Vienna Convention’s Role for Diplomatic Relations

The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations was adopted in 1961 and has become since then one of the most important international documents regulating international relations and diplomacy; as of today, most countries in the world have signed the Convention. The most important idea of the treaty is that diplomats possess...

Brazil’s Democracy and National Economic Performance

Kea Terms Definition Democracy is a form of the government elected by the majority of people and guaranteed equal rights for everybody. Democratization is the process of democracy development. A dictatorial regime is a form of the government when all the power is held by one person (a dictator). Economic...

Missed Nursing Care’ Effects

A 2014 cross-sectional study features 2917 nurses working in NHS hospitals in England; the nurses were surveyed to determine the association between their workload and care quality (Ball, Murrells, Rafferty, Morrow, & Griffiths, 2014). The study reveals that 86% of registered nurses have missed at least one of the care...

Kitchener Rangers Hockey Club Case

First, the authors provide background information about the ice-hockey industry in Canada, its overwhelming popularity, and national character. The given sphere provides about $11 billion annually (Schnarr, Krizmanich, & Lee, 2016) and attracts the attention of different agents who want to obtain significant revenues. Therefore, the case revolves around the...

Childhood Obesity: A Global Public Health Crisis

Title: Childhood Obesity: A Global Public Health Crisis. Karnik and Kanekar try to show the threatening tendency towards the deterioration of childrens health and the actions that should be performed to change the situation. Intended audience: The article could be used by professionals working in the sphere of childrens health...

College Students and Weight Issues Relations

The one-sentence summary The article provides a study of the concordance of self-assessment of college students regarding their height and weight to their actual body weight and height; it is concluded that such self-assessments are usually rather precise. The one-paragraph summary The authors research the precision of college students’ self-reports...

Heritage Assessment and Family Health History

Every individual comes from a family. The history of each family can help to determine the cultural background. The heritage assessments provide helpful information about the historical record of Anne and Peter. African American Lady Anne is the daughter of Mr. John and Mrs. Jane. She is my cousin. John...

Early Childhood: Inclusive Programs and Social Interactions

Summary An inclusive program is an intervention plan for the development of children with developmental delays. Children with and without developmental delays attend the same schools and interact during their studies. When young children with developmental delays study together with young children without developmental delays, more positive outcomes are realized....

Asthma Patients’ Health Education and Promotion

Health education is a crucial component of healthcare that enhances awareness about various disease courses thus helping patients to lead healthy lives. Effective patient education endeavors should strive to meet the precise needs of patients by ensuring that pertinent health information is delivered effectively and promptly. The purpose of this...

Nurses’ Burnout and Patients’ Safety

Abstract This paper focuses on reviewing the American Journal of Nursing’s guidelines and describes a rationale for researching the topic A Relationship Between Nurses’ Burnout and Fatigue and Levels of Patients’ Safety: A Quantitative Study with the help of quantitative methods. One of the critical reasons for reviewing it is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Yellow Jellies” by Ciemon Frank Caballes

Objective Description Yellow Jellies by Ciemon Frank Caballes is an underwater photo of a snorkeler surrounded by jellyfish. The photo was taken in Jellyfish Lake on Eil Malk. The photographer took the shot near the surface of the water during the day in the natural light. The snorkeler, a woman,...

Sex Scandals in Digital Media News

Sex is a news value that journalists give much attention to. However, the coverage of sex subjects present journalists with lots of decisions to make, some of which are of ethical concerns, yet others are dangerous, with some still being categorized as embarrassing. The public normally has the right to...

Ethical Values in the Workplace and Sarbanes-Oxley Act

Ethical Values in the Workplace In the world of business ethics, the definition of human values ​​is constrained by entrepreneurial qualities. People who are actively involved in the trade and financial sphere sometimes have limited freedom to choose their ethical values. Nevertheless, even in an organization with a corporate type...

Atrial Fibrillation and Heart Rhythm Disturbances

CHF and Atrial Fibrillation Atrial fibrillation (AF) is one of the most common and most studied arrhythmias, but its treatment is still an important issue. One of the causes of the development of AF is chronic heart failure (CHF). Frequent heart rhythm disturbances are almost always found in patients suffering...

“The Case for Reparations” by Ta-Nehisi Coates

The article “The Case for Reparations” by Ta-Nehisi Coates makes a powerful argument on the origins, progression, and impact of slavery, abuse, racism, and discrimination against African Americans that is embedded deeply into the social fabric of the United States. It outlines the extensive repercussions that such behavior has caused...

Nursing Curriculum Development Project

Cultural Competency Educational Setting and Topic Cultural competency ensures the best use of healthcare processes by selecting employees who are capable of providing the best healthcare services for their patient population pool. Its perspectives focus on nurses who have the capacities to deal with patients from various ethnic backgrounds. In...

The Book “V for Vendetta” by Alan Moore

V for Vendetta is a book written by Alan Moore; it is divided into different chapters. The story is about nuclear war that ruined Britain and left it under the rule of a strange revolutionary/activist known as V. He slowly killed the government representatives and challenged them. He rescued a...

Biombo and Casta Painting Tradition Similarities

Introduction Casta paintings were used to portray racial mixing – so-called mestizaje. Usually, it represents a couple (alone or with children) and an explanation of the ethnic and racial peculiarities. Casta painting tradition First of all, it seems appropriate to identify the notion of the casta painting tradition to compare...

Childhood Obesity, Its Definition and Causes

Introduction The social ideology of consumerism along with other aspects of progress brought new issues to society. One of them is obesity, a problem that is continuously becoming more severe in many countries. The rates of obesity in all age groups are steadily increasing every year. However, the issue of...

Health Care Providers and Patients Communication

Introduction The aim of this paper is to propose the need for the study of communication between health care providers and patients and its subsequent improvement based on six domains of quality elaborated by the Institute of Medicine (IOM). In particular, the concept of communication is one of the most...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Issues of Illegal Immigration in United States

Introduction The United States of America are mainly inhabited by immigrants. Several millions of people came here during the past centuries to build a better future. However, as the laws for aliens become stricter each decade, the American society does not seem very excited about the newcomers. Illegal immigration is...

Hobfoll’s Conservation of Resources Theory in Nursing

Applicable Nursing Theory Although medicine is a holistic and humanitarian science, in hospital management systems nurses are viewed as human resources. The majority of nursing theories are typically patient-focused and are based either on utilitarian or Kantian ethics. Thus, they are unfit for being implemented as frameworks to support the...

Healthcare Informatics in Governmental Regulation

The present paper is devoted to a case study, which considers providing a compliance roadmap for a healthcare organization that was accused of fraudulent billing and unnecessary service provision in the past. The paper will take into account crucial federal laws and mention the key institutions that are responsible for...

Ambiguity and Change Management

Introduction The functioning of the modern organization is a sophisticated topic because of the existence of multiple factors impacting its evolution and development. At the same time, modern firms should constantly evolve to guarantee the preservation of their leading positions and their ability to compete with rivals. Under these conditions,...

Labor Productivity and Human Resource Management

Introduction Labor productivity is one of the most important quality indicators of the work of any enterprise, and one of the main criteria affecting this index is the level of human resources management (HRM). Competent work of leadership in relation to this policy allows significantly improving the existing results of...

Healthcare Change and Its Dissemination Strategies

Introduction Numerous ways to disseminate knowledge have been developed. The choice of the most appropriate strategy often depends on the characteristics of the stakeholders and healthcare facilities, as well as available resources (Cates, Diehl, Crandell, & Coyne-Beasley, 2015). This project involves such major stakeholders as nursing professionals, physicians, and hospital...

Bacterial and Viral Pneumonia

Viral Pneumonia Evidently, viral pneumonia transpires when the body is affected by viruses. The latter are small-sized transmittable bacteria (Singh, 2014). The majority of the individuals that are active within the scientific community believe that viruses are non-living entities meaning that they only become active when they enter the human...

Disease Control and Prevention Centers

The website of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2016) reflects an area of interest for health promotion in the hospitals all over the USA, including my individual work setting located in Miami. This site is full of information about chronic health conditions and their prevention. Traumatic brain injury...

State Bank’s and Real Estate Bank’s Collapse

Today, the collapse of state banks is the problematic situation which is often associated with significant economic and political problems in the country. Nevertheless, it is impossible to state that this situation is characteristic only for the modern development of business and economics. The problem is in the fact that...

Evidence in Nursing Practice

Introduction Nursing professionals should be able to gather and critically assess the available evidence that can be helpful in their practice. The aim of this paper is to analyze the process of critical appraisal of the literature review and its organization. The paper will also discuss the hierarchy of evidence...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Self-Concept in Buddhist Reductionism

Introduction This paper aims to investigate the idea of self in its relation to the Buddhist perception of suffering. Also, the notion of objectual and intentional properties will be briefly discussed. The Talk of Persons as Useful Fiction Buddhism, being a significantly variegated and complex religious and philosophical movement, comprises...

Clinical and Didactic Assessment Tools in Nursing

The Competency Outcomes and Performance Assessment (COPA) model recognizes the following core practice competencies: assessment and intervention skills, communication skills, critical thinking skills, human caring and relationship skills, management skills, leadership skills, teaching skills, and knowledge integration skills (Kenner & Lott, 2013). The model is associated with the replacement of...

The Problems Witnessed in the Nursing Field

Nursing scholars who carry out studies on particular subjects wish to achieve a goal that is meant to enhance their service delivery. However, such a goal may not be attained if researchers fail to disseminate their study findings. This study regards research dissemination as a crucial step towards alleviating most...

The Embraer Company’s SWOT Analysis and Strategy

Introduction Embraer is the third largest aircraft manufacturer in the world. The company has undertaken several strategic decisions that have improved its competitiveness. Government support and specialization in the regional jet market are some of the key success factors of Embraer (Khandwalla, 2001). Embraer faces increased competition from Bombardier. This...

Ethic-of-Care and Ethic-of-Justice in Healthcare

Ethics-of-care and ethic-of-justice are the two approaches that are applied by health care providers in their practice, especially in ethical dilemmas. Among the non-interprofessional behaviors that may affect the mentioned approaches, one may note a lack of collaboration, disintegrated care, and negligence to colleagues’ actions and inquiries. While some nurses...

Improving the African Americans Health in the USA

Healthcare practitioners offer timely and quality medical services to more people from diverse backgrounds (Price & Khubchandani, 2016). I have been providing medical support and care to different members of our community. The neighborhood is composed by different populations with diverse cultural practices. Majority of the people in the community...

Witchcraft and the Azande’s Perception of It

Introduction In the chapter “Witchcraft explains unfortunate events”, Evans-Pritchard states that Azande perceive witchcraft as a power that may lead to misfortune when it establishes contact with other events.1 Even though it is an ordinary and casual phenomenon for them, Azande do not refer to it when discussing all possible...

Florida Healthcare: Community-Oriented Nursing Practice

Introduction Healthcare services in Florida target a population of about 19.5 million people residing in the state. The latest census data reveal it is the most populated state. Total healthcare spending in the state of Florida stood at $132.5 billion in 2014. When this figure is divided by the total...

Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: Causes and Risk Factors

Introduction Hodgkin’s lymphoma is one of the most common types of cancer in adolescent and young adults (Hollander et al., 2015). This type of cancer influences the work of lymph tissue that can be found in nodes, bone marrow, and other organs (Pham, Ressler, Rosenthal, and Kelemen (2017). This disease...

Father and Son Relationship: “Night” by Elie Wiesel

The theme of love has been developed in the novel, “Night” by Elie Wiesel. Reflectively, this theme is the axis of the climax. It defines the interaction between Eliezer and his father Schlomo. Thus, this treatise attempts to explicitly analyze the changing relationship between father and son in the novel...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The History of Public Health and Nursing

Sue Barton, Student Nurse by Helen Dore Boylston Sue Barton, the Student Nurse by Helen Dore Boylston, is the very first book in the seven-part series. It was published in 1936. Therefore, the story plot refers to such a period of nursing development when the interconnection between a graduate nurse...

Quality Initiatives in Healthcare

Introduction For this assignment, I met with the representative of the Risk Management department at my work site and interviewed one. With the help of such a survey, I received an opportunity to explore quality initiatives that are utilized and make all workers constantly improve the quality of the services...

Worksite Health Promotions and Ethical Issues

Introduction Ethics are essential for the majority of work environments. In nursing, it is one of the most important aspects of practice. Patients expect nurses’ actions to be ethical. If nurses’ actions are unethical, they may bring physical, emotional, or psychological harm to patients, and this outcome should be avoided...

Breaking Barriers Program: African American Women

Abstract To evaluate the program Breaking Barriers: African American Women in Science effectively, it is necessary to concentrate on quantitative data and qualitative sources of information to conclude on the need for the program and its social impact and effectiveness. Program Evaluation: Data Sources The public program Breaking Barriers: African...

Moral Philosophy: Virtuous Actions and Obligations

What preliminary steps mat be necessary before we can intuitively appreciate the rightness of action? According to Prichard in order to appreciate the rightness of a deed, two preliminary actions should be made. First, it is necessary to distinguish the consequences of the given action more fully than it has...

Tuberculosis as a Highly Contagious Infection

Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a rod-shaped bacterium that causes tuberculosis (TB), a highly contagious infection that is disseminated following contact with an infected person. Many cases of infection are reported in health facilities where clinicians contract the disorder from patients. The purpose of this paper is to explain the elements that...

Service-Oriented Behavior Promotion in Nurses

Introduction The motivation of staff plays a big role in nursing management. Nurse leaders are responsible for securing the professional development of nurse practitioners, performing conflict and relationship management, and promoting service-oriented behavior and values. Service orientation includes identifying and meeting the needs of customers and motivation to improve health...

“Ode to the Midwest” by Kevin Young

Young’s poem is a representation of seemingly light poetry which, at the same time, gives food for thought. He dedicates his ode to the place where he was born and also to the whole country. The poem is very “American,” it employs a lot of words and phrases about our...

Human Resources Audit and Its Key Elements

What Is an HR Audit? Managing human resources (HR) is an essential part of any company’s operations. Unless appropriate tools for communicating with staff members are utilized, a firm is unlikely to succeed in its target market due to low motivation rates and, thus, poor performance. To ensure that the...

Levels of Evidence in Evidence-Based Medicine

Case Report A case report that is also known as a case-controlled study can be referred to as the exploration of a certain phenomenon, family, or a single person. As a rule, the case report integrates quantitative and qualitative methods of research. The information collected as a result of this...

Nursing Crisis and the Appointment of Crisis Management

The Description of a Potential Crisis The provision of high-quality nursing services involves many situations that are heavily affected by the human factor. Professionals in nursing sometimes make mistakes due to their knowledge deficiencies, and it can significantly contribute to the emergence of crises. Such situations require nurse leaders to...

Cataract: Nursing Diagnosis and Care Plan

Assessment Subjective The subjective assessment of the patient does not provide much food for thought since the customer denies being under the impact of any harmful factors outside of occasional smoking. Objective The assessment of the factors that may have affected the patient’s health and triggered the development of the...

Rorschach Inkblot Test

Rorschach Inkblot Test was created by Hermann Rorschach, a prominent Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst and the follower of Freud and Jung. The date of the test creation is 1921 (Schachtel, 2013). The original Rorschach Inkblot Test was set of 40 bisymettrical inkblots that seemed formless. However, later, to reduce the...

German Comments on the Paris Peace Conference

As the authors of “Comments of the German Delegation to the Paris Peace Conference on the Conditions of Peace “, the allies would take control over Germany’s rivers, canals, and railroads, which would evidently hurt the country’s economy. Furthermore, the authors of the document also mentioned coal pits in Saar...

Vitas Innovative Hospice Care’s Patient Referrals

Procedure and Process for Patient Referrals The process of patient referral in Vitas Innovative Hospice Care can be made by any healthcare professional that identifies the apparent need for the procedure. Importantly, the patient’s general practitioner must be notified of the fact of the referral. The patient who is being...

Education Strategies for Elderly Patients with Diabetes

Introduction To improve the quality of life among elderly patients with diabetes, one must consider patient education. Particularly, nutrition-based information along with instructions for exercises must be offered together with standard treatment options. Recent research carried out by Tsai (2017) points to the fact that the enhancement of awareness among...

Moses Mendelssohn and Saul Ascher on Judaism

Moses Mendelssohn is one of the central figures in developing the historical understanding of Jewish thought. He was harshly criticized for his unique opinion – synthesis of Jewish and Christian postulates – and active involvement in emancipation. Nevertheless, regardless of criticism, his peculiar stance was used for defending Judaism. To...

Citalopram, Methylphenidate in Geriatric Depression

What medication would you first prescribe to this patient? First, I would prescribe citalopram, an antidepressant drug of the SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake) class since the patient needs to improve her mood and attitude to life. In fact, any medication belonging to this class will suit to treat her condition...

Elie Wiesel’s Book “Night” Literature Analysis

Introduction Elie Wiesel was an American national (born in Romania in 1928). The book ‘Night’ is actually a translation (by Hill & Wang in 1960) of the original novel titled ‘Un di Velt Hot Geshvign’ that Wiesel wrote in 1955 (in the Yiddish language). In this book, Wiesel brings about...

Repression and Crime Control

In the article “Repression and Crime Control: Why Social Movement Scholars Should Pay Attention to Mass Incarceration as a Form of Repression” Pamela Oliver raises the topic of repression of black Americans in the 60-70s. The author provides statistical data on the number of prisoners in this period, and the...

Primary and Seconary Smokers’ Health Implications

The world health organization (WHO) groups smoking as a major cause of death and illness in the world (Golden, 2010). The organization’s statistics show that thousands of people die every day due to the effects of smoking, which increases the risk of developing certain health conditions that are either fatal...

Hurricane Katrina: Facts, Impacts and Prognosis

Hurricane Katrina: Facts Hurricane Katrina was one of the most serious natural disasters to hit the United States of America over the last hundred years. Besides, due to the development of the modern meteorology technologies, the size and impact of this hurricane was predictable. The area it hit was rather...

Door-to-Balloon Time Reduction: Process Threats

A quality collaborative on Kendall Regional Medical Center to reduce the door-to-balloon time in STEMI patients is the issue for consideration in the paper. Several steps led to the development of this issue including the necessity to help and provide STEMI patients with treatment in a short period, the investigations...

Materials and Processes in Manufacturing

In grinding, it is highly important to know properties of different materials. For this purpose, various standard and non-standard methods are used (Kreibig and Vollmer 46). The report at hand is going to sum up the key assumptions concerning the shape, color, and brightness of sparks produced in grinding, which...

Healthcare Organization: Finance and Accounting

The success of a health care organization depends primarily on the extensive understanding of accounting and financial management by its executive and managers. Finance and accounting are both used to monitor and manage the financial resources of an organization. Finance and accounting are important aspects of an organization’s long-term attainment...

The Ratification of the Constitution

Introduction The Constitution of 1787-1788 is known for having created one of the greatest controversies in the history of the United States. The proponents of the Constitution, who believed in the necessity of strengthening the republic, were referred to as Federalists, whereas those who were against the ratification and opted...

England’s Economic Potential and Political Issues

England is one of the most powerful countries in the modern world. It was a great empire up to the 20th century and this has some effects on modern life (Robson 547). The country has close ties with many other countries in the world. These ties contribute to the economic...

Workplace Diversity Management and Its Benefits

The process of adapting to be left-handed while being right-handed is in itself a tough challenge. However, struggling with this daunting task in an environment where no one seems to appreciate you is really depressing. The experiment highlights the challenges that minority workers face in organizations that tend to overlook...

Community Health Assessment: Plan and Integration

Effects of Improper Planning of Community Health Assessment According to Selig (1975), the process of developing a community health plan should involve five main steps that include value orientation, problem identification, goal setting, goal-measuring, program planning, program implementation, program assessment, and feedback. Improper planning could have significant implications in the...

Factors Affecting the Bargaining Power of Unions

Introduction As the organisations eligible for representing the rights of employees in the workplace, unions are entitled to a significant amount of influence that they can exert in the environment of the British labour force market. However, it should be noted that there are a plethora of factors affecting the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Salem Witch Trials and Modern Counterparts

What do McCarthyism and the Salem Witch Trials have in common? It should be stated that these two historical events share several common aspects, on the basis of which they could be compared. First of all, it is essential to observe that both witches in Salem in 1692 as well...

US Gun Control Measures and Crime Rates Reduction

Introduction Security has been an issue of debate all over the world due to the prevalence of criminal activities. These activities have become complex with an increase in greed and selfishness among human beings. This has led to the prevalence of arms in public hands arousing debate on the legality...

“Antigone” by Sophocles: Antigone and Creon Characters

Character and motivation of Antigone and Creon In the play, Antigone is mainly motivated by love for her family, respect for the gods, and belief in the afterlife. When she is faced with a difficult choice concerning new law, which challenges Theban traditions, she opts to disobey because of her...

Evidence-Based Change: From Research Into Practice

The current standard in the healthcare sector is to use evidence-based practice to make critical changes and improvements to various processes which help deliver the best quality of treatment to patients. Evidence-based implies information that is supported by valid, informative, and long-term research which would be eligible to be implemented...

Roots of Public Support for the Death Penalty

Introduction In his article, Daniel LaChance analyzes the phenomenon of the death penalty in America and the social attitude towards it. LaChance (2014) expresses a negative attitude towards this punitive measure calling it “an intolerable affront to human dignity” (para.1). The author tries to evaluate the prospects for the abolition...

Quality Evolution in Auto Manufacturing Industry

Since its first appearance at the end of the 19th century, the automobile has come a long way not only in its appearance and technical capabilities but also in quality standards. With the improvement of the technology, these vehicles have become faster, easier to operate, and more energy-efficient. However, the...

Students’ Speaking Skills’ Assessment

Introduction One of the most important elements of the curriculum, the knowledge assessment is supposed to suit all students of the given level and evaluate the basic skills. Hence, it is necessary to achieve high degree of validity, reliability and fairness in developing a set of tasks. Choosing such a...

Central Vision Loss: Nursing Diagnosis and Care Plan

Assessment Subjective The patient is a 32-year-old female, who suffers from a sudden decrease in vision in the left eye. Traumas, injuries, tearing, redness, or exposure to any chemicals are defined. The case of blurring of vision was observed one month ago, but it was explained as the outcome of...

Lev Vygotsky and Jean Piaget: Approaches to Instruction

ZPD and Learning as per Vygotsky The “Zone of Proximal Development” (ZPD) is the variety of tasks that a learner can perform under the educators’ (or peers’) guidance but not independently (Slavin, 2014). Vygotsky’s concept is specifically applicable in the context of children’s learning and development. From this concept, the...

Performance-Based and Personal Communication

It is challenging to imagine the modern world without communication. It is so because information sharing is essential in every life sphere, and teaching is not an exception. Various communication types differ according to the goals and situations when they occur. Performance-based and personal communication approaches are essential elements in...

Customer Satisfaction: Determining Essential Concepts

Voice of the Customer As a rule, the Voice of the Customer (VoC) is typically rendered as the process that involves identifying and retrieving the information regarding the target audience’s preferences and dislikes so that the product designed by the company could meet the clients’ expectations. Though rather basic, the...

Racial Oppression in the United States

There is no doubt that intercultural differences that exist between people living in the same country become a problem that encourages a series of discussions from time to time. Within the frame of the given assignment, we are supposed to read the statement by Barry Loudermilk who is one of...

Trinity Hospital’s Accreditation and Ethical Issues

Interaction with Health Information Experts Trinity Hospital must consider cooperation with health information experts (HIEs) since the latter will allow improving the quality of the organization’s services extensively. The quality management issue will be addressed by improving several aspects of the agency’s operation. Consequently, the premises for a massive change...

Casinos: Occupational Safety and Drug-Free Workplace

As a result of the enactment of the 1970 Act of Occupational Safety and Health in the U.S, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was formed. The idea was to have a body that would ensure a safe and healthy working environment for employees. It sets rules and standards for...

Maria Gonzales: Manipulation with the Reported Earnings

The case of manipulation with the reported earnings exposes an ethical problem of alternative accounting methods. In this situation, Gonzales makes a number of decisions that cannot be considered appropriate. First of all, the choice to create a situation where the reported income is even higher than the real one...

Medication Safety in Patient-Centered Nursing Care

Introduction Mistakes in the administration of medications cause high morbidity and mortality rates and are accountable for many deaths every year (Garrouste-Orgeas et al., 2012). In this regard, the concept of drug safety becomes important in the provision of health care and nursing care in particular. This concept fundamentally states...

Chest Pain: Angina or Acute Coronary Syndrome?

Differential Diagnoses The chief complaint of a 45-year-old MR is a two hour left lower and mid-chest pain radiating to the back. The initial differential diagnoses include: Angina pectoris, unspecified (I20.9) is a frequent type of chest pain that is caused by reduced blood flow to the heart. This disease...

IMDB, Wikipedia, Amazon Website Performance Tests

Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) is a combination of wireless networks, mobile computing, and cloud computing created to bring rich resources to network operators, mobile users, and cloud computing providers. Recently, there has been an enormous increase in the use of tablets, smart phones, and other mobile devices. As a result,...

Biology as the Branch of Science

We live in a unique era. Today we could observe the blistering rise of science and processes that come along with it. Numerous discoveries of the last decades altered our mentality significantly. We become able to think about fantastic things and, which is more important, we possess enough knowledge to...

Developmental Psychology History and Application

Introduction Developmental psychology is a branch of psychology that targets the development of people and their behavior over time. The research in this field touches upon various theoretical areas, including biopsychology, social psychology, studies of emotions, and cognitive psychology (McLeod, 2012, sec. 1). Despite being a relatively new approach, developmental...

Software-producing Firm Reducing Inventory

Reducing Order Quantity The connection between the reduction in inventory and the order quantity is quite obvious. By bringing the number of items to be produced down, one will have to spare fewer resources to create the required amount of items. Therefore, the less the production volume is, the less...

Just Culture and Transformational Nursing Leadership

Introduction Attention Material: The notion of “just culture” has a significant influence on the way nurses and other medics interact with patients (Dekker & Breakey, 2016). On a bigger scale, it imposed on the nursing practice several justified limitations but provided the former with adequate protection against wrongful accusations when...

Papa John’s Pizza: Quality Products and Customer Service

Papa John’s Pizza is one of the few companies that provide their clients with high-quality products and eminent customer service at the same time. The incomes of the company per restaurant are averaging almost $1 million. Papa John’s Pizza was able to conquer the market due to several strengths inherent...

American Health Care System’s Quality Issues

The healthcare system in America is faced by different challenges. These challenges affect the quality of services provided to patients and their health conditions continue to worsen. There is need to improve the health care systems to ensure that the patients get the necessary services (Guagliardo 3). Some of the...

Patient’s Information Sharing: Inappropriate Cases

Managing customers’ personal information is a rather tricky task, especially in the era of digital technology, when information management has become considerably less secure due to the Web-related threats (e.g., cyberattacks) (Seo, Park, Kim, & Eom, 2016). Therefore, it is imperative to draw the line between the acceptable practices in...

Law and Ethics in the Nursing Profession

Introduction The nature of the nursing profession requires nurses to make numerous decisions based on careful consideration of laws and ethical standards. Taking into consideration that nurses are confronted with dozens of ethical challenges in their practice daily they have to be familiar with the codes of ethics outlining how...

Meteorology for Future Commodity and Energy Markets

Introduction Understanding the impact of weather change and its timing in any trading opportunity is very crucial. Traders are required to have an immediate idea of the weather change that might have an impact on the price of their commodity. Companies and individuals depend on weather forecasting as they must...

Controversial Final Scene in “Gone Baby Gone” Film

Introduction: Overview of the Scene An ethical dilemma presented in the final scene of the movie Gone Baby Gone is extremely controversial, and there is no right answer to it. In the plot, a detective, Patrick Kenzie, was hired by a single mother and a drug addict, Helene, to find...

Obesity, Diet Modification and Physical Exercises

The Connection of PICOT Question, Research Articles, and Nursing Practice Problem Lifestyle interventions are among the components of overweight or obesity therapy. Adult populations can find these interventions complicated or unnecessary because adults accept changes less eagerly. Nevertheless, changes in diet and activity are possible interventions to deal with overweight...

The Marble Column from the Artemision of Sardis

Introduction The example that will be discussed in this paper is a section of the marble column from the Temple of Artemis at Sardis. This piece of architecture is from the Hellenistic period (“Marble column,” n.d.). Originally, the column was made in ancient Greece. It is dated to ca. 300...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Intermountain Healthcare Mental Health Integration Model

Intermountain Healthcare’s Mental Health Integration model is one of the best frameworks that can be used by human service professionals to ensure care is delivered across the lifespan. The main objective of the model is to bring on board many professionals who can support the patient and eventually produce positive...

Adolescence Perception in Nancy Lesko’s Study

Introduction Adolescence is, probably, one of the most discussed periods of human development. The approaches to the problem of adolescence change over time and Nancy Lesko provides a provocative analysis of the issue which became an accepted approach to observing adolescents. Thus, what is the essence of her methodology known...

Ethics of Organisational Whistleblowing

Whistleblowing could be defined as an act by an employee of making public immoral or illegal behavior of an organization (Duska, 2011). In light of numerous ethical scandals involving companies such as WorldCom and Enron, whistleblowing became a central element of an ethical structure of business organizations and a hotly...

The 2011 NATO Intervention in Libya

The role of the humanitarian intervention is often discussed from two perspectives according to which the principle of the international order or the idea of global justice can be prioritised. In spite of the obvious opposition, these opposite principles are combined with references to the English School of international relations...

Cognition Evolution in Life Span Developmental Model

Examples of Famous People There is a significant amount of examples of people who succeeded in their late 30s only. Stan Lee, for example, is known today as the creator of numerous comic books such as X-Men, Spider-Man, and many others. Marvel Studio produces very successful movies every year that...

Action Research Study Designs: Model Evaluation

Abstract Defining a data collection method for qualitative research is not an easy task. Because of the focus on the exploratory aspect of the study, qualitative research requires a unique model for data interpretation based on unstructured or semi-structured data analysis techniques. For the study in question, it was crucial...

Warfare Evolution Throughout History

Introduction with Thesis Statement Wars have been a part of human existence ever since the beginning of time. Starting from ancient times when humans first appeared as a species and started to form primitive societies, clashes between different groups. The causes of such clashes evolved alongside the forms and types...

Door-to-Balloon Time Reduction: Change Strategy

Change strategy 1: Empirical-Rational This type of strategy for facilitating alteration is suitable when implementing long-term change. It implies that the staff will be acquainted and educated in the new approach gradually and consecutively through personal motivation and stimuli. The core of this strategy is the exchange of information and...

Reasons of Burnout in Nursing

Abstract The research on nurses’ burnout in acute care unit settings is suggested for submission to the International Journal of Nursing Studies. The study is explained in short by stating the problem of research, its purpose, defining the research questions and hypothesis, describing the methodology and the implementation steps, and...

Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy and Its Levels

Introduction Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a theoretical model in psychology that explains human motivation using a framework of five consecutive levels. The model was proposed in the twentieth century by Abraham Maslow and has since been adopted in many domains, including sociology, management, and nursing, among others. The following...

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and the Equity Theory

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs One of the most well-known motivational theories, Maslow’s Hierarchy presupposes that the actions of an individual are aimed primarily at satisfying their needs, the physiological being the basic ones, whereas the necessity for self-actualization, which refers to the realization of one’s potential, comes at the very...

Value of the VARK Testing Method

Learning remains one of the most important and significant things in life of any person. It is necessary to remember that studying is not connected only to visiting classes at school or at university. Instead, people have to learn throughout their entire lives. In this connection, there is an extremely...

“Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother” by Amy Chua

Introduction The parenting methods differ across cultures. The traditions in the children’s upbringing seem to be vanished by the process of globalization, which facilitates cross-cultural communication and the dissemination of different information. The book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother is a bestseller by Amy Chua, a Yale professor and...

Little Speech of Liberty and Mayflower Compact

Introduction Conservatism is a social and political philosophy which aims at retaining traditions. It aims to pursue justice and freedom. A conservative is a person who follows conservatism philosophies. Classical conservatism is practiced by organic society where equality of the people is not such a necessity. The conservatives believe strongly...

Habitat for Humanity Organization’s Activities

Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit international organization that is also referred to as the Habitat. This organization first saw the world in 1976; it was founded in Americus, Georgia. The main objective of Habitat for Humanity is to build affordable houses for the people in need. This way the...

Models of Care: Healthcare Delivery

Introduction Healthcare delivery models always take into account several aspects. They clarify assignments and responsibilities and they delegate authority to nurses who can accomplish patient care at a high level. The main goal of different models is to maintain an effective patient-nurse ratio cost-effectively, and every model describes its methods...

Euthanasia Controversy and Supporting Arguments

Introduction A current definition of the term ‘euthanasia’ suggests the bringing about of easy and calm death, predominantly regarding the people who are suffering from aching and irredeemable illness. Euthanasia is one of the most controversial issues in the modern health care environment. It can be performed in several assorted...

The Science and Ethics of Nuclear Transplantation

Summary: Types of reasons. Types of cloning In the article “Human Cloning – The Science and Ethics of Nuclear Transplantation,” Jaenisch (2004) has raised many vital questions of scientific and ethical aspects concerning human cloning. According to Taheri (2016), “Human cloning brings a new challenge into a global and general...

Theoretical Perspectives of the Change Models

Theory of Planned Change Developer: Kurt Lewin (1951). Description of the theoretical perspectives Lewin suggested that change should occur in the environment that compels the participants to accept it. Therefore, the process is split into three key stages (unfreezing, changing, refreezing). Thus, the alterations of the workplace environment and the...

Patient Adaptation During Illness or Health

Student 1 The Newman Systems Model implies that a client (patient) is an open system that gives responses to stressors present in the environment. Similarly, the Roy Adaptation Model applied the holistic perspective to a client as a system, which is defined as a “whole with parts that function as...

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Problem of Child Abuse in Modern Society

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Is Standard Costing Obsolete?

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HIV/AIDS Patients’ Prognosis and Affecting Factors

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Home Depot Company’s Leadership and Culture Change

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The Transition Procedures Following a Patient Discharge

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Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting

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Talent Development Programs and Levels of Service

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Social Responsibility Attitude and Business Ethics

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Goodman Fielder Company Entering Japanese Market

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Captain Nemo on the Lost Continent

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Colombian Armed Conflict and Social Proactiveness

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Execution Policy and Media Attitudes to It

Execution is one of the most famous public issues attracting much attention of officials and wide publicity (Death penalty, n.d.). The controversial attitudes to public policy related to capital punishment are widely covered in the media (Drehle, 2015; World day against the death penalty, 2015). The analysis of three articles...

Microcytic Anemia and Recommended Treatment

Introduction Anemia is defined as a condition that makes it impossible for the hemoglobin to be at regular or high levels, which means that the red blood cell count is predominantly less than normal. For women, anemia is of particular concern due to the losses of blood during menstruation. Common...

Madeleine Leininger and Transcultural Nursing Theory

Summary “Provision of culturally competent health care: An interim status review and report” is an article written by Carol Lynn Esposito for the Journal of the New York State Nurses Association in 2013. This article aims at reviewing the current nursing literature that relates to the recent progress of the...

Hospital’s Financial Problems and Decision-Making

Financial Management Issue The financial problem that my organization is currently trying to address is connected with inadequate expectations of patients as per value-for-money factor in proposed medications and interventions. Satisfaction of the majority of the patients depends on the costs of treatment since they are convinced that cheaper health...

Human Immunodeficiency Viruses in Preventive Nursing

Research Project The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care was selected for submission of the research. It is the official journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care. The reason for choosing this particular journal is that it is a peer-reviewed journal that has an outstanding...