Information Literacy: Scholar-Practitioner-Leader Model

Introduction In the past, scientific information was concealed, but the Internet filled this gap. However, did this unlimited access to information complicate the research process? These changes highlighted the rising significance of leadership and its integration in information literacy. In the context of scholarly research in economics, information literacy plays...

Keurig Breweries Company’s Market Success

Description A coffee-making machine has become an inseparable element of any company’s interior. Furthermore, the device has become a common element of a typical household (Quindlen, 2018). However, few people know its name, not to mention the history of its origin and development. A closer look at Keurig Brewing Machine...

Effective Professional Teamwork in Healthcare

Introduction The witnessed complication of health care services and the call for providing specialized medical attention have played a huge role in triggering the need for effective teamwork. As a member of a clinical team, I have had the opportunity to interact with my colleagues in the course of serving...

French, Chinese and Hispanic Cultural Customs

French Cultural Rites and Customs The interviewed person is French. She states that an important custom or even ritual is getting together to have dinner. She stresses that inviting people to such dinners can also be regarded as a ritual. An invitation to a dinner should be seen as an...

Training Design Proposal for Employees

When it comes to the performance of a particular organization, every employee and employer are affected by training. Every worker participates in training at some time in his or her career, usually a number of times. While managers need to be sure that they possess required competencies to occupy supervising...

National Door-to-Balloon Time Standards and Practices

Goals Accomplishment in the Project The goal of the program “Reducing door-to-balloon time for acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction in the primary percutaneous intervention” was to develop practical strategies to reduce the door-to-balloon (D2B) time among STEMI patients (Ellahham, Aljabbari, Mananghaya, Raji, & Zubai, 2015). The unique feature of this program...

Violence and International Security Since 1989

How has the character of armed conflict changed since 1989? What are the key characteristics of New Wars? The character of armed conflict has significantly changed since 1989. Baylis, Smith and Owens (2008) confirm that war has been regarded as a central feature human history especially in as far as...

Classroom Discipline and Behaviour’ Management

Introduction Children are often compared to a sponge. They absorb the behavior of the people around them and copy them. When they come to school, a teacher becomes a new model to follow. Thus, the common task of parents and teachers is to lead and direct children to the styles...

Different Leadership Styles Comparison

Introduction It can be assumed that effective leadership implies the presence of a variety of skills in management, which will allow it to promote and encourage the active participation of employees in the work processes. Nevertheless, the importance of effective followership should not be underestimated since it is the workforce...

Opinion Leadership in Intensive Care Unit

It is possible to state with certainty that the concept of leadership plays an immensely important role in nearly every sphere of societal life. It is apparent that some people tend to have more impact on how other members of society behave or perceive themselves. Therefore, the role of a...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Learning Disabilities and Intervention Methods

Explain the development and definition of the category, learning disability In the United States, the category “learning disability” was developed in the field of education in the 1950s-1960s as a response of white middle-class parents to the failures of their children at school because of increased standards. It was important...

Misrepresentations of Arab Women in Hollywood

Misrepresentation of various ethnic and religious backgrounds in Hollywood movies is not a new phenomenon: indeed, the only culture that Hollywood filmmakers can represent without bias or mistreatment is the modern American culture. Characters of other national, ethnic or religious backgrounds, such as Latino, Muslims, and even Europeans, are often...

Twitter Usage and Blogosphere Pricing

Introduction High finance pundits may argue about Twitter’s stock price, but there is no doubt in the blogosphere that the service is valuable. If you are using it merely to share your lunch choice with friends or whom you encountered while shopping, you may already be fully equipped to use...

Sportswear and Foxtrot Companies Possibilities

Introduction In this paper, the case of the Sportswear Company and the possibility to be bought by the representative of the Foxtrot Company will be analyzed and evaluated. Mr. Leslie Olivera who is the manager at Foxtrot is going to accept the offer of Charles Richards who is the current...

New Urbanism and Negative Criticism

New Urbanism refers to the architectural philosophy that was adopted after the end of the Second World War. It sought to implement a paradigm shift in traditional town planning (Gordon, 150). The main aim of the new type of city planning was to reduce overreliance on automobiles by planning city...

“Bling H2O” Bottled Water in the Australian Market

Bling H2O – the most expensive bottled water Bling H2O water is the world’s most expensive bottled water. The brand’s creator, Hollywood writer-producer Kevin G. Boyd, targeted to sell it to the celebrities who highly esteem their bottled water. I have just heard about this product but I hope to...

“For You Mom, Finally” a Book by Ruth Reichl

Ruth Reichl felt a need to re-title her book from “Not Becoming My Mother” to “For You Mom, Finally” because she finally came to an understanding about who her mother really was and that she had actually grown into the independent and self-reliant woman that her mother had always wanted...

Social Psychology: Understanding and Applying

Social psychology, the study of how people perceive each other and relate to each other, can be employed in a variety of ways to explain both the current trends in society and the possible future changes. In this paper, we consider the ways it can make prognoses, and then propose...

Leadership Behavior and Skills Inventory

The possession of leadership skills is not just an ability to use specific techniques that can theoretically help an employee. It is quite a big complex of activities, which is necessary to adhere. Everyone has this or that knowledge, but leadership philosophy requires a particular approach. As for my leadership...

Space Telescope Science Institute Presentation

Introduction This paper presents a reflection on the presentation hosted by the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI). The event provided insight into the process that takes place between the scientific idea and Hubble press releases. The presentation allowed me to learn a lot about the phases of Hubble observation, as...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Benefits of MBA in Goals Achievement

Introduction The leader’s position requires not only personal motivation and the desire to achieve success but also an excellent professional training. It is quite difficult for an employee to be an authority among colleagues and to have recognition among management if his or her skills in a particular field are...

Monopoly Company in Managerial Economics

Introduction The shape and structure of most modern markets are shaped by market power and competition. Market power stands for the strength of a company or a product in a particular market. All companies seek to increase their market power, which results in competition. In economics, the four Ps of...

Men and Women in Leadership and Social Change

Introduction A study conducted by Pew Research Center to evaluate the effect of gender on leadership showed a negligible difference between the styles favored by men and women about aspects such as innovation, creativity, and ability to inspire followers. Some researchers have observed that female leadership is characterized by traits...

A Family in Crisis

What biological, psychological, physical environmental, sociocultural, behavioral, and health system factors are influencing this situation? The first problem stems from Mrs. Brown’s age (48-years-old). It is likely that she is already entering into her menopausal stage and, as such, the hormonal variances that she is experiencing are contributing towards her...

Proposal for Lowering the Intake of High-Calorie Food

Introduction Topic Research question: Is there a positive impact of lowering the consumption of high-calorie food? Working thesis: The decision of certain individuals to lower the consumption of high-calorie food created positive consequences, such as weight loss, reducing the risk of developing diabetes, and heart diseases. Angle: High-calorie food is...

Proposal for Fad Diets

Introduction Topic Research question: Could fad diets be considered as the efficient tool to improve the general state of a persons health or they result in significant deterioration? Working thesis: Fad diets could not be considered as the efficient and secure tool as there is no solid scientific rationale evidencing...

Symbol of Laura in Williams’ The Glass Menagerie

Abstract This paper provides an interpretation of one of the aspects of Tennessee Williams’ play The Glass Menagerie. It is stated that the collection of glass figurines in the play symbolizes one of the characters of this piece of literature, Laura Wingfield. The paper argues that the glass animals, being...

Psychiatric Patients Experiencing Abuse

Introduction Topic Research question: Are psychiatric patients much more vulnerable to domestic abuse than others because of the unique aspects of their conditions? Working thesis: Psychiatric patients have to deal with domestic violence because they are viewed as extremely vulnerable most of the time, and they lack understanding from the...

Advanced Practice Nurses Role Perspectives

Advanced practice nurses (APNs) are expected to act ethically and professionally whenever providing medical services to their patients. They should also apply the major standards of practice in their respective settings. The paper presented below discusses the issues surrounding a malpractice action filed by Yolanda Pinellas. The discussion examines the...

Substance Abuse and Its Promotion in Advertisement

Introduction Substance abuse is, to a great degree, very common in the world, and lately, the general populace has perceived substance abuse mentally as one of the vital questions raised for consideration or solution facing almost all countries. Specifically, the public solicitudes that illicit substances are the cause of aggressive...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Bioethics on NBC’s ER” by Pamela Nathanson

Introduction The nursing practice operates within eight ethical elements. One of the most important ethical elements is confidentiality. However, confidentiality complicates ethical principles when nurses face the dilemma of disclosure to improve the quality of services and protect communities against imminent harm. According to Beech (2007), confidentiality plays an important...

Challenges in Friendship: Interpersonal Communication

Context One evening, Tiffany and I were sitting in my room while discussing social issues for it has been a while since she visited me. Tiffany has been one of my great friends for the last 15 years and we used to spend a great deal of time together sharing...

High Level of Employee Retention Within an Organization

Introduction It is critical for a modern business, to remain viable and competitively advantageous in today’s market place. As such, organizations must look beyond reducing expenditures and controlling operating costs in order to experience an increase in profits. Human capital must be regarded as an organizations number one asset, thus...

Resistance to Change: Diagnosis and Acting

Introduction Even though the process of organizational change is ubiquitous, employee resistance to it is a complex issue that may contribute to the high failure rate of reorganization. A change in which I was involved was the lean in distribution and manufacturing site initiated by the general manager. The lean...

Value of Technology Advances

To make progress in understanding scientific relations and technology, information and knowledge must be developed to constitute technological advancement. Different technologies have been developed, and three of them will be discussed in this essay with regard to how they benefit business, consumers, and the society at large; they are the...

How Hospitals Approach Price Transparency?

Article Summary The article “How hospitals approach price transparency: the issue of price transparency has become more prevalent in health care recently, but hospitals may have different views of the concept depending on their relative charge levels” by Houk and Cleverley (2014) has addressed the problem of price transparency in...

Patients with a Substance Use Disorder

People with addiction and substance use disorder (SUD) have to receive professional and high-quality care and follow-up. It is not enough to prescribe some drugs and visit meetings to prevent and control complications. Regular communication and family education are integral parts of this type of research. During the last 20...

Moral Intelligence and Leadership Success

Introduction The role of leadership has become quite broad in the contemporary business environment. At present, they not only perform planning, motivate employees, and execute control but also set moral and ethical guidelines on the organizational level. The book by Lennick and Kiel examines the domain of moral intelligence as...

Patient Protection in Bill Nelson’s Interview

Introduction The American Health Care Act of 2017 has been one of the most controversial health bills of the last five years. It is primarily focused on the repeal of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and has since been rejected in Senate multiple times. The consequences for its...

Rites and Customs in Various Cultural Backgrounds

Indian Custom: Diwali India has an ancient culture with many rites and customs. One of the best-known traditions is the festival of Diwali, which celebrates the triumph of light over darkness. It is celebrated throughout the country with some regional variations and comprises some important rituals that are traditionally performed...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Mayo Clinic’s Adherence to US Healthcare Standards

In the United States, health care is a strictly regulated area of business, which is governed by multiple standards. These standards serve to improve the quality of services delivered to patients, promote information sharing between providers, and ensure the appropriate conduct of employees in the healthcare sector. Health care standards...

Analytic Hierarchy Process for Decision-Making

What Is the AHP and Why Is It Useful? The Analytic Hierarchy Process (the AHP) is a theory of measurement, developed by Thomas L. Saaty in 1970s, that is used to provide structured techniques necessary for making complex decisions. The approach is based on ratio scales from discrete and continuous...

Personal Worldview: Different Approaches

Introduction Every individual has a personal worldview that he or she uses both consciously and subconsciously to answer questions and make decisions. Spirituality also plays a significant role in one’s life as it guides people and offers them a set of rules and beliefs that construct a specific view of...

Nursing and a Non-Nursing Theories Combination

The health of the population is the most valuable achievement of the society. Therefore, it’s maintaining and strengthening is an important task, in which all without exception must participate. The professional and ethical obligation of the nurse to provide, as far as possible, urgent medical care to any person who...

Globalization and Diversity in TEDx Talk Shows

Globalization and the Poor In this TEDx talk show, an economist and researcher Krisztina Kis-Katos uses statistics and empirical data to show how globalization and international trade can reduce poverty levels in developing and emerging economies. Specifically, the presenter uses the case examples of Vietnam, India, and Indonesia to demonstrate...

Healthcare Financing: Equipment Replace Proposal

Introduction The largest hospital in a provincial municipality requires a new CT scanner since the old one is outdated and continues to experience technical malfunctions. A competent proposal to the executive board for the new equipment has to take a multi-step approach of presenting benefits from the perspective of finances,...

The Affordable Care Act and Affected Stakeholders

Introduction The enactment of the Affordable Care Act can be listed among the most discussed events related to the U.S. healthcare industry. The implementation of this act has several consequences for the population and the authorities, ranging from decreases in the number of uninsured patients to changes in the volume...

The Role of the Advanced Practice Nurse

Introduction The role of the advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) is continuously evolving, gaining recognition and enabling superior standards of care. In particular, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has led to an increase in practice authority for APNs and higher wages for medical professionals overall. Nevertheless, there is significant opposition...

Colorectal Cancer: Factors and Prevention

Introduction Cancer is a serious healthcare concern both in the US and across the world. It is crucial to understand the specific prevention measures that can help individuals mitigate the risks of developing this condition. This approach is difficult to execute because most cancers do not present apparent symptoms in...

Gang Delinquency and Danger for Citizens

Although juvenile gangs have always existed in the United States, the current tendency is worrying indeed. The amount of gang-related crimes is growing rapidly, and nothing promises that the situation is going to change in the nearest future. According to the statistics provided by the National Gang Center, the number...

Police Administrators and Their Ethical Responsibility

Introduction The police force in the USA constitutes one of the three branches of the criminal justice system, with officers responsible for not only lawbreaker detainment and crime prevention, but for public safety too. With the responsibility for the maintenance of order, enforcement of the law, and general public service...

Juxtaposing of the Stories “The Awakening” and “Summer”

Themes In the literature, juxtaposition is used widely in engraving a given character in detail where the author may create suspense (Blau 48). This essay will juxtapose the stories titled as “The Awakening” (TA) and “Summer”. Technically, the novelist Edith Wharton commences in a somewhat different model when compared to...

International Business and Free Trade Agreement

Introduction The North American Free Trade Agreement, which has been in existence for seventeen years, was signed in 1994. This agreement created a free trade area between Canada, the USA, and Mexico. Since its inception, there have been critics and supporters of this agreement. This paper seeks to examine both...

Religion in Enlightenment Literature: Moliere’s Tartuffe

Introduction Molière’s Tartuffe is a perfect example of the critical yet satirical exploration of the theme of religious hypocrisy in the Enlightenment literature (TheatreHistory par. 1). A symbolic capital of praise and admiration that the play has accrued over the centuries speaks tellingly of its theatrical worth as well as...

Second Amendment Controversy: Research Proposal

Topic Statement The topic of the future research is the right to the Second Amendment, i.e. guaranteeing the right to keep and bear guns to all Americans. It was developed by the Founding Fathers when they adopted the Bill of Rights in 1791. Since then, the Second Amendment has become...

Student Commencement Address at American University

American University has always been a place for speeches, ever since the famous speech “A Strategy of Peace” given by the President John F. Kennedy on June 10, 1963. Despite the fact that the President spoke about the importance of peace for his country in the context of that decade,...

Anthropology: Natural Selection and Evolution

What is natural selection? Natural selection is the process of an organism’s adaptation to the environment that is performed through changing its genotype on a selective basis. Hence, an organism strives to preserve the most useful variations of its genotype to elevate the chances of survival. The ability to adopt...

Workplace Surveillance and Employee Privacy

Issues in the labour relations case study The matter presented by the management of Harding Space, Inc concerns the subject of employees’ privacy at the workplace. This topic falls under employee privacy Act. In the recent, issues related to working environment privacy and how companies address this topic has brought...

Gender Differences in Managerial Behavior

Thesis Statement: The Commonly held perceptions by many people that men are more effective in leadership positions is a challenge and a huge demonization to the female managers, as well as, the organizations and the general society. Introduction Today, most firms are interested in women leaders to fill the positions...

Interprofessional Collaboration Improving Patient Care

Introduction Interprofessional collaboration can have a direct influence on the improvement of patient care because teamwork facilitates the sharing of experiences and perspectives on the most appropriate treatment. Each healthcare provider involved in a collaborative relationship has unique skills, knowledge, and professional identity for enhancing care, yet there are still...

Health Care Informatics: Regulations and Implementations

Introduction Despite tangible progress made throughout the last few decades, the healthcare system of the United States of America is still facing numerous challenges. Recently, there has been a vivid discussion as to how modern technology may aid in enhancing the system and making meaningful changes. So far, there have...

US Constitution of 1787: Formation and Ratification

Introduction The Articles of Confederation, drafted during the independence movement in 1776-1777, became the first official regulation that increased the power of the states through the creation of a decentralized government structure (Mittal & Weingast, 2013). However, they proved to be rather weak in governing the decision-making process made by...

Shared Governance Model in Nursing

Introduction At the moment, the sphere of healthcare in the United States is being subjected to significant challenges associated with changes in health care policies as well as the increase in patients’ demands for quality services. In such a volatile environment, there is a problem of underserved populations not receiving...

Strategic Thinking and Military Lessons

Orientation To a large extent, I would consider myself a strategic thinker since strategic thinking is my basic orientation to mission-driven cooperative work. This is true because I believe strategic thinking is an important facet for growth and also an effective component for adapting to change in today’s fast-paced world...

Future Business Plans and Their Feasibility

Introduction I cannot fail to notice that our company is progressive. For that reason, we must ensure continuity by projecting our focus to future possibilities. The technological changes as well as diversification of business ideas such as additional production efforts, provision of supplements to enhance the company’s future growth have...

International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation

The IFRS Foundation is a non-governmental and non-profit making organization whose principal objectives are directed to the interests of the general public (IFRS 2011). The organization aims at developing a set of high-quality products and easy to comprehend globally accepted international financial reporting standards through the organization’s standards-setting body, IASB....

Clinx Clinic’s Structure and Operations Plan

My medical practice area is that of a privately-owned clinic. This clinic will be located in the State of Florida in the United States. The customer type for my clinic will be patients and those people who need medical consultation. My stakeholders will be the local government, the ministry of...

Humanistic and Naturalistic Ideas of Art

How did the arts express humanistic and /or naturalistic ideas during the Renaissance? Explain using one example of art. While it is agreeable that the renaissance’s framework was laid by political, social and economic factors, it is also clear that the talent of artists such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Brunelleschi...

Laying Sidewalks and Bridges in Missouri

Description In most states, public entities are permitted to collaborate in service delivery and joint purchasing. Bridge bundling is the practice of delivering small-scale pavement and bridge projects under one multi-project contract (Xiong et al. 37). The aim is to reduce mobilization cost, derive economies of scale benefits, support contractor...

Identity in “Sophie’s World” by Jostein Gaarder

Problem of identity The problem of identity has perplexed great philosophers for many centuries and has resulted in differing philosophical views. Many philosophers hold that identity is an inherent characteristic that lies deep like human existence and attempts to unravel it calls for an understanding of other entities that intricately...

Popular Research Paper Topics

FlowTow Web Application’s Legal and Ethical Issues

Introduction Web applications raise a myriad of ethical and legal issues, especially in cases of user-generated content, as is the case with the FlowTow web application. FlowTow is a web application where users from all over the world can share images and comment about them. Thus, the user-generated content is...

Kinesthetic Learning Preference and Other Styles

Introduction Understanding one’s preferred learning style is essential for every student because this knowledge gives individuals the idea of the model they should follow during their courses. Not only this technique lets a person evaluate his or her results regarding the best methodology of studying, but it also makes one...

Territorial Conflicts in Animals and Humans

Introduction Territory refers to a geographically defined area, which is regarded to be owned by an individual (s), animal, or a state and it can also be defined by other factors, such as culture and language. Thus, territory promotes peace through assurance as it clearly defines and demarcates the workings...

Instructional Methods for Teaching Science

Introduction The goal of education, as expressed by many scholars, is principally learning. It has been proved that education is most effective when the teacher and learner are clear about the learning objectives and expected outcomes. This explains why it is important to incorporate performance and behavioral objectives into teaching...

Personal Computer Industry Forcasting

Introduction This research paper will use the PESTEL analysis to study the factors that impact the PC industry. The paper will also include weakness and strengths that affect the industry and some opportunities for its growth in the next five years. PESTEL analysis has been used by many international industries...

The Theory of Meaning by Patricia Starck

Nowadays quickly changing world sets plenty of challenges for people causing stress and life-changing events. In this connection, the theory of meaning elaborated by Patricia Starck seems to be one of the solutions to overcome the rapid pace of life helping to handle everyday stress. Definition of Theory The middle-range...

Nursing: Interprofessional Practice and Collaboration

Collaboration is an evidence-based practice that nurse practitioners (NP) can consider to provide high-quality services to their patients. This initiative guides professionals in the health sector to identify the unique needs of different individuals and offer personalized services. This paper presents ideas and insights that support the importance of interprofessional...

Headache Diagnostics and Treatment

Case Summary A 35-year old female patient reported to the nursing office, complaining about “bad headaches,” which have been present for the past two years, right after the birth of her first child. The headaches interrupt the patient’s sleeping patterns and cause enough pain to make the patient cease all...

Network Bandwidth Management and Policy Compliance

It should be noted that almost every company that utilizes multiple servers and active network equipment has to monitor the performance of facilities, minimize its downtime, and so on. To achieve this, organizations can use various tools for automatic troubleshooting of standard problems. In general, network management tools should possess...

Genesis 28:10-22 and Its Different Meanings

Introduction Genesis 28. 10-22 depicts Jacob’s one-on-one interaction with God in an event that happens during the night in a lonely place. To get the message, which God wants to convey to His people through Moses, who is the writer, and Jacob, the vessel used for proving that He is...

Medication Administration Errors and Patient Safety Risks

Introduction The importance of studying medication administration errors (MAE) has been highlighted by many researchers, as it is recognized that such errors occur across countries and types of medical facilities bringing considerable risks to the safety of patients (Hughes & Blegen, 2008). Much academic effort has been applied to exploring...

Pressure Ulcers Prevention: Best Practices

One of the most topical issues of pressure ulcers is to increase the efficiency and methods of their prevention. Pressure ulcers are areas of the skin of degenerative or necrotizing nature resulting from prolonged compression of the shear or displacement between the human and bed surface. Usually, pressure ulcers occur...

Myths in Modern Literature

It is not uncommon for creators to be inspired by different pieces of art or other literature. Moreover, various fields of study, for instance, psychology, use these literary works to apply their concepts and gain a better understanding of human development and ancient traditions. Thus, it can be argued that...

Nursing Barriers and Overcoming Strategies

Carrier and Barriers Although the barriers are often the cause of why a nurse decides to continue his or her practice, they can nevertheless complicate the working process and even have an impact on a nurse’s self-esteem and motivation. I have come across different barriers during my practice, but I...

Scientific Management and Sociology of Work

What is scientific management and why it was important in the Fordist Era? Scientific management was a practical application of scientific management theory, which was concerned with workflow analyses, synthesis, and specialization of work to stimulate workforce productivity. Scientific methods emphasized mechanization, specialization, and simplified repetitive tasks (Vallas, Finlay, and...

Responsibility Project: Spotlighting Local Leaders

Introduction The Responsibility Project is a website that contains much information devoted to different aspects of responsibility. The website includes articles, blogs, and videos to consider the problem of responsibility from different angles. Responsibility and organizational issues are connected when it deals with working performance. The Spotlighting Local Leaders section...

Reggae Music and Its Aspects

Introduction Reggae is a music genre that originated in Jamaica in the 1960s. Nowadays, the term encompasses the contemporary popular music of Jamaica and the international Jamaican diaspora. Among the primary influences that shaped the genre are traditional mento as well as American jazz, rhythm and blues, and African folk...

Sustainable Change Program Implementation in Healthcare

Challenges and Barriers Upon implementing positive change in a health care facility and evaluating the outcomes, it is necessary to ensure that the change is sustained, i.e. newly adopted policies or practices are not discontinued. Successful change projects incorporate how change can be sustained as a major consideration included in...

Employee Churn: Cost Reduction and Predictive Analytics

HR analytics has become increasingly important in generating quantitative data to create strategic value for HR. Discuss how quantitative data can help strengthen the credibility of the HR function The complexity of the HRM function cannot be underestimated, as it involves decision making on multiple levels while establishing the coherent...

Mental Health and the Affordable Care Act Coverage

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicate that mental disorders and substance abuse problems continue to affect millions of American citizens (Golden & Vail, 2014). Most of the patients affected by these conditions do not have access to quality medical support and psychotherapy. Over 23 million of American...

Imperialism in Nicholson’s and Pilger’s Studies

The Defining Features of Imperialism and Neo-Imperialism The main feature of imperialism was rapid territorial expansion. The boundaries within which the emperor ruled were much larger than the domestic population. There were different forms of imperial expansion and control. Colonialism was among the most common forms of imperialism, which implied...

Community and Public Health Nursing

Introduction Public health nursing refers to a specialized practice in nursing that utilizes interpersonal, organizational, analytical, and technical skills to deal with health challenges that affect society. Nurses liaise with other healthcare staff to offer extensive medical services to families and other groups (Allender, Rector, & Warner, 2014). On the...

Sharp HealthCare Medical Centers

Sharp HealthCare is a group of medical institutions and centers. The non-profit organization’s mission is “to improve the health outcomes of every individual served” (Sharp HealthCare, 2016, para. 2). The health leaders at the institution use a wide range of resources to deliver evidence-based medical support. Medical technologies and health...

Functionalism: Simple Lights and Decorative Chandelier

Introduction Functionalism reflects the desire of people to use something simpler though more functional. Changes brought into design with the Art Nouveau and Arts and Crafts movements can be still found in the dwellings of ordinary people, while individuals who value comfort and style select functionalist objects opposed to decorated...

Rationalism and Empiricism Controversy

Introduction The controversy between rationalism and empiricism relates to the extent to which human beings depend on sense experience in the process of gaining knowledge. Rationalism is based on the assumption that knowledge is gained without reliance on sense experience (Cushman 86). On the contrary, empiricists argue that sense experience...

Documentaries: “Frontline: The Warning” and Too Big to Fail

Summary The two films, Frontline: The Warning and Too Big To Fail, were inspired by the events of the global financial crisis of the year 2008. They present different financial themes that were witnessed during the crisis. Specifically, the Too Big To Fail film focuses on the US Secretary of...

Polaris Industries Inc.’s Innovation and Success

Our world has changed greatly during the last several decades. Technologies develop, and many things we use in everyday life are constantly enhanced (phones, TVs, etc). The same happens in other spheres; better services and products enter the market and compete for costumer’s attention. But people are not surprised by...

Teaching Influence: Science and Culture Class

Modern science Modern science has affected the way people live in industrialized nations in several ways. It has led to better and faster means of transport ranging from road transport, through rail and water transport to air transport. The improved transport system eases the movement of people within nationally and...

The UPS Store’s Total Quality Management Adoption

Could the implementation of the main principles of the TQM result in the significant increase of the level of performance of a company and its incomes? Nowadays, in terms of severe rivalry, UPS company tries to implement the strategy that will be able to guarantee its success and gradual improvement...

Kaiser Permanente’s Initiative: Antimicrobial Practices

Description of Needed Change The system-wide practice change initiative proposed by Kaiser Permanente is a large-scale fight against germ antibiotic resistance. This is in accordance with the healthcare organization’s goals by 2025, which include responsible use of antibiotics and purchase of products and materials that are environmentally friendly (“Kaiser Permanente”,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Combining Nurse Leader with Advocacy

Introduction The Nurse Manager Skills Inventory is a useful assessment form that helps nurses understand their strengths and areas for improvement. The division of practices and qualities of a nurse provides a clear overview of skills that a nurse needs to acquire or reflect upon. Personal and Professional Accountability The...

Suture and Their Most Common Types

Introduction The video presented by Zenn (2013) describes the most common types of sutures in a rather engaging and informative way. Being a specialist in an emergency room department, I have frequently observed professionals performing sutures. However, this video lesson was useful in explaining the detailed process of suturing simply....

Art in the Early Renaissance and Today’s European Society

Renaissance is the era of intellectual and artistic flourishing, which began in Italy in the 14th century. Everything that was created in the Renaissance still impresses and interests people today. The Renaissance’s highlight is that sciences, crafts, and arts began to develop in all European countries. Culture has revealed new...

Heart Disease Prevention and Patient Teaching Plan

Introduction Heart disease is a very dangerous condition for any patient. While the name implies it is a single condition, in fact, it encompasses a multitude of blood vessel diseases, heart rhythm problems, and others. Smoking can be one of the core risk factors that lead to the development of...

Advanced Practice Nursing Decisions and Moral Distress

Introduction Nurse practitioners (NPs) encounter ethical dilemmas whenever providing medical services to their patients. Such challenges occur since many individuals tend to have diverse needs and expectations. Some occurrences or events might be beyond a practitioner’s control. This paper describes my future leadership roles as a family nurse practitioner (FNP)....

Quality Improvement Initiative in Health Care

Introduction Continuous quality improvement is vital in health care due to the profession’s nature. I have decided to evaluate interventional radiology and its areas that can be improved. Quality improvement in the area primarily focuses on removal of waste, delays, errors, and unnecessary costs. In this essay, I will review...

Shortage-Related Stress in Nursing Workforce

The problem of shortages in nursing and among nurse practitioners has been discussed by the public, the media, policymakers, and nurse practitioners for more than ten years now. Although particular solutions were suggested, it does not seem that they have influenced the issue positively or brought improvements into it. Therefore,...

Intergovernmental Relations and Citizen Engagement

Introduction The relationship between local and federal government remains at a certain level of tension, due to existing problems that linger unaddressed. Intergovernmental relations (IGR) consist of a network, which allows the different parts of the government to interact both, vertically and horizontally with each other. With issues such as...

Flooding in Houston and New Life After It

High Water Humanity perceives water as the substance of life, the most important liquid in the world: after all, it is a part of every human body, and the Earth is called ‘the blue planet’ for a particular reason. In the earliest childhood, we get acquainted with the water as...

Domestic Violence Typology and Characteristics

Introduction These days, domestic violence is perceived as a serious large-scale problem that often evolves into other social and personal problems. Much research has been carried out to investigate the current problem, its triggers, and its consequences. For this paper, information and data from peer-reviewed journals have been analyzed; thus,...

Renewable Energy: Economic and Health Benefits

The United States of America is heavily dependent on fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are carbon-based fuels that are extracted from the remains of ancient plants and animal matter. Examples of fossil fuels are: 1) crude oil; 2) coal; and 3) natural gas. It is high time to consider the adoption...

Community Development in the Urban Crises

Introduction It could be stated with certainty that the development of the society throughout the history of the development of the human race was largely based upon the concept of the city as a fundamental structural aspect of the society. It is also appropriate to observe that this development is...

“Why Humans Have Sex” Article by Meston and Buss

“Why humans have sex” is the article that discusses the reasons people become engaged in sexual relations, including the most frequent and infrequent ones. It is written by professionals in sexual psychophysiology, Cindy Meston and David Buss. The authors claim that the common belief that people have sex only “to...

Coca-Cola Company’s Supply Chain

Introduction A supply chain is one of the most important systems for any company. It includes organizations, specialists, information, and resources that are involved in transferring a final product from a supplier to a customer. There are different supply chain activities that are closely interrelated. The example of the multinational...

Jobs in Season 5, Episode 3 of “Undercover Boss”

General Information Donatos Pizza is a family company that Jim Grote founded in 1963. It specializes in the preparation and supply of pizza. The company makes close to $ 170 million in one year. Jane Grote is the chairperson of the company. She has a staff of five thousand employees....

The Analyze of Child Labor Research

What was the purpose of the research? The purpose of the research was to determine the effect of starting to work as a child laborer on an individual’s adult earnings. The proponent of the study wanted to find out if there was a scientific basis to the assertion that child...

Vincent Van Gogh: Art and the Mental Illness

Abstract Vincent Van Gogh made a significant influence on the art of the 20th century. This researcher has also been influenced by Vincent Van Gogh and wanted to learn more about him. A historical study began to explore Vincent Van Gogh’s depression and his artistic production throughout his close relationship...

Evidence-Based Practice: Systematic Implementation

Introduction Research is a complex and multi-phased process that can utilize various methods and approaches. Qualitative studies are known to apply an emergent design that can vary depending on researcher reflections on the collected knowledge and data. Polit and Beck (2015) specify that qualitative studies are based on a wide...

Logistics Operations and Strategic Planning: Ethical Issues

Introduction Reverse logistics managers and strategic planners possess informational needs that should be satisfied to ensure the success of processes (Karim, 2011). Currently, several information systems (IS) exist that help inform their decisions, including the Executive Information System (EIS) used by executives to access timely, meaningful, and relevant strategic information...

Nursing: Human-to-Human Relationship Model

Introduction In the Unit 5 assignment, Joyce Travelbee’s human-to-human relationship model was analyzed and evaluated according to four main stages of research. It is essential to restate the immense importance of this model for the development of contemporary nursing. As it was concluded in the Unit 5 assignment, Travelbee’s model...

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Patient Threats of Medical and Nursing Errors

Patient safety remains one of the top priorities in the field of healthcare. Despite significant improvements made in the field in recent years, the number of adverse patient outcomes associated with medical and nursing errors remains at an unacceptably high level by the modern standards. The following paper provides an...

The Competence of a Nurse to Quality Improvement

Introduction Nurse practitioners (NPs) must use their competencies to develop superior care delivery models and offer evidence-based, timely, safe, and equitable health services to their patients. They should go further to identify, innovate, and develop powerful procedures that can contribute to continuous quality improvement (QI) initiatives. This paper synthesizes and...

Proving the Necessity of Change

Introduction As we have already stated, there are numerous issues related to risks nurses might face at their workplace (these include unsafe injection equipment, workplace violence, physical contact with patients, hazardous chemicals, and the possibility of influenza occurrence). Specialists might be injured when delivering care or working with patients in...

Gender Stereotypes in Family: Research Methods

Introduction First, I researched a number of online databases and libraries. For example, I used Capella University library to search for the necessary articles. I used such keywords as gender stereotypes, family, parents. I found only one appropriate article on the chosen topic. I also used Open Library and EBSCO,...

Homosexuality and Adolescence Development

Transgender disorders and homosexuality The development of a human being can be listed among the most interesting questions that have been discussed during the course. In general, this question under consideration is even more essential because it involves ethical concerns and refers to the right of people to be understood...

Safety and Violence Policies in Emergency Departments

Introduction It is not a secret that work in emergency departments relates to great responsibility and stresses, which often causes scandals, for example, between the employees of clinics and their patients’ relatives. To avoid any misunderstanding, it is necessary to provide full protection and countermeasures to violence through the training...

Proactiv and Its Harmful Marketing Strategies

Introduction Proactiv brand dates back to the 90s when it was launched by Doctors Rodan and Fields and first surfed the acne treatment market. The treatments’ active ingredient is benzoyl peroxide which can be suitable for some and cause allergy in others. But, apart from the product quality, Proactiv’s advertising...

Human Development Psychology Issues

Transgender Disorders and Homosexuality Homosexuality and transgender identity are regarded as a deviation from the norm in many societies. Homosexuals and people having transgender disorders have been victimized and pursued for centuries. Different theories concerning homosexuality and transgender disorders exist (Ettner & Guillamon, 2016). For example, some believe that people’s...

Nursing Important Aspects: Patient-Centered Care

Introduction Patient-centered care is based on a holistic approach, where each patient is considered as an individual with a set of personal preferences, values, and religious beliefs. The client’s lifestyle is accounted for, and the family is incorporated into the care process. According to Hood, Leddy, and Pepper (2014), nurses...

Self-Care in Older Adults

Introduction Nowhere self-care education is as important as it is for older adults because they are associated with high readmission rates and a lack of behaviors necessary to support positive health outcomes. Self-care refers to the ability of an individual to engage in regulatory activities aimed at the promotion of...

Nurse-to-Nurse Handoff Communication in the Perioperative Setting

In a health care setting, handoff communication between medical personnel plays a critical role in ensuring patient safety and improving the effectiveness of patient care, and problems with this type of communication may lead to highly adverse results. This paper investigates problems that may occur during communication between members of...

Organizational Culture and Behavior

In which situations do companies tend to adopt assimilation strategies normally? Assimilation is a type of amalgamation when two or more companies merge. Several things come into play when companies think of merging. For assimilation to work as a merger strategy, it has to be well thought out. Towards this...

Risk Incidence Solution: Substance Use Disorder

Risk Incidence Substance use disorder (SUD) is a chronic disease that can affect anyone regardless of his or her age, sex, ethnicity, education, or occupation. However, health care professionals, especially nurses, face an increased risk of developing the condition because of the availability of controlled substances in their workplace. According...

Production Processes Used by Stooges Enterprises

Analyzing the suggested control charts, we can find out some important data related to the functioning of Stooge Enterprises and the quality of wooden mallets manufactured by it. As we can see, the chart provides data about the diameter operation observed in workers during all three shifts at different periods....

Nurse Practitioner as a Drug Prescriber

Introduction Nurse Practitioners have a plethora of professional duties in their schedules that they are obliged to follow. One of the most important nurses’ responsibilities is to prescribe specific medicaments to their patients, which are intended to heal certain diseases. The following paper will cover and discuss various practice issues...

Bedoons’ Life and Experiences in Kuwait

Introduction Bedoon is a social class that exists in such countries as Kuwait, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. It refers to people without a state, and some countries consider these people to be illegal immigrants. Kuwait is one of those countries with a relatively large population present in the area. The...

John Lewis Partnerships Company’s Delivery Operations

Major Facts John Lewis Partnership is one of the leading UK retailers with 28 department stores, 234 Waitrose supermarkets, and other businesses (Mangan & Lalwani, 2016). The company’s stores stock over 350,000 goods lines. The retailer’s growth led to the development and introduction of the so-called SANDC (Semi-Automated National Distribution...

Conflict and Negotiation in the Workplace

Chapter Summary When people are working together, conflicts are inevitable; however, when solved and managed effectively, they can lead to better understanding among team members and yield high performances. There are different methods of solving conflicts that a leader can adopt depending with the situation at hand, some situations calls...

Organizational Change Process and Challenges

The chapter 15 on Organizational Change speaks on the forces and process of change in an organization, the difficulties of change implementation and how to manage these challenges. Change can be described as the process that causes an alteration in the organization’s processes or structures (McShane, Olekalns, and Travaglione, 2010,...

Business Opportunities for Dirt-Market

In what way have Rossi and Matheson shown an ability to identify an opportunity? Rossi and Matheson demonstrated that creativity is the best way of identifying a business opportunity. The idea of the Dirt-Market is a product of combined creativity by Rossi and Matheson who have different professional knowledge and...

Social Work Profession: Principles and Ethics

Every occurrence in an individual’s personal, sexual, emotional, psychological, and physical life is of great significance as far as one’s quality of life is concerned. Hence, for an individual to live a quality life, all these aspects of life must be satisfied. However, because of the numerous social, health, and...

Bacterial Vaginosis and Its Treatment

Introduction Bacterial vaginosis is a vaginal inflammatory condition that is caused by an imbalance of the natural bacteria that reside in the female reproductive organ. Women who suffer from the condition experience a vaginal discharge that is produced by atypical bacteria in the vagina. The condition is not dangerous, even...

Nursing Training in Financial and Quality Aspects

Introduction The implementation of any project requires the focus on such aspects as financial, quality, and clinical. When crafting a proposal, it is essential to address these areas as this information can lead to the acceptance or rejection of the program (Penner, 2013). The present intervention aims at developing certain...

Judaism and Christianity as Revelational Religions

Ascher’s and Formstecher’s Views on Judaism and Christianity The characteristic of Judaism and Christianity as revelational religions is attributed to the German writer and translator Saul Ascher. Ascher viewed Judaism and Christianity as religions of revelation. In his opinion, Judaism is a religion that is made up of the belief...

Nurse Practitioners: Industry and Organizational Culture

Introduction Nurse practitioners (NPs) have various responsibilities and tasks to complete. At that, they are not working on their own as they have to collaborate with other healthcare professionals and take into account various issues and aspects associated with organizational culture (Poghosyan, Lucero, Rauch, & Berkowitz, 2012). It is important...

Andreas Lubitz’s Suicide from Psychological Aspect

Case Description On March 24, 2015, Andreas Lubitz was said to have committed suicide by crashing Flight 4U9525 into the French Alps consequently killing all those on board (Huggler, 2015). The plane was flying from Spain to Germany, and Andreas allegedly locked his co-pilot out of the cockpit before deliberately...

The Clinical Utility of BRAF and RAS Mutations

Introduction BRAF and RAS gene mutations that are often considered diagnostic or prognostic predictors of thyroid cancer (TC) generate skepticism among scholars in the last decade. However, a certain degree of confusion exists as some academics find in a sufficient number of patients with thyroid cancer mutations of BRAF V600E...

Facebook’s Social Media Algorithms Study Arguments

Introduction The article “The algorithmic imaginary: Exploring the ordinary affects of Facebook algorithms” discusses user experience with social network algorithms. The author examines user awareness of this domain and reviews the assumptions of people in terms of algorithmic computation. The purpose of this paper is to review the article and...

Modern Advanced Technologies Usage in the Media

Introduction The use of modern advanced technologies in everyday life expands the scope of human opportunities and opens up new perspectives for communication. In particular, the application of mass media gives people almost all over the world access to the most up-to-date information and allows the sharing of the necessary...

Social Anxiety Disorder: The Fear of Making Mistakes

Introduction Social anxiety disorder is a condition characterized by the intense, persistent, unreasonable, and overwhelming fear of social situations that are based on false and negative beliefs about other people’s opinions (Antony, Antony, & Rowa, 2008). People with this disorder experience high levels of nervousness and self-consciousness that arise from...