ICARE Principles in Public Nursing

Introduction This paper focuses on the public health setting, which includes interprofessional teams based on decision-making and knowledge-sharing activities. However, within these teams, there are often limited means for effective communication that do not allow for achieving better patient outcomes and promoting relevant change initiatives. The use of iCARE components...

Beliefs That Comprise Christianity

Introduction Notwithstanding its relative newness in comparison with several other religions, Christianity has numerous adepts around the globe. This considerable popularity apparently is the reason for the existence of quite various denominations because the sociocultural specificities influence the worldview and favor its reconsideration to a certain degree. The core beliefs...

The Concept of Sustainable Leadership

Introduction Sustainability seems to be a buzzword everyone uses nowadays. Whenever I scroll my feed on whichever social media, I am reminded of how much of a grip this concept has on society today. Forbes, Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic, and other globally prominent publications educate a large sum of...

How the Other Half Lives: Slums in New York

Demand for housing units skyrocketed due to the rapid growth of the industrial sector in the United States during the 1880s. Housing shortages in northeastern cities grew out of the influx of thousands of people and immigrants. Landlords have continued to subdivide their apartments into ever smaller units, resulting in...

Arguments of “No Alcohol Safe To Drink…” by Ives

Identification of the Argument Laurel Ives is a chief editor of national news-making brands. She has sound knowledge of healthcare and is experienced in working for BBC Health and Telegraph medical care division. She published an article No Alcohol Safe to Drink, Global Study Confirms for BBC Health, dated August...

Black Lives Matter: Tamika Catchings’ Biography

Humble Beginnings Tamika Catchings grew up in suburban Chicago. She used a hearing aid, but in the 1980s, hearing aids were so bulky that it was challenging to communicate with friends. She was teased and wanted to be like everyone else. She often wanted to quit school, but her mother...

Analysis of Freeman’s Promotion of Junk Food

Introduction In his paper “How Junk Food Can End Obesity”, David H. Freeman puts doubt on foods marketed as ‘healthy and wholesome’. He argues that people who commonly eat junk food should not be enticed to leave them for the purportedly healthier, more readily available foods. Instead, he proposes that...

Gentrification in the Meatpacking District of New York City

New York City has changed drastically over the course of the past 30 years. Its current residents would barely recognize the streets of the place where they live were they offered an opportunity to take a walk there in the 1980s. Abandoned industrial zones have been turned into industrial centers,...

Ulyssean Influences on The Wars by Findley

Introduction The Wars is a novel written by Timothy Findley about a young Canadian, Robert Ross, who takes part in World War I. The story follows his journey, starting with the death of his beloved sister, which makes him enlist, ending with his death. The narrative moves between people who...

The Issue of Decreasing the Minimum Wage

Introduction The issue of minimum wage in our country has always been very acute. And now, many politicians say that soon, wages will become even lower, which means that the minimum wage rate may also fall. While some people have the opportunity to regularly fly abroad, buy real estate and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Climate as a Result of Natural Events

Climate change is one of the most pressing environmental issues of the time. It is caused by a variety of factors, but one of the most important is solar output. The sun is the primary source of energy for the planet. It emits light and heat that powers all life...

Playing a Chance Game: Kantian ‘Disinterestedness’ and Aesthetic Judgment

When it comes to aesthetic judgments and the human faculties that enable them, Kant analyzes and classifies them with the same meticulous rigor that is characteristic of his approach to ethics or epistemology. The key notion of his aesthetics is that a proper judgment of beauty can only be disinterested...

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight’ in Hark’s Article

Introduction The article by Ina Rae Hark (1974) provides the comprehensive analysis of the epic poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. The major argument presented by Hark (1974) concerns the mentioned poems being an atypical example of the heroic literature of the early medieval period. The leading points that...

Women in “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a 14th century poem by an unknown author, describing the adventures of the knight Sir Gawain, nephew of King Arthur. The work continues the tradition of Arthurian chivalric romances and most fully reveals Gawain as a character (Florschuetz 158). In addition to the...

“Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”: Part Three Analysis

The Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a poem written in the 16th century and has an English origin. It is about a knight serving during King Arthur’s regime; he accepts to fight a mysterious green warrior known as the Green Knight. The fight is scheduled for New Year’s...

Negative Racial Stereotypes of African American

The death of African American George Floyd after being detained by the police provoked protests and riots not only across America but also beyond its borders. Actions against racism are taking place in Europe, Australia and even Taiwan. Accusations leveled at all four police officers involved in Floyd’s arrest did...

Homosexuality as a Problem in the Conflict Theory

The term “sexual behavior” encompasses various actions that people engage in to show their sexuality. Sexual arousal is a part of these behaviors’ biological and cultural aspects. Sociologists in sexuality study sexual attitudes and behaviors rather than physical anatomy or physiology. Sexiness is defined as a person’s ability to have...

Successful and Unsuccessful Strategies in Relationships

Relationships of any kind are based on the connections between people. The connections may be either consolidated or weakened, depending on the work of the partners. Not every couple is able to feel complete harmony and vivid emotions for many years. Sometimes the peak of emotions, joy, and love may...

Human Resources Management: Job Analysis and Job Descriptions

Introduction The significance of job design is to develop jobs that fit effectively into the organizational workflow. The narrower focus of job analysis focuses on utilizing a formal system to collect data concerning what people do in their jobs and then use the collected data to generate job specifications as...

Medicaid and Medicare Access Barriers

Introduction Medicare and Medicaid insurances were created in 1965 by the Social Security Amendments, which defines their purpose (Rajaram & Bilimoria, 2015, p. 420). Medicare is geared towards making healthcare more accessible to elders (over 65 years old) and the disabled. Medicaid works with the low-income population (Rocco, Gellad, &...

Popular Research Paper Topics

National Health Insurance and Its Disadvantages

Introduction National health insurance (NHI) invariably becomes a reason for heated debates since the beginning of its history in 1912 (Bodenheimer & Grumbach, 2012, p. 187). As new reforms are made and proposed, the disadvantages of the phenomenon that are either generic or specific (related to a particular aspect of...

TD Canada Trust Bank’s Performance Management

Introduction Performance management is one of the key components of the modern internal business organizational model. As highlighted by Belcourt et al. (2019), employees’ qualifications, professional skills, and commitment to the task are crucial components for long-term success. As these elements play a considerable role, the performance and requirements are...

Criminal Justice Decision-Making Model

Defining the Problem Goals of Imprisonment I think prison should not be a place where people simply “do time” for their sentences; it should be more focused on rehabilitation. If prisoners just serve the appointed time, most likely, they will commit the crime again (Clear et al., 2016). I think...

Mental Healthcare Aspects of Latinos

Caplan, S. (2019). Intersection of cultural and religious beliefs about mental health: Latinos in the faith-based setting. Hispanic Health Care International, 17(1) 4-10.  In her article, Caplan (2019) addresses the impact of religion and culture on Hispanics/Latinos’ mental health care receiving and their attitude to mental health treatment. Regardless of...

Early Media Exposure’s Impact on Children’s Development

Introduction Technology has transformed the world significantly, affecting almost every aspect of people. One area that has been majorly impacted by technology is early childhood development. Before technology, most parents spent time with their children interacting with them actively. Such children grew up being socially active and with the ability...

Islam and Christianity: Fundamental Components

The materialistic perspective of man and his actions on Earth, that is, the belief that man is the measure of all things, is not shared by Islam. A human was created after Allah consulted with his angels regarding his choice for the role of the caliph of Allah on earth,...

The Novel “The Hour of the Star” by Clarice Lispector

Introduction The story of Lispector’s main character, Macabea, is told through an additional perspective of the sophisticated S.M. Rodrigo. The contrasting viewpoints on life and principal values consequently provide alternative realities for the reader. Most importantly, the narrator’s judgment and telling of Macabea’s story contribute to the development of a...

Joining the Cult Behind the Rocky Horror Show

It has been more than five decades since the start of The Rocky Horror Show’s massive success, yet homophobia is still very much alive in the United States. Richard O’Brien’s play has gained global prominence and the status of a cult classic since its release in the early 1970s. In...

McMullin vs. Kuhn: Philosophy of Science

It is important to note that the impact of science was immensely useful for bringing more knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and life improvement to humanity. However, it is not clear whether or not scientific frameworks lead to absolute reality or only interpretive ones. The former forms a basis for scientific realism,...

Banking in the United States of America

History Of Banking The United States of America has the most powerful banking system in the world. However, this system is one of the youngest, and banking has its own specifics with a lot of restrictions and even archaic elements. Its own banking structure appeared in the United States during...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Community Reinvestment Act and the Banking Systems

Introduction Nowadays, there are many laws and regulations regarding the banking system, lending, and the financial structure of the United States. They include reforms to improve the country’s credit climate and increase investment opportunities. One of these laws was CRA (Community Reinvestment Act), adopted in 1977. To evaluate its effectiveness,...

Consequences of Northridge Earthquake

The famous Northridge Earthquake took place on January 17 in 1994, in the state of California, the U.S. The epicenter of the shaking itself was recorded in a small town named Northridge, a western suburb of Los Angeles. As a matter of fact, it occurred during the night, at 4...

The Bank Robbery Crime Investigation

The robbery at the U.S. Bank, 1965 Diamond Blvd, requires thorough preliminary investigations to facilitate the identification of the prime suspect, and those may have helped him in his heinous activity. The initial step would involve identifying and effectively securing the crime scene. Although some officers had arrived at the...

Immortal Blossoms in an Everlasting Spring by Giuseppe Castiglione

Introduction Immortal blossoms in an everlasting spring were sixteen bird and flower paintings by Giuseppe Castiglione. Castiglione was an Italian artist and a Jesuit missionary based in China during the Qing dynasty, where he was known as Lang Shining. The particular piece of art is associated with eternity and the...

Management Development and Management Environment

Contemporary Management Theories The first stage in the development of management began in the early twentieth century and is associated with the teachings of Taylor after the publication of his book the Principles of Scientific Management, in which he first considered the scientific approaches and principles of building a management...

A Hero Worthy of Admiration in “Njal’s Saga”

Introduction The sagas of Icelander, or family sagas, make up a real encyclopedia of the life of this nation during the Middle Ages. Historical facts and fabulous fictions, vivid events and tragedies, fierce battles, and descriptions of daily routines such as cooking dinner or children’s games – all these contrasting...

Euthanasia: Physician-Assisted Suicide, Disability, and Paternalism

Voluntary euthanasia can be defined as a case when the person wants to die and requires assistance. Involuntary euthanasia, on the other hand, means that such a person would prefer to live but has a condition that would cause their death eventually, and the suffering from this condition cannot be...

Sexual Health Through Natural and Social Sciences Lens

Natural and Applied Sciences Lens Analyzing sexual health and identity through the perspective of natural and applied sciences can identify specific social commentary. The topic of sexual health has been discussed for many years, and its definition keeps evolving. Nowadays, science translates to the public the connection between sexual health...

Rick Steve’s Iran: Views and Observations

Iran is a country in the Middle East that has a vast history of about two thousand five hundred years BC. There have been conflicts between Iran and the western countries. The conflicts have resulted in the loss of lives of many people, thereby affecting the economy of the countries...

Health Systems and Population Health: Memorandum

Summary This memo aims to explain how the market and public policy changes, including healthcare reimbursement mechanisms, are driving changes in how the hospital engages in population health. This memo also explains the social determinants of health as well as why the hospital needs to work in partnership with other...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Analysis of How a Windmill Works

Introduction Windmill is a piece of equipment that isintegrated with blade like structures that rotate to produce mechanical or electric energy. Windmills are mainly installed around the oceans and high places where high speed winds are experienced. Windmill produce renewable source of energy that is cheaper and can also be...

Procedures in Criminal Trial on Sexual Assault

Introduction This assignment analyses and reviews the procedures in a criminal trial according to the provided illegal study case. The case illustrates the incident of sexual assault conducted on the juveniles over three days. The police have already investigated the matter and revealed the evidence, three separate assaults, and rapes....

The Moral Issues of Lobster Boiling

Introduction In the article “Consider the Lobster,” D. F. Wallace discusses the ethical issues of boiling lobsters alive for culinary purposes. The author considers the various arguments of proponents as well as opponents of this procedure. As such, the fact whether lobsters are able to feel pain or not constitutes...

Hinduism vs. Buddhism: Similarities & Differences

Today, it is normal to see people choosing different religions and following specific beliefs as an integral part of their lives. There are usually no restrictions related to the decision on what religion to practice, but understanding the historical backgrounds, morals, and metaphysical views remains critical. This essay compares Hinduism...

Virtue, Utilitarianism, and Deontology

A set of guiding principles – morality – focuses on the core of what allows people to live in unified communities. In addition, morality sets what society considers acceptable and right. However, it is not a universally established principle. What one might think is acceptable in their culture could be...

Cause and Clinical Characteristics of Rib Fractures in Cats

The essence of this study lies in the peculiarities of the occurrence of rib injuries in cats. Based on the data in this article, two main factors of rib fracture manifestation are demonstrated, which are associated with traumatic and non-traumatic causes. According to the study, the appearance of rib fractures...

Comparison of Apple and Android Smartphones

Introduction In today’s smartphone market, both Android and Apple phones are popular mobile devices with a variety of key characteristics and features. Although there are many similarities between them, it is clear that a prospective buyer must be able to differentiate the overall benefits and drawbacks before acquiring either iPhones...

The Legality of Bin Laden’s Assassination

Introduction Terrorism is one of the major threats to the peace and well-being of individuals in the modern world. Radical military groups and organizations employ severe methods aimed at killing civilians to spread havoc and fear among people and attract attention to a particular issue. The terrorist act of September...

Nurse-to-Patient Ratios: A PICOT Statement

Nurse staffing ratios have become a crucial concern in recent years. Numerous institutions have reported the decrease in nursing professionals’ numbers, arguing that inadequate staffing significantly reduces the quality of care for the patients (Falk & Wallin, 2016). In addition, the nursing personnel often encounter the negative consequences of unsafe...

Descartes’ View on God, Evil Demon, and Cartesian Circle

Introduction Rene Descartes is known for his ontological argumentation in support of the existence of God. However, there are several issues with the view of the omnipotent and perfect God. For example, atheists appeal to the idea that if God existed, he would strive to prevent human suffering and catastrophes...

Bartolome De Las Casas and Human Rights in the Age of Exploration

Introduction Las Casas became among the most prominent philosophers of his generation. In various tracts, notably the immensely famous “Concise Account of the Ruination of the Indies,” written during his lifespan, he focused on his perspectives on enslavement and the liberties of indigenous persons. Las Casas was a pivotal factor...

Natural Theology Book by William Paley

The two chapters analyzed are the works of William Paley, an English clergyman, Doctor of theology at Cambridge University, as well as the author of the fundamental work Natural Theology. Paley’s natural theology is based on the popular idea of the world as a mechanism for his time. This is...

The Impediments to the Diffusion of the New Technology

Although new technologies are highly helpful in businesses, at least because they provide opportunities for simulation in the training processes of different organizations, there are various obstacles to adopting e-learning. Such impediments include cultural resistance, the difference in learning style, threats to the human resource (HR) offices, delivery costs, and...

The Future of Abortions in the United States

Abortion continues to be a controversial topic within the United States. Despite the supreme court ruling of Roe vs. Wade, which safeguarded abortion nationally in 1973, people are continuing to fight for legal abortions. Historically, opinions on abortion rights in the United States have been divided among party lines, with...

White Privilege in the United States

White privilege is one of the most frequently discussed subjects when it comes to the diversity and issues minorities face today in the United States. Even though most of us have heard about white privilege before, many cannot comprehend the meaning of this term correctly. White privilege is rather complex...

The Adventures of an IT Leader

Argue both sides of the Huerta/Calder debate. To which side would you lean? In essence, both the Huerta and Calder sides present invaluable arguments on the most viable system. However, I support the Calder side since their arguments are more reasonable and realistic. For instance, the Calder system has been...

Search Methods and Literature Review

Introduction Literature review is one of the most common types of academic works. This type requires applying specific search techniques. Although there are various techniques used in academic research, some general methods are applied by the majority of researchers. The main goals of this paper are to discuss the key...

Not-For-Profit Marketing and Communication Strategies

Marketing has traditionally been a concept in commercial sector due to associated costs and strategic aim of selling a product, neither of which pertain to not-for-profit organizations. However, the application of marketing has been broadened in the nonprofit sector as a variety of mediums appeared that could be used to...

Human Resource Managers Act

Introduction Human resource managers act as custodians between employers and employees. When an employee receives discrimination from labor unions, employment agencies, or individual employers, they have the right to question this injustice. Discrimination can be because of age, ethnic origin, sex, color, religion, or race. On one occasion, if an...

Homelessness and Poverty in Developed and Developing Countries

In the present day and throughout history, homelessness and poverty have always been a highly crucial issues in almost every society across the globe that cannot stay unnoticeable. According to the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty (2015), every year, “at least 2.5 to 3.5 million Americans sleep in...

Health Policy and the Advanced Practice Role

Advanced Practice Roles in Nursing In the process of nursing care, different advanced practice roles are of particular significance since each of them has specific functions and performs specific tasks. For example, in clinical practice, nurse practitioners and nurse informaticists carry out quite essential duties, as they have a high...

Government Regulations for the Ridesharing Industry

Issue The current state of the ridesharing industry, represented by such companies as Lyft and Uber, does not have any legal regulations that would protect both drivers and consumers and their rights. Thus, government intervention is needed to prevent companies from exploiting the industry and putting both sides of the...

Feeding Tubes: Benefits and Drawbacks

An elderly woman is in a coma. Although there are good chances that she will regain consciousness and restore health, it might take years. Her son has to decide whether to keep feeding tubes in or not. The issue relating to inserting feeding tubes is very complicated. Many clinicians insist...

Door-To-Balloon Time: Legal and Regulatory Requirements

Clinical Activity: Legal and Regulatory Requirements When designing and selecting the most suitable evidence-based strategies to reduce door-to-balloon (D2B) time in ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients at Kendall Regional Medical Center in Miami, it is critical to pay attention not only to the actions and competencies of the nurses but...

Children’s Well-Being Esurance: Abuse Prevention

Introduction The institution that was the focus of the Capstone Project is Family Hui Hawaii, which is a non-governmental organization (NGO) located on Oahu, one of the Hawaiian Islands. The key goal of the NGO in question is to ensure the well-being of children by preventing abuse, neglect, isolation, and...

Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions

Introduction Disease diagnosis is an ongoing examination to ensure the quality of health is preserved. Inadequate awareness of the illness or pathophysiology mechanism leads to misunderstanding and acts as a deterrent to correct management and slow recovery. There is a need to carry out a systematic study of the disease...

Amazon Inc.’s Strategy and Financial Expenditures

Introduction Amazon is among the most successful electronic trading businesses in the United States. Being founded more than twenty years ago, the company has managed to create the largest online marketplace in the world, which indicates the presence of a well-developed marketing strategy. Considering that studying the experience of market...

“A Late Aubade” by Richard Wilbur

Introduction “A Late Aubade” is a poem by Richard Wilbur, one of the most prominent American poets of the 20th century. The title of the poem suggests that it is a morning farewell song from one lover to another. The poem consists of seven paragraphs and “features a carpe diem...

Ethnicity in the Context of Invisible Disabilities

Invisible disability is a metaphor used by people worldwide to describe chronic illnesses and conditions that are not visible at first glance but significantly affect a person’s lifestyle. Visual disabilities are usually less stigmatized than invisible ones because it is harder for people to understand them. People may be unaware...

Chinese Foreign Direct Investment Law

The People’s Republic of China (PRC) tops the list of the world’s most populous nations. As of 2020, the Chinese population was slightly above 1.4 Billion (Paul 79). The high population translates into a substantial domestic market, attracting investors from different parts of the world. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Adoption of the EHR Framework in Healthcare Facilities

EHR Functions The adoption of the EHR framework in most healthcare facilities has marked an essential point in the development of health support and the related services for citizens. The main function and uses of the EHR system and the data capture of the system can be summarized as the...

Afghan Women in Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns

Those who read The Kite Runner expected from the author another inspiring story about male friendship but received a heartbreaking novel about the women of Afghanistan. Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns was first published in 2007 and immediately received positive feedback (Dhakal 229). The story represents the period from...

Discussion of Medication Errors

Background Medication errors are one of the most spread types of medical errors that remains a significant healthcare problem. According to WHO (2017), medication errors kill one American every day and harm approximately 1.3 million people a year in the United States. Moreover, this problem is determined by a large...

The Plight of Industrial Workers in Ancient America

Introduction Life in the Iron-Mills is a published work by Rebecca Harding Davis. The story is set mostly in the period before 1861 which was the year of publication. Events described in the story are based on the writer’s hometown of Wheeling, Virginia State. Explicitly, the narration is built upon...

Aspects of Ethical Research

Introduction Several ethical principles need to be considered when conducting research. At the core of the code of ethics, researchers are expected to do good (beneficence) without causing harm (maleficence). This paper highlights the importance of institutional approval, informed consent, and sharing research data for verification. The essay also discusses...

Human Development Psychology

The Notebook is a romantic novel authored by Nicholas Sparks in 1996. The novel is told in two versions; first, when Noah reads the notebook to a woman by the name Allie. He reads to her how Allie and Noah fall in love young; they are separated for years but...

The Book “Brain on Fire” by Susannah Cahalan

Author’s Main Message Brain on Fire – My Month of Madness touches on several important themes related to mental illness and the treatment process. Susannah Cahalan writes about the love and care demonstrated by her parents and her boyfriend, Stephen, which were vital for her recovery. She exposes the unprofessionalism...

Global Technology: Advantages and Disadvantages

Technology refers to the material and immaterial application of scientific knowledge associated with the revolution of new machines, industries, and electronic devices. Essentially, it is a set of resources, processes, or methods that contribute to different areas such as economics, medicine, and education. The rapid development of technology since the...

Goods’ Cost and Factors Influencing It

Introduction The consumption of goods is a complex process that includes many variables influencing it. The customer’s decision towards one or another product differs depending on his or her level of wealth, the increase or decrease of the inflation, and the level of interest rates. All of the mentioned factors...

God and Connection With Nature and Reality

The distinction between God’s natural and supernatural knowledge and between grace and nature has been the subject of intense debate among Catholic theologians. Many believe that where God is, there is no place for wildlife and scientific knowledge; it can be known only through faith. However, after analyzing the literature...

Indian Culture: Analysis of the Document

Introduction Each country, region, nation, and particular group of people represent a set of unique, individual, and inimitable traits and characteristics. Undoubtedly, certain people’s norms, customs, traditions, and orders represent some aspects of a general nature that have developed historically over many years. These are unshakable and eternal truths, which...

The Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology

Introduction The Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST) recently requested a technical report regarding the comparative software relevance, usability, hardware and monetary requirements of Moodle in the global learning management systems (LMS) market. The impetus for this was the desire of this educational organisation to expand its course...

The Significance of Henry Hudson

Introduction Henry Hudson, whose biography and discoveries are the subject of this review, was a famous English navigator and discoverer of the 16th and 17th centuries. He contributed significantly to the development of geographical science and explored and described the Arctic Ocean. Henry Hudson also discovered new straits, bays, rivers,...

The Role of Women in the Industrial Revolution

Introduction The nineteenth century was a period of development: more and more machines, means of communication, and movement. The growth in science and technology led to industrialization and changes in familiar roles in society. The problem of changing roles affected women to a greater extent, which is associated with established...

Analysis of the Morrison Company

Introduction Based on the observations by Breen, the primary operational issue with Morrison Company was ineffectiveness and inefficiencies in production controls that resulted in supply shortages. Inefficiencies at the organization were attributed to deficiencies with the integrated circuits (ICs). The lengthy economic recessions had hindered chip manufacturers from upgrading their...

How to Conduct Greeting Session With Patients With Suicide, and Homicide

Introduction The greeting session does not involve any deep analysis of the client’s thoughts and diagnosis as well. It can be described as a get-to-know meeting rather than wholesome work. During the first session, the client usually tells about his problems, while the specialist asks about his feelings, concerns, and...

Threats to Biodiversity in the United States and Brazil

Threats to biodiversity are a matter of significant concern nowadays as there are many species all around the globe which endangered due to different reasons. Some of those species may even face extinction, which is why many people and organizations take action to protect them. The main threats to biodiversity...

Blake Shelton’s “Home” Music Video Analysis

A work of a musical artist often conveys specific ideas to the audience. Understanding the central message of a given musical video is essential for a thorough evaluation of the song, as well as for outlining the author’s original ideas and beliefs. Multiple singers produce lyric videos for the pieces...

The World Wide Fund for Nature Website’s Structure

Type of business It is an international non-governmental organization founded in 1961 by committed people seeking to secure the funding needed to preserve places and species threatened by human expansion. The Fund has garnered the support of more than 5 million people worldwide, and the actions taken in support of...

Gender, Sexuality, Power Relations, and Social Expectations

Introduction The present essay will seek to discuss the themes of sexuality and gender within the framework of modern society, as well as their relationship with structures of power, as the topic has high prominence in the anthropological discussion. For this discussion, sexuality refers to the expression and the variety...

The Shay Rebellion: Impact on the American Society

History has proved that democracy can make a positive impact on the wellbeing of the people. The Shay Rebellion in 1786 is a great example of democracy being exercised by the citizens to turn a hardship into an opportunity for a better and just life. After the Revolutionary War, farmers...

Rhetoric: “Why Women Still Can’t Have It All” by Slaughter

Over the past decades, substantial progress has been made in the realm of female participation in the workforce, yet as more women get jobs, the more problematic the issue of work-life balance becomes for them. In her article “Why Women Still Can’t Have It All,” Anne-Marie Slaughter states, “The women...

Religious Education and Different Views on It

Introduction A worldview is a term whose use has grown tremendously across disciplinary boundaries. The term is broadly categorized into two parts, including the religious worldviews and the non-religious worldviews. Flanagan (2020) says, “Literature refers worldviews to discrete bodies of knowledge.” According to DeWitt (2018), a worldview is a system...

Comparison of Traditional and Modern Medicine

The history of modern medicine development includes many different stages, including traditional medicine. Traditional medicine primarily focuses on using herbs and plants to improve the population’s health status and solve minor health issues. Nowadays, traditional medicine is commonly acknowledged as outdated, as modern medicine with more sophisticated intervention methods has...

The 2010 Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico: Environmental and Policy Issues

Introduction In the context of the advancement of the green economy and energy industries inclining toward alternative energy sources, the disruption in the operations of conventional oil and gas companies triggers negative public and governmental reactions. Indeed, the scope of environmental damage caused by oil spills, for example, is global...

Informative vs. Persuasive Speeches

While persuasive and informative speeches are related, they are distinct in several ways. The process of preparing and presenting informative and persuasive speeches may have a common element. Principally, the method and process first involved the identification of the goal and purpose of the addresses. Informative speeches are the most...

Visual Analysis Of “The Penguins and The Whale” Ad

One can imagine a part of the world starting to disappear as it submerges into the rising ocean water gradually. There is rising tension, panic, hysteria, and anxiety among people across the globe. Unfortunately, people fail to see that the scenario described above is unfolding due to global warming and...

Schizophrenia Treatment With Fluphenazine Decanoate

Case Description Prescribing a medication that will be beneficial for a patient’s condition often requires significant effort from the physician. In specific cases where a severe mental disorder is present, choosing the right drug and its dosage is crucial for positively affecting the individual’s condition and alleviating the negative symptoms....

Moral and Religious Obligations in Socrates’ “Antigone”

In Antigone, as in our culture today, there is always a conflict between our values and religious obligations. What we think and what we are taught to do are not always coordinated, which can lead to conflict, particularly when others hold conflicting views. Religious obligations, on the other hand, are...

McCloskey’s “A Non-Utilitarian Approach to Punishment”

In his article, “A Non-Utilitarian Approach to Punishment,” H.J. McCloskey critiques utilitarianism which demands punishing of the innocent of benefiting the majority. He begins by acknowledging that it is easier for many people to accept utilitarianism as it advocates for the punishment of the offender. However, McCloskey explains how utilitarianism...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Human Brain, Its Structure and Functions

The brain is the most vital component of the human body. It directs and organizes actions and responses, helps think and feel, and provides human experiences such as memories and emotions. This research paper consists of three parts that highlight the three-dimensional sagittal view model of the brain, the structure...

Elimination of Men’s Olympic Sports

International Olympic Committee has made a decision to remove wrestling from the list of sports for the Olympic Games 2020. The decision allowed the IOC to evaluate other sports for inclusion in the Olympic rotation. Jordan Burroughs, a 74kg gold medalist at the 2012 Olympics, has posted on his Twitter...

Advocacy Regarding Environmental Pollution in Brooklyn

This letter is intended to introduce the issue that arose in Brooklyn, United States and address several points to seek your contribution. I wish to draw your attention to the severe problem of environmental pollution because of multiplying businesses in Brooklyn. Unfortunately, the powers of local citizenship are not enough...

Religious Freedom and Identity of Believers

Adichie, Chimamanda. “The Danger of a Single Story.” TED, 2009. This TED lecture is a valuable source of information on the researched topic of identity and freedom, which emphasizes the importance of cultural identity as a path to freedom. Adichie creates a narration of her biography through the discussion of...

Movie Review: Life as We Know It

“Life As We Know It” is a 2010 American comedy movie starring Holly and Eric. Their best friend couple, Peter and Alison, were crushed and died in a road accident leaving behind a small child called Sophie. Shortly after the crash, Eric and Holly learned that their friends had appointed...

Lysol Disinfectant in Household

Microorganism control is critical for preventing disease transmission and infection, stopping deterioration and spoilage, and avoiding undesirable microbial contamination. There are numerous methods employed in countering the growth of microorganisms today. The techniques are divided into two categories: physical control and chemical control. Osmotic pressure, radiation, desiccation, high or low...

The Play “Proof” by David Auburn

Prove that irony exists in the play In the play “Proof” by David Auburn, events unravel in the house of a mathematical genius Robert, who has been suffering from mental illness. His daughter Catherine is living with him in order to take care of. The first element of irony is...

The Most Interesting Man in the World Commercial

The commercial about The Most Interesting Man in the world is aimed at ordinary people who dream of having the same fantastic experience as the gray-haired man in it. It was a success because it no longer contained anonymous characters: a man who has lived an exciting life like many...

The Implications of Operation Geronimo

The Assassination of Bin Laden Preparations for Operation Geronimo, or the assassination of Bin Laden, began as early as 2007 with the discovery of a courier associated with the key player of Al-Qaeda. At the end of 2010, officials were able to identify a compound linked with the courier (Marks,...

Camping Rushbrook Provincial Park in Ontario

Introduction: Place and Activity A recreational activity that I have taken into consideration is camping. It happened two years ago when we were in Canada. The campsite is called Algonquin Provincial Park and is 230 km from Ottawa. More precisely, we stayed on the shores of Canisbay Lake, located near...

My Family’s Social Class and Mine

The concept of social class does not have a clear definition due to a large amount of factors that may change it. However, sociologists like Weber have implied that it is generally determined by similarity in income, influence and rank. Dennis Gilbert and Joseph Kahl have expanded on this concept...

“Good Country People” by Flannery O’Connor: Literary Analysis

This essay analyzes Flannery O’Connor’s short story “Good Country People.” The story concerns Ms. Hopewell, her daughter Joy, and their outlook on life; it also discusses the story of their encounter with Manley Pointer, the Bible salesman. The central idea of the narrative is that a man’s overconfidence in his...

Multiculturalism in the United States

American society is a boiling cauldron of contradictions in the sphere of ethnic equality and tolerance due to its heterogeneous nature. The diversity of cultures and ethnic groups is, in principle, one of the main characteristics of the United States. This is an abundance of people from different social circles,...

Criminal Justice Case: Types of Sentences, Probation, and Final Decision

Introduction The punishment for embezzlement may vary greatly depending on several factors. These factors include the amount of money taken, the period under which it was taken, and the position of the defender when the money was taken. Hence, the penalty for embezzlement can range from no jail time and...

The Leadership Development Plan

Importance of a Leadership Development Plan A leadership development plan must be established to chart a new path to liberate society’s members. A leader is a selfless individual who strives to improve the desires of those under his or her control (Komives, Longerbeam, Owen, Mainella & Osteen, 2006). The vision...

COVID-19: Epidemics in People’s Lives

History shows that humanity has faced numerous outbreaks of diseases, and some of them have changed the course of history. In the days when the whole world is caught in the coronavirus pandemic, it is essential to remember that in the history of humankind, some many epidemics and pandemics covered...

Social Issue: Climate Change

Synopsis Climate change is the change in patterns of weather and associated changes in oceans, land surfaces, and ice sheets occurring over time periods of decades or longer. Climate change is directly associated with global warming, a phenomenon of rising temperatures on the planet due to an exponential increase of...

Becker’s Theory Effects on the Felons’ Life

Introduction The emergence of Becker’s labeling theory provided a perspective of criminology in the 1960s, different from the 1800s’ view. Becker’s theory presents significant insights on how social labeling affects crime development and deviance. This theory posits that despite several conditions and causes being promoting initial crime and deviance, the...

An Analysis of Updike’s “A&P” From a Feminist Perspective

“A&P” is a short story written by John Updike in 1961. It narrates one episode from the life of the “A&P” grocery store. Sammy, a 19-year-old cashier clerk, notices three girls who enter the store wearing “nothing but bathing suits” (Updike 140). The girls walk along the aisles, drawing other...

People Talent Analytics Popularity

Several decades ago, the career of people talents analytics was unknown. While numerous organizations focused on their overall teams and productivity and efficiency levels, little attention was paid to individual employees and their strengths and weaknesses. Nowadays, people talent analytics is mainly applied by Human Resource departments since it provides...

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Health Care: Fundamentals and Importance

Introduction Healthcare services can be continuously divided into two main areas, namely treatment, and care. Complete patient treatment is impossible without the proper implementation of these parts. Care formulates both physical and psychological intervention for the sick person. Positive emotions are essential for an individual’s wellbeing, which also articulates the...

The Analysis of Operation “Neptune Spear”

The killing of one of the most notorious leaders of al-Qaeda marked the victory for justice in a decade-long conflict. Osama bin Laden was widely known as a leader of al-Qaeda. This Islamic terrorist group performed numerous terrorist attacks across the globe, such as 9/11 and the London bus bombings...

Mental Disorder as a Health Concept

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White Supremacy and Racial Injustice

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“Diet Choice and the Functional Response of Beavers” by Fryxell and Doucet

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Social Inequality and Human Rights in the Modern World

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The National Banking Crisis Analysis

Description of the Crisis I work at a national bank as a CEO, where a recent crisis has attracted nationwide coverage due to its massive effect on the economy. The bank is the largest one in the country and has clients in the entire nation, including its biggest customer, the...

Liberal Arts vs. Radical Education Philosophies

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Personality Traits of a Social Worker

Social work is a crucial field of practice due to its profound impact on influencing standard operative strategies. I demonstrated optimal practice skills throughout the field hence the excellent score from the evaluator. The expertise enshrines such facets as communication, cultural competence, organization, critical thinking, active listening, and advocacy. Primarily,...

Arguments in “California Homeless” Documentary

Introduction It is quite common for most American cities to have homeless persons living on the streets and needing to ask other people for money, shelters, or food. In Sacramento, this problem is becoming more severe, so it is extremely significant to raise public awareness and create more opportunities to...

Values in Noriko’s Decision to Marry In Ozu’s “Late Spring”

Before the start of westernization in the XIX century, Japan remained an exceptionally closed country for two hundred and fifty years. A rapid influx of foreigners and the new customs that they beheld caused the Japanese people to experience a certain state of chaos when they had to adjust to...

The Nurses in Washington University School of Medicine

Introduction Washington University School of Medicine is a medical institution founded in1891 in St. Louis, Missouri. Since its inception, the university has accommodated students seeking a degree in medicine without the need for a joint Doctor of Philosophy or even another postgraduate degree. It also provides doctoral degrees in biology...

Gender in Traditional Superhero Costumes

Introduction For a long time, an image of a “superhero” was associated with a male character who saves the world from a total disaster. A typical powerful man is always accompanied by a pretty girl who needs help from him. Due to such common aspects, almost all of these individuals...

Herodotus’ Life, Travels, and Influence During His Lifetime

Though time has made the exact details of Herodatus’ life unclear, we can recount the available information about his early life, travels, and influence during his lifetime. His influence on modern literature and the study of History is also apparent. Herodotus was likely born in a Greek city, Halicarnassus, within...

Potato: Origins, Diffusion and Adaptation

Introduction Potato is one of the most significant world’s vegetable crops for several reasons: the inherent capacity for production, beneficial income from distribution, and even nutritional advantages. Nowadays, it contains the fourth place for largest food crop after rice, maize, and wheat. It has also become the fundamental component of...

Social Media Advertising in Business

Introduction With the rise of globalization and the digital revolution, social media has become a vital tool for promoting businesses. Entrepreneurs worldwide have benefited from this innovative technology due to its unprecedented versatility and reach. Some of the advantages of social media (SM) use in advertising and retail are discussed...

Researching of Economic Recession

Introduction The term “recession” refers to a period in which the economy declines, unemployment rises, the stock market falls, and the housing market suffers. Whenever there is a recession, everyone from the Federal Reserve to the president to the federal government gets blamed. Several variables might lead to recessions, including...

“Jobs Boom Wipes out Covid Losses”: Report on the Article

Executive Summary The article “Jobs boom wipes out Covid losses” examines the positive dynamics in the labor market recovery. The key takeaway is the reduction in the unemployment rate from 6.3% to 5.8%, with an expectation to lower it to the level below 5%. The other positive tendency discussed is...

The Beyoncé Performs at the Super Bowl Essay Diagram

This paper discloses the rationale behind certain choices for the drawing of a diagram of the essay “Beyoncé Performs at the Super Bowl and I Think about All of the Jobs I’ve Hated” by Hanif Abdurraqib. This piece has a nonlinear structure, which complicates the comprehension of its main points....

Information Technology Field and Disciplines

Summary The information technology (IT) field may be currently regarded as a rapidly growing sphere that offers respectable and secure positions for people with related academic credentials. In general, it covers the administration, support, and design of computer systems and telecommunications. IT includes system analysis, software programming, computer science, network...

Interventions for Homeless With Mental Illness

Doulas, A. V., & Lurigio, A. J. (2010). Youth crisis intervention teams (CITs): A response to the fragmentation of the educational, mental health, and juvenile justice systems. Journal of Police Crisis Negotiations, 10(1–2), 241–263. doi:10.1080/15332586.2010.481893 In this article, the researchers conduct a non-systematic literature review to explore preliminary and anecdotal...

Xenophobia in the US in the Context of COVID-19

With public fear and its intentional abuse as the main reasons, Asian discrimination received a disturbing level of support after the coronavirus outbreak, which is, in my opinion, unacceptable. The coronavirus disease pandemic shook the world and brought changes on all possible levels – social, political, economic, financial, cultural, and...

COVID-19: The Effects on Humankind

Since its outbreak in 2019, COVID-19 pandemic has brought great suffering to humankind. The virus has led to a dramatic loss of life worldwide, and it still presents a significant threat to public health, food systems, and economic growth. In the United States, COVID-19 has created both public and private...

Ethiopian Airlines B737-8 Crash Analysis

Introduction The Boeing B737-8 (MAX) operated by Ethiopian airlines that crashed was considered one of the fatal aircraft accidents. It was also the second and the last to involve the B737-8 (MAX) planes, which have since been grounded by several airline companies globally and are non-operational. The events of that...

Doxastic Voluntarism as Philosophical Principle

Introduction The philosophical principle of doxastic voluntarism holds that people exercise voluntary control over what they believe. This doctrine argues that people can choose to believe whatever they want. In the doxastic voluntarism debate, philosophers categorized voluntary control into two – direct and indirect voluntary control. A person has direct...

International Tourism, Hospitality, and Events Management

Background The tourism and hospitality industries have evolved into highly dynamic and quickly developing sectors in recent years. International Tourism, Hospitality & Events Management is a segment that combines the studies of general tourism and hospitality industries, and it is a broad field with numerous job options that include restaurant...