Multihoming and Network Infrastructure Administration

Multihoming is the process of configuring multiple network interfaces or IP addresses on a single computer. In means having as many internet roots assigned to an IP network as possible. This strategy is increasingly becoming popular in many companies as a technique to increase reliability of network applications. Although maximum...

Digital Forensic Examination of Counterfeit Documents

Introduction A concerned citizen has contacted the police regarding the selling of counterfeit public documents. He told the police that he was going to the state residents to apply for a driver’s license. When he was almost reaching the office, he was approached by a man who told him he...

“Healthcare, Guaranteed…” by Ezekiel Emanuel

Brief Overview of the Author’s Main Idea The book under analysis is called Healthcare, Guaranteed: A Simple, Secure Solution for America reveals a comprehensive plan for restricting the quality of health care delivery in the United States. Ezekiel Emanuel suggests that eliminating employer-healthcare and introducing an independent program for assessing...

European Cultural Dresses Portrayed in Social Media

Bertola, Paola, and Jose Teunissen. “Fashion 4.0. Innovation Fashion Industry Through Digital Transformation.” Research Journal of Textile and Apparel, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp.352-369 Paola Bertola and Jose Teunissen show European fashion as a global industry that has grown over time to be a fashion trendsetter in the world. They...

Global Cultures Case Analysis

Introduction The federal republic of Brazil, located in South America, is the largest country in the continent, both in landmass and population size. It ranks as the sixth most populous nation in the world. Being the only Portuguese-speaking country in the continent with a history of the century-long mass migration...

International Expansion in China

Introduction Religious ethics, as applied to economics and business, dates back to the thirteenth century. Subsequent developments in this area have resulted in the intertwining of Christian faith and reason. This situation has given rise to a plethora of principles, guidelines, and criteria for action and a set of virtues...

Sports and Race: The Road Towards the “Transracial Ideal”

Racial attitudes have always played a significant part in the way sports events are discussed and athletes are perceived in society. For the last decade, these perceptions have been gradually changing, and the concept of “transracial ideal” has emerged, which refers to people who are regarded as role models equally...

A Personal Behavior Modification Experiment Using Operant Conditioning

Introduction The undesirable behavior I chose to examine is swearing, which is not an uncommon occurrence at my household. I’m 32 and married, which primarily means there is always someone to swear at. Swearing is not the most socially acceptable habit, but research by Baruch, Prouska, Ollier-Malaterre, & Bunk (2017)...

Science Fiction Then and Now

Introduction Scientific fiction constitutes a fictional genre that addresses the effect accrued to imaginative innovation(s) which occur in science/technology, and several times in settings that are futuristic. It is different from fantasy within the story context due to the fact that its component of imagination is to a vast extent...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Great Depression and the American South

Introduction The Greatest Generation is the term used for describing Americans born in the period between 1901 and 1925. The population survived the Great Depression of the 30s and would later go into war during World War II. According to journalist Tom Brokaw, the generation could be characterized by the...

Decreasing Ventilator Pneumonia in the Intensive Care Units

Problem Statement Statistically, five to ten critically ill intubated patients develop VAP in the United States ICU settings. Thus there is a need to institute this protocol in our hospital to decrease the risk of VAP. This is critical because secondary infections in these patients increase the risk of death....

Gun Violence in the U.S.

Research Questions and Ideas Why is there so much gun violence in our society? Will gun violence ever be eradicated? Do laws against guns help to eliminate gun violence? In the research, gun violence is considered a public health epidemic by many medical practitioners, but its effects can be felt...

Hiring Hackers as IT Security Guards: Advantages and Disadvantages

Globalization and advancement in technology has changed the corporate world as companies are pressurized to go digital. For instance, businesses transactions are being conducted over the internet alongside other digital platforms (Cross & Shinder 96). This has led to a growing outcry in the corporate world owing to the rise...

The Basic Components of Organizational Processes

Introduction Analyzing the basic components of organizational processes is a valuable approach that allows highlighting the key models and principles of sustainable clusters aimed to support the work of a specific entrepreneurial direction. Assessing the types of these processes, structural frameworks, and some other aspects can help obtain in-depth information...

“Like a Winding Sheet” by Petry Ann

Petry Ann’s 1945 short story “Like a Winding Sheet” presents the psychological aspect and manifestations of different ordeals which one goes through in life. The challenges that a person faces in society can cause damage to themselves or even to other innocent individuals as evident in Petry’s work. Johnson, the...

Emmett Till Antilynching Act

Introduction The issues of respecting civil rights and freedoms have always been essential problems for the United States. They represent an integral part of the policy of such a multinational state. One of the largest population groups in the country is African American citizens, and this group has been discriminated...

Management: The Complex-Adaptive Leadership Model

Introduction The management team in any organization has to factor organizational leadership in their business strategy to promote business growth, workers’ motivation, and operational efficiency. Corporate leaders typically focus on achieving strategic goals by enhancing teamwork spirit among workers, which fosters productivity and growth. The complex-adaptive leadership model refers to...

Concepts of Fibromyalgia

Introduction People who suffer from Fibromyalgia have a hard time completing daily tasks; however, with proper treatments and new medications available, sufferers can lead a normal life and can be pain-free. Considering the pain and tiredness associated with Fibromyalgia, the majority of individuals tend to lose hope in life; one...

“Against All Odds”: Course Overview

The course is called Against All Odds and is located on URL. Curriculum was produced and written by Maggie Villiger and edited by Seth Bender, Brian Truglio, Jared Morris, David Berenson and Bret Upham with a list of other contributors. The topic of Against All Odds is related to statistics,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Affect of Bond Prices in US Sub-Prime Mortgage Market

Introduction A bond price is the total amount of money paid to purchase a bond. The prices of bonds are negatively related to interest rates meaning that as interest rates increase, the bond prices will fall and when interest rates fall, the bond prices will increase. When interest rates rise,...

Artificial Intelligence. Unmanned Mission Communications

Introduction The growth of human knowledge in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has led to advancement in the development and deployment of unmanned autonomous systems. There are multiple examples of unmanned autonomous systems and perform a wide range of activities depending on the medium of operation. Some examples include...

Low-Interest Rates: Origins and Implications

The global interest rates have declined significantly over the last two decades. Specifically, many advanced economies have witnessed an astounding decrease in interest rates. In developed nations, interest rates are estimated to have declined by 4 percent in the last two decades. The decrease represents a significant drop that has...

Information Technology and Systems. Development. Use for Enterprises

Introduction Information technology and systems is the study of the designing, developing, supporting or the taking control (management) of the information that relates to computer systems. It revolves around and includes computer hardware and software applications. This encompasses the ability to control all activities electronically in an organisation. The system...

Health and Safety Concerns Among Nurses

Introduction Australian nurses face a wide variety of work-related threats that can have devastating impacts on their health and safety. Stressors such as high patient loads, familial and social disruptions, long working hours, and unhealthy sleeping routines associated with shift work are significant risk factors that cause injuries among nurses....

Greek Heroic Motifs in “The Iliad”: Agamemnon and Priam

Introduction Greek history is frequently discussed in many literary works, and Homer’s Iliad is probably the most famous and successful story about the Trojan War and its participants. In this epic poem, heroic motifs are determined by harsh social obligations and definite cultural beliefs, underlining the role of gods and...

Complementary Alternative Medicine

Introduction Healthcare professionals consider emerging concepts and ideas to improve care delivery. Some combine traditional practices with evidence-based medical procedures to meet the demands of more patients. These practices would be essential when providing patient education. This paper describes the major issues surrounding complementary alternative medicine (CAM) and its place...

Investment Viability in Real Estate

Real estate investment is the commitment of finances to the property with the objective of generating income through lease or rental with an aim of capital appreciation in the long run. Real estate is basically land and any developments made to land and the sets of rights acquired with it,...

Neuroscience of Schizophrenia: The Thinking Patterns

John Forbes Nash Jr. is one of the revolutionary minds in the field of mathematics during our times. By the time he shared the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science in 1994, Nash had contributed significantly to partial differential equations, differential geometry, and game theory. I know you are wondering...

Regulatory and Accrediting Influences on Curriculum

Introduction The need for regulatory and accreditation in certain fields was occasioned by the desire to protect life and health by ensuring that required standards are upheld by all concerned stakeholders. About the dangers and harm, it becomes imperative to lockout incompetent and overly unqualified personnel. In essence, regulation in...

O’Sullivan’s “The Great Nation of Futurity”

Welcome to our essay sample on The Great Nation of Futurity by John L. O’Sullivan. This paper explores the themes, purpose, historical context, arguments, meaning, and other important aspects of the manifesto by John L. O’Sullivan. “The Great Nation of Futurity”: John L. O’Sullivan & Promotion of Freedom and Rights...

Economics: Unemployment, Its Causes and Types

This essay sample explores solutions, types, and causes of unemployment. Read it to get ideas for your essay about unemployment. Unemployment Essay Introduction Unemployment has become a major problem in almost every society. The challenges posed by unemployment are both social and economical in nature. Under normal circumstances, unemployment leads...

Christian Symbolism and Imagery in “The Matrix” Film

Check out our essay sample on The Matrix symbolism. Learn more about what symbolism in The Matrix represents by reading our sample! Symbolism in The Matrix Essay Introduction The Matrix is a film, which depicts the condition of the world in the view of civilization in terms of machinery and...

Spanning Tree Protocol and Its Security Issues

Making protocols at layer 2 or otherwise Spanning Tree Protocol represents a great percent of attacks originating within the organisation. Using Ethernet PAUSE frames alongside STP makes networks more vulnerable to attacks. Most STP security threat issues include; becoming root, changing STP timers, modifying STP active topology, generating persistent and...

What is Blockchain Ethereum: How does it Work

Abstract This article discusses the detailed data structure of Ethereum blockchain and defines its essential components, essence, and advantages. It is argued that the primary Ethereum’s elements are accounts, state, fuel, transactions, and blocks. It is concluded that the platform has a significant and appropriate architecture. Keywords— Ethereum, blockchain, structure,...

Conflict in Nursing: Conflict Resolution in a Healthcare Setting

Introduction Conflicts that occur within professional settings are commonplace, including the sphere of nursing. While there is a broad range of definitions of a conflict, it is characterized by either perceived or actual objection or contradiction in views, values, interests, or needs between two or several parties, which results in...

Qualitative Research of Alcoholism in the U.S.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2010), 11% of alcohol consumed in the USA is drunk by adolescents, and 90% of it is consumed in the form of binge drinking. The main idea of this paper is to define five approaches to qualitative research, analyze them and...

Impact of Leisure and Recreation on Mental Health

Leisure and recreational activities are pastime engagements freely chosen in order to add value to one’s life (Palen, 2008). In general, involvement in leisure and recreation has a great positive impact on the overall quality of the life of a person. In a study by McLean, Hurd, and Rogers (2007),...

Tesco Company: Strengths, Weaknesses and Success Factors

This paper explores external and internal environment of Tesco as its success factors. It also presents strengths and weaknesses of Tesco internal environment. Check it out if you need to write an environmental analysis. Introduction Tesco is one of the leading corporations in the UK as well as the global...

Nursing Leadership and Management

Nursing leadership and management essay examples like this one will help you write your own excellent leadership in nursing essay. We recommend it to student nurses and other healthcare workers. Leadership in Nursing Essay Introduction In the past, nursing was an amorphous and unrecognized engagement that was often left at...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Notion of Physician-Assisted Suicide

In the course of medical practice, physicians are frequently forced to face the dilemma of saving one’s life when the patient is rationally willing to make choices in favor of death. To cope with such cases, practitioners came up with the idea of giving doctors the right to intentionally end...

Standard Employment Relationship in Canada

Introduction Standard Employment Relationship (SER) involves the relationship between employers and employees and can influence employment nature. SER has also been used to ensure that workers can work full-time and enjoy extensive statutory benefits and entitlements. Many companies in different countries have used SER to guarantee that laborers and owners...

Friendship at Different Points in a Lifespan

Goal of the research This research seeks to find the role of friendship in people’s development. The research is informed by the notion that human beings thrive well in good relationships established in the society. Such relationships serve to affirm, encourage, advice and promote one’s self esteem. While childhood friendship...

Emotions: Definition of Love

This “definition of love” essay is focused on different types of romantic love and the possibility of creating a love definition. Essay samples like this one will help you write a great paper of your own. Definition of Love Essay Introduction Defining love can be one of the most challenging...

Budgeting and Forecasting in Marshal Catering INC.

Introduction Marshal Catering Inc. is planning to expand its operations by setting up a new catering service business in San Diego, California. The company is presently operating in Sacramento, California. The new proposed business aims to service high quality catering services not limited to food and beverages but also other...

The Multi-Specialty Center in Southern California

Introduction The multi-specialty center located in southern California is a big hospital devoted to offering state-of-the-art medical care. The center boasts an efficient, easily accessible, effective and convenient medical staff. It is certified by AAAHC and Medicare to carry out special treatment and varied surgical operations. The hospital has superior...

Food Truck Business’s SWOT Analysis

Are you looking for the food truck SWOT analysis? Look no more! This essay sample conducts SWOT analysis for food truck business. Here, you’ll find the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Market competition is getting stronger and stronger in the modern globalizing world. The companies grow larger, they try to...

Criterion and Norm-Referenced Tests

This essay reveals the difference between a norm-referenced test and a criterion-referenced test. Check it out if you’re looking for NRT and CRT examples in education. Introduction The concept of testing students and learners has been there since time immemorial. Many individuals have not understood the real context and reasons...

Vulnerable Populations in the Workplace Project

This research work aims to analyze such questions as caring for a vulnerable population. In particular, it is necessary to identify the barriers which prevent decreasing disparity in a specific group. We have chosen people, who are susceptible to schizophrenia as there are many cases, which indicate that these individuals...

Intel Pentium 4 Development

Introduction The world of computing has been the most dynamic revolution in the recent times; it has attracted a number of microchip manufactures to come up with the most sophisticated Integrated Circuitry ever witnessed in the world. With increase in the number of computer users, there has been a great...

The Impact of the Wars on Western Civilization

Introduction History is full of wars and regardless of the fact that this phenomenon is considered to be negative, many of them are the basis of significant historical events. The consequences of some wars still affect the population of the modern world. They manage to turn history in a different...

Health Promotion Program Based on the Healthy People 2020 Target Objectives

Target Objective The vision of the Healthy People 2020 program is to develop “societies whereby all people live long, healthy lives” (Healthy People 2020, 2017, para. 2). In order to achieve this vision, the Healthy People 2020 project is guided by various goals or objectives that must be achieved. The...

Emergency Room Treatment for Patients With Stroke

Learning Objectives To discuss the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and differential diagnosis of the disorder (stroke). To delineate the diagnostic criteria and management approaches for the disease. To present the emergency room guideline for relevant treatment of patients diagnosed with a stroke. To present a review of three current research articles...

Overcoming the Stigma of Addiction

Addiction is a disease that is recognized as a major public health concern but is generally regarded by society as the result of an individual’s personal choice or a moral failure. In the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of drug overdoses has significantly increased (Mendell). Having responded to...

Ethical Issues in Contemporary Nursing

Introduction Abortion is one of the most controversial medical processes in many nations today. Different laws have been passed in some countries to legalize the procedure. However, in most jurisdictions, the act is prohibited by law. The process of medically ending a pregnancy may either be unethical or ethical depending...

Winterson’s “Written on the Body”: Feminist Text

Introduction A distinctive feature of Written on the Body would be an attempt to go beyond the main idea and significantly expand the range of problems and relationships. The work, thanks to the skillful pen of the author, is filled with subtle and vivid psychological portraits. It seems reasonable to...

Roberry and Deviant Behavior

Introduction While deviance is violating social norms, not all expected behaviors are enforced by law. Therefore, some deviant acts may be legal while being despised by the public. Robbery is both illegal and deviant – people who steal are not embraced in any society, and the ones who do so...

Huntington’s Chorea Disease: Genetics, Symptoms, and Treatment

Introduction By any standards, the Huntington’s chorea disease, also known as the Huntington Disorder (HD), is one of the worst neurodegenerative genetic disorders of the 21st century. Other irreversible dementias in its league include Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, Parkinson’s disease, Frontotemporal dementia, and Creutzfeldt-Jacobson disease (Rabins, 2009). The word ‘chorea’...

Nuclear Energy: Advantages and Drawbacks

Introduction Energy is an invaluable resource that satisfies people’s basic needs and brings convenience and comfort in life. Unfortunately, its consumption has strained natural resources, consequently causing an energy crisis. The world needs to scale up cleaner energy resources to reduce harmful emissions, and nuclear energy provides the solution to...

Unmanned Control Aerial Systems Review

Introduction Unmanned vehicles have grown in popularity, especially because of their versatility in use. These autonomous vehicles are used in multiple areas such as monitoring disaster areas, an inspection of projects and infrastructure, military operations, and spraying of agricultural chemicals, among others. The unmanned vehicles are also equipped with cameras,...

Rising Heights Program for HIV

Principles of Economics for Evaluating and assessing the need for the Public Health Initiative The principles of economics underlying the evaluation and assessment processes for the Rising Heights Program for HIV Care premise on the concepts of cost-benefit analysis and cost-effective analysis. The cost-benefit principle hinges on understanding the economic...

The American Revolution and its Consequences

Abstract While the American Revolution gave women numerous opportunities for growth at both personal and familial levels, it did not encourage women’s participation in politics as it still denied them the right to vote. The American Revolution was necessitated by political, economic, and social developments. The Stamp Act Congress of...

Nomura Securities International: Case Study Analysis

The case under consideration represents a bright and almost “academic” example of a crucial lack of cross-cultural communications, motivation, and management skills in the company’s top leaders. Nomura Securities International (NSI) is Japan’s‘ giant,’ with a kind of superiority complex due to sound success in the past but not adapted...

Tensile Test of Carbon Steel and Aluminum

Introduction Tensile test is one of the most common mechanical testing procedures for materials. This is among the simplest procedures and provides lot of useful properties of materials like Young’s Modulus or Stiffness, Proportional Limit, Elastic Limit, Yield Strength, Ultimate Tensile Strength, True Fracture Strength, Uniform Elongation or Elongation until...

Western Civilization in the Twentieth Century

Introduction The twentieth century was an important era in the history of Europe, as it shaped the region in different ways with lasting outcomes. The two World Wars redefined geopolitics in Europe and the emergence of the Cold War thereafter continued with the reshaping of the region’s status in various...

Clinical Teaching: Concept-Based Curriculum and Exemplars

Program Description Nursing students will complete a clinical rotation that will last for two weeks (two clinical days per week) during their campus residency. A registered and qualified nurse preceptor will supervise and assess the performance of the students based on pre-defined learning outcomes (LO) This program has been designed...

Toyota Highlander: Advertisement Analysis

These days, advertising is intended not only to fulfill the function of promoting a particular company but also to present a form of art, so its analysis is a matter of specific interest. Professionals apply a significant number of impressive methods, and one of them is their focus on Super...

MSN Objective Terminal: Personal Experience

The MSN terminal objectives are used to show recent educational and professional standards. These objectives guided me through out my practicum and I was able to achieve the anticipated practicum learning experience. My learning experiences include; identifying the needs for developing infection control and management program for health care facilities....

New Hotel Concepts to Attract Guests and Tourists

Introduction The year 2020 has had immense adverse effects for the hospitality sector worldwide. This market slump is primarily due to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), which has wreaked havoc in travel, hospitality, and social domains. In an effort by governments, legislative bodies, and health sectors to...

Analysis of Stephen Jay Gould’s Writing Style

Introduction Most talented authors have their own style, which is reflected in the topics, structure, and word choices of the writer. Stephen Jay Gould also has a “voice” in literature, which allows readers to recognize his work from the first lines and attracts most of them. This paper will explore...

Analysis of “Finding Fish” by Antwone Fisher

A person’s development largely depends on his or her personal qualities and brain capabilities. However, society and social agents that surround the child have a more significant role in the formation of personality. Antwone Fisher’s memoir Finding Fish provides a prime example of this influence, since the protagonist experiences many...

Concepts of Windows XP

Introduction For a computer to operate, it requires an operating system. Windows XP constitutes one of the many operating systems whose manufacturer is Microsoft Corporation. Windows XP is applicable in a variety of computers ranging from laptops, personal computers and desktops. The emergence of windows XP in the market from...

Great War’s Impact on Human Thought

Introduction The 20th century can be considered the era of radical changes in the world. Two world wars, revolutions, emergence, and opposition of super states contributed to significant changes in people’s mentalities, the disappearance of past illusions, and the formation of a new world view that was reflected in numerous...

“Trump’s Takeover” the Documentary by FRONTLINE

Summary The documentary titled “Trump’s Takeover” delves into the political intrigues that characterized President Trump’s first year in office. It was marked by unparalleled disorder that risked the stability of the Republican Party (GOP). Trump waged covert rivalry with the party’s leaders, made inflammatory remarks about politicians that aimed to...

Whistle-Blowing and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act

Introduction A whistle-blower is an individual who takes the required initiative in providing information to the government or law enforcement bodies about businesses or organizations involved in alleged illegal actions. These actions are considered to be a form of prosocial behavior by some scientists (Lavena, 2014). To safeguard the interests...

Diabetes Community Health Programs in Florida

Introduction Chronic diseases affect the quality of life in many communities across the United States. Diabetes is a chronic health condition that results in significant societal, financial, individual, and economic burden (“Florida Diabetes Advisory Council”, 2017). Patients affected by the chronic condition have increased chances of having stroke, heart disease,...

Rhetorical Analysis of the Two Ads

Introduction Advertising campaigns, which gained particular popularity at the stage of development of information society, in fact, have an ancient historical foundation. Almost any advertisement of a product, call to action, or propaganda is reduced to the point that evokes in the consumer feelings and emotions or calls to their...

Memorable Things of Virginia as a State

Many places and events intrigue us in many ways. Especially by the impact, they impose upon us as individuals. In this view, one can be affected either through the history of a place or even the events that transpired to make the place memorable. Events that hold history always make...

Decision-Making Process and Different Views on It

Introduction Based on Rappaport’s research, the Vroom-Jago model has classified the decision making process into five groups based on the actors involved in the process. Rappaport (1975). For each category, the model provides guidelines that are most appropriate under the circumstances. These categories determine the number of individuals participating in...

The Entrepreneurial Theory in the Nonprofit Sector

The theoretical approaches to explaining the functional side of the nonprofit sector differ in their vision of the motivation and moving forces of nonprofit organizations to initiate their service delivery. From the general perspective, nonprofit organizations, as their title implies, do not generate profit, which means that their performance is...

Informatics and Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicators

Introduction High-quality care and patient safety are the primary objectives that healthcare providers, especially nursing staff and hospital administration, should strive to provide. In this regard, the American Nurses Association (ANA) established the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI) which reports unit-level performance data quarterly and annually to help...

Has Criminal Profiling “Begun to Shape Chance?”

Criminal profiling is a process in the field of criminology that takes a keen interest in the available data on crimes to devise a psychological portrait of the culprits (Ambrose, 2002). The beginning of the twenty-first century brought forth tremendous revolutions to not only criminal law, but also criminology in...

Guilty Beyond a Reasonable Doubt: Interpretation and Practical Use

‘CSI effect’ reaches into real courtrooms Legal experts worry that crime shows raise juror expectations This paper looks at how modern crime and legal TV shows affect the jurors’ perception of reasonable doubt. Most TV shows portray cases where the accused are usually convicted by well-researched and carried out forensic...

Integration of Gender Equality in Organizational Management

Modern economies have adopted liberal practices aimed at improving stakeholder value among profit-making entities. Developed regions, such as North America, Europe, and East Asia, have adopted contemporary approaches to ensure sustainable profitability (Gupta et al., 2019). Management officials and the workforce benefit from professional experience and networks which accompany lucrative...

Medical Coverage for Addiction Recovery Expansion Act Analysis

Introduction The current U. S. health policy is undergoing some changes. There is a great number of controversies around The Patience Protection and Affordable Care Act, which underlies the health care legislation. The policy faced opposition during Barack Obama’s presidential term which became more active after the inauguration of the...

Increasing Gas Price and Alternative Energy Sources

The usage of gas in our everyday life is inevitable. Natural gas is one of the best alternatives to oil. It is also very much convenient for the environment. Natural gas is given the status of the cleanest of the fossil fuel (Eric & Smith 39). The united states have...

Historical Architectural Structures in Hudson River

Introduction An architectural structure is a construction that is motionless and free-standing. This kind of construction can be permanent or temporal. Classic examples of permanent structures include bridges, electricity pylons, dams, and radio masts – which can be further categorized as buildings or non-building structures. On the other hand, temporal...

The Role of Violence in King Leopold’s Ghost

In 1865, king Leopold II ascended the throne of Belgium – a small country, surrounded by the influential European empires. Therefore, throughout his reign, the king was obsessed with gaining a colony. Indeed, the European countries entered the new era of intensified industrial expansion, with personal profit and immediate enrichment...

Anthropology. Why Do People Marry?

Introduction Marriage, also referred to as wedlock or matrimony, is the process of legalizing a relationship between two people in a bond that is socially expected to last until death. However, this duration may be shortened by external factors, such as divorce or separation. The durability of marriage can be...

Evaluation of the Business Environment in the UK

Executive Summary The report evaluates the business environment in the UK. This is attained through evaluation of the business external environment. The analysis is conducted through the incorporation of the PESTLE model. Some of the environments considered include the legal, environmental, social, and economic environment. These environments are evaluated through...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Disability Discrimination in the Workplace

Americans with Disabilities Act The ‘Americans with Disabilities Act’ (ADA) is noteworthy legislation that was ratified to avert discrimination against disabled Americans. The Act was instituted to provide equal opportunities to disabled individuals. In addition, the implementation of the Act was meant for the provision of unbiased access to public...

Share-Based Payments and the Positive Accounting Theory

Introduction Share-based payments are notable aspects of employee remuneration offered to directors, senior managers, and other employees. Share-based payments mainly include share options and shares offered to senior managers in an organisation. Besides, an entity can offer share-based payments to parties such as suppliers and key business stakeholders. The aim...

Guide: How to Build a 24-Hour Digital Clock

Proposal With the wide availability of such commercial products as digital clocks, this report proposes a design for developing a digital clock through simple and accessible steps. There are many integrated circuits providing the functionality of modern digital clocks. The present report, however, suggests designing an integrated circuit based on...

Integration and Application of Technologies in Nursing Practice

Introduction The modern world has made significant advancements in technological developments in different fields to facilitate the efficiency of human activities. The field of nursing has undergone notable developments that have elicited the need for nurses to embrace it in their practice. In this case, various aspects of the nursing...

Free Markets and Pyramid Schemes

Introduction Different scholars have presented quality and practical ideas that can guide governments and investors to make evidence-based decisions and pursue their economic goals diligently. Milton Friedman argues that free markets are essential since they allow exchange to occur whereby the involved parties benefit in a symbiotic manner. Without consideration...

Experiment: Flame Test and Chemical Fingerprinting

Executive Summary Flame test and chemical fingerprinting are analytical procedures that are used to identify metals or metalloid compounds. When subjected to heat, metals emit specific electromagnetic wavelengths, thereby, a particular color of light. The results of this experiment show that lithium gives off a red flame, sodium an orange...

Process of Globalization and Nationalist Movements

Introduction Globalization is a vital process in the development of humankind, but its rapid spread is not necessarily a positive phenomenon. Everything in the world needs balance, and in this case, the change comes in the form of the rise of nationalism. Nationalist movements usually present a response to emerging...

Museums in United States and Overseas

Introduction While researching museums in the U.S and other countries overseas, I came across quite a number. Museums are of great significance in people’s lives as they act as both recreational and educational centers. In this paper, I am going to discuss two museums that one can visit in the...

Islamic Reits: Real Estate Investment Trust

A Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) is a security that can be sold like stock. Concurrently, it can be invested (either directly or indirectly) in real estate through properties and mortgages. There are varying types of REITs with the major ones being Equity REITs and Mortgage REITs. There are also...

Health and Medicine: Facility Planning for South State Hospital

Regulatory requirements and their impact on the design and equipment To abide by the stipulated regulations of South Carolina State, THE SOUTH STATE HOSPITAL shall follow the prescribed code of ascertaining that it has; License from the government, Permits for operations, and that it follows the law as well as...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Patient and Family-Centered Care Implications

Financial Implications of Patient and Family-Centered Care Initiative In today’s bad economic times, calls to reduce healthcare costs have been very loud. Indeed, the cost of healthcare has been rising constantly and all stakeholders are becoming concerned about people’s capability to meet these healthcare costs (especially among the lower-middle-income and...

Country Analysis: Japan

Country Description As a country for analysis, Japan is selected as a unique state with distinctive business approaches and cultural characteristics that create a distinctive image of the country. Traditions and beliefs constitute a significant part of Japanese business politics, which explains the significant differences between its culture and those...

Criminal Law – Is Graffiti a Crime or Not?

Graffiti as a crime Graffiti naturally describes the round paintings, a wide assortment of markings and sketches that disfigure concealed property. The unlawful writing is normally done on walls of cities, streets, buildings among others. Graffiti is currently a major issue in big cities and towns ranging from all perspectives....

The IT Project Management Analysis

Having provided a correct and wise addressing of the mentioned non-functional requirements is a guarantee of the adequate and uninterrupted work of the whole calling center of the CD insurance company. Security and privacy considerations, legal considerations, IT compliance, environmental sustainability requirements, and other special requirements are the non-functional issues...

McDonald’s: Brand Management

Executive Summary McDonald’s plan to extend its operations to Kenya is a good move. The company should establish the best pricing method to use as well as come up with an appropriate budget for the anticipated expansion. The report recommends McDonald’s to price its products/services below the competition in order...

“My Papa’s Waltz” and “Porphyria’s Lover”: Sounds Show

In prose and verse, sound extensively contributes to indirect characterization: authors use sound devices to shape readers’ perception of characters and nuance characters’ descriptions. In this respect, such unlike texts as “My Papa’s Waltz” and “Porphyria’s Lover” is exemplary for investigating the connection between form (in this case, sound) and...

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Approaches and Symptoms

Why the Article was Chosen The study conducted by Müller-Engelmann et al. (2019) contains plenty of significant elements within the scope of research design. The authors seem to adhere to the best practices of the multiple baseline approach and apply it to the relevant issue. This is the primary reason...

Symbolism in Everyday Life, Culture, and Literature

Prewriting: Clustering Symbolism surrounds people in everyday life: it can be seen in certain colors like red for passion or aggression, culturally meaningful items such as rose as a symbol of love, etc. Symbols, as representations of certain ideas, exist to influence people’s opinions and directly or indirectly communicate a...

Airplane Flight Data Recorders

Introduction Airplane flight data recorders are used in the collection, recording, and synthesis of data obtained from airplane sensors. The recorder is designed in such a way it often survives airplane accidents (Smith, 2007: 17). Depending on the age of a plane, the flight data recorders may include either an...

Confucianism as the Ideology of the State

Introduction The history of Ancient China is rich and highly diverse, with various schools of thought coming to prominence during its existence. With many changes to its internal structure came events that influenced the values held by the people of China. Revolts and dynastic shifts in the government were commonplace,...

Situation With Walmart Around the World

Can Walmart Break the Retail Code in India? Due to the fact that India is a growing economy, this state can become an essential destination for Walmart. India’s political environment is complex, with a large number of regulations obstructing large multinational companies from entering this market. Until recently, global retailers...

The U.S Healthcare System and the Roemer Model

The U.S healthcare system is the most elaborate healthcare system in the world. Healthcare reforms in the U.S are always under thorough scrutiny by the political class and always form a basis of almost all presidential campaigns. The complexity of the system is what generates a lot of interest in...

Air Cargo Transportation Industry

Aviation remains one of the most important means of transport for the modern globalized world. The high level of safety and speed of delivery is viewed as the basic advantages that are usually associated with civil aviation. However, at the same time, the strategic importance of the sector and its...

Challenging Behavior of Persons With Intellectual Disabilities

Introduction The challenging behaviors I am currently experiencing in my practice comprise those displayed by people suffering from severe intellectual disability and Alzheimer’s disease. Persons with intellectual disability find it difficult to learn and manage the skills of everyday living. Intellectual disability can be classified as severe or profound when...

Reforms Examination: Rape and Sexual Assault

Introduction The paper is a critical examination of reforms that need to be done in regards to rape and sexual assault. This is accomplished by explaining the eight areas of rape law that reformers seek to change as well as an examination of whether these reforms have been adopted by...

William Shakespeare’s “Othello, the Moor of Venice”: An Aristotelian Tragedy

Introduction William Shakespeare’s play, Othello, the Moor of Venice, describes tragedy using Othello as the protagonist. Othello is a Moorish soldier in the Venetian army who is highly qualified and respected. In the play, he finds himself in several tragedies resulting from racial discrimination, envy, love, and infidelity. Other characters...

The Importance of the Human Genome Project

The success of science depends on continuous research aimed at upgrading existing knowledge. As such the biological fields of science are undertaking such projects. One such project human genome project (HGP), one of the most important discoveries is aimed at not only identifying and defining all types of human genes...

The Role of Cultural Background of Suspect in Unraveling the Modern Crimes

Due to globalization, crime rates have been increasing in many countries. In particular, there has been an increase in organized crimes, especially between various countries. Technology, with which crimes are committed nowadays, has highly changed over time from what it used to be several years back. Besides, criminals have been...

Adult Learner and Diverse Workplace

Adult learning is an essential element as far as the education system is concerned across the world. Education is critical to people due to its ability to improve productivity through skills development and knowledge acquisition (Rothes et al., 2016). Adult learning seeks to explore how grownups obtain expertise through non-formal...

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The Netherlands: Coronabonds Controversy

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Family Value and Nursing Theories

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Why Are People Fascinated by Fictional Serial Killers?

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Organized Crime: The Canadian Mafia

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Christianity: Culture-Maker Beyond Specific Timeframes

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Conceptual Ideas of the Long Nineteenth Century Intellectuals

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AIDS Project Los Angeles Organization’s Strategic Planning Process

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Immigration in the United States: Benefits and Challenges

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The People Jury Court on McNeese

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