Orientation in Counselor’s Work

Orientation represents an essential aspect of an addiction counselor’s work. This process helps reduce the probability of miscommunication during the treatment. It is also critical to ensure that the client signs a form confirming that they are informed of the details of the program. The lack of an acknowledgment in...

Disclosure of Traumatic Events

“Disclosure of Traumatic Events” is a chapter written by Denise M. Sloan and Blairo R. Wisco in a research anthology “Facilitating Resilience and Recovery Following Trauma”. This piece is dedicated to studying the importance of retelling the damaging experiences to other people. The authors delve into the essence of maintaining...

Promotora Model in Health Care: Promoting Healthy Living

Healthcare in the US is provided by separate agencies, thus creating a problem in terms of ready access to health and medical facilities. Furthermore, regardless of the existence of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Americans, particularly individuals from the minority groups, are still finding it challenging to access care. This...

Messages in Bob Dylan’s Songs and Performances

Bob Dylan is one of the most unique and influential musicians of the 20th century, particularly in the 1960s. Born as Robert Allen Zimmerman in 1941, Bob Dylan created a new music style and is still regarded as the greatest songwriter and a prominent figure in popular culture more than...

African American Cultural Group’s Health Analysis

An Overview of the African Americans The African Americans of the US are what some people prefer to call the Blacks or the Negros. This group of Americans has its origins in those parts of the world that have the black race such as Africa and the Caribbean. There are...

African Americans’ Issues in the Healthcare Sector

Brief History of African Americans In the United States Portuguese and Spanish explored America with Africans’ help, leading some to Mississippi. African American history started in early 1619 when they worked as servants for a specific white employer. Slave traders from the Portuguese kidnapped the black people and used them...

Research Buying Behaviors in a New Sales Market

The Company Essential Monitors, Inc (EMI) is not satisfied with existing sales level so they want to adopt improved sales strategy. California has high – demand for computer equipments. “February 1, 2010—January LCD monitor production for top PC and monitor brands—about 85% of the market—was 12.5 M, the highest level...

Explaining Concepts of Forensic Accounting

Forensic accounting refers to the branch of accounting that deals with integrates legal practice in investigations and auditing. The standards for forensic accounting are thus derived from the law and they give this practice its law definition. The major advantage of forensic accounting is in its role in detecting fraud...

The Cleaning Company and the Use of Social Media

Every organization requires knowledge management systems to help in storing and retrieving knowledge to improve process alignment, collaboration, and improve understanding of how different systems work. These systems could aid cleaning technicians in retrieving and sharing cleaning knowledge. Additionally, these systems provide a potential source and a competitive advantage because...

Team Collaboration: Processes and Expectations for Communication

“Effective collaboration requires early involvement and the availability of appropriate resources” (Crow, 2002; Maddux, 2003). To achieve our objectives in the development of an extremely clean, professional, clear and easy to navigate and a dynamic institution’s website, our team members share ideas and information in the most explicit communication channels....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Professional Ethics in Logistics

I intend to become a Logistic Specialist as I am currently doing a major in Business for Applied Arts and Science, Management, and Marketing. My concentration is on Logistics and Supply Chain Management. In this profession, the logistics specialist is responsible for maintaining logistics policies, coordinating in-house sales, and administering...

Strategic Measurement Tools at West Alabama Mental Health

Comparison and Contrast Economic profit, also known as economic value added (EVA), relates to a measure, unit, or standard established on the residual income technique, which acts as a metric of the undertaken projects’ profitability. Return on investment, commonly abbreviated as ROI, is a financial ratio utilized in the computation...

Healthcare in the US of America and Canada

As the United States debated the Health care reform bill suggested by President Obama’s administration, the Canadian healthcare system was often cited as a model that the US could ape. While Canada has for years now maintained a public-funded single-payer healthcare system, the United States opted for a private system...

Southwest Airlines Flight 1380 and Germanwings Flight 9525 Crises

Southwest Airlines Flight 1380 and Germanwings Flight 9525 cases were highly fatal accidents in the airlines’ history. It is important to note that the main cause of the crash for the latter was co-pilot, who deliberately assisted the collision. However, in the case of Southwest Airlines, the investigation showed the...

Food Poisoning Case at Air China Flight

Case Summary On October 6, 2013, nearly 50 passengers on an Air China flight that was bound for Beijing fell ill with symptoms such as vomiting, stomachaches and diarrhea (Coello 1). The cause of the issue was apparently due to the cabin crew serving the passengers in-flight meals that were...

Public Employees’ Rights and Obligations

The public administration employees work for the government, implying that their management is grounded on the politics of the ruling regime. There are certain obligations and rights enjoyed by these employees, which is not the case with other people working in private enterprises. The “First, Fourth, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments”...

Ethical Issues in Social Marketing

The moral principles of marketing can be described as clearly established ethical norms and rules of conduct of a company on the market, which must be followed by the employee of the organization and for which there are no exceptions. According to Serrat, “social marketing involves changing seemingly intractable behaviors...

Decision Making: Make or Buy Decisions

Today, companies have to make multiple decisions to demonstrate high-quality performance, choose appropriate resources, and achieve a competitive advantage. Chief procurement officers (CPOs) have to study what customers want and how to increase service level by choosing effective outsourcing and avoiding organizational failures. According to Schwartingm and Weissbarth, manufacturing units...

The Need for Dual-Career Planning

Introduction The number of families where both parents work and pursue careers is increasing. Such couples need to consider long-term goals regarding their lifestyle and distribution of housework between parents. Also, when children are born, additional scheduling is needed to accommodate all responsibilities. The primary issue is that the majority...

The Company Analysis: Wal-Mart

Introduction Wal-Mart is an American company that runs a chain of departmental stores. It is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and is the world’s largest corporation in terms of revenue base (Forbes, 2010). It has extended its operations to India, the United Kingdom, Mexico, and other parts...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Indian Health Center’s Case from Legal Viewpoint

Choosing the proper treatment for Native American patients seems to be a complicated task. Physicians have to compromise between the allopathic medicine that they practice and traditional medicine which constitutes an essential part of patients’ lives. Indeed, it is necessary to remember that the patients’ welfare is a priority, and...

Health Care Organization Licensing, Accreditation, and Certification

Introduction Health care administration in Florida State is provided for in Chapter 408 of the Florida Statutes called the Health Care Licensing Procedures Act. This is administered by the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) otherwise known simply as the ‘agency’. The agency issues, revokes, or denies certificates of need...

Communicating at Work: Advice for Effective Communication

Effective communication is critical to not only personal career success but also for any employee and manager in an organization for a variety of reasons. Communication skills, particularly the ability to work effectively in a team setting, are the most important factors that enable individuals to excel in their job...

Statistics. Comparative Mobile Telephony Penetration

This analysis delves into the correlates and antecedents of cellular telephone acquisition and ownership rates for a 2005 database spanning 46 countries. Interest is sparked, first of all, by wide disparities in mobile telephony penetration, ranging from zero to 69 percent of the population in the case of the United...

Digital Communication and Private Conversations

The concept of digital communication developed much with advanced technology. Digital electronics and the internet improved the speed of communication and accessibility to a broader audience. According to Tufts University Relations (n.d.), one advantage of digital messaging is the speed with which one receives a response from the recipient. One...

Events of World History

The League of Nations is the international organization formed as the result of the Paris Peace Conference, which took place on January 10, 1920. The formation of this organization became the end of World War 1. The League of Nations’ main objective was disarmament, prevention of hostilities, ensuring collective security,...

Apple Inc.’s Possibility of Merger and Acquisition

Merger and acquisitions have become part of important business initiatives of improving the performance of companies. Therefore, many factors are considered before deciding on which companies to merge with or acquire. The financial status of the company is one of these factors. The financial net worth of the company is...

Compare of Nursing Practice in the World

Main Post Although the concept of global health is frequently addressed, there is still no accurate definition of this phenomenon. It is often considered as a combination public health and international health activities, adhering to the common standards of medicine and health care delivery (Koplan et al., 2009, p. 1993)....

Canopic Jar Egyptians Mummification

Ancient Egyptians used canopic jars mostly during the mummification period to contain and protect their owners’ viscera for the hereafter. They were usually either crafted from granite or produced from pottery. The jars were essential in both the Old Kingdom and the Late Ptolemaic era when the viscera were packed...

Shared Decision Making Model of Bandman and Bandman

Definition of the problem A female patient was suffering from a terminal ailment and she was admitted in the intensive care unit for specialized treatment (Zalon, Constantino & Andrews, 2008). She was experiencing unbearable pain before she decided to call for the nurse for assistance. She complained that she was...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Plato’s “Leaving the Cave of Ignorance”

Plato’s Allegory of the Cave presents an excellent metaphor for how easy it is to confuse truth and illusion, and how challenging the path to enlightenment can be. Like the prisoners’ eyes would hurt if they were exposed to the light of day, many people are living with a fear...

Observation of Wrong Delegation of a Task in the Clinical Practice

Wrong Delegation of a Task In the department where l was working, the certified nursing assistant (CNA) reported to a registered nurse (RN) about a patient whose nasogastric tube had come out. The RN informed the CNA that the patient should be screened and the nasogastric tube inserted. The CNA...

Interest Groups and Political Parties in the US

Interest Groups Dark Money Dark money refers to money that fuels and sustains election campaigns but whose sources remain anonymous. It is common knowledge that political campaigns require substantial investments and those candidates who cannot sponsor their efforts independently rely on the contributions and support of political groups and parties....

Waste Management: Component of Resource Management

Introduction Waste management is often regarded as an important components of proper resource management strategy. In general, wastes should be removed from the manufacturing zone in order not to violate fire safety rules, or not to decrease the working comfort of the employees. The aim of this paper is to...

Getting to Yes: Book Review

The book entitled Getting to Yes: Negotiating an agreement without giving in was written by a group of Harvard-based authors majoring in negotiation. The book’s target audience is the general public and business-involved individuals who engage in negotiations regularly. As the title implies, the work is organized around the idea...

Improving Legitimacy in Community-Based Corrections

Description of the news story It is noted that law enforcement agencies cannot be present in all places to reform the accused or the convicts (DaGrossa, 2014). In this situation, criminal justice agencies need to depend on the community-based correction system. In a few cases, informal correction system can become...

Professionalism and Professional Values of Nursing

Introduction Professionalism can be understood as the concept that demands special knowledge, as well as an elaborate academic experience in carrying out certain duties. In nursing, professionalism may entail the ability to have considerable skills in caring, diagnosing, treating, counselling, and imparting health education to individuals who require medical assistance....

Gender Effect on the Growth of Nursing as a Knowledge-Based Profession

Introduction In today’s society, nursing is perceived as an excellent career of choice. How nurses are currently educated has contributed greatly towards nurses’ autonomy within their area of expertise. But despite these changes, many barriers surround the development of a knowledge base in nursing. Most of these barriers are related...

Romanticism in British Literature

The Romantic period was shaped by the social and political events of the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century. The French and American revolutions announced a radical break in historical continuity that was accompanied by the birth of democratic and egalitarian ideas (Damrosh et al....

Exploring Death Anxiety Among Staff Who Work in Outpatient Hemodialysis Units

Abstract This critique is based on the quantitative study by Lee and King (2014) titled: “Exploring death anxiety and burnout among staff members who work in outpatient hemodialysis units”. The article is anchored in the intensity of tasks necessary to extend the life of a patient, which could lead to...

US Healthcare Quality Movement

Introduction The improvement of healthcare in the United States is a priority for the government. It defines the creation of initiatives intended to measure the quality of medical services for further development of the industry (Burstin et al., 2016). Moreover, present-day programs aim to eliminate issues emerging in the healthcare...

Canadian Medical Association Journal vs. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing

The Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE), the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) are some of the main journal accrediting bodies especially in the field of nursing practice. They offer access to a plethora of standards and other important documents listing...

Power Suburbs and the Construction of Race by Nicolaides & Wiese

In the chapter named “Power Suburbs and the Construction of Race” by Becky M. Nicolaides and Andrew Wiese, the authors discuss suburbanization and its effects on racial segregation in postwar America. They claim that, while white people could access the market freely, which gave them access to property ownership and...

The Problem of Poverty Among Children

The given assessment will primarily focus on the issue of poverty among children, which is considered to be one of the most prominent groups of vulnerable populations. Pregnant women, older adults, people with disabilities, and refugees can be regarded as highly vulnerable groups. The most common social issues among these...

The Development of Western Religious Thought

The development of Western religious thought enjoyed its blossom in three historical periods: Late Middle Ages, when the fundamental elements of the rational comprehension of the Supreme Being were formulated; the Enlightenment, marked with the reconciliation of science and religion, and the beginning of the 20th century, with the spread...

Synthesis of Nickel and Nickel Hydroxide Nanopowders

Introduction Nickel (Ni) is a chemical element that belongs to the tenth group and the fourth period of the periodic table. The atomic number of nickel is 28, whereas its atomic mass is approximately 58.71 grams per mole. Nickel is a tough, gray metal. It is flexible and can be...

Emerging Technologies in Public Relations

Article Summary The selected article for this analysis and summary is “Public Relations and Technology: Practitioner Perspectives”. The author begins by explaining how different public relations (PR) practitioners are finding modern technologies more useful in their respective positions. The inclusion of advanced communication systems can help such professions adjust their...

Migraine Headaches: Diagnosis and Treatment

Abstract This paper seeks to explore migraine headaches and provide current developments as far as their causes, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment are concerned. It introduces the new triggers that have come to be associated with the disease and hence the different treatment approaches. It concludes that migraine headaches...

Historical Analysis of Washington’s Education System

Although the Civil War granted liberation to the African-Americans in the United States, their place in society has remained uncertain. Booker T. Washington was one of the two prominent figures of that time who advocated for the education of African-Americans without opposing the idea of segregation. This paper will examine...

The History of Violence in the United States

Introduction The history of violence in the United States is quite complex and continues to cast its shadow today. Several events took place that reshaped people’s experiences and the policies different leaders made. The late-19th century stands out as one of the bloodiest periods in this country’s history. This paper...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Legal Theory and Procedure: Discovery

The concept of discovery can be perceived as a mutual process of trading information in court. In this case, the parties that are involved provide their best effort to find the most relevant evidence to present it in court. The long-term objective of discovery is to showcase the evidence that...

Researching of Stigmatization Process

During the times of ancient civilization in Greece, lawbreakers and slaves were branded with a hot iron to portray a sign of failure or disgrace on the individual who was bearing the mark. This process of tattooing an individual was referred to as stigma. In the present times, the term...

”New Deal” by Franklin D. Roosevelt Overview

The initiative of Franklin D. Roosevelt in reforming the existing procedures of the United States’ governmental institutions, referred to as the New Deal, primarily targeted the economy, which was experiencing challenges of the Great Depression. In fact, it ensured the field’s revival after the crisis, which consequently resulted in the...

Industrialization, Immigration and Urbanization in the Late 19th Century

World history has undergone a series of drastic historical changes in the 19th century. The transformation happened due to the fact that all the basic economic and social structures were to be adopted in order to comply with industrial breakthroughs and the aftermath of the Second Agricultural revolution. Indeed, the...

Modern Meets Ancient in A. E. Stallings

Death took me by the hand and took me to the underground. Did it not know that I still had life to live and more to explore? It was the second chaotic, unpleasing home it placed me on. Never did death feel a little sorry for me. Dealing with the...

Culture and Health Care: Chinese Health Practices

Understanding the cultural practices of a given group of people is always important when providing care for these patients. According to Purnell (2012), it is important to understand some of the cultural practices of a given group of people to be able to offer patients of that particular group a...

SWOT Analysis for Best Buy Company

Introduction Becoming a leader in any field relies on strategic approaches to marketing and analyzing the competitors, weaknesses, challenges, successes, or failure to lay a baseline of success. Internal market analysis entails the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT), allowing organizations to identify for areas for improvement, understand advantages and...

Industrialization and Urbanization in the Tennessee

In the late nineteenth century, following the Civil War, Tennessee entered into a period of industrialization. The railroad connection played a significant role in the growth of the economy and other industries. It facilitated the shipping process and, as a result, the production of flour became one of the most...

Trends and Issues in Nursing: Workload Stress

Introduction Stress is the second most ubiquitous health predicament after backache. Work-related strain contributes to reduced job performance in the nursing profession. These may be as a result of less self-sufficiency and failure to deal with time constraints. A work-related strain occurs under various circumstances, but it is more of...

Child Support Obligations

Introduction To support the child is definitely always a moral obligation coupled with legal liability. There can be of little dispute that the biological relationship with the child invariably cast this obligation upon its parents, legally as they are the very cause for its existence. Similarly, this obligation may also...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Climate Change: Dangers and Prevention

Climate change is now occupying the minds of not only scientists but also politicians, entrepreneurs, and ordinary citizens. Fluctuations of the Earth’s climate, expressed in statistically reliable deviations of weather parameters from long-term values for the last hundred years, cause serious fears. While many researchers have remarked the primary role...

Krahe Health Care Facility’s Quality Data Analysis

The staff needs to review information on patient satisfaction, quality, and likelihood to recommend because it will improve Krahe Health Care personnel’s understanding of how their work impacts the patient’s perceptions of this facility. For example, Thapa and Joshi (2019) report that patients recognize quality based on the nurses’ explanations...

Resistance to Change in the Workplace

Introduction Resistance to change especially at the workplace is inevitable in any organization. It is considered a natural condition because it is a basic tenet of human behavior. Organizations should devise mechanisms for dealing with change resistance on organization policies. Change resistance may take different forms ranging from obvious ones...

Ethnographic Study: Observation and Interviewing

Introduction The development of science involves the progress of combining theoretical and practical knowledge. Every investigated subject of existing science is a mixture of theory and observation. The majority of social sciences, specifically sociology and anthropology, were constantly giving considerable attention to observational research. Cultural anthropologists commonly focus on ethnographic...

Football Banned for Being Too Violent and Dangerous

Introduction It is impossible to imagine the United States without American football, but do many citizens understand that this kind of sport is dangerous? The National Football League (NFL) gathers thousands of professional players and millions of fans worldwide. This organization has a rich history, but not all events have...

Change Management in Nursing

Introduction Change is an indefinitely long time reality in both our activity directed toward making or doing something and personal lives. Consequently, our societies, our line of works, and our daily work lives are all changing, and the rapidity of this change appears to be speeding up, not decreasing in...

Perspectives on the Central Social Problem in Modern Society

Social ills plaguing modern society have been a basic concern for many prominent philosophers throughout the ages. Marx, Weber, and Durkheim provide unique outlooks on the central social problem, which will be further discussed in more detail and applied to the ongoing pandemic. Marx saw the history of humankind as...

Income as a Social Determinant of Health

Introduction Socioeconomic status (SES) affects different aspects of human well-being. However, its impact on health is profound. Many researchers understand this fact and seek to understand the relationship between the two variables. This paper joins this quest by investigating the findings of a documentary titled, In Sickness and in Wealth,...

Reconciliation Through the Lens of Cultural Diversity

Aboriginal art and culture help us to understand the worldview, values, and traditions of the Canadian people, their past and present. Aboriginal culture reflects the long-term colonization of Canada, during which Aboriginal people “have used art making as a strategy for survival” (Trépanier and Creighton-Kelly 18). Aboriginal Arts show themselves...

Nutrition for Gorillas at the National Zoo

Introduction The National Zoo is situated along Connecticut Avenue in Washington, D.C. The National Zoo takes care of about four hundred species of animals. Additionally, it offers research and recreation services. Most of the animals in the park are in danger of extinction. I visited the National Zoo on 4th...

The USA Patriot Act: Key Points

Introduction USA PATRIOT ACT was enacted in 2001 in reaction to the September 11, bomb attack on the US. Reauthorization was passed in 2005 by the Senate and made permanent most of the previous provisions about to expire in 2005. The Act strengthens and gives more authority to the federal...

“Leadership Styles of Nurse Managers in Ethical Dilemmas” by Zydziunaite

Abstract This paper is a critique of the article, “Leadership styles of nurse managers in ethical dilemmas: Reasons and consequences,” whose authors are Zydziunaite and Suominen (2014). The authors carried out quantitative research with the purpose of creating comprehension on the reasons and outcomes of leadership styles in ethical dilemmas,...

Antibiotics: Resistant Microbes

Once antibiotics start being used, resistant microbes appear. This marks the start of the journey to the end of the antibiotic’s usefulness. This resistance cannot be prevented and scientists have tried to research on its causes. The resistance occurs in both harmful and harmless bacteria. Most bacteria are found in...

Researching of Testicular Cancer

What Impact Did an Undescended Testicle Have on This Young Man’s Risk for Developing Testicular Cancer? Men with undescended testicles are at increased risk of developing testicular cancer. If the undescended testicle is not in the groin but in the abdomen, the risk is even higher (Cheng et al., 2018)....

Sargent’s “Miss Evers’ Boys” in the Context of the Duty-Based Ethics

Abstract One of the most powerful movies of the 20th century, Miss Evers’ Boys can be viewed from both the artistic perspective and the nursing one. More to the point, the movie can be interpreted from the viewpoint of several theories of ethics. Viewing the film through the lens of...

Health Systems in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Low and middle-income countries that are still developing pay a lot of attention to their healthcare system. The well-being of the population plays a critical role in the overall development and growth that is why various steps are undertaken to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of weaker health systems. Some...

Drug Abuse in the United States’ Social Context

Drug abuse is a social problem, which is prevalent in society. A study done in 2016 has shown that the increase in substance misuse is attributed to the disconnect between the social context of addiction and neuroscience (Sunshine Behavioral Health, n.d.). In society, addicts experience marginalization and progressive social exclusion....

Max Max: Fury Road. Scene Analysis

The scene that is going to be reviewed within the framework of the current paper is the “I am the scales of justice” that starts approximately around 01:09:15. The scene is mostly focused on background music and plenty of footsteps and gunshots that vary in order to create a more...

Sobriety Tests by National Highway Transportation Safety Administration

Currently, the USA transport sector is marred with drunk driving, which usually leads to deaths, property destruction, and permanent injury. Despite numerous campaigns to curb the menace, many drivers still use alcohol or other drugs while driving their vehicles. Therefore, the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) devised three sobriety...

Healthcare Policy: Quality vs. Restrained Costs

“The dilemma faced by the United States is how to balance its impressive ability to deliver an overabundance of health care with the need to restrain costs, all the while living up to the perceived moral need to provide each US health care consumer with the ‘best’ health care available.”...

The Components of the Strategizing Process

Although managers can serve multiple roles within organizations, their nature can be broadly categorized as decisional, informational, interpersonal, and formal status and authority. The managerial roles in the decisional category focus on handling, sharing, and using information. They include negotiations, resources allocation, handling disturbances, and assuming entrepreneurial activities. As negotiators,...

Social Networks Security: Ethical Issues and Practicies

Introduction Social networks have been having privacy issues; in the case of Beacon and Facebook, Facebook had made it possible for people to share their private life with others using Beacon; the launch had been done in December 2007. When the program was launched, it seemed to facilitate business and...

Strategies to Improve Communication Between General Practitioners and Community Nurses

A medical practice requires effective communication both between patients and healthcare workers and within the team of healthcare workers. However, medical errors often occur because of miscommunication. In the clinical case analyzed in this paper, a medical error happened due to a lack of communication. In this case, the nursing...

Class in America by Gregory Mantsios: Source Text Interpretation

In his article Class in America, Gregory Mantsios raises the acute question of a person’s social success dependence on class in modern America. Although the division into social classes is very arbitrary, nevertheless, in reality, there is a significant stratification of the U.S. population into various class categories. There are...

Chronic Kidney Disease: Causes and Treatment

Theoretical framework Various studies have suggested a strong link between diabetes and kidney diseases. As described above, more than 44% of the incidences of kidney disease are associated with diabetes (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2010). Diabetes is known to cause chronic diabetic nephropathy due to the damages caused...

Organizational Socialization in Public Administration

The article to be analyzed in this paper is “Organizational socialization in public administration research: A systematic review and directions for future research” by Moyson et al. The authors present a systematic qualitative review of the articles related to the topic of organizational socialization, comparing the findings to determine the...

“Animal Farm” by George Orwell: A Literary Response

The writer created Animal Farm work during the Second World War from 1943 to 1944, but it was published only in 1945 in Great Britain. The book belongs to the genre of satire and is a parody of the Russian revolution of 1917. In the Soviet Union, however, it was...

Trump’s Responsibility for the Charlottesville March

Introduction Racism has always been a pressing issue in the United States, which is still prevalent. The beginning of the 20th century bore witness to the re-emergence of ideas of white supremacy. Its most infamous manifestation took place in Charlottesville in 2017. Representatives of far-right ideologies marched, shouting anti-Semitic cries,...

“Mother Tongue” by Tan and “Learning to Read and Write” by Douglass

Introduction Mother Tongue by Amy Tan, and Learning to Read and Write by Frederick Douglass are examples of the genre of literacy narrative. In the articles, both authors describe their relations with reading and writing, and their role of them, as well as education in general, in their lives. The...

Human Resources: Dual-Career Family Lifestyle

Dual-Career Family Lifestyle The problem of dual-career family lifestyle is that it requires a significant investment of resources from individuals, and the sustainment of work-life balance becomes more difficult as employees try to stay committed both to their work and their family. The negative impact of such lifestyle can be...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Heart and the Digestive System

The article about the heart shows its representation, including the respective parts. The parts of the heart include the arteries and veins that take blood into and out of the heart. The article describes where the heart lies within the body system and how it functions within the body to...

Tax Research Problem of Selling Rare Coins

Facts In 1984, Herbert, a collector of rare coins, bought a 1916 Spanish Bowlero for $2,000. He sold the coin for $4,500 in January. He made a gain amounting to $2,500. On retiring from his loading dock job in June, Herbert actively began buying and selling rare coins. By December,...

Aspects of Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is one of the fundamental concepts of philosophy. Used to describe the process of objectively identifying and analyzing events to meet one’s goals in the most efficient way possible. The ability is developed through training and learning different things, as well as being conscious of one’s thought process....

Defeating Aging and Life Extension

Aging is a significant part of all human beings reflecting the organic changes that occur, but also sparkling cultural and communal conventions. Aging is a multidimensional process of physical, psychological and social changes that occur in all human beings. Aging has made a significant impact on the community or society....

Business Letters on Employees’ Management

DATE: April 07, 2021. TO: All Staff. FROM: Denis Smith. SUBJECT: The Planned Increase in the Co-Payment for Prescription Drugs. Dear employees, our company’s critical priority is to ensure a high level of quality while creating a favorable working environment so that each employee can fully realize their professional and...

Prisons and the Different Security Levels

Prisons are differentiated with regard to the extent of security, including supermax, maximum, medium, and minimum levels. Prisoners experience different degrees of freedom depending on the prison they are placed in. The security level of a prison also determines whether inmates are isolated or interact amongst themselves and with visitors....

Muslim Heritage in Culture, Art, and Religion

The Arabs, unlike their neighbors, have never been united by a single state or a single religion. They were fragmented into many independent tribes who were herding sheep and camels. Instead of worshipping one god, Arab Bedouins were polytheists until Muhammad entered the city of Mecca. The unique features of...

Addressing School Shootings

Introduction School shootings are a pervasive safety and security issue that continues plaguing the nation for the past several decades. There is a need to implement effective and consistent solutions that would guarantee the safety of the population while also providing a measure for risk assessment and prevention. The issue...

Sports and Organizational Conflict: Articles Analysis

Kicking Sand in the Sandbox There are several sources of conflict that have been described in the article. The first source of conflict is that which exists between Bryant and O’Neal. The two have been great friends for some time but now envy is developing in their midst. On the...

Funding Sources for Vatsalya Adult Daycare Center

The Sources of Funding for Vatsalya Adult Daycare Center The Adult Health Care Center requires financial resources to achieve its goals. In most agencies, funding comes from government spending, private spending, and external assistance. The primary source of funding for the Vatsalya Adult Daycare Center is Social Services Block Grants...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Social and Personal Responsibility of Martin Luther King Jr. in the Civil Rights Movement

Introduction The U.S. underwent the development of the Civil Rights Movement that occurred between the 1950s and 60s. It aimed to bring racial equality. Although African Americans have been contesting for their rights and liberties ever since the era of slavery, significant accomplishments in the civil rights struggle were made...

I Can’t Stop Coughing’ Case Review

Introduction Prevention and management of asthma as a chronic condition is a challenging task that requires appropriate assistance form a healthcare expert. The case of Mike from Minnesota illustrates the symptoms of cold-induced asthma: “a lingering dry cough and difficulty catching his breath” (I can’t stop coughing: A case study...

HIV and Kaposi Sarcoma: Research Methodology

Introduction The proposed study would use a quantitative research approach. Its appropriateness for this paper emerges from its ability to gather personal data, such as the age and sex of the participants and its propensity to accommodate different health indices for the analysis (Tracy, 2012). This quantitative study would be...

Gas Cost Analysis for Power Generation

Introduction The efficient process of power generation is reliant on the choice of fuel and its cost. The world economy changes rapidly under the influence of multiple factors, fuel costs being one of the most significant determinants. In the field of gas and oil, the costs of oil predetermine the...

Summary and Analysis of the Article on Wearables Written by Linnie Greene

Introduction For many people, the use of wearables is a necessity, but the tendency of wearing these technologies can also be associated with their promotion in media. In the article titled “When Your Health Depends on a Wearable,” Greene (2020) discusses the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing a wearable. Although...

Application of Herzberg’s Theory in Nursing

Importance of Herzberg’s Theory to a New Graduate Herzberg’s theory, also known as the two-factor theory, states that factors that result in job satisfaction are viewed to be distinctively differentiated from those that enhance job satisfaction. If nurse managers consider discouraging factors that lead to job dissatisfaction, then a conducive...

Risk Communication and Healthcare Management

Introduction Risk communication is generally regarded as one of the key parts of the effective public healthcare management. Therefore, it is of an essential importance for warning the population, preventing pandemics or other healthcare risks, as well as communicating protection measures. In general, risk communication is used frequently, and the...

Monologue of Hamlet by William Shakespeare

‘Tis sweet and commendable in your nature, Hamlet, To give these mourning duties to your father: But, you must know, your father lost a father; That father lost, lost his, and the survivor bound In filial obligation for some term To do obsequious sorrow: but to persever In obstinate condolement...

Spaulding Hospital for Continuing Medical Care Cambridge

Spaulding Hospital for Continuing Medical Care Cambridge is a certified 180-bed long-term acute care facility where an extended number of professionals provide comprehensive support with every medical plan. It is located on a seven-acre campus at 1575 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02138, and has a rather comfortable entrance and parking...

Popular Research Paper Topics

John Updike: Biography and Works

Introduction The United States of America, being a home for people of different ethnic and religious affiliations, gender, and social class, has always been one of the major themes for various authors. America was one of the main characters in the works of both born and raised American writers, as...

“Secrets of the Parthenon”: Analysis of the Video

In the video “Secrets of the Parthenon,” the narrator is talking about the reconstruction efforts of the symbol of Western Civilization, the Greek temple of Parthenon. The process of reconstruction is not easy since every element of the temple is unique, with individual characteristics and inimitable curved design. The main...

The Role of Women During Civil War

Annotated Bibliography Giesberg, J. (2013). Waging war their own way: Women and the Civil War in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Legacies, 13(1-2), 16-27. Web. This article presents information regarding women’s activities in Pennsylvania during the Civil War. It describes their contributions to providing soldiers with homemade goods and emphasizes the female population’s...

White-Collar Crimes: Consequences and Circumstances

White-collar crime can be interpreted as an illegal act, committed by a person or group of people in the position of authority during their business activities (Savelsberg & Bruhl, 1994). The range of the offenses that may fall under this definition is very wide: for instance, we can point out...

How to Improve Student Learning

In accordance with the dictates of the twenty-first century, the traditional approach towards education and teaching, the so-called “education through anesthetizing,” as Robinson (n.d.) identifies it, becomes irrelevant and gives place to a new concept, active learning: instead of the passive perception of information and boring facts, a student is...

Dealing with Obesity as a Societal Concern

This essay shall discuss the health issue of obesity, a social health problem that is, unfortunately, growing at a rapid rate. More people are becoming obese at present due to much easier access to unhealthy foods and less effort to maintain a regular exercise routine for fitness. For example, in...

Ethical Issues While Delivering Health Care Services

The job of any specialist who belongs to the healthcare sector implies a number of ethical issues that might appear while communicating with patients or delivering health care services to them (Seyed, Seyed, & Mohammad Esmaeil, 2013). For this reason, a person should have good conflict resolution skills to be...

Speed Limits as the Cornerstone of Road Safety

Driving a car is one of the most routine activities in which the consequences of a mistake are especially severe. The influence of speeding has been a subject of researchers’ interest for decades, and thus a significant body of literature was created, demonstrating the dangers of driving too fast or...

Opening a Bank Office in Lithuania

Introduction Opening a new office usually involves many risks, especially if the new area is not researched properly. Various aspects need thorough consideration, including the short-term and long-term investments, the profitability, the type of presence, and others. If a new office is to open in a country with no previous...

The Popular and the Avant-Garde Flâneurs

In the article entitled “The Flâneur and the Aesthetic Appropriation of Urban Culture in Mid-19th-century Paris,” the author, Mary Gluck, discusses the term and attempts to disambiguate it. In her opinion, two distinct versions of the historical flâneur exist, the popular flâneur and the avant-garde one, and their relationships with...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Is Earnings Management a Good or Bad Practice?

Earnings management refers to the act of manipulating the process of financial reporting in order to achieve certain desired outcomes (Jones, 2015). Managers use several earnings management practices that include income minimization, income maximization, taking a bath, and income smoothing (Scott, 2015). In many cases, accountants use various accounting techniques...

Sea Poems by Keats and Wordsworth

Introduction The sea is frequently the central theme of many authors’ compositions. The poem “On the Sea” by John Keats (1800) illustrates the incredible power and subtlety of the waves, as well as their capacity to treat troubled eyes and torn ears. It demonstrates freedom and solace that can be...

Research of the Contemporary Cancel Culture

“Cancel culture” is a relatively new trend in the media space. Thanks to the global spread of social networks, blogs and YouTube channels, there are almost no people left who do not follow at least one media personality. It is only natural that over time, the Internet community has needed...

Aspects of Occupational Therapy

Pursuing higher education at the age of 48 – an insurmountable challenge or a novel chapter of life? As an already experienced practicing licensed clinical social worker (LCSW), and a practicing psychotherapist working with Veterans for the last 10 years, I firmly believe that continuous improvement is a crucial part...

Pablo Picasso’s Demoiselles d’Avignon and Art of the Early 20th Century

The Demoiselles d’Avignon, an oil painting by Pablo Picasso, is considered a masterpiece work of art, from which Cubism began. At the same time, the faces of the nude female prostitutes that are depicted on the canvas have an undeniable resemblance to masks, which was typical of the African period...

Short Story Analysis “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner

Introduction Miss Emily, the main character of Faulkner’s story “A Rose for Emily,” is a controversial figure who evokes rather mixed feelings, but pity prevails in this plethora of emotions. On the one hand, she is a mentally ill murderer who kept the body of her victim in her house...

The OCEG Questions for Business: Role and Functions

Without any doubt, it is challenging to determine whether companies act appropriately in compliance with laws and regulations, and whether they maintain their ethical standards, and coordinate risk management carefully. However, these factors are critical for each organization; thus, it is essential to find ways to assess compliance, ethics, and...

Policing Style and Criminal Justice System Functioning

Introduction Peaceful coexistence is a constituent of development in the community. A peaceful environment emanates from the application of various policing styles by relevant authorities. Policing connotes all processes aimed at modifying and controlling interactions of persons. This is tenable through regulating order, implementation of law, stopping, and identifying wrongdoing....

Ethics in the “Gilbane Gold” Film

The film “Gilbane Gold” features the eponymous town, which is known for the excellent fertilizer made from its sewage plant sludge. To maintain the quality of the product, which benefits all inhabitants of the town via tax revenue supplementation, it has introduced stringent regulations on materials permitted to be in...

Personal Response About the Documentary “Food Inc.”

The documentary, Food Inc., argues that the production of today’s food choices are solely profit based, and that there is insufficient government regulation on agriculture. There is little regard to the health and safety of the consumer, or the health and treatment of the animals. The movie is based upon...

The Los Angeles Medical Center’s Linkages & Alliances

The Los Angeles Medical Center is one of the Kaiser Foundation hospitals operating in Los Angeles. The institution offers a wide range of healthcare services to the community. The Los Angeles medical center offers both general medical care as well as surgical services. The American health industry encourages linkages and...

The US Issue of Funding the World Health Organization

The essay was written to address the United States’ controversy to stop funding the World Health Organization (WHO). The purpose of the writing is fulfilled because the author provides a possible explanation of the current situation, which causes controversy. The essay structure is sensible in terms of intention, but the...

The Problematics and Nature of Cultural Identity in the US

Since the beginning of the United States of America, the subject of race has always been the one people could not easily see past. Both the variety of racial identities and their contradictions to one another are embedded in the nation’s DNA. America was started on a base of at...

Sensory System Case Study

A definition of neuromodulators and how they work A neuromodulator is a chemical agent that influences the behaviors of neurons or effecter cells by modulating their interaction with neurotransmitters in the central nervous system. There are several types of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin (Bryant & Knights 2011, p....

The Difference Between Human Beings and Other Animal Species

The selected quote from the piece of Charlotte Perkins Gilman reflects on the difference between human beings and other animal species in terms of their relationships. The author claims that the former’s principal characteristic distinguishing them from the latter is the dependent status of females in the economic sense (Edles...

Dietary and Relaxation-Based Treatment for Autism

Introduction Western medicine has successfully been used in treatment of various medical conditions, saving the lives of many in the process. However, its success in some medical conditions, for example, autism and AIDS and obesity, has been wanting due to the inability to bring wellness to patients. These serious health...

Social Media Nature and Influence

Recently, there has been computer systems progress, and human beings have developed communication means to make the world a global village. Scientists have succeeded in ensuring networking has become international. This mission revolves around the internet and the networks people use to access each other. Social media has become a...

The Forbidden Fruit in The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin

Imagine something that makes you happy. Might it be a long-awaited meeting with a friend or an excellent mark for the exam? What about the death of the beloved husband? In “The Story of an Hour,” Kate Chopin tells about Louise Mallard, who dies of a heart attack when she...

Health Care System and Government

I understand social justice as the fair distribution of resources among the members of society. Stanhope and Lancaster (2020) view social justice as a reasonable allocation of benefits and burdens among individuals. Socialized healthcare is a controversial topic because it ensures universal access to care but eliminates the competition between...

Sexual Harassment in the U.S. Military: Addressing the Issue

Introduction Sexual harassment and abuse are prevalent problems in the United States army. The issue extends the boundaries of one unit, department, or organization, affecting people throughout the military system. According to the Department of Defense (2020), the prevalence of sexual harassment complaints “grew by three percent in comparison with...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Difference Principle by John Rawls

John Rawls was an American philosopher in the field of politics in the 20th century, who adhered to the liberal tradition. During his activity, he introduced several theories, such as justice as fairness and political liberalism. The first mentioned one involves the difference principle, which presents an alternative distributive principle....

Reflecting on Bioethical Issues

Plot Summary and the Historical Context The film Miss Evers’s Boys examines bioethical issues through the enactment of a historical unethical study on Black Americans. The American government in collaboration with the Tuskegee Institute carried out a study about the evolution of syphilis among the black population. They used 600...

“Rust Red Hills” by G. O’Keeffe: Inspiration Piece

Inspiration Piece Georgia O’Keeffe painted the work above in 1930, basing it on a New Mexico landscape near Abiquiu. It depicts a series of hills of different colors, though many of them, and the painting as a whole, take on a reddish tone. The hills appear to writhe slightly, giving...

Miami Families: Financial Issues

Despite global efforts aimed at economic growth and people’s well-being, financial issues remain topical in developed nations. Miami, Florida, retains an image of an affluent city, and it may be difficult to imagine that some of its population experiences severe financial issues. Nevertheless, the area’s median income remains below the...

Maternal Stress in Pregnancy: Effects on Fetal Development

Interruption of the mental status of the mother during pregnancy and its effects on the unborn child is today a subject of great concern. Most of the studies that seek to ascertain the relationship between prenatal anxieties and the child’s subsequent growth are often subjected to a lot of criticism...

Reverse Logistics in Pharmaceutical Industry: Handling Products Back to the Manufacturer

Introduction The article titled Reverse Logistics in Pharmaceutical Industry investigates transportation mechanisms in the suggested domain and examines its problems. The paper primarily focuses on reverse logistics as a process of handling products back to the manufacturer. This kind of logistics implies that the products move from the buyer back...

Communication Goals and Attainment Practices

Establishing and securing diverse communication goals is an essential task for any individual. Attaining knowledge and conveying various emotions and perceptions becomes possible through extensive interactions with other individuals, which require an understanding of public speaking. Some scholars state that successful organization and achievement of communication aims is a necessary...

Peer-Reviewed Articles Discussion

Peer-reviewed articles are primarily based on academic studies, precisely research that has been conducted. They exhibit properly defined methods and attitudes of scholars. When reading through the article, the sense and taste of intelligence are experienced that obviously attracts an arousing strong curiosity. For an article to be called peer-reviewed,...

Electricity Dependency Studies

Introduction In the field of sociology, the research of human dependencies on civilization benefits of society is widely popular. In this context, the critical question is related to determining the degree of interconnection between an individual’s social behavior and tools of interaction with the environment. In other words, the paramount...

Christianity and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction The first part of the year 2020 was especially challenging due to the spreading COVID-19 epidemic and the consequent problems in different spheres of life. As one of the most important realms, religion was also influenced by the pandemic; moreover, some of its values and ideas were shattered at...