Exchange Management Program in Five Steps

Introduction Exchange risk can occur when a company owns a firm or manages a branch in a foreign country, but the asset’s valuation is in the foreign country’s denomination. Individuals exposed to such exchange risk include companies which own foreign assets, companies which have branches in foreign countries, importers and...

Youths Revitalizing Main Street: Article Analysis

Introduction The diversity and nature of roles pursued by social workers provide new opportunities for creativity. Social workers can take up the roles of organizers, managers, educators, or advocates. These professionals educate people to utilize resources adequately and minimize social problems. The article “Youths Revitalizing Main Street: A Case Study”...

Weight Watchers: the Analysis of Smoking

In the third paragraph of the article “Weight watchers”, the author highlights the ineffectiveness of imposing high taxes on cigarettes to discourage consumption. The author indicates that the response by smokers to hiked cigarette prices mainly depends on their purpose for smoking. The view of the detrimental effects of high...

Wellness Program and Well-Being for the Elderly

Introduction Older adults constitute a part of the American population that is rapidly growing. The provision of well-being for older adults is a challenge for nurses due to may chronic and age-related diseases accompanied with other co-morbid conditions. Thus, there is a need for a wellness model that will focus...

The Harvard Nurses’ Health Study Project

Scientists in various countries conduct different research projects to find out the types of behavior that affect people’s health. The Harvard Nurses’ Health Study is one of such projects. While it has some limitations due to the specific choice of the study group, the research can offer answers to some...

Teaching Literature for ESL Students

Topic Teaching literature in a language course to ESL students has been a topic of a lasting debate. Some researchers argue that, even though there can be certain hazards in the use of literature, it helps students to expand their linguistic knowledge and be exposed to cultural peculiarities of people...

Faceless War and Dehumanization

Introduction Over the centuries of the human experience, war has changed in technological, ideological, and psychological ways. Gone are the days of young men seeing war as a personality building adventure. Although we are living in the most peaceful times, this peace is incomplete, and it was preceded by some...

Psychiatric Technician: Culture in the Workplace

Description of the Targeted Subculture A Psychiatric Technician “is a healthcare practitioner who supports the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities and mental complications” (Boyd, 2008, p. 12). This caregiver “performs various duties such as observing, interacting, and treating mentally ill patients” (Boyd, 2008, p. 13). Such workers “should possess...

Experience of the Worst Job

Working in a local ginnery has been one of the worst moments in my career. I have been working in this organization for six months only but I have had bad experience. Apparently, will not continue working in the same position. In particular, our general manager, the human resource manager...

Sociolinguistics: Language Teaching and Age

Discuss William Littlewoods’s point of view on choosing what to teach William Littlewood (1981) argues that language education should reflect the communicative needs of students. The problem is that in many cases, children are supposed to learn mostly about various structural elements of the language. For instance, one can speak...

Email for Heads of Departments About Work Results

RE: All Departmental Heads and Supervisors It is with lots of thanks and appreciation for the diligent and committed services that you have rendered to this organization that I do write this letter. The management knows very well that it has not been easy to come this far without the...

Information System Development: From Scratch to Guide

Introduction In all cases of developing an information system from the ground up, it is vital to create an IRD strategy to guide the development process. The system model not only expresses requirements but also provides an informal description of data points and allows for the definition of logical architecture,...

Wedding Session in Christian Religious Tradition

Introduction Upon requesting the church leader to attend one of the services, he welcomed me to the wedding session that was going to take place the following week. The church is Anglican and it differs in several ways from the Catholic tradition, even though the two share many things. I...

The Modern Business World Groups: Concepts and Problems

Introduction Many people say that the characteristic feature of the contemporary business world in western countries is individualism and competitiveness. However, group work is still essential for organizations of any kind as the vast majority of processes presupposes the involvement of groups of people. It has also been acknowledged that...

Talent Management at Home Depot Company

Discuss how the leadership at Home Depot intended to use its organizational talent to gain a competitive advantage in the Do it yourself industry The leadership at Home Depot uses organizational talent to gain a competitive advantage over its competitors by using programs within the Home Depot organization. Such programs...

Killings for Love in Shakespeare’s and Garcia’s Works

In both Shakespeare’s Othello and Garcia’s Chronicles of a Death Foretold, the themes of love, passion, and death are connected. In most cases, death occurs as a result of the violence that is ignited by passion, which seemingly originates from love. However, a critical reading of the texts begs the...

Business Models, Lean Startup and Entrepreneurship

The Business Model of Candy Crush Saga The success of Candy Crush Saga relies on its ability to provide users with short but addictive rounds of candy crushing that do not demand much time but instead focus on one’s skills. As the company’s executive points out: “our business model is...

Nursing Assessment and Patient Interview

Data Gathered The patient analyzed in the case study at hand is a 21-year old female, whose major complaint is that she has been feeling weak and unwell for rather a long period of time. First and foremost, it can be concluded from the information provided by the woman that...

Transparency and Organizational Performance

Abstract This paper dwells upon transparency in organizations and its benefits. A model aimed at improving an organization’s transparency is provided. The advantages of the use of balanced scorecards and strategic diversity are considered in this paper. The approach is applied to the implementation strategy of particular strategic goals. Transparency...

Organizational Behavior in “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” Movie

Movie Selection Willy Wonka, the key character of the movie, can fulfill the dreams of any child. As a commercial reception, he hides five gold tickets in chocolate bars and decides to test the honesty of the winners. During the tour in the country of delicacies, the participants are expected...

The Treaty of Versailles

How various provisions would hurt the economy Germany suffered great economic losses during the First World War, and the Treaty of Versailles compounded the problem. First, Germany was required to pay reparations of up to £6,600 billion, which the country could not afford at the time (Graebner & Bennett, 2011)....

Qualitative and Quantitative Research in Nursing

Introduction Nurses need the expertise to analyze both qualitative and quantitative types of research. Since qualitative and quantitative research use different approaches to accomplish their mission, there is need to analyze them. The following discussion engages in critiquing qualitative and quantitative research in helping nursing understand the concepts relating to...

Starbucks vs. Dunkin’ Donuts: Menu and Performance

Nowadays, coffee has become so popular that it is no longer served as a simple black beverage. Various syrups, creams, sauces, and alcohol drinks are added to it in order to attract potential customers. Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts are the most popular coffee shops in the country, each with its...

Business Information Systems in Preschool Setting

The Week’s Learning and the Final Project: Summary Pre-school education is an important issue with which several parents are concerned nowadays. With a steep increase in the number and level of demands in the contemporary global economy, it is crucial to building the foundation for academic success for younger children....

Workplace Violence and Leadership Styles in Nursing

Introduction The current state of knowledge concerning the theory and practice of nursing never stands still. Focusing on different problems, modern researchers whose works are published in well-known peer-reviewed nursing journals find new knowledge gaps that are to be filled in order to reduce the impact of problems that affect...

Kafka’s “Metamorphosis”: Life in Modernity

The Metamorphosis is an expressionist novella by Franz Kafka that is considered one of the most intriguing and absurdist pieces of fiction while presenting an intricate psychological and philosophical analysis of modern realities. The complexity and inherent meaning of the plot have been a widely debated literally topic. Kafka is...

Social Psychology Theory in “American Beauty”

The film American Beauty reveals the story of a middle-class man who experiences a mid-life crisis. The director of movies confronts the topic with a sense of satire on the concepts accepted in American middle-class society through their recognition of personal satisfaction, beauty, and conformity. At a glance, the story...

Reid’s Documentary “Inside Ayurvedic Medicine”

Introduction Cultures around the world differ in their approaches to the delivery of healthcare. The past several decades saw a substantial increase in the acceptance of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in the West (Park, Beckman-Harned, Cho, Kim, & Kim, 2012). Growth in the number of Ayurvedic practitioners points to...

“Women and Economics” a Book by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Introduction The era of progressivism has given birth to several innovative ideas and offered support and leverage for many more. Feminism can be categorized as the latter, as it gained substance and refined many of its ideas during this historical period. Women and Economics by Charlotte Perkins Gilman are often...

Healthcare Challenges of Transgender Patients

Introduction Transgender individuals are, at present, one of the underserved population groups. Although there is a tendency to decrease discrimination of transgender people in society, they still face many challenges in different spheres of life, including education, employment, and healthcare. Although gender incongruity and gender-nonconforming behavior are not considered pathologic...

Teaching Social Studies for Younger Students

Introduction There are fifty strategies for creating meaningful guidance and experience in teaching social studies in elementary and pre-service schools. The fifty strategies provide models and examples that teachers can utilize when teaching social studies. This essay describes the most engaging instructional strategies. It also looks at how they can...

Understanding a Leadership Style and Power

The Situational Leadership Theory (SLT) was proposed by Hersey and Blanchard in their work Life Cycle Theory of Leadership (Hersey and Blanchard, 1969). According to this theory, there is no optimal leadership style. A leader should choose a type of behavior due to the follower’s competence and attitude toward work...

Reproductive System and Dominant Gene

Internal Female Reproductive Organs The system of internal female reproductive organs includes glands (ovaries), cervix, and uterus. Also, fallopian tubes and vagina are part of it. Fallopian tubes are narrow tubes with a pronounced muscular layer, which are constantly shrinking. Their mucous membrane consists of cells with cilia (deWit &...

“The Disinherited” by Jack Conroy

“The Disinherited” by Jack Conroy mixed an early version of social commentary and fiction into a compelling informant narrative that delved into the life of a poor low wage worker within the U.S. during the early 1900s. The book delves into how non-skilled workers within the U.S. attempt to live...

Climate Change as a Threat to Pension Fund

Executive summary This report considers the relationship that the change in climate has with the pension fund. The pension fund is one of the largest consumer products, and there has been a concern on how to protect it from any possible material or financial risk (Jill 324). So many studies...

Utilitarianism: Poverty Reduction Through Charity

Introduction Global moral issues may be hard to discuss because of their complex nature. These problems do not affect a single individual or a small group – they span across borders and nations. World hunger and poverty are one of these problems, as one can encounter them in many parts...

The Circle of Caring Model in Nursing Practice

Nurses identify and implement evidence-based concepts to maximize the health outcomes of their patients. The Circle of Caring Model is a powerful theory that guides practitioners to engage their colleagues and health beneficiaries. This paper gives a detailed analysis of this theory and how it differs from holistic and biomedical...

Healthy People 2010 vs. 2020 in the United States

Update of Table 15.1 State Specific Median Proportion Range Objectives 1992/1993 1996/1997 2002 2010 2020 Current Cigarette smoking by adults 23% (15.7%-30.7%) 23.2% (13.8%-30.7%) 23.1% (16.4%-32.6%) 20.6% (20.8% – 15.3%) <12% Adults (aged 18years) who engage in no leisure-time physical activity 27.4% (17.1%-48.1%) 27.8% (17.1%-51.4%) 24.4% (15.0%-33.6%) 20.4% (16.3%-34.1%) <20.1...

The Relevance of “Hamlet” to Contemporary Readers

Introduction It should be emphasized that almost all the literary works of Shakespeare do not lose their relevance and reflect the core human concerns that are topical for the contemporaneity. They raise important issues and touch upon the feelings that remain unchanged for centuries. The purpose of this paper is...

The Issue of Slavery and the State’s Rights

Slavery and the state’s rights have been an issue in certain states in the U.S. this has raised concerns of various institutions and organizations within the states in question. This paper seeks to find out whether the issue of slavery and the state’s rights were important in the secession process...

Pregnancy, Human Development and Heredity

Pregnancy can be defined with respect to time and as a condition. With respect to time, it is the period from conception to childbirth (Hale, Saunders & Margham, 2005). It is vital to understand the physiological concepts that revolve around pregnancy and their implication in human development and heredity. Below...

Workplace Accidents in Hospitals: Musculoskeletal Injuries

Introduction Nurses are exposed to numerous hazards at the workplace, but some of them can be averted or prevented to a significant extent. Musculoskeletal injuries related to patient handling (MIPH) are among such avoidable dangers. Musculoskeletal Injury Case Zwerdling (2015) describes MIPH as a type of injury that can be...

Vogue Magazine’s Covers Discussion

Introduction Vogue is an American magazine about fashion, culture, and lifestyles. This is a world-famous journal, and there are various international editions. One of the most striking attributes of this periodical is its covers that reflect the current social and political environment. The main goal of this paper is to...

Legal Research: Skills and Resources

The law refers to the rules that govern society (Yell & Conroy, 1999, p.40). If there is a major activity that has to be accomplished, then it is important to understand the legal requirements fully. If the legal requirements are ignored, then it is possible to violate certain statutes and...

The Psychology of Music

Introduction Music is probably the most abstract and difficult to understand the sort of art. For centuries scholars have been trying to explain the purpose of listening to music, creating it, and the way it can impact a human mind. Schäfer, Sedlmeier, Städtler, and Huron state that the common aim...

Philosophy of Social Science and Education Research

Introduction In this section of the book, Nel Noddings (1998) discusses the main philosophical assumptions underlying education research as well as social science. This question is of great importance to scholars who examine the nature of scientific knowledge. The main purpose of this chapter is to show how theoretical views...

Barclays Bank’s Decision-Making & Risk Management

Introduction The decision-making process in multinational financial structures is complex and multifaceted, including a number of steps and operations. The questions about what stages the decision-making process should include are rather controversial and solved differently according to the specific style of governance and the scope of the organization. Being one...

Robert Kiyosaki’s Leadership Style

Introduction The concept of leadership can be broadly defined as the intrinsic ability to internalise a setting with the intention of empowering a group or team to proactively and creatively contribute towards problem solving. The treatise adopts a reflective research in exploring the components of leadership such as transformational leadership...

Should College Education Be Free for All US Citizens?

Introduction Over the years, the cost of education in the United States has increased exponentially, especially when considering the tuition fee for a college education. Many Americans have been forced to halt their quest for education at the high school level because they cannot afford the cost of college. Similarly,...

Teamwork and Collaboration in Future Nursing

Introduction Working in groups is an essential and integral part of nurses’ jobs. Teamwork and collaboration are the primary requirements of the contemporary health care setting because various issues can be resolved faster due to joint decision-making and shared responsibility. Thus, it is necessary to determine the benefits such cooperation...

Joy Definition: Psychological Issue

Introduction There are many aspects of people’s lives that have a significant influence on their feelings, emotions, and behavior. Some individuals require psychological help to become happy and enjoy every day of their existence on Earth. The following paper is intended to provide a definition of joy in a broad...

Ethical and Legal Issues in Nursing

Introduction It is a fact that nurses encounter many situations where their ethical codes are tested. Education plays a key role in understanding these matters, as well as the knowledge of legal concepts like licensing. While legislation is crucial in nurses’ practice, communication is vital for both providing a rewarding...

Role, Conflict, Social Exchange Theories in Nursing

Natalie’s Case The case of Natalie Kazakova is familiar to many nurses that come from diverse backgrounds and want to pursue a career in healthcare. She is regularly challenged by her co-workers to prove her self-worth as well as show her professional skills. This occurs because the immense pressure in...

The Insights of the Solow Model

Introduction Various economic growth models have been developed over time. These models help us to understand the sources of economic growth and why there are differences in economic performance across countries. One of these models is the Solow-model, called the neoclassical growth-model. The concept became established in the fiscal 1956...

Training Is the Answer… But What Was the Question?

In his 1999 article ‘Training is the answer… but what was the question?’, Bob Rosner promotes the idea that, in order for a training process to prove effective, it must be 100% consistent with the notion of purposefulness. Among the main principles of ensuring this process’s successfulness, Rosner proposes the...

Document Types in Professional Writing Journals

Introduction Professional writing journals can contain different types of documents, such as proposals, feasibility studies, forms, business plans, progress reports, incident reports. Each type of writing has strict rules that one should follow. In this work, we are going to discuss rules of formatting articles published in the professional and...

Parents’ Incomes and Children’s Camp Expenses

Introduction Nowadays, education remains one of the most important things for children and adults. Therefore, parents from Canada cover the expenses of summer camps with various developing programs for their sons and daughters. The following paper will present a literature review of works that describe the conditions and financial means...

The Do Not Resuscitate Order Interactive Case

DNR: Overview The issues associated with patients’ life wishes provoke many controversies and confusion in health professionals. The do not resuscitate (DNR) orders oblige nurses to not perform the cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on a patient and let him or her die. The DNR is a statement of the patient’s informed...

Walmart Company’s Employment Practices

Employment practice The topic for the research is Wal-Mart’s employment practice, so the major focus of the paper will be made on it. To provide a good analysis of the topic it is important to limit it to a specific area. It is suggested that the employment practices in Wal-Mart...

Outsourcing and Offshoring: Risks and Advantages

Outsourcing and Offshoring Although often used as synonyms, outsourcing and offshoring are, in fact, quite different from each other. Outsourcing typically presupposes buying certain services from a different company, whereas offshoring means shifting the services of a company to a different location (Hearh & Kishore, 2009). In addition, outsourcing can...

Museum Space of the British Museum

Introduction This paper is aimed at the comparative analysis of two approaches concerning museum spaces by Duncan and Hillier and Tzortzi in relation to the visit to the British Museum. Key Ideas and Approach to Museum Space by Duncan The first article is written by art historian Carol Duncan. He...

Statistical Procedure: Mammography Screening

Clinical Question and Intervention The clinical question for this research covers the following aspects. “In the primary care setting, for women of minorities aged 40-54, how effective is it for providers to initiate a conversation regarding recommended mammography screening versus not initiating conversation in increasing the rate of early detection...

The Issue of Abortion: Ethics Challenges

Introduction The debate about abortion in terms of ethics has been in place for decades ever since this medical procedure was first legalized by the government. Throughout this time, the core question of the discussion of abortion has remained unchanged; revolves around the acceptability of the procedure and its ethical...

The Profitability and Accountability of the Company

Identify the problem The problem presented to the organizations affects the entire company but is mostly rooted in the accounting and managerial department. The problem is rooted in the practice of accounting and especially with regards to forensic accounting. This has had the effect of reducing the profitability and accountability...

Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts

Definition of Terms and Concepts Organizational Culture Organizational culture can be defined as values and behaviors adapted by an organization. Organizational culture makes an organization to be unique in both the social and psychological environment. It is comprised of organization’s past as well as current assumptions including its values, philosophies...

The Evaluation and Grading Process of Students

The evaluation and grading process of students depends on a number of factors including the effort made by a student. This process should be used to analyse the understanding of the student in relation to course material. The process of evaluation and grading according to Violet was undertaken in order...

Twitter Role in Interactive Lessons Creation

Social network has allowed an individual to have access to the world and interactions can be made easier through chatting and messaging. There are many social networks in the world today but in this particular context we are majoring on “twitter” and how it has helped to create interactive lessons...

Ways to Improve the US Healthcare System

Introduction The healthcare system in the United States is one of the main areas that need to be improved. There are various ways how to change the system. Medical specialists can influence health care through state and federal policy formation (Rambur, 2015). They also need to constantly improve their professional...

Patterson v. McLean Credit Union Case

Justice In Patterson v. McLean Credit Union, Patterson, an African-American woman who worked for McLean, a small company with less than 15 employees, sued the employer claiming that he (employer) discriminated her by promoting a white person to the position of an accountant. Based on chapter reading, justice was not...

Bose Corporation Competing by Being Truly Different

Based on the business philosophies of Amar Bose, how do you think the Bose Corporation goes about analyzing its competition? The impetus for Bose Corporation came, not surprisingly, from a sub-par stereo that had been purchased by founder Amar Bose in 1956. The poor performance of the stereo and tough...

Todd Babiak and His Competitors

Trevor Cole has been referred to by several critics and also fans of his works as the best young novelist in Canada. He comes from a humble background and has even worked on a factory floor to the newspaper boardroom. Despite this, he has managed to earn a living through...

Islamic Culture and Perception in the USA

Introduction Islam is one of the most dominant religions in North America and the world at large. Furthermore, this religion is the fastest-growing denomination in the world even though it is subject to various controversies around the world (McDonnell, 2015). The American media has played a significant role in portraying...

Pop Culture in America

Introduction Pop culture is a multidimensional concept acting in many interpretations as the opposite of elitist types of cultures and is often replaced by the term mass culture. Nevertheless, popular culture, the formation of which is related to the process of industrialization, took its final shape in XIX-XX centuries (Cottrell...

Tequila in the Mexican Culture

Introduction of Tequila Tequila is a regional specific name for a distilled beverage. The main ingredient for making this drink is the Blue Agave plant. It primarily comes from Tequila city in the Mexican state of Jalisco. It has a regional specificity. It flourishes well in the red volcanic soils....

Mary Rowlandson’s Story as a Faith Narrative

Introduction Mary Rowlandson, a middle-aged female settler who moved from England to Massachusetts Bay Colony and then to Lancaster, was captured by the Wampanoag Indian tribe during King Phillip’s War. Mary Rowlandson’s experience as a hostage became a foundation for A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary...

Ximen Qing in “Jin Ping Mei” Novel by L. X. Sheng

Ximen Qing was born to a family of a person who sold medical herbs (Roy, 1997). Very often Ximen assisted his father in his shop and as a child he was accustomed to work. Nevertheless, his father was not a very rich man, and since early childhood Qing understood that...

Phosphorus as Homeopathic Treatment

Remedy Grid Remedy Description The symptoms like fatigue, irritability, and the loss of appetite are inputted into the remedy finder that is located at The results of the search can be found in Figure 1. These three symptoms can be used to diagnose possible depression in a patient. While...

“The Bean Eaters” by Gwendolyn Brooks

The subject of the Poem The poem The bean eaters deals with a seemingly simple subject, which is a scene of two old people having dinner and eating beans. However, a closer look at the narrative will show that it addresses an array of social issues, poverty being the main...

Psychiatry: Adjustment Disorder Case

Introduction The present case study considers the situation of Mrs. H., who appears to have developed an adjustment disorder as a result of a series of negative events, which followed her immigration to the US. Mrs. H. lives with her husband, child, and the elderly mother of Mrs. H. The...

Addressing Disruptive and Noncompliant Behaviors

Part 1 Ms. Rollison has a comprehensive behavior management plan in place. Why isn’t it working for all of her students? Ms. Rollison fails to realize that today’s learning environment is extremely diverse and, therefore, the task of the teacher is to provide students with greater assistance. Because students have...

Congestive Heart Failure Patients’ Treatment Options

Introduction Treatment options for patients with congestive heart failure are primarily determined by the professional skills of health workers and by the desire of sufferers themselves to recover. For this purpose, the research should be carried out to determine which sampling strategy will be optimal for the solution of the...

Saltah: Yemeni Dish Recipe and History

Ingredients To prepare saltah, the following ingredients are needed (“Saltah”): ¼ of a cup of vegetable oil (60-65 ml); 450 grams of ground lamb or ground beef; 2 medium onions, which should be chopped; 4 potatoes; these should be peeled and then diced into cubes; 2 tomatoes; these need to...

Participation of Students with Severe Disabilities

Introduction Following the studies showing that there is isolation and discrimination of students with intellectual disabilities, this article attempts to evaluate and assess the effect of new instructional model, with the aim of enhancing the performance of these students. The discrimination and isolation of the students with intellectual disabilities is...

Urban Outfitters Company vs. Big Box Stores

Introduction Urban Outfitters is a company that targets diverse cultural groups around the globe and aims at offering them distinctive casual clothing, housewares as well as accessories. Psychological relation with the customers has facilitated the success of this company. As compared to other retailers, Urban Outfitters’ marketing strategy does not...

Cultural Identity and Integration of Immigrants

The concept of cultural identity should not be viewed as a static phenomenon or as a fixed set of values that have to be shared by every person belonging to a certain group. Leading scholars such as Stuart Hall and Homi Bhabha believe that culture exists only in individual experiences...

Universal Human Rights in Political Ideologies

The main elements of critique leveled by Communitarian and Marxist perspectives against the Universalist conceptualization of human rights Universalism which refers to the concept of a universal theory of human rights states that “each and every human being holds basic rights”, by virtue of being humans which is an inherent...

Mountain Bank’s Business Strategy

Introduction Profits of an organization mostly rely on a good business strategic plan. In the case of Mountain Bank, the profits have been declining as a result of the poor business strategic plan. The best step forward is to develop a new strategic plan which will enable the bank to...

The Value of a Master’s-Prepared Nurse

Introduction Although both the BSN and MSN are important, students who pursue a Master’s degree in nursing are going to be more qualified for specific jobs (such as a nursing educator, an information technology specialist in nursing, a nurse administrator, a nurse leader, etc.). The preparation for the Master’s degree...

Xerox Company’s Policy as to Women and Minorities

How has hiring women and minorities improved Xerox’s profitability? Xerox has been one of the leading companies which favor women in their working condition. In essence, Xerox’s sensitivity to women’s needs was the key to its success in terms of employee performance and personal rating. The company has been able...

White-Collar Crime and Negligence

Introduction White-collar crime is a category of non-violent criminal activities that are motivated by financial gain (Payne, 2016). Negligence refers to “the failure to use reasonable care” (“Negligence law,” n.d., para. 1). The aim of this paper is to analyze two case studies on white-collar crime and negligence. Negligence It...

Facebook: Advertising and Its Effectiveness

Introduction Facebook refers to a social network that allows people to share information online. One becomes a user after they sign up and add a personal profile, which shows an individual’s gender, photo, and contacts. One can choose to belong to a group of persons, such as colleagues in an...

“Simulacra and Simulation” by Jean Baudrillard

The due are terms known for their elusive depiction of the contemporary use of signs as symbols. For a long time, society has developed a tendency of conveying what ought to be a reality with signs as ways and arts of symbolism that make the whole thing become meaningless. Actually,...

The AtekPC Project Management Office

What is the purpose and mission of a PMO? The PMO mission of AtekPC had been growing slowly since 2006, when it began. A year later, in spring, the purpose was still not clearly visible. This is because the documents highlighting these functions did not exist. The initial function was...

PICOT Statement: Problems and Questions

Clinical Area and Problems It is worth noting that, at present, the issue of medical personnel shortage is acute for the majority of medical organizations across the country. The availability of the health care workforce is well below the planned indicator despite the fact that institutions are actively working in...

Connecting Customer Needs in Product Design

Introduction The case presents an issue of poor market performance of a small firm producing glasses which illustrates a broader set of problems. Most of them appear to stem from a lack of cohesion between different departments each of which has their own distinct goals (De Toni & Nassimbeni, 2003)....

Team-Based Healthcare in Nursing Practice

Introduction Team-based health care is supported by the current U.S. health care system, although it is not implemented in every institution. As Babiker et al. (2014) point out, nowadays patients are rarely cared for by only one physician or nurse. Usually, it is a team of professionals who ensure that...

GMO: Some Peculiarities and Associated Concerns

Introduction Genetically modified organisms are also known as GMOs, genetically engineered, or genetically modified food and have been discussed for several decades. Some people stress that genetically engineered crops can help humanity to address famines or the lack of food in some regions. Others argue that GMOs can negatively affect...

“The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” a Novel by Mark Twain

Introduction Classical children’s literature is full of examples of outstanding works that have become a cultural treasure and are still being discussed with interest today. One of these well-known works that are known to almost everyone in the book “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” written by the famous American writer...

Understaffing Ratios in Nursing

Understaffing Indicators It has been concluded that the problem of nurse understaffing negatively influences the work setting, the quality of care provided to patients, as well as patients’ health outcomes. However, among the identified implications, poor health outcomes of patients that received care in a facility that experiences understaffing is...

Transformational Leadership and Theory Y in Nursing

The nursing profession necessitates the development of strong leadership and management skills inasmuch as they are of paramount importance for ensuring that care is delivered in a safe and efficient manner. The aim of this paper is to discuss the application of management and leadership theories in practice. Assessment of...

Four Metaparadigms of Nursing

Nursing is an ancient profession. It is as old as humanity itself. Even in the most primitive and ancient human tribes, there were individuals tasked with taking care of the sick and injured. A caring attitude is not something that could be transmitted on a genetic level from one generation...

Regulations That Shape the Country’s Civil Rights

Introduction The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects people’s freedom of speech. However, the government can limit free expression under certain circumstances such as advocacy characterized by the use of force. Incitements capable of producing violence or suicide can also be limited (Gahagan & Brophy, 2014). Expressions that are...

Nurse Leaders’ Tasks and Strategies

In the process of nursing care, a significant role is played by the leaders of junior medical personnel who can be an example for their colleagues and coordinate their activities according to specific goals. The task of such staff is to evaluate current workflow indicators, as well as use appropriate...

American Cities in the “End of Suburbia” Documentary

What influence(s) did industrialization have on urbanization? As American society shifted from being a mainly agricultural society into one dependant on the industrial production of goods and associated services, the influence of this was felt in other aspects of the economy, as well. Notable among these was the situation in...

The US and Middle Eastern States’ Cooperation

Why is the Palestinian question the central focus of Arab complaints against the United States, and do you think that terrorist attacks in our homeland will cease if problems of Palestinian is not resolved to the satisfaction of all parties involved? There exist some areas of close cooperation between the...

Decision-Making in the 1989 Hillsborough Disaster

Using the dichotomous typologies only, what types of decisions were the five critical decisions? The first decision was about having a “safety fence” to prevent ground invasion. Such a decision was based on an earlier event in 1985 where 39 Italian (Juventus) fans died when they were trying to escape...

Value-Based Reimbursement Policy in Healthcare

Introduction Modern healthcare administration might be requiring some serious reforms due to its occasional inefficiency and ineffectiveness. One of the critical issues to reconsider appears to be a reimbursement approach. Being relatively innovative for the healthcare, value-based reimbursement policy imposed by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare is aimed to...

Eastman Kodak Company’s Business-Level Strategy

Introduction Business level strategies are the specific actions required to ensure an organization meets its objectives and compete equally with the other businesses in the market. Business level strategies help to determine who the customers are, what the customers need and how they expect the product or service to be....

American Nurses Association: Professional Membership

Being the chairperson of membership in American Nurses Association (ANA), it is necessary to design a paper to recruit new members. Function of Organization ANA is a non-commercial professional organization that aims at representing the interests of the entire nation and, in particular, those of registered nurses (RN) by the...

Stylistics and Ideas in Mark Twain’s Short Stories

The Mysterious Stranger by Mark Twain The setting and atmosphere at the beginning of the story The story begins with the description of the country: “It was in 1590 – winter. Austria was far away from the world, and asleep” (n. pag). Thus, the author immediately connects the beginning and...

Older Adults Needs and Nursing Care: Learning Plan

Introduction To provide patients with care that would meet the most important needs that they have, a specialist in nursing is supposed to consider a range of factors that may have an impact on patients’ expectations. During the work, any specialist working in a community faces problems that occur due...

Public Goods and “Free Rider” Problem

Introduction Public goods are crucial to society. They include essential and non-essential aspects of modern life. However, despite their importance, they are often damaged by careless or deliberately malicious legislations, natural disasters, and other issues. This paper will present an overview of public goods, the challenges that affect them, and...

Sibling Rivalry, Its Causes and Intervention

Sibling Rivalry Kippen and Walters define sibling rivalry as “the competition, fighting, hatred, and jealousy between siblings” (575). This is a major psychological problem that affects many families across the world. Parents who have two (or more) children will at some point be forced to deal with this problem. Studies...

Art Education and Human Development

The general response to Art Education and Human Development by Howard Gardner This book looks into the value given to arts education by the governments and other stakeholders considering the strides arts education has made in recent years. Before appreciation of democratic processes, many totalitarian regimes considered artists as people...

School Experience for Students with Disabilities

Prediction of Drop-Out Among Students With Minor Disabilities We all know about the importance of completing at least a high school education about preparing ourselves for financially rewarding jobs in the future. Without the proper educational attainment, it is almost impossible to find a job that will keep a roof...

Foreign Investment and Trade Policy in the US

Recent Investments The presented article opens with a review of recent investments at the time of its writing. The authors state that the position of the United States as the largest investor and recipient of foreign direct investment is unique and only second to the European Union as a whole....

Car Industry’s Marketing: Advertising and Promotion

Car industry has been developing day by day in many countries. The major purpose of this industry is to create, develop, improve, market, and sell motor vehicles, cars in particular. The progress of car industry is perfectly noticeable. For example, Marsden tells that during the 1970s, car industry in Britain...

Joseph Cyril Bamford Excavators Ltd. in India

Introduction The case describes how the British construction equipment manufacturer JCB managed to expand into the Indian market through a joint venture with the Indian engineering conglomerate Escorts. Despite having a relatively small share of the global market, JCB became on the biggest manufacturers of backhoes in India. This paper...

Nurse’s Personal Biases and Its Outcomes

Introduction The globalization process, which increases the level of cultural and ethical diversity, creates an immense amount of additional pressure for the nurses. Situations, in which personal biases, whether they are explicit or implicit, affect both patients and caregivers, can produce a positive effect on nursing as well as adverse...

Patients’ Expectations from Healthcare Industry

Increased Level of Knowledge The problem of inadequate expectation of patients could now be considered one of the important issues that should be solved as it results in financial difficulties for healthcare institutions. Considering the nature of the problem, two possible solutions could help to improve the situation in the...

“Islam in America” BBC Documentary

Introduction Atheists around the world are having a field day when it comes to proving their point that religion serves no purpose other than to oppress and prevent the growth of human civilization. It is problematic to mount up a defense of religion, especially when the deplorable acts of corrupt...

Skin Cancer: Examination and Prevention

Recommendations for Skin Examination On the whole, it is stated that the balance of benefits and harms that skin examination of patients by medics brings is unknown; however, it is suggested that skin examination may help prevent highly adverse patient outcomes due to skin cancer such as death (Tsao &...

Utilitarianism and Deontology in Business

The question concerning the connection between law and morality remains to be discussed and argues nowadays. The law and morality can be considered as the fundamental social regulators of the behavior of the human being (Emerson, 2009, p. 5). The society and the way people live and function changed and... for Digital Distraction During Office Work

Initially one would think that the author – Ira Wagman – wanted to write about a website called and how office workers use it as a way to escape boredom. But it turns out that she merely used this website as her take-off point in order to discuss the...

Financial Institutions: Policies and Regulations

How can policies and regulations impact financial institutions? Whenever regulations are lifted, some financial institutions may most likely run into financial losses. In most cases, earnings are increased through protected monopolies. However, the introduction of policies and regulations often break this link and hence, financial institutions end up losing greatly...

Genocide and Mass Killing in “Becoming Evil” by Waller

Introduction Waller’s work in ‘Becoming Evil’ is a reminder of the numerous accounts of genocides that have occurred in the past century. Waller unmasks the ordinary excuses for psychopathology, and genocide-group think, unusual cultures and puts up a comprehensive perception of humans’ capability to participate in transgression. He highlights the...

How CSR Is Being Defined in Malaysia?

In Malaysia, CSR is a formal business strategy and obligation that is captured in annual reports and other forms of reporting by organizations. However, it is not a mandatory undertaking in the country. Nevertheless, the voluntary nature of the activity has been handled professionally in many business levels from the...

The Work of Nurses as Activists

Introduction Throughout history, many nurses had to become activists to either advance the field of nursing and care or solve complex situations that require a very careful approach. This paper will provide my thoughts on this, and it will put me in the shoes of a nurse activist to provide...

Google Inc.’s Organizational Culture Type

Organizational culture and its implications for performance are frequent objects of professional analysis. There is an emerging consensus that organizational culture profoundly influences organizational behaviors and decisions. Shared values, assumptions and beliefs that shape organizational culture create a foundation for creating and sustaining a competitive advantage. Google is the bright...

Boots UK Company’s General Management Overview

Boots UK is a private company located in the United Kingdom. The company is a member of Alliance boots and has branches in Ireland, Sweden and many other countries. It offers skincare and cosmetic products; and prescribed medicines such as tablets, liquids, creams as well as inhalers. A general management...

Child Temperament: Flexible, Feisty, or Combined?

Introduction To promote proper development in a child, one must consider their characteristics and identify the temperament that a child is most likely to have. Despite the fact that there are only three possible results, the unique combinations of nine traits, as well as different degrees of their intensity, allow...

Tuberculosis: Case Study Assessment

People at Risk When it comes to contracting tuberculosis from Jose, Jill’s patient, it is essential to take into consideration that the employees working at the farm where he is employed are at a higher risk because they did not have knowledge about their co-worker’s illness and thus did not...

Abel & Cole Company’s Marketing and Consumer Behavior

What characteristics affecting consumer buying behavior are at play when customers intend to buy from Abel & Cole? The cultural characteristics which affect consumer buying behavior are mainly changes in people’s preferences and tastes. Consumption habits have changed and they are mainly defined by sub-cultures of different populations. Customers in...

Deontology and Ethical Relativism in “The Founder” Film

Introduction Business ethics is a complex subject that aims to use ethical theories and principles to guide the decision-making process in organizational settings. Business ethics considers all types of business relationships, including those between companies, between leaders and their employees, and between the company and the community (Mann and Roberts...

International Monetary System and Its Importance

The international monetary system is an international convention. It stipulates the rules that should be applied in international trade. The system also clarifies the means of payment that should be used in international trade. Generally, the international monetary system was set in order to promote international trade and investment (Hill,...

Stress After Leaving Home in Students

Today, there are numerous misconceptions about stress. Most people perceive stress as negative emotional state whereas some consider it to be something that happens to us when we are anxious. However, the real meaning of stress is that it is a response to a situation. Stress is biological in nature...

The VARK Questionnaire and Learning Styles

The VARK questionnaire allows students to understand which learning styles are more suitable for them. In this test, four strategies are presented: visual, aural, read/write, and kinesthetic strategies. Learning Style The learning style most suitable for me is the multimodal one, i.e. it includes strategies from two different learning styles....

Disaster Triage and Nursing Utilitarian Ethics

Introduction One could hardly doubt that the professional settings of nursing practice are closely connected with the emerging of numerous ethical dilemmas. Nurses are exposed to ethical conflicts on a daily basis, and the core of these conflicts is the necessity to choose between personal moral values and those of...

Alteration in Comfort and Impaired Skin Integrity

Introduction The rash on the face, as well as such attendant factors as fever and excessive fatigue, are an excuse to determine which nursing intervention can be helpful in treatment. As a patient, thirty-five-year-old Mary is presented, and her main problem is itching and redness on her face. Also, the...

Poverty in “On Dumpster Diving” by Lars Eighner

Introduction In his essay On Dumpster Diving, Lars Eighner explores the life of a person whose sole means of survival is dumpster diving. The author focuses on such themes as poverty, despair of homeless people, and their attitudes toward material wealth as well as the hopes that they cherish. The...

Christianity in Western Civilization and Thought

Introduction Christianity is one of the most widespread and developed religious systems. And although it is present on every continent, it is predominantly the religion of the West. The adoption of Christianity as a formal religion by the majority of peoples of Central, Eastern, and South-Eastern Europe occurred between the...

The Tempest Play at Savage Rose Classical Theater

Introduction The Tempest is one of the many plays written in the 17th century by William Shakespeare – one of the most famous English writers and playwrights of all time. The Tempest is a story of magic, revenge, political trickery, intimidation, and arranged marriages to secure a position of power....

Working Youth: Psychological Observations in Café

Introduction There are many reasons for young people to start working, and they are mostly related to a person’s need to be self-sufficient. One may need to save money to buy something expensive or pay for education, while others may just want to have enough pocket money. Overall, the reasons...

Physically Disabled People’s Shopping Experiences

Introduction During the course of my observations of various individuals that suffer from some form of physical disability, I noticed several interesting forms of behavior in the way they acted and the way they were treated by those around them. As it turns, most people who are considered disabled by...

Human Trafficking and Its Signs in Patients

The problem of human trafficking is a health hazard for the victims of this form of modern day slavery. According to Niewiarowska (2015), out of the 21 million victims of human trafficking, 9.5 million are men while 11.5 million are women (Niewiarowska, 2015). The prevalent human trafficking behavior predisposes victims...

Ha Jin’s “Saboteur” in Nicola McAllister’s Critique

While reading the critical response on Ha Jin’s short story Saboteur, I’ve realized that the critic Nicola McAllister has a low opinion of the Chinese government and knows nothing about the policy of China. On the other hand, he is just ignorant of the historical changes that took place in...

Walt Disney Company’s International Services and Strategies

Describe Disney’s international products or services. What locations and countries do they operate in? Walt Disney Company is an international corporation focusing on entertainment and media businesses. Walt Disney and Roy Disney founded the corporation in the early 1920s. During its inception, the corporation was registered as Disney Brothers Cartoon...

The Future of Nursing: Professional Development

Introduction In 2010, the U.S. government ratified a law that immediately changed the fortunes of at least 30 million Americans. After years of struggle, the Obama administration engineered a massive change in the delivery of health insurance coverage. As a result, the aforementioned number of Americans is going to experience...

Public Service Theories and Public Interest

Abstract Public interest has been debated at length by great philosophers as well as renowned authors. Scholars argue that it is an academic discipline to be taught in class while philosophers argue that it is an art that can only be learned through observation and practice. This paper seeks to...

Community Hospital in Ypsilanti: Janice Portfleet Case

Introduction Case Study: Janice Portfleet is a nurse manager of a 12-bed critical care unit (CCU) for a community hospital in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Her superior has just notified her that the productivity level in the CCU has declined. Nurse Portfleet is asked to cost out nursing services for her unit,...