Four Seasons Company’s Resistance and Diversity

Event of resistance One of the notable events of resistance during the Four Season’s takeover in Paris is evidenced by the perception of the selected expatriates in its new property in the country. Some of the managers that were chosen to work in Paris understood the cultural differences between the...

Instructional Systems Development Model Implementation

Introduction The Instructional Systems Development (ISD) model is a useful tool for creating training programs aimed at addressing specific gaps in knowledge or skills in a variety of settings, including companies and organizations. In this paper, the degree to which the ISD model is followed in an organization will be...

Chisholm’s & Goldman’s Internalism and Externalism

Chisholm’s views on the alternatives to internalism In his view, Chisholm seems appears to support the externalism view that “justification of knowledge” depends on a number of factors that are “external to a person”. This argument means that the actions of a person cannot be justified only by determining the...

Hospital’s Image Recovery and Public Relations

Overview The unfavorable situation was caused by the improper actions of the administrator who failed to focus on the reasons for the downsizing and its impact on the nurses during the interview. As a result, the information was interpreted wrongly. The main facts of concern are the video showing several...

United States Constitution Ratification in 1787

Friedrich A. Hayek, The US Constitution, and institutional design (2016) The history of the composition and ratification of the Constitution gives abundant material for a deep understanding of institutional and social establishments created on its basis. The author argues that a lawmaker cannot design a constitution because the final result...

Foreign Investors in Indonesia’s Mining Sector

Introduction The need to adjust to a particular political model is the factor that can hinder business development and significantly complicate the work process. If it is about the mining industry, there are limitations and established spheres of influence. Their violation can entail a rather serious responsibility. The country of...

Nursing Job Market and Educational Levels

My current career and personal goals explain why I definitely fit into the IOM’s Future of Nursing recommendations. To begin with, the fourth recommendation focuses on the best ways to increase the percentage of nurses with a baccalaureate degree to 80 percent. After completing my current degree program, I will...

Awareness Program for Patients: Pressure Ulcers Risk

Discussion Question Nowadays, the number of older adults increases all over the world caused by longer life expectancy and lower birth rates. The aging population tends to be more prone to various chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular issues. The mentioned diseases are among the most critical conditions...

Florence Nightingale’s Philosophy of Nursing

Introduction: the perception of the UN’s Millennium Goals Florence Nightingale was one of the most influential nurses in history. Among her contemporaries in the 19th century, she “created a wider understanding of the importance of health and the many determinants of health — for individuals and communities and nations” (Beck,...

Hourly Rounding for Patients’ Falls Minimization

The PICOT question In patients in an acute care unit, does hourly rounding compared to not rounding decrease patients’ falls in 90 days? P-patients in an acute care unit I-hourly rounding C-not rounding O-decrease in patient falls T-90 days The practice issue, its scope, the need for change The practice...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Riots in Detroit and Los Angeles

Causes and Motives of the Detroit Rioters During the Second World War, Detroit was the center of the American automobile industry and was considered a developing and prosperous city. However, the problem that virtually all the major cities of the United States of that time faced was racial inequality and...

Knee Pain: Diagnostics and Treatment

The prioritization of issues (from the least urgent to the most urgent) is as follows: skin rash, knee pain, hypertension, diabetes, and obesity. All of the identified problems are related to the patient’s weight. According to Dunphy, Winland-Brown, Porter, and Thomas (2015), joint pain, rashes, and hypertension, as well as...

Cultural Values in Working with Diverse Groups

Human service professionals and social workers are required to offer quality support to people from diverse backgrounds. Failure to focus on the cultural differences of the targeted people can result in injustice and ineffectiveness (Murcia & Lopez, 2016). Cultural competence has, therefore, emerged as a powerful concept that can empower...

Patient Satisfaction Impact on Quality Improvement

Introduction Quality improvement is an essential process of any healthcare organization. Many studies are devoted to finding new ways of creating, improving, and evaluating the strategies and theories for medical services. The concept of quality evaluation is as significant as the creation of new approaches to quality improvement because it...

The Sikorsky Aircraft: Quality Changes

Theories Based on the iSixSigma framework, the phenomenon of changes in the quality of products released by Sikorsky Aircraft can be explained by considering the array of factors affecting the quality assessment (QA) process through the prism of the following equation: , where “Y” is the phenomenon analyzed and “x(s)”...

Senior Patient Falls Minimization Intervention

Introduction Falls in senior patients is a frequently met occurrence. They can cause fall-related traumas and psychological distress. Repeated falls (when a patient falls two or more times) can result in the emergence of anxiety disorder and other conditions. Falls in senior hospitalized individuals influence institutions as well, which is...

Heritage Assessment and Familial Health Traditions

Heritage Assessment Tool The interviewee is a 63-year-old woman; I will call her Mrs. N. She gave answers to some questions that allowed the evaluation of the family heritage in respect of health practices, which are used to maintain, protect, and restore health. The interviewee told about her actions aimed...

Tax Incentives Functions and Application

Firstly, the tax incentives imply the reductions of taxes for the organization for performing the desirable and socially beneficial actions (Rubin 8). The primary reason for utilizing this approach is the easiness to attract various businesses and establishments, as the taxes define their potential income. It remains evident that the...

Primary Health Care for the Patient

Presentation A 70-year-old white woman presents with a 2-week history of asymptomatic, intermittent gross hematuria. She has no history of urinary tract problems. Her urinalysis shows 4+ heme, trace leukocyte esterase, and a small number of WBCs. Repeat urinalysis the next day shows persistent hematuria and a negative urine culture....

Child Labor and Social Worker Interventions

The child labor is among the most terrible life issues that children face today around the world. According to the “International Labor Organization Statistics”, 211 million children between five and fourteen years old work globally. 120 million children work full time while others work part-time to support their families (Staff,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Host Europe Company’s Corporate Social Responsibility

As stated in the ISO 26000 guidelines, when enterprises act in an ethical and fair way, they contribute to the development of social welfare. Ethical conduct implies fair recruitment and HR activities, implementation of green technologies, charity, consideration of needs and interests of diverse stakeholders. By following the principles of...

Two-Factor Data Analysis: Definition and Examples

Introduction The process of setting an experiment implies that every single factor affecting the dependent variable should be identified and that the crucial one should be selected carefully. In a range of scenarios, the key variable is going to be affected by not one, but two or more factors (Groebner,...

The Africa Biofortified Sorghum Project Consortium

The problem of hunger and malnutrition in Africa is burning indeed because of extremely hot conditions and the inability to grow and prepare the products that are healthy and full of vitamins (Thurow, 2013). A number of African people use sorghum as the main crop in their lives because it...

Father Absenteeism and Child Development

The development of people’s ability to form intimate, as well as parent-child, relationships occurs at different stages of their lives. It has been acknowledged that the basis of this capability is formed during the early stages of human development, but it is also shaped throughout the person’s life (Makusha, Richter,...

Transitional Care for Chronically Ill Patients

There is the tendency of increasing readmission rates in hospitals. Due to it, hospitals’ costs are increasing too. According to Verhaegh et al. (2014) the reason has something to do with the fact that there are “a poor communication between inpatient and outpatient clinicians, medication changes during hospitalizations” (p. 435),...

Management Functions: Internal and External Factors

Introduction Internal forces refer to all the situations affecting a business organization from within like innovation and diversity. These situations are usually under the control of the company. External forces on the other hand are the driving factors that are out of the company’s control like competition, political interferences and...

Health Literacy and Care Among Latino Immigrants

The article explains the quantitative research performed to determine the effect of health literacy on the quality of care (Calvo, 2016). The title accurately describes the scope of the article because it highlights major variables (health literacy and quality of care), identifies study population (Latino immigrants), and locates jurisdiction of...

Blended Learning and Flipped Classrooms

The different publications in the current learning and teaching practices involve the use of blending courses and flipped classrooms. The two teaching practices facilitate effective and active participation in the teaching and learning practices. Blended learning involves the use of traditional face to face teaching and instructional technique and the...

Customer Behavior in Apple Stores vs. Microsoft Stores

Introduction Consumer behavior can be defined with reference to consumers’ choices, their reactions, and created purchasing trends. This factor influences the development of retailer behavior to promote a certain product (Kardes, Cronley, & Cline, 2014). In this context, Apple stores and Microsoft stores are examples of settings with reference to...

Hawaiian Electric Industries: Employment Opportunities

Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. is the largest electricity supplier in the state. The company employs thousands of workers and serves the local community by providing employment opportunities and the sustainable energy needed to foster the islands’ growth and welfare. We strongly support H.B. No. 1727, Relating to Labor, which aims...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Transformational Leadership and Patient-Centered Care

Nursing leadership is marked by a range of theories, models, and frameworks that are beneficial in planning, designing, and implementing changes. Based on my current nursing practice, it seems that the transformational leadership theory and patient-centered care as an organizational behavior theory should be discussed. In particular, I work for...

Multinational Companies’ Adaptive Global Strategy

The process of globalization has a significant impact on the development of the global economy. It is evident that, in order to remain highly competitive, multinational corporations (MNCs) are forced to adapt to the conditions and obligations of the worldwide market because otherwise, they would fail to make a profit...

Autism Ethics: Accept or Cure?

Introduction There is constant debate on whether autistic people should be accepted by the community as a diversity of the society or a cure should be researched upon and developed. This debate is intense especially among the autism community itself. To be able to appreciate this rift, one has to...

The Beginning of the Year 2016 in Germany

The beginning of the year 2016 was darkened by the sad events that took place in German cities that accepted large groups of refugees from the Middle East countries. Only after one to two weeks since the outrageous events took place, the press began to gradually speak the truth about...

Group Polarization and Groupthink

Introduction The power of groups in facilitating various outcomes has attracted many scholarly debates in contemporary contexts. This power emanates from a multiplicity of dynamics and concepts that play a significant role in deciding whether groups will have a positive or negative influence on members (Suhay, 2015). The present paper...

Mindfulness Practice in Law Enforcement

Within many industries, job stress and personal attitudes can affect the perception of work which will alter productivity and efficiency. Moreover, the well-being of individuals should be the main scope of focus for managers who want to build sustainable organizations. The idea of mindfulness practice of being in the moment...

Transition Planning Process for Students With Disabilities

The purpose of the article is to show the significance of the self-determination transition planning procedure for intellectually and physically challenged students. The authors have reviewed previous relevant studies that support their perspective and have learned that self-determination was a very important forecaster during the whole planning process. A further...

R. Kiyosaki’s Contribution to Cashflow Technologies Inc.

As the CEO of the Cashflow Technologies Company, Robert Kiyosaki implemented strategic task orientation leadership skills on organization task management level to encompass actual and expected outcome of sustainable performance. Through designing personal task management model levels, his task orientation module remained active in developing dependence of interest attached to...

Integrity in “A Clergyman’s Daughter” by G. Orwell

The term “integrity” is complex. In the broadest strokes, it is defined as “moral soundness; honesty; freedom from corrupting influence or motive” (“Integrity” par. 2). However, one should look beyond these components and take into account the Latin origin of the word: it derived from the adjective meaning “complete”, “whole”...

Medicaid and Medicare: Barriers and Solutions

Introduction The Healthcare system in the United States of America is rather complicated, and, nowadays, Medicare and Medicaid programs assure the availability of the healthcare for every person while ignoring their social status, nationality, and the level of income (Williams, 2015). Nonetheless, health care plans tend to be different. In...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Mendelssohn’s Truths and Jewish Emancipation

Mendelssohn brings to the three truths, which are universal, contingent, and historical. Universal truths “exist in this and no other way”, and they are associated with “pure mathematics” (Greenberg 46). The eternal truths refer to religious doctrines. Importantly, Mendelssohn stresses that all people share some values that make them humans....

Why Is the Concept of Epigenetics So Fascinating?

It is known that, despite expectations, genome decoding has failed to respond to many questions about the health and treatment of illnesses. It has been realized that genes happen to behave in different ways depending on the environmental factors. Therefore, epigenetics has come forward to play a significant role in...

Wasted Resourses and Efforts in Healthcare

Wasted resources in health care I have encountered several cases where resources were wasted due to either overuse or underuse of certain resources such as hospital beds and certain drugs. The issues were caused not only by the need to provide quality care to patients but also due to the...

The Impact of Slavery on the Development of the USA

Introduction Slavery is an alien concept to the modern citizens of the United States of America. Since the late 19th century, this undemocratic institution has been abolished in the US. However, during the time the colonization of America took place, slavery was the driving force behind the Europeans’ conquest of...

“The Birth of the New Avant-Garde” by A. Astruc

Introduction: The Central Argument of the Novel In his famous novel called The Birth of the New Avant-Garde: The Camera Stylo Alexandre Astruc argues that cinema is getting a new life and gradually becoming a means of expression, which is why every filmmaker has an opportunity to communicate through their...

Health Promotion Model and Human Becoming Theory

Introduction The health promotion model (HPM) developed by Pender in 1990 relies on behavioral science and nursing approaches in order to gain an understanding of “the complex biopsychosocial processes that motivate individuals to engage in behaviors directed toward enhancing health” (Pender, Murdaugh, & Parsons, 2015, p. 74). HPM is a...

Expert Systems in Organizational Management

Interpretation systems are used in the human resource department of an organisation. They are used by the personnel such as security guards to watch the camera surveillance and by the managers in fingerprint, eyesight, and speech recognition as security to their office premises. Interpretation systems are also used in the...

Foot Ulcers Management in Diabetes Patients

Introduction The guideline “Assessment and management of foot ulcers for people with diabetes” comprises various recommendations for the selection and utilization of evidence related to the examination, staff education, improvement of appropriate organizational culture, and policy-making in the area of prevention and treatment of foot ulcers in patients with diabetes....

Collaborative Learning Community Business Plan

Explain the nature of your assigned CLC Business Plan. What challenges do you anticipate? What information or resources do you need to be successful? Your CLC Business Plan is based on a hypothetical situation. How can you produce a realistic document that maximizes learning in a simulated context? The assigned...

Neuroimaging Methods and Arising Ethical Issues

The human brain is one of the most gripping fields for research. However, it has not been studied in detail yet. The lack of thorough investigation of the brain has resulted from the lack of means to make the research possible. Nowadays, scientists have become enabled to look insight the...

Ultrasound Technology and Intravenous Access Quality

The research question is how the implementation of ultrasound technology may affect the quality of intravenous (IV) access in patients at the given hospital. The objective of the potential research is to explore the association between multiple IV attempts and vascular ultrasound technology. To conduct the study, it is appropriate...

Fresh and Frozen Goods Regulation Laws

Introduction Many countries put the safety of their citizens as a priority. Hence, they have to come up with legislations that guide handling, storing and transmission of fresh and frozen goods. The Australian government, for instance, provides a series of guidelines that ensures that fresh and frozen products reach the...

Reduction of Readmission Rates

Introduction Approximately one-fifth of elderly patients are readmitted within 30 days after having been discharged from American hospitals, and almost 50 percent of these readmissions are considered to be preventable (Verhaegh et al., 2014). The cost of readmissions after hospitalization amounts to $12-$44 billion annually (Verhaegh et al., 2014). Overview...

Meritocracy in American Society: Dream or Reality?

Throughout the entire course of political studies, a variety of new terms and concepts has been studied. However, it has been chosen to focus the research on meritocracy and whether American society can adopt it to improve the state of political and social affairs. In this essay, a reflection on...

Thomas Jefferson and the Concept of Slavery

While many associate Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States, and the person that had written the Declaration of Independence with the idea of freedom, his attitudes towards the concepts of slavery were dual. As mentioned in the CBC News video, Jefferson’s virtues were enormous while his vices...

Chronic Venous Insufficiency vs. Deep Venous Thrombosis

The Pathophysiology of Chronic Venous Insufficiency According to Santler and Goerge (2017), chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is a well-known disorder associated with a variety of symptoms in later disease stages, which is reported to be considered common within the population of the U. S. Most notably, varicose veins with or...

Corporate Strategic Business Sourcing

Strategic sourcing is a procurement process that continuously improves and re-examines the buying activities of an organization. Strategic sourcing is the backbone of any organization functions. Strategic sourcing is important to a company because it determines its operations and overall profitability (Maromonte, 2008). Strategic sourcing is one of the major...

Pediatric and Adult Immunization

Immunization can be discussed as one of the most efficient prevention methods to improve the health status of pediatric and adult populations (Kao, Schneyer, & Bocchini, 2014). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provide different types of immunization schedules oriented to increasing the public’s awareness and rising immunization...

Healthcare Resources Use: Project Implementation

The Process of Communicating the Plan The current project presupposes the implementation of a plan aimed at the improvement of health care quality. This plan will be communicated during special meetings organized by the Chief Quality Officer. The key objective of the plan is to optimize the use of the...

Servant Leadership in Robert Greenleaf’s Perception

Many renowned companies and faith-based agencies have succeeded in their lines of business by upholding the concept of servant leadership. In addition to presenting this concept as a collective responsibility, servant-leaders acknowledge the need for prioritizing their followers’ demands and working closely with them to develop the underlying leadership potential...

Direct vs. Indirect Nursing and Core Competences

Introduction It should be noted that both the direct and indirect care should be based on the obtained baccalaureate degree in nursing. It would ensure that the care specialists are prepared to perform in a multiplicity of roles in the varied healthcare setting and furnish the best of service. The...

Multinational Corporations’ Golden Global Strategy

Ever since the dawn of globalization and the emergence of large multinational corporations, leading companies and economists have been trying to find the golden formula of success – the perfect strategy template everyone should follow if they wish to achieve success in the international arena. The consensus on what is...

Nursing Definition as a Science

What Constitutes Nursing as a Science? How Does It Differ from Medical Science? An existing extensive theoretical foundation supported by practical experience puts nursing professionals in a remarkable position, wherein they should coincidentally combine both medical expertise and a certain degree of social exemplarity. Merely stating that “the nursing profession...

American Civil War and North-South Confrontation

Each country has such events, which have played a fundamental role in its development. In the history of the American people, one such significant event was the American Civil War. Initially, it was a bourgeois-democratic revolution, which had evolved into a war. The purpose of this paper is to discuss...

An Evaluation of the Seminal Work of Patricia Benner

Introduction In her article, Altmann (2007) focuses on analyzing Patricia Benner’s influential article “From novice to expert” with the aim of defending its philosophical, rather than theoretical, character. Altmann explains that her purpose is not to diminish the significance of Benner’s work, which is extensively applied in all spheres of...

Containerization, Its Pros & Cons, and Future

The History of the Container for the Transportation of Goods The inventor of the container and the father of containerization is the American Malcolm McLean. It is considered that he was watching workers unloading the car; they were picking up sacks of cotton and carrying on the board of the...

Transgender Care and Health Care Professionals

Currently, transgender population is one of the most underserved groups. Despite the adoption of policies aimed at limiting discrimination, transgender people still face daily challenges in the aspects of employment, education, and healthcare access. Healthcare disparities are particularly dangerous, because gender dysphoria is considered to be a mental disorder and...

Aging, Frailty and Altered Sensory Perception

Introduction Aging can be regarded as a complex combination of processes affecting both the physical state and psychological condition of people. Many age-related changes can be observed in individuals who are classified as older adults, i.e. are 65 years old or older. These changes inevitably affect the lifestyles of older...

Africa’s Visual Representation in Photography

Reflection Landau The chapter written by Landau (2002) discusses photography as a source that provides a visual representation of Africa. In particular, its connection with the colonial administration is explained. The author claims that photographs provided Africans with an opportunity to acknowledge colonialism’s representative encounter. In this way, those images...

Old Hispanic Women and HIV Risk Factors

Problem The authors of the article under analysis admit that the topic of HIV infections is widely spread in the United States and underline the fact that Hispanic women aged 50 are under a serious threat of having this disease despite numerous discussions and social practices. Therefore, they suggest focusing...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Hilda Doolittle’s Poems, Themes and Style

Hilda Doolittle Hilda “H.D.” Doolittle was an American poet who was born in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and lived between the years 1886 and 1961. She gained fame in London through her published works. Her charisma and literary prowess earned her the leading role within the Imagist movement that was rapidly growing...

Robert Frost’s and Virginia Scott’s Poems Comparison

Introduction While at first glance Robert Frost’s Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening and Virginia Scott’s Snow are remarkably different, after careful consideration it becomes clear that there is a striking similarity between the poems’ meanings and messages. This paper aims to compare the poems and discuss rhetorical and...

“How to Overcome Our Biases?” by Verna Myers

Introduction Available scholarship in cognitive and motivational psychology shows that people are naturally predisposed to demonstrate a multiplicity of biases and prejudices in not only judging and deciding who they relate to in social relationships but also in attempting to safeguard the status quo (Johnson & Levin, 2009). Biases originating...

Cardiovascular Disease: Issues and Research

Topic of Interest Cardiovascular (CVD) disease is one of the leading causes of mortality and morbidity in the United States as well as worldwide (Dickson et al., 2013). Minimizing the risks of CVD in the affected populations could significantly improve their quality of life and public health in general. The...

How P&G Company Brought the Diaper Revolution to China?

Why Entry to the Japanese Diaper Market Failed The initial attempt by P&G to enter into the Japanese diaper market failed because it had not discovered the need to understand the needs of the consumers to make products that best suit them. They had confronted the Japanese market with the...

Treatment of Depression in Lesbians

Introduction There is ample evidence suggesting that lesbian, bisexual and transgender women experience unequal treatment by health care providers (Zuzelo, 2017). Taking into consideration the fact that nurses are on the frontline of the delivery of health care services to marginalized communities, they have to be able to use the...

Ho Chi Minh’s Fight for Vietnamese Independence

Minh’s speech proclaiming Vietnam’s independence contains a demand that the free world support that independence in part as payment for services rendered during World War 2. What ‘service’ did Vietnam render during that conflict? In his speech on the independence of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh states that the country’s freedom...

Sexually Transmitted Diseases’ Prevention and Management

Introduction Despite the attempts to raise awareness about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or infections (STIs), as well as the strategies for their prevention, STIs remain a common and quite burning issue on the contemporary agenda of healthcare worldwide (Henry & Hann, 2015). According to the WHO data, more than 1,000,000...

Language and the Brain: Speech Mechanics Discovering

Brain and Language Production Parts of brain There are four parts of the brain, which are the Broca’s area, the Wernicke’s area, the areas known as “the motor cortex and the accurate fasciculus” (Yule, 2010, p. 139). Localization view The ability of the human brain to correlate different aspects of...

Older Adults’ Fall Descriptions and Health

The proposed potential research topic is focused on the exploration of techniques and methods of addressing the rates of falls among the older adult patients in the acute care units. This problem is one of the persisting issues in healthcare, and it also serves as an important quality indicator for...

Cultural Diversity Effect: Human Diversity at Risk Populations

The composition of people from different cultures is called cultural diversity. Cultural diversity defines the component of an organization with social connection (Audrey, 2013). The underlying effect of cultural diversity is evident with human diversity at risk populations. The article evaluates the correlation between human services and cultural diversity. The...

Understaffing in Nursing and Related Interventions

Various problems and issues that are relevant to the nursing field can often be corrected through a detailed analysis and effective interventions. One of such problems is understaffing in nursing as in many hospitals patients are inconvenienced because the management cannot provide the required number of junior medical personnel. This...

Mandatory Overtime for Nurses

Introduction The issue is one of the most common problems in contemporary nursing. In particular, the phenomenon under discussion is mandatory overtime for nurses. This issue is the result of another common problem – the shortage of nurses. In that way, the current policy supports the nationwide practice of mandatory...

Organizational Culture as an Employee Interaction System

It should be noted that organizational culture is a concept that encompasses both formal and informal rules existing in the company that is accepted by all participants in the work process. Also, this domain includes value systems, norms of behavior that characterize the interaction of employees with the management and...

Adolescent Health Care: Factors and Impact

Important Factors of Influence Many factors affect individuals in the stage of adolescent development. People of ages from twelve to eighteen are exposed to multiple spheres of influence, including social, biological, environmental, and cognitive changes. However, the most important factors that impact the development of persons of that age are...

Withdrawing Life-Sustaining Treatment and Its Ethics

Introduction The subjects of withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining treatments are one of the most ethnically and morally complex issues in the healthcare industry. Advances in technology and medical sciences have raised several ethical dilemmas. The most common issues raised include the concept of the sanctity of life, the definition of...

Breastfeeding from American Nurses’ Perspective

In-hospital breastfeeding may imply significant challenges for mothers of infant patients. For instance, external factors that cause emotional and psychological discontent in patients may affect the efficacy of care and increase the length of their hospital stay (Folker-Maglaya, Pylman, Couch, Spatz, & Marzalik, 2018). The specified issue concerns both mothers...

Patient Attitudes towards HIV Testing

Qualitative Study The article selected for this paper is a qualitative study, which can be proved when paying attention to its goal and method. This work aims to “examine dental patients’ attitudes, beliefs, and perceived barriers to HIV screening to address these factors in an implementation plan” (VanDevanter et al.,...

Intravenous Catheter Insertion Improvement

One of the nurses’ common responsibilities in the workplace is performing venipuncture for intravenous injection which allows liquid substances to be distributed evenly and have the desired effect on a patient. There is evidence that a significant number of nurses lack appropriate training which complicates catheter insertion. One of the...

Cervical Cancer Screening Methodology

Introduction Today, medical institutions have a well-developed set of guidelines designed by the governmental authorities (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2017). Following these aspects helps improve the quality of the provided services and contribute to the sufficient screening of various illnesses such as cancer. Nowadays, apart from the continuous...

Figurative Language of “Persuasion” by Jane Austen

The novel Persuasion written by Jane Austen tells the story of two lovers, Anne Elliot and Frederick Wentworth who are not allowed to marry because Anne’s parents are prejudiced against Frederick. Jane Austen uses third-person narrator in order to portray characters and their actions. Overall, this novel presents a sharp...

Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig Companies: Customer Strategies

Steps of a consumer decision process The first priority will entail the cost of the program. Going on a diet program at either Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig will demand some expenses. I will compare the overall expenditure of undertaking the dieting program in both organizations. The second consideration to...

Vomiting and Nausea in Patients with Gastric Cancer

The major focus of the proposed research is the prevention of nausea and vomiting in patients with gastric cancer who are undergoing chemotherapy. It is important to research this problem because the effectiveness of the treatment options for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting tends to differ due to a variety of...

Missed Care and Nurse-Sensitive Indicators

Introduction Missed care is “nursing care that is delayed, partially completed, or not completed at all” (Patient Safety Primer, 2016, par. 2). It is a problem that is usually faced by professionals because they need to interact with a great number of people who are supposed to remember about all...

Cuban Health Perception and Cultural Heritage

The family member that is being interviewed for the assignment is my husband’s uncle. He is a 77-year-old male who was born in Cuba. He came to the United States when he was 52. His parents were also born in Cuba, but they chose to live there instead of coming...

Optic Neuritis: Nursing Diagnosis and Care Plan

Assessment To get better involved in the issue, defining characteristics, namely subjective and objective data should be examined. Subjective data – The client claimed that she experienced a sudden decrease in vision in her left eye. Objective data – blood pressure: 135/85 mm Hg; heart rate: 64bpm and regular; respiratory...

Catholic Hospice’s Community Health Nurses

Ana de Castanedo The main learning objective of the clinical experience at Catholic Hospice is targeted at demonstrating the role of community health nurses in family-centered care. Community health nurses focus on broader goals of improving health outcomes of not individual patients but communities in general (“Becoming a community health...

Caring in Artistic Expression and Scholarly Definition

Artistic Expression: A Poem The things worth doing are the things demanding, The jobs much valued are most often daring. The work we do not always give much money, But we help others through support and caring. I am a nurse, and I am proud to say so, My colleagues...

Is the Good Life Found in Pursuing Happiness?

A good life with a successful career, enough money, and property is a manifestation of happiness for many people. However, not all people achieve this goal and can call themselves happy, and some, in the pursuit of happiness, money, or success, remain miserable for life. Therefore, happiness and a good...

Precast Tunnel Lining Segments’ Mechanical Performance

Tunnels are an essential infrastructure which contributes to transportation and shipping in society. The fundamental functionality of tunnel systems depends on the structural integrity and durability of lining systems which serve as protection against geological conditions and significant loads. The case study by Abbas, Soliman, and Nehdi seeks to investigate...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Prostate Cancer

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) and prostate cancer are the most common diseases of the genitourinary system in men, which occurs in every second man over 60 years of age. Still, they can also occur at the age of 40-50 (Chang, Kirby, & Challacombe, 2012). The key manifestations of BPH are...

Shared Governance and Decision Making in Healthcare Systems

Using a shared governance approach in decision-making involves deploying an entity’s administration through stakeholders’ partnerships. In healthcare systems, service to clients forms the basis of most decisions. However, complete service delivery involves a long process that includes healthcare’s ‘outsiders’ and ‘insiders’. Shared governance in nursing settings is expected to lead...

Social Networking at Work: Benefits and Drawbacks

Social networks are often criticized by organizations since those can be one of the major distractions for employees during the working hours. However, the benefits of networking outweigh its drawbacks. Moreover, it is always in your power to minimize the negative effects of social networking and maximize the positive ones....

Pope Francis Views on the Environment

Introduction In Laudato Si’ Pope Francis addresses the danger of polluting our planet and urges people to be more environmentally cautious. He provides a Catholic perspective on these issues and outlines different arguments against pollution. The talking points of Pope Francis In the first 19 paragraphs of his encyclical letter,...

Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been by Joyce Oates: Book’s Review

In my own mind and thoughts, the short story, Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been by Joyce Oates emphasize on how someone’s personality are greatly shaped and generated by external circumstances. Connie’s inner conflict justifies this argument as illustrated in the book. Connie did not relate well with...

Childhood Obesity Causes: Junk Food and Video Games

Regarding the incorrect diet among children, there is a growing concern that the availability of junk food in schools serves as a premise for childhood obesity. The problem of “competitive foods and beverages” that are sold in schools outside the existing breakfast and lunch programs has been discussed for a...

Pressure Ulcers Elimination in Hospital Settings

Introduction Pressure ulcers are one of the health conditions with which nurses are constantly struggling since they can affect the health of patients to a significant degree. Even though contemporary evidence-based medicine offers many ways to prevent this undesirable phenomenon, the percentage of patients developing this severe condition is stably...

Child Psychiatry: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

ADHD and Environmental Factors Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a childhood disruptive behavioral disorder that manifests in “inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity” and can persist into adulthood (Perese, 2012, p. 657). ADHD is supposed to originate from developmental deviations in the prefrontal lobe area, which are likely to be the...

Design Foundations and Analysis

Though providing its users with a range of efficient tools and opening new opportunities for communication, digital technology has become a part and parcel of not only casual communication, but also business interactions. However, due to the dents in the security of the digital data, the necessity to upgrade security...

The League of Nations’ Activity After World War I

Adolf Hitler successful establishing of the Nazi regime was possible due to the penalties Germany had to face after it was defeated in the World War I; the economy of Germany was weakened so severe because France occupied the Saar Basin and Rhineland that supplied Germany with iron and coal...

Maternal Role-Attainment and Nursing Meta-Paradigm

Maternal Role-Attainment Theory and Parent-Child Interaction Model The Maternal Role-Attainment theory identifies the meta-paradigm of nursing as interactional and developmental procedures, attaching a mother to her infant (Masters, 2015). The key purpose of this theory is to ensure that a mother acquired the necessary skills and competence of caring for...

Patagonia Inc: Environmental Sustainability

Case Study Analysis Using Metaphor The paper is focused on the evaluation of two articles containing case studies involving the use of metaphors to understand the peculiarities of the method. The first one is the article by Jerminer and Forbes (2016) that is focused on the investigation of using metaphors...

Solar Power Benefits for Airports

Renewable energy is becoming increasingly popular in major airports around the world. Solar power is one of the most popular renewable energy sources. Gatwick Airport, Birmingham Airport, and Cochin (Kochi) International are some of the large airports which have embraced the use of solar power as an alternative source of...

Teamwork and Collaboration in Nursing

Introduction In the healthcare setting collaboration and teamwork entails collective planning, decision-making, problem-solving, coordinating efforts, and establishing effective communication. The main goal of the collaboration is to enhance the holistic and safe delivery of care to patients. Studies in disciplines such as aviation and military have demonstrated that teamwork is...

Content Enhancement Strategies and Tools in Teaching

Introduction When teachers work with people who have special needs, they should adapt instructions and provide students with appropriate resources. The focus is usually on adjusting some information and offering certain content enhancements. The problem is in the fact that such enhancements should be of high quality to guarantee that...

Community in Duxbury County: Assessment and Analysis

Community Characteristics In Duxbury County, approximately 25% of the population are the people who are older than 65 years at this moment. In 25 years, it is expected that this number can be increased by up to 50%. The members of the community under analysis have several common characteristics such...

Marketing and Product Design: A Rocky Love Affair

The article under the investigation is called Marketing and Product Design: A Rocky Love Affair and written by Jan Landwehr and Andreas Herman. The paper delves into the major concerns of product design and its role in the modern marketing environment. The authors cogitate about the significant growth of the...

Children Obesity Research Method and Sampling

Setting Regarding the fact that the given project is focused on the investigation of the issue of obesity among children and the impact parents education might have on reducing excess weight, the following sampling procedure could be suggested. The total number of participants could be limited to 20 children and...

College Students’ Weight Management Program

Program for Weight Management The inexplicable weight gain among college students has become a great challenge not only to the students but to the entire healthcare system. To overcome the challenge, a program that is aimed at creating awareness about healthy eating among the freshmen will be created. The name...

Time-Management Techniques in the Workplace

Time management is the technology of organizing time and increasing the effectiveness of its use. To some extent, it is not only a set of techniques but also a lifestyle and the philosophy of the value of time in a fast flow of information and an ever-changing world. The implementation...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Waiting for the Barbarians” by J. M. Coetzee

Critical Observations Asked about the barbarians and why they seemed disgruntled, the following was Colonel Joll’s response: I will say nothing of the recent raids carried out on them, quite without justification, and followed by acts of wanton cruelty, since the security of the Empire was at stake, or so...

Childhood Obesity and Independent Variable in Parents

Extraneous Variables The parental variable is the main confounding factor. Body mass index of parents and their socioeconomic status are important to consider when measuring the influence of the independent variables. These extraneous variables belong to the group of participant variables; therefore, the use of an appropriate strategy will help...

Ho Chi Minh’s Input to Vietnamese Independence

What ‘service’ did Vietnam render during that conflict? Although the role of Vietnam in World War II is quite often overshadowed by the superpowers participating in it, it would still be wrong to overlook how much the country contributed to the resolution of the conflict. Ho Chi Minh claimed in...

The Bill of Rights, Freedoms and Values

Today, the USA is a single democratic country that provides numerous and equal opportunities for its citizens. Moreover, it is one of the most influential states in the world. However, it might never have happened if the Bill of Rights had not been created. For this reason, it was selected...

Nursing as a Distinct Profession

It is hard to imagine this world and health care, in particular, without nurses. Nurses aim at promoting health, preventing diseases, and assisting patients and their families in their intentions to cope with their health problems. Nursing had become one of the main research topics since the mid-1800s when Florence...

Sport Event – the Southeast Showcase

Introduction When organizing for an event, the host organization needs to ensure that they promote customer satisfaction by delivering the expectations of all the relevant stakeholders through the event. This can only be achieved through successful event planning and management. The organizers should ensure that they engage in extensive planning...

Cause-and-Effect Diagram for Airport Security

Introduction As its name says rather explicitly, the cause-and-effect diagram (CAED) is typically used to identify the connection between the factors that contributed to a particular phenomenon and the occurrence thereof (Pyzdek & Keller, 2014). Reasonably enough, the specified tool has been used primarily for resolving specific project- or entrepreneurship-related...

Nursing Modeling and Role-Modeling Theory

Introduction Many theorists have considered the issue of adaptation and the aspects that are either beneficial or detrimental to patient’s successful progression. Notably, various concepts have been developed, and each of them views this process from different angles. The purpose of this paper is to review one of the main...

Pender’s and Parse’s Theories in Nursing Practice

How Pender’s Model and View of Health Influences the Practice of the Advanced Practice Nurse Nursing involves protecting, promoting, and optimizing health. Nursing professionals achieve this goal by preventing illnesses and injuries from occurring. In case they occur, nurses play a key role in the healing process. Hence, nursing services...

American Association of Nurse Practitioners’ Goals

The function of the organization, its mission, and vision American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) is the chief full-service nationwide specialized membership association for nursing practitioners of all spheres (American Academy of Nursing Practitioners, n.d.). The mission of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners is to allow all NPs to...

Quality Improvement in Professional Nursing

Introduction Quality in nursing and health care is one of the most fundamental concepts. Though it is frequently compared with safety and positive outcomes, it is wrong to search for similarities or contradictions of all these issues in order to grasp their essence. Quality is a complex and multidimensional aspect...

Strategic Deployment of Six Sigma

One of the benefits of the DMAIC framework, its universal applicability deserves a special attention (Schroeder, Goldstein, & Rungtusanatham, 2013). The strategy that is typically viewed as part of the Six Sigma concept can also be adopted to improve the overall quality and certain elements of one’s performance rather successfully....

The Care Plan Implementation

The selected group for this care plan includes two families with children. Each family includes a father, a mother, two kids, and grandparents of one of the spouses. This particular small group has been chosen for the reason that there are numerous factors affecting the occurrence of slip and fall...

Polyphenol-Rich Beverages: Antioxidant Potency

Title: Comparison of Antioxidant Potency of Commonly Consumed Polyphenol-Rich Beverages in the United States. Authors probably aim to challenge the popular assumption of benefits of consumption of polyphenol-rich beverages based on their high antioxidant content. Intended audience: The primary audience is the medical professionals who deal with dietology. However, anybody...

Walmart Company’s New Service

Introduction It is essential to determine the product or service needed to solve a certain social problem. Sale of products based on the need of the consumers ensures high demand for the product or service in the market. The following discussion analyzes Walmart Company to determine the service that can...

Two Major Concepts of Nursing

Introduction Nursing practice is associated with various concepts that reflect and help practitioners understand the nature of nursing. Bousso, Poles, and Cruz (2014) note that concepts can be divided into abstract and more concrete. The former group can help nurses improve their practice as the discussion of abstract notions results...

Nike Company’s Commercial Analysis

Introduction With the increasingly high number of opportunities for comfort, the importance of a challenge has become especially high nowadays. It is essential to promote the idea of being proactive among the modern population. In its recent commercial, Nike has been focusing on inspiring people to overcome challenges and push...

Frailty: Geriatric Syndromes and Chronic Illnesses

Geriatric Syndromes The elderly are generally known to be a population that is rather vulnerable in the framework if its health. One of the reasons why such an issue is observed is the presence of geriatric syndromes. Unfortunately, professionals are not yet able to state if geriatric syndromes underlie chronic...

Cognitive Styles and Learning Strategies

According to the VARK testing, my leading learning strategy is kinesthetic. As per scores, they were visual – 2, aural – 3, read/write – 7, and kinesthetic – 14 points. Kinesthetic perception is a way of obtaining information through the establishment of direct physical contact through any type of feeling...

Animal Rights: Humans and Other Living Creatures

In his article “All Animals are Equal”, Singer (1989) argues in support of animal rights. He claims that the tendency to view animals as creatures that do not deserve the same rights as humans is just as wrong as denying people’s rights based on their skin color on gender. He...

“Daughter of Invention” by Julia Alvarez

Introduction Daughter of Invention by Julia Alvarez describes the lives of the family of Immigrants upon their arrival to the U.S. The story centers on the protagonist’s attempts to write a school speech. The following paper analyzes the main character’s upbringing process to determine its influence on her as a...

Polypharmacy Risks and Effects in Older Adults

Discuss the Challenges of Polypharmacy in Terms of Risk Factors, Potential Drug-Drug Interactions, and Adverse Effects in Older Adults Due to the increased life expectancy, the number of older adults living with several comorbidities has grown in the past decades. To control several comorbidities at once, patients often have to...

Eliezer and His Father in “Night” by Eli Wiesel

In his book ‘Night’, author Eli Wiesel depicts several dynamics that affect the relationship between Elie and his father. The two characters are confined in a concentration camp during the Second World War after leaving their home in Siget. Like the other Jews in concentration camps, Eliezer (Elie) and his...

Developmentally Effective Approaches in Early Education

Introduction The study provides a review of using the standard on early education, which was developed in the framework of the 2010 NAEYC Initial & Advanced Standards for Early Childhood Professional Preparation Programs. Specifically, the statement relates to the employment of developmentally effective approaches as the prerequisite of beneficial child...

Healthcare Products and Their Lifecycle Strategies

PruCare The Prucare is a managed care plan that is entering a new metropolitan area aiming to meet the consumers’ needs with the delivery of quality health care services. The decision came about after extensive marketing to identify market opportunities (Somu, 2012). The Prucare marketing team needs to develop strong...

Social Program Challenges Evaluation

Abstract The primary challenges which should be addressed by the evaluator to assess the program effectively are the change of program’s aspects, impossibility to develop the evaluation design appropriately, and the variety of strategies to follow during evaluation. Challenges of Program Evaluation Social programs must be effective to guarantee certain...

Popular Culture and the Cold War

The chapter called “Popular Culture as History: The Cold War Comes Home” centers on the ambiance of the period addressed. The author has selected the primary sources that display the way the culture was influencing the lives of people and their reasoning. Notably, during that time, the population and authorities...

PTSD-Related Intervention in the Hurricane Context

Hurricanes are some of the most destructive natural disasters in history. An example of this type of disaster is Hurricane Sandy. This disaster occurred during the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season and it is the second most expensive hurricane disaster in the history of United States. The damages associated with Hurricane...

Medicare, Medicaid, and Cost Regulations

Organizational Interaction with CMS The most important reason for a healthcare organization to understand Medicare and Medicaid is the regulations inherent in it. Both programs provide the incentives for the clinical organizations which demonstrate the necessary level of healthcare quality. While Medicare and Medicaid are commonly associated with financial help...

“Oedipus the King” a Tragedy by Sophocles

Oedipus the King is one of the most recognizable literary characters. His name is generally associated with fate, sin, and sorrow. The famous founder of psychoanalysis used the name of the character to depict one of the peculiarities of the human mind. Admittedly, Sophocles’ tragedy has become one of the...