Nurses are a fundamental part of healthcare, and they comprise the largest percentage of health professionals. However, there is a significant shortage of nurses in the United States and other countries. According to Haddad et al. (2020), United States has approximately 3.9 nurses, and an additional 11 million nurses are...
Topic: Hiring
Words: 735
Pages: 2
In order for a person to improve his or her managerial skills, it is important to have a certain motivation to lead others. The given sense is the strongest during challenging situations when the team or organization heavily relies on a leader’s willingness to remain resilient and strong. Therefore, one...
Topic: Communication
Words: 592
Pages: 2
Adolescence is dangerous for the appearance of addictions, as it brings many difficulties for both parents and children themselves. Due to modifications in the hormonal balance, the mood changes rapidly, and the appearance becomes more adult. Teenagers try to understand the world around them and find themselves. Moreover, parents’ authority...
Topic: Addiction
Words: 663
Pages: 2
Introduction In her essay “Is a Tree Worth a life”, Sally Christensen illuminates the debate that has arisen regarding the value of environment in comparison to that of human life. Christensen makes a persuasive argument that the yew tree found in the tropical forests of Alaska, Idaho, Washington, Oregon and...
Topic: Literature
Words: 572
Pages: 2
Health care is one of the most important pillars of any society as it aims to improve the quality of human life and well-being. The institutions of public health and clinical health care, including those in the field of dentistry, are both designed to achieve this goal. However, their approaches...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 627
Pages: 2
Facts Kelo v. New London City, 545 U.S. 469 (2005) was a court case chosen by the United States High Court concerning the use of eminent domain to transfer land from one title holder to another to enhance economic development. The allegation emanated from the conviction by Connecticut town in...
Topic: Law
Words: 589
Pages: 2
Introduction This refers to a process where a firm evaluates reviews and compares its internal departmental performance against the set standards and where there is deviation a necessary step is taken accordingly. Any strategy adopted by a firm will have a direct impact on the performance and hence its survival....
Topic: Accountancy
Words: 618
Pages: 2
Introduction Books 17-20 of Homer’s The Odyssey concentrate on Odysseus’ arrival to his palace in a beggar’s disguise and the adventures surrounding his unannounced return. There are several critical ideas reflected in these parts of the epic, including loyalty, pride, patience, a strategic approach, and Athena’s involvement. However, it seems...
Topic: Homer
Words: 552
Pages: 2
Disguise can be defined as a behavior or appearance that conceals an individual’s true identity. Many people fear cloaks because they are mysterious and intangible. Every mask has its uniqueness and is created for a specific purpose. Disguises help to shape the characteristics of different people in the poem, for...
Topic: Mythology
Words: 575
Pages: 2
The issue under analysis features the case of a 45-year-old woman, who has been experiencing consisted fatigue, particularly, after making a physical effort such as a walk or any kind of physical activity. In addition, her speaking skills seem to be impaired as her speech turned unintelligible after a few...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 592
Pages: 2
The present-day is often called “The Information Age,” but not everyone understands the reason behind it. People are generally aware of the ever-increasing opportunities to find knowledge, share experience, and obtain competence, but the information goes even deeper. To truly excel in most entrepreneurial undertakings, one must be aware of...
Topic: Intelligence
Words: 620
Pages: 2
My deep interest in health care and decision to devote my career to nursing brought me to the exploration of one of the most problematic issues in this field, namely domestic violence. It has been within the scope of my scientific and professional interests for a substantial amount of time....
Topic: Domestic Violence
Words: 573
Pages: 2
Introduction Organizational development (OD) is a significant, science-based, and practice-oriented process that helps an organization build its capacity to change and attain heightened effectiveness levels. It can be made through the development, improvement, and reinforcement of organizational strategies, structures, and processes. Orpen (1997), Clifford, and Thorpe (2007) stated that organizations...
Topic: Organization Development
Words: 606
Pages: 2
Early diagnosing is important for the patient population with symptoms that can be consistent with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) because the wrong diagnosis and premature discharge can have tragic consequences. The monitoring of the undifferentiated population with acute chest pain in the traditional hospital setting is ineffective, costly, and time-consuming....
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 587
Pages: 2
China Noah Corporation The reason why companies hedge against foreign currency risks is to protect themselves against loss of business value. China Noah has a different form of foreign currency exposure due to transactions involved when dealing with international customers and suppliers. This exposure arises when China Noah has entered...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 549
Pages: 2
Introduction Early magnet research showed that nurses are very appreciative and value their teaching roles a great deal. They, therefore, have several roles working as teachers, mentors, supporters, and developers. The role of nurses begins from the time they are in nursing school and when they are employed in a...
Topic: Teaching
Words: 675
Pages: 2
Why was the United States unable to avoid entering a Cold War with the Soviet Union? After World War II, the world has divided into two opposite parts with two contrasting belief systems. Ahead of the one was the Soviet Union, while the United States led the other. Therefore, the...
Topic: Cold War
Words: 608
Pages: 2
The chosen artifact The artifact chosen for this project is the Haitian Flag. The description of the artifact The Haitian Flag is blue and red with an emblem on a white background in the middle of it. The selection of colors was conditional upon the local crop of indigo used...
Topic: Culture
Words: 493
Pages: 2
Despite considerable efforts toward global equality in recent years, society, in general, is still prone to stratification. People around the world experience severe discrimination, which is detrimental to society’s overall development. The issue can be examined from various perspectives and the points of view of functionalism and conflict theory. The...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 556
Pages: 2
Barnes and Noble and Amazon as bookstores may appear to represent a similar approach, yet they should be considered the direct opposite of each other in terms of business and marketing strategies. Amazon is a much bigger transnational company with almost forty percent of foreign customers, which does not view...
Topic: Amazon
Words: 515
Pages: 2
The fact that human beings belong to the same species is undoubted. Moreover, understanding race, racism, and discrimination are equally important, since the whole matter of race and racism revolves around the human ethnic background. The context of this issue has continued to be a matter of discussion, taking into...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 564
Pages: 2
Bradley Brew Project is a microbrewery founded and managed by Chelsey and Mike. This family business is focusing on the best ways to provide a personalized beer experience and community-based education to the local residents in Bradley Beach. The firm’s formulation for fermentation processes supports the provision of various services...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 555
Pages: 2
The source under analysis is a scholarly article that focuses on how sleep impacts individual health and wellness. Synthesizing this study is not an elementary process because it is necessary to read 18 pages and understand their content. That is why it will be reasonable to make some notes to...
Topic: Health
Words: 308
Pages: 2
Introduction The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2018a) published a short article that reports the results of the analysis of the changes in the “nonfarm payroll employment” in metropolitan areas “for the year ending February 2018” (para. 1). The article does not include a detailed description of the study that...
Topic: Unemployment
Words: 506
Pages: 2
The short stories “Mericans” by Sandra Cisneros and “In Response to Executive Order 9066: All Americans of Japanese Descent Must Report to Relocation Centers” by Dwight Okita develop a common theme of cultural differences. Specifically, the differences experienced between the American culture and the home cultures of the protagonists. The...
Topic: Comparative Literature
Words: 637
Pages: 2
Introduction The existing disparities regarding healthcare services provided in the United States is a critical issue related to such phenomena as racial and gender discrimination. From this perspective, African American women are the most vulnerable population group. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, 73,030 cases of cancer a...
Topic: African American
Words: 637
Pages: 2
Introduction Eric Schlosser is the author of the book «Fast Food Nation», which includes many articles on the fast-food industry and its many influences. In the United States, it is remarkably lucrative and has a significant impact on the country’s economy and its citizen’s lifestyle and health. This essay will...
Topic: Diet & Nutrition
Words: 578
Pages: 2
Evidence-based practices (EBP) incorporate analyzed results from research to inform clinical practice. It is imperative for nurses to use EBP in practice to improve patient outcomes. However, with increasing demand to reduce healthcare costs while improving care delivery, the implementation of evidence-based practices in nursing faces many impediments both at...
Topic: Evidence-Based Practice
Words: 367
Pages: 2
Introduction and Significance Earth Science refers to the investigation of the Earth and various processes happening there. The primary aim of this discipline is to discover the evolution and different activities that take place on the Earth and, eventually, use this information for the advantage of humankind and share it...
Topic: Marine Life
Words: 599
Pages: 2
The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao is a novel that was published in 2007 and won the Pulitzer Prize. The author of this work is Juno Diaz – an American writer of Dominican origin, so the work in English contains a large number of inserts in Spanish. The book...
Topic: Literature
Words: 617
Pages: 2
One of the best ways to control the activity of the organization is to have a balance shit as a way of monitoring a company from the financial and tax points of view. A balance sheet is a financial statement that shows the financial position of a business or an...
Topic: Economics
Words: 558
Pages: 2
Digital transformation has become the number one issue for senior managers of leading companies in recent years. Nevertheless, many digital initiatives still fall short of their goals, and this often leads to multibillion-dollar losses. This paper will discuss failures that companies face when applying digital technologies mentioned in the article...
Topic: Digital Transformation
Words: 485
Pages: 2
Introduction Slavery is a controversial page in human history, and various changes in social life have influenced this phenomenon. Colonial North America became the first continent on which the slave system took root and developed on a colossal scale. The period from 1619 to 1739 saw the beginning of the...
Topic: Slavery
Words: 568
Pages: 2
I volunteer at a local library during my free time. Several pitfalls might be encountered in disaster planning for such an organization. First, the planners assume that only those who work in the library can take action in case of an emergency and fail to involve the local community. This...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 574
Pages: 2
Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development is an outstanding modification of Sigmund Freud’s core ideas into a more structured and organized format of assessing one’s development-related inadequacies. It is important to note that the main concepts revolve around eight critical stages of development, which are integrity vs. despair, generativity vs. stagnation,...
Topic: Erik Erikson
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Introduction There is much discussion in the media and among individuals today about the use of low-fat food. In fact, if you go to a store you will find the shelves flooded with foods that claim to have as low as only 3% fat. Often we see on television many...
Topic: Food
Words: 582
Pages: 2
Hinterlands are the lands or regions behind a coast line served by a port as the terminal for commercial activities. These lands are where the port as a terminal draws its commercial activities from. The forelands are the lands beyond the sea serving as a destination of goods and services...
Topic: Economics
Words: 648
Pages: 2
Importance of persuasion is especially evident in the current debates about COVID-19. In particular, media, experts, and ordinary people compare economic crisis caused by COVID-19 with global financial crisis of 2008 (Estrada & Arturo, 2020). The authorities traditionally prepare for the past, already known downturn. However, the events caused by...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 648
Pages: 2
Introduction Healthcare system cannot exist without financial channels that provide for its functioning. This necessitates the classification that would sort all healthcare services and create their money equivalent. The World Health Organization has a set of codes of diseases and procedures that are used by countries to calculate the cost...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 633
Pages: 2
As an intern at Vatsalya Adult Medical Day Care, assisting marginalized and discriminated elderly of diverse ethnic backgrounds, I understand that professional social work involves the use of self and the desire to help others. In addition to an individualistic self, existing in isolation, there is a relational self that...
Topic: Social Work
Words: 586
Pages: 2
Today, dental caries is one of the most prevalent and critical oral illnesses in the modern world. For instance, the majority of adults (94%) tend to experience problems with their teeth (“Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Dental Caries” par. 1). At the same time, the significance of the issue...
Topic: Goals
Words: 586
Pages: 2
Introduction Nursing is a field that requires practitioners to apply outlined ethical guidelines and focus on the best ways to transform their patients’ experiences. In the book The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, readers can acquire numerous ideas regarding the concepts of informed consent and confidentiality and their relevance in...
Topic: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
Words: 554
Pages: 2
Initial Post Part A: Simulation Simulation in Excel is a simple task that does not require much time. If one needs to simulate random values, he or she may use simple functions of RAND or RANDBETWEEN functions. RAND function provides a number between 0 and 1 with a low probability...
Topic: Economics
Words: 353
Pages: 2
Introduction During the process of education, the students have to learn new material and identify the problems which are observed in the sphere of nursing. However, the theoretical aspect of the problems is not always similar to the practical one. The point is that many students learn about population and...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 543
Pages: 2
Values Related to cm Nowadays, more patients focus on the problems connected to poor medical care and inability to develop appropriate nurse-patient relations. If a nurse gets education and tries to find proper practical application to the received theoretical knowledge, it is easier for him/her to find out the most...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 570
Pages: 2
Sprouts Farmers Market is a specialty grocery store that sells organic foods and a variety of other natural products. At present, its popularity is defined by the increasing demand for the realized goods boosted by customers’ particular attention to their health during the pandemic. This fact explains the business’s ongoing...
Topic: Performance
Words: 556
Pages: 2
HBO’s Iron-Jawed Angels offers a vivid, if fictionalized, look at the history of the American suffrage movement in the early 20th century. The struggle for the constitutional amendment guaranteeing female enfranchisement faced considerable opposition from within the suffrage movement as well as without. White and black activists from different social...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 629
Pages: 2
There have been numerous cases of fraudulent actions committed by organizations and covered in press. Employees who work in companies with toxic corporate cultures are often challenged by their need to speak up about illegal procedures they are made to do on a daily basis. They often have a psychological...
Topic: Business
Words: 581
Pages: 2
Introduction The healthcare system of a given country dictates the quality of services available to its citizens. The American government offers adequate resources and support to ensure that more people receive high-quality services. This report gives a detailed summary of the responses obtained after interviewing one of my family members....
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 565
Pages: 2
For years, the terms psychotherapy and counseling have been used interchangeably due to the fact that the notions share many similarities. Notably, both disciplines involve developing a safe, therapeutic, and healing relationship between a patient and a therapist. Conversely, one of the key differences between the two fields is that...
Topic: Psychotherapy
Words: 682
Pages: 2
Buttaro, T., Tribulsky, J., Bailey, P. & Sandberg-Cook, J. (2011). Primary Care. A Collaborative Practice. New York: Mosby. This book is written for practitioners and it provides brief overviews of all diseases of adults, their symptoms and tips of primary care. New edition includes such topics as obesity, genetics, emergency...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 557
Pages: 2
Which is better: texting through social media or speaking face to face? This online communication essay explores the two options and shows which of them is more preferable. Online Communication Essay Introduction Today, there are many opportunities to communicate with friends and relatives with the help of modern technologies. Online...
Topic: Communication
Words: 545
Pages: 2
For a long time, the labor market has experienced a severe shortage of medical personnel, especially nurses. Hospital staff suffering from a lack of labor is forced to work longer and with many patients during the day, which affects the effectiveness and quality of services. Moreover, the world pandemic of...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 619
Pages: 2
Annotated bibliography Edwards, J. A. (2018). Make America great again: Donald Trump and redefining the US role in the world. Communication Quarterly, 66(2), 176-195. The United States has been instrumental in maintaining global peace since the end of World War II. This country has facilitated peace talks between conflicting nations...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 722
Pages: 2
Taza is a small chocolate-making company based in Sommerville, Massachusetts, which manufactures unique stoneground organic chocolate in the classic Mexican tradition. It has a staff of about 20 people and sources all its ingredients directly from certified organic growers, with whom the company maintains personal relationships. Taza distributes its products...
Topic: Chocolate
Words: 563
Pages: 2
While there are critics who still doubt climate change and its impact on the future of human generations on the earth, the shifts that are occurring in the environment are hard to ignore. Most of the informed public that pays attention to global issues understand the seriousness of the issue...
Topic: Climate
Words: 572
Pages: 2
Physical fitness has been proven to bring numerous health benefits to an individual because it enhances the body’s muscle strength. It has also been identified to be one of the most significant ways that enable people to reduce the risk of suffering from some non-communicable diseases such as high blood...
Topic: Fitness
Words: 251
Pages: 2
Introduction The modern healthcare system is constantly evolving, which leads to the need to develop new methods of providing medical care to the population. Today, it is important for patients to monitor their health, maintain it, and prevent various diseases throughout their lives. According to the American Association of Nurse...
Topic: Family
Words: 604
Pages: 2
A person can use various social networks to reach an audience. However, it is advisable to establish the sites that the targeted population mostly uses. One of the best ways of determining the most appropriate site is to try different types, identify the ones with the most number of users,...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 638
Pages: 2
Studying humanities can help individuals make a better sense of the human experience by providing alternative ways of perceiving reality. In essence, being more understanding brings healthcare providers to a new level of sensitivity and self-awareness and cultivates professionalism as well as skills in therapeutic communication and critical thinking. Therefore,...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 668
Pages: 2
Introduction Using child labor is, without any doubt, one of the most significant problems in India nowadays. Even though according to the statistics, provided by Sasmal and Guillen, the number of young people involved in this process is declining, the issue remains crucial (p. 270). Thankfully, some local activists vigorously...
Topic: Children’s Rights
Words: 319
Pages: 2
The chapter discusses the process of recruitment and selection in the public sector as well as the common challenges associated with this process over the past years. Notably, most government jobs are influenced by political patronage; therefore, a centralized oversight is required to ensure uniformity and fairness in the screening...
Topic: Public Administration
Words: 574
Pages: 2
Born to teach migrant children more effectively and optimally, STEM education technology is capturing more and more educators around the world every year. The abbreviation STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and denotes a practice — oriented approach to the construction of the content of education and the educational...
Topic: Teaching
Words: 532
Pages: 2
The people living in Middle East in countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE etc are known as Arabs. The word is somewhat ethnic in nature. As far as Muslims are concerned, Muslims are the people who submit their will to ALLAH (God) and they are the followers of the religion Islam....
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 345
Pages: 2
Recruitment is the procedure of persuading individuals to apply for a job in the organization. The staffing process in healthcare includes three stages. All of them are equally important to human resources management and the benefit of the organization (Cable, 2013). These three stages are acquisition, retention, and separation. The...
Topic: Healthcare
Words: 585
Pages: 2
Conforming to the way society defines a woman has made many people live in a shackle, thus, forgetting their true inner identity like Nora. For many decades, domestically abused women have been portrayed to be having revengeful needs which linked to abuse. This assumption is wrong, and thus the pursuit...
Topic: A Doll's House
Words: 606
Pages: 2
The Master Cleanse Diet is considered to be one of the most effective and successful diets of the diets of its type. Since its development in 1940, it helped an innumerable amount of people to solve their weight-related problems along with a row of real health problems (Master Cleanse and...
Topic: Diet
Words: 620
Pages: 2
During the construction of buildings for instance the story buildings, different building techniques are used. One of the techniques is the framing system technique. The framing system is placed on other structural components/ members or studs, which helps to provide a framework that is stable and also on to which...
Topic: Building
Words: 624
Pages: 2
In the case of schizophrenia, the evidence suggests that such patients usually tend to have low levels of norepinephrine and high levels of serotonin (Schimelpfening, 2021). There is also a hypothesis in regards to dopamine’s role in the development and progression of the disease, which is induced by the proper...
Topic: Disorders
Words: 560
Pages: 2
In the justice system, certain rulings attract great media coverage and controversy. In 2013, the Ethan Couch case sparked outrage over the criminal justice system. The reason for it is that the defendant had received a seemingly lenient sentence as compared to that of Eric Miller, another defendant accused of...
Topic: Law
Words: 588
Pages: 2
According to the Oxford English oxford dictionary, a tort is an intentional or unintentional harm to another person or property. In most organizations, employees are exposed to various risks as they perform their daily tasks. The risk may be intentional when both parties, that is, the employer and the employee...
Topic: Business
Words: 696
Pages: 2
Introduction There are many ways of how to improve clinical performance and promote patient safety. Team Strategies & Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety (Team STEPPS) is one of the methods with five main principles and skills in the spheres of communication, team-building, leadership, situation monitoring, and mutual support...
Topic: Patient Safety
Words: 662
Pages: 2
Research design is very critical in determining the validity, reliability, and generalizability of the findings. For the research findings to be credible, they must pass statistical tests of validity, reliability, and generalizability. Since positivists support the use of empirical evidences in the criminal justice system, they apply statistical tests quantitatively...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 577
Pages: 2
In this highly competitive world, where many people do not even know how to escape the traps of the rat race, a happy and responsibility-free childhood is more important than ever. As for sports, children should play and not compete, as Jessica Statsky emphasizes in her university essay about the...
Topic: Sport
Words: 668
Pages: 2
Information about Certification The status of a Certified Hospice and Palliative Nurse(CHPN) serves as a guarantee of the competence of a registered nurse (RN) regarding the care of patients who are at the end of their lives. In order to obtain this certification, a registered nurse needs to meet several...
Topic: Palliative Care
Words: 611
Pages: 2
Dollar Shave Club’s value proposition and how does it differ from Gillette’s One of the major factors explaining DSC’s success is the unique approach to working with clients and the company’s value proposition. It presupposes a fair price and a client-centric service focused on the increased level of satisfaction among...
Topic: Business
Words: 609
Pages: 2
Aviation security is the result of painstaking organizational work to predict potential scenarios and response methods. An Emergency Response Plan (ERP) is a strategy for dealing with accidents that may arise on board, in the office, or in the airport area. Crisis management is a field of activity that organizes,...
Topic: Aviation
Words: 611
Pages: 2
Introduction The specialization of nurses directly depends on the chosen clinical settings for work. The oncology nurse is involved in the diagnosis of cancers that require remission after treatment. Specialist certification for this position requires a bachelor’s degree or an associate’s degree in nursing. Then the oncology nurse undergoes an...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 553
Pages: 2
Introduction Social support is the way through which, individuals feel that others offer to them a sense of care, support, and assistance. This offers an individual a supportive social network, which can be either emotional or tangible. Emotional support normally entails care while tangible support could be financial, material, informational,...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 610
Pages: 2
Process of Creating a Nursing Practice in Israel The process of creating a nursing practice in a medical organization in Israel involves 8 systematic steps. These steps are derived from Kotler’s 8 step change model. These steps begin with the creation of urgency where discussions are held across all divisions...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 555
Pages: 2
There are various definitions of HRM, but most of them are similar in the following: human resource management is a unique combination of philosophy and activities aimed at organizing people within an organization (Sharma 2). To better understand the purpose and scope of HRM, it is advisable to review its...
Topic: Management
Words: 628
Pages: 2
Theoretical Framework Many patients experience chest pains which they cannot easily establish the actual cause due to a variety of possible causative agents. It is against this backdrop that it is often advisable for patients who encounter such chest pains to seek prompt medical check-ups for a comprehensive diagnosis and...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 654
Pages: 2
Introduction Mechanical physics allows investigating the nature of dynamic processes occurring routinely in solid objects. Using the principles of mechanics, it becomes possible to carry out theoretical calculations, determine the permissible rate of loading, and predict the deformation of bodies when they are subjected to physical impact. Thus, Hooke’s law...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 498
Pages: 2
Christian apologetics refers to the defense of faith against spreading of spiritual falsehood. These individuals guard religious values and morals, as evidenced during the second century (101-200AD). Everett Ferguson identifies Adam as a representative and guard of God’s practices in the Garden of Eden (Ferguson and George 2016). The serpent...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 656
Pages: 2
Introduction The American Nurses Association (ANA) is an organization that primarily conducts federal lobbying on important issues in nursing and healthcare. The ANA address all issues such as the development of the nursing workforce, safe staffing, and pay. However, the membership of ANA stands at 6%, which can be attributed...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 327
Pages: 2
Introduction: Browsing Online One of the most recent concerns for the modern world is the trustworthiness of the online information. The issue seems especially crucial when it comes to dealing with the information concerning health. Since the health of the patient depends on the result that his/her search on the...
Topic: Internet
Words: 716
Pages: 2
What were Hitler’s reasons and objectives for starting down the road to war? Hitler sought to conquer new lands for the good of the Volk or German people to expand its territory and influence. The ultimate goal was focused on establishing the “Aryan” race as a superior nation in the...
Topic: War
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Introduction An abortion belongs to one of the most controversial issues discussed in modern society. Many philosophers, researchers, and scientists have explored the question of whether it is morally just to kill a fetus and other topic-related problems. Judith Jarvis Thomson who is a US philosopher and member of the...
Topic: Abortion
Words: 694
Pages: 2
Introduction In the twenty-first century, technological progress is concentrated in the field of semi-automatic and automatic innovations. It can be seen everywhere in both the private and military sectors. This is why it is essential to know the latest advances in this scientific area. This paper aims to review academic...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 553
Pages: 2
The Most Important Competencies of a financial manager A financial manager understands the environment that he is an operation in and makes a decision with this in mind. The outside world affects the kind of decision that a manager makes at a certain particular time. The success of an organization...
Topic: Financial Management
Words: 691
Pages: 2
Political What are the current political forces, including political history, environment, and policy debate? Although the use of cannabis is imminent in many states in this country, the introduction of low- Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) cannabis prescriptions in treatment of migraines face varied political dynamism. While the proponents advocate for its benefits,...
Topic: Cannabis
Words: 740
Pages: 2
Introduction Obesity is a serious condition that undermines the health and wellbeing of the population. In the U.S. the disease affects 17% of children younger than 20 and almost 35% of adults (Ogden, Carroll, Kit, & Flegal, 2014). In addition, it has been found to influence the risk of death...
Topic: Obesity
Words: 556
Pages: 2
Headline 1 Certification Description: An oncology nurse is an individual who works with blood-borne and solid cancer diagnoses in populations that require treatment and remission. Details about certification: Process to obtain clinical certification: First, the nurse will be required to achieve a Bachelor of Science in nursing or an Associate’s...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 747
Pages: 2
Indemnity dental insurance is also referred to as traditional insurance or fee for service dental plan and takes place through pay for service arrangement (Shashikiran, 2015). The major benefit of indemnity insurance is that it gives the patients an opportunity to receive the service of the dentist of their choice....
Topic: Insurance
Words: 561
Pages: 2
Introduction Immune system illnesses are a category of diseases that cause hyperactivity or dormancy to the system. In case it becomes excessively active, the body targets its own tissues and destroys them. Lupus is defined as a lifelong inflammatory disorder with a wide variety of clinical symptoms which impact different...
Topic: Disease
Words: 649
Pages: 2
Brands have risen to become a significant intangible asset of a firm. Product branding requires a firm to apply both art and science skillfully to build a strong valuable brand. A strong brand requires creative designing, careful planning and execution. Branding gives a quick identification to the product’s manufacturer (Kottler...
Topic: Brand
Words: 555
Pages: 2
Introduction Nursing practice requires commitment from caregivers. To achieve good care giving, organizational culture in nursing settings should reflect evidence-based nursing practice. One of the most common problems in evidence-based nursing practice is lack of organizational culture that supports implementation of evidence-based nursing practice. Additionally, some nurses do not get...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 578
Pages: 2
Introduction The Central Intelligence Agency was established in 1947 by the National Security Act. The agency’s role was limited to only providing national intelligence on transcendent issues (Johnson 1991). It did this by coordinating the information collected by the various department of government. CIA has historically taken a leadership role...
Topic: Intelligence
Words: 591
Pages: 2
Aims of the research The research is about juvenile offender’s laws in North Carolina state and it discusses the legal differences between juvenile offenders and juvenile delinquents. It also includes status offenses and the age at which the juvenile becomes eligible for processing in adult courts. A court disposition a...
Topic: Law
Words: 519
Pages: 2
Like most of Ray Bradbury’s works, the story The Veldt is written in the fantasy genre. The plot develops in the most ordinary family of Hadleys: mother, father, and two children. They live in a modern smart house called “The Happylife Home” that does all the work for them (Bradbury...
Topic: Literature
Words: 627
Pages: 2
Introduction Veterans and people serving in the military face a number of unique health issues. In times of war, priority is given to life-threatening injuries such as gunshot wounds and head injuries. However, some service members develop different health problems after the war as a result of war exposure and...
Topic: Health
Words: 715
Pages: 2
Introduction The concept of intellectual property has existed for several centuries. In essence, it protects the right of a creator to label their effort in the creation of content. However, it also raises numerous issues, including the source of ideas, plagiarism, and conflicts between authors. Much of valuable information is...
Topic: Intellectual Property
Words: 591
Pages: 2
The idea of poverty about faith and liberating theology is directly connected to major Biblical concepts. The struggle of the impoverished life is seen through the lens of liberation done by God towards people in need. Johnson (n.d.) constructs the following presumption: “Daily struggles for the survival manifest potent, tensible...
Topic: Belief
Words: 591
Pages: 2
Confidence interval (IC) is a type of interval estimate of a population constant. lt is used to ascertain the reliability of a statistical estimate. Rather than estimating a constant using a single value, a range is determined that includes the constant. The interval between the constants is measured by the...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 480
Pages: 2
Introduction Body fitness involves the wholesome health fitness of a person, which is conventionally portrayed by one’s physical appearance. A global health study in the United States of America exemplifies fitness by critically detailing the factors associated with the health fitness of a different population in different countries, both developing...
Topic: Fitness
Words: 601
Pages: 2
Beliefs Shaun Walker’s article titled “The Last of the Zoroastrians” gives a glimpse of the manifestation of Molloy’s eight elements of religion in Zoroastrianism. The community has a strong belief that they must make peace with the dead before disposing of the body. They unite to pray for the dead...
Topic: Religion
Words: 642
Pages: 2
Founding of the West Fertilizer Plant The West Fertilizer Plant was founded in 1962, and since then it has been supplying chemicals to farmers. On April 17, 2013, an explosion occurred in West Texas, in the company’s storage and distribution facility (Adams et al., 2018). The purpose of this paper...
Topic: Environment
Words: 643
Pages: 2
There are many varied ethical dilemmas nurses can face in their clinical practice. Understanding the underlying philosophical concepts will help the nurse to find intelligent solutions to these issues. In the health field, increased attention to ethics is associated with the development of controversial issues, including advances in technology, as...
Topic: Bioethics
Words: 811
Pages: 2
The management of a healthcare organization is a constantly evolving concept. For this reason, there is no definitive answer to the question of the best organizational configuration. For instance, the traditional approach to governance with a strict hierarchy would certainly require a simple structure. However, it is mostly viewed as...
Topic: Healthcare
Words: 592
Pages: 2
When it comes to interviewing skills, social work is one of the fields where they play the key role. Read this essay to learn more about interviewing skills in social work practice. Interviewing Skills in Social Work: Introduction The significance of mastering the proper interviewing techniques cannot be overestimated. When...
Topic: Social Work
Words: 549
Pages: 2
I am writing to provide recommendations relating to the effectiveness of the state dental sealant program in preventing tooth decay in school-aged children. Based on the results of the state dental sealant program, I make several recommendations. Notably, I recommend the state health department to give the quality of dental...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 622
Pages: 2
History’s Greatest Impressionists and History’s Forgotten Impressionists are episodes from the documentary series The Impressionists: Painting and Revolution. They were produced by the BBC and aired in 2011. The episodes are devoted to the age of impressionism in European art. The narrator Waldemar Januszczak speaks about the history of impressionism,...
Topic: Art
Words: 682
Pages: 2
Ergonomics is the study of the work of human beings and adaptation of environment, practices, and equipments to the demands of the people using them. It is concerned with establishing a work environment that fits the needs of all the workers in their workstations. Ergonomics narrows down its objectives to...
Topic: Business
Words: 630
Pages: 2
Introduction In his article The Philosopher Stoned, Adam Kirsch describes Walter Benjamin, his way of life, views, ambitions, and the influence of drugs on his mentality. The author explores certain life periods of Benjamin, observes the progression of his character, and also tries to emphasize his book On Hashish. Kirsch...
Topic: Literature
Words: 608
Pages: 2
An American writer Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote “Young Goodman Brown.” The story’s setting is 17th century New England, which was predominantly Puritan. Hawthorne bases his work on the criticism of puritanism and its central premise that all people are responsible for the original sin. “Young Goodman Brown” is a literary criticism...
Topic: Young Goodman Brown
Words: 655
Pages: 2
The following work presents some issues connected with the realization of the diversity. It centers around the feeling of being different from the others and the peculiarities of the process of recognition of this fact. The accent is made on feelings connected with the realization of the diversity in workflow...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 662
Pages: 2
Introduction Over the years, running has become an extremely popular sport across the age divide. While many people simply run for fun, others do so from the realization of the physical benefits that the sport can bring. With the spread of unhealthy eating habits, there have been increased calls for...
Topic: Health
Words: 589
Pages: 2
Hepatitis A The etiology of hepatitis A includes poor sanitation, male homosexuality, parental drug use, foreign travel, and household contact. The symptoms include nausea, vomiting, jaundice, malaise, dark urine, and anorexia (Gilroy, 2019). Treatment is mainly supportive, and there is no specific antiviral treatment. Nausea and vomiting are managed with...
Topic: Hepatitis
Words: 364
Pages: 2
Technological advancements in the field of transportation are essential to consider when discussing the subject of economics. Several researchers state that the period from 1865 to 1900 manifests a significant rise in nationwide profits in the United States, spurred by the transport system changes (Rosenberg 50). In this essay, the...
Topic: Economic Growth
Words: 583
Pages: 2
Introduction Conflict is one of the most common challenges that appear in interpersonal relationships. Every day humans engage in communication with relatives, friends, and strangers, and these interactions often require dealing with various issues and finding a compromise. While every individual has their view of the world and possesses different...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 647
Pages: 2
Sophocles revealed a deep conflict between ancestral unwritten rules and state laws in his tragedy Antigone. On the one hand, religious beliefs, deeply rooted in the tribal community, dictated people to sacredly honor kinship ties and observe all the necessary rites with blood relatives. On the other hand, every citizen...
Topic: Antigone
Words: 553
Pages: 2
One of the best ways to promote student involvement and performance and evaluate each session’s effectiveness is to design and implement a coherent lesson plan. The plan typically contains core components, such as learning objectives, warm-up, presentation of the material, learning activities and practice, and the assessment of students’ understanding...
Topic: Management
Words: 295
Pages: 2
The high level of relevance of race issues in the United States has continuously imposed equality considerations on multiple levels of human interactions. From the ethical point of view, the historically conditioned omnipresence of racism and racial or gender inequality in the US triggers the necessity of providing equal opportunity...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 552
Pages: 2
The outcomes of the US Industrial Revolution that took place in the 19th century had a recognizable influence on the consequent history of the country and of the world as a whole. The manifestation of the Industrial Revolution may be considered a serious step forward for the country that fought...
Topic: Immigration
Words: 544
Pages: 2
Overall, the United States has lagged behind other developed countries in providing accessible health care to its citizens. Explanation of why the United States is behind in this arena and how this lack of health care affects persons of color The United States lacks behind other developed countries in providing...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 647
Pages: 2
The changing nature of the global workforce is incontestable and demands exceptional skills to adapt and compete. Unlike in the previous decade, many professionals today appreciate the need to leverage the power of soft skills in the contemporary multicultural global workspace. Exceptional communication abilities, people management, problem-solving, work ethics, teamwork,...
Topic: Success
Words: 303
Pages: 2
The ocean has always been an inseparable part of human existence. It serves as a source of food and a transportation network, linking all continents. Nowadays, airlines have given access to every place around the globe, but marine shipping continues to develop. The purpose of this paper is to give...
Topic: Environment
Words: 203
Pages: 2
Social exclusion is the inability of taking an active part in a social, cultural, and economic life of society. The health consequences of social exclusion are an actual topic for discussion these days because even isolated people have right for medical service. The aim of the given essay is to...
Topic: Health
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Introduction As reported by Pittsburgh radio station KDKA (2009), an 11-year-old boy Jordan Brown that is accused of murdering his father’s fiancée and her unborn son is not likely to be tried as a juvenile offender. It is natural that the boy’s attorneys are expected to appeal for letting the...
Topic: Law
Words: 554
Pages: 2
Introduction In many engineering applications, there is a need for efficiency. Power management is an elemental strategy for improving efficiency. The idea is to reduce power consumption to the least possible value while ensuring performance is okay. In the design of digital logic, power scaling is a major way to...
Topic: Energy
Words: 934
Pages: 2
Nowadays corporate structures, such as companies, exclude sole practitioners and partners from the architectural market. We live in a highly competitive society, and old forms of unions are not as effective today, as they were before. Though the definition of a partnership sounds optimistic enough and tells that it “is...
Topic: Architecture
Words: 709
Pages: 2
It can be said that art is the result of the human mind’s influence on reality, and art affects the human mind in response. It is the ouroboros of human beings and nature. The chosen work of art that inspired the author of this paper most during the course is...
Topic: Art
Words: 554
Pages: 2
It seems reasonable to state that all companies come to a period when their performance starts being insignificant. This may take place due to various reasons – starting from severe rivalry and ending with pressing governmental policies. However, there are a plethora of cases when the mentioned insignificant performance results...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 577
Pages: 2
Introduction It is important to review the current literature in order to broaden the overall understanding of the lexical decision-making process. A study suggests that the given concept is mainly comprised of two regimes, which are high levels of competition for low frequency words and revisions for pseudowords (Barca &...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 586
Pages: 2
The summary of the article The current paper contains a rhetorical analysis of the article “Reading too much political news is bad for your well-being” . Brooks (2020) address an urgent topic of how political news affects people’s mood. The author concludes that it is vitally important to limit the...
Topic: Rhetoric
Words: 711
Pages: 2
Introduction The case “Stents in the cardiac cath lab” is written by Dale Buchbinder. The case study in question is an example of professional misconduct, which harmed the patient and resulted in a collective lawsuit against the hospital and the responsible cardiologist. The cardiac surgeon had ties with a cardiac...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 588
Pages: 2
It should be noted that conceptual blocks limit a person from the point of view of his or her thinking process. They encourage individuals to look at the problem more narrowly and do not give them the opportunity to reveal their creative potential when searching for a solution. Apart from...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 551
Pages: 2
Effective communication is of extreme significance in the health care environment. Communication can be defined as the process of sharing information and interaction between people. In the following paper, I am going to dwell on the status of my communication skills in three particular areas, and the way these skills...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 558
Pages: 2
Introduction Buddha, meaning the enlightened one, started Buddhism as a religion. He was born Prince Siddhartha Gautama around the fifth century BCE and died at the age of 80 around 400 BCE after a long time of traveling and preaching (Kleiner 447). After his death, his followers collected, organized, and...
Topic: Buddhism
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Signing into law the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010 was a significant step, which considerably influenced health care in the United States. The idea of making health care more affordable was appealing to millions of Americans. However, different issues arose in the process of the implementation of the ACA....
Topic: Affordable Care Act
Words: 607
Pages: 2
The main focus of the classical organizational theory is changing the management process to improve work performance. Different researchers attempted to create an effective system regarding three different aspects of management that can increase work efficiency. For instance, Henri Fayol was trying to construct a theory of classical management to...
Topic: Organizational Theory
Words: 559
Pages: 2
Currently, along with growing attention to artificial intelligence (AI), a new focus is emerging in many areas of thinking about human intellect. Scientists fear that AI in the future may cause a singularity when the development of technology becomes irreversible and uncontrollable, which will lead to incomprehensible changes in civilization...
Topic: Critical Thinking
Words: 497
Pages: 2
Introduction Protecting clinical information and maintaining the client’s confidentiality is one of the most important elements of counselors’ ethical conduct. As Berton (2014) points out, violating confidentiality will not only ruin the client’s trust in the counselor but also damage the reputation of the entire counseling profession. Generally, to maintain...
Topic: Counseling
Words: 633
Pages: 2
Introduction This paper is intended to explain the different websites that promote rental properties. Also, this paper focuses on how to join the group or create a user account in these sites. Finally, the paper put in plain words the methods to list rental properties in Google for marketing and...
Topic: Advertising
Words: 761
Pages: 2
Walt Disney is a globally recognized entertainment brand that most of the world’s population is familiar with since childhood, thanks to the outstanding cartoons the company has created. Meanwhile, in the business world, no player has a guarantee that its success will last forever, relying only on previous achievements. Strengths,...
Topic: Disney
Words: 661
Pages: 2
Introduction Change is inevitable; actually, change can be thought of as being a constant because nothing ever stays the same. The nature of life is that it is like a constant evolution that calls upon us to adapt and reinvent ourselves to keep up with new and different circumstances. Leaders...
Topic: Communication
Words: 916
Pages: 2
The movie The Corporation focused on the rise of the notion of a corporation as a legal entity and its equivalence to a person in regards to its rights and capabilities in society. The main message of the film can be found in the fact that corporate entities do not...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 569
Pages: 2
Introduction The nursing shortage continues to get larger. With the lack of nursing instructors and nurses retiring as well as nurses changing professions, the numbers are more dismal every year. There is the expectation that there will be more than 400,000 vacant nursing positions in the next 10 years. This...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 730
Pages: 2
Jack Welch’s book, titled “Winning”, provides a framework of qualities required for the success as a business leader in an enterprise. These qualities include the necessity of a strong mission and concrete values, the absolute necessity of candor, the power of differentiation, and giving value to each individual, respecting their...
Topic: Business
Words: 607
Pages: 2
Leadership is defined as the act of organizing a group of people to achieve a common objective. It entails giving directions to other people mostly to the subordinates by authority and being accountable for the results obtained (Johnson and Hackman, 2003, p.38). Leadership in an organization is an important tool...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 593
Pages: 2