Introducing the Geography and Economics of England

Introduction England is one of the most visiting countries on the globe, attracting tourists by historical heritage and traditions, picturesque lands, and the latest achievements in all fields of human activity. However, no matter how much time travelers may spend in England, it will still not be enough to comprehend...

Concerns and Style of Jonathan Coleman

Jonathan Coleman is an accomplished American writer, editor, and narrator born in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Coleman’s works of nonfiction are critically acclaimed in the literary community, touching upon a broad range of topics. The main themes favored by the author seem to be related to human nature, justice, and societal relationships....

Ethical Decision Making in Health Care

Confidentiality in health care carries a duty of care and a legal obligation to the patient (Beech, 2007). According to Beech, the legal requirement to uphold patient confidentiality is not always explicit. In other words, there is no explicit obligation for the health care staff to either divulge, or fail...

Reducing the Number of Adverse Drug Events Among Older Adults: An Action Plan

The organization under analysis is Eisenhower Health Center Eisenhower Health Center is an acute care facility in southern California. It is a progressive 463-bed hospital. Its mission is to serve the changing healthcare needs of the region by providing excellence in patient care with supportive education and research (Eisenhower Health,...

Syncretism as a Cultural Movement in the Americas

Modern families in the United States and many other countries have uncommon blends of cultures, beliefs, and traditions, most of which appeared due to the past’s syncretistic occasions. Colonization forced people of different backgrounds to meet and combine their views, thus now, for example, American traditions include Christian and native...

Analysis of Mixed Economy Approach

Introduction The mixed economy contains the characteristics of three other models: traditional, market, and command. The definitive version of it is supposed to include the best options from these systems in order to make the living comfortable for the private sector, the government, and the nation. However, in the modern...

Report for the Chief of Police

Abstract Maintaining statistics is one of the primary tasks of police departments, and its importance is defined by the need to provide information on the current crime rate. Data relating to this indicator are submitted to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and included in the Uniform Crime Report. As can...

Low English Proficiency and International Students’ Academic Success

There is an opinion that the biggest challenge that international students experience in UK universities is low English proficiency. I entirely agree with this argument because a lack of mastery in the English language prevents foreign students from gaining as much benefit from their studies as possible. Although some people...

The Social Movement’s Success or Failure

Introduction Social movements refer to organized groups, which are purposeful and determined to achieve common goals. The main objective of social movements is to create social transformation through the generation or resistance of change. Social movements can be local, regional, or international, depending on the issue they are advocating for...

The Hand Washing Program for Children

 Name of Agency The program was presented at Five Palms Elementary School. Client Assessment Data A health assessment data method was employed. Records from the nurses’ office recorded the following health complaints: Chest congestion Productive coughs Sore throats Rhinorrhea The conditions above were classic symptoms of a common cold caused...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Death Penalty: To Be or Not To Be?

Introduction The death penalty and its appropriateness from the moral viewpoint present the topics associated with debate and the diversity of opinions for decades. Since the issue involves ethical considerations, there is no unity of views among specialists that deal with criminal cases regularly. This essay is aimed at discussing...

Universal Healthcare for Chronic Respiratory Diseases from Economic Perspective

Introduction Universal healthcare is already adopted in several countries, and their economic system is adjusted to effectively provide free medical care. Switching to it from any other plan is a complicated procedure regarding all the diseases and injuries. Most of the general measures and results will apply to the current...

KitchenAid Artisan KSM150 Stand Mixer Review

Introduction The purpose of this report is to describe and analyze consumer behavior while purchasing KitchenAid Artisan KSM150 Stand Mixer. The consumer is female, 21 years old. With the passion for cooking and the high expectation of gaining popular image on social media, the consumer is heavily involved in all...

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration: Engineering Ethics

The issue touches on the ethics and legality of OSHA to change the levels allowed for benzene exposure in the workplace after the publication of a new report that reveals the number of deaths caused in places where the level of benzene was above 10ppm yet the required amount was...

Social and Behavioral Role of Muslim Women

Introduction Islam is a monotheistic religion, the most significant scripture of which is the Holy Book Quran. This doctrine firmly outlines gender roles, which is why most people consider that attitude towards Islamic women is the misogynistic one. However, the Quran declares that women and men are created to be...

The New Colossus Poem by Emma Lazarus

Anthology The New Colossus is a famous poem written by Emma Lazarus in 1883 (Lazarus 2000). I chose that poem as it has an interesting history behind it and is related to one of the most well-known sites in the US. The unique aspect of its history is that the...

Kaposi Sarcoma: Causes and Treatment

Literature Review Kaposi Sarcoma (KS) is a rare type of skin cancer that commonly occurs among people who suffer from suppressed immunity (Khammissa, Pantanowitz & Feller, 2012). Researchers from the University of Washington (2013) believe that developing Kaposi Sarcoma is a defining moment for HIV-infected people because its occurrence marks...

Challenges Facing Science in Modern Society

Science is an area that has faced a lot of controversy in modern society. Science is worth understanding and pursuing as it involves evidence and intensive research and findings. Basic knowledge of distribution, production, and processing borrows the knowledge of science heavily. Most people view science as a complicated issue,...

Settler Colonialism in the United States’ History

Settler colonialism occupies an essential role in the history of the United States because this phenomenon explains the process of how the nation emerged and developed. This issue’s nature refers to the fact that foreigners, not Indigenous people, created the country. Settler colonialism consists of many components, including white supremacy,...

Importance of Composites in Aviation

Introduction Modern aviation constantly faces the challenges of growing competition and rising fuel costs. An obvious solution to these problems is to reduce the weight of aircraft through the use of composite materials. Currently, the share of composites in the structures of modern aviation is not very high, but in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Social Psychological Interventions for Reducing Educational Disparities

Social psychology is a branch of psychology that studies the effect of society on our thoughts and actions. In general, social psychologists believe that culture shapes our behavior as well as how we see ourselves and others. The shaping can be seen in many aspects of life, including education, where...

Controversy in Children’s Literature

As material aimed at some of the most vulnerable and impressionable members of society, children’s literature has long been a subject of controversy, both at the time of its release and historically. Contents and permissible topics within the field change depending on both the time period and cultural characteristics of...

Resistance of Bacteria to Antibiotics

Introduction The increasing and extraordinary ability of bacteria to resist antibiotics has become a major concern for public health practitioners. It has also been cited as a case of evolution in action which has driven evolutionary scientists to their laboratories with an aim of uncovering how molecules-to-man evolution have come...

Regulatory Criminal Laws and Criminal Justice System

Introduction Regulatory laws refer to the criminal regulations that reject socially unacceptable conducts, such as possession, use, and sale of drugs, traffic violation, and gambling. Criminal Justice System (CJS) is a string of federal and local government institutions and agencies that directly regulates these laws. Its main responsibility is the...

How Light Emitting Diodes Work

Introduction Light-emitting diode, usually called LED, is used in a variety of electrical devices They send out signals from remote controls, figure out the numbers on digital clocks, signal you when your electrical devices are turned on, and lights up watches. When put together, they can form large pictures on...

Chernobyl and Fukushima Disasters: Their Impact on the Ecology

The Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear disasters represented the most significant dangers of such power plants. The Chernobyl accident released higher radiation levels due to its design and the human error involved. In comparison, the Fukushima reactor was impacted by a tsunami leading to lower radiation levels in the surrounding area...

Skull Evolution in the Rhinocerotidae: Phylogeny of Early Rhinocerotoids

My favorite taxon is rhinoceros. Modern rhinos, represented by a one-horned Indian rhinoceros with a pointed upper lip and a two-horned African rhino with a wide rectangular mouth, are pitiful remnants of a rich in species group of mammals. Many skeletons, bones, and teeth left from their predecessors in the...

The Impact of the 2010 IOM Report on Nursing

Introduction The 2010 IOM report was an eye-opener for nurses regarding service delivery for patients. Several positive impacts have been realized so far. From the report, it is evident that transformational practice, education, and leadership are the key tenets of effective nursing roles both currently and in the future. Transforming...

Should Abortions Be Legal? Arguments For and Against

Introduction The debate about abortions has been ongoing not only because of the medical implications but also because of ethical considerations associated with it. In the middle of the 19th century, medically-induced abortions were popular among the population and resulted in a large number of women dying from the poison...

Smoking Patients. Practice Recommendations

There are several ways to handle smoking patients. 1.1 work recommendation relating to integrating tobacco management into daily practice suggests “brief interventions to screen all clients for all forms of tobacco use and initiate treatment as appropriate” (RNAO, 2017). This nursing necessity fits in Mr. Philobosan’s case because he has...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Recalling ITECH 361’s Sanitizers: Actions Required

Introduction Whether caused by a manufacturing defect or a design fault, a mass recall always creates problems for a brand. Nevertheless, many companies manage to turn them to their advantage, fixing the consumer’s memory of their uncompromising concern for their interests. Some companies, however, react in such situations inappropriately, and...

Communication Inhibitors’ Effect on Relationships

The “College Roommates” case involves a conflict among two friends: Jill and Rachel. Two had been living with Tina and Connie as roommates, sharing the two beds and amenities. Jill and Rachel’s fight emerged when Jill was introduced to Tina, where a stronger friendship soon emerged. Subsequently, the two started...

Police Sexual Harassment Suit

Introduction Sexual harassment entails any form of physical or verbal bullying that is sexual in nature. It may include offensive comments about an individual’s sex, unwelcoming sexual advances or even demand for sexual favors. Under the Civil Rights Department, all employees are readily protected against sexual harassment. As such, sexual...

Homosexuality: History and Theoretical Perspective

Any behavior that differs from the norms and standards set out by society is considered deviant. From this perspective, homosexuality, or attraction towards the same sex, opposes the traditional views of relationships between men and women. Several social theories can help gain a better understanding of the history of homosexuality,...

Nelson Mandela’s Tribute Speech: Content, Structure, and Delivery

Introduction The tribute speech to be analyzed was delivered by Former U.S president Barrack Obama during the memorial service for Nelson Mandela in December 2013. The speech highlights the achievements of Nelson Mandela, who was a freedom fighter for South Africa and its first president. The speaker is a respected...

Media Effects on Eating Disorder Symptoms

In terms of modern technology-based society, media exposure has significantly increased its influence and role in the lives of its large audience. However, the variety of media outlets has the power to adversely impact the public mindset and deeply-embedded perception of the human body and beauty standards. As such, media...

The Literary Heritage of the Harlem Renaissance

Introduction The early 20th century was a great period for African American culture, especially in the industry of creative arts. Moreover, this was the most definitive phase when it came to Black people’s art history in America. The juncture, explicitly known as the age of renaissance, was marked by the...

The Possible Future of Bitcoin Cryptocurrency

Introduction The enigmatic Satoshi Nakamoto initially introduced Bitcoin nearly ten years ago, and since then, it has survived many attention and value bubbles. It was invented, revised, and reused after a contentious revision. Although Bitcoin has not proven to be a practical form of money in most situations, it has...

Autistic Disorder and Crime in the United States

Prevalence and incidence rates of autistic disorders are not high in the United States. According to Schug and Fradella (2015), prevalence rates are 5 cases per 10,000 people, which is only 0.0005% (p. 71). However, this rate is constantly increasing due to better awareness, an expansion of the diagnostic criteria,...

English Elite Colonists’ Goals and Constitution

Introduction In an extensive history of colonization, not only the rights of indigenous peoples and slaves were violated. A striking example is a conquest of North America by the British colonists, where one of the acute problems was the oppression of white settlers suppressed by the metropolis. Elite planters, industrialists,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Essential Tenets of Idealism and Realism in Politics

Introduction Political scientists identify two main theories of international relations such as realism and idealism. These theories are fundamentally opposite since their representatives believe that a different nature guides people and states. While realists believe that all states’ actions are based on their national interests and the desire for power,...

Major Depressive Disorder in a Pakistani Immigrant

Presenting Problem Nadia Qadiri is seeking psychotherapy due to her apparent anxious mood and debilitating headaches. The headaches and anxious mood have increased and become more frequent within the last several months. Nadia’s presenting problems made her body extremely infirm and weak and had no physical medical explanation, which necessitated...

Feminism and Femininity in “Death by Landscape” by Atwood

Introduction The rebellion of women against the roles, characteristics, and behaviors imposed on them and expected from them by society is quite successful and popular in the modern world. Although it began centuries ago, at those times, few women saw a need for it. Most females saw specific sustainability in...

Suicide among Adolescents: Research Dissemination Plan

Introduction Suicide among adolescents remains a fundamental and pressing problem that requires urgent action to save more lives. This study includes the main factors that can influence the decision to commit suicide, the reasons leading to such thoughts, a survey reflecting the number of intimidated schoolchildren, and recommendations for a...

African American Musical Styles and Its Influence on the American Culture

Introduction Discussing the African influence on American music in its glory and variety is an interesting, if not educative, task. The African American music influence has become so central to American music that none would exist without them. The African people are the earliest non-indigenous inhibitors of what would become...

Evaluation Essay of Mice and Men’ by John Steinbeck

Introduction The book “Of Mice and Men” was authored by John Steinbeck in 1937. During his teenage life, Steinbeck spent a lot of time working and living in farm ranches within rural California. It is here that Steinbeck got fascinated with the families of the migrant farmworkers. He was particularly...

Oceanography: Discovering Plate Tectonics

Wegener’s hypothesis, known as the theory of continental drift, was based on a wide range of data from geological expeditions worldwide. He was intrigued by the division of the American continents and worked to explain their non-standard shape. In addition, Wegener studied animal and plant fossils on the coastlines of...

The Black Lives Matter Movement and Communication Theories

Introduction The Black Lives Matter movement prevalent currently in the united states of America is a recently emerged social phenomenon that was created as an outlet for many disparaged individuals to have a voice. The decentralized organization has its roots in social media, becoming officially recognized around 2014. While its...

Comedy Play “Tartuffe”: A Character Study

Tartuffe is one of Moliere’s most famous comedy plays. Although the first version was published back in 1669, the play is still present in the repertoire of modern theater companies. The reason for this is the bright comedy plot, as well as memorable characters. This essay aims to analyze one...

The Influence of Alexander the Great Across History

The history of the world has seen many prominent personalities who had impressive accomplishments in their respective eras. However, there is a narrow circle of figures that are noticeable even among the greatest people of global history. They are commanders, national leaders, scientists, and philosophers whose contribution to the world...

“The Monkey’s Paw”: How Characters Use Deceit and Manipulation on Each Other

Introduction A manipulation is a form of influence that is neither rational nor coercion persuasion. This phenomenon can either be psychological or emotional, depending on what motivational factors are used. In most instances, it is aimed at achieving personal interests. Writers use the theme of deceit to teach the reader...

Rembrandt’s “The Return of the Prodigal Son” Painting

The work of art titled The Return of the Prodigal Son is one of the most insightful and significant oil paintings by Rembrandt van Rijn. This masterpiece depicts the final episode of one of the Bible narratives: a reunion of a long-wandering son with his father accompanied by forgiveness and...

African History and Cultural Heritage

The cultural similarities shared by the ancient civilizations in Egypt and Nubia There is reason to draw a parallel between the two ancient civilizations since, according to the study, they have the same ancestor, as a result of which the cultural features unite them. Cultural similarity and continuity can be...

“Why We Need to Talk About Suicide”: Lessons Learnt

Introduction Suicidal contemplations and actions remain taboo topics, which might hinder suicide prevention efforts. In his speech titled “Why We Need to Talk about Suicide,” Mark Henick exposes, criticizes, and explains the ongoing avoidance of this issue. This response paper’s purpose involves summarizing new learning from the video and remaining...

“Fall or Fly”: Parents’ Problems in Foster Care

When it comes to influencing the growth and psychological well-being of the children in their care, foster parents play a critical role. They face various difficulties, all of which decrease their ability to care for the child in multiple contexts. Since every child’s development is unique, each person’s foster care...

The Role and Impact of Mamie Till Mobley’s Actions

Several individuals participated in the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1970s. However, most of these people’s stories, especially women’s, were sometimes overlooked despite their efforts in fighting for African Americans’ equal rights. Even though their encounters may not be widely known, many courageous and dedicated women were the...

American Civil War and Western Expansion

Introduction Post-Civil War American registered significant economic and industrial growth accompanied by westward expansion caused by the increasing number of Americans moving across the Mississippi River in search of opportunities. In the years that followed the civil war, the promise of opportunities and other issues that divided the country inspired...

Professional Development of Teachers’ Skills

Introduction If designed and integrated into school workflow appropriately, professional development promotes the improvement of teachers’ skills and their awareness of contemporary instructional techniques and approaches, which results in better education outcomes and students’ performance overall. Thus, this paper aims at discussing the causes of teachers’ negative perceptions of professional...

Meaning of Customer Value Propositions

Over the last couple of years, the customer value proposition has been a commonly used term in business markets, although no evidence exists on what constitutes persuasion. A supplier needs to demonstrate and document a superior value offering for a customer manager to consider. The customer value proposition can be...

Disposable People: New Slavery in the Global Economy and Tsotsi

The book Disposable People: New Slavery in the Global Economy by Kevin Bales explores the stories of contemporary slavery. The investigation of ‘new slavery’ conducted by the author links to the problems of the global economy and the underlying motive of the movie Tsotsi. Tsotsi was released in 2006 and...

Passwords and Their Role in the Internet Security

Introduction Passwords are essential tools in enhancing internet security especially when they are safely configured and meticulously used (Vacca, 2007). Although internet users habitually create passwords from automated tools and other features of interest like birth dates and phone numbers, it is imperative to note that internet security technologies are...

A Personal Timeline Compared to Historical Events

Introduction People’s lives are interconnected with the overall situation in the country and the world. Some personal events may reflect a more global political and economical state. The state of the economy can influence people’s decisions to marry, have children, buy a house or move to another city. In this...

Why Businesses Should Embrace Remote Work?

Why Businesses Should Embrace Remote Work Transition to remote work has been a business trend even before COVID-19, but the pandemic forced organizations to adopt this employment type more rapidly and extensively. The study conducted by Felstead and Henseke (2017) shows that the percentage of people working mainly remotely rose...

“Parasite”: Symbols Represented in the Film

Letter to My Readers First, I would like to thank you for your attention to my paper. I have chosen Marxist Literary Theory for the analysis of Parasite, a South Korean film directed by Bong Joon-ho. The theory’s choice is determined by the main theme of the film – social...

The Fyre Festival 2017 Project Management

Fyre festival 2017 organizers should have considered having a quality assurance team to enhance the event’s success. For a project to be successful, it has to deliver quality that exceeds customer expectations while also considering the costs. A quality assurance team plays a significant role in avoiding mistakes in the...

“The Other Side of the Story” by Daphine Priscilla Brown-Jack

The Other Side of the Story by Daphine Priscilla Brown-Jack is a non-fictional book that describes the author’s life events in chronological order from 2009 to 2013. Brown-Jack (2015) writes about the wrongful accusation of her husband and how it tormented her family emotionally for the whole five years. It...

The Myth of Computers in the Classroom

Introduction The use of computers in classrooms has been approached with mixed feelings. While some people feel like it is an unnecessary engagement, a good number are of a different opinion. In both circumstances, it is impossible to ignore the role of computers for a decent performance of students in...

“Health Information Source Use…” Article by Gall

Abstract Approved meanings of health disparities have been different and often extensive, which can have severe costs for setting aims, targets, resource distribution priorities, and evaluating development. While learning in class, most lectures familiarize members with the challenges of describing health differences in ways that attract the most important principles,...

Narrative Point of View in “Stranger Things” and “Macbeth”

Introduction The story knowledge is delivered to the viewer through a series of symbolic, operational, and discursive cues. A story may be told using a sequence of written or spoken words, still or moving pictures, or some combination of these. According to Blair and McCormack, “the primary elements of a...

Nonallergic Asthma: Nursing (SOAP) Care Plan

Patient Initials JD. Subjective Data Chief Compliant: JD states that “she is having severe wheezing, shortness of breath, and coughing at least once daily.” History of Present Illness: The patient has been experiencing frequent asthma attacks for the past two months; she takes theophylline and albuterol to manage this condition....

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Police Sexual Harassment: Case Study

Introduction Available scholarship demonstrates that police work is conducive to incidences of sexual harassment and rape, as it grants exclusive opportunities for rogue and pedophilic police officers to use their authority and status to engage in “hidden” acts of sexual deviance and transgressions against the very people they are supposed...

A Business Plan for a Home Construction Company

Introduction Creating a small business requires preliminary insight into various business characteristics essential for the organization’s success. Establishing a private company can prove to be especially beneficial to an individual knowledgeable of the primary traits of such economic involvement (Burns 99). In this work, a personal business plan for a...

Should Net Neutrality Be Protected or Discontinued?

Introduction Net neutrality is the principle that providers of various telecommunications services should not give preference to one specific destination. In other words, providers should treat all Internet traffic, which includes messages, data, and various files, equally. In this context, in order for the Internet to function most effectively and...

“Burning Chrome” and “Blade Runner” Comparison

Introduction Cyberpunk is a genre of science fiction set in the future, which is characterized by the development of technology and the decline in living standards. Cyberpunk novels and movies often have a dark and depressive tone: the action takes place only at night, there are rarely any positive heroes....

Performances “Get Out” directed by Jordan Peele

Introduction In this paper, I will present evidence supporting Ernest Dickerson’s claim that Jordan Peel’s Get Out is “the perfect Black horror story.” Dickerson makes this claim in the documentary Horror Noire: A History of Black Horror, which develops the overall thesis statement that “Black history is Black horror.” The...

Netflix vs. Sears Companies’ Comparative Analysis

Once the most prominent American retail group, Sears was founded in 1886 in Minneapolis, Minnesota by Richard W. Sears. The development of railroad structures allowed Sears to deliver products through this infrastructure. The dominance of this retail group was provided by the vast catalog that included various products for the...

Lobbying and Civil Disobedience Relationship

Civil disobedience has become a prominent topic of discussion among scholars and the public as a whole. Such an interest has originated in the rise of a variety of political movements in the United States, notably Black Lives Matter. These movements have led to mass protests, looting, and violence. Some...

Project Management as Organizational Activity

Project management is currently an integral part of the activities of any organization. However, even within the framework of an individual or daily activities, individual tasks and processes of their implementation can be considered as projects that also need management. Project management is the process of implementing a project with...

The Book “Ishmael” by Daniel Quinn

Ishmael, a book written by an American publisher and author Daniel Quinn, can be viewed as a prominent example of a philosophical novel. Book’s setting includes a fantasy element in the shape of a highly intelligent gorilla with telepathic powers; however main points of writing are focused on the current...

Loneliness and Emptiness in “Desert Places” Poem by Robert Frost

Introduction The poem “Desert Places” by Robert Frost depicts the speaker’s lonely mind in a deserted place, resonating with the current times; the inevitable return of depression and universal human loneliness. The poet uses simple vocabulary, “the loneliness includes me unawares,” which underestimates the actual extreme loneliness of human beings...

Mental Health and Ways of Its Maintaining

Mental health includes the emotional, psychological, and social condition of an individual. It influences people’s behavior, interpersonal connections, decision-making ability, and physical well-being. People’s traumatic life experience, lifestyle, and biological factors affect their mental health by causing stress, anxiety, and other disruptive conditions. Supporting mental health is crucial to preserve...

Quality Improvement Organization Programs and Their Purpose

Introduction We are living in a world whereby every person requires the best healthcare services and support. Many people are facing different healthcare needs and challenges. This situation explains why we should come up with the best programs and promote the quality of care delivered to different patients. This paper...

Artificial Intelligence and Singularity

Introduction Technological development will inevitably shift humanity’s future in a highly radical way. It is especially true in the case of artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential to lack any limitations for further development. The point where AI will surpass the human level of cognition will be a hallmark of...

“The Epic of Gilgamesh”: Qualities of a Good Leader Described by Machiavelli

Gilgamesh is one of the most interesting epic stories in the modern-day, even though it was composed 28 centuries ago. The epic illustrates the success of a king, Gilgamesh, who built high walls for its empire and laid out its orchards and fields. He was regarded as a wise person,...

Preparing for International Expansion: The Case of Google’s Failure in China

Introduction Entering a foreign market can be a remarkable challenge even for highly developed large-scale companies. The case of Google China, a product designed specifically for the Chinese region, is an excellent example of a failed method of cross-country growth, an endeavor that cost Google substantial time and resources. This...

Effective Business Communication

The subject of current reflection is the course of effective business communication that contributed to my knowledge a great amount of helpful information. Namely, I learned the idea of communication as a process that demands specific skills from business specialists. In the era of technologies, social media gain popularity as...

Michelle DeRusha’s Novel Review

The discussion in this paper will center on the book, The Radical Marriage of a Runaway Nun and a Renegade Monk by Michelle DeRusha. The 320-page book was first published by Baker Publishing Group in January 2017. The book is further divided into 18 chapters, with other additional information contained...

Persian, Roman, Mongol, and Inca Empires

In ancient times various political and socio-economic systems of the empires either contributed to their power and success or eventually led to the catastrophic downfall of the nation due to flaws in the system. Such empires as Persian, Roman, Mongol, and Inca are among the most prominent empires of all...

Explaining James’s Statement “Faith Without Works Is Dead”

The Book of James and the epistle to the Galatians are two writings that represent the New Testament Law. In the first one, James wrote: “Faith Without Works is Dead,” claiming that believers need to support their faith with good actions made as a result of changed lives. In the...

Expenses Estimation for Business in Jacksonville, Alabama

Introduction It is necessary to conduct an estimation of potential expenses, the future business with require, along with its expected demand and pricing examination, to evaluate to what extend the chosen activity can be profitable, or in the opposite, unprofitable. The expenses determine the prime cost for the service, which...

The Colonial Education in Myal

Introduction Literature reflects the author’s world, showing their unique experience and illuminating the daily affairs of the members of their communities. Thus, in her novel Myal, Jamaican-born writer Erna Brodber explores Afro-Caribbean spirituality and culture and the effect colonization by the British Empire had on them. Furthermore, the author discusses...

Relevance of “I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King

Summary The speech “I have a dream” by Martin Luther King narrated with empathy and wisdom American’s long fight for fairness. In the first part of the speech, he noted that he had a dream, focusing on America’s history. King stated that America had several promises which were not met....

“Deaf Like Me”: A Book Report

Introduction Hearing impairment affects effective communication between the deaf and other community members. The book Deaf Like Me by Spradley, T. S. and Spradley, J. P. presents a learning journey between parents and their deaf child (Spradley & Spradley, 1985). The book was published in 1985, but its context depicts...

Stresses and Diversity at the Workplace

Introduction These days, tolerance in the context of gender, nation, culture, and other aspects has become an integral part of a developed community. Therefore, it is gradually penetrating the sphere of business and employment. It is crucial to find the correct approach for promoting workplace diversity in order to overcome...

Review of “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan

The story of “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan narrates about a Chinese girl who finds it hard to recognize her identity, who is in disagreement with her mother who believes that she can achieve great things in the USA. Her mother motivates her to be a musical expert, to challenge...

Supporting Patients With Diabetes in U.S.

The central problem that this essay raises describes the characteristics of the U.S. health care system in the context of supporting patients with diabetes. More specifically, the essay examines the scientific necessity of patent law and the resulting lack of competition in the industry market as the leading causes of...

Plato’s Philosophy of Religion

The founder of the famous philosophical school – the Academy, the Athenian philosopher Plato, 427-347 BC, created a holistic religious and philosophical teaching about the transcendental divine principle, knowledge of which is the meaning and purpose of a person’s earthly life and a condition for his salvation after death. The...

Ringworm Infection: Description

Introduction Fungi are both plant and animal pathogens that can be harmful or beneficial to both organisms. Although fungi may be very few in type and number, they cause a spectrum of many infections and diseases. These infections and diseases have been found to be very difficult to treat as...

Personal Experience of Child: Parenting Styles

It is a well-known fact that parenting choices exert an enormous impact on the future life of children. The behavior of parents towards children can fall into four categories or parenting styles. The current essay reflects my own childhood experience regarding the parenting style my parents tend to follow. In...

Effective Diagnostic Testing at Chest Pain Units

The undifferentiated patient population with acute chest pain not only causes diagnostic difficulties to the health care practitioners but also requires substantial economic expenses of the department for conducting all the necessary measurement procedures and evaluating the achieved results. The organization of a CPU with all the necessary equipment and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Disney Difference: Making Magic Happen

Magic is something that everyone around the world loves to get no matter how. Hence, Walt Disney Corporation (Disney) aims at doing it for society everywhere. Therefore, this essay will provide information about the Disney Difference and its effects on its corporate, competitive, and functional strategies. It will then highlight...

Family-Focused Functional Assessment: Yaryshev’s Family

A functional assessment of the family is a part of the nursing practice that helps establish a family’s health perception. Gordon’s functional health patterns is typically used to address well-being problems and their possible solutions (Weisman & Montgomery, 2019; MacDonell & Prinz, 2017; Al‐Motlaq et al., 2018). Yaryshev’s family chosen...

Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet: Play Analysis

Composed by William Shakespeare, Macbeth is a mental and shocking story of visually impaired aspiration and dangerous, all-expending power. This is a play brimming with detestable goals and horrifying killings. Fabulously coordinated by Dan Hodge and enlivened by the Ghost accounts of Edgar Allen Po, this creation, with its intriguing...

The Need for Reforming the Current Immigration System in the US

Approximately, after the Second World War, the United States has become one of the countries that attract the largest numbers of immigrants. Despite that fact, current immigration policies need to be renewed in order to manage the flow of the newcomers more effectively. Even though the United States is considered...

The Concept of Symptoms in Schizophrenia

Hearing the word “schizophrenia” may be devastating to patients, although they may not know what it signifies. The stigma of the illness might disrupt the flow of the initial interview if the clinician throws the diagnosis at the patient. Schizophrenia has serious consequences for both the patient and the doctors....

Analyzing Women Characters in ”The Odyssey” and ”The Epic of Gilgamesh”

No one can doubt that women can perform different roles in society. On the one hand, females can follow a simple strategy and become deceptive sex objects. One can state that individuals use their genders as a leading force to achieve the desired outcomes and manipulate people. On the other...

Identity Expression in The Bedford Book of Genres

The things people see about other individuals, like their clothing, personal belongings, lifestyle, and personal choices, could tell a lot about the individual. If these things could be used to identify and differentiate the individual from other people, they could be considered a part of his identity. The identity also...

Lab Report: Series and Parallel Circuit

Introduction The academic study of the physical principles of electricity is not limited to the study of theoretical concepts but instead focuses on the possibilities of their practical application. In this virtual laboratory work, knowledge of the theory of the connection of resistors in an electrical circuit was tested: series...

Use of Third Parties for Logistical Purposes for SpaceX

Summary Third-Party Logistics (3PLS) is a service that enables one to perform prepared logistics from warehousing, all the way through delivery creating time for a company to concentrate on other sections of the business. 3PLS companies offer other additional services that deal with the logistics of the supply chain (Ecer,...

Adarand Constructors Inc. vs. Peña Case Brief

Facts Adarand Constructors, Inc. V. Pena, is a case of the high court of the United States. Many contracts that are sold by organizations of the United States national government hold fiscal incentives for the chief contractor. He is supposed to hire subcontractors that are managed by socially and efficiently...

Healthcare Promotion and Ethical Considerations

Case Overview Health promotion is a practice of encouraging particular types of lifestyle choices and habits in people as a way to improve their general wellbeing and lifespan. The action allows knowledgeable individuals to better enable and support the public, increasing their control over their health and living. In general,...

St. Mary’s Financial Report Analysis

Introduction The following report is based on available financial and operating indicators that have been calculated from the financial statements of St. Mary’s Hospital for the four years 1990 to 1993. The comparisons are made with comparative benchmarked information for a similar period in consideration. The analysis is based on...

Nissan Disruption Response Evaluation

The world’s production gets severely impacted by a number of macro and microeconomic factors daily. They are essential to consider and plan the potential response to any arising issue. However, in the regions most susceptible to natural disasters, such as seismological activity in Japan, these plannings become more challenging due...

Fresh Water Toxins: Serious Threat to Health

Legal but not Safe Safe Drinking Water Act (1974) regulates only 91 contaminants; Clean Water Act (1972) sets pollution control programs; Environmental Protection Agency notes 60,000 chemicals used in the US. Los Angeles Drinking Water In Los Angeles, cancer-causing compounds that form under sunlight were detected in water reservoirs and...

Sports Ministry Plan Using Cross-Cultural Leadership

While most people view sports only as a competitive luxury industry, it is actually a valuable tool for economic development and humanitarian action. It can catalyze human cooperation, peace-building processes, and individual resilience. South Africa, in particular, has a vastly diverse population that is capable of waiving historical divisions to...

Cesarean Section and Immune Function Disease

Introduction Childbirth is an extremely complicated and essential procedure that can determine the future development and health of any child. It has always been considered that natural birth is the best and the least dangerous way to deliver a baby; however, many women have to go through a cesarean section...

The Us Dollar – Where Do We Go From Here

It was after World War II that a plan was formulated in Bretton Woods by the developed countries of the world to link all foreign currencies to the US dollar which implied that the exchange rate of all currencies will be fixed to the US dollar. The dollar was supported...

Learning About SQL Server Databases

What is a database? According to the video series, “SQL Server 2005 Express Edition for Beginners,” a database is defined as a computer file that is optimized to store up data in a structured manner. The way in which data is stored in a database is well organized and ensures...

The Effects of the Environment on Human Health

The World Health Organization has found that the yearly global death toll of environmental degradation amounts to thirteen million, which is 24% of the global disease burden and 23% of all premature deaths (“Environmental health,” 2018). The effects range from cancer from air pollution to mental health issues from constant...

The Article: “Parental Perception of Child Weight: a Concept Analysis”

The article was published in March 2013 in the Journal of Advanced Nursing The author is Nicole Mareno, PhD RN, Assistant Professor of Nursing at WellStar School of Nursing, Kennesaw State University, Georgia, USA The concept selected is a parental perception of child weight Personal reason for choosing the concept...

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Reducing the Number of Healthcare-Associated Infections

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Mary’s Character in “Rogue Farm” by Stross

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Themes of Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” Story

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Coverage of International News by US Media

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Officer Taylor: The Case Study

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Aaron Copland and His Contribution to American Classical Music

The Biography of Aaron Copland Aaron Copland was an outstanding American composer who lived a long and fruitful life and produced many genius musical works, including ballets and symphonies. One of the distinctive features of his work is special attention to emotions and the ability to convey complex mental states....

Relation of Advertising and Ethics

Today, advertising is an essential part of our society’s business development. Advertisements of goods and services are constantly offered through personal devices and street billboards. To ensure stable growth, the company needs to perform the advertising programs of products it offers. People, responsible for the advertisements creation, focus on promoting...

Mental Disorders: Symptoms and Risk Factors

Bipolar and Related Disorders Overview Unless otherwise noted, all of the following information was taken from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5th Edition (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). In general, bipolar disorders are characterized by manic, depressive, and hypomanic episodes. Hypomanic and manic episodes can be characterized by inflated self-esteem, increased...

Reflections on Equality and Tolerance

Tolerance today is an ethical doctrine of this time which occupies a central place in the system of values of civilized states. Today, more than ever, society needs the ideology of an open, tolerant, and understanding community. The growing number of acts of open intolerance around the world, which humanity...

Critical Review the Rob Reich Text

The author of the book under study, Rob Reich, in his specialty is quite far from philosophy in general and from such a specific topic as philanthropy in particular. This writer’s main field of activity is politics since he is a professor of political science. However, this knowledge allows the...