem all over the world that needs to be addressed. Energy is associated with security, which is critical to each state’s safety and independence. At the same time, a number of factors have shaped society’s view of the global energy industry. Currently, countries of...

Tooth Decay Research Question and Hypotheses

Introduction This paper is aimed at the identification of the research question and hypotheses concerning the study of tooth decay conducted earlier. The research question is the following: What is the connection between the percentage of untreated tooth decay in the US among different ages, ethnicity, gender, and income groups?...

Creating a Racial Literacy Workshop

Racial literacy is an important concept that can give individuals insight in the topic of race and racism. Researchers point out that racial literacy refers to multiple topics such as discrimination, societal issues, inequality, and interpersonal relationships (Vetter & Hungerford-Kressor, 2014). A workshop that involves a discussion and certain new...

The Teaching Plan for the Patient’s Nutrition

The teaching plan for the patient’s nutritional needs should focus on realizing maximum metabolic outcomes associated with glycemia, lipid profiles and blood pressure levels by maintaining a healthy diet comprising manifold servings of fruits, low and intermediate carbohydrate vegetables, whole grains, bread, low-fat dairy products, fish, lean meats, and poultry....

Public Health Initiative on Prostrate Cancer Among Maryland’s Blacks

Abstract Cancer mortalities in the United States of America have been on the decline for the past two and half decades. The trend has been due to the adoption of measures that reduce the risk factor for the development of cancer such as increased, awareness campaigns, screening, testing and advanced...

Sociology: Definition, Importance

What sociology is, and why sociology is worth studying Sociology is a vital field for examining people’s interactions within society. It is defined as a study of individuals perceived as the members of the same community determined by shared culture, which allows examining their dominant worldview in detail for resolving...

British Petroleum Company Risk Assessment

The issues related to climate change have attracted a lot of attention and have become a part of the agenda of socially responsible companies. Thus, many companies tend to implement research on development of ways to reduce negative impacts of industries on the environment (Where do companies stand on responsible...

Byzantine Mosaic Work and Architecture in Examples

The Beginnings of Byzantium Art is an important element of understanding ancient history, such as past the Roman culture. The Byzantine Empire existed for more than a millennium between the 4th century and the 14th century and covered a large geographical region (Brooks par. 1). It extended to the southernmost...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Rationing: Health Care as a Social Good

Introduction Providing quality health care for every person who requires it may be a part of the ideal society system. However, this is currently the utopia, as the government cannot adjust the budget in a way to satisfy everyone’s medical needs. The financing is scarce, yet much of it is...

Fr. Pedro Arrupe and the Jesuit’s Mission

The “Decree 4: ‘Our Mission Today: The Service of Faith and the Promotion of Justice,’ General Congregation 32 (1975)” explains in detail the understanding of Jesuits regarding their mission and service of faith and connection to justice. Notably, one of the main points the author makes is service of faith...

Five Words For Easier Communication

It is very difficult to become acquainted with new people. The problem is that a person knows nothing about you. That is why it is possible to create the list of five words which can give at least a vague idea of your character. Of course, these five words cannot...

Durkheim: Pandemic and Functionalism

Introduction According to De Souza (2018), Durkheim defined the concept of division of labor as follows: “a way of investigating the moral consequences of the growing complexity within modern societies” (p. 655). An example of that concept, in this case, is the process of drug manufacturing, distributing, and medical care...

Global Warming in Relation to Human Population Size

Global warming remains to be one of the human-induced environmental issues affecting society today. Warming of the earth’s surface happens once carbon dioxide and other air pollutants accumulate in the atmosphere and absorb sunlight. Due to these toxic substances, which can remain in the environment for years to centuries, heat...

Eaton Company: Stock Maintenance Systems

Objective One To compare stock accuracy between different Eaton sites, it is possible to use various means and information systems such as Data Warehouse, Enterprise Resource Planning, Enterprise System, Expert System, Geographic/Geospatial Information System, Global Information System, and Office Automation. These systems will enable us to add facts to the...

The Triangle Waist Fire and Legal Implications

Workplace accidents are inevitable even with all precaution measures introduced, which is why placing the focus on workers’ safety should be one of legislators’ primary concerns. However, as the Triangle Factory incident has shown, imperfections in current safety policies are identified and the respective changes are introduced only after a...

A Diversity Training Program at the Workplace

The modern world has become much more diverse than ever, and it encourages corporations to create a safe space for diverse collectives. As Law (2016) claims, «diversity in the workplace will increase substantially in the next century» (3). This can be considered as great news because such a tendency increases...

Epidemiologic Research Designs and Predictive Correlational Designs

The chapter focuses on explaining epidemiologic research designs and predictive correlational designs. It starts with the explanation of epidemiology as a discipline and subdisciplines such as Descriptive and analytic epidemiology. The first is focused on the description of the distributions of determinants and diseases (Drummond & Murphy-Reyes, 2018). The second...

“Doping Control in Sport” by Overbye

The given article review will primarily focus on the doping control in sports, where the selected research investigates the elite athletes’ perception and trust in regards to the doping system within their corresponding areas. In short, the article reveals that two-thirds of all athletes in the sample found the current...

Fundamental Attribution Error

Introduction It is human nature to never stop observing and analyzing others. Whenever an individual is confronted with something that is not easily explainable, he or she resorts to either internal (personal) or external attribution (Martinko & Mackey, 2019). A simple example would be the situation in the picture above....

Mental Health & Burnout Prevention in Nursing Training

Problem Statement Patients at hospitals mostly interact with nurses and hence share their mood and energy. If nurses are stressed or burnt out, it adversely affects the treated individuals’ situation worsening their mental state and the practical completion of necessary procedures. As a result, the subjects get disengaged in the...

A Revaluation of the Criticality of the Project Manager to the Project’s Success

The article “A revaluation of the criticality of the project manager to the project’s success” by Alvarenga et al. (2018) presents a thorough investigation of the project manager’s role in the organization’s success. The authors first provide details of a quantitative study that proves the significance of project managers in...

The Black Square by Malevich: History and Context

Suprematism is the genre with the main idea to supersede the modernist genres such as Cubo-Futurism. Its paintings are geometric and seem to be primitive. The Black Square is a typical example of a suprematist painting. It is unusual and dissimilar to typical art: it shows no familiar forms, only...

Health Behaviors & Attitudes in Middle-Aged Women

Proposal In the past 200 years, women’s roles and influence on culture have evolved. For centuries they were considered the property of men and after overcoming many challenges, women’s importance in culture is being acknowledged. Across the lifespan, women have various struggles and things to overcome. From child to teenager,...

Improving Healthcare Staff Communications

Interactions between personnel are among the key points that are necessary for the success of any organization. In a health care context, well-coordinated teamwork is even more critical, as the lives of others depend on it. Studies show that communication disruption between health workers accounts for more than 60 percent...

The Role of Christianity in “The Chronicles of Narnia”

This complete book set by Harper Collins published in 1998 is a masterpiece story line for children. The story is set in the fantasy world of Narnia, a dreamland of enchantment, legendary monsters, and talking creatures. It portrays the undertakings of different youngsters who assume focal parts in the unfurling...

The Problem of Domestic Violence

As a global public health and human rights concern, domestic violence affects the lives of millions of individuals throughout the entire world. Most frequently, the abuser violates the rights of the other family member due to low self-esteem, extreme jealousy, as well as difficulties in regulating anger and other strong...

Supply: Economic Concept Analysis

Supply in Theory The economic understanding of supply implies that it is inextricably linked to the power of demand. The fundamental economics law states that an increasing demand leads to an increase in supply. Separately, supply can be defined as a desire of a producer to offer its goods on...

Effect of Ethnic Group Membership on Ethnic Identity

The study under investigation focuses on several specific objectives. First, the authors wanted to examine the relationship between ethnic identity and quality of life (QOL) (Utsey et al. 367). Moreover, the second aim was to investigate the influence of ethnic group membership on stress levels associated with race and ethnic...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Oedipus Rex” Play: Eyes as Symbolism

Oedipus Rex is the masterpiece of ancient Greek literature attributed to Sophocles. This play is one of seven ones left undamaged, and the work describes Oedipus’s, the king, life path. The author pays considerable attention to the symbolism of different characters eyes and visions throughout the play. It is possible...

DNA and Proteins as Evolutionary Tape Measures

Introduction The evolutionary relationship between organisms has been measured and monitored using DNA and proteins from these organisms. This is because, members of the same species have the larger fraction of their genes (DNA) and proteins being common. Genes and products of genes (proteins) can be considered as historical documents...

Technology and Human Society and How They Are Related

Technology has been viewed as a reflection of our society. As society progressed, so did the technological capabilities of humanity. At the same time, technology influenced society in its own accord, creating a kind of circle of perpetual influence. It results in a kind of political economy, where technology influences...

Studying Human Impact on the Environment

Objective The goal of this assignment is to study current environmental issues, ascertain their nature, and learn more about which human activities jeopardize the environment. Results The “Tragedy of the Commons” is a social phenomenon, which transcribes when people are faced with a situation of limited resources. The deficit propels...

Healthcare Professions: EMT and Occupational Therapist

An emergency medical technician (EMT) is a member of the first-aid crew. In their duty, they are responsible for the cleanliness of the ambulance, for the availability of the necessary equipment in it, and for its serviceability (Russ-Sellers & Blackwell, 2017). EMTs perform different tasks including lifting patients and equipment,...

Renaissance Culture Art: The Meditation on Passion by Vittore Carpaccio

Renaissance means rebirth in French; it has a few historical concepts that resonate with the cultural development of the time. Renaissance is used to describe the rediscovery of Roman culture in the late thirteen centuries. This artistic concept inspired art, architecture, science, music, and philosophy. Renaissance began in the late...

Alcohol Misuse in Teenagers: New Means to Address the Issue

Despite the efforts of healthcare specialists, over the past few years, the rates of alcohol consumption in youth have grown impressively. According to the latest data, one Australian teenager in five drinks excessively (Drugs – teenagers, 2012). Therefore, health service and promotion experts must provide a school-based alcohol education program...

Community Services: Personal and Social Benefits

Community Service Project, which I chose and continued, and my benefit from it. The action performed by a human being that benefits his or her community is known as community service. Getting involved in a community enables us to be healthier and livelier. Things that could be considered as community...

The Indian Act Explained in Canada

White Privilege Johnson describes being rich as a white privilege because the country’s employers favored whites, people of color (POC) were not well placed to earn a chance. He says that it is a long and complicated story since getting wealth during those days was a challenge for the POC....

African Americans’ and Southern Whites’ Freedom

The relation to freedom from African Americans and Southern Whites has always been different, and each race could not understand and accept the ideas of their opponents. However, there were many supporters from the side of African Americans and Southern Whites, who could defend the point of view of different...

The Importance of Valuing Nature

In her work Krimmerer shows the need for humans to advance their language and devise words that can show their gratitude for nature. Kimmerer argues that humans adopt different pronouns to refer to other species “ki” and “ki.” The ecological compassion that exists in people’s indigenous languages has also been...

Features of Torts and Their Social Meaning

The main task of the theory of state and law in studying torts in society is to reveal the social essence of this phenomenon. To analyze its social meaning, it is necessary, first of all, to know what a tort is. Torts are inextricably linked with the law, which regulates...

Transformations in America in the 1880s and 1890s

Introduction The United States experienced tremendous changes years after the Civil War. Such developments included industrialization, migration, moral movements, and changes in race and gender perceptions. Revolutions happened in both the urban and the rural parts of the country. The paper describes the radical transformations that occurred in the country...

SWOT Analysis of Wal-Mart

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. was established by Sam Walton at Rogers in 1962. This business has encountered immense growth after achieving an annual income of one billion dollars in seventeen years (Ellickson, 2016). This tremendous growth has made the store enter the global market. Wal-Mart has launched stores in various countries,...

Benefits and Challenges of Using Drones for the Police

Drones are becoming a state-of-the-art trend in policing. However, their implementation may face some difficulties regarding privacy and information security. Chavis (2021) claims that police used helicopter flyovers to gain information, and additionally, some police departments started utilizing more sophisticated tools of aerial surveillance such as drones. Although such a...

Physical Disability in the United States

Many people with a physical disability might experience discrimination in everyday life or at work. According to Bonaccio et al. (2020), many social organizations in the USA are trying to defend the equality of people with disabilities. However, this group of people still shows a low level of employment. Finding...

Islam: The Different Perspectives

Chapter 5 Summary Islam is a way of life, the basis of family and legal relations, a set of traditions and customs. The main principles and essence of Islam are the following points: among the tenets of Islam is monotheism, the most authoritative source of Islamic belief and practice is the...

Philosophy of Religion: God, Reason, and Religious Experience

Most influential topic covered in the course The topic that completely changed my mindset is the arguments of God’s existence. The issue presented in the topic evaluated that every problem requires a complex revision. Considering an argument in seclusion from other views could be irrelevant because discussing such a complicated...

AutoCAD Software’s Benefits and Disadvantages

Historically, the creation of precise blueprints and designs has been the topical objective of engineers and architects. However, prior to the present day, they had to perform such tasks manually, which increased their duration, as well as the cost of mistakes in the process. Today, advanced digital solutions exist, allowing...

Harvard Business Review Case Study

Modern organizations are facing a great management succession crisis. This is an issue affecting small, medium, and large firms. This case was published some decades ago but the management problems that existed are still fresh in today’s companies. After the chief executive of a renowned company in Wickersham died, there...

Moral Responsibility at the Workplace

Managers are, for the most part, responsible for everything that occurs in the working environment. This incorporates the activities of their representatives and any errors they make. However, it is only possible if workers care about the business’s benefit. Sometimes, employees themselves can likewise be responsible in specific cases, especially...

Issue of Legalizing Marijuana

The legalization of marijuana has long been a controversial issue in the United States and many countries around the world. The main problem is the addictive nature of this remedy and the fear that legalization will trigger massive consumption and reduce road or workplace safety. However, recreational marijuana use has...

Planning a Kitchen: Remodeling Project

When planning to start a project it is very important to understand the order of the things you want to do. Choosing the color, the material, the texture, the make, the design, the quality must be orderly. It is not wise to buy beautiful rims and then shop for a...

“Race and Colorblindness After Hernandez and Brown” by López

The race is still often the determining factor in a number of court decisions, political activity, and the characteristics of social life. López reminds readers of two significant court cases that, in one way or another, contributed to the overcoming of racial segregation – Brown versus Board of Education of...

Basic Functions of Minerals and Water in the Body

The functions and sources of minerals Minerals are found in coconut water and have a range of health functions. In the medical practice, these minerals have been applied as an intravenous fluid to address dehydration-related ailments such as influenza, cholera as well as dysentery. Fife (2011, p.42) states that the...

Colonizing Other Planets and Taking Care of the Earth

Introduction People have always been interested in exploring outer space and colonizing other planets. Scientists spent years developing and testing rockets that would allow humanity to reach planets where life can be better. As indicated by Worrall (2018), experts claim that the future lies in the stars and not on...

Exclusive Breastfeeding Among Postpartum Women

The exploration of the effects that role-playing and scripting have on the efficacy of encouraging postpartum women to adopt exclusive breastfeeding is essential since it will allow the target audience to understand the importance of exclusive breastfeeding and the role that it plays in child’s development. Therefore, it is essential...

Inequality in the Texas Legislature

Over the years, the constitution of the Texas Senate and state legislative chamber has always been discriminative against certain groups, especially women, nonwhites, non-English speakers, the young, people with low educational achievements, and the young (Ura & Astudillo, 2021). Statistics indicate that this problem has been dominant for the last...

Terrorism Prevention: Operation Geronimo

Operation Geronimo was carried out by the US military on May 1-2, 2011, in the Pakistani city of Abbottabad. As a result of the actions of the special forces, the head of al-Qaeda was killed. The leader of the terrorists was identified by his appearance, and his identity was confirmed...

The Chicanos in the Vietnam War

In the history of humankind, the most destructive times are related to wars. Wars are not typically reflected with justice or freedom of choice. An explicit example of it in recent history is the Vietnam War which caused the draft of hundreds of thousands of men (García). There were dissatisfactions...

“Anansi and the Tar-Baby”: The Folklore Story

Common to many cultures around the world, folklore acts as both entertainment for the children and a way to teach them lessons. “Anansi and the Tar-baby” is one of many Jamaican folklore stories collected by Martha Warren Beckwith (1924). These stories, passed on through generations, were preserved relatively well from...

Signs and Symptoms of Pneumonia

Pneumonia is one of the respiratory diseases that affect both adults and children. The condition is an infection that causes inflammation of one or both lungs. The illness’s seriousness ranges from life-threatening to mild, with children, individuals with weak immune systems, and people aging more than 65 years more susceptible...

Evaluation as a Significant Part of People’s Lives

Evaluation is a significant part of most aspects of people’s lives. Evaluation provides people with opportunities to assess past events along with their effectiveness and estimate possibilities of future events along with probabilities of their success. Evaluation is also crucial in doing research or conducting a study to assess various...

Oversimplification of Health and Communication

Health is one of the primordial dimensions of human life. The absence or presence of disease significantly impacts an individual’s quality of life. In the twenty-first century, there are three dominant perspectives on sources of illness: medical, socio-ecological, and cultural. Medicalists argue that health is a result of genetics, lifestyle,...

Assassination of Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar was assassinated by a few senators who wanted to keep the republic of Rome and wanted to end his reign. He had established himself such that he was well known and an important person in antiquity. He also had a good personality and was in control of the...

A Leadership Position Regarding Ethical Standards

NAEYC Ethical Standards are the set of rules and instructions offering guidelines for responsible behavioral patterns for resolving ethical dilemmas and conflicts arriving in a micro-environment working space. To resort to these standards, a leader has to identify their roles to efficiently administer a company’s performance. Getting promoted to a...

Traveling Songs Themed Playlist Overview

Various songs that interpret the theme of adventures and traveling have some common features. In particular, they describe the desire of the singers to see other countries and cultures. This theme is chosen because it has specific relevance to my life because I like to travel, and I want to...

Study of Aspects of Applied Sociology

Applied sociology is one of the constituent parts of the general body of sociological science. It aims to obtain cognitive data about various social phenomena and processes by studying the causes of their occurrence, the mechanism of functioning, and the direction of further development. Due to applied sociology, the researcher...

Sea Level Rise: Major Causes and Effects

The rise of sea levels has been discussed for decades. Although fluctuations in water levels are natural, such an increase is alarming as it is likely to have a considerable impact on ecosystems and people’s lives. This rapid increase is associated with various natural disasters such as storms and floods....

Nostra Aetate Overview and Importance

There are various religious movements in the world, and it is pertinent to note that their number is only increasing over time. In conjunction with very young movements (such as Pastafarianism), there are fundamental and ancient religious teachings commonly referred to as world religions. World religions include Christianity, Islam, Buddhism,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

A Historical Event That Happened in Ancient Rome

The following story is about a historical event that happened in ancient Rome many centuries ago. The city was captured by the Gauls and destroyed utterly, so Romans lost their houses and all the buildings were in ruins except for several temples that survived the attack. The most famous general...

Magdelis Manual Therapy

Manual Therapy Manual therapy is the application of hand movements to control body tissues to reinstate movement, lessen pain, raise general health or bring relaxation. It also implies a course of procedures recommended by a medical therapist and is aimed at quick restoration of soft tissue or joints as well...

European Intrusion’s Influence on the Igbo People

The traditions of the Igbo people served as the basis of their community and provided guidance for all types of occasions. They had been developed for generations, and the inhabitants of the place had never attempted to challenge them. The rules were strictly followed until the European missionaries arrived in...

Databases for Health Federation of Philadelphia

Nonprofits solely commit to different purposes other than generating profit where the revenue generated is not distributed to the members. Nonprofits cater to public interest globally, at national, state, and local or community levels. An example of a non-profit in Philadelphia is the Health Federation of Philadelphia. The Health Federation...

American Football League v. National Football League Case

Case Summary American Football League vs. National Football League, 205 F. Supp. 60 (D. Md. 1962) The American Football league, abbreviated as AFL, filed a lawsuit against the national football league (NFL) on the grounds of the Anti-Trust Act breach. The AFL sought to get injunctive relief and recover damages...

Divine Foreknowledge and Rejection of Saul’s Kingship

In the article titled “Divine Foreknowledge, Divine Constancy, and the Rejection of Saul’s Kingship,” Fretheim discusses the implications of God rejecting Saul’s kingship and anointing David. First and foremost, the author aims to clarify the seeming contradiction regarding divine repentance in 1 Samuel 15. According to Fretheim, the passages about...

Stakeholders of Medication Assistance Program Design

Purpose Statement Having been invited asked to develop a task force for designing a medication assistance program, the purpose of this paper is to identify stakeholders who will contribute to the development of the initiative. The proposal seeks to directly serve patients by ensuring that they can afford medication. In...

Orem’s Self Care Theory: Review

Introduction According to the provided article, health professionals have had gratifying experience when working with patients suffering from chronic diseases like arterial hypertension (Manzini & Simonetti, 2009). Currently, care for patients with chronic diseases is not well organized. It mainly focuses on medical assistance with no initial participation of nurses....

Gender Norms and Contemporary Culture

The term “culture” implies different meanings, firstly, it is about intellectual and creative products made by human beings, such as drama, art, and music. Secondly, it is about the beliefs and practices of a particular society. In today’s world, one may consider gender as a sociocultural phenomenon, as it is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Bible Salesmen and Globeman Documentary

The Salesmen documentary gives the story of four Bible salesmen who move door to door to make a sale. Each of these salesmen had nicknames that fit their personalities and sales methods. For example, James Baker “The Rabbit” is a smooth talker. His calm conversation helps him close deals with...

Is Islam a Religion That Practices Just War

Introduction The argument about Islam being a religion that practices just war arose following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack. The fact is that Muslims today are involved in a serious argument about political ethics. This argument is framed in terms of practices that are central to the Islamic tradition....

New Product and Customer Expectations

It goes without saying that ideas for new products and services appear every day, however, without proper market research, the majority of them will never be introduced to the market successfully. In general, the main goal of this research is to ensure that a new product or service will meet...

Conspiracy Theories and Distrust of Experts

Social media provides people with always-available options to discuss any news or occasions, and an enormous volume of different opinions leads to questionable explanations appearing. Conspiracy theories are on the verge today due to the increased number of people who develop and distribute them to broad online audiences. Moreover, many...

Nursing. “Asleep on the Job” Article by Gamble

Introduction The article under critique is titled “Asleep on the job: Can night shift napping provide more excellent safety for staff and patients?”, written by Jennifer Gamble and Paula Foran. The article discusses that those nurses attending night duties have the highest risk of fatigue and impairment in their thinking....

The Therapeutic Remedies Among Asthma Patients

Healthcare management is a multifaceted phenomenon that profoundly impacts the quality of living among individuals. In this case, it is crucial to determine the key factors that attribute to the disparity in the effectiveness of the treatments. Although there is a significant decrease in the rate of the asthma cases’...

Solution Description to the Problem of Predicting Fluid Responsiveness

Introduction Inappropriate fluid administration can lead to negative effects on patients’ health, and much attention should be paid to using effective fluid therapy oriented to preventing fluid overload. Still, the prediction of patients’ fluid responsiveness is a challenging task, and the problem of determining the amount of fluid to administer...

The Bradley Case Recent Legislative Laws

Introduction The recent case of Dr. Bradley came as a horror to many. It is hard to believe that an individual in such a highly respectable profession would choose to dedicate his life to defiling innocent infants. It raised eyebrows as to what medical professional bodies are for if they...

Policy Structure in the Healthcare System

The responsibility of the policy-making process is the prerogative of the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) which is regulated by a secretary who submits directly to the president. Governmental policy within healthcare has its benefits and challenges, such as various healthcare laws, regulations, acts and high...

Ethical Principles of Public Health Application

Ethical Principles of Public Health and the Christian Worldview Ethical principles are essential points for consideration concerning public health. There are several crucial principles that medical workers are obliged to follow. For instance, all these principles strive to help people, to prevent and protect them from harm. The notion of...

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How Junk Diets Can Reduce Obesity

In the commentary ‘C’ inscribed by David Freedman, he diverts readers’ attention by making them, through evidence and self-experience, believe that junk food can also end obesity. He achieves this by using methods such as ethical appeal which mainly majors on personal experience by identifying himself as a lover of...

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Aspects of African American Culture

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How Structural Racism Is Addressed by Open Science

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Methods of Coping with Mental Health Problems

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Special Features of the Oprah Winfrey’s Speech During Harvard Commencement

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Health Disparities in Rural Versus Urban Areas

In the United States, diabetes is the sixth leading cause of death after cardiovascular disease. The primary triggers of this health issue are the social determinants of health (SDOH). Some of the examples of SDOH include education, income, occupation, access to healthcare, and social support (Lenzi, 2018). These factors directly...

Financial Report: Review

Analysis of cost Some of the opening costs of the restaurant will be capitalized. These start-up costs relate to the one activity of opening the restaurant and not daily operation of the business. The costs that will be capitalized are summarized in the table presented below. Item Amount (ĂE) 1...

Types and Causes of the DNA Mutations

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DNA Analysis in Forensic Science

Introduction In the context of present-day developments, DNA analysis appears to be an essential tool for numerous fields. Modern biology and biochemistry intensively use methods, which are based on recombinant DNA. In addition, it is applied in bioinformatics, which implies data mining, which is contained in the DNA sequence. It...

The Civil Rights Movement: Minorities vs. Police

The tension between police and minorities started at times of the Civil Rights Movement. Specifically, a peaceful march in Selma, Alabama, led by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was met with police aggression (Cunningham, 2018). This event that happened on March 9, 1965, on the Edmund Pettus Bridge, named after...

Marketing Strategy for Hair Care Company

The current key sources of growth within worldwide hair care industries relies on the expansion of middle class clients. The U.S. is currently home to at least 84,000 establishments that provide hair care either through beauty salons or barber shops (Dun & Bradstreet, 2021). Though the industry is noticing continuous...

Personal Statement: Healthy Lifestyle

A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are essential for the well-being of the modern society. Nevertheless, obesity, malnutrition, and other eating disorders are becoming increasingly alarming problems in today’s world. Moreover, an unhealthy diet can accompany and exacerbate conditions such as stress, depression, and overwork. By applying for the...

Strategies for Addressing Global Threats

In the 21st century, information technology has become an integral part of every person’s life. Along with the technological and informational progress in the world, cybercrime is gaining scale. With the development of information technologies, attackers have ways not only for their enrichment in a criminal way but also opportunities...

Diet and Lifestyle Before and During Pregnancy

Sustenance directing is a foundation of pre-birth care for all women during pregnancy. A woman’s wholesome status impacts her wellbeing, yet in addition, pregnancy results and the soundness of her baby child. Doctors and other medical services suppliers should be mindful of dietary necessities during pregnancy, as they vary altogether...

Depressive Symptoms in Patients: Archival Data Analysis

The option chosen for theproject My topic of choice is “Archival Data Analysis.” Archival data refers to data that already exists in libraries, reports, or other data sources. It exists in other files written by another person or organization. Archival data is initially collected for research purposes and kept for...

“The Drama Trifles” by Susan Glaspell

“The Drama Trifles” is a play by Susan Glaspell that focuses on gender, isolation, and justice. The drama primarily centers on the oppression of women, which is a common issue in many communities. In this case, the male character in the play wants to gather evidence of Mrs. Wright’s crime,...

“A New Class of Faults and Their Bearing on Continental Drift” by Wilson

The article explains the nature of faulting aspects. The author states that any feature may be transformed into a mountain or a ridge. During the transformation process, the horizontal shear changes into an expanding tensional motion across the ridge or rift with a change in seismicity at the point of...

State Children’s Health Insurance Program

The State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) is a partnership program between the federal and state governments that provides comprehensive health care coverage to uninsured children from financially-challenged families (Ubokudom, 2012). The program insures children from families whose earnings are insufficient to afford private coverage and too high to qualify...

Judaism in Introducing “World Religions: a Christian Engagement”

Judaism is the religion of Jewish people that values sacred books containing God’s word. The most important books on which Judaism is focused are Hebrew Bible, Talmud, and a prayer book. Since its foundation and until these days, like many other religions, Judaism has gone through significant changes in history...

US Health Care Reform: Who Will Benefit?

Health Care Reform: U.S. Population Groups that Will Benefit The health care reform bill seeks to expand health insurance coverage to about 32 million Americans who are uninsured. This implies that the bill will benefit uninsured and self-employed individuals and families earning an income in the range of 133-400 percent...

Analysis of the DIY Company Organizations

The DIY company had a threat from the gaining popularity of the online tips and instructions so people would not have to go to the shop. It could lead to the reduction of consumers, and therefore sales would fall. In that essay will be a discussion of measures that the...

The Series “WandaVision”: Homage to the Sitcom Genre

WandaVision is a new series that pertains to some interesting qualities. As other modern cinematic content, it is multi generic. One of its generic facets appears to relate to sitcom, which is, as cited in Wieczorek, “a half-hour series focused on episodes involving recurrent characters within the same premise” (128)....

Diversity and Intercultural Communication in the Workplace

Today it is more important than ever to support cultural pluralism and protect racial, religious, and linguistic identities. The most critical question in this regard is what within a business can unite representatives of different cultures. In addition, cultural discrimination and prejudice against newcomers must be combated. Society must ensure...

Female Circumcision Problem Overview

Contemporary society is focused on cultivating tolerance and an equal attitude to all people regardless of their age, sex, social status, and race. For this reason, there are multiple attempts to improve the position of vulnerable groups and provide their representatives with assistance. For instance, for the bigger part of...

Asthma Discharge Plan Overview

Extant nursing scholarship demonstrates that asthma remains the most common chronic childhood disease and one of the leading causes of childhood morbidity, school absenteeism, parent lost work days, emergency department visits, and hospitalizations not only in the United States but also globally (McCarty & Rogers, 2012; Toole, 2013). However, it...

Database Management Systems’ Major Capabilities

Database Management Systems (DBMS) are software that provide storage, updating, and retrieval of data in a computer. There are many types of DBMS such as network, hierarchical, relational, and object-oriented. These databases exist in various forms, for example, oracle, SQL server, and clipper. DBMS are essential in information technology and...

Basic Ethical Principles in Behavioral Health Practice

It is obvious from the case that the year-long therapy has no significant positive effect on the patient’s mental health. Moreover, the addition of a previously unknown therapist and thus untreated eating disorder also poses an acute issue. As the patient’s case manager, I would advise them to consult with...

Leader–Member Exchange and Social Network Theory

Introduction The concept of leadership and the notion of a leader always assume the presence of the followers. As a result, various theories exploring styles and models of leadership view them from the perspective of interpersonal relations and interactions. This paper discusses leader-member exchange theory and social network theory, their...

Chapters 8-9 of The Ethics Primer for Administrators in Government Organizations

Acting on Duty in the Face of Uncertainty and Risk: Responsible Whistleblowing Before choosing to report wrongdoings in a workplace, the chapter provides conditions required for effective whistleblowing. In most cases, whistleblowing acts lead to negative implications for both the whistleblower and the organization. Therefore, an individual must identify whether...

Analysis of “The Yellow Wallpaper”: The Villain

As a tool of oppression, gender roles have been affecting the lives of women across the globe. The problem of rigid gender roles and the suffocating effect they produce on women and girls has been studied from various perspectives, including artistic and, particularly, literary works. In her seminal short story,...

Sociology: Aspects of Reference Group

Sociologists often use the term reference group to mean any cohort of people who possess certain reference traits. For example, if any study examines the effects of alcohol on a person’s behavioral patterns, the people to whom the intervention is compared are used as a reference group: those who do...

Implications of Fiction for Children

Introduction Fiction is a genre of literature that involves invented characters, they are usually in prose and are primarily novels. Children’s fiction has been used over time, and the question of what impact it had on their lives arose. The parents reading The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spires to...