Technology in Global Transportation Management

Introduction Technology has already affected all spheres of people’s lives. It is impossible to imagine today’s world without different machines, computers, and the Internet. As technologies continue to develop and enter different areas, it is necessary to mention one field that their usage has significantly influenced– the area of global...

Discussion of Recovering From Jet Engine

Background According to the description, an entire jet engine fell on the Computer Center of the ABC campus, with devastating consequences for the building. One can say that this event is similar to the fall of a large meteorite. As Bittner (2021) says, “sometimes, disaster is inevitable” (para. 5). A...

The New Product Development Process

The new product development is a compound process that consists of diverse stages directed to collecting and analyzing the data related to the market and developing a profitable offer based on the research. Each product development process includes such stages as idea generation, idea screening, feature specification, development, testing, and...

Eudora Welty’s Short Story “A Worn Path”

Eudora Welty’s short story, A Worn Path, narrates the journey of an African American woman while using various elements of literature. The story emphasizes geographical elements that inform the audience about the location of the action and historical elements that suggest a period of historical events. The author also mentions...

Human Rights in China and the USA

The culture and ethical standards of any country’s population have an undeniable influence on its structure and rules. In particular, depending on various historical events and regulations adopted by people, there is a different attitude towards human rights. In the modern world, this problem is quite acute because people feel...

“How I Met My Husband” Story by Alice Munro

In the short story, How I Met My Husband, the author Alice Munro decries the imaginary love affair that a young girl has for an uninterested pilot. Eddie is working for the rich Peebles family who has just settled in the countryside. Both Dr. and Mrs. Peebles portray a little...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Substance Addiction Treatment

Disposition The client is a 19-year-old Jonah struggling with PTSD and substance addiction. These issues are caused by the traumatic events the client has experienced. Child neglect, emotional and physical abuse, as well as other uninvolved or aggressive behaviors his parents demonstrated towards him have led to a number of...

Importance of Parity of Esteem

The parity of esteem signifies the importance of placing equal value on mental and physical health. While the concept employs several purposes, its primary function is to promote equal access to healthcare services for individuals with complex mental health needs that reflect those that are provided for individuals with physical...

Impressionism as a Revolution in Art

The landscapes or scenes of impressionism were different from previous traditional paintings. Impressionists usually depicted “the scenes of modern life, especially of bourgeois recreations” (Turner 151). For example, Edgar Degas and Gustave Caillebotte were choosing wealthy and privileged places for painting. Also, some impressionists, such as Monet, Renoir, and Pissarro,...

George Washington’s “Farewell Address” Analysis

George Washington’s “Farewell Address” is often considered the most important document for the US political strategy. In tandem with Alexander Hamilton, he developed a memorandum or ‘instruction’ for future governors to ensure that his vision would be determined and understood not only by political scientists but also by the whole...

The Podcast Evil by Design With Timothy Sawa

Introduction The story of a Canadian billionaire, who was detained at the request of the United States, has attracted media attention worldwide. Fifty-seven women filed a class-action lawsuit against Peter Nygard. Their statement claims that the man has raped girls for 20 years, including minors. He also used them to...

The Cultural Differences Analysis

Every single individual is a member of a specific culture that influences their worldview, opinions about different phenomena, behaviors, and daily activities. Additionally, the technological advancements and traveling give people a possibility to interact with others from all around the world, establish strong personal relationships with them, and enrich knowledge....

The Possibility of the Afterlife’s Existence and Its Nature

The question of possible postmortal existence has been present in the minds of people for a prolonged period of its presence as being with advanced abilities of the central nervous system. According to multiple pieces of research, such as that by Whitley (2017), these complications of brain structure yielded the...

Schizophrenia: Diagnosis and Treatment

Introduction The provided case contains sufficient information to diagnose the patient with schizophrenia. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI, n.d.), the presence of signs such as hallucinations, delusions, cognitive issues, and negative symptoms is a marker of developing schizophrenia. Based on the information given in the summary,...

Disaster Management and Analysis of Information

The “Storms in Latin America” is a detailed account of various storm disasters in 2020. The report includes vital information from four Latin countries that influence the USAID decision-making process. The report contains various elements of assessment and analysis as described by the UNDAC handbook and OFDA Fog manual. The...

The Digital Divide Regarding Electronic Health Record

Introduction Hospitals in the US and around the world have come to face enormous pressures with the onset of the global pandemic. While bigger hospitals with more room and higher budgets might be able to accommodate the increased flow of patients, the smaller facilities are likely to run low on...

Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Communication Comparison

Introduction The ability to communicate with each other is a rather beneficial skill. However, it is essential to remember that there are several different types of communication, and one should be aware of the social functions of each and develop various social skills. The purpose of this paper is to...

Modernist and Postmodernist Techniques and Themes in McEwan’s “Atonement”

An example of free indirect style in Atonement by Ian McEwan can be found in chapter six as the author describes the acts and thoughts of Emily Tallis. The author takes on Emily’s thoughts and expressing that she considered it important not to provoke the pain in his head lest...

Civil Disobedience in “Antigone” by Sophocles

Introduction The right to break the law is the fundamental philosophical problem that depicts the conflict between the individual and the existing policies. Sometimes the law prohibits clearly moral and necessary actions, which are required to make a positive change for many people. For instance, the play Antigone by Sophocles...

Tuberculosis: Diagnostics, Prevention, and Management

Tuberculosis General Information Tuberculosis remains a serious problem for modern society. In 2017, it was estimated by World Health Organization as a leading pathology causing death from one infectious agent (Abongo et al., 2020). The disease is indeed a major factor in mortality in low-income and middle-income countries. Tuberculosis is...

Features of Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy

In Mintzberg and Waters’ terms, there are several features of CSR strategy that are planned. Mintzberg and Waters (1985) note that here “leaders at the center of authority formulate their intentions as precisely as possible and then strive for their implementation” (p. 3). This strategy is guided by four priority...

Communication in Negotiation in Management

Negotiations are an integral part of work processes, and they can take place in various settings – from personal meetings between employers and company employees to negotiations between states. Experienced negotiators understand the importance of communication and use multiple techniques to improve it. Other influential aspects of the negotiations are...

Analysis of Elie Wiesel’s “Night”

Elie Wiesel wrote the novel entitled Night as a memoir telling the story of the author’s life as a Jewish boy during the time of the Holocaust. In his book, the author vividly creates a detailed account of his memories of the events surrounding the Holocaust and especially the tragic...

Apple and Technology Adoption Model

Apple Inc. is an American tech company producing smartphones, tablets, personal computers, and other devices with a broad range of accessories for them. As a technological company, Apple is directly affected by the technology life cycle – a theoretical concept explaining the customers’ willingness to adopt new products based on...

Pregnancy and Reproductive Health in Public Views

Introduction Pregnancy changes a lot in family life, emotionally, physically, and behavior, especially for pregnant women themselves. Changes also include societal attitudes towards women but may differ depending on additional factors. For example, women may receive different care depending on their financial situation. Moreover, attitudes can be influenced by ethnicity,...

Root Cause Analysis and Barriers Exploration

On the basis of the root cause analysis or RCA, which is “a systematic process for identifying “root causes” of problems or events and an approach for responding to them. RCA is based on the basic idea that effective management requires more than merely “putting out fires” for problems that...

The Role of Ethical Decision-Making in Business

Background Ethical dilemmas constantly occur in organizations and workplaces regardless of the industry and the size of an organization. They may differ significantly in terms of values, which are in conflict, or parties, which are at stake. Therefore, it may be essential to introduce a comprehensive approach to the decision-making...

American Lifestyle: The Impact on Health

Intensive movement forward to a high-quality rhythm of life is manifested in all spheres of American life. For example, high-speed movement in private cars on the streets and even within cities, the rapid development of the transport system, and the dynamic development of science and technology. Life in the USA...

Discussion of Experience With Birth

This paper will interview mothers from different cultural and social backgrounds about their birth-giving experience. Miranda, a 30-years old woman from Colorado, has given birth to her first child this April. She and her husband live in an affluent region of their town, receiving an average yearly income of $100...

Symbols and Romanticism of Twain’s “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”

Introduction Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is one of the most prominent works written by Mark Twain. The novel addresses one of the most crucial issues of the society of Twains times – slavery and describes the life of people living along the Mississippi River. Undoubtedly, on one side, the Mississippi...

Balanced Nutrition and Calory Intakes

Nutrition is the basis of life, and it should be important for any human being. Food sustains people; it gives energy and the fuel for internal processes of the human body. However, it can be different in terms of specific nutrients it provides. Each macroelement has its own purpose, such...

The Historic New Orleans Collection Website

The Historic New Orleans Collection (THNOC) website contains content that is organized adequately for rapid consumption. In their book, Oliu et al. (2020) initially highlighted the inverted-pyramid method, which implies stating the “most important point before providing the detailed background information” (p. 205). Most of the THNOC site’s pages are...

“Saving the World” by Emile G. McAnany

“Saving the World” by Emile G. McAnany is a brief study of communication, its role, and significance in the framework of development and social changes. The chronological narrative of the work originates from the appearance of mass communications in American higher education institutions and the Marshall Truman plan. The ‘events...

Literary Analysis of “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Connor

Bailey and his wife, together with the three kids and their grandmother, decided to visit Florida. During this time, The Misfit had escaped from prison and was on the run. Along the way, the grandmother recognizes a childhood plantation, and she yearns to visit it (Flannery 2). She convinces Bailey,...

Modern Technologies: Advantages and Disadvantages

The invention of technologies, which help people maintain their relationships with other people and support a high level of communication, can be considered one of the greatest. Individuals have a chance to build personal connections with those they appreciate and set a stable communication in private businesses. The use of...

Catholic Church as Social and Spiritual Organization

The Catholic Church is a worldwide religious organization with a large number of believers. The number of Catholic Christians constantly rises worldwide: the reason for that is the prevalence of psychological and spiritual problems around the globe, and the Christian belief system helps people cope with them. Many people encounter...

Marker Motion Technology Marketing Strategy

Motion Sensors Market Motion sensors have become an inseparable part of modern technical devices. Such sensors are used widely in smartphones, smart wearables, virtual reality devices, and even autonomous vehicles. Therefore the market is significantly technology-dependent and higher perspective. Smart devices and electric cars may represent the present and the...

Cultural and Communicative Competence

I believe cultural competence refers to one’s understanding of their own culture. Culture influences how children are reared, how families communicate, what is deemed normal or abnormal, how we deal with problems, how we dress, when and where we seek medical treatment, and so on. According to researchers, this field...

Job Design and Human Resource Management

Current and future work systems are extensively defined, and thus, strongly linked to management’s strategic decisions. Employees are getting more active in work design and reengineering. Cross-functional teams are advantageous from a strategic standpoint, but they can also be problematic. Managing their activities efficiently is a difficulty for them, which...

Albert Einstein’s Declaration of Intention

Albert Einstein, the famous German physicist, filed a declaration of intention to become an American citizen in 1936, and the document is still preserved. Apart from Einstein’s names, the form contains several people, including Einstein’s wife, children, and the clerk of the U.S. District Court, George T. Cranmer. Similarly, numerous...

Data, Technology, Gender, and Society

Introduction Generally, Anabel Quan-Haase’s text is sensitive to the shifting societal expectations and connected possibilities brought about by the convergence of society and technology. Quan-Haase animates the questions necessary to our continually developing connection with technology by combining historical approaches that are research-based and theoretical to examine the relationship of...

Obesity From Sociological Perspectives

Introduction The social problem under focus is obesity originating from Latino food norms. Much of the Latin cuisine has nostalgic value to Hispanic cultures. Consumption of traditional Latino food inspires the feeling of comfort to Latino people. Yet, at the same time, much of the food is saturated in fats,...

The Sex and Puritans in American History

Introduction In the paper “The Puritans and Sex”, Edmund S. Morgan (1942) seeks to persuade readers that the American squeamishness regarding the question of physical intimacy is not affected by the religious views of Puritans. In this regard, the author argues that the popular misconception concerning the Puritans’ overly strict...

The Better Beauty Company’s Management Issues

Control costs in Better Beauty primarily relate to the processes that the management is implementing to optimize operations and ensure higher profitability. Budgeting has identified several areas of the firm’s higher spending, such as capital equipment and renting costs. However, the research of the issue itself has been a source...

Understanding of the Leadership Process

Background Leadership can be defined, essentially, as a type of management interaction based on the most effective combination of various sources of power for a given situation. In any case present, leader’s actions should be aimed at encouraging people to achieve common goals. It follows from this definition that leadership...

Molecular Biology and Its Central Dogma

The Central Dogma The central dogma is a principle describing the transfer of molecular information in the Nucleus of the DNA. It gives detailed instructions on the processes involved in the conversion of DNA information into a final functional product, the protein. The central dogma was proposed by Francis Crick...

Rhetorical Analysis of Simpsons: Trash of the Titans

The twenty-second episode of the ninth season of Simpsons titled Trash of the Titans tells about Homer’s electoral campaign, as he is eager to become a new mayor. The episode contains several scenes of his speeches given in public that can be interesting to analyze from the point of view...

Albert and Whetten Revisited Article by Whetten

Being relatively close to CI definitionally, organizational identity (OI) relies on the actual understandings and claims of employees pertaining to the organization’s unique character rather than being built upon the organization’s expressions of its desired identity. As a theoretical concept, OI is carefully addressed in an article by Whetten (2006)...

Humor and Horror in Poe’s “The Cask of the Amontillado”

Introduction In works of literature, authors rely on several stylistic devices to convey their message. One of Edgar Allan Poe’s literary devices in “The Cask of Amontillado” is the combination of horror and humor. Poe is a witty author who uses literary elements like point of view, place, and word...

Using Another Person’s Work Without Obtaining Their Consent

Trademark, copyright, and patent laws do not apply to creative works in the public domain. Rather than a single author or artist, the public possesses these creations. Using a public domain work does not require consent, but nobody can claim ownership of it (Stanford Libraries, 2017). Copyright expiration, failure to...

Depression in the Older Population

Depression is a clinical disorder that affects mood and mental health, involving lack of interest in any activities and permanent sadness for a long time. Many people make mistakes when they call any negative, sad feelings depression, though it is a medically recorded disorder, not just a bad mood. Nowadays,...

Army Leadership and Command Authority

Introduction Leadership and discipline are the most critical qualities necessary for army service. The Department of the Army (2019, p. 13) defines leadership as “the activity of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization”. These aspects are essential to army service...

Roosevelt’s Foreign Policy in Latin America and Asia

Roosevelt’s foreign policy in Latin America lowered the level of compliance due to fear that the creditor countries of Latin America would use it for their political purposes. The main difference between Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy towards Latin America was the revision of the Monroe doctrine. This measure determined the...

Strategies to Cope with Ethical Dilemmas

The navy can help individuals cope with ethical dilemmas they will encounter through cultural and historical training. Troops must be aware of the history and culture of the area they operate in to preserve combat efficiency and promote polite treatment of the population (Haskins, 2010). Unacquaintance with culture can heighten...

Managed Care Plans (HMO, PPO, POS, EPO) and Their Distinctive Features

Model Type HMO PPO POS EPO Detailed description One of the low-cost models to meet health care needs. The price is lowered by negotiating with specific hospitals and clinics and medical staff whose care is required. The patient is required to use only a limited list of providers, because otherwise...

The Idea of Aging and the Inevitable Death

The idea of aging and the inevitable death typically seem exceptionally distant for young people. However, as one ages, the necessity to reconcile with the fear of eventual demise emerges. Moreover, aging and the threat of death are connected directly and inseparably to multiple losses, including the loss of physical...

More Guns Do Not Stop More Crimes, Evidence Shows

According to the National Rifle Association of America reviewed in the article More Guns Do Not Stop More Crimes, Evidence Shows by Melinda Wenner Moyer 170 million shotguns have been purchased since 1991, although the crime rate has only increased. Americans continue to believe that weapons protect them, although practice...

Celebrating Social Work Month with Angelo McClain

The first episode of the assigned podcast was released during Social Work Month, was established almost 60 years ago and is dedicated to explaining the aims and importance of social work. The guest is the CEO of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), Angelo McClain. The present paper analyzes...

Leadership, Management, and Communication in Nursing

A Nurse Manager’s effectiveness is defined by some core factors such as the effectiveness of interactions, coherence, cooperation, and the team’s motivation level. Additionally, predicting conflicts, finding solutions, and compromising relate to the functions of an effective Nurse Manager. Although the representatives of management in the Potomac Fall Health and...

Katherine Mansfield – Eminent New Zealand Writer

Katherine Mansfield Murry is regarded as one of the eminent New Zealand writers. She was born on the 14th day of October 1888 in the middle class of the colonial family. She wrote several short tales, narratives, and poems under the name Katherine Mansfield. In 1898, the First Mansfield Printed...

The Early Republic and the American Nation’s Prosperity

Americans’ successes in overcoming the impediments during the Early Republic to become a prosperous and unified nation were linked to the settlers’ perseverance, confirmed by primary documents as evidence of real-life conditions. According to these pieces, they viewed themselves as invincible despite poor conditions, and “hard duty to perform” and...

Social Stratification in Ancient Civilizations

One of the characteristic features of the emerging civilization is social stratification or social classes. This trait represents the emergence and division of social categories according to wealth, profession, or birth group criteria. Groups formed in the society that worked and performed new essential functions. Professional warriors were now protecting...

The Renaissance Collection at the British Museum

A brief description of the location I decided to take a virtual tour of the Renaissance collection at the British Museum for this project. The British Museum focuses on London’s human history, art, and culture. It is located in the Bloomsbury neighborhood and is open to the public. There are...

2008 Economic Crisis in Inside Job Documentary

The Inside Job film elaborates on the economic crises witnessed globally in 2008 because of the unsteady systems. The economic instability affected the atmosphere adversely, triggering the loss of jobs and properties. All the institutions that triggered the crises and the people involved, as well as their deeds, are explicitly...’s European Distribution Strategy

The Amazon supply chain is an astounding advancement in retail logistics. It continually optimizes every link in the chain to meet customer satisfaction, aiming to become the preferred retailer in America and beyond. With regard to Amazon’s expansion to the European continent, it has been considered successful in spite of...

Dunkirk: Analysis of Film by Nolan

In the Dunkirk film, Christopher presents several facts about WWII that claimed the lives of several American soldiers on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. The film presents substantive ideas about the occurrence of the Second World War that was very devastating, as it claimed several lives of soldiers. Although...

Christianity’s Directions and Branches

Christianity Christianity is one of the largest world religions regarding the number of believers. To date, the total number of Christians has exceeded two billion. Protestantism is the most fragmented and divided in many directions among all the branches. It has more than a dozen main branches, which, in turn,...

The “Get Out” Film by Jordan Haworth Peele

Get Out film should be considered as social history versus other approaches learned in class. The reason is that the film has focused on discussing specific concepts about human interactions and stereotypes that have been evident in society concerning a given group of people. In the film, the audience can...

Confederate Constitution and “Cornerstone” Speech

When the Southern states seceded in 1861, they made their decision due to multiple factors. However, no issue was as important or as influential in informing the decision about secession as that of slavery. Primary sources from the Confederate side demonstrate in great clarity that the peculiar institution was the...

The US Immigrants’ Characteristics: Level of Education and Motives for Migrating

The new Americans choose to live in the US for various reasons. Some immigrants come to work in the primary labor market with desirable jobs and more benefits, while those who are less educated are employed in the secondary labor market in less desirable jobs. US citizens whose parents and...

Octopus Energy’s Sociotechnical System Analysis

Mapping Sociotechnical System Note: Red boxes include people inside and outside of the organizational system, green boxes ­– related organizations, and blue boxes – technology. The systems map presented in Figure 1 shows the crucial elements within the company and the external elements that may affect its business processes. It...

Jumia Nigeria E-Commerce Company’s Analysis

Jumia’s PESTEL Analysis Jumia Nigeria E-commerce Company benefits from the ever-improved market conditions. Improved Africa’s economic performance since the turn of the century lowered the poverty level and enabled the countries to gain when it comes to GDP per capita. The favorable marketplace motivates competitive business that aims at maintaining...

Religion, a Coping Mechanism for the Human Experience

Introduction Attention-Getter Religion is one of the most important phenomena of human existence that psychiatry faces. It significantly affects the emotional sphere, thinking, and behavior of a person. Thesis Although psychiatry was formed as a natural science discipline, yet many years ago, psychiatric care was provided in religious institutions. The...

Perpetrators, Bystanders, and Rescuers During the Holocaust

The Holocaust was prevalent, with cruelties, tragedies, and atrocities directed at various groups defined by diverse characteristics. Despite their differences, they shared many unjust actions committed by Nazis and their affiliates, from imprisonment in ghetto camps to death. While victims and survivors of the Holocaust were united through being subject...

Lessons From Memoir “Night” by Elie Wiesel

In “Night,” Elie Wiesel describes the suffering of the Jewish people during the Holocaust. After reading this book, I realized how strikingly different the perception of the horrors of this period was between Jews and people of other nationalities. The fact is that in ordinary life, we do not think...

Experiment on Effect of Energy Drinks on Athletic Performance

Experimental research is a study that a researcher sets up to evaluate a given situation, such as a drug or treatment intervention. The expectations that researchers have on the outcome of the experiment are referred to as the hypothesis. Other cases of using experimental design may include the cause and...

God Concept in Christianity and Buddhism Religions

It is important to note that the key beliefs in Christianity include a number of key points. Firstly, there is only one God, and he is the only creator of the universe, which he created in seven days. Secondly, God is beyond time and space, which means he existed prior...

Ethical Relativism and Freedom of Speech

In the space of multiculturalism, the problem of ethical values and their equivalence is significant. Different people with their values try to get along in the same territory without conflicts. Modern humanities have thoroughly studied the problem of cultural and ethical relativism, and this position is very convenient in studying...

Seeds: Theorists of the Classical Way of Transition

The main aim of urban theories is to have a glimpse of the contemporary world, which is an outcome of transition. Urban and modern society has evolved from the traditional way of living to the modern way. The main theorists of the classical way of transition include; Emile Durkheim, Max...

Language and Identity in Patel’s “Dreaming in Gujarati”

The theme of language as a vital aspect of identity is prevalent within Shailja Patel’s “Dreaming in Gujarati”. Patel, from a Kenyan-Gujarati background, outlines how her languages, as well as those of her father, interacted with her perception of herself and how she had been observed by others. Patel recalls...

Meaning of Alcoholics Anonymous

Introduction By way of definition, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) can be referred to as a fellowship of individuals who have decided to solve their drinking problem. Alcoholics anonymous group invites people from all over the world to come and experience what they believe would change their drinking habits and make them...

Native North American Art and the Indigenous Cultures

The indigenous cultures of North America engaged in varied activities whose analysis provides significant insights on the beliefs they held and their perceptions of the environments around them. Art pieces linked to the Southwest region of Pueblo reveals essential information regarding the social, religious and spiritual activities of the communities...

Police Civil Liability in the Light of Monroe v. Pape

It is believed that law enforcement officers are reliable defenders of the peace of citizens. People want to know that in trouble, such as, for instance, a robbery or car theft, police will come to their aid and guarantee protection. However, there are situations when officers cross the border of...

Homer’s Odysseus as a Favorite Hero

True leadership requires the courage to stand alone, the fortitude to implore tough decisions, and the kindness to empathize with others. Odysseus, the protagonist of Homer’s Odyssey, the father of Telemachus, and the husband of Penelope, demonstrates how courageous, fearless, and effective a leader he is. Throughout the book’s early...

The Crusades and Religious Wars in Europe

The Crusades were one of the most notorious religious wars between the representatives of Christians and Muslims. The main idea of those conflicts was the desire to gain control and power over holy sites in the Middle East. There were eight well-known expeditions between 1096 and 1291 that led to...

Technological Impact on Modern Society

Introduction Arthur C. Clarke (1984), a prolific and influential author, once said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is equivalent to magic” (180). Experiences of technological “magic,” especially in health, production and manufacturing, and the automotive industry, are outstanding. Today, technology raises controversial debates on balancing its usefulness and the level of...

Islamic Culture and Civilization Then and Now

The Arabs were the major settler in the Middle East and along the Arabian Peninsula. They majorly practiced a traditional way of life that is different in different aspects of life. Some of the main traditional aspects they embraced include staying in houses built out of the mud and primarily...

Spatial and Social Mobility: Barriers and Restrictions

In sociology research, there are several forms of mobility that can be restricted for disadvantaged populations. According to Massey and Denton (2013), barriers to spatial mobility or intra-urban migration can also act as challenges to individuals’ movement through social hierarchy systems. The authors regard groups’ movement across various locations as...

“Why We Fight?” American Documentary’s Review

Cinematography is a very diverse and multi-genre art, one of which is documentary cinema. A documentary is a film based on filming real people and events. Documentaries also have their dramaturgy and director’s idea, so it is difficult to establish a boundary between documentaries and a game picture in some...

Ethnicity, Race, and Gender as Social Constructs

Ethnicity is a complex social construct that influences personal identity and social group interactions. Although in contemporary American politics, political agents like to interpret ethnicity as just something that you are born with, empirical evidence disagrees with the strictly biological interpretation of the term. If we compare size estimates for...

Cutting Taxes, Increasing Tax Revenue, and Fiscal Policy

Government’s Goal In Cutting Taxes Reflected In the Budget Amadeo, K. (2022). Tax cuts, types, and how they work. The Balance. Web. The article is devoted to tax cuts and their impact on the economy. The most evident thing about tax cuts is that citizens approve of them more than...

Jacqueline Lapsey’s “Whispering the Word”

Introduction The Old Testament (OT) offers numerous arguments and views regarding the position of women in Christian societies. Over the years, feminists in this religion have lacked proper strategies for maintaining their views and commitments to the notions of gender equality from a religious perspective. In the book Whispering the...

Sole Proprietorship in the United States

The United States is pursuing an active government policy to regulate and stimulate entrepreneurship. In 2003, a new presidential program to support small businesses was adopted, designed to give additional impetus to developing this vital segment of the civil and military economy (America’s Small Business Development Center, 2020). Many small...

Negotiating with Suppliers: Key Steps and Common Mistakes

Supplier relations are essential for the proper functioning of a firm. From a general perspective, this process consists of identifying and selecting the best-value offer for a company. This way, the firm obtains the required materials for the production of its goods or provision of services. In other words, the...

Change Leadership Techniques: Change Management

Many of the change leadership models represent the ways for an organization to make the most painless transition, yet they take different factors into their focus. Lewin’s theory is one of the oldest, and it has only three steps: unfreeze, change, and refreeze an organization to implement change (Hughes, 2016)....

The Nestlé Company’s Consumer Satisfaction Study

Introduction Nestlé product consumers reflect the levels of dissatisfaction or happiness they have with Nestlé’s brand and its products. Purvi and Dignesh used a sample of 100 respondents constituting people in business, children, homemakers, servicemen, and students in the research since most of them are consumers of the company’s products...

Queer (LGBT) Hiring Policy’s Purpose and Authority

Policy Title: LGBT Hiring Policy Purpose Organizational consulting specialists (policy-makers) try to implement a new hiring policy regarding the LGBT population in the administrative processes of company performance. Authority Social context is the profound element of social psychology structure predisposing individuals’ mind-shaping in a concrete social and working environments. LGBT...

Board-Certified Behavior Analyst’s Professional Development

The Cult of the Head Start ABA practitioners use a behavior assessment system to assist people with autism and other developmental issues to improve their conduct. ABA therapists advise patients by monitoring and responding to various traits to noticeably change such habits. The ultimate aim of ABA therapists is to...

Objection to Epistemic Criticism of Love

The argument that love is epistemically objectionable is based on the assumption that the standard epistemological norms are correct. The mainstream epistemological norms stress the importance of impartiality, truth, and rationality in beliefs and behavior. Therefore, the types of beliefs and behavior commonly associated with love and friendship are objectionable...

Earth Day Symposium 2021 Presentation by LaDuke

Amber Rose Gonzalez organized the presentation, and she is a professional and the chairperson of Ethnic Studies. Amber Rose Gonzalez also coordinates the American Indiana Studies degree. The keynote speaker of the Earth Day Symposium is Winona LaDuke. Winona LaDuke is an internationally recognized author and an environmental activist (LaDuke,...

“Man Becomes the Image of God…” by John Paul II

The following work illustrates the ways in which the narrative of Genesis defines both the unity and duality of man. The unity is made distinct by the human nature of people, while the duality represents masculinity and femininity. It also depicts that man was created not only with a particular...

Academic Ethics in Modern Humanities

‘Friendly’ Satan statue causes anger in Segovia, Spain The new report reports on an event that sparked controversy in the Spanish city of Segovia. In the city, at the initiative of the local council, a statue of the devil was erected, which is referred to the legend from the past...

Gun Violence as the Social Justice Issue

Nowadays, people have often faced the manifestation of different social justice issues. One may distinguish many problems. However, one may divide them into two categories. The first category includes international problems related to climate, wars, refugees, and so on. The second one is characterized by internal social justice issues of...

Animal Rights: Ending the Dog Meat Trade

Thousands of dogs are being tortured and violently killed every year for food purposes. Traders keep inventing more sophisticated methods of searching for their «prey.» Who would like their beloved pet and best friend to be caught? Who would stay calm knowing that letting their dog out without a lash...

Professional Relationships in Healthcare

Successful professional relationships are essential to working effectively in healthcare settings. Relationship-oriented work is a personalized approach to maintaining a positive climate within the organization. Professional associations include team members, colleagues, other professionals, and people who need treatment. Thus, the State’s professional attitudes require physicians to have the professionalism and...

Importance of Maintaining Multiculturalism in the Current World

Introduction Multiculturalism leads to different and sometimes conflicting values and interests among people living in the same country. Nowadays, the boundaries between cultures and countries are becoming increasingly blurred due to the phenomena of globalization and mass immigration. There is a tendency to argue that immigration and multiculturalism have caused...

Genetic Technologies in the Healthcare

One area where genetic technology using DNA works for the benefit of society is medicine. The rapid development of these technologies creates many opportunities for understanding the human body and the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. The information available through genomic medicine can change many lives, influence different decisions of...

Japan’s Food Patterns and Nutrition Habits

The name of the country and foods and/or beverages commonly consumed I chose Japan as the country of choice for the assignment. The most commonly consumed foods among the Japanese people include sushi and sashimi, ramen, Tempura, Kare-raisu (curry rice), and okonomiyaki (Murakami et al. 108). Under MyPlate, sushi and...

“The Wrysons” by John Cheever: Analysis

On the surface, there could not be anything less exciting than the lives of suburbanites. Often scorned for their mundane and often overly practical perspective, average middle-class U.S. citizens represent a rather uninspiring picture at first glance (Sañudo, 2020). However, John Cheever’s 1978 “The Wrysons” shows that there is much...

The Image of the Devil in World Literature

Many different works have been written about the images of Satan since this character is ambiguous. So, the British poet John Milton sees him in his way and the Russian writer Mikhail Bulgakov in a slightly different light. Milton reflects on the reason for the disobedience of the first couple...

Workplace Ethics: How Restaurants Design Menus

Ethical decision-making is an important aspect of any company’s work, as it allows business owners and their employees to evaluate the effects and consequences of their choices and actions. To evaluate ethical principles and their effects, this essay will analyze an article published in The Globe and Mail on the...

Homo-Sapiens Migration: The Reversal of Human Phylogeny

The human species originated from humanlike creatures of the hominids group that has a scientific name of Homo-sapiens. Scientific evidence suggests that first primitive Homo-sapiens appeared around 300,000 years ago. The further evolution and migration process of Homo-sapiens started approximately between 70,000 to 100,000 years ago. This essay will answer...

Holocaust and Its Physical and Mental Consequences

During the Second World War, millions of people of different nationalities, including about six million Jews, died at the hands of the Nazis and their accomplices. The persecution and extermination of the Jewish population of Europe was not a spontaneous manifestation of anti-Semitism that has long been ingrained in the...

Impact of Legal Immigration on the Economy of United States

The success of the United States in multiple spheres of life largely comes from a well-known and longstanding tradition to encourage people to leave their countries for a better life in America. At the same time, similar to any other phenomenon, immigration has advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand,...

Structural Oppression, Marginalization and Alienation

There are various instances in the Bible where structures oppressed, marginalized, alienated, or created or enhanced privilege and power. The stories of Moses and Jesus discussed below are such occasions. In Moses’ narrative, he is hiding and placed in a reed basket by his parents so he could float on...

The Connection Between Food Allergies and Gut Microbiome

Food allergy is quite a significant problem for the healthcare system of the US. More than ten percent of the country’s population is susceptible to food allergies of different kinds (Zhao et al., 2019). There are several reasons for allergic reactions’ emerging, and gut dysbiosis is one of them. The...

Global Business Opportunities in Indian Markets

Introduction This report section will conduct a preliminary assessment of geographic, economic, social, and political-legal factors that create global business opportunities in Indian markets. This section will also consider ways technology could create new business opportunities in India. The business chosen for this section is the information and communications technology...

The Role of the Family in the 20th and 21st Century

Family is one of the most basic kinds of human activity, an essential condition for the functioning of society, and an important element of its self-organization. The institution of the family has a significant influence on society’s economic progress and political culture. The current socio-economic situation in the world and...

How an Effective Supply Chain Promotes Competitive Advantage

The robust supply chain can enable companies to outperform their competitors by obtaining their products faster, safer, and lower costs in a highly competitive business world. BASF, a global chemical company, emphasizes several aspects as critical drivers of their successful supply chain. Namely, they stress the importance of digitization, business...

Conflict Theory Applied to the American Civil War

The history of humankind is intertwined with continuous conflicts that emerge based on differences in interests and competition over resources. Wars, social unrest, and other forms of conflicts are inevitable elements of historical development; they are driven by power distribution and the fight for dominance. In this regard, the application...

Ethical Theories: Divine Command Theory

For a long time, religion has lied at the foundation of ethical theories influential for different peoples around the world. Divine Command Theory is one of the more notable examples of such theories. Roughly, Divine Command Theory represents a view that “morality is somehow dependent upon God, and that moral...

“Modern Capitalism Needs a Revolution…” by Cohen

Capitalism, unconstrained by any regulatory process, leads objectively to a concentration of production and monopolies – this was Karl Marx’s key idea. Roughly the same idea is repeated in Ronald Cohen’s article (2021) on the collapse of the U.S. economic system, the goal of which is solely to make the...

Evaluating an OD Intervention for the City Centre Hospital

Implementing an appropriate intervention strategy during the Organization Development (OD) process is crucial for the OD consultant. The selection of a particular tactic should properly address the outlined complication and produce the expected results, making this decision integral for the overall success of the OD initiative (Bierema, 2020). Therefore, potential...

Argumentation Essay on J.F. Kennedy’s Inauguration Speech

During the rise of the Cold War, John F. Kennedy vowed to reinforce American military powers and guaranteed an intense position against the Soviet Union and worldwide socialism. It was a challenging period for the United States as a state that fights for freedom. In his introduction discourse, he needs...

Ethical Responsibilities to Children

I see the importance of ethical responsibilities regarding assessing children in several main values. They are evaluating childhood as a unique and valuable step in human development, nurturing the relationship between adolescents and their families. Respecting the differences between children, family, and colleagues and recognizing that children and adults can...

The Role of Faith in Social Work

Introduction Challenges in everyday life are inevitable, and social work involves taking action to alleviate the adverse outcomes associated with these negative encounters. Therefore, social work utilizes a humanitarian and compassionate approach based on the professional knowledge base and skills to institute social change by helping vulnerable people resolve everyday...

Performance Improvement Plan: Logistics, Communication, and Behaviour

Reflective Logistics/supply chain requires a myriad of skills, such as green logistics, purchasing, performance measures, and order processing, which are essential for creating a substantial impact in the clothing industry. Among the functions associated with the position includes providing support in surveying, pre-staging and ordering, inventory, and projecting performance measures...

United States Economy’s Outlook After Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way consumers behave and as a result, the economic growth over the past 2 years has stagnated. The U.S. is one of the largest and most successful economies in the world. When changes happen in the United States economy, the whole world feels the...

Environmental Biology: Green Energy

It is important to note that modern human civilization is high energy-dependent, which means that energy is a key determining factor of human prosperity. However, energy can come from a wide range of different sources, some of which are not as environmentally friendly as others. Although the majority of energy...

Wiki Entry: Ethics and Social Media

Introduction The global community is becoming more connected and integrated than ever before. Modern technologies and handheld devices are revolutionizing the way individuals exchange their ideas and concepts. The nature of these emerging tools of communication is affecting the true foundation of ethical and moral principles. Some of the concepts...

The Principle of the State Secret Doctrine

The case brought by New York Times columnist considers the doctrine of state secrets one of the most controversial practices in modern law. It also brought up the issue of discrimination, which is concealed by the pretext of maintaining national security (Trenga, 2018). Furthermore, even in non-judicial cases, the availability...

Cultural Issues & Operational Investment in East Asia

Foreign direct investment (FDI) is the investment that a firm or an individual makes in another country’s business operations. These firms, multinational enterprises (MNE), need to consider the cultural factors that are likely to arise when making foreign direct investments. Let us assume my American company, Xaeto, is interested in...

Rebellion on the Animal Farm: Need to Rise Against Pigs

Rising against unjust oppression is a duty of any righteous resident of the farm. The current conditions in which the animals reside are unacceptable, as the animals in power openly ignore others’ needs and desires. The farm’s resources are occupied by the pigs alone, and they attempt to define truth...

Geriatric Court: Pros and Cons

Geriatrics is a discipline of healthcare that deals with the challenges and illnesses that occur with getting older, as well as the medical care and therapy of the elderly. Establishing a distinct system for the elderly, often known as a geriatric court, is one option to address a variety of...

The Yokohama Company’s International Components and Strategy

Introduction The Yokohama company is a manufacturer based in Tokyo, Japan. For the production of rotating whirligigs, the company requires a supply of parts from three international locations: Guangzhou, China; Manila, The Philippines; and Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Thus, the manufacturer is a part of a global supply chain that spans several...

The Essay “The Dreamer” by Junot Diaz

Introduction It is complicated for young people to imagine that once upon a time, women and certain sections of society were deprived of the opportunity to get an education and their dream profession. Women, in accordance with paternalistic attitudes, had to work in the household and devote themselves to exhausting...

Process Philosophy in Family, Marriage, and Education

Worldview Analysis Process philosophy refers to a philosophical approach that emphasizes change and time as the major categories of metaphysical understanding. Transformation and development are viewed as integral to reality under this framework (Taylor & Bovill, 2018). Process philosophy has impacted American society in numerous aspects, including its legislation, political...

The Construction Management Position Observation

Summary I have a vital interest and career plans in the civil engineering sphere. It is a particular engineering discipline that deals with the configuration, building, and maintenance of the surroundings. The field of work may include various public places such as roads, bridges, canals, dams, airports, sewers, pipelines, installation...

Nutrition and Depression: A Psychological Perspective

When discussing nutrition in toddlers and certain behavioral patterns, one of the first standpoints to pay attention to is the humanistic perspective that was primarily investigated by Carl Rogers. It appeared as a response to psychoanalysis developed by Freud, with a much bigger emphasis on creativity and self-actualization (Lally &...

Comparison of the Books and the Movies

Comparing books to movies might not be easy because both are not entirely but drastically different. There is an opinion that books are much better because they can provide people with a fuller picture of the story. This essay will aim to contrast both ways of representing the story and...

A Short History of Christianity by Tompkins

Stephen Tompkins, in his book, tries to tell the history of Christianity in an accessible language, avoiding specific church vocabulary and moral teachings. The author suggests listening to the story and thinking about how humanity came to today’s realities with positive and negative consequences. In the first chapter, Tompkins describes...

Madagascar Drought and Mitigation Efforts

Extreme weather events have been happening in various parts of the globe, leading to human suffering. This is the case in the Southern region of Madagascar, where extreme drought has left people with severe food insecurity. The drought has affected a population of 725,620 people in the regions of Andrefana,...

Arthur Conan Doyle and Edgar Allan Poe’s Detective Stories

The genre of detective stories comprises a long history of the evolution of formats and themes. In today’s cultural environment, such works are highly popular as authors continue to extend the limits of the genre. Nevertheless, in spite of the abundant history of detective stories, many of their elements can...

Discussion of Attribute Sampling Aspects

Attribute sampling is used to analyze the characteristics of a population and also helps in determining whether a company’s internal controls are being followed. Controls data is essential for quality auditing and cost reduction (Westland, 2020). In this situation, it is important for the auditor to choose the correct sample...

The Sociopolitical Perspectives in the “Black Panther” by Ryan Coogler

Black Panther is a 2018 film that is based on Marvel Comics and has an exemplary representation of African perceptive in various issues. The storyline is based on a certain kingdom known as Wakanda where a global revolution under the king by the name T’challa is witnessed after plans to...

Discussion of Internal Migration: Alabama

The current paper is devoted to analyzing the impact of internal migration on Alabama. The state of Alabama, which was recently on the periphery of the American immigration wave, has recently experienced a significant flow of immigrants from all parts of the world. This increase is not substantial, but it...

Liberation Theology and Gutierrez’s Contribution to It

Introduction Religion plays a significant role in every human being’s life, and it arises a necessity to have an insight into vital parts of it. It is essential to be aware of liberation theology that can be considered a religious movement centered in Latin America, in the view of the...

Aztec and Spanish People’s Cultural Differences

The excerpts from “An Aztec Account of the Spanish attack” and “Cortes Wants Cholulans To Destroy Idols” describe the events which unfold during the conquest of the indigenous American population from the perspective of both sides. From these passages, it is possible to identify several differences within the religious culture...

Antique Art from the Time of Alexander the Great

The period of antiquity is characterized by the dominance of empires ruled by a single person. An emperor, or a monarch, concentrated the whole power in his hands and made decisions impacting the nation. At the same time, this concept rested on the idea of the unique nature of this...

“How to Be a Success”: Article by Michael Gladwell

Summary In his 2008 article, “How to Be a Success,” Michael Gladwell contemplates on the essential attributes of a successful person in the 21st century. Pursuing success, both in social interactions and in business is currently seen as one of the main goals for an individual to achieve. According to...