Transitional Care: Nursing Research in Design Phase

Transitional care involves actions by health care professionals to ensure coordination and continuity of care for their clients. Nurses play an essential role in ensuring the quality of medical care for chronically ill patients since they have information about the goals of treatment, patient preferences, and clinical status. Based on...

Advanced Family Nurse Practitioner’s Role

Introduction Understanding the role that a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) plays in the promotion of health allows maximizing the extent of a positive outcome achieved when working to address the health concerns of a particular family. Moreover, from the perspective of family members, developing an insight into the nature of...

“Moby Dick,” a Film Adaptation of the Novel

Introduction The 1956 film adaptation of the famous novel Moby Dick, starring Gregory Peck, is considered one of the most iconic Hollywood movies of the era and the best novel-to-screen adaptation of this story to date. The film was one of the first theatrical releases that took on the huge...

American Association of Colleges of Nursing: Guide

Abstract The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) presents educational institutions with a list of critical knowledge and competencies that future nurses should develop and obtain. This includes an integration of different subjects, understanding of organizational functioning and leadership, improvement of quality. Additionally, AACN highlights the need for implementing...

Effectiveness of Telenursing in Reducing Readmission, Depression, and Anxiety

The advantages of telenursing have been documented in recent research. The present project is dedicated to testing the effectiveness of telenursing in reducing readmission, depression, and anxiety, as well as improving general health outcomes. Specifically, the use of telephone calls for follow-ups is investigated. Here, the results of the study...

Low Levels of Nurse Staffing in the ICU Setting

The problem of low staffing levels has been persistent in the U.S. nursing setting for a significant amount of time, causing drastic changes in the quality of care. The observed situation has affected the ICU environment to the greatest extent, inciting a range of negative alterations to the specified setting,...

Issues and Trends in Nursing

Nursing practice, as well as the practice of medicine in general, has been evolving throughout the course of the history of humankind. The individuals dedicated solely to the practice of care for the sick, injured, and the afflicted were the first nurses, even if a dedicated word for the profession...

Healthcare Professionals and Nurse Practitioners Collaboration

Introduction Healthcare professionals and nurse practitioners should collaborate to provide high-quality medical care to their respective patients. The selected work setting is an inpatient unit that offers medical services to individuals suffering from terminal illnesses, including diabetes, hypertension, stroke, and cardiovascular disease. The department promotes the use of interprofessional teams...

Suburban Population in Miami: Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles

Introduction Each community is in need of well-trained nurses who may assist in promoting health, predicting diseases, and improving the quality of life. The role of a forensic nurse is crucial for different populations as it combines medicine and law (Drake, 2019). This community health nurse may work in hospitals...

The Role of Forensic Nurses in Florida

Introduction A forensic nurse is a specialist who is aware of the leading principles of healthcare and has a profound knowledge of the legal system and the classification of crimes. Professionals in the field of forensic nursing are expected to help crime investigators to collect evidence in case of unlawful...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Barriers to Pain Management in Long-Term Care

Introduction The research article selected for this critique discusses barriers to pain management in long-term care. As prolonged and unresolved pain can have both physical and psychological outcomes for the patient, it is vital to address it. The article discusses the nursing perspective of pain management and how the nursing...

“Identifying Barriers to Pain Management in Long-Term Care” the Article by Egan & Cornally

Introduction Effective pain management is critical to increase patients’ health quality and keep their satisfaction levels high. Unfortunately, it may be difficult not only to manage pain but even to identify its severity in some cases. Nurses working in long-term care, especially with elderly patients, frequently admit the presence of...

The Turnover of Nurses

Introduction Retention of qualified nurses has become a vital issue in modern healthcare as more than one in five young professionals leave the profession. The turnover rate is having an impactful effect on the state of healthcare systems and quality of care for patients as it is both costly and...

Nursing: Rogers’ Science of Unitary of Human Being

Nurse practitioners (NPs) can identify different theories and apply them in their respective units to deliver high-quality care. This nursing critique paper analyses Martha Rogers’ Science of Unitary of Human Being. It begins by presenting the theory’s meaning. The next parts examine the model’s origin, usefulness, and testability. The last...

Healthcare for Poor and Homeless in Miami Lakes

Cold, starvation, disease, lack of mobility, and lack of medical care are the primary healthcare issues faced by the poor and the homeless in the USA. According to the national census, the number of partially or completely homeless people in the country ranges between 2.5 and 3.5 million, out of...

Community Health Nursing Roles in Miami, Florida

Community health nurses (CHNs) should develop appropriate interventions to meet the needs of different citizens. They can achieve this objective by using their competencies and skills to develop evidence-based campaigns and programs that resonate with the challenges community members face. The discussion below focuses on the case of Miami, Florida....

Protestant Patient’s Spiritual Needs Assessment

The Interview Question: Do you currently practice a religion? If so, which one? Answer: I have been practicing Mainline Protestant Christianity for most of my life, including the present. Question: What type of spiritual support do you desire when ill? Answer: I do not believe I need significant spiritual support...

Cancer Pain Management and Education Programs

Introduction Cancer is a terminal condition that affects many patients. Although not all persons experience pain, those whose condition has spread to several parts will be unable to pursue their goals. Cancer pain can be sharp, achy, dull, or burning depending on the type. Many people use various methods to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Disabled as the Vulnerable Population of Miami

There are many categories of people in the world that can be categorized as medically and socially vulnerable. Such people tend to be less fortunate than others. The category of people with disabilities requires additional attention as it has two significant risk factors: social and medical. Being blind or chained...

Healthy People 2020: Sleep Health

While the requirements for healthy sleep vary from one person to another due to their schedule and the quality of life, considering sleep health in the context of a Healthy People 2020 objective is essential for addressing several limitations. One of the main issues associated with sleep health refers to...

Nurses’ Compliance with Safe-Handling Practices

Introduction Oncology nurses often handle medications and devices that can be harmful to one’s health. Thus, they should adhere to specific guidelines in order to protect themselves. Colvin, Karius, and Albert (2016) analyze nurses’ compliance with the safe-handling practices outlined by the NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health)....

Oncology Nurses’ Safe-Handling Practices

Introduction Nurses who work with cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy face a significant risk of occupational exposure to dangerous substances. Safe chemotherapy handling practices are essential to ensure the safety of nurses. The study by Colvin, Karius, and Albert (2016) examined the difference in subjective and objective adherence to safe handling...

“Nurse Adherence to Safe-Handling Practices” by Colvin et al.

Introduction As it is noted in the article “Nurse Adherence to Safe-Handling Practices: Observation Versus Self-Assessment” by Colvin, Karius, and Albert (2016), one of the primary nursing concerns is occupational exposure. Accordingly, the problem of proper adherence to safety guidelines is of immense great because nurses should be aware of...

Linking Trust and Collaboration in Project Teams to Project Management Success

Introduction Human resource management is the backbone of any business venture. Employees and managers alike are valued not only by their capabilities of delivering individual performance but also by their capabilities of working as a team. The connection between mutual trust and effective collaboration seems intuitive. At the same time,...

Comparison of Healthcare Systems: The United States and Switzerland

Introduction The comparison of two separate healthcare systems of different countries can provide an opportunity to find similar and distinctive features in the delivery of medical care to the population. As the objects of analysis, two countries will be considered – the USA and Switzerland, and integrated assessment will help...

Oncology Nurse Adherence to Safe-Handling Practices

Introduction The work of a nurse is one of the noblest and most demanding in the world since these professionals take care of people that are not able to look after themselves due to health issues. However, it is crucial for nurses to secure not only their patient’s protection of...

Prevention of Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcers

First of all, it is essential to mention that contemporary medicine has made considerable progress in nearly every sphere of caregiving, treatment, and medication. However, some problems are persistent and not easily abolished as they happen due to natural reasons. One of the most widespread problems of this kind is...

Geography and Its Relevance in the 21st Century

The argument that geography no longer matters in the 21st century does not hold. Despite the communication, trade, and infrastructural barriers that globalization has broken, the world cannot get to a position where humans can regard geography as irrelevant. Even with the proliferation of globalization, global problems such as climate...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Organizational Communication and Conflict Management in the Healthcare

The unavoidability of disagreements in domains such as the family, work, and the society suggests the need for developing mechanisms that can help to address conflicts in these areas. Some of the strategies that have been applied to manage conflicts that result from change implementation processes include collaboration, compromising, competing,...

Prescription Drug Misuse in Elderly Patients

Drug abuse has been regarded as one of the most urgent public health issues in the USA as well as worldwide. The major focus has been mainly on adolescents and young adults, while the growing population of older adults has proved to be more vulnerable (Kirschner, Ginsburg, & Sulmasy, 2014)....

Hand Hygiene Compliance in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Introduction The non-observance of hygiene rules by medical personnel is an actual topic for discussion since the prevalence of infections is higher in those healthcare facilities where employees do not pay enough attention to this issue. Simple handwashing education may be an effective intervention method to increase the literacy of...

Transitional Care Interventions: Planning a Nursing Study

Introduction The fight against chronic diseases is an urgent problem of modern medicine, and the task of comprehensive care for patients with constant complications lies on the nursing staff. One of the issues that deserve discussion is the too high level of readmission among those who spend much time in...

Nora’s Character in Ibsen’s “A Doll House” Play

A Doll House is a three-act play that is set in Norway in the nineteenth century. It tells a story about a married couple living in a Norwegian town. At the beginning of the play, the marriage of the main characters is shown in a positive light, but it is...

Bank of America Launching New Online Services

The introduction of innovative new services helps firms to survive in the industry and succeed in their operations. The process enables businesses to increase their market shares, improve performance outcomes and adapt to various market situations in which they operate. In addition, the launch of new services is critical in...

Religion, Cults, and Rites in Roman Art

Faith in the existence of the impalpable and infallible divine being was a common theme among Roman artists during the time of the empire. During this time, people did not have sacred texts, and thus they relied on art to express their thoughts concerning religious matters. As such, sculptures and...

Childhood Obesity Study: Literature Review

Obesity in children remains a major public health issue. A growing body of evidence suggests that social networks present a viable way to improve the situation. The following literature review aims to evaluate evidence of the effectiveness of SNS-based interventions based on available qualitative and quantitative studies. Comparison of Research...

Motifs in the Incestuous Roman Art

Romans were not shy about sexual exploits and their artists did not hesitate to create artworks depicting the same attitude. Some of the artworks were censored as pornographic due to the explicit sexual nature of the underlying information, specifically to avoid a clash of cultures as the empire continued to...

Community Health Promotion as a Nurse’s Role

Community health has become a critical part of overall public health policy and strategies. It is necessary to protect the safety of populations within communities through disease protection and health interventions. The impact that nurses carry on influencing both policy development and patient behavior provides a need for community health...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Technology for Patient Safety: Change Proposal

Introduction Patient safety is the core concept of healthcare, and the rising use of technology can be explained by healthcare establishments’ need to provide patients with a more comfortable and safe environment (Carayon et al., 2014). Such innovations as the Electronic Health Record (EHR) already make some hospitals’ information systems...

Congestive Heart Failure and Nursing Care

Introduction Heart failure, particularly congestive heart failure, is considered by numerous researchers to be one of the most prevalent problems in the current healthcare system (Black et al., 2014). One of the most prominent issues in this area of concern is that a considerably high level of readmission rates among...

Nursing Doctoral Education: Project Management

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN] (2006) proposes several Essentials of Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) education. Essential VIII will be the focus of the present reflection, which will aim to review and evaluate the current course from the perspective of project management, as well as fiscal considerations....

Health-Based and Non-Nursing Theories in Examples

Introduction The health of families and communities is one of the main priorities for nurses of different types. However, non-nursing theories may also have a significant effect on family and community behavior. This paper will show an example of a health-based theory and a non-nursing theory, their application to health...

Differentiating BSN and ADN Perceptions of Top-of-License Activities

Over time, the practical skills of nurses have undergone significant changes. Caring for the patient was the manifestation of compassion to a person in need. Moreover, women had to take care of the sick to a greater extent than men. Among the nations of the Ancient World, only relatives took...

Bariatric Surgery for an Obese Patient

This paper provides an analysis of the case of Mr. C., a 32-year-old patient seeking data about bariatric surgery. The report addresses the clinical manifestations the man shows as well as his health history, noting their possible causes. The work discusses possible health risks associated with obesity and the appropriateness...

Institute of Medicine on Nursing Professional Development

The Institute of Medicine’s report outlines the four messages that should be considered to achieve success in nursing practice. Message #1 states that “nurses should practice to the full extent of their education and training” (Institute of Medicine, 2011, p.4). The main idea of this passage is that regardless of...

Hospital-Acquired Diseases & Hand Hygiene Studies

In medicine, research, experiments, and surveys are regularly conducted and serve as excellent tools for the development of new treatment methods, understanding patients’ needs, concerns, and so on. It also helps healthcare professionals to evaluate the effectiveness of new medications and medical procedures. One of the ways to conduct successful...

Issue of Nursing Personnel Understaffing in Hospitals and Ways to Improve It

Project Summary Background The capstone project’s focus is on the issue of nursing personnel understaffing in hospitals and ways to improve it. Staffing describes the number of people employed in a particular establishment. The number of nurses employed and the number of patients in a hospital is taken into consideration...

Spiritual Needs: Spurring the Unceasing Growth

Interview: Exploring One’s Experience as a Patient An overview of patients’ experiences is crucial to the further improvement of the quality of care. Therefore, conducting interviews as the quickest way of analyzing patient-specific challenges associated with receiving appropriate healthcare services is necessary. To improve the quality of care, a patient...

Pressure Ulcer Development in Trauma Patients

Collaboration Comfort Level with Collaboration and the Peer Review Process My personal experience in the peer review process is positive, and I have received a useful skill in working with other people. An opportunity to consider different opinions opens wide prospects and allows looking at the same topic in different...

Addressing the Problem of Compassion Fatigue Among Nurses

Introduction The ability to empathize with patients and their health issues is one of the defining characteristics of a nurse. However, workplace pressure and an array of other factors may affect a nurse’s ability to show compassion to patients, thus, reducing the quality of care. An in-depth analysis of the...

The Impact of Work-life Balance on Nurses

Introduction Topic Work-life balance is a critical factor that has an impact on employees’ motivation, job satisfaction, and performance. However, for nurses working in hospitals, achieving work-life balance can be challenging. This problem causes nurses to experience other job-related issues, such as burnout, stress, deterioration of personal relationships, and exhaustion,...

Nurse Staffing Issues: Interactive Case Study

Student 1 The Week 6 Staffing Issues Interactive Case Study exemplifies the practical significance of overstaffing as one of the most important factors influencing negative outcomes for both nurses and patients. In the case study under consideration, several nurses discuss their increased workload and issues related to it. It is...

Customer Involvement in LEGO Group’s Innovation Process

Introduction LEGO Group is a successful designer and manufacturer of toys aimed at meeting the changing needs of different children. This company engages its customers through the use of various online platforms, such as its website and social media networks. The concept of innovation is what guides LEGO’s actions, initiatives,...

The Key Concepts of Personal Nursing Philosophy

Introduction Various nursing philosophies are presented in the literature, each of which suggests unique goals and principles. However, it is essential for every nurse to design his or her personal nursing philosophy to specify the essence of practice, aims to be achieved, and principles to be implemented, as stated by...

Chinese Cultural Beliefs: Healthcare Assessment

Introduction of Individual Being Assessed and Purpose of Assessment The respondent is a Chinese. The purpose of this assessment is to support the importance of transcultural knowledge among health practitioners. Individual States Willingness for Assessment The respondent is willing to be part of the assessment. The respondent is aware of...

Nursing Professional Development and Future

Nursing is a challenging and intense field of work that requires workers to grow continually and self-develop. It has become one of the fastest-growing fields of work. Therefore, this group of medical workers can implement specific long-lasting changes to the healthcare system of the USA. Nurses have proximity to patients...

Registered Nurse’s Interview on Career Decision

Introduction Introduction and Statement of Purpose The main purpose of this interview is to communicate with a registered nurse and collect information about her experience, feelings, emotions, and factors that impacted her decision to become a nurse. It will help to understand the motivation of health workers and their experiences...

Nursing Research Designs and Sampling Procedure

Nursing research is one of the most important sources of information available for specialists working in the healthcare sector. The constant appearance of new problems along with the sophistication of already existing issues preconditions the need for extensive knowledge related to various fields as it will help to find new...

Team-Based and Synergy Models for Patient Care

The model of nursing care I observed the team model of nursing in an intensive care unit in a certain hospital. The majority of patients in this unite were facing life-threatening conditions, and thus they needed constant supervision from the nurses and other technical staff members. Care providers in this...

Amazon: Company Analysis

Introduction Businesses that operate in the present-day competitive market may not record optimal performance if they disregard the prevailing regulatory standards. Such guiding principles have been put in place to inform companies’ economic decision-making processes. Contravening the laid-down ethical, accounting, monetary, and government policies may subject organizations to significant penalties,...

Delegation in Practice of Nursing in Florida

Introduction The work of junior medical personnel requires professionalism and a responsible approach to the performance of immediate duties. At the same time, in order to differentiate the qualifications of nurses, there are specially licensed degrees that determine the range of rights and powers of employees. The activities of specialists...

Burnout Syndrome as a Nursing Practice Issue

Discovery: topic and practice issue The topic and the nursing practice issue related to this topic The chosen nursing practice issue refers to burnout syndrome and its implications for care. The problem is important because burnout development is attributed to such factors as inadequate scheduling, poor environments at facilities, sociodemographic...

Nursing Burnout as a Practice Issue

Discovery: topic and practice issue The topic and the nursing practice issue related to this topic Topic: Workplace burnout. Nursing practice issue: Nursing burnout due to high workload. The rationale for the topic selection. The scope of the issue/problem The workforce of the United States is currently experiencing significant shortages...

Improper Drug Administration as a Nursing Practice Issue

Discovery: topic and practice issue The topic and the nursing practice issue related to this topic As a nursing practice issue, improper drug administration may have different origins, from nurses’ understaffed and overworked conditions to their ignorance of proper procedures. Resolving the latter as a professional issue could be possible...

Family Nurse Practitioner’s Moral & Legal Dilemma

Like any other healthcare professional, a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) often encounters issues that require a thorough assessment from both legal and ethical perspectives. The problem of resource allocation in healthcare is especially severe because of the rising demand and increasing costs. This paper will describe a moral and legal...

Pressure Injury Point Prevalence: Research Ethics

Broad Topic Area Health care reform, medical care quality, quality management, safety regulations Problem Statement Hospital-acquired pressure injuries (HAPIs) are preventable events yet still occur because of various factors, including noncompliance to safety guidelines. Purpose Statement To determine the commonness and attributes of pressure injuries and to indicate important factors...

Statistics Application in Healthcare and Nursing

Introduction The field of healthcare and, in particular, nursing practice, provide for the application of various theoretical approaches and concepts aimed at studying the principles of helping people and analyzing potentially successful interventions. These procedures require calculations and making correlations, and in this case, statistics are a valuable method for...

School Nursing Issue, Risks, and Solutions

What Is the Issue? The issue in question is that the automatic emergency defibrillator (AED) was not ready for use when a spectator at a game suffered a cardiac arrest. The reason for this inconvenience was the fact that the AED was stored in a custodian’s closet and locked, which...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Master’s Education in Nursing in the United States

Abstract The 2011 Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing reflect the field’s growing need for high-caliber specialists. The Essentials discuss the creative, transformative role that nurses take up in this day and age. The handbook covers numerous aspects of nursing practice, covering...

Nursing Licensing and Professional Organizations

Introduction Advanced Practice Nurses possess adequate competencies that make it easier for them to provide patient-centered and evidence-based healthcare (Ballard, 2015). The practitioners must have the required theoretical knowledge, skills, and academic qualifications. Successful candidates for the advanced nursing role should have a master’s degree. My competencies as an advanced...

Family Health Assessment and Conversations

A family health assessment is an important step in the development of medical worker-patient relationships, which promotes the possibility to obtain enough information about health promotion and disease prevention. Communication is a good method to discover more about family values, personal feelings, and overall reflection (Persson & Benzein, 2014). In...

Telenursing: Implementation of the Research Project

Introduction Integration of information and communication technologies in the nursing process is supposed to contribute to more effective care delivery. Though not being considered as a revolutionary advancement, telenursing has all chances to become an indispensable part of nursing curricula due to expected positive outcomes (Reierson, Solli, & Bjørk, 2015)....

Conflict Resolution: The Nursing Context

In the healthcare setting, conflict resolution is necessary to consider as confrontational situations occur on a regular basis. Strategies necessary for addressing conflicts between nursing practitioners or professionals of any other specialization imply the application of different approaches to communication management. In this paper, the Twelve-Skill Summary will be applied...

Defining Professional Nursing: Personal Nursing Philosophy

Introduction The current shift in health care towards patient-centered evidence-based practice influences all the professionals in the sphere, with nurses not being an exception. In contemporary circumstances, it is pivotal for all the nurses to elaborate their personal nursing philosophy to reference it every time they need to make a...

Ethics and Social Responsibility in Organizations

Introduction Social responsibility and ethics are the integral components of organizational performance; they play a relevant part in developing a company’s strategic plan. The researchers define the mentioned plan as the scope of measures aimed at achieving long-term objectives and strengthening the firm’s position in the market (Setó-Pamies & Papaoikonomou,...

Staples’ “Just Walk on By: Black Men in Public Space”

Treating some categories of people in a prejudicial manner is in many societies a serious problem that currently has no remedy. African American men, frequently viewed as a threat to others, comprise one group that is the target of negative bias in the United States. In his short essay, Brent...

Women’s Position in Kate Chopin’s Short Stories

Introduction Kate Chopin is an outstanding American author of novels and short stories. She is currently recognized as one of the first feminist writers of the 19th century as in her works, she focuses on women and their controversial position in marriage, and social oppression. For this essay, two works...

Hospital-Acquired Infections Prevention and Change

The given paper delves into the problem of hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) and the methods that can be used to address this very problem effectively. This aspect is one of the most topical issues of the modern healthcare sector as significant deterioration of outcomes because of HAIs can be observed. That...

Readmissions With Heart Failure: Study Results

Congestive heart failure (CHF) is one of the major reasons for hospital readmissions. The investigation of the information gathered during the first phase of the research is conducted in the form of multivariate logistic regression analysis and the Chi-Square independence test. They are used to find correlations between patient factors,...

Chlorhexidine Pre-Wash Intervention as a Practice Change

Surgical site infections are frequently found in post-operational patients. Shepard et al. (2013) state that healthcare-related infections are the primary cause of hospital-acquired complications and deaths in the USA. New ways of sterilization can have a positive effect on reducing post-operational infection rates. The purpose of this paper is to...

Family Genetic History and Planning for Future Wellness

Family Genetic History Family Member Description Paternal grandfather First and last initials: JL Birthdate: 1915 Death date: 1971 Occupation: Hoistman Education: 6th grade Primary language: English Health summary: He had cardiac arrhythmia and died from heart attack Paternal grandmother First and last initials: RL Birthdate: 1921 Death date: 1989 Occupation:...

Catholic Patient’s Spiritual Needs Assessment

Interview Interviewer (I): Hello! I would like to ask you several questions concerning your spiritual beliefs, if that’s okay. Respondent (R): Yes, surely. Go ahead. I: How do you define your faith? R: I’m a Catholic – my entire family is. Going to church on Sunday is an important ritual...

Chronic Pain Treatment Options Review

Chronic pain can originate from any part of the body, including the brain and the spinal cord. The probability of effectively treating such pain is low. Depending on its origin, for instance, nerves or tissues, health specialists may recommend non-opioid treatment to persons with chronic pain. Managing chronic pain is...

Congestive Heart Failure Readmission: Study Design

Introduction Congestive heart failure (CHF) is one of the major health concerns in the United States. Once a patient is offered proper treatment, he or she is expected to embrace a new lifestyle with a proper diet and physical exercise among others. According to Leppin et al. (2014), the lack...

Contemporary Nursing Practice in the US and World

Introduction The nursing profession is among the most significant ones both in the US and in the world. This medical personnel provides care for the patients in hospitals and other healthcare settings while assisting doctors with treatments. However, it is evident that the nature of practice for nurses has evolved...

Discharge for Cardiac Patients: Practice Issue and Evidence

Practice Issue The topic The topic of this practice issue is discharge planning from hospital for patients with congestive heart failure. The purpose of discharge planning is reduction of hospital stay as well as avoid readmissions (Gonçalves-Bradley, Lannin, Clemson, Cameron, & Shepperd, 2016). One of the opportunities to address this...

Hospital-Acquired Infections: Practice Issue and Evidence

Practice Issue The topic The topic is the hand hygiene and the adherence to hand antisepsis guidelines to reduce HAIs. The nursing practice issue related to the topic The identified nursing practice issue is numerous hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) that deteriorate patients outcomes and decrease the quality of their lives. It...

Nursing Degree and Its Benefits

Introduction Nursing remains one of the most challenging and rewarding careers for practitioners and patients. Caregivers are expected to make a difference in patients’ lives and empower them to achieve their potential. Since registered nurses (RNs) are the major providers of care, they should possess adequate competencies and knowledge in...

Smoking Cessation and Patient Teaching Plan

Introduction Risk factors Genetic eyesight problems High blood pressure family history Current low blood pressure Smoking (uses one pack of tobacco per day) Several surgeries, head trauma Increased risk for developing a preventable disease Myopia, cataract, and glaucoma Hypertension Hypotension Lung cancer, diseases of heart and blood vessels Depression, continuous...

Motivational Interviewing in Obesity Reduction: Statistical Analysis

The main aim of the given research is to determine the effect the methods like motivational interviews and specific web tools will have on people suffering from different degrees of obesity and how these could be used to improve their quality of health. To attain the increased credibility of the...

Frontotemporal Dementia and Alzheimer Diseases

The purpose of the research was to explore gait and balance patterns in patients afflicted with frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) to prevent falls (Velayutham, Chandra, Bharath, & Shankar, 2017). The implicit research question can be summarized as Whether the patterns of gait and balance in patients with...

Falls in Alzheimer’s and Dementia Older Patients

What is the purpose of this research? This research aims at investigating the causes of falls among older people with Alzheimer disease (AD) or frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and the necessity to develop a quantitative balance and gait measurement to protect a vulnerable group of people and develop preventive strategies (Velayutham,...

Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy in Diabetes Patients

What is the purpose of this research? The goal of this research is to discuss patient and physician perspectives on the worth of a new technology that can be used to detect cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy (CAN) among the patients of a specialist diabetes clinic (Pals et al., 2015). What is...

New Technology in Clinical Practice: Patient and Physician Perspectives

What is the purpose of this research? The purpose of this study was to investigate the viewpoints and attitudes of patients and physicians with regards to the value of a novel technology application used to detect Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy (CAN) in healthcare settings. What is the research question (or questions)?...

Behaviour Change Techniques in Overweight Adults

What question did the systematic review address? The research question addressed by the researchers was “Is there a difference in effective BCTs associated with the initiation and maintenance of change?” (Samdal, Eide, Barth, Williams, & Meland, 2016, p. 2). The review addressed the question specifically; however, further development of focus...

Impaired Skin Integrity: Nursing Diagnostics

History of Present Illness Mary, 35 years old, is an electrical engineer. She showed up at the nurse’s office because she has a rash on her face and across the bridge of her nose for one week. Mary noticed it after returning from a hiking and camping trip to the...

Patients with Frontotemporal Dementia and Alzheimer Diseases

What is the purpose of this research? The article discusses the research study aimed at the identification of the influence of gait and balance parameters on the condition of people with Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementia. The authors believe that these parameters can be used to analyze clients’ states and...

Skin Antisepsis for Reducing Infections

Practice Issue Worksheet List the topic and include the citation for the systematic review you have selected: Skin antisepsis for reducing central venous catheter-related infections Lai, N. A., Lai, N. M., O’Riordan, E., Chaiyakunapruk, N., Taylor, J. E., & Tan, K. (2012). Skin antisepsis during catheter insertion for reducing central...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Advanced Practice Role in Nursing

This essay is aimed to consider the functions which nurses have in their advanced practice. The paper is going to touch on a nurse practitioner, a nurse educator, a nurse informatics specialist, and a nurse administrator. Besides, the functions are going to be compared and contrasted. A nursing practitioner should...

K-12 Health & Physical Education Curriculum

In order to select what types of programs are to be made constituents of a new K-12 health education curriculum, it is necessary to take into the account that all its apprentices must be provided with an opportunity to be healthy, fit, and willing to embrace new knowledge. Therefore, K-12...

Elder Abuse Screening: Research Process

Summary Research problem Nowadays, the issue of elder abuse remains to be crucial in the field of nurses. It is hard to detect the cases of abuse and prove the necessity to solve the problem. People can neither ignore the connection between high-quality nursing and elder care nor neglect the...

Graduate Nurse’s Role and Leadership Skills

Introduction Graduate-level nurses should possess powerful leadership competencies. Such dexterities make it easier for them to empower their clients, offer evidence-based healthcare services, and realize their goals. Nurses should deal with the unique challenges facing their working environments. The possession of adequate leadership skills will address most of the issues...

The 2020 Grammy Awards

Introduction The ceremony of awarding the Grammys is among the most-watched events in the U.S. On 26 January, the 62nd Grammy Awards ceremony took place in Los Angeles. However, it was overshadowed by the recent dismissal of Deborah Dugan and Kobe Bryant’s death. This paper will provide details of these...

Suicide Assessment by Psychiatric Nurses

The article is qualitative research, as evidenced by the fact that there is no evidence of statistical data analysis. Indeed, the research is based on suicidal assessments, something that is hard to measure empirically. Its analysis is done in a narrative form or in words, as opposed to the use...

Neoliberalism in the Film “Wall Street”

The modern world in its social, political, and economic manifestations has gone through a series of ideological changes throughout centuries of its existence. Overall, the search for an ideal type of government has always been a never-ending process due to the evolution of thought and constant willingness to change the...

“The Prince Who Loved Sweetmeats” by Prof Granoff

Introduction The story “The Prince Who Loved Sweetmeats” is an example of the Jain belief in asceticism and the error of worldly possessions and attachments. It is very different from the monotheistic tradition of Western cultures that treat one’s body as a creation in God’s image. Story Explanation The story...

Suicide Prevention in Gerontology: Evidence-Based Project

Evidence-based project: Gerontology and suicide prevention The interest in gerontology and suicide prevention programs in gerontologic patients sparked because the importance of this particular area of nursing was realized only throughout the last two decades. This issue can be characterized as pivotal because the treatment of gerontologic patients majorly contributes...

Why We Buy a Product

Promotion of a certain product and its sales to consumers is one of the main activities of modern companies as they are interested in the constant increase in the revenue and generation of stable income. For this reason, the 4P’s of marketing become an effective paradigm that is utilized by...

Foley Catheter Use and Patient Needs Assessment

Needs Assessment A needs assessment can be defined as a systematic approach to exploring the attitude, interest, ability, and state of knowledge of a particular group or audience involving a given subject (McCawley, 2009). In healthcare, needs assessment is the systematic approach to the review of health issues that face...

The History of Mummification in Ancient Egypt

Death has always been one of the phenomena that frightened people because of its mysterious and incomprehensible character. Trying to explain it, societies of the past created various religious beliefs that offered their vision of death and suggested rituals on how to act to minimize fear. One of the most...

Family Nursing and Health Risk Assessment

Strength and Weaknesses According to the analyses and interviews, the chosen aggregate has more strengths than weaknesses. The main strength of the aggregate is that it is located in a favorable place, namely in Downtown Miami, where there are many professional healthcare institutions. Another major strength is that the people...

Windshield Survey in Miami, Florida

Windshield surveys are a quick and easy way to make observations of someplace and its community. The present project aims at evaluating such aspects of the community’s life as the housing condition, quality of streets and stores, cleanliness and services, and other crucial issues. The paper contains some data about...

“The Judicialization of Mega-Politics and the Rise of Political Courts” by Ran Hirschl

The article’s topic is clear and straightforward as captured in the title – “The Judicialization of Mega-Politics and the Rise of Political Courts”. This title paints a concise picture in the readers’ mind concerning the contents and substance of the article. The reader can tell that the author talks about...

Bulgur Stuffed Acorn Squash Recipe’s Ingredients

Introduction There is a variety of products that can be used in cooking to create delicious and exciting dishes. Not all plants are presented in a meal in their natural appearance; instead, plants are used to create products. This paper will discuss which plant products are added during the cooking...

Document Conflict: Alternative Dispute Resolution

Summary of Dispute The source of the dispute is an insufficiently precise document, which was incorrectly interpreted by one of the parties that signed the corresponding agreement. As a result of the misunderstanding, both contract participants refused to accept each other’s demands. In particular, Dazzling Dough Co. believes that the...

Meanings in “Lady Lazarus” Poem by Sylvia Plath

The work of the American poetess Sylvia Plath is traditionally considered the birthplace of such a genre of poetry as confessional poetry. The name of the writer is not only well-known to the Western reader but became a kind of myth, embodying the tragic fate of a raging woman poet...

“Micro and Macro Level of Dispute Causes in Residential Building Projects” by Mahamid

In the study “Micro and macro level of dispute cause in residential building projects: studies of Saudi Arabia” Mahamid affirms that the construction sector has the unavoidable status of being uncongenial (12-20). In this regard, there are paradoxically both argument incidences and resolution approaches. In the article, the researcher affirmed...

“Just Like That, I Was a Little Brother” by Robert Imbeault

Introduction This paper is a critical essay concerning an article on DNA tests and their use for finding distant relatives. The author, Robert Imbeault, supplies his story of how a DNA test he took to determine his national lineage led to him finding a half-sibling that he never knew. He...

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Title VIII Nursing Workforce Reauthorization Act of 2019

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Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act

Bill summary Seeks to amend the Public Health Service Act (Congress.Gov, 2019). To raise the number of permanent faculty in palliative care institutions. Beneficiaries: accredited osteopathic and allopathic training institutions. Aim: promote education and research in hospices and palliative care. Specifics of the Bill All palliative care and hospice education...

Gender in “The Chrysanthemums” by John Steinbeck

Introduction John Steinbeck’s The Chrysanthemums focuses on the theme of gender roles and the discrimination of women based on their gender. The author tells the story of Elisa, who is trapped in her roles and responsibilities of being a perfect wife and housekeeper that is expected to take care of...

Monterey Jazz Festival: Where Art Meets Diversity

The New York Jazz Festival was an authentic experience of musical expression. Incorporating the elements of different cultures, the festival featured an extraordinarily diverse and immensely talented band. The performance was directed by Tim Jackson, who led the band consisting of artists that had already established themselves as prominent jazz...