AIDS, Influenza, Rabies in Miami-Dade County

Introduction The communicable illnesses chosen for the analysis are AIDS, influenza A, and rabies. The county chosen is Miami-Dade, FL (the ZIP-code is 33143). According to Miami-Dade County’s monthly report, 36 and 136 patients were registered with AIDS and HIV respectively in July 2017 (Florida Department of Health, 2017a). The...

Monopoly Drugs Versus Generic Drugs

Pharmaceutical Monopolies The importance of medical science innovation can hardly be overestimated and is reasonably appreciated by the government of most countries. As a result, when a pharmaceutical company creates a new drug it may apply for and be granted a patent that is a “legal protection that shelters an...

Austrian vs. American Healthcare Systems

Introduction The paper aims to examine, compare, and contrast the health care systems of the United States and Austria. Austria possesses one of the most advanced health care systems in Europe, which includes a complex and supported system of social security services, accessible and affordable health care facilities; Austrian social...

Advanced Practice Registered Nurse and Leadership

Advanced Practice Roles in Nursing The sphere of healthcare is rather complex, and professionals who are employed in it are required to perform various roles to make their services productive and benefit patients. As the number of the medical staff reduced while a significant rise in patients was observed, an...

HIV/AIDS, Influenza, and Syphilis Rates in Miami

Introduction The chosen community for the epidemiology assessment is Miami-Dade County, particularly the city of Miami with the zip code 33131. The selected diseases for the analysis are HIV/AIDS, influenza, and syphilis. These diseases pose a threat to people’s health in the community for various reasons. However, nowadays, many methods...

Healthy People 2020 Program and Infectious Diseases

Overview of the Program The Healthy People 2020 program was initiated by the Department of Health and Human Services at the end of 2010 (CDC, 2015a). The campaign aims to reduce disparities in health outcomes across all social groups. It has set a goal of achieving high standards of life...

Human Trafficking in the USA

Abstract Human trafficking is a major societal issue in the current global set up. Complications of labor and competition in businesses have ensured that human trafficking is one of the most widespread crimes in the world. According to some scholars, it is considered as a form of modern-day slavery given...

General Motors Process Improvement: Six Sigma Approach

Analysis of the process using the DMAIC Six Sigma Methodologies The Six Sigma approach was designed by Motorola in 1986. The primary objective of the concept was to develop a tool for tallying the process defects and, as the result, improving business operations. The foundations of the approach are the...

Issues of Illegal Immigrants in the US

Introduction The issue of immigration evokes a lot of emotions in the U.S. Currently, it is estimated that there are over 11 million illegal immigrants. In the U.S., there are industries that have benefited from the presence of illegal immigrants. This has led to the argument that immigrants benefit the...

Sickle Cell Disease Gene Mutation

The Chromosomal Analysis The chromosomal analysis of sickle cell disease is focused on beta-globin mutations. The disorder is provoked by the abnormal beta-globin alleles that are transmitting the sickle mutation on the hemoglobin subunit beta, or HBB gene (Glu6Val, βS) (Ware, de Montalembert, Tshilolo, & Abboud, 2017). Sickle cell disease...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Diabetes Mellitus Patients and Supporting Resources

Introduction Diabetes mellitus is a dangerous disease that affects the health outcomes of many patients. In order to record positive health outcomes, patients can utilize some of the existing national and community-based resources (Alva, Gray, Mihaylova, Leal, & Holman, 2015). This discussion identifies three major resources that can support more...

Examination of Transformational Leadership among Nurses

Selected Article The selected article for this critique is “An Examination of Transformational Leadership among Graduating Baccalaureate Nursing Students and Practicing Nurses” by Lizy Matthew. The article presents a quantitative study that was aimed at examining the five skills of transformational leadership among nursing students and practicing professionals. The author...

Blended Bedside Nursing Report Implementation

Introduction The article prepared by Sand-Jecklin and Sherman (2014) is focused on the effects of blended bedside nursing shift reports. It discusses improvements obtained due to the implementation of the change. Mainly, professionals focus on patient safety and nurse accountability. Assessment of the effectiveness of nursing shift reports is required...

COVID-19 Spread and Its Implications for Nursing Practice

Epidemiology of COVID-19 In order to gain an in-depth understanding of the epidemiology of COVID-19, it is crucial to define coronavirus as a disease. A coronavirus leads to an infection in the throat, nose, or sinuses, which is not dangerous. However, at the end of 2019, a new type of...

Amazon’s Corporate Social Responsibility Report

Introduction Amazon Incorporated is an American multinational corporation that offers services in several areas, including artificial intelligence, e-commerce, cloud computing, and digital streaming. It is among the best information technology companies in the United States, and among the largest Fortune 500 service companies in terms of market capitalization. The company...

Eli Lily and Ranbaxy Laboratories Joint Venture

A joint venture involves a business partnership between two businesses that intend to benefit from the partnership but also deal with the risks of cooperating. The venture is guided by law that defines the nature of attachment. The following analysis involves a joint venture between Eli Lilly and Company from...

Alibaba Group and Its External Stakeholders

Abstract The paper provides an analysis of Alibaba Group’s relationships with external stakeholders in terms of legal aspects and possible ethical issues. The discussion of the impact of stakeholder perspectives on diversity is also presented in the paper. The analysis demonstrates that Alibaba Group pays much attention to aligning the...

Learning Disabilities and Their Identification

Cory’s parents had divorced, and the boy lived with his mother in an inner city area. His mother did not allow the father to visit his son and prevented him from any visits. Nevertheless, when Cory was in the first grade, his father picked him up after school. Cory was...

Patient-Centered Versus Team Nursing Care Model

Introduction Care delivery can be designed in different ways. Usually, a healthcare facility selects a care delivery model and builds its work in accordance with the principles of this model. The choice of the model determines the processes of care delivery. There is a variety of care delivery models. There...

Water Quality and Contamination

Water safety is a primary concern for many people not only in America but globally. The development of residential and industrial properties in water-catchment areas and close to waterways has triggered widespread water contamination thus limiting access to clean and safe drinking water (Goncharuk, 2014). Consequently, there has been a...

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How Mexico Drug Cartels Are Supporting Conflicts?

Introduction Over the years, Mexico has been associated with production, distribution and consumption of drugs, an exercise that is mainly conducted by organized groups commonly referred to as cartels. Currently, there are six major cartels in drug syndicates namely Sinaloa Federation, Gulf Cartel, Los Zetas, Juarez cartel, Tijuana, and Beltran...

Encephalitis, Giardiasis, Granuloma Inguinale in Miami

Introduction Healthy People is known as a program on a nationwide scale aimed at health promotion and preventive measures. It is run on a regular basis. Nowadays, Healthy People 2020 is a guide for health care professionals: it sets several key goals in different areas, one of which is immunization...

General Hospital’s Case of Conflict Management

The Conflict That Is Occurring at General Hospital Instances of conflict are said to occur when one party feels that another party has negatively or always negatively affected equipment or a service that the first party cares or is supposed to manage (Javitch, 2007). According to the views of many,...

Communicable Diseases in Miami-Dade County

Introduction The fight against communicable diseases and the search for a reliable way to protect the population against them are among the most crucial issues in contemporary health care. Frequent contacts with the diseased people, low immunity status, and body’s resistance to infectious diseases as a consequence of poor nutrition...

Public Administration: Public Budgeting Methods

Lessons from Serving as a Public Budgeting Leader and Manager in the Public Sector Public budgeting refers to a field of administration that revolves around the assessment of the available resources and their allocation to the various activities of a firm or organization. I have learned that public budgeting managers...

Human Services Ethical Considerations as to Tobacco Addiction

Introduction Although there is no risk related to the issue of tobacco use in the United States, it continues to be one of the leading causes of preventable illnesses and death. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2021) reports that the number of smokers in the country is close...

Gossip: The Issue of Interpersonal Communication

People are flawed creatures who are prone to be biased and rude, who could betray and lie remorselessly. One of the most complicated ethical problems that appear in any group of people working or studying together is gossip. From one point of view, harmless gossip might improve interpersonal relations between...

Falls in Elderly Patients: Prevention

Introduction A comprehensive literature review helps to build the logic of the research. In addition, it provides an opportunity to evaluate the existing body of knowledge and determine the gaps that exist in it. The purpose of this paper is to review the articles related to the approved change topic....

Plastic Surgery Among Teenagers

Introduction More and more teenagers are seeking plastic surgeries in the United States and professionals believe that it stems from a lack of self-esteem and pressure from the media. These two factors affect the development of young people and prevent them from becoming healthy and confident adults. In this paper,...

How to Create a Successful City Branding

Introduction A brand is a name, graphic, or sound that distinguishes a company’s products from those of the competitors. Branding traditionally has its application to commodities. However, research by Hankinson (2001) concludes that “the branding of places and locations is not impossible” (p.1). Many people, irrespective of whether they consume...

Brucellosis, Gonorrhea, Lyme Disease in Miami

The city under discussion in Miami, Florida. It can be easily found with the help of its zip code, which is 33193. There are a lot of websites that discuss the healthcare condition of this city from various perspectives. Both epidemiological and surveillance data are included in the majority of...

“The New Christian Counselor: A Fresh Biblical and Transformational Approach”

Introduction In their book The New Christian Counselor: A Fresh Biblical and Transformational Approach, Hawkins and Clinton seek to explain counseling from a Christian perspective. They consider what it means to be a new Christian counselor. Additionally, the book makes a distinction between old Christian counselors and new ones. In...

“Jerry Maguire” a Film by Cameron Crowe

Introduction People are social beings that live in a certain community and move together to attain success and contribute to the further evolution. In this regard, the efficient cooperation between all individuals could be considered a key to the existence of a certain society. However, this cooperation is impossible without...

The Government of Bangladesh: Corruption and Poverty

Poverty is a major economic challenge in many underdeveloped countries. According to Bardhan (2008, p. 5), ‘absolute poverty occurs when individuals are unable to secure their basic needs such as shelter, healthcare, and food’. The other common challenge experienced in the developed world is corruption. This malpractice takes different forms...

Saudi Arabian Special Schooling and Legislation

Introduction The Saudi Arabian education system appears to be radically evolving from the time when the system was first founded. In fact, having been in existence for over 78 years, just the affluent and kids from the elite families enjoyed the Saudi Arabian education system privileges from the onset. Now,...

Auto Car Companies Industry in China

With the ever-growing and stable development of China’s economy, the Chinese domestic auto industry has become one of the most vibrant sectors of China’s economy. Over the recent past, this industry has come up with new automobile brands that have made China to be ranked one of the leading automakers...

Implementation of the IOM Future in Nursing

Introduction It should be noted that The Future of Nursing Report was developed to cover several goals and objectives. Importantly, it intends to encourage healthcare practitioners and nurses to take on greater responsibility and exercise autonomy by taking on leadership positions. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has financed the evolvement...

Vanguard Healthcare System’s Strategic Plan

Introduction Vanguard Health is a long-term care provider in the United States of America which was founded in 1997. The healthcare system is headquartered in Brentwood, Tennessee. The system has many facilities that provide rehabilitation and excellent nursing services to patients who are recovering from illness, injury, or surgery. Currently,...

Wells Fargo Company’s Technology and Training Systems

Introduction Wells Fargo combines modern technologies with existing human resources to drive performance. Such technologies make it easier for employees to realize their goals and minimize wastes. Training systems at Wells Fargo guided by modern informatics have been put in place in an attempt to promote performance (Imran, Maqbool, &...

The Use of Animals in Scientific Research

The question of animal rights is a rather controversial issue of the twenty-first century. Some people believe that “animals have feelings, too,” while others are convinced that animal testing is essential to future scientific research. The opinions are entirely different, and one side of the conflict does not want to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Influenza A, HIV/AIDS, Giardiasis in Miami, Florida

Influenza A Influenza A is a highly contagious communicable disease that severely affects the population of the US and the state of Florida in particular. An estimated 36,000 people die from the disease each year, and more than 100,000 are admitted to the hospitals. The Florida Flu Review shows a...

Congestive Heart Failure Education and Follow-Up

Developing an Evaluation Plan This section discusses how the proposed solution (education and follow-up) will be monitored and evaluated to assess its effectiveness in reducing congestive heart failure (CHF) readmission rates in geriatric patients. The section will also detail the variables that will be assessed when evaluating project outcomes. Available...

Online productivity applications

Microsoft Office Productivity Applications Microsoft Office is a widespread software package that every modern computer must have installed. This set of programs includes such productivity applications as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, and Publisher. Moreover, the Microsoft company released a plethora of other useful programs that might not be necessary...

Circumcision: Medical, Ethical and Human Rights Issues

The issue of circumcision Human genitals is a matter that is to be treated with utmost care. Yet, history remembers many examples of genital-related surgery actions that are, today, a point of contradiction in the field of medical studies, human rights, and ethics. Genital mutilations are mainly referred to as...

Using Motivation to Improve Employee Performance

Introduction Motivation refers to the internal and external factors that encourage an employee to perform assigned tasks or achieve set goals and objectives (Robbins & Jugde, 2015). Both the conscious and the unconscious factors interact to form motivation. Such factors include need intensity, goal reward value, employee expectations, as well...

Incarceration Costs and Effects in Australia

Executive Summary Australia is one of the highest spending countries when it comes to the incarceration of prisoners, coming second after the United States. Among some of the causes for the high prison retention rates are that more women have turned into criminal offenders. Also, the high standard of living...

Beauford Delaney’s Artistic Journey

Introduction Beauford Delaney is one of the common artists in the United States. He was born on December 30th, 1901, in Knoxville, Tennessee. His mother was called Delia, and his father Samuel was the eighth among the ten children. The mother made a living by cleaning for the rich, while...

The Issue of Race in America

Introduction One of the issues that have continued to cause major rifts among the earth’s human population is the issue of racism and discrimination. In past years, ills such as apartheid, xenophobia, and intolerance, resulted in social life being disrupted and many lives being lost. In light of the degenerative...

Christianity Role in Positive Environmental Changes

Introduction Environmental groups and other secular entities often emphasize the importance of natural and uncultivated land. However, this may not always get to the root causes of environmental degradation. Essentially, restoration must take on a small scale approach so that individual efforts can be combined to make a huge impact....

Hispanic Cuban Americans’ Cultural Heritage and Traditions

Introduction The theme of this paper is about my Hispanic Cuban family. I am a resident of the U.S., and of Antilles descent. I am 41 years old and hail from a middle-class family. I am a Christian, of heterosexual inclinations and without any physical or mental disability. In this...

Problems and Policies of International Economy

Although multinational corporations bring a number of advantages to developing countries, they pose various challenges and problems. Although they provide jobs to populations, these are low-skilled and poorly paid. There is repatriation of the profits earned from the businesses they operate. Because most of the companies are concerned with more...

Possible Effects After Abortion

There have always been some disputable questions and issues in the history of humanity. The reason for it lies in the nature of human beings. Tastes differ, and there is always a great number of different approaches to the same issue. Some people condemn the disputable phenomenon, considering it to...

Montesquieu’s Persian Letters as Orientalist Texts

Introduction “The Persian Letters” are detailed accounts of the European experiences of two young Persians named Rica and Usbek. The intellectual tourists explore French manners and morality while their people rebel against the tyrannical authorities that have been subjected to years of misery. The seraglio, as defined in the text,...

The Main Themes in “Dead Men’s Path”

Introduction Various paths of presenting leading ideas can be implemented in literary writings. Understanding the themes discussed by the author and underlining the primary examples behind them is an exceptionally prominent topic of discussion. Chinua Achebe’s Dead Men’s Path offers a negative example of an authoritative figure’s disregard towards the...

The Tailgate Community’s Potential Health Risks

Introduction This paper is a windshield survey of Tailgate community, Kansas. The community exists in a public space, which makes it easier for outsiders to observe its characteristics without many inhibitions (Rabinowtiz, n.d.). It consists mostly of buildings, as opposed to open areas, because most of its architectural landmarks are...

Justice in Dante’s Poem “Inferno”

Even though justice is a very straightforward idea, its execution in many cultures remains a challenge. Dante Alighieri depicts a man’s journey through Hell in his famous epic poem, Inferno, a microcosm of society. A book depicts Hell as a place where many humans- historical, mythological, or contemporary-are incarcerated for...

Incivility in Healthcare Settings

Introduction Identification of Incivility Incivility in healthcare settings is impolite and offensive behavior, which aims to humiliate or insult a person. It is a significant issue in modern clinics and healthcare centers because it influences different aspects of healthcare professionals’ work. In particular, this type of behavior influences the mental...

Sexism and Gender Inequality in Sport

Sports are unique because they serve an essential role in today’s society. They unite society and have helped break down the historical barriers of prejudice and racism since the 1940s. In addition, lack of gender diversity and sexism have continued to plague the sports world. Women are underpaid, whereas their...

Addressing Social and Digital Anthropology and the Role of Humans as Social and Digital Beings

Online communication has become an inevitable component of social relationships and everyday interactions between members of society. It is a tool for helping prevent social relationships from diminishing over time. Thus, the interactions within the context of kinship have also been occurring online, with sociologists exploring the ways in which...

Organizational Knowledge Management in KBMS: Challenges and Solutions

Introduction “Database Management System (DBMS) is an analog-based on the idea of Knowledge Base Management System (KBMS) and the Knowledge Warehouse (KW)” (Date, 1981). In determining the differences among data, information, and knowledge, it is important to note that they all are common in the fact that they emerge from...

Rural Public Transport System: Reasons and Ways of Implementation

Introduction Public transport is a very important factor in the development of any country. Every government should ensure that it has a well developed public transport system. This is due to the fact that public transportation helps in solving some of the challenges facing society today. For instance, it contributes...

International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and World Trade Organization

The rapid development of international institutions was initiated after the end of World War II. The primary objective for founding global organizations was seen in preventing military conflicts of similar scale in the future, building up channels for international communication, and establishing the foundation for worldwide cooperation. This paper aims...

Organizational Culture, Structure, and Leadership in the 21st century

International, as well as local companies of the 21st century, have to change their missions, organizational culture, structure, power division, reward system, and leadership styles. These changes are unavoidable if companies want to remain competitive in the global rapidly-changing market. As the world becomes more and more interconnected and interrelated,...

Psychiatry: The Multi-Dimensional Nature of Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a psychological condition in which patients suffer from disabling chronic mental disorders that adversely affect the normal functioning of the brain. History has chronicled many instances of schizophrenia in the world. Estimates indicate that 1 percent of Americans suffer from this medical condition. According to the Rush (1962,...

Merchandise and Assortment Opportunities for Maximizing Sales and Profit

Introduction Retailers have tried to compete with the best merchandise but the competition is becoming difficult because in every category of the products there are problems to be encountered. Retailers are using the web- based sourcing and the procurement systems so that they can be able to maintain their image...

Islam as the World’s Most Misunderstood Religion: The Problem of Stereotyping

The word “Islam” is imbued with a plethora of complex and quite frequently misguided perceptions, most of which are based on the stereotypical idea of the Muslim religion and culture. Unfortunately, due to the tremendous misrepresentation of Islam and Muslim culture in the media, a significant number of harmful stereotypes...

“Soil Not Oil” Book by Vandana Shiva

Introduction In her book, Soil Not Oil: Environmental justice in an age of climate crisis, the author, Vandana Shiva, offers a comprehensive nexus between commercial agriculture and climate change. Shiva envisions a world that can thrive without fossil fuel dependency. She highlights industrial agriculture as primarily responsible for economic and...

Overview of the Theories of Criminology

Introduction Criminology refers to a body that focuses on crime as a social phenomenon. Criminology includes making the laws, breaking the laws, and reacting to the laws. Criminologists adopt several behavioral and social sciences and methods of understanding crime. In addition to this, they use several methods to measure the...

Political Economy’s Influence on Judicial Punishments

In western nations predominantly, judicial policies have recently attracted interest from several quarters, including social, economic, and political forces that seek to have a bearing on the penal instruments. Since the economic downturn in the 1970s that led to unstable employment forms, increasing unemployment rates, and recession, much of the...

Egypt: Country Study

Introduction Egypt is regarded as one of the most ancient and principal civilizations, making an immense contribution to the development of humankind in all spheres of their activity. This Mediterranean country occupies the northeastern corner of Africa and the Nile River’s delta and the valley, bordered by Israel, the Gaza...

Amazon Web Services: Security Practices Review

Introduction Today’s technology is making use of cloud storage to assist firms in transitioning into cloud-based operational standards. At an enterprise level, cloud computing enhances flexibility and cost-efficiency. Cloud computing encounters several issues related to security due to the rapid growth in technology. The default configurations and intrinsic availability of...

The Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre Society

The Organization’s Mandate Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre Society (VAFCS) is a charitable firm that is mandated to help people of urban aboriginal people with a mandate to provide programs such as health, social services, human rights, and equality for all genders, among other aspects of Aboriginal people (“Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship...

Claude Monet’s “Impression, Sunrise”

The Impression, Sunrise is a famous painting by Claude Monet. It portrays a misty background set in the French harbor of Le Havre, his hometown. The orange hues contrast with the dark vessel as it seems to be a reflection of the sun rising in the background. There are multiple...

Policy Accumulation and Its Impacts on Modern Society

The modern tendency of ongoing policy growth originally has a positive aim to provide society with decent laws protecting their rights and satisfying their needs. However, the rapid changes of policy accumulation can be more likely assessed as an attribution issue: the causative connection between policy interference and outcomes become...

Online Impersonation and Potential Legal Problems

Name of case: PIPEDA Report of Findings #2013-010 Area of Law: Criminal Code – Cyber Security Laws – Social Media Account Impersonation Also known as identity theft or fraud, the Criminal Code covers cases where an individual’s identity is used by someone else in order to commit offenses. Fraud on...

Perception of Content Creators in Modern Society

Introduction: The Claim With the increase in the power of social media, the opportunity for creating and often monetizing content has risen exponentially, spawning the emergence of multiple online content creators. However, while the number of content creators is growing, the attitudes toward them have been displaying rather peculiar dynamics,...

Care and Death Rates Among Nursing Home Residents

A nursing home is a place where the elderly and the disabled get support with nurses’ aid. A nursing home can also be referred to as a convalescent home. Three types of nurses can work in these convalescent homes. The nurses can either work full-time or part-time, depending on the...

Healthcare Quality and Leadership

Introduction This presentation identifies and appraises healthcare equity and leadership with the consideration of the exemplars. It examines the impact of healthcare equity and leadership on the needs of nurses to make clinical decisions at a high level. It also includes an analysis of the emerging health initiatives surrounding healthcare...

Health Profile Assessment: Coronary Heart Disease

Introduction Health Profile Assessment is a way of understanding health conditions of individuals and families. It aids individuals to make decisions relating to their health. There are certain issues that can be used to assess the health standards of individuals and families. In assessing the wellbeing of families, the assessor...

“The Godfather” Analysis: Techniques and Design Elements

Introduction Nowadays, crime movie is one of the most favorite cinematic genres, attracting audience’s attention with thrilling scenes, charismatic heroes, and deep meanings. In this respect, the film The Godfather is regarded as the greatest gangster film in the history of cinema, becoming a prominent event at its time and...

Medication Error Impact on Healthcare Quality

Introduction Medication errors are issues that exist in everyday medical practices. The presentation makes it possible to show the impact medication errors have on the economy and the number of people at risk annually, and this phenomenon is considered a failure in practice. Several initiatives are put in place, and...

Strength in One’s Convictions in Shakespeare’s “Othello”

Introduction Strong convictions pave the way for great actions. In his play Othello, Shakespeare explores the extent to which characters display strength of conviction when confronted with societal expectations from them by developing ideas around constructs such as objectification of women, prejudiced pride, and warped masculinity. The struggles of the...

Communication Problems in Management

Effective Communication It is essential to promote the use of effective communication to increase productivity and performance in the workplace. Organizations that have communication issues tend to lag in their performance. Some of the benefits of effective communication include fostering understanding among employees and employers on the expectations of their...

The Functions of Information Systems Within Apple INC.

Introduction An information system is an interconnected set of tools, methods, and personnel used to store, process, and deliver information to achieve the management goal. The information systems are designed to provide information on time, that is, to meet specific needs within a certain subject area (Rainer et al. 10)....

Iliad and Odyssey: Hector and Menelaus Comparison

Introduction Two epic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey have great significance due to the poetic content they encompass. It is essential to consider two characters in these readings – Hector from the Iliad and Menelaus from the Odyssey. The former is the oldest descendant of the Trojan king Priam...

Asbestos Case Study: Background and Analysis

One of the topical issues causing lively controversy, and at the same time affecting the health of every person, is the so-called asbestos problem. Since January 2005, the use of asbestos has been banned in the European Union. This material is interesting both on the direct topic of the use...

African American Families in Poverty

Introduction Even though the United States declares the equality of white and black people quite often, the socio-economic situation of African Americans still needs some significant changes for the better. Moreover, measures to “eliminate discrimination” are often only informational or propagandist. For instance, many black people live in extreme poverty,...

Design Activism: Critique and Examples

Design surrounds people daily – in signs, posters, book covers, the layout of buildings and parks, and other details, and design experts understand the scale of their influence. Designers have mainly accepted responsibility for what happens around them and assumed the role of interfering in political and social events through...

Outdoor Air Pollution and Uncontrolled Asthma in the San Joaquin Valley, California

The article, “Outdoor Air Pollution and Uncontrolled Asthma in the San Joaquin Valley, California” by Meng et al. (2010) is on the epidemiology of asthma in the San Joaquin Valley (SJV) with a focus on the effects of outdoor air pollution. The study’s purpose was to examine the relationship between...

Supply Chain Management. Evolution

Supply chain management (SCM) entails the planning and management of every activity involving sourcing and procurement, conversion and all logistics management activity (Rajeev et al. 299). SCM encompasses a broader scope within the organization, which also looks at the coordination and collaboration with other stakeholders within the supply chain (Rajeev...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Decreasing Congestive Heart Failure Readmission

Specialty Focus The purpose of DNP program is to train nurses on nursing leadership and evidence-based practice. The program focuses on key competencies in advanced nursing practice. Essential competencies for nurse students depend on practice specialty; for instance, the curriculum for students training in nurse leadership will have more content...

Living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Introduction Apart from having good relationships with friends and families, being able to spend a lot of money on traveling, and finding one’s dream job, it is also crucial for many people to be healthy in order to fully enjoy their lives. However, it is impossible for everyone as there...

Psychological Disorders and How They Promote Crime and Conduct Problems

Introduction Psychological disorders are one of the factors that have a significant influence on crime rates. Such disorders as a defiant disorder, conduct disorder, and antisocial personality disorders may cause a great deal of trouble for the community. There are a number of reasons as to why various disorders are...

Juvenile Crime: Punishment of Juvenile Crime

Introduction There has been a considerable rise in juvenile crime arrests and this is causing alarm to parents and the society at large. Sadly, parents no longer have control over their own children who continue to disappoint them. In the world we are living today, many juveniles have completely deviated...

Relation Between the COVID-19 Pandemic and Depression

The global COVID-9 pandemic disrupted normal life on the planet; nations worldwide had to close their borders while millions of citizens were forced to stay home and maintain social distancing. Today, the harshest measures are already in the past in the majority of countries, and now the main agenda is...

Athens, Sparta, and Macedonia

Introduction The history of ancient Greece is an interesting confrontation of polies with different political and social structures. Athens built its democracy, overturning long-standing oligarchy, whereas Sparta maintained its oligarchic and highly militarized structure. Their differences and priorities led to the Peloponnesian War, where Sparta was victorious, but both became...

Brown vs. Board of Education Legal Research

In the middle of the 20th century, the American education system, as well as other public spheres, underwent a number of considerable changes based on the ideas of racial equality and order. To authorize the presence of separate schools for white and black citizens, the concept of racial segregation was...

Food Security: The Impact of Climate Change

Introduction These days, various ecological problems present a hot debates in the global society. In the modern world, it is evident that it is crucial to preserve nature and avoid pollution and damaging the planet. The consequence may significantly affect the current population and the nest generation. One of the...

Importance of Employees Getting Vaccinated

Introduction The world has been subjected to the new norm since the outbreak of a viral disease known as SARS coronavirus-2 or COVID-19. The disease is respiratory, and it affects the lungs causing breathing problems and leading to the death of those with existing breathing conditions. It has rendered the...

“What Is “Good” Education Research?” by Hostetler

Introduction Hostetler’s argument states that education must improve the general quality of education and at the same time provide acts of service to society at large. The scholar’s position rests on three pillars: the emphasis on whether a human better the current situation of people’s lives. His second argument is...

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All Colors of the Rainbow Organization’s Business Plan

Introduction The greatest investment that a business can make for success is an investment in the workforce, which is why HR management is an important part of business plans. This business plan document discusses the workforce-related plans of All Colors of the Rainbow – a newly-established organization to support financially...

Gender Pay Gap in the Modern Society

Introduction The participation of women in the job market increased substantially during the final half of the twentieth century. Overall, women have recorded increased participation in the labor market right from the 1960s to the 1980s, before slackening in the 1990s (The United States, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2019). In...

Marketing Plan for Smart Pacifier for Infants

Marketing Plan for Smart Pacifier Baby Smart Pacifiers are baby soothers that help parents to calm crying babies. In the UK, parents struggle with balancing work life and restless, crying babies, hence lowering productivity rates both at home and their places of work. Technically, the baby pacifier is one of...

Public Health Issue of HIV Infection in Australia

HIV/AIDS is one of the globally renowned pandemics. The disease is a great public health challenge. Notably, many people have lost their lives due to this condition. In addition, there are several negative impacts of HIV/AIDS within various countries. It is evident that the condition has significant economic implications. There...

Advanced Practice Nurse Professional Development

Introduction Scope of practice defines the range of possibilities within the professional framework for nurses, and it is important to understand it properly. In turn, NP competencies determine the extent of professionalism of a nurse; hence, it is important to develop these competencies continually. Finally, leadership skills serve as a...

Random Drug Testing: Pros and Cons

Random drug testing (RDT) is becoming a common practice in many industries. This type of testing involves the analysis of urine or blood samples of existing employees randomly (with no prior notification of the date of such procedures). All the employees are informed that they can be assigned to such...

“Rizzo” Family Case Analysis

Introduction Family-oriented treatment differs from individual therapy and requires more involvement and participation from the therapist. In a family visit, the therapist simultaneously takes on the role of moderator, judge, empathic listener, and role model. This paper aims to analyze the case of the “Rizzo” family, applying the theory to...

Opioids Are Misused and Overused in Medicine

Introduction The word “opioids” is often associated with illegal drugs. Heroin and fentanyl are, in fact, opioids, and these are considered the most harmful drugs. However, opioids are a class of drugs that includes pain relievers, which are often used in medicine. These are, of course, available by prescription, and...

Customer Focus at Parkplace Mercedes and Mercedes Benz

Introduction Customer focus remains one of the core values of many companies in the service industry. It involves determining and evaluating the needs of a company’s customers. In determining and evaluating these needs, most companies focus on their products or services, the quality of these products or services as well...

Fortunato in “The Cask of Amontillado” by Poe

In a story as concise and rightly packed as Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Cask of Amontillado,” every little detail serves to highlight and stress the piece’s main conflict. This certainly applies to the story’s secondary character – the protagonist’s perceived arch-nemesis Fortunato. There are two symbols clearly related to Fortunato...

Relevance of “Black Panther” to Africa and African Diaspora

Black Panther became one of the most successful Marvel films, earning high box office receipts as well as wide press coverage. The success is based on the stunning special effects, costumes, and captivating superhero storyline typical of Marvel. However, the most prominent feature of Black Panther was the coverage in...

White Privilege and Black Lives Matter Movement

Black Lives Matter is a major international movement that addresses white privilege and all racially motivated incidents and violence and tries to protect the rights and freedoms of Black people. This movement was formed in the U.S. in 2013 after a policeman who killed an unarmed African American teenager was...

Ironridge Community: Application of Clinical Practice Guidelines

Introduction Healthcare professionals embrace the use of clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) in order to address the needs of their clients. CPGs “provide quality evidence from past research to inform clinical actions and decisions” (Sayler & Sanseverino, 2014, p. 12). Ironridge Community can embrace the use of CPGs to address the...

Internal Analysis: Powerbeats Pro Wireless Earbuds by Beats by Dre

Introduction PowerBeats pro wireless earbuds are aesthetic products that are highly comprehensive. Their usage is reserved in silence, although they do not come cheaply. Moreover, they are enclosed in cases associated with gigantism as they appear in an indulgently chucky box. PowerBeats are designed for new generations and are subtly...

Research Article Critique: Using Evidence-Based Practice to Prevent Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia

Introduction Sedwick, Lance-Smith, Reeder, and Nardi’s (2012) main apprehension was the increasing rate of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP) in critical care patients. Ventilator-associated pneumonia is currently becoming one of the common complications among the Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI) not only within the United States but also around the world. Therefore, VAP is...

Oregon Community Healthcare Information Network

Background The case explains the origin of an organization called OCHIN (Oregon Community Healthcare Information Network). OCHIN provides and coordinates electronic medical records in some regions in America. The case explains how the idea was incepted, including the different stages that were taken to implement it. Management principles are used...

Criminal Law in India and Access to Justice

Ahmad, Sk Ehtesham Uddin. “Colonial Reshaping of Criminal Law Before the Code of 1860.” Proceedings of the Indian History Congress 73 (2012): 553-62. The article by Ahmad focuses on assessing the criminal law in India from the 17th to the 19th centuries under the British Crown. Particular attention is paid...

“The Last Leaf” by O. Henry and “The Good Samaritan” by Luke

Introduction Christian stories and parables carry deep meaning and contain valuable discourses about virtues, goodness, and the righteous path that people should follow to live in a healthy and peaceful society. At the same time, in addition to theological texts, works from popular literature also may contain profound truths that...

Prolonging Life With Technology

Origin of desires for Prolonging Life with Technology The idea of prolonging life with technology has gained more attention in recent years because of the many advances that have been made in the field of modern medical technologies. People have also developed an increasing interest as regards the issue of...

Roman, Anglo-Saxon, and Spanish Empires Compared

Various Empires followed the path from formation to the decline in different historical periods, providing significant knowledge about civilization’s development. The leaders’ personalities and activities, wars, inventions, social and political structures, cultural and religious beliefs – all impacted the modern world and humanity’s values. The Roman, Anglo-Saxon, and Spanish Empires...

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Nursing Leadership and Management: Interview Analysis

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The Fourth Wave of Terrorism and Religion

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The Impact of Nursing Informatics on Patient Outcomes

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IMed Brand Driving a Paradigm Shift in Healthcare

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The Effectiveness of Drugs in Medicine

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Popular Culture: Artifacts, Icons and Myths

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Nursing Theories: Concept Comparison and Analysis Across Theories

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Make Decisions Within a Legal Context

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