Abortion and Moral Theory: Ethical Perspectives and Arguments

Introduction Healthcare professionals have to face numerous ethical issues each day. In many cases, there are certain guidelines and principles shared by practitioners and patients that help in making moral decisions. However, some issues are still debatable, and no single opinion exists on the matter. Abortion is one of such...

Abortion and the Moral Status of Fetuses with Abnormalities: Ethical Considerations

Introduction The abortion debate remains one of the most controversial and sensational topics today. Since this issue has continued to attract numerous ethical and religious perspectives, many people encounter difficulty whenever deciding to embrace or reject the practice. This paper uses the case, “Fetal Abnormality” to discuss various theories of...

ABC Healthcare: Affordable Employee Benefits & Compensation

ABC healthcare organization provides its employees with affordable and competitive benefit and compensation package. It is willing to improve this package for the staff members constantly to receive as much advantage as possible. This brochure reveals an overview of those benefits that are offered to all employees. In case of...

Governmental Decision-Making During the 2008 Financial Crisis: Key Lessons

Leadership and Decision-Making Issues The major problem in leadership and effective decision-making revealed by the financial crisis of 2008 was the lack of system in the short-term reactions of the government. The crisis started with the borrowers’ inability to pay off their mortgage loans (Flynn, 2012). To regain stability, the...

Overview of Effective Treatment Approaches for Anxiety

Introduction The efficacies of psychotherapies differ according to the type of psychotherapy employed. Hence, this assessment seeks to establish if psychoanalysis therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy have different efficacies in the treatment of anxiety. Research Question Does psychoanalysis therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy have different efficacies in alleviating anxiety among...

Key Strategies Shaping U.S. Policy in Afghanistan

The afghan strategy is a United States’ strategy of sending American troops to fight the Taliban and al-Qaeda in order to make a safer world. Obama has started implementing the Afghan strategy by ordering 30000 troops to be sent to there, because America’s security is at stake. He has promised...

Analyzing Barcode and RFID Technologies in Efficient Inventory Control

Bar codes have been popular in the world of retail for several decades; they have made the process of shopping much easier compared to its prior form. The combinations of black lines that comprise bar codes are scanned by the optical reader devices to decode the information (the title of...

Combating Professional Burnout in Nursing with Mindfulness Techniques

Introduction The article “Rekindling the Flame: Using mindfulness to end nursing burnout” is devoted to the issue of professional burnout among nurses. It has presented the symptoms, constituents, and stages of the disorder. Besides, it suggests some ways how to avoid the problem. Symptoms, Constituents, and Stages of Nursing Burnout...

Empowerment Pathways for Nurses from Minority Backgrounds in Healthcare

Proposed change Empowerment of nurses from minority groups. Currently, it is exceedingly difficult or almost impossible for nurses from minority groups to acquire leadership positions in nursing. Strengths Comprehension of the varying social behavior of the society concerning enhanced interaction Before becoming leaders, nurses seeking promotion to executive positions have...

Understanding Ethnic and Racial Identity Through Developmental Theories

Minority identity development theory refers to African-Americans and interprets their self-formation and self-determination. This theory was developed by Cross (1971), Atkinson, Morten and Sue (1983). The minority identity development theory suggests that cultural identity problems faced by many African-Americans and adolescents are exacerbated by social difficulties in their first few...

Perspectives on Foley Catheter Use and Stakeholder Impact in Surgery

The paper identifies appropriate stakeholders related to prevention of complications of foley catheter use in surgical patients at Kendall Regional Medical Center. Registered Nurse (RN) Position in the Organizational Hierarchy RNs are in the middle level of the hierarchy and report to a nurse manager (Hierarchy Nursing Jobs, n.d.). Influence...

Utilizing Logistic Regression in Designing Healthcare Research

Quantitative Design Considering the topic of the perspective investigation as well as its goals, the method of logistic regression may be applied in terms of the quantitative design. Logistic regression is a useful classical tool for resolving the issues of regression and classification, serving as an apparatus for analyzing the...

Modern Relevance of the Pullman Strike and Its Historical Causes

A civilized society is often divided into classes where each has its specific and unique characteristics. As a result, there are layers of civil masses, and the conditions for existence are not always equal. One of the most important aspects of any society is the working class, and the way...

Assessing Today’s Talent Management Challenges and Emerging Trends

The current discussion of talent management is based on the idea that the research on the problem lacks a clear definition of the term, as well as the variety of perspectives to apply in order to guarantee the complex and systematic approach to discussing the issue (Collings & Mellahi, 2009)....

KĂĽbler-Ross Model Insights on Coping with Grief and Loss

At some point, during their lifetime, individual may encounter different circumstances, which bring them a great deal of pain. This sentiment could be due to death of a loved one such as a parent, child or partner. Correspondingly, terminally ill patients may harbor feelings of loss upon realization that their...

Genetic Variation and Its Relation to Mitosis and Meiosis Processes

Mitosis Mitosis is the process of cell division; as a result of it, two identical cells emerge. The cells of all types, except for sex cells, multiply via mitosis. Mitosis occurs in several phases (Dawson, 2002; The University of Arizona Biology Project, 2004): Meiosis Meiosis is the division of cells...

Impact of Islamic Religion on Cultural Diversity within American Society

Introduction Islam is one of the fastest-growing religions in the world. It is projected that by 2050, 2.1% of the U.S. population will be Muslims. Many Americans have not understood the essence of religion. For instance, there is a common suspicion that Islam is anti-Western and supports terrorism. The perception...

Choosing and Implementing EHRs: Key Considerations for Healthcare Facilities

Selecting and implementing electronic health record (EHR) that will best meet the requirements and needs of an organization is an intricate process having many challenges that may emerge at every stage of the whole embodying journey. In general, there are three phases of EHR introduction: pre-implementation, implementation, and post-implementation (Lorenzi...

Creating Supportive Online Learning Environments for Better Engagement

Article Discussion The article by Plante and Asselin (2014) aimed to determine the most effective practices as well as strategies based on evidence to design and maintain a supportive online environment for learning, which facilitates social presence, caring behaviors, as well as efficient learning experiences. The aim of their research...

U.S. Government Services for Immigrants in a Changing Social Landscape

Ong Hing (9) has described illegal immigration as a volatile and emotional issue. The media has, in recent years hosted hotly contested debates on the rhetoric, statistics, and opinions of Americans regarding the impact of illegal immigrants on the U.S. economy (Ong Hing 9). Such a debate could not have...

Care Pathways and Treatment for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Additional subjective data The overall picture seems clear; however, there might be a certain need for some additional information. The patient should also say how she feels in the mornings and whether her throat is stronger after eating and heartburns. Additionally, it is also important to get to know whether...

Addressing Suicide Causes with Awareness and Prevention Strategies

A life is one of the most priceless gifts given to a person, and it seems to be unnatural and truly egoistic for people to commit suicide and leave the world without any clear and justified reason. Though suicide is not the first reason for human death, it is still...

Legal and Social Arguments in the Same-Sex Marriage Debate

Amending the Constitution The Constitution is the legal document that contains the rules and regulations that govern the conducts of individuals within a given society (Harrison et al, 2010). However, due to the dynamism of the society and culture, it is essential for the law to be flexible in order...

Socioeconomic Consequences of the Great Depression on American Society

In the decade between 1920 and 1930, the United States of America experienced success in their overall national economy performance. However, disparities in the growth of the various sectors of the economy posed a significant threat. In addition, the bulk of the gains from the economic prosperity rested on a...

Ball Culture’s Cultural Significance as Explored in “Paris Is Burning”

Did Paris Burn in Vain? The tolerance and acceptance of minorities into society is always a tough process. American society has witnessed several successful occasions when the outcasts have gained their right to equality. Saying that you are gay today is a much less risky feat than it was, say,...

Classifying Evidence Levels in Evidence-Based Medical Practice

Case Report A case report that is also known as a case-controlled study can be referred to as the exploration of a certain phenomenon, family, or a single person. As a rule, the case report integrates quantitative and qualitative methods of research. The information collected as a result of this...

Wealth Disparities in America: Examining the Socioeconomic Divide

The growing wealth inequality in the US is now a major social issue. As such, academics, including sociologists and economists, have explored wealth inequality from various perspectives and found multiple responsible variables. For instance, the video, the Extent of U.S. Wealth Inequality, presents a dramatic extent of that imbalance by...

Essential Responsibilities for Effective Management in Modern Workplaces

Control of personnel is among the essential responsibilities of a manager. To ensure that the workforce is productive, managers have to use their decision-making skills to resolve difficult situations. In the case of Bauer Manufacturing Company, the problem resulted from David Smith’s failure to address the needs of employees sufficiently....

Addressing Healthcare Challenges Caused by Nursing Staff Shortages

Various problems and issues that are relevant to the nursing field can often be corrected through a detailed analysis and effective interventions. One of such problems is understaffing in nursing as in many hospitals patients are inconvenienced because the management cannot provide the required number of junior medical personnel. This...

Quality Management Approaches at Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation

Introduction At the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, quality assurance (QA) and the related procedures are taken with great seriousness to reduce the risk of an accident to a minimum (Kubiak & Benbow, 2009b). Although not all elements of the iSix Sigma framework are currently introduced in the organization, the existing quality...

Patient-Centered Care Models Enhancing Healthcare Outcomes

Introduction In nursing, the sole work of a nurse or registered nurse is to offer care to patients and ensure everything is in accordance with the doctor’s requirements (Greenfield & Braithwaite, 2008). It is, therefore, the responsibility of the nurse to ensure quick recovery of the patients thanks to the...

Casino Industry Standards on Occupational Safety and Drug-Free Environments

As a result of the enactment of the 1970 Act of Occupational Safety and Health in the U.S, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was formed. The idea was to have a body that would ensure a safe and healthy working environment for employees. It sets rules and standards for...

The Impact of Railroads on America’s Wealth Growth: Historical Analysis

Introduction The transcontinental railroad was build despite opposition from the Indians. They were fighting to preserve their culture. To them the railroad meant bringing more white people to their territory. They held meetings seeking counsel to protect their land. This dispute did not stop the construction of the railroad, as...

The History of Slavery: Analyzing Its Impact on Contemporary Society

Nowadays, there are many opinions about the impact of slavery on people. Some people believe that slavery is something from the past and can never return. Still, some people think that slavery as it cannot be dead and continues influencing people in a variety of ways. Reece and O’Connell (2015)...

Colonial and Revolutionary America: A Historical Overview of Key Events and Impacts

In 1776 America faced a series of problems that required immediate resolution. While the British forces were perfectly disciplined, armed, and organized, the Patriot army experienced a lack of skilled generals and soldiers as well as a lack of armament. The Patriots needed foreign aid, and if they wanted to...

Role of Music in Enhancing Patient Outcomes: Evidence and Insights

Introduction The use of music to improve patient outcomes has a long history of implementation and research. In many ways, music is preferable to other intervention methods. Music does not require intrusive actions, is easy to administer, universally appealing, and the technological progress of recent decades has made it affordable...

Courage and Change: Analyzing the Costs and Implications of Social Action

Through the history of world art and literature, portrayals of courage abound. Whether a cave painting of a lone spear against the horde of beasts, a classical battle scene, or a modern memorial to the fallen, such a piece is more likely to appeal to pathos and ethos than to...

Defining Corporate Social Responsibility: Vision, Values, and Ethical Practices

When identifying the principles, which the phenomenon of the corporate citizenship is based on, one must admit that values and vision not only constitute an impressive part thereof, but also serve as the foundation for the corporate citizenship. Presupposing that each and every member of the staff should be committed...

Family-Oriented Community-Based Nursing: Strategies for Enhanced Patient Engagement

Two Concepts of Care Family-focused care also known as family-centered care (FCC) can be defined as a collaborative approach to making decisions related to health care (Kuo et al., 2011). FCC is a philosophy of care that has been recognized and held in high esteem by numerous medical societies, legislative...

Factors Influencing Reassessment of Hospitalized Patients: A Critical Analysis

Importance of Subjective and Objective Data Medical workers have to know how to gather subjective and objective data of hospitalized patients and provide them with health care in a proper way. It is necessary to understand that in a hospital setting, a patient does not require a full portion of...

Importance of Health Promotion in Nursing: Strategies for Better Patient Outcomes

Health promotion is one of the concepts that must be more explicitly defined for nursing due to its frequent use and the development of different health care trends that could determine its value. According to the classification system developed by McEwen and Wills (2014), health promotion can be defined as...

Understanding the Impact of Illegal Immigration in the United States

Introduction Illegal immigrants are those people who have gained access to the United States of America without proper authority and will be deported if found as such. It also means those who have entered the United States of America legally after which they fell out of the required status and...

Shocking Realities of Human Trafficking: Unveiling Disturbing Aspects

The issue of human trafficking can be discussed as challenging and causing people to avoid this problematic topic because there are opinions that this problem cannot be overcome or addressed effectively. However, it is almost impossible to ignore the data that illustrate how many persons become victims of human trafficking...

Strategies for Sustainability: A Comprehensive Business Guide

Sustainability in Manufacturing and Product Design In the following chapter the author describes some main issues of sustainability in manufacturing and product design. The reasons and benefits of the implementation of sustainability in the working process of some great world companies are also described. The author gives a list of...

Funding Structure of Vermont’s Single Payer System: Insights and Challenges

Rationale In the context of struggles and turbulence associated with the Adoption of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), some states across the United States decided to experiment with their own health plans and legislations. Vermont’s single-payer system was introduced under the rationale to guarantee its citizens universal insurance coverage, increase...

Station Night Club Fire: Tragedy and Lessons Learned for Future Prevention Measures

Introduction The Station Nightclub incident is one of the most tragic episodes in the history of the United States that engulfed the Rhode Island in 2003. The catastrophe stemmed from the pyrotechnics display that appeared in the club during the concert and led to an instant flaming. The incident had...

The Southeast Showcase: An Overview of a Premier Sports Event and Its Community Impact

Introduction When organizing for an event, the host organization needs to ensure that they promote customer satisfaction by delivering the expectations of all the relevant stakeholders through the event. This can only be achieved through successful event planning and management. The organizers should ensure that they engage in extensive planning...

Reforming the US Foster Care System: Addressing Challenges and Enhancing Support

Introduction The US foster care system aims to provide temporary care and protection for children unable to stay with their biological families. However, challenges such as insufficient resources, inadequate support for foster families, placement disruptions, and high social worker caseloads hinder its effectiveness. These issues negatively impact children’s emotional, social,...

The Cultural Divergence of Cinco de Mayo Celebrations in the U.S. and Mexico

Introduction Sharing borders often means sharing culture and social elements, including events. The United States and Mexico may differ in political and economic perspectives. However, cultural aspects between the two countries often overlap as they share a similar colonial past. One event in the USA and Mexico is the Cinco...

The Policy Process in Nursing: Insights from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Policies The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (2018) works towards improving the state of healthcare in the United States. The foundation explores many spheres of healthcare, including nursing. In its initiative, called “Charting Nursing’s Future,” the foundation examines and prioritizes a number of issues. First of...

Understanding Emphysema, Barrel Chest, and Arterial Gases: Clinical Implications for Management

“Barrel” Chest Configuration Emphysema is a condition where the lung tissue is destroyed or severely damaged due to smoking or atmosphere pollution. It is characterized by individuals having trouble breathing and experiencing shortness of breath (Singh et al., 2016). It is also one of the main types of chronic obstructive...

Human Immunodeficiency Virus: Understanding Its Nature as an Infectious Disease

Introduction The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a pathogenic retrovirus that provokes the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and related comorbidities (cacer, lung, liver, and cardiovascular conditions) (Lorenc et al., 2014). It is usually transmitted through sexual contacts, as well as maternal-infant exposure, and percutaneous inoculation. As stated by Shaw and...

Orientalism: Defining the Concept and Its Impact on Cultural Perceptions

Hello, students! I hope your break went well, and now you are focused enough for the lecture on Orientalism. Can anyone tell me in brief what is Orientalism? In the past years, Orientalism was predominantly used for referring to two different nations. First, Orientalism referred to the school of painting,...

The History and Controversy Surrounding Circumcision: Cultural Perspectives and Medical Opinions

Introduction Circumcision is a surgical procedure of removing the foreskin on the genitals, usually performed on male children and adults. However, female circumcision is also practiced in certain world regions. As this procedure is controversial from the medical and sociological standpoint, it is necessary to describe the issue and examine...

Financial Performance of General Motors: Analyzing Trends and Strategic Insights

In 2016 and the first three quarters of 2017, GM has been experiencing significant financial issues, namely a steep growth in liabilities. According to the WSJ (2017), the company’s liabilities over the five-year period increased from 53,992 in 2012 to 85,181 in 2017 (Figure 1). As a result, GM’s total...

Field Trip Experience: Insights from the Golden Dragon Parade Celebration

Introduction In my perception, Chinese Ney Year is inseparably linked to rich symbolic imagery, ancient superstitions, delicious foods, and colorful festivals. It is possible to say that the Golden Dragon Parade, which takes place in the Chinatown of Los Angeles every year since the very beginning of the 20th century...

New Harbor Community Center: Services and Programs for Community Development

New Harbor is a vibrant, multicultural city that currently hosts a considerable number of immigrants who have come in search for employment and better living conditions. Like any diverse community, New Harbor has to deal with high crime rates, homelessness, and poverty that cannot help affecting both adults and their...

Case Study of Memorial Hospital: Analyzing Operational Challenges and Strategic Solutions

Crisis and emergencies can lead to dramatic consequences if there are no effective emergency plans that are followed in healthcare facilities. However, the example of Memorial Hospital in New Orleans demonstrates that these plans should have strict ethical and practical instructions, and the staff should be trained to work in...

Professional Development in Nursing Education: Enhancing Skills for Future Challenges

Introduction The nursing profession is the largest part of the health care personnel. Today, it comprises about 3 million members. Working directly with patients, nurses play a major role in helping to understand the objectives of the 2010 Affordable Care Act and improving the health care system of the United...

Patient Education on Heart Palpitations: Lifestyle Modifications and Management Techniques

Introduction The case describes a 69-year-old male, Mr. Russel, who complained of heart palpitations and dizziness. Also, he has suffered from hypertension and taken HCTZ. Several laboratory tests were carried out, and the results were satisfactory. The main goals of this paper are to develop a pharmacological plan and discuss...

Methodologies for Analysis and Data Presentation: Best Practices in Research Reporting

The paper in question is a dissertation chapter that dwells upon data analysis and presentation. The key challenge of the piece is to provide the major findings as well as the data analysis methodology. The introduction is rather effective as it provides some background information and reveals the subject matter...

Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing: Navigating Complex Dilemmas in Patient Care

Introduction It is agreed that health care staff should provide treatment to patients according to their wishes regarding consent. Legal documents proclaim that a patient has the right to refuse treatment or any other type of medical interference even if this would lead to his or her disability or death....

Curriculum and Assessment Strategies for ESL Students: Enhancing Language Acquisition

The ESL student needs are integral parts of our curriculum because students are divided into different language proficiency levels in K-2 according to the expectations based on the study level. In this respect, students are assessed in terms of the listening/speaking, writing, and reading skills that are essential for further...

Generalized and Complex Partial Seizures: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Management Approaches

Introduction A seizure is an involuntary body movement caused by abnormal signals from the brain. Depending on the mechanism and localization, several types of seizures are identified. The following paper provides a comparison of generalized and complex partial seizures by contrasting their pathophysiology, typical EEG findings, physical presentations, and the...

Evaluating Berkshire Hathaway’s Service Guarantee: Insights and Current Issues

Berkshire Hathaway has been known for quite long as the provider of insurance services. Having grown to the size of a multinational conglomerate, it has managed to retain its quality standards and is currently topping the list of the most successful financial service organizations. However, because of the quality statement...

Analyzing Amazon’s Conditions of Use: Legal Framework and User Implications

Arbitration has been used in the US for more than a century as a mechanism for quick and effective dispute resolution. The introduction of arbitration clauses into consumer contracts has been especially prevalent with the emergence of online services. The aim of this paper is to discuss advantages and disadvantages...

Human Resource Strategies for Expanding into Sub-Saharan Africa: Key Considerations

This paper is a supporting human resource (HR) plan for an organizational strategy of expansion to sub-Sahara Africa. In this connection, it is essential to consider a variety of aspects associated with the identified topic including a number of relocating employees, commissary, employees’ family issues, and housing peculiarities. First of...

Acute Otitis Media in Children: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Approaches

Acute otitis media (AOM) is a condition that affects children from various demographic categories and is commonly seen in primary care offices (Liese et al., 2014). Approximately 25 percent of children will be presented to a clinic with an episode of AOM by age 12 years (Dickson, 2014). Risk factors...

Symptoms and Treatment of Asthma During Pregnancy: Guidelines for Healthcare Providers

The Case A 22-year-old woman diagnosed with “mild persistent” asthma is suffering from recently increased symptoms of asthma. She is pregnant, and her lab work confirms it. As a medication, she uses two types of metered-dose inhalers: albuterol and fluticasone. Her use of these inhalers has increased over the last...

Assessing the Risks: Will California Face Catastrophic Events in the Future?

There are various speculations about the possibility of a significant natural disaster that can take place in California in the near future. In particular, it is often assumed that this state may eventually fall into the ocean due to the influence of some forces. One should keep in mind that...

Selecting Stakeholders for Managerial Teams: A Framework for Effective Collaboration

Introduction A great number of people are involved in project management. Projects can vary in scope from building a railroad through opening a small shop to planning a vacation. For realizing significant business projects, though, there are some steps that need to be made. These steps include choosing key figures:...

Analyzing the Pace of U.S. Federal Reserve Tapering: Economic Implications and Insights

The pace at which the US Federal Reserve has been applying mandatory cuts on bonds has raised different reactions from the business community. Opinions have been divided on whether to allow the economy to recover or decrease bond purchases at the present pace within the year. The unpredicted economic performance...

Early Interventions for PTSD After Hurricanes: Strategies for Immediate Support

How to Begin the Process of Debriefing for Survivors Debriefing is a kind of psychological treatment offered to survivors of natural disasters in order to reduce their psychological morbidity that may appear as a natural reaction to the trauma. It is usually rendered within 10 days after the crises occur...

Ethical Considerations in Hiring Hackers: Analyzing Issues and Solutions

Introduction We are faced with ethical issues in our interactions as human beings. Ethics can loosely be defined as a system of moral principles by which social conduct is judged as either “right” or “wrong”. As relates to business, ethics are moral principles which prescribe legitimate behavior in varied business...

The Role of Transportation in Value Chains: Analyzing Impact and Efficiency

How Does Transportation Add Value in a Supply Chain? The significance of the transportation processes in the supply chain management setting can hardly be overrated. Being an essential part of SCM (Wang, 2012), transportation affects the way, in which the products and services of a company are perceived by the...

Phases of the Transitional Care Model: Planning for Enhanced Patient Outcomes

Introduction Transition care becomes a topical issue nowadays as patients with complex medical needs might suffer from poor outcomes. These are preconditioned by medication errors, and other drawbacks in the communication between care providers and patients. Additionally, older patients mainly comprise the risk group. For this reason, the problem of...

Engaging International Audiences: Comparative Analysis of Kenya, Australia, and the USA

Training to the international audiences requires the consideration of multiple cultural and social differences. The success of training largely depends not merely on the subject content but also on the mode of communication with the targeted audience and ability to meet their interests and cognitive needs. Kenya The logical guide...

Dietary Approaches to Combat Hypertension: Nutritional Strategies for Better Health

The prevalence of hypertension among the population of the United States can also depend on the factor of ethnicity. The researchers pay attention to the fact that Hispanics suffer from high blood pressure oftener than other minorities (Staffileno et al., 2013). Therefore, Hispanics need to adapt their diets and lifestyles...

Overcoming Obstacles to Reduce PICC-Related Complications in Clinical Practice

The paper identifies obstacles to change project aimed to minimize PICC-related complications and reduce catheter reinsertion rates in Kendall Regional Medical Center. Obstacle Analysis The implementation of change required by the practicum project will likely be complicated and slowed down by a range of obstacles. While the human factor is...

Utilizing IT for Security Risk Mitigation in Organizations: Strategies and Best Practices

The process of facilitating proper security rates within an organization requires a complex analysis of the existing loopholes in a variety of the company’s domains. First and most obvious, the issues concerning the security of the information transfer process must be analyzed in a very detailed manner. In addition, it...

Marketing Plan for the Organic Market Segment: Strategies and Trends

Star Endorsement To endorse the organic vision of the product, a Canadian celebrity may be invited to participate in the marketing campaign. The celebrity can either be a sports star or an individual strongly associated with a healthy lifestyle (e.g. a nutritionist). This strategy would target the customers oriented towards...

Door-to-Balloon Time Project: Effective Dissemination Plans and Implementation

Introduction To develop a successful plan featuring the best dissemination strategies, it is necessary to identify the goal of the project, its target audience and stakeholders, and the required resources (Barksdale, Newhouse, & Miller, 2014). The activities are to be organized to expand the dissemination plan in two major directions:...

The Black Rhinoceros: Characteristics, Habitat, and Conservation Efforts

Introduction Unfortunately, humans often aim to improve their living conditions by hunting animals for various purposes, which frequently leads to some species’ partial or complete extinction. One such example is the black rhinoceros, as quite a few representatives of this species are left. The black rhino was selected for this...

Gun Control Debate: A Balance Between Rights and Safety

Introduction The topic of gun control in the United States has been a subject of considerable debate and controversy. Proponents of gun rights maintain that the Second Amendment of the Constitution guarantees an individual’s right to possess firearms. On the other hand, advocates of stricter gun control laws argue that...

The Impact of Food Choices on the Economy and Environment

I live in Manhattan, New York, and I can find anything I need in local grocery stores. My favorite one is Gristedes since it is situated close to my home and works long hours. Also, there is a delivery option, which is highly crucial in the present-day pandemic situation. For...

Internal Analysis, Value-Adding Strategies, and Service Marketing

Introduction Before proceeding directly to the assignment performance, it is required to identify the essence of fundamental conceptions. Primarily, internal environment analysis is an overview of a wide range of elements of a company, its activities, mission, and leadership. Consequently, the value-adding strategies mean the formation of the working environment...

Phases of the Transitional Care Model: Enhancing Patient Continuity and Outcomes

Introduction Identifying productive ways to improve transitional care for older adults with chronic diseases in complex with other risk factors such as social barriers or issues of managing their care needs is essential for increasing the productivity, and for decreasing the costs of healthcare. One model that proved to be...

Current Relevance of Six Sigma: Transforming Business Processes and Quality Management

Increasing the quality of a company’s performance and improving the outcomes of organizational projects is an essential step toward progress. Therefore, it is crucial that a proper quality management framework should be adopted by the members of an organization or the leaders of a specific project. The Six Sigma concept,...

Patient Protection and the Affordable Care Act: Nursing Implications and Responsibilities

Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Nursing Practice The state law Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, adopted in 2010, defines rather significant changes in the American health policy (United States Congress House Committee on Health Care, 2010). Among those changes that occurred as a result of its introduction,...

Preventive Measures for Heart Failure Readmission: Evidence-Based Approaches and Strategies

Introduction Congestive heart failure (CHF) afflicts more than 5 million people in the United States (Garcia & Bradford, 2017). Advancements in health research have availed different CHF therapies. However, the incidence and prevalence of the disorder continue to trouble the healthcare system as indicated by increased hospitalizations and healthcare spending....

New Patterns for Democracy Emerged from the Arab Spring: A Comprehensive Overview

The unrest in the world can be observed in many places where people and the government find themselves in conflict over views and policies. Social media in the form of communication networks, particularly twitter and facebook have allowed the news to spread fast. This has led to people becoming aware...

Six Sigma Implementation at Sikorsky Aircraft Company: Enhancing Operational Efficiency

Six Sigma Implementation in the Context of the Aircraft Company Setting Promoting consistent quality improvement is an essential element of any company’s functioning (Pyzdek, 2014). Unless the quality standards are regularly updated, the firm is likely to lose its influence and weight in the target market as the customers will...

Import Substitution and Specialization: Economic Strategies and Implications

Import substitution is a strategy that is normally applied by the developing countries in controlling imports. The government replaces its foreign imports with domestic production. Import substitution is important because it helps the country reduce its foreign dependency. Specialization, on the other hand, refers to a situation where a country...

Updating Retail Chain Configurations: Insights from Carrefour Company

Improving the design of a retail chain is an essential step toward enhancing the company’s competitiveness and performance rates in the global economy (Mangan, Lalwani, & Butcher, 2011). Since the retail chain design defines the speed and quality of the product and raw materials delivery, its configuration aimed at meeting...

Play-Based Therapy in Psychology: Understanding Its Benefits and Applications

What Is Play-Based Therapy? Scholars and non-scholars have asked several questions regarding the approach called play-based therapy. Reports have gone to the extent of asserting that play centered therapy appears to lack rationality in its usage, is unclear, and unstructured. Nevertheless, play-based therapy is normally used when focusing on the...

Health Promotion Model and Human Becoming Theory: Foundations for Nursing Practice

Introduction The health promotion model (HPM) developed by Pender in 1990 relies on behavioral science and nursing approaches in order to gain an understanding of “the complex biopsychosocial processes that motivate individuals to engage in behaviors directed toward enhancing health” (Pender, Murdaugh, & Parsons, 2015, p. 74). HPM is a...

Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science Program: Pathways and Opportunities

Overview Being a participant of the RN-to-BSN program, I have to participate in specific scholarly activities or some kind of professional practice in order to improve the already gained knowledge and share my personal experience. Today, there are many scholarly practices available to students, and it is not enough to...

Advocacy for Nurse-Patient Ratios: Addressing Challenges and Enhancing Care

Introduction Healthcare system in the US has many flaws that require legislative change. Nurses, being the primary and most numerous practitioners of medicine, are intimately aware of the problems that get in the way of proper healthcare. This is why nurses are urged to share their experience and step into...

Developing a Conflict Management Plan for a Regional Medical Center: Best Practices

Conflicts are an essential part of change management and they can either contribute or disrupt the process of project implementation (Saxton, 2012). Recognizing the indicators of conflict, revealing the motives and goals of the participants of the conflict, having methods of analysis of the conflict situation, and the establishment of...

Homeland Security and Fast Responses to Disasters and Terrorism: Strategies and Case Studies

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Striking MOU helps in establishing a fast-tracking response to disasters. The interagency bodies are convened based on an agreeable MOU. In the National Response Framework, there are two MOU referred to as Domestic Readiness Group and Counterterrorism Security Group. The two play vital roles in mitigating...

Variables in Restraint and Seclusion Projects: Evidence-Based Practices

Introduction Restraint and seclusion are considered some of the more inhumane practices in modern medicine. The presented evidence-based project is designed to address this issue by reducing the instances of restraint and seclusion in hospitals through higher quality of care being provided to the patients, patient-focused interventions, and even introduction...

Lean Production Implementation in Hospitals: Strategies for Enhanced Efficiency

Recently, many hospitals have implemented the concept of lean production (LP) into their work, applying a variety of strategies. However, few attempts were made to distinguish between those approaches and to study the actual reasons behind their application (Williamsson, Eriksson, & Dellve, 2016). The research under analysis, based on the...

The Impact of Workplace Diversity on Business Improvement Strategies

Introduction Diversity in an organization is a required condition for efficient development within the industry, referring to global trends. Nowadays, diversity in the workplace is defined as respect for people’s differences, focusing on their age, gender, race, culture, or religion, among other characteristics. In this context, the inclusion can be...

Health Systems and Global Organizations: Collaborative Projects and Partnerships

Identified Organization The targeted organization for this discussion is the Health Systems Global (HSG). This global organization attracts members from different parts of the world. The agency focuses on new ideas to promote global health systems (“History,” 2017). The organization’s actions include: promoting the acquisition of new information in health,...

Encouraging Independence: Employee Leadership and Decision-Making Tactics

Employees in Charge: Tendency to Encourage Independence The environment of Operation Management (OM) has changed significantly over the past few years. New trends have redesigned the subject matter to the point where OM gained an entirely new meaning, implying not only the control over the corporate processes but also the...

Electronic Health Records: Historical Context and Future Goals

Introduction Electronic health record (EHR) is also known as the computer-based patient record. Generally speaking, EHR is “electronically maintained information about an individual lifetime health status and healthcare [including] medical history, current medications, laboratory tests, x-ray images, etc.” (Leavitt, 2002, p. 257). It indeed is a breakthrough in the field...

Aspects of Personal Nursing Philosophy: Core Beliefs and Practices

Introduction A nursing philosophy is a model that informs and guides caregivers to deliver high-quality care. Nurses should develop effective philosophies and use them as guidelines to achieve their career aims (Mackey & Bassendowski, 2017). This paper gives a detailed summary of my philosophy of nursing. The discussion goes further...

Dorchester Inc.’s Stock Swap Option: Financial Implications and Strategy

Introduction Businesses can combine financially in several ways. For instance, businesses of equal sizes can merge their operations and become one large entity or one entity can acquire another company. In the case of acquisition, the acquiring company needs to pay for the entity being acquired. There are several ways...

Six Sigma Tools and Decision-Making Models: Enhancing Business Processes

DMADV The DMADV framework is typically viewed as the auxiliary tool used along with the DMAIC approach as a part of the Six Sigma philosophy. DMADV involves the following stages: Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, Modify (Kubiak & Benbow, 2009a). As shown above, the framework does not have the control- and...

Tooth Response to the Caries Process: Insights into Dental Health

Dental caries is a bacterial infection that occurs on organic matter and hard tissues of the teeth such as the dentin, the enamel and the cementum leading to their demineralization which is as a result of the production of acids by the bacteria (Levine et al. 465). The acids accumulate...

Cross-Cultural Competencies in Human Service Work: Importance and Implementation

Human beings are distinguished by race, religion, or socio-economic backgrounds. A study of cross-cultural competencies is an important subject in the human service professions and especially in counseling. Counselors are trained to deal with different kind of clients, who have diverse problems. Therefore, it is necessary to have background knowledge...

Control Charts in Performance Environments: Applications and Benefits

Tracking down the progress of an organization is an essential part of the analysis that helps locate the problems and obstacles that a firm may face (Majumdar, ‎Das, & Alagirusamy, 2012). Therefore, the application of control charts as one of the most efficient tools for the analysis of the company’s...

Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Programs in the U.S.: Strategies and Outcomes

Cardiovascular disorders are one of the top causes of death in the USA. It has been estimated that over 92 million American adults have some type of heart disease (Benjamin et al., 2017). The major factors contributing to the development of these illnesses include smoking, physical inactivity, nutrition, excessive weight,...

Bedside Reporting Practices in Nursing: Enhancing Patient Care and Communication

Major Points of the Article The article “Incorporating Bedside Reporting into Change-of-Shift Report” supports the importance of positive nursing practices. According to Laws (2010, p. 70), “bedside change-of-shift reporting has the potential to empower both patients and caregivers”. Every patient expects to be “involved in the decision regarding his or...

Financial Problems in Hospitals: Decision-Making Challenges and Solutions

Financial Management Issue The financial problem that my organization is currently trying to address is connected with inadequate expectations of patients as per value-for-money factor in proposed medications and interventions. Satisfaction of the majority of the patients depends on the costs of treatment since they are convinced that cheaper health...

Essential Vocabulary for Waste Elimination: Key Terms and Concepts

Elimination The process of eliminating waste, though seemingly simple, in fact, requires a careful analysis of the factors that contribute to it. In the realm of an organization, the identified process will require embracing the operations performed in every single department, which is a rather challenging task. However, reaching the...

Strategies for Minimizing Workplace Hazards: Ensuring Safety and Compliance

Table 1 covers the essential strategies and interventions aimed at eliminating or minimizing hazards faced by the workforce operating in various settings at each of the three stages of the source-path-worker model. Table 1. Control interventions. Hazardous Situations Control Strategies and Measures Operating a very loud and noisy machine The...

Employee Conflict Resolution and Ethical Dilemmas in the Workplace

Any workplace represents an environment where many people have to interact with one another; as a result, due to the overlapping interests, diverse values, and clashing needs, there is a high possibility of conflicts between employees (Carter, 2015). Some of such conflicts can be resolved with the help of internal...

Nurse-to-Nurse Handovers and Bedside Shift Reports: Enhancing Patient Safety and Communication

Introduction The current transformation of nursing requires improvements in patient safety. The following paper contains a review of two practices that allow for improved patient outcomes. Also, several related improvements are expected from their implementation that may improve the overall quality of health care delivery through collaboration between stakeholders. Nurse-To-Nurse...

Healthcare Insurance Coverage Challenges in Alaska: Trends, Issues, and Policy Recommendations

Introduction In the United States, expanding healthcare access and raising the standard of care has been a significant accomplishment. Ongoing differences hinder access to essential medical care in health insurance coverage. Understanding the status of healthcare insurance coverage in Alaska is essential since the state experiences special healthcare issues due...

Eurasian Hoopoe: Classification, Adaptation, Habitat, Life Cycle, and Behavior

Introduction It is well-known that the lion is the king of all animals. However, if birds were to choose their king, they would likely have selected the hoopoe for its bright, tall, erectile crest that reminds one of an orange crown. A reason to choose The Eurasian hoopoe as a...

Financial Analysis of Target Corporation: Stability and Growth Potential

Introduction Target Corporation is an example of a publicly traded company that specializes in retail. It is the seventh most significant retail corporation in the US among the companies with the most employees. There are several formats in which Target Corporation works, including the small-scale stores that are called TargetExpress...

Effectiveness of Chlorhexidine Gluconate in Reducing CLABSI Rates in Oncology Patients

Introduction Evidence-based medicine is grounded in raising research questions and searching for answers to them by using scholarly articles with experimental data. It enables one to answer their research questions as precisely as possible, based on the facts, and such answers can be used for making medical decisions. In this...

Oncology Nursing: Graduates’ Demographics and Career Challenges

Introduction A crucial part of the healthcare sector is nursing, and graduates from nursing programs can pick from a wide range of specialties. Oncology, where nurses interact with cancer patients, is one of the most difficult but rewarding fields of nursing (Wazqar, 2019). This article focuses on the statistics and...

Shang Dynasty Bronze Artifacts: Symbolism, Rituals, and Feng Shui

Introduction The Wine Container is one of the most iconic artifacts of the Shang Dynasty. During this era, bronze manufacturing technology existed in China in finished form. Artifact artisans were highly skilled, as evidenced by fine patterns, ornaments, and symbolic images on their products. The Wine Container made during the...

Global Strategies of Multinational Corporations: Insights and Analysis

Introduction There are many multinational companies in the modern world. However, they have not always been that popular. To become global, they implemented specific strategies that made their services or products important for people from different parts of the planet. The following paper is intended to discuss and identify why...

Business and Marketing Strategies for Quiet Cafe: Analysis and Recommendations

Vision and Opportunity Goals, Purpose, and Mission After leaving the university, I’d like to create a business project that would be sustainable, correspond to the demand on the market, and, most importantly, coincide with my philosophy of not bothering anyone unless it is necessary. While many business models of our...

Measuring Tendency: Typology, Examples, and Applications in Research

Population Mean Definition The population mean is the average of all samples included in the study (Rubin, 2012). To retrieve the population mean, one must add all values and divide them by their number. Being rather basic, the given type of measurement is used in a variety of cases. For...

Exploring Amish Group Values: Cultural Insights and Practices

The Amish are a group with over 200,000 members who are American Protestants. This group originated from European Anabaptists as they escaped persecution. These people follow a written code of rules that they call Ordnung. These rules define all life aspects including what it really means to be an Amish....

Therapy for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Treatment Options and Efficacy

Interpretation of the Arterial Blood Gasses Results Acute respiratory acidosis; significantly lower Pao2 (norm 80-95 mm Hg); 68% Spo2 does not present high risks of a complete loss of breathing. Ventilator Settings SIMV of 12/min means that the patient is getting twelve mandatory breaths provided by the ventilator per minute;...

Types of Diabetes Mellitus: Understanding the Role of Insulin in Management

Differences between Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes mellitus can be discussed as a metabolic disorder of a complex character, which is associated with hyperglycemia (Zaccardi, Webb, Yates, & Davies, 2016). It is possible to distinguish between type 1 diabetes mellitus and type 2 diabetes mellitus. The pathophysiologic...

Teamwork and Collaboration in Healthcare: Professional Dynamics and Benefits

Teamwork and collaborations are essential for professional health care and nursing. These concepts are concerned with such tasks as collective planning, decision-making, problem-solving, goal-setting, taking responsibility, effort coordination, sharing of knowledge and skills, as well as establishing effective communication. The importance of collaboration in professional nursing is determined by its...

Nutrition and Food Access for Working-Class Americans: Challenges and Solutions

Factors that limited food choices for the working-class Americans in the 20th century Abigail Carroll’s approach in analyzing the history of food in the United States is intriguing. Carroll argues that money was critical in determining food choices among Americans. However, with the agricultural developments during the industrial revolution, work...