Gender Differences in Financial Knowledge

Summary of Findings The lack of financial knowledge in students has been a source of concern in the academic environment due to the obvious challenges that the specified knowledge gap entails for learners. Without proper financial knowledge, students are incapable of making critical decisions in their academic life, which may...

International Business: Sino-American Trade War

Introduction International business is the field that studies the trade of goods, capital, and other significant items across borders on a global level. The news article selected for this review is the one presented by Ben Chapman. The author addresses the most recent news on the so-called trade war between...

Wilson’s “Fences” Play and the American Dream

August Wilson is one of the renowned American playwrights who displayed the complexity of the American society. Fences can be seen as one of his most referenced works that dwell upon the challenges of African Americans’ lives in the USA of the 1950s. The play uncovers the story of the...

“The Glass Menagerie” the Story by Tennessee Williams

It is important to note that there are significant similarities between Amanda and Jim, and Jim and Tom in various regards. Jim O’Connor is introduced by Tom as a person with a successful past but who undergoes daily struggles in the main timeline of the story. It can be compared...

Why the Terracotta Army Foretold the Rise of the Chinese Empires

Introduction Art and architecture are significant elements for any nation because of at least two reasons. On the one hand, they make it possible for people to meet their aesthetic needs, which is essential for individuals. On the other hand, the two phenomena represent all beliefs and customs that are...

Organizational Change: Description and Analysis

Concept and Types of Organizational Change The idea of organizational change is linked to the necessity to update the quality of the company’s services in order to meet the standards set in the market and create a competitive advantage over key rivals. Therefore, organizational change can be described as the...

Solar-Powered Bicycles’ Market Barriers

Barriers to entry into the market are objective and subjective factors that can complicate the process of introducing solar-powered electric bicycles. When it comes to bicycles as an alternative to road transport, people tend to note the environmental dimension of this choice. Of course, cycling, especially solar-powered electric bike, eliminates...

Unmanned Systems Breakdown and Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Description of the System The evolution of technology has led to the emergence of unmanned aerial systems (UAS), such as drones and aerial vehicles. One of the leading companies in manufacturing UAS, Ballard, has created two models UAS fueled by hydrogen cell, FCair, with 600 watt and 1200 watt systems...

The WWF’s Environmental Advertisement on Marine and Ocean Pollution

Rhetoric and the art of persuasion are generally associated with spoken language and oratory. However, a visual image can also make a convincing point, and this is particularly applicable to social and environmental advertising. Its efficiency largely depends on the performance of all possible persuasive means, which Aristotle previously divided...

Low Voter Turnout in Texas and Its Causes

Voter turnout within different states significantly influences the results of the elections. When it comes to voting, such a factor as voter eligibility is considered. Among various provinces, the number of people who can legally vote differs. In Texas, throughout decades, voter turnout has been lower in comparison to the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Family, Work, and Social Construction of Intimacy

While modern family life is considered to be diverse, most families face common issues like work and family responsibilities, lack of government support, intimate relationships, and sex education of teenagers. The intimate life of people is more likely to depend on the social tendencies of modern society than on the...

Slavery and Its Religious and Moral Aspects

Introduction Discussions on the religious and moral aspects of slavery have been and remain relevant social topics. In order to evaluate individual opinions regarding this area and compare the ideas of past centuries with those promoted today, two primary sources will be reviewed. The letter by Foster included in the...

The Equal Rights Amendment and Feminism in the US

The issue of equal rights of women and men is considered as resolved in the United States of America. The feminine interpretation of equality suggests that men and women should have both equal shares in social power and equal access to public resources. The first National Women’s Party led by...

“Greek Mythology” Article by Cartwright

Introduction The history of Greece is one of the richest ones in the context of cultural heritage, and its features and grandeur are studied all over the world. One of the common areas of the ancient Greek theme is mythology and all those literary works that have survived to the...

Divorce as a Controversial Topic

Divorce is one of the most disputed questions related to family life, along with abortions, same-sex couples’ marriage, and adoption. Each of these aspects of matrimonial relationships induces numerous debates and arguments both among those involved and those interested on the part of legal or ethical aspects. It is a...

Non-English Speakers’ Obstacles in College

Feeling comfortable at higher education facilities represents a key to successful completion. The challenges that some groups of students may face are extensive and should be understood in greater detail to be resolved in the most effective way possible. For non-native English speakers, studying in a language that is not...

Education & Interpersonal Relationships in Family

Building trusting and respectful relationships is a crucial factor that defines effective communication among people. Thus, there are various factors that may affect interpersonal relationships within a family, namely, the feeling of solidarity, love, or the ability of relatives to maintain a positive attitude. However, one of the most crucial...

Criticism of the Painting by Pawel Kuczynski

The work is a painting depicting a boy or young man, with his head pressed against an open book lying on a desk with a vise. Other books are stacked on the desk; no labels are visible, and text in the two open books is illegible. The proportions are realistic,...

The Role of a Dog in the Life of a Human

Did you know that in Japan, couples often meet at the Hachiko monument – the one that is dedicated to the dog that waited seven long years for its owner? To me, this fact holds a symbolic meaning – people always look for loyalty and affection in relationships, and those...

Ana Mendieta’s Opinion on Body in Art

Introduction For many decades, artists have conveyed their opinions and advocated for their rights through their creations. The artist this paper presents is Ana Mendieta, a Cuban-American woman known for her outstanding installations and performances. One of the major themes her work is related to is the body in art....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Exploitation in “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker

It is a common practice in many nations to create things by hand and pass them from generation to generation. Whether these items are used daily or kept closed in a chest as the most precious possessions, they are meant to bear the history of several generations within them. However,...

“I, Rigoberta MenchĂş: An Indian Woman in Guatemala” and “American Holocaust: The Conquest of the New World”: Comparison

The Main Idea of I, Rigoberta MenchĂş The book titled I, Rigoberta MenchĂş: An Indian Woman in Guatemala is an autobiography of Rigoberta MenchĂş that is written in the form of the testimonio. The narrative was dictated by MenchĂş during interviews and then transcribed by Elisabeth Burgos-Debray. Rigoberta is a...

Rebranding Project for Local and Global Companies

Introduction The use of such marketing technique as rebranding can be effective for various reasons – insufficiently high consumer demand, inability to withstand competition in the market, and other factors. In order to assess the success of this method, five companies will be analysed to find the best ways to...

The History and Works of Henri Rousseau

Introduction Henri Rousseau is an influential painter whose style and technique had a significant effect on the development of avant-garde. His personal life and art were very unusual, making the artist stand out among other painters of the time. The naivety and primitivism, typical to his style, saw a mixed...

The Essence of Machiavelli’s Book “The Prince”

Introduction In the early 16th century, when Italy consisted of city-states ruled by princes, Niccolo Machiavelli wrote a handbook for princes and dedicated it to Lorenzo de Medici, Duke of Urbino and the ruler of Florence. This work became infamous because it justified criminal deeds committed for the sake of...

Fritz Lang and His “Metropolis” Drama Film

One of the most important areas in the history of art ‑ German expressionism ‑ started using a visual picture to convey not only the story but also the characters’ emotional state. Among the prominent representatives of German expressionism in films, there was director Fritz Lang. He can be called...

Homicide Perception in Ancient Greece and Rome

In the ancient world, both in Rome and Greece, human life was not considered sacred; therefore, murder and cruelty were widespread. The notions of justifiable and unjustifiable homicide have been significantly different from the way people see it nowadays. The purpose of this essay is to consider how citizens of...

Adolescent Obesity Treatment in Primary Care

Adolescent obesity is regarded as a serious health concern that has to be addressed in both school-based and clinical settings. The rate of overweight school-aged children and youth has reached approximately 30% in the past 30 years (Wright, Giger, Norris, & Suro, 2013). Although the growth was not significant in...

“The Lottery” the Short Story by Shirley Jackson

Introduction Shirley Jackson was an American author who was born in 1919. Over the course of her career, she completed more than two hundred short stories, as well as several novels and memoirs. Her literary career began during her education at Syracuse University, where she wrote for the literary magazine....

Coca-Cola: SWOT Analysis

Introduction Nowadays, due to the globalization and development of economic relationships, every organization should follow certain strategies in order to stay competitive in the market. It is also significant to analyze the strategies that are used by companies to assess where an organization stands, what measures bring advantages, and what...

Popular Research Paper Topics

National Guidance During Hurricane Katrina

Introduction Emergency management, both on state and local levels, demands coordinated actions from a diversity of agencies involved in this process. To meet the needs of communities and individuals affected by disasters and avoid unlawful discrimination, the US state departments developed “Guidance to state and local governments and other federally...

Facts About the Culture of Russia and Nepal

Facts About the Culture of Russia In our world, there are hundreds of different countries and cultures with their own rules, traditions, and beliefs. Many people consider Russia as a drab, faraway, and dark country. However, this is not true as Russia is a hospitable country with a rich culture,...

Working with Adolescents: Stereotypes and Best Practices

Introduction The attitude of the society to different social groups is largely due to established stereotypes that form an opinion on the characteristics of behavior. Particular attention is paid to the topic of adolescents as the category of the population, which is considered problematic and is often viewed as the...

“The Monkey’s Paw” Short Story by W. W. Jacobs

The Monkey’s Paw is a short mystical literary piece written by William Wymark Jacobs. In the story, the White family took possession of a mummified monkey paw that, in the words of their old friend, Morris, had magical properties and could make three wishes of three men true. Consistently with...

How the Internet Changed Academic Paper-Writing

Researchers and students use deductive reasoning to break down their concepts and ideas. This process usually revolves around the development and presentation of arguments. Such kind of practice is known as academic writing. Third person perspectives and formal voices are usually used throughout the process. Modern technologies have transformed the...

The Importance of Miranda Rights

Introduction As a result of the significant influence of the mass culture of film and television series, most people know the standard phrase that the police use when arresting a suspect. Many young people who are just learning about the law enforcement system in different countries, including the U.S., will...

Online Colleges, Their Pros and Cons

Education plays a critical role in modern society. The rapid rise and development of technologies resulted in the appearance of drastic changes in essential activities performed by individuals working in different spheres. In this regard, to remain efficient and attain higher levels of performance, people have to possess a solid...

Informed Consent and Code of Ethics in Counseling

Introduction Professionals must counselors must possess adequate skills and competencies. They should also develop superior philosophies to meet their clients’ needs. Attributes such as ethics, morality, justice, and integrity must guide them whenever supporting their beneficiaries. This paper gives a detailed literature review of informed consent and code of ethics....

Organizational Behavior in the Workplace

Connection Between OB and Selected Job Skills Organizational behavior (OB) is an extremely important aspect that impacts the functioning of all organizations. It describes how to manage people at work and what qualities and competencies might be demanded to improve cooperation among employees (Kinicki & Fugate, 2015). The matrix provided...

The Mystery of Stonehenge’s Origin in the Documentary “Secrets of Stonehenge”

Introduction The movie Secrets of Stonehenge describes the investigative hypotheses made during the large-scale Stonehenge Riverside Project, scientific archeological research led by Mike Parker Pearson. Scientists concluded that Stonehenge might have served as a cemetery for the royal persons who initiated its construction. Archaeologists have also discovered that Stonehenge is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Constitution of the United States: Digital Field Trip

Example Description The document under consideration is the Constitution of the United States. It consists of four pages that are permanently displayed at the National Archives. The document includes a preamble and seven articles dedicated to government structure and functioning. Thus, it establishes the role of legislative, executive, and judicial...

“Renaissance Italy” by Phil Sheppard

The Renaissance was an era of great achievements in science and art that originated in the Italian states of the 15th century and lasted until the 17th century. It symbolized the transition from the Middle Ages to early Modernism, which began with the era of Enlightenment. This paper aims to...

Eliezer’s Lost Childhood – “Night” by Elie Wiesel Literature Analysis

Introduction Father-son relationships have never been easy, and Wiesel’s novel is the exact manifestation of the given fact. Although the novel touches upon several issues apart from the given one, and the family dilemmas are not the focus of the novel, it is quite peculiar to watch the evolution of...

Jean-LĂ©on GĂ©rĂ´me’s Painting “The Duel After the Masquerade”

The Duel After the Masquerade (oil on canvas, twenty by twenty-eight inches) is a Jean-Léon Gérôme’s painting. It was produced in 1857 and today is located in the Musée Condé in Chantilly, France. Gérôme was a famous painter and sculptor, known for his works in the traditional style of academicism,...

Purchasing Strategies: Centralized vs. Decentralized

Introduction The key strategies in the context of today’s companies’ management are the ones concerning supply and purchasing control. Regarding the company type and size, purchasing strategies are then usually divided into three major categories: centralized, decentralized, and hybrid approach, which serves as a symbiosis of the previous two types....

Wikipedia: The Concept of Data-Driven Crowdsourcing

At the beginning of its conception, the Internet was a poorly organized set of websites and pieces of knowledge that was scattered across the network. However, as the Internet became an integral part of millions of people’s lives, the necessity to collect, arrange, store, and share data properly emerged. Thus,...

Leadership Effectiveness and Its Factors

In the past, the study of leadership has mostly been focused on the attributes of people who have the authority to make critical decisions. However, modern researchers argue that much attention should also be paid to the characteristics of followers and various situational factors (Dugan, 2017). This paper will discuss...

Da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa”

Mona Lisa is a famous masterpiece painted by Leonardo da Vinci in the sixteenth century (see Figure 1). Even though there is no conclusive evidence, it is generally accepted that da Vinci began working on the painting in 1503 and finished it in 1516 (Mehra & Campbell, 2018). The painting...

Uber as the Platform Service

With the emergence of the technological breakthrough that has been occurring over the past few decades, the transfer of most services to the digital environment was not only necessary but also inevitable. The opportunities of the digital market had to be explored, and a vast number of companies managed to...

History of the War of 1812

The War of 1812 is a military conflict between the United States and Britain, its former colonial master. It resulted from a number of tensions starting with the practice of impressment and a restricted trade with both France and Britain. Other reasons that forced the US to start a war...

Global Warming Leads Climate Change

Abstract This paper is dedicated to researching the problem of global warming and its effect on the environment. Scholarly literature on the topic was employed in order to retrieve information about global warming and climate change. Several definitions for the concept of global warming were provided, andalso the connection between...

The Crime of Challenging Moral Settings

Living in society, a person cannot but interact with its active components. The highest form of morality implies the principle according to which every individual should act with others in the way he or she would like to act with them. In other words, if a person expects a display...

Analysis of the External and Internal Constituents of the Pantheon of Rome

Introduction Roman culture, especially the culture of construction, inspired and set standards for European architecture for many hundreds of years to come. One of the most striking examples of the embodiment of the ideas of the Roman architectural school is the Pantheon of Rome. According to Muench, “the Pantheon is...

Perez Art Museum Visitation

The Most Beautiful Object in the Museum For me, the most impressive object in Perez Art Museum, Miami, is the painting “Oráculo” created by Tomás Esson. This artist comes from Cuba. This work of art attracted me because of its bright colors and interesting elements. The artist has depicted a...

The Resilience and Appeal of Jihadism

Introduction The literal meaning of the word jihad is a struggle or effort to live in good faith and be true to Islamic values. As seen from the definition, originally, the term jihad does not have any negative connotations. Yet, jihadism is a military movement that uses terror, violence, and...

Role of Ethics Within Leadership

Ethical leadership involves embracing practices that comply with the set moral beliefs and values, such as observing the dignity of others and respecting people’s civil liberties. Ethics refers to concepts such as trust, equality, integrity, and charisma (Grandy & Sliwa, 2017). Complying with some laid-down ethical principles results in ineffective...

Domestic Violence in the Modern Society

Introduction Domestic violence is an acute and prevalent problem in society which requires research and effective solutions. The incidence of domestic violence is increasing exponentially on a global scale. Some of the causes have been identified as cultural and legal standards that encourage or perpetuate abuse. The primary focus of...

Is Religious Fundamentalism Our Default Spirituality?

Introduction While discussing a personal worldview, it is necessary to concentrate on the idea of spirituality in this context. Furthermore, it is also important to understand how the concepts of pluralism, scientism, and postmodernism can be related to one’s outlook and spirituality. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to...

Role of Cultural Diversity in Public Administration

Nowadays, an increase in cultural diversity is a reality in most societies, first of all, because of the process of globalization and growing migration rates. It is also reflected in educational settings, such as colleges and universities. There is a need to approach cultural diversity to give students a sense...

“A Grief Observed” the Work by C. S. Lewis

Clive Staple Lewis is a known writer, renowned scholar, and lay theologian. He is recognized for over 30 works written in a genre of fiction and non-fictional Christian apologetics that is still cited by many philosophers and apologetics. One of C. S. Lewis’s religious works, A Grief Observed, was dedicated...

Impact of Influencers on American Society

Social media life has become a vivid and an essential part of everyday experience. Many people have their accounts on several networks and platforms like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, to name a few. This stream has produced people who make their social media activity to be their occupation and main...

Cheating as the Cause of Divorce

Family life is associated with a variety of unique difficulties that can arise throughout the partnership. As in any dynamic system, there are periods in the family called crisis periods. During them, hidden and unresolved problems escalate, and conflicts or quarrels become more frequent. Many families will struggle to deal...

Autism, Myths and Realities

Autism is one of the most common mental diseases impacting young children. This developmental disability can cause severe complications, so it is necessary to diagnose the problem as soon as possible. There are some popular myths about autism, but scholars dispel such fictitious stories and emphasize the interrelation between autism...

The Idea of Home as a Special Place

Numerous thinkers of all nations and generations discuss the notion of home since it is a core idea that can be approached from different angles. An article “The idea of home: A kind of space” by Mary Douglas attempts to view the concept of home using an evidence-based approach. She...

Subaru Brand in Europe

The best-matched lifestage group is The Cosmopolitans: Upscale Younger Family Mix which belongs to the urban uptown social group and the midlife success lifestyle group. This group can be predominately found in major metropolitan areas and regions known for high economic success. There is a significant number present of this...

Girlhood Friendship in Toni Morrison’s “Sula”

The protagonists of the novel Sula by Toni Morrison have chosen the opposite life paths and held different views. Sula lived in a family that did not follow traditional values and, in many ways, challenged social attitudes, while the Nel family pursued conventional and conformal principles. However, the girls were...

Theoretical and Practical Components of Business

Teleology, Utilitarianism, and Justice in the Frameworks of Business Ethics The study of theoretical and practical components of business activity involves not only the analysis of exact numbers and mathematical formulas but also the research of the people’s principles of thinking and decision making. After all, human beings and their...

Importance of Intercultural Competence in Business

Cultural studies are rapidly developing and influencing every sphere of activity nowadays so that different approaches have been applied to the understanding of what intercultural communication is. Living in the intercultural society in the period of globalization presupposes incessant interaction with diverse representatives of one’s nation, so the interpersonal connection...

Analysis of the Great Recession

The first post-war most prolonged recession occurred in December of 2007 and came to an end only in June of 2009 and received the name of the Great Recession. Apart from its continuance, the Great Recession was ponderous in many aspects. The global crisis led all the financial markets and...

Circumcision: Human or Medical Rights Issue

Introduction Human rights activists have presented their arguments to explain why circumcision should be outlawed. This practice has catalyzed a debate that continues to affect the decisions made by many parents, religious leaders, and healthcare professionals. This paper describes whether the practice is a human or medical rights issue. It...

Popular Research Paper Topics

A View on Generation Gap Between Baby Boomers and Millennials

The essay “Why Millennials Will Miss Boomers When They’re Gone” by Keith Spencer gives the reader a view on the generation gap between Baby Boomers and millennials. It goes into great detail, describing those generations’ differences, the reasons for those and what important lessons readers must learn. The essay is...

Analysis of “Sula” by Toni Morrison

In her novel called Sula, Toni Morrison challenges the reader’s perception of good and evil. The book narrates the story of a small black community in Ohio, which takes place after World War I. Sula and Nel are the main characters of the novel, and, by depicting their lives, the...

“Children Need to Play, Not Compete” the Article by Statsky

Summary As the object of the review, the article “Children Need to Play, Not Compete” by Statsky will be used. In her work, the author argues that for children between the ages of six and twelve, games in which competition is a key aspect are inappropriate (Statsky). As an alternative,...

Interview Report: Anthony’s Case

Introduction Communication between individuals who are very different from each other may yield positive results of these people’s understanding of cultures and occupations. Thus, it may be helpful for one to inquire about others’ professional values to understand why some people’s worldviews vary. The interviewee for this assignment is Anthony,...

The Role of Time Management in Leadership

Introduction Modern leaders pay much attention to time management as it is one of the constant and irreversible things in the work of any organization. Once it is wasted, it can never be returned or used again. Therefore, the task of any leader is to make sure that time is...

Coca-Cola Company’s Communication Strategies

Introduction The Coca-Cola Company is an international manufacturer, marketer, and seller of soft beverages and syrups based in Atlanta, US. Founded in 1886, the company has since expanded to cover more than 200 countries and given rise to brands such as Diet Coke, Sprite, Fanta, Powerade, and others. Coca-Cola is...

“In the Womb” the Documentary by National Geographic Channel

“In the Womb,” a documentary released in 2005 by the National Geographic channel, is a film that explores all stages of development of a new life (“In the womb”). One of the most compelling aspects of this documentary is that it uses the most recent technologies, including computer simulation and...

Privacy Issues in Social Networks

Background Being used by hundreds of millions of people every day, online social networks have become a major platform for communication. Nowadays, such platforms are a popular tool to improve information search and promote social interaction. However, apart from the revolution generated by social networks, they may also pose a...

An Ideal State Creation

From a variety of governing styles, democracy with its power of citizens seems to be the most appropriate decision in the context of war and the post-war period. Since the previous dictator was overthrown and a new President was elected, it is critical to ensure that the given state would...

Pacifism in the United States

Introduction Anti-militarism is a doctrine and political movement against militarism. Many socialists, libertarians, social liberals, and environmental activists profess anti-militarist ideology. Anti-militarism should not be confused with pacifism, which rejects any violence (Brock 27). Anti-militarism recognizes the right to self-defense, both individual and class, but opposes the monopoly of the...

People of Haitian and Iranian Heritage

Introduction To provide high-quality care, health professionals should be aware of the peculiarities that the patient has. These peculiarities include the patient’s family history as well as the background that comprises the cultural peculiarities of the patient. Since different ethnicities have their health care beliefs that have been formed historically...

Swing Dance in History and Modern Trends

Introduction The history of swing dancing had its roots in the distant past when the culture of African Africans and Europeans intertwined, and society felt an irresistible desire to erase boundaries between traditional and street choreography. The philosophy of swing is simple and attractive – it is an opportunity to...

“The Scream” the Painting by Edvard Munch

Introduction Der Schrei der Natur, universally known as The Scream, is an oil painting by Edvard Munch. The Norwegian artist painted The Scream in 1893 as part of the cycle The Frieze of Life—A Poem about Life, Love, and Death, where he represented the wheel of life from a partially...

Electric Cars and Their Future: Informative Speech

It is hard to imagine an average adult in the USA who does not own a car now. Americans’ reliance on traditional automobiles, ran on gasoline, is so high that they often think skeptically of more environmentally-friendly transportation alternatives, such as electric vehicles. Nevertheless, as Henry Ford once said: “If...

Exploring Light Spectrum Using Spectroscope

Introduction The light spectrum is the combination of all the wavelengths of energy produced by a light source. Three types of the spectrum can describe almost every light source: continuous, absorption, and emission. A continuous spectrum is emitted by hot objects, such as light bulbs or flames. If dark lines...

Substance Use Disorder Workforce Loan Repayment Act: Bill Review

Introduction The US is living through an epidemic of drug abuse that has tremendous consequences on the nation’s well-being. The issue is currently being addressed through different bills that touch upon opioid regulations and improvements in healthcare. Substance use disorder (SUD) is a condition that nursing specialists meet in daily...

The History of Florida Nurse Practice Act

Introduction The legal history of nursing practice in the United States of America dates back to the last decade of the 19th century. During the Civil War, the scope of nursing practice expanded significantly, and policymakers in health care commenced to reconsider what the role of a nurse might involve....

Returning a Wrong With a Wrong Is Wrong

Introduction Philosophy is one of the ways to cognize reality that surrounds people and answer basic questions that emerge in the course of individuals’ thought evolution. Human beings have always wanted to understand the purpose of their lives, reasons for their acts, and solve multiple ethical dilemmas that appear while...

“Enemies From Within” the Speech by Joseph McCarthy

Introduction Fear is one of the strongest emotions that often defines people’s behavior. Politicians are aware of the power of human fears and tend to exploit them to achieve their goals. The paranoia surrounding communism in the USA in the middle of the 20th century is an illustration of this...

Mission and Philosophy of a Nursing Program

Introduction Every school and even educational program is based on certain principles and beliefs, which shapes its structure and content. Schools always pay specific attention to the articulation of their philosophy and mission in order to ensure the enrollment of students who share similar beliefs. The detailed and concise philosophy...

The Learning of Leadership, Ethics, Managerial, and Cultural Competencies in Healthcare

Introduction Healthcare professionals should engage in continuous learning in order to develop superior competencies that can make them successful. The completed course activities have empowered me to pursue my personal and career aims. This discussion identifies and analyzes the major ideas learned from various class materials and exercises and how...

Definition of VARK Questionnaire Analysis

Introduction The selection of learning strategies is a significant step in the process of education because it is decisive for the success of the learning process as well as students’ performance. People have diverse learning preferences and demonstrate different performance with the use of preferred strategies. Some individuals need to...

The CS/CS/HB 1337 Bill by Health and Human Services Committee

Introduction It could be stated with certainty that legislative acts are one of the most important instruments that are used to improve the public health sector in general as well as the quality of care, patient safety, and the ability of nursing professionals to efficiently perform their tasks. The purpose...

Public Policy Meeting on the Violence Against Women Act

Introduction This paper provides a summary of the public policy meeting regarding the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). It addresses the purpose of the hearing, its participants and provides the background information on the committee. Moreover, the paper reviews one of the topics that were discussed during...

The Issue of Transgender Discrimination

Challenges Despite numerous attempts to eliminate biased attitudes, transgender people still face different challenges that deteriorate the results of treatment. The first barrier is the discrimination that is still observed in multiple health facilities. Both patients and health workers might demonstrate inappropriate behaviors towards people who decided to alter their...

Defining Intimate Partner Violence

Introduction The issues of violence as a threat to many individuals’ mental, physical, and emotional well-being, is broadly discussed by researchers. However, there exist multiple definitions of the term, as well as diverse interpretations of the phenomenon. Due to the complexity of the nature of violence and its various manifestations...

XY Country: Creating My Ideal State

XY is a developing country located in North America. Despite attaining independence more than five decades ago, this country has been experiencing years of war, including economic and political crises, which have hindered its progress. One of the barriers to development in this economy is the prevailing dictatorship. As a...

European vs. Native American Societies

Introduction During the 16-17th centuries, when the Europeans started to arrive in the New World, they discovered a society of Native Americans, or Indians, which was fundamentally different from their own. Considering themselves to be the champions of the civilized world, the Europeans thought that the Indian culture and society...

Development of the Setting in Shirley’s “The Lottery” and “The Rocking Horse Winner” by Lawrence: From Claustrophobic to Chaotic

Introduction Of all the elements that comprise a story, the setting might seem as the only one that is static, yet it is also prone to changes throughout the story. These alterations indicate changes in the development of characters, the mood set within the narration, and the narrative itself, pointing...

Hotjar: Web Analytics Software Difference

Introduction There are various web analytics software tools that provide a wide range of services. Some of them use a simplified interface and have a limited number of features, while others offer an in-depth analysis of customer experience and behavior. This paper analyzes Hotjar, a web analytics tool that has...

Popular Research Paper Topics

African American Stereotype Threat

Introduction People often find themselves judging others having looked at someone just once. Modern US society is a multicultural and multinational phenomenon that, despite its diversity, democratic thinking, and openness, imposes numerous threats to minorities. One of the population groups that experience biased perception on a daily basis is African...

Public Policy Meeting: Prescription Drug Supply and Cost

Introduction The discussions concerning health care innovations and reconstructions have been held by the country’s officials for a long time. On June 26, 2018, the testimony by the Secretary of the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Alex M. Azar II, was presented to the Senate (C-Span, 2018)....

Organizational Behavior: Managing Employees

The functioning of a modern organization is a complex issue as it consists of numerous elements and aspects that should be considered to achieve the planned goals and create the basis for further development. For this reason, the existing approach to management presupposes that a specialist responsible for the growth...

“The Lottery” by Jackson and “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” by Le Guin

Introduction: Dystopian Stories by Jackson and Le Guin The short stories, which represent a genre of utopian fiction, give the reader an opportunity to immerse himself/herself in the study of societies based on totalitarian principles and concealing controlled regimes behind the visible general happiness. Therefore, two stories, namely “The Lottery”...

Creating My Ideal State with Presidential System

Introduction The targeted country has been characterized by civil unrest and a dictatorial leadership style. A new opportunity for democratic leadership has emerged after the end of the past regime. This paper begins by describing the domestic concerns that need to be addressed and the best measures to achieve positive...

Othello’s Image in Shakespeare’s Tragedy

Introduction The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice is an outstanding tragedy by William Shakespeare. It focuses on highly essential issues of tragic flaws, crucial miscommunication, revenge, deep hatred, and love. One of the most significant themes of a play that reflects both the social state of the Renaissance...

George Washington Plunkitt of Tammany Hall

George Washington Plunkitt was a well-known politician and influential businessman from New York, the United States. He served in representative houses of the New York State Legislature as well as was a member of the political machine, Tammany Hall, in New York City. Founded in 1789, Tammany Hall was named...

Managerial and Leadership Qualities

The words “manager” and “leader” are often used interchangeably, but they mean different things in a corporate environment. If a person is a manager, they occupy a particular position in an organization that places specific responsibilities on them as well as a duty to oversee subordinates (Algahtani, 2014). Leaders, in...

Infrastructure as a Service by Amazon

The demand for infrastructure as a service (IaaS) services is growing worldwide due to its cost-effectiveness and simplicity of use. While the competition in the sector is high, the sphere is dominated by major providers, which may hurt the competition in the future (Osborne, 2019). The present paper aims to...

Greywater Recycling: Limitations and Perspectives

Greywater Definition Water is vital for the creation and sustainability of life on the planet and is essential for growing crops. Because the majority of water on Earth is salty and is not appropriate for irrigation purposes, the scientific community should assess the possibility of greywater use and its effects...

Parenting Style and Bullying Among Children

Abstract This essay dedicates to the significant influence of parenting styles on the bullying behavior of children. Various researches demonstrate that specific parental styles promote bullying by children, while optimal parenting may decrease interpersonal aggression and victimization. The paper describes four main styles of parenting, and it highlights their peculiarities...

Wynton Marsalis: Jazz in Marciac 2009

Concert and Performers This report will cover the performance by Wynton Marsalis and the ensemble at the Jazz in Marciac festival in 2009. Wynton Marsalis is an internationally acclaimed vocalist, musician, and composer from New Orleans, Louisiana, with an impressive repertoire ranging from jazz to classical music. The musician’s vision...

Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody”

Purpose, Question at Issue, and Assumptions The live concert I viewed is the Queen’s show at Live Aid in 1985 (“Queen – Live at LIVE”). I will analyze the event and one of the songs, in particular, Bohemian Rhapsody. The song’s author is Freddie Mercury, the lead vocalist of Queen....

Colombia: Country Analysis for Business Expansion

Colombia is a country of great potential due to its people and considerable natural resources; the ineffective management of these assets leads to a high poverty rate. However, Colombia has well-established economic relations with the USA, so it is important to understand the peculiarities of this state. The country is...

Creating My Ideal State of North Korea

Introduction North Korea has been in the hands of a family of dictators for the past several decades. However, patriots have sacrificed their lives to eliminate dictatorship and bring sanity to the country’s leadership. As the newly elected president of this country, I have the daunting task of restructuring the...

Sports and Exercising for Self-Esteem

Abstract The research paper delves into the physical and mental health outcomes of playing sports and regular exercising to understand the role of activity in well-being. Based on the reviewed studies, due to physical changes, sports activities can produce mood improvement effects, and people benefit from getting pleasure as a...

August Wilson’s Literary Criticism

The Pittsburgh Cycle The issue of race was especially problematic for the U.S. in the early 20th century due to the legacy of the rampant racism that plagued the previous era of U.S. sociocultural development. The challenges faced by African American people in fighting against oppression and promoting equality were...

Laughter and Its Psychotherapeutic Value

Abstract The paper focuses on the analysis of laughter as a therapeutic method. At first, the mechanics and physiology of laughter are explained, and the most common types of laughter are identified. Further, facial expressions with laughter are described, along with the likelihood of females to fake laughter in comparison...

Javier Rodriguez’s Approach to Key Health Policies

Introduction Elected officials are key to creating health policy that has a profound impact on public healthcare. It is important for nurses to be aware of ongoing health legislature and remain in contact with elected officials to offer professional input and advocate for change. This report seeks to investigate the...

The US and Philippines: “God’s Arbiters” by Harris

The United States unshackled the Philippines from Spanish tyranny in 1898, a move that was lauded as an example of the moral responsibility of a superpower. However, the next move was widely discussed as to whether the US should take part in the annexation of the islands. The opposing parties...

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Childhood Obesity Research and Ethical Concerns

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Logic Models in Developing Public Health Programs

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Economic Ramifications of Brexit

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Monopolies and Workers Exploitation in the Industrial Age

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Racial Issues in Reality Check by Rasayon

The struggles that populations of diverse populations face in the course of their development are essential to discuss in current research. The topic of race is especially relevant due to the long and dark history of oppression, abuse, and segregation of certain groups. Race denotes a group of humans that...

Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour” Analysis

The end of the Victorian era may be viewed as a period when the movement for female equality gathered momentum. Before that, women enjoyed much fewer rights than men and occupied a lower, subordinate position in society. However, throughout the 19th century, many females aimed to oppose the established situation,...